Algebra II Unit 1st

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SEMESTER - II Math-201: ALGEBRA-II Duration of Paper: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: Each theory paper is divided in three parts i. Section - A, B and C. Section A will consist of 10 compulsory questions. There will be two questions from each unit and answer (30 words). Each question carries 2 marks. Section B will consist of 10 questions. Two questions from each unit and the examinee will answer (250 words) one question from each Unit. Each question carries 4 marks. Section C will consist of 5 questions, one from each unit. The examinee will answer any 03 questions (with answer limit of $00 words). Each question carries 10 marks. Unit 1: Cononical Forms: Kemel and range space of a linear mapping, Rank and nullity, Singular and non-singular mapping or transformations. Invariance and Reducibility. Unit 2: Galois Theory: Monomorphism and their Linear Independence. Arten theorem on automorphism, Normal extensions and Fundamental theorem of Galois theory. Unit 3: Galois Theory: Radical extensions and solvability by Radicals. Constructions by Ruler and Compass Ring with Chain conditions. Hilbert’s Bases theorem. Artinian rings. Unit 4: Linear transformations and system of linear equations. Quotient transformations. Inner product. Inner product spaces. Algebra of linear operators. Unit S: Matrix representation of linear operators. Dual spaces. Unitary and normal operators. Matrices of linear transformations with respect of different bases. BOOKS RECOMMENDED Surjeet Singh and Qazi Zammeruddin: Modern Algebra Aggarwal, R.S.: Modern Algebra Shanti Narain: Abstract Algebra; S. Chand & Co., New Delhi Raisinghania, N.D. : Modem Algebra Kofiman, Kunj, Linear Algebra Page 23 of 27 Linear Trand formation s- Let U and v be hoo vector Spoors over dhe dame field F ‘then o : mapping + fom Uv onto Vv fe calte ol Lee 4, ea U onto V if That +bp) = atx) + 67(p) ya, beh cand 4, BEV ator 3- (Le) ne a veto vector Linear, Oper ed Kpace over the field mon Linear operator on Ve do Linear caneformation from N into Vv x ism 8- eomor phism 6 A one-one beT- + u onto v.16 calleo) an Paomorpliens DIV V a and kernel of a be: (Hemomorpl'din) 8- oo Yyector, gpacea over + £ be a homo. 4 UV Mntov fey hot U and V be the dame Freld F and be anes Rowge of f % defined 04 ath= f-fix) evs . : Bee Aleo, kernel ¢ fife defined a kedf) = faeu Pla = 0! here 0! fd He . zor ov Yo A e and Null of aket. -» Tf Vandy be ak doo finite dimensional nyector. paced over the dame’ Feld “fave f fe o Linear “rcen deformation 6 U onto V , then mee wank of f= &lf)= ee oe Rape Ppoce = Dimension ond mally of # > VU) aim [ker #)] : = Bim of null epeee props of bee fat Tbe LT from Y Prbov then’ Tle} = of Fl-a) = - Tle) HH) Tlap)= Tl4)-7B) G8) Tle teisst--t Oona) = ate) 4a, Tt. Pe ae 2+ On Tn) SC Pee SUES a tatep Olet The 4: : The *T: ULF) VUE) de a ,heTe thea kernel 4 7M aby of v Pooks ni) = faeur Te)=0!, ev} +: -Tlo)= 0 0 en) > NUD) AM men-emphy awbiet of V Let oh, 4, € NUT) then tla J=o', Tl) =o! Lt aber then 2% + bp, ev, and 7 (ae +661) © a 114) +6114) . nae noo! {7M bn) bo 1 9 aa, + be, eM) 5 Hud 0,5 €P A o,,4, EN) > a, + db EN) > vit) 98 a, dubapace he 8 pslor anel_ Noa - Sigular Linear “Franaferemation 3 ket Tbe a Lt. from a vector epace UF) felo VUE)» Then T fa said to be non singular if the all pac) eb)ar ( KenTdigeeiciee| cro Ree ram IC e-e aL and “T(a)= 0! => k=0 if there exioty 0 vector OF XE eto Buch! Yaad TCH) =0! thon “TF deid fo be Big udar Thr Let v(F) > VF) be a be Te then T fe mmon- iegindav 42> T fe one: one Bef: (3) Gren Tf men- cingular then 40 prove T Ks one- one bot 4,4, €U | then Tla)= Tle) > Ta) - TH) =o! > ThA -%) = 0 futile La} 2 dyed =O [eT is non Shqolee) aeda, 20T Pa_one-one Let T & one-one Lee) Conversely , QT & one-one + tlo)y=o > dey and tla) =o! > Tasos Te) ~ 2 Tha) = TL) + TR one-one] 4 2, Htle &=0 ' » AY 3 nit ope of 7 tenuiate € zero vector alene > T fs mon- siegula? Deentiy Teansferrmasben © a fs TA) = THF ath hee + dete) sors = ath) 4 OTK) 4. + MoT) = AG aie Cet ben) Zero Trane formation O(4)= 0 Wow vectors THs), THs). That) are tn 49 in) are ta ange Ler. The apace of. Le det- To ; le > Cora let y LW be shoo vector ypace Si Anca CSCI Oe el tale aCe over tho Geld FP. Then Ltv,w) fda vector, pace Ayyerdible Function 2- 3q funclion T-from N tnto Wy merle. function iP there existe 7 from foto vy uch thet 11% fe tdentity fonction on W ond TET fa von identity archon onV T fe tnvertible » iff th T % one-one he, tla) = TCR)” pap mye of TH G) Tf onto fol Tbe a bets Prom a vectr ypoce UF) jlo 0 vector qpoce Vir) TF U fu Bote rinenin® then range Ah Tha faite ‘imenaionak apd © ve 5 ° v te. finite, Qimen dlonat ~ a fuite aubuct of usdeg, (4.0% 44 ‘SThe at T= B kd pe mye 1) Ten od KEV 2 MyM On CF ad. ale Andy ey tae tne can expreaseal ag a, bic. oP TL T4%) --- Ton) roe of T 4 apenmedl fy vectors TU), Ten) f Hee woe of 7 Te) ta Anite Simenuianal Let Ui ond ¥ be vector gpages over the Feld “p and bet T be LT from U flo Y duppoe U te Paite Qimentiona) ~ Then cvonk 1) + nullity (*) = Rim lt N be null upece of T. Then Nt & subg; U. Gince U fa finite Vimendiona therverore fay te ‘Rim. ! Lot PimlN) = nullity of T=k ond Let {ivde eh} be dasie for N te fay ae} fe Le. Gabel of 0 we can extend tf to © formar. baaia of U Let pimv ent be ket Ehst a}, ds = bo be boats of VU “Then Vectore 7 (4), Thy) --- Teo) ave fa cconge of T ra * a claim that That) THass) 9 = “TY te bia for romge of T. GW Firek sto prove Teas) TAs) ---- Ten) pane dhe reonge oof T+ ; bat pre Tange of 7, Then 40 et. The) =f Now’, gev > 9 4,0, --.0, Poh = Qyay 4 Qydy +> -- + Onkn 3 TUX) = TCaa)4 -- +ndn) > pF QT 1A) + aT) + - + OT hy) Fea Tess) #-- + AnT Hn) > PE Mea Test ~ + On T (An) [taut oy EN > Th) > 2 2. Necbrs “Tigu) fT) apang the cage of 1 &| G) To prove yeclre T lees )--. Tn) ore Lez = bak Chay, Cran === ion’ > Uh Cua T Muay) += TG) 20s 4 > T (Gerdes Gein Maat o2= nda) =O > Chstiea) 2 y OntndeN, 2 «Gass tay + Cea Ahcss. = t= Hatin bait bat ten + bK%n Br come b, b =~ bx OF 2 by bi Behm: Chek then go =, Ente FO bg + Gees 22 One? 2 + De vectors Tees) T Gass. Tea) are bez. Tt YY oy) 4 vi an Bueslin> Shasd Hiab the singing TVs YO) SCE Manda ss a tas eon are eT betog baat of) she weelor “Thetass) «++ TUa) form abuis ef noe of 7 cei) ef T= lm of, TG" ¢ it ion crenk (7). ot nabliy (1) = ek Lk = n= dmv defined os Tasb) = (avb, a-b, 6) fd Let. from EIR) foto Vale) Find tow 2, rank, end mull epee ovo ally of 7 y tt oe (bd, pleted ¢ Vata) un arta) = Tash =. (ator, ecb ro) arp) = Carb, obs, be) Alo fet a,b 68 then aa hp eVtR) od tans bp) = 1 (a (5) $b(a,6) 4 aa, $ha, abg bh) © (aor rbask abrebh 5 00) +b. —ab)— bbs + abt 6b.) = [atest bCnt 6), alec) bla-be) , abs +bb] = [alartt)rala-h), abi] +] bless) 4, blast), b4 |] = alatb, , Abii) +b CH th ad , br) tat Ube a FDYS (Paile, dimendionel rector epset) over she field Fond bet 82 fait - 4p} be an ordered basis for 0. Leb Ni be a’ weetor spact, over the game. field Fond tet BiyPar—-Pn be any veers Po Ve Then there exidtd a amigque Sinear rand-frmation T from “O foto V dual thet paz) = Br , Bedya-- Rott : Grishence oP Ta- kak eu ot Be fits --en} fa a bauld of Us I) imique vector eslard Kuta aa hn ithe that de yp ht =F inkn fee thle weet ot; Lt 14 define TL) = A Pht aPrad m —- enfhe obviouy TCA). Fe amigas. clemerk of ¥ sTherefire “T fe well lefinesl rut. for asiactatns oth cach veclor &. tm U a smigae vectrr TWA) in V. cot fa Panekien from’ "0" tale : Hen “of Az-EV ad O hele oso Unipue vepreverte wanes Hence, ronk f= Dito f of weelors belonging to baale mge of T woe f “mgs f= Ops O4,+ Oa,+—r-t1dit --- Nallitg Co) = Dim of Vale) ~ vorkfof T “6 Lapis arog to one definthron rr 2° atts) + ds). SeT hoa br. Ned $ (1,0), } fe a boar fr Vata). £ we have T(t,0) = £140, 120,09 =Ct10) Thea!) = (4-152) “The veebre T(150), 1%!) upons | the orange of “T te p dibgpoce of Nate) 4 eparmed by He nector (1,1,0) ane C1,-!, ed} Nod" the welors (11,0), (b=) are. Lz. hecae Tf xy eR: eh UVLO) GLtts9) 2 (0050) > (nig goG) #2209) po geo, H20 Vector C512) , C jel). form a bewid’ for ry 2 a-a 20 Camas ean sull ape ef 7. woush be ero sikypa of rried)n. Shr eh et OS es MCR), rT oa fo Gla tha 7 pies? Lo A i nes. Oe Ah tHe a "pet a,b OF rel) a> P68 $e nh r and 2 Hic + = 4gatho SBS Be ataeatg) = 7 [atone net) + Batre ete] ~ ast) (ata bay) or et (orto + bin) Xn] —Laxn+4de) Pm w (anag,) Prt Corset bi) Pat = atta) + bTlp) 0 (apy -a%epe) + BLaiB + o- *8ePr) ; Ly dee of D oT fea fet feo U trl V “Tus there exigfe a Lt T from U ink V ugh, Wok Tlary 2 Pi y dads taan Driquencsd of 78- hot Th be gs Liz, from vu inten Suck that Tar) = Be te for Nector ithe tility LAs) eet) 4, Tea) 4) = 407 lan) a Haye eee Hatin 2 Prt Meat -- + %e Po = Tl) Cy def of 7) TT (4) = The) eo eu tte ct, & thowa upupneds f.7) Coneluston t= xe & and 7 are 400 1.7. fom Utmov duck that alae) Stas) 1 8F debygig #0 . a basis “of U then. St = TO) a deU pe S=T a basis’ of Ut : © The Leb 0 be an Qimensional vector wpoee over . the field F ond Jet V be M-Vimensional then the veehr space L(V») of all L.t- from U trl v te Pinfle imendional and (4 of Bimenuion Peofs- hot : Pr Lasse 5- ae} and pe {PirBe-- Po} be baste for Viond V theorem ‘ithere exists 0 Unigene ote ty prevent From U frto vduch thet Tila = pip (Tel) =o y- Tiley) = © whee fry0---.,0, are vector fav NeLeneean ee) for gach pair of folegers (p>) ith 24pam and 1444.7 9 O amiga LT. Thy from V anal telo V Goh thet apy (4s) = 643 Pr 6a, ta kremecker delld where > Sel T's ore 7? ow we dhall Gon Mak toe wet oh all there ron tote (ANF L (vv) ( Te *uliow 4 CU>¥) bot Te LwY) | after obets cf Pr Ba -— Pe > TEA) = Au Pit Or fet --- 4 Om Par for “eome "Goals Gy), %) -- y ta a basis f° ty a. Sinear pore of fi Tey and ony element fn Gans OF } Gece Thas) = One Prt GPa += + n° flo ia ~ for aig fan » W) Te Show Px Fe eT FOV w apt ” . aN ney - ¥ nero vector of LL¥¥) Borer bt 2 = bn ne gee BLT pau ot Novo conuidler . } = ma wlan ndeh eae . : i= BURL son ; [ BE Dan eas ol ) Tt fe clear that Sty L-c. of elementy 0 eo pn T pa oa oev) which f¢ @ dubuet of ey fa Fused oe 1D . ( LU) fa a vector epace oan no a qe ME : : = een See 8 k(Ov) Len |B. feca Leto fromsd foto V ¢ anes we hell \Bhaw.- Th = 8 2 ee oor Peake e ( 1 bai fm? gustan eo: we Compaske Ska 2) where aj iY any vector zy bu pit bodfat Mai tne badie = piof U : + BaP --- Po are is [fem Je) p bt betel ea re) Riese i beg 2 where ,L4pams 24329 “an = SE OT OO) se > By fe wT fran . : ¢€ . 1 tvs) . En Seg Bp ae) r sai fig bac ° mi . é © pie ELV) mameer of, elementy fa fs = Ear “r = ; Ait Pr ca is eae Henee Pore. - = Tete) from-O , een Po Product of LoTet- tet Usv and Whe wre a & Fi © gpocts over Peel P. Let T 62 0 AT Prom Vand for Greg 8. and agree ona ould of U Y and @ 60 nee palate we must shave $= 7 The Cheat) fence ST net “Ta T feraldo a 4% of elements of Ra owl, (erla)= sf] ae eu & @ Len fom U > LCes¥) fe a incor open of Pa ml tr W ° Gol tru he a Lt 1, dev » Tix) eV farther ttayev > s[TW)] ew Td wd (sv (w) ew bite (ad) ths) 2 at (x,)# b Tl) Let a,b ep and peu. = 2 apitbpe eY then (1) Lax tbp) = s [7 Cast bp] be by ef BrTan - & [ate 6 1p] laps + bP2) = ad, bX P = a g[te)] + bs[rP)] 2 arl( pi) + 677 (Pa) = aler)tay+ b(sver) ~ = Henwe TH ofa a bTe Such thot $7 Let. fray 0 fat Shama Fmerse fanchien fot Tt be an frvertfble Lit. on @ wecteor Space V(F) fen, rit = Te 71% pets bet te Oy demert of Vand *T4)= P Le ad chen TiUp)= a Tt you ; Now TH) =P 7 ai(r@] er(pe & Such thet 74 (pj aa +p Te)? B : Svertible A:T = are eee “he polrtr) g.45 Jat U an) y veckr dpnete re) ell Fond bet > aint gain het p be ony element of V- ince T ie onto Peetea es tape vind Ae ihe . Ta)EP 2 T (p= Tbe a Lit. from’ U indo Vs IP nwo Tap) = thy = P st fw ‘onesone and orto » then the ‘nverGe fonction 5 ie ee eee rere ol aire recy ie > SEMA ENG [r= =] ele y and 9,b0F Teeovemi tat Tbe a tite: fren fie N- Then T fe Let kat Ps fa WS mon: gingulay if and only if T cerried each, Linearly -T. fe one-one and onto, Anerefire { spine redepeert egabyet “a U onto a Linear tndependent weckors hs, 04, €Y lee een) Lb, Tha) = Per sT (FD. F, Pe Pref t- Pieeb auppove T fe non- cigular ty def of TH, we have 3 bt pe fas - aitpoe ty, TCPd= Reitaa) essai wy ba. ab-T. dubsch oft then mage 4p mdey 1 fu the. dubse? pl of vids ghen by 1%) 4} “The Let U ond “Vv be FOYE ber tre Feld F Lit aa,---m ER > se )+--- On They). = 0 > Thad $= = £enty) = 0 Cit f& 7) > aa + -- Fan dn =O > Age, Led, 2-7 [i Oy chen aly ber] TTest Image of amder To fe ez. Cons Conversely 8 Suppaie “T caned 1-7. eubyet onto Lr Gubset “Then “to prove Tis mone regan ket ago eV a, Th the “range of T fe V ry te a basi of Y, then £114), Te) - _ The) T fea basig of V* Poof 8- ¢) or fa fnverkible s> oT % one-one ond onto aT mon- srg ular x Gy > Gil) bet Tbe mor ciagulor b hah $40.43 40} . ‘ ~ be the basie of uv then get Th4), THY) -—-Ten)] Resi. dubdel of V- But Bin = mv, Then’ > the cc Sa fx} conviating of the one a Mereire, 4 Te) _thin)y te ar Badia forv a Relea ay, Vi fe oy pevedutiyen are inder 7 & the “wet s'= {1%)} a4 tap Ong s-2 7 Sheen Anat i & aloo LT. we. have p= ay Tha) 4 On Th) += 4b An Tl&n Tht) #0 Jatoicerae leon x Cie fe Linear) > Pp tn the range ral became 41%) + fuanuse the det conan of ero recor me Le 4 Analg EU Vite" fn orange of Te Hence sha «(OFX EU Tha) 40 “Tus showed frat He nual gp oh 7 congiths of 4? vector alone Thad event ‘vector aie of T iN. dy Gappose rye of T=V Pe Seen 2 ete Tees buis of Ho thek on, ay bibverd. element «eu Wt exprevetble ab Leceaf iy My ---- Om d= b+ bad ~~ thndn, foe, some Gealars b, by -~ bn OF e qta) = TC bi # bah tata) = by Tle) + ba tle.) be 4 bn Tan) tT fe oa diegular “gual Wad inv = Pimv, TF Let. from U fro Vv, then the fe wing are equivalent rears expressive > each element sf range _Tlén) od a bit. of Tha), TO) Ic - > Ths) » The) =~ Tan) opand’ rage eT Aleo _ range of 72¥, > The), Th) er Tt Uae) pane v Dim = PinV= Tho) J Fea -=.%n le bogs of basis fr V. pane the Tonge fT alee LT) Hence Y &) 20 Guxppose Laine Bd. LTba), Then) “The vector Tle) Tee) 4 aléo they span y (due 40 bavid) * mone of T mut be all of Vo ives TR onto ta the Pa the Tf d= Oa) Flat a-- + Cndn mrulh epee of 1, then TW =0 > T( Uys Creda t--- + Cdn) =O. > C, Tha) +o Th) $--- $Gr Thy) = 0 re Cet fe ken > Ce =0 dbeconde TH,4=- Tn) ee Se oie te ats Gh hee Tle) 20 2) 20 lay one] consepestnt y fy moa sing J fa one-one 27 Que. bet Tobe a Hnear pre vemap trem A = nector space V into V- ave eyattler} Prove thet followier , aev Cy def, of null space) 1a), 6 RO) 3 Tw € aw] > TWIé no)» [Tu aev ac) enti =2 of aeranix)= Sed] 2% Thea) & > Ta) =O" : cee tryrnyet arte}? Convers ty wor pony eo _O then Aor any X¢ Rian), ~ cr, 2 cP ny > Tea) 0 ond ape a(ple% & Roy > TIT] = TW) =o ey 0) gt eat ies a ceEh=e > 420 i for ony eR Canna? <=0 oe ~ Thesemt- fap T $2 7 gwerhible £.7. from vr) cr oo -VUp) and ty an Paverttble fT fom & u(r) tale WUE) Then tan fe tovertible ana aL ot bag! Can)” = te Pros? Fired do chow Tat, Re faverdible dies th ts one-one and ondo Tf dja, eu oh (aT)la= Get) Co) then Ta [0s] = Ta [ates)) ‘ tila) = mba) + UT fs one-one ) That TT 413 one-one oh ean agen TA Ta be! onto then for gach “PeV J “umiga LEU 8+ aa op +O 3. for each yew ¥{ unis pe'V et Tp) =v Tews french yew gy unigin eV ad Ve Talp) = Te [rte] . Tah) 's onto inverttble ily Algo Tat, Cnn! Je Te (nag? Wh =z 2 yt!) Get )e. 0" (Wt = WT sz Hence es Tite Lavariance 2 fot be. vertor Space and T a Laear operater on V. TF W fg a aby v, then W aaid do de tnvariant “under Pret mae @ If T fe Lo. ong wechr epace VCP) shen £0}, and er(t) ave’ wil) tareefortanedlen T. r au) cond Wy be oo aubepoots of ol by the Py Recaetbtbifps- fat ws vyeelor apace Then T fe Said to be poir (Wiss) 2 ve WOM. Catrect Sam) Gi) Goth Wy ond wy are - favariant PS Que Show that the Thrace generated by O favariont aubupace - EA as Chast) i a” oa he Eline evecare ages, aig .xtg-2) vated by aae 5 TO 8, 2 = GIP bet W be aabapace of aK gene yeelors Usb!) and 251) om LT on @ aefed Y Thg,2) > (Kty-2s M4, 44-2) ~frvartant ep EW =z TIX) ar ae a % an arbitra veche fr then ee altel) $bU,2)) Pr a,beR Some Tf a bee ea 94 1 ta) QTE) $5 1( 1,21) Shoo Tha) EW hee TUL!) and TC bolle 2 UHL, HH, Mle) moa we have 2 Ua ew ew Gan)= OU D4) (421) - pie ee feo + Uija5t) = (iia etdabaie2=" Goons ( S a 2) fetal G Se nu tecrrnedtr it 231) eG ta) EW Hence 06° variant» enol. T Cw te wasn ooVOTPRRR ARR RRRARKRS

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