Activity 1 - History of Computing

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DCSN01C - Ac+vity 1 - Revolu+onizing the Future: Exploring Key Milestones in the History of Compu+ng

Objec+ve: To research and analyze significant milestones in the history of compu7ng, understand their impact on technology, and
reflect on their relevance in today's digital world.

Part 1: Research and Analysis

1. Choose two compu7ng milestones from different eras (e.g., early mechanical computers, transistor inven7on, graphical
user interface, etc.). Ensure that the selected milestones have had a substan7al impact on the development of
compu7ng technology.
2. Conduct in-depth research on each milestone:
• Inves7gate the historical context in which the milestone emerged.
• Iden7fy the problem or challenge it aimed to address.
• Explore the key individuals or teams involved in the development of the milestone.
• Examine the technological breakthroughs that enabled the milestone's crea7on.
• Analyze the long-term impact of the milestone on compu7ng and related technologies.
3. Write a well-structured research paper (approximately 1500-2000 words) for each milestone. Each paper should include:
• Introduc7on: Briefly introduce the milestone and its significance.
• Historical Context: Describe the era and technological landscape in which the milestone was developed.
• Milestone Details: Present detailed informa7on about the milestone, its purpose, and its technological
• Impact and Legacy: Discuss how the milestone influenced subsequent developments in compu7ng and other
• Comparison: Compare and contrast the two milestones in terms of their impact, challenges faced, and
relevance today.
• Conclusion: Summarize the key takeaways and reflect on the importance of understanding these milestones
in the history of compu7ng.

Part 2: Reflec+on and Discussion

1. Reflect on the relevance of the chosen milestones in the context of modern technology:
a. How have these milestones shaped the current compu7ng landscape?
b. What aspects of today's technology can be directly traced back to these milestones?
c. Are there any societal implica7ons of these milestones that are s7ll relevant today?
2. Par7cipate in a class discussion or virtual forum where you share your findings and insights with your peers. Engage in
construc7ve conversa7ons about the impact of historical milestones on technology and society.

Submission Guidelines:
• Submit your research paper on a with properly cited sources. You can use addi7onal sheets if applicable. Deadline for
submission is on September 11, 2023 / 11:59 pm only.
• Par7cipate ac7vely in the class discussion or forum (scheduled next mee7ng) by sharing your reflec7ons, responding
to peers, and asking though]ul ques7ons.

Assessment Criteria:

Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

• Quality of research and depth of analysis of the selected milestones.
• Clear and organized presenta7on of informa7on in the research papers.
• Insigh]ul reflec7ons on the relevance and impact of the milestones in the modern world.
• Ac7ve and meaningful par7cipa7on in the class discussion or forum.

Note: Properly cite all sources using a standard cita7on format (e.g., APA, MLA). Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in
disciplinary ac7on

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