ODL Lab3 2018EE69

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Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin

Roll no: 2018-EE-69

University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore

Department of Electrical Engineering

EE 213: Analog and Digital Electronics Circuits

Experiment 7(b) & 7(c)
To investigate multistage amplifier design using AC coupled MOSFET amplifier circuits.

Components Required:
2N7000 MOSFET, 33KΩ×2, 18KΩ×2, 1KΩ×2, 470Ω×2 resistors, and 7×10µF capacitors.

Modify the circuit of Figure 1, mentioned in Experiment:7(a) to connect M2 in common drain
configuration. Draw the circuit diagram in space provided below.

Circuit Diagram:
Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin
Roll no: 2018-EE-69

Theoretical Calculation:
Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin
Roll no: 2018-EE-69
Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin
Roll no: 2018-EE-69

Simulated Outputs:


Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin
Roll no: 2018-EE-69

Simulated Voltages for DRAIN,SOURCE & GATE:

Using the same values, write down the calculations for mid band gain, input resistance and
output resistance in the space provided below.

Simulate the circuit using Proteus/LTSpice software. Find the mid band gain, input resistance
and output resistance of the amplifier circuit and note down the values in Table 1. Add the
simulated circuit, simulated input and output waveforms in the space below.
Use Vsig=20mV(p-p), 5KHz. CIN and CL to model the capacitances introduce by the probes and
scope. For simulation, assume Rsig=50Ω, CIN and CL to be 20pF. (In hardware implementation,
these capacitances can be ignored)
Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin
Roll no: 2018-EE-69

Calculated Simulated

Topology of M1 and
DC voltage on gate 5.0 5.28
of M1
DC voltage on drain 6.45 6.89
of M1
DC voltage on source 3.2 3.95
of M1
DC voltage on gate 5.3 5.58
of M2
DC voltage on drain 4.9 6.60
of M2
DC voltage on source 3.8 4.22
of M2
Mid-band Gain -24 -28.6

Input Resistance 11.6K 11.6K

Output Resistance 1K 1K

Table 1

In Lab Part B we cascaded Common Source Amplifier with Common Drain Amplifier. We know
that common drain is a source follow with the analogy of Common Collector in BJT. So, in this
experiment we learned how to do theoretical calculation of the two different amplifiers cascaded
together. And we verified our results with the simulation readings provided above.
Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin
Roll no: 2018-EE-69

Components Required:
2N7000 MOSFET, 33KΩ×2, 18KΩ×2, 1KΩ×2, 470Ω×2 resistors, and 7×10µF capacitors.

Modify the circuit of Figure 1, mentioned in Experiment:7(a) by replacing M2 with BJT
common emitter configuration. Draw the circuit diagram in space provided below.

Circuit Diagram:
Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin
Roll no: 2018-EE-69

Theoretical Calculations:
Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin
Roll no: 2018-EE-69
Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin
Roll no: 2018-EE-69

Simulated Outputs:
Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin
Roll no: 2018-EE-69


Simulated Voltages for DRAIN,SOURCE & GATE:

Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin
Roll no: 2018-EE-69

Using the same values, write down the calculations for mid band gain, input resistance and
output resistance in the space provided below.
Simulate the circuit of using Proteus/LTSpice software. Find the mid band gain, input resistance
and output resistance of the amplifier circuit and note down the values in Table 2. Add the
simulated circuit, simulated input and output waveforms in the space below.
Use Vsig=20mV(p-p), 5KHz. CIN and CL to model the capacitances introduce by the probes and
scope. For simulation, assume Rsig=50Ω, CIN and CL to be 20pF. (In hardware implementation,
these capacitances can be ignored)
Calculated Simulated

Topology of M1 and
DC voltage on gate 4.20 4.23
of M1
DC voltage on drain 5.65 5.72
of M1
DC voltage on source 3.45 2.95
of M1
DC voltage on base 3.79 3.80
of M2
DC voltage on 4.25 5.02
Collector of M2
DC voltage on 4.78 3.16
emitter of M2
Mid-band Gain 2264 2360

Input Resistance 11.67K 11.67K

Output Resistance 652.23 652.23

Table 2

In Lab Part C we cascaded Common Source Amplifier with Common Emitter Amplifier. We
know that common emitter Amplifier is an Amplifier with inverted output and really amplified
signal and we have successfully verified that in the experiment. And in this experiment, we
learned how to do theoretical calculation of the two different amplifiers cascaded together. And
we verified our results with the simulation readings provided above.

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