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Student’s name: _____________________________ Class: ___________ Date: ______________


1. What the witness said in court was inconsistent with the statement he made to the
A. in agreement with B. relevant to
C. in conflict with D. based on
2. More than 100 people have been killed this year in sporadic outbursts of ethnic
A. occasional B. harmonious C. neutral D. regular
3. The government has placed tight constraints on spending this year.
A. burdens B. restrictions C. effects D. policies
4. The emphasis on testing leads to greater stress among students and carries implications
of failure.
A. causes B. determinants C. consequences D. considerations
5. This politician tried to cheat the people into the belief that he would work for public
A. equality B. security C. assistance D. well-being
6. Throughout the day, repeal supporters argued that the ban on some types of weapons is
arbitrary and unconstitutional.
A. sensible B. rational C. reasonable D. preposterous
7. Many computers have a further field in the instruction, to specify subsidiary
information required by an operation.
A. important B. confidential C. technical D. additional
8. We welcome the government's initiative to help the homeless.
A. plan B. willingness C. enthusiasm D. readiness
9. His theory provides a remarkable insight into the nature of the British constitution.
A. disregard for B. concern about C. sympathy for D. understanding of
10. Before her death in 1977, Alice Paul helped orchestrate enormous changes in the
rights and status of American women.
A. far-fetched B. far-flung C. far-reaching D. far-sighted
11. Bicycles are regarded as an economical alternative to buses whose fares haveincreased 5
times in the past 3 years.
A. lavish B. efficient C. valueless D. pricey
12. The university's exchange scheme for teachers has cemented its links with manyother
academic institutions.
A. programme B. opportunity C. scholarship D. framework
13. The teacher gave some suggestions on what could come out for the examination.
A. effects B. symptoms C. hints D. demonstrations
14. During live broadcasts of sports events, television commercials seem to have the
uncanny ability to appear just when something significant develops in the event.
A. mysterious B. outstanding C. innate D. superior
15. He didn’t bat an eyelid when he realized he failed the exam again.
A. wasn’t happy B. wasn’t satisfied
C. didn’t show surprise D. didn’t bother
16. Around 150 B.C. the Greek astronomer Hipparchus developed a system to classify
stars according to brightness.
A. record B. shine C. categorize D. diversify
17. Advertising is also criticised on the grounds that it can manipulate consumers to
follow the will of the advertisers
A. inhibit B. control C. recommend D. forbid
18. The project was denounced as a scandalous waste of public money.
A. installed B. declared C. criticized D. advised
19. A mediocre student who gets low grades will have trouble getting into an Ivy League
A. average B. lazy C. moronic D. diligent
20. He had never experienced such discourtesy towards the president as it occurred at the
annual meeting in May.
A. politeness B. rudeness C. encouragement D. measurement
21. Those children who stay longer hours at school than at home tend to spend their
formative years in the company of others with similar aims and interests.
A. being separated from peers B. forming a new business company
C. being together with friends D. enjoying the care of parents
22. Some of the little boys sneaked into the ball game without buying a ticket.
A. went secretly B. earned their way
C. ran fast D. entered several times
23. The bus driver left the door ajar so that returning passengers could reboard after therest
A. unlocked B. well marked C. well lit D. slightly open
24. Why do people live for fleeting pleasures, don't they want something more significantand
good and profound?
A. benevolent B. brief C. immense D. lasting
25. A simple act of virtue, such as collecting donations for charity, can make a huge
difference to someone's life.
A. goodness B. wickedness C. indecency D. barbarism
26. Thanks to the housemaid, their house is always spick and span.
A. clean and tidy B. high and large
C. cheap and convenient D. bright and clear
27. He left home at the drop of a hat without saying a word.
A. thoroughly B. visually C. securely D. immediately
28. I don’t believe she is really sad for his death; she is just putting on an act.
A. waiting B. disappointing C. defending D. pretending
29. He tried a lot to get the hang of skiing, and finally succeeded.
A. start to research B. hang the equipment of
C. give up quickly D. learn how to do
30. I am not sure whether those mushrooms are edible.
A. unable to be picked up B. suitable to be eaten
C. able to be researched D. likely to cause harm
31. They substituted the original painting with some copies and sold them to customers.
A. provided B. replaced C. considered D. distributed
32. Those animals are susceptible to cold weather. Let’s make them warm.
A. vulnerable B. incredible C. inaccessible D. inevitable
33. My niece is the apple of my eye: I always want to be her side.
A. the person I love the most B. the person I fear a lot
C. the person I don’t take care of D. the person I don’t visit
34. Sometimes, in order to get things done, you have to take the initiative.
A. make the last decision B. make important changes
C. be the first to act D. sacrifice for others
35. Her talent for music was really an unparalleled ability; she won most music prizes inthe
A. incomparable B. compatible C. comprehensive D. inconclusive
36. I couldn’t make out what he was saying as his speech was unclear.
A. retell B. precede C. understand D. conserve
37. This theory is a synthesis of some old concepts and some modern ones.
A. movement B. combination C. elimination D. development
38. Most citizens show that they uphold the new law completely.
A. support B. disapprove C. increase D. reverse
39. A team will be penalized if its players commit fouls.
A. awarded B. punished C. defeated D. destroyed
40. Shops always prefer wholesale products as they are cheaper.
A. selling step by step B. selling only to some people
C. selling continuously D. selling in large quantities
41. Looking after a naughty child is an uphill task for her.
A. well-paid B. difficult C. normal D. wonderful
42. A father will be his child's role model. He will be the example for his child of what
husbands and fathers are like.
A. someone that others admire and follow
B. someone that others share interest with
C. someone that others love and live with
D. someone that others are fond of with
43. Such problems as haste and inexperience are a universal feature of youth.
A. marked B. separated C. shared D. hidden
44. It is such a prestigious university that only excellent students are entitled to a full
scholarship each year.
A. are given the right to B. are refused the right to
C. have the right to refuse D. have the obligation to
45. The repeated commercials on TV distract many viewers from watching theirfavourite
A. businesses B. economics C. advertisements D. contests
46. Although they hold similar political views, their religious beliefs present a striking
A. minor comparison B. interesting resemblance
C. significant difference D. complete coincidence
47. These were the people who advocated using force to stop school violence.
A. openly criticised B. publicly said
C. publicly supported D. strongly condemned
48. "A friend in need is a friend indeed": Our friends have voiced their strong criticism of
China’s escalation of tension on our continental shelf.
A. easing the tension B. improving the condition
C. facing the reality D. worsening the situation
49. Even though the mountain was very steep and the climb was hazardous, several
adventurous tourists managed to reach the top.
A. causing a lot of risks B. bringing excitement
C. resulting in depression D. costing a lot of money
50. The overall aim of the book is to help bridge the gap between theory and practice,
particularly in language teaching.
A. increase the understanding B. reduce the differences
C. minimise the limitations D. construct a bridge

1. This new washing machine is not a patch on our old one. These clothes are still dirty.
A. to be expensive B. to be broken C. to be strange D. to be better
2. Solving this type of mathematical problem is child’s play if you’ve done it manytimes.
A. so childish B. easy C. challenging D. undemanding
3. If you say bad things about the person who gives you a job, you bite the hand thatfeeds
A. be unfriendly B. be ungrateful C. be thankful D. be devoted
4. The new cow-boy film catches the fancy of the children. They have watched it sincethe
A. attracts B. amuses C. bores D. amazes
5. I could see the finish line and thought I was home and dry. I have put in a lot of effortfor
this moment.
A. unsuccessful B. pessimistic C. hopeless D. humorous
6. It is a really difficult matter to decide how to solve now. I will need time to thinktwice.
A. consider carelessly B. accept immediately
C. refuse at once D. consider carefully
7. He didn’t bat an eyelid when he realized he failed the exam again.
A. was very surprised B. didn’t show surprise
C. was very disappointed D. didn’t care at all
8. You need to keep abreast of the current events. You look so clueless when I mentionthe
result of the election.
A. keep up with B. obtain information
C. become outmoded D. bring about
9. If the world’s tropical forests continue to disappear at their present rate, many animal
species will die out.
A. be extinct B. remain unharmed
C. continue to live D. get bigger
10. Sporadic conflict is inevitable among families and the way families choose toapproach
issues can make a colossal difference.
A. negligible B. substantial C. enormous D. significant
11. The government is not prepared to put up with this situation any longer.
A. escape from B. differ from C. result in D. disagree with
12. Not until all their demands had been turned down did the workers decide to go on
strike for more welfare.
A. rejected B. accepted C. removed D. encountered
13. Only the graduates are eligible for this job as it requires a lot of intensive knowledge.
A. qualified B. adequate C. unfit D. suitable
14. He is a very vigorous student. He always engages in social activities at school.
A. energetic B. active C. agreeable D. feeble
15. Formal dress is compulsory at this meeting where a lot of big figures will show up.
A. optional B. obligatory C. necessary D. unavoidable
16. He has come up with an ingenious idea of solving the company’s financial problems.
A. clever B. effective C. inventive D. unimaginative
17. There is an implicit threat of using mobile phones. You can’t be sure what radioactivewaves
will do to your health.
A. obvious B. indirect C. hidden D. incentive
18. His aggression was inevitable as he had been through a lot of pressures.
A. unexpected B. predictable C. foreseeable D. immovable
19. After winning a national lottery, he squandered it frivolously.
A. thoughtlessly B. ineffectively C. professionally D. seriously
20. At the concert, he showed his exceptional ability to sing these high notes.
A. remarkable B. fearless C. mediocre D. extraordinary
21. Kindness is intrinsic in his personality as he has received good care and love from his
parents from the start.
A. explicit B. integral C. essential D. acquired
22. Smallpox is a fatal disease that used to claim the lives of millions of people in thepast.
A. wholesome B. lethal C. ill-intentioned D. unforthcoming
23. I think his rules are quite rigid. If he wants to succeed, he needs to change his
opinions in some circumstances.
A. stiff B. flexible C. severe D. fundamental
24. It is not a valid argument. You can’t say that you can get a promotion just becauseyou
haven’t been late for work.
A. illegal B. rational C. unusual D. unconvincing
25. Marriage is just his peripheral concern. He has set his heart on becoming a successful
business man for the rest of his life.
A. marginal B. central C. unimportant D. simple
26. Her knowledge of world history is very extensive. She can tell you the stories ofmany
dynasties from different countries.
A. restricted B. broad C. widespread D. general
27. Small businesses have proliferated in the last ten years, which have provided a lot ofjobs
for local people.
A. dwindled B. expanded C. replicated D. admitted
28. The fashion industry in this country is prospering since people are paying more
attention to their appearance.
A. succeeding B. flourishing C. declining D. destroying
29. is a website which offers a job research facility to assist qualified studentsin
finding work.
A. help B. aid C. support D. hinder
30. Different forms of justifiable punishment can contribute to promoting children’s
ability to differentiate between right and wrong.
A. legitimate B. brutal C. severe D. ridiculous
31. He maintained that he had seen her steal his phone.
A. insisted B. denied C. supported D. declared
32. She is not worth our respect as she has abandoned her children.
A. walked out on B. left C. given up on D. kept
33. In order to curb the unemployment rate in this country, the government should create
policies that can attract international corporations.
A. control B. limit C. promote D. improve
34. They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community.
A. cooperate B. put together C. separate D. connect
35. He was ostracised by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike.
A. crucified B. included C. patronized D. lionized
36. The bank announced that it was to merge with another of the high street banks.
A. separate B. assemble C. collaborate D. coordinate
37. Urbanization is the shift of people moving from rural to urban areas, and the result isthe
growth of cities.
A. movement B. maintenance C. variation D. transmission
38. I believe he has full competence to do that job. He is a very intelligent andresponsible
A. bravery B. proficiency C. failure D. ability
39. There is a disparity in the way people from different cultures view money.
A. contradiction B. compromise C. steadiness D. harmony
40. He has no hesitation to tell me his secrets. We have known each other since we are achild.
A. willingness B. qualms C. reluctance D. restriction

8 Ms. Vu Phuong Lan – KTA DDHNN ĐHQGHN –

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