Long Cases-2

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Chief Complaints
• Alteration of voice for – 6 months
• Difficulty in swallowing for – 4 months
• Swelling in Right side of Upper neck for – 3 months
• Pain in Right ear for – 2 month
• Respiratory distress for – 15 days.

History of Present Illness

• According to the statement of patient he was reasonably well about 6 months back.

• Voice Change – Then he noticed alteration in the quality of voice – which was becoming progressively muffled in nature.
• The change of voice was insidious in onset.
• Had a progressive & unremitting course, with gradual deterioration.

• It was associated with throat discomfort & occasional pain

• Dysphagia – Patient also complained about occasional difficulty in swallowing for – 4 months.
• It was more on swallowing solids, than liquids, but was progressively increasing in severity.
• It was not associated with any regurgitation of food.

• Neck Swelling – Patient also complained about a swelling in Right side of upper neck for last – 3 months.
• Initially it was smaller, but was progressively increasing in size.
• Not associated with any pain.

• Earache – Patient has been suffering from Pain in Right ear for last – 2 months.
• It was dull aching & constant in nature.

Not associated with hearing loss or ear discharge.
Temporarily relieved by taking analgesics

Respiratory Distress – Patient complained about respiratory distress for last – 15 days.
• Insidious in onset & progressive in nature.
• Was associated with noisy breathing.
• It was aggravated by strenuous work & relieved by rest.

• Patient gave No H/O – Fever, Cough, Weight loss, Hemoptysis, Night Sweats.
• Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.
• With these complaints, patient got admitted in NIENT for better management.

History of Past Illness

• Nothing contributory.
• There was no history of – Major illnesses & operation.
• Patient never suffered from – PTB, COPD, Bronchial asthma.

Personal History
• Patient is a chronic heavy smoker, & used to smoke 20 sticks a day for last 20 years.
• He didn't give any history of – Alcohol intake or Betel nut chewing.

Family History
• Patient has 3 brothers & 2 sisters. None is suffering from similar illness.

Occupational History
• Patient is a Farmer by occupation.

Socioeconomic History
• Comes from a low socio-economic background.

Medical History
• Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.

Drug/Immunization History
• Patient took some drugs for his condition, but couldn't mention their names.
• Patient is partially Immunized.
General Examination

• Appearance – Ill looking. Body–built – Average. Cooperation – Co-operative. Decubitus – On choice

• Anaemia – Present. Jaundice – Absent. Cyanosis – Absent

• Clubbing – Absent. Koilonychia – Absent. Leukonychia – Absent.

• Edema – Absent. Dehydration – Absent

• Pulse – 76/min
• Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg
• Temperature – Normal
• Respiratory rate – 14/min

Local Examination

External Laryngeal Examination

Temperature Normal
Tenderness Absent

Laryngeal Contour Normal
Laryngeal Crepitus Present
Tracheal Position Central

Indirect Laryngoscopic Examination

There's an ulcero-proliferative growth in Right aryepiglottic fold
Extension of Growth Extending laterally to the medial wall of Right piriform fossa
Extending downwards towards the glottis

Area free from tumor Epiglottis, Lt AE fold, arytenoids – are free of tumor

Right Vocal cord fixed.

Vocal cord mobility

Airway adequacy
si Left vocal cord – mobility normal.

Airway is inadequate.

Examination of Neck
• Location – There is a swelling in the Right upper part of the neck
• Extension – Extending superiorly from the angle of mandible, to inferiorly upto hyoid bone

• Size – 2cm x 1cm in size

• Shape – Globular in shape
• Surface – Smooth

• Margin – Well defined

• Overlying Skin – Not fixed

• Temperature – Normal
• Tenderness – Absent
• Consistency – Firm to Hard

• Fixity & Mobility – Not fixed with overlying skin or underlying structures. Moves from side to side, not above downwards.

• Relation to SCM – Lies deep to SCM

Other ENT Exam

• Oral Cavity & Oropharynx – Normal. Tonsil & Tongue base palpation revealed normal findings.
• Nose & Ear – Normal

Systemic Examination

Cardiovascular System

• Apex Beat – Present in 5th ICS in MCL

• Heart Sounds – Present (S1 & S2)
• Peripheral pulses – Present

Respiratory System
• Inspection – Chest movement normal & Symmetrical
• Palpation – Chest expansion normal
• Percussion – Note resonant
• Auscultation – Breath sound vesicular & normal

Alimentary System

Nervous system

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, Hailing from Barisal,

• Presented with, Alteration of voice for last 6 months – which was insidious in onset & progressive in nature & had a muffled quality.

• He also complained about, Difficulty in swallowing for 4 months – which was more on solid than liquids & gradually increased in severity.

• The patient complained about, a Swelling in upper neck for last 3 months – which was not associated with pain & progressively increased in size.

• He also has, Pain in Right ear for 2 months – which was not associated with any hearing loss or ear discharge.

• Patient is suffering from, Respiratory distress for last 15 days - which has become difficult to bear & is associated with breathing noise.

• Patient is a smoker, taking 20 sticks per day for last 20 years.

On General examination
• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Local examination
• Laryngeal contour appears normal, Laryngeal crepitus present, Trachea centrally placed.
• Non-tender & temperature normal.

On Indirect Laryngoscopy
• There's an ulcero-proliferative growth in Right aryepiglottic fold
Extending laterally to the medial wall of Right piriform fossa & downwards towards the vocal folds
Epiglottis, Lt AE fold, arytenoids – are free of tumor

• Right Vocal cord fixed. Left vocal cord – mobility normal.

Airway is inadequate.

On neck Examination
• There is a swelling in the Right upper part of neck, below the angle of mandible
• Size 2cm x 1cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined
• Consistency firm, Not fixed with overlying skin or underlying structures.
• Carotid pulsation – present in normal location. No other LNs palpable.

Other examinations
• Examination of Ear, Nose, Oral cavity, Oropharynx – reveals no abnormality.
• Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Supraglottic carcinoma with Neck Metastases (T3N1Mx)

Chief Complaints
• Change of voice for – 3 months
• Respiratory distress for – 1 month.

History of Present Illness

• According to the statement of patient he was reasonably well about 3 months back.

• Voice Change – Then he noticed change in the quality of his voice.

• There was progressive, unremitting deterioration of voice.

• Voice was hoarse, rough & breathy.
• It was associated with throat discomfort & occasional pain during speaking.

• Respiratory Distress – Patient complained about respiratory distress for last – 1 month.
Was mild initially & later increased in severity.


• Associated with noisy breathing for last 15 days.
• It was aggravated by strenuous work & relieved by rest.

• Patient gave No H/O – Fever, Cough, Weight loss, Hemoptysis, Night Sweats.
Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.


• With these complaints, patient got admitted in NIENT for better management.

History of Past Illness

• Nothing contributory.
• There was no history of – Major illnesses & operation.

Patient never suffered from – PTB, COPD, Bronchial asthma.

Personal History
• Patient is a chronic heavy smoker, & used to smoke 20 sticks a day for last 20 years.
• He didn't give any history of – Alcohol intake or Betel nut chewing.

Family History
• Patient has 3 brothers & 2 sisters. None is suffering from similar illness.

Occupational History

• Patient is a Farmer by occupation.

Socioeconomic History
• Comes from a low socio-economic background.

Medical History
• Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.

Drug/Immunization History
• Patient took some drugs for his condition, but couldn't mention their names.
• Patient is partially Immunized.
General Examination

• Appearance – Ill looking. Body–built – Average. Cooperation – Co-operative. Decubitus – On choice

• Anaemia – Present. Jaundice – Absent. Cyanosis – Absent

• Clubbing – Absent. Koilonychia – Absent. Leukonychia – Absent.

• Edema – Absent. Dehydration – Absent

• Pulse – 76/min
• Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg
• Temperature – Normal
• Respiratory rate – 14/min

Local Examination

External Laryngeal Examination

Temperature Normal
Tenderness Absent

Laryngeal Contour Normal
Laryngeal Crepitus Present
Tracheal Position Central

Indirect Laryngoscopic Examination

There's an ulcero-proliferative growth in Right true vocal cord
Extension of Growth Extending anteriorly & laterally to involve the Left true vocal cord
Extending superiorly towards the Right false cord & AE fold.

Area free from tumor Epiglottis, Lt AE fold, arytenoids – are free of tumor

Right Vocal cord fixed.

Vocal cord mobility

Airway adequacy
si Left vocal cord – mobility normal.

Airway is inadequate.

Examination of Neck
• No palpable cervical lymphadenopathy
Other ENT Exam
• Oral Cavity & Oropharynx – Normal. Tonsil & Tongue base palpation revealed normal findings.
• Nose & Ear – Normal

Systemic Examination

Cardiovascular System
• Apex Beat – Present in 5th ICS in MCL
• Heart Sounds – Present (S1 & S2)
• Peripheral pulses – Present all.

Respiratory System
• Inspection – Chest movement normal & Symmetrical

• Palpation – Chest expansion normal

• Percussion – Note resonant
• Auscultation – Breath sound vesicular & normal

Alimentary System

Nervous system

GLOTTIC CARCINOMA – Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, Hailing from Barisal,

• Presented with, Change of voice for last 4 months – which was progressive in nature & had a hoarse, rough, breathy quality.

• Patient is suffering from, Respiratory distress for last 1 month - aggravated by strenuous work & slightly relieved by rest.

• Patient is a smoker, taking 20 sticks per day for last 20 years.

On General examination
• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Local examination
• Laryngeal contour appears normal, Laryngeal crepitus present, Trachea centrally placed.

• Non-tender & temperature normal.

On Indirect Laryngoscopy
• There's an ulcero-proliferative growth in Right True vocal cord

Extending to the anterior part of left vocal cord
Superiorly to involve the Right False cords & AE fold
Epiglottis, Lt AE fold, arytenoids – are free of tumor

• Right Vocal cord fixed. Left vocal cord – mobility normal.

• Airway is inadequate.

On neck Examination
• No Cervical LNs palpable.

Other examinations
• Examination of Ear, Nose, Oral cavity, Oropharynx – reveals no abnormality.

Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

So my diagnosis is – Carcinoma Glottis (T3N0Mx)

Chief Complaints
• Difficulty in swallowing for – 8 months
• Swelling in Right side of Upper neck for – 6 months
• Alteration of voice for – 4 months
• Pain in Right ear for – 1 month

History of Present Illness

• According to the statement of patient he was reasonably well about 8 months back.

• Dysphagia – Then he noticed occasional difficulty in swallowing.
• Which was more on swallowing solids, than liquids, but was progressively increasing in severity.
• It was not associated with any regurgitation of food.

Neck Swelling – Patient also complained about a swelling in Right side of upper neck for last – 6 months.


• Initially it was smaller, but was progressively increasing in size.
• Not associated with any pain.

• Voice Change – Patient complained about alteration in the quality of voice – which was becoming muffled in nature.
The change of voice was insidious in onset.


• Had a progressive & unremitting course, with gradual deterioration.
• It was associated with throat discomfort & occasional pain

• Earache – Patient has been suffering from Pain in Right ear for last – 2 months.
• It was dull aching & constant in nature.
• Not associated with hearing loss or ear discharge. Temporarily relieved by taking analgesics

Patient gave No H/O – Fever, Cough, Weight loss, Hemoptysis, Night Sweats.
Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.
With these complaints, patient got admitted in NIENT for better management.
History of Past Illness
• Nothing contributory.
• There was no history of – Major illnesses & operation.
• Patient never suffered from – PTB, COPD, Bronchial asthma.

Personal History
• Patient is a chronic heavy smoker, & used to smoke 20 sticks a day for last 20 years.
• He didn't give any history of – Alcohol intake or Betel nut chewing.

Family History
• Patient has 3 brothers & 2 sisters. None is suffering from similar illness.

Occupational History
• Patient is a Farmer by occupation.

Socioeconomic History
• Comes from a low socio-economic background.

Medical History
Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.

Drug/Immunization History
• Patient took some drugs for his condition, but couldn't mention their names.
• Patient is partially Immunized.
General Examination

• Appearance – Ill looking. Body–built – Average. Cooperation – Co-operative. Decubitus – On choice

• Anaemia – Present. Jaundice – Absent. Cyanosis – Absent

• Clubbing – Absent. Koilonychia – Absent. Leukonychia – Absent.

• Edema – Absent. Dehydration – Absent

• Pulse – 76/min
• Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg
• Temperature – Normal
• Respiratory rate – 14/min

Local Examination

External Laryngeal Examination

Temperature Normal
Tenderness Absent
Laryngeal Contour Normal
Laryngeal Crepitus Present

Tracheal Position Central

Indirect Laryngoscopic Examination

There's an ulcero-proliferative swelling in Right piriform fossa – involving the floor, medial wall & lateral wall.
Extension of Growth
Extends medially to Right AE fold & involves the supraglottis.

Area free from tumor

Vocal cord mobility

si Epiglottis, Lt AE fold, arytenoids, Lateral/Posterior pharyngeal wall – are free of tumor

Right Vocal cord – fixed.

Left vocal cord – mobility normal.
Airway adequacy Airway is inadequate.

Examination of Neck
• Location – There is a swelling in the Right upper part of the neck

• Extension – Extending superiorly from the angle of mandible, to inferiorly upto hyoid bone

• Size – 2cm x 1cm in size

• Shape – Globular in shape
• Surface – Smooth
• Margin – Well defined
• Overlying Skin – Not fixed

• Temperature – Normal
• Tenderness – Absent
• Consistency – Firm to Hard

• Fixity & Mobility – Not fixed with overlying skin or underlying structures. Moves from side to side, not above downwards. (May be fixed)
• Relation to SCM – Lies deep to SCM

Other ENT Exam

• Oral Cavity & Oropharynx – Normal. Tonsil & Tongue base palpation revealed normal findings.
• Nose & Ear – Normal

Systemic Examination

Cardiovascular System

Respiratory System

Alimentary System No Abnormality detected

Nervous system

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, Hailing from Barisal,

• He also complained about, Difficulty in swallowing for 8 months – which was more on solid than liquids & gradually increased in severity.

• The patient complained about, a Swelling in upper neck for last 6 months – which was not associated with pain & progressively increased in size.

• Presented with, Alteration of voice for last 4 months – which was insidious in onset & progressive in nature & had a muffled quality.

• He also has, Pain in Right ear for 1 month – which was not associated with any hearing loss or ear discharge.

• Patient is a smoker, taking 20 sticks per day for last 20 years.

On General examination
• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Local examination
• Laryngeal contour appears normal, Laryngeal crepitus present, Trachea centrally placed.
• Non-tender & temperature normal.

On Indirect Laryngoscopy
• There's an ulcero-proliferative swelling in Right piriform fossa – involving the floor, medial wall & lateral wall.
• Extends medially to Right AE fold & involves the supraglottis.

• Epiglottis, Lt AE fold, arytenoids, Lateral/Posterior pharyngeal wall – are free of tumor

• Right Vocal cord – fixed. Left vocal cord – mobility normal. Airway is inadequate.

On neck Examination
• There is a swelling in the Right upper part of neck, below the angle of mandible
• Size 2cm x 1cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined
• Consistency firm, Not fixed with overlying skin or underlying structures.
• Carotid pulsation – present in normal location. No other LNs palpable.

Other examinations

• Examination of Ear, Nose, Oral cavity, Oropharynx – reveals no abnormality.

• Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Hypopharyngeal carcinoma with Neck Metastases (T3N1Mx)

Chief Complaints
• Ulceration in Right side of Tongue – for 4 months.
• Swelling in Right side of Upper neck – for 2 months

History of Present Illness

• According to the statement of patient he was reasonably well about 4 months back.

• Ulceration in mouth – Then he noticed an ulceration in the lateral border of tongue – on the right side.
• It was slowly increasing in size – Initially was painless, later became painful.

• Pain was dull aching type – was aggravated by tongue movement.
• It was associated with excessive salivation, restriction of tongue movement & Difficulty in swallowing.

• Neck Swelling – Patient also complained about a swelling in Right side of upper neck – for 2 months.
Initially it was smaller, but was progressively increasing in size.


• Not associated with any pain.

• Patient gave No H/O – Difficulty in speech or mouth opening.

• There was no – Fever, Cough, Weight loss, Hemoptysis, Night Sweats.
Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.


• With these complaints, patient got admitted in NIENT for better management.

History of Past Illness

• Nothing contributory.
• There was no history of – Major illnesses & operation.

Patient never suffered from – PTB, COPD, Bronchial asthma.

Personal History
• Patient is a chronic heavy smoker, & used to smoke 20 sticks a day for last 20 years.
• He didn't give any history of – Alcohol intake. But has a habit of Betel nut chewing.

Family History
• Patient has 3 brothers & 2 sisters. None is suffering from similar illness.

Occupational History

• Patient is a Farmer by occupation.

Socioeconomic History
• Comes from a low socio-economic background.

Medical History
• Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.

Drug/Immunization History
• Patient took some drugs for his condition, but couldn't mention their names.
• Patient is partially Immunized.

General Examination

• Appearance – Ill looking. Body–built – Average. Cooperation – Co-operative. Decubitus – On choice

• Anaemia – Present. Jaundice – Absent. Cyanosis – Absent

• Clubbing – Absent. Koilonychia – Absent. Leukonychia – Absent.

• Edema – Absent. Dehydration – Absent

• Pulse – 76/min
• Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg
• Temperature – Normal
• Respiratory rate – 14/min
Local Examination

Ulcer exam

• Location – Right Lateral margin of tongue, starting 2–3 cm behind the tip of tongue
• Extension – Extends inferiorly to the Floor of mouth, posteriorly towards the tongue base.
• Size – 4 cm X 2 cm
• Margin – Irregular
• Floor – Necrotic slough present in floor.

• Edge – Everted
• Base – Indurated
• Tenderness – Tender

• Fixity – Fixed with underlying tongue muscles
• Extension – There was no extension through midline

Oral Cavity Examination

• Oral hygiene – Poor, Halitosis present
• Trismus – Mouth opening normal

• Tongue movement – Normal
• Teeth – Stained with betel quid
• Gingivolabial sulcus – Normal
• Buccal mucosa – Normal

• Teeth – No loose teeth or tenderness in teeth

Tongue base – Palpation revealed no abnormality

Examination of Neck

• There is a swelling in the Right upper part of the neck

• Extension – Below the lower border of mandible & in the submandibular region. Extending inferiorly upto hyoid bone

• Size – 3cm x 2cm in size

• Shape – Globular in shape
• Surface – Smooth
• Margin – Well defined

• Overlying Skin – Not fixed. No scar mark.

• Temperature – Normal
• Tenderness – Absent
• Consistency – Hard

• Fixity & Mobility – Not fixed with overlying skin, but fixed with underlying structures.

Other Exam

ENT Exam
• Nose (AR, PR) – Normal
• Ear – Normal
• Indirect Laryngoscopy – Normal Findings.

Systemic Examination

Cardiovascular System

Respiratory System

Alimentary System No Abnormality detected

Nervous system
CARCINOMA TONGUE – Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, Hailing from Barisal, Presented with,

• Tongue ulceration – Ulceration on the lateral margin of tongue on right side for 4 months.
• The ulcer was initially painless, later became painful.
• Pain was Dull aching type & aggravated by tongue movement. Caused difficulty in swallowing.

• Neck Swelling – Patient complained about, a Swelling in upper neck for 3 months – which was not associated with pain & progressively increased in size.

• Patient is a smoker, taking 20 sticks per day for last 20 years.

On General examination

• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Local examination
• Oral hygiene was poor & there was halitosis. Teeth were stained with betel quid.
• An ulcerative lesion was seen on Right lateral margin of tongue.
• The ulcer measured about 4cm X 2cm in size.

• Starting from 3 cm behind the tip, posteriorly to base of tongue. Extended to Floor of mouth.
• On palpation, the ulcer was tender & indurated, but didn't cross midline.
• Lower gum was free from ulcer. Rest of oral cavity appeared normal.

On neck Examination
• There is a swelling in the Right upper part of neck, below the lower border of mandible, in submandibular region, extending inferiorly to hyoid bone.

Size 3cm x 2cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined
Consistency Hard, Not fixed with overlying skin or underlying structures.
No other LNs palpable.
Other examinations
• Examination of Ear, Nose, Oral cavity, Oropharynx – reveals no abnormality.
• Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Carcinoma Tongue with Neck Metastases (Level 1B) (T4N1Mx)

Chief Complaints
• Swelling below & infront of Right ear – for 6 months
• Weakness of Right side of face – for 2 months

History of Present Illness

• According to the statement of patient he was reasonably well about 6 months back.

• Parotid Swelling – Then he noticed a swelling in front & below of his Right ear.
• It was initially small & progressively increased in size.

• It was not associated with pain & there was no alteration of size related to intake of food.
• There was no difficulty in mouth opening.
• There was no aggravating or relieving factor.

Facial Weakness – Patient also complained weakness of Right side of face – for 2 months.


• There was incomplete closure of Right eye & mouth deviated to Left side during smiling.

• Patient gave No H/O – Fever, Cough, Weight loss, Hemoptysis, Night Sweats.
• Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.
With these complaints, patient got admitted in NIENT/BSMMU for better management.


History of Past Illness

• Nothing contributory.
• There was no history of – Major illnesses & operation.
• Patient never suffered from – PTB, COPD, Bronchial asthma.

Personal History
• Patient is a chronic heavy smoker, & used to smoke 20 sticks a day for last 20 years.
• He didn't give any history of – Alcohol intake or Betel nut chewing.
• There was no history of Radiation exposure.

Family History
• Patient has 3 brothers & 2 sisters. None is suffering from similar illness.

Occupational History

• Patient is a Farmer by occupation.

Socioeconomic History
• Comes from a low socio-economic background.

Medical History
• Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.

Drug/Immunization History
• Patient took some drugs for his condition, but couldn't mention their names.
• Patient is partially Immunized.

General Examination

• Appearance – Ill looking. Body–built – Average. Cooperation – Co-operative. Decubitus – On choice


• Anaemia – Present. Jaundice – Absent. Cyanosis – Absent

• Clubbing – Absent. Koilonychia – Absent. Leukonychia – Absent.

• Edema – Absent. Dehydration – Absent

• Pulse – 76/min
• Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg
• Temperature – Normal
• Respiratory rate – 14/min
Local Examination

Examination of Parotid Swelling

• Finding – There is a swelling
• Location – In front & below the Right ear
• Extension – Extending superiorly to the level of tragus & inferiorly & Posteriorly to upper border of SCM.

• Size – 4cm x 3cm in size

• Shape – Globular in shape
• Surface – Smooth
• Margin – Well defined
• Overlying Skin – Not fixed. No scar mark, discoloration, Venous engorgement or Congenital abnormality.

• Temperature – Normal

• Tenderness – Absent
• Consistency – Hard

• Fixity & Mobility – Not fixed with overlying skin, but fixed with underlying structures.

• Relation to Masseter – Lies superficial to Masseter (Becomes more prominent on clenching).

Examination of Oral Cavity & Oropharynx

• Oral hygiene – Poor, Halitosis present
• Trismus – Mouth opening normal
• Tongue movement – Normal

• Lip, Gum, Vestibule, FOM, Palate, Buccal mucosa – Normal

• Gingivolabial sulcus – Normal

Teeth – Stained with betel quid

Parotid Duct Opening – Located lateral to Upper 2nd molar, normal in appearance..
• Lateral Pharyngeal wall – No bulging or swelling.
• Teeth – No loose teeth or tenderness in teeth
• Tongue base – Palpation revealed no abnormality
• Parotid duct – No stone was present. Mucoid fluid comes out on pressing parotid
• Others – Deep lobe parotid was not palpable. Tonsil & Tongue base palpation revealed normal findings.

Examination of Facial Nerve

• Eye Closure – Incomplete in Right side
• Angle of Mouth – Deviated to Left side on smiling.

Other Examinations

ENT Exam
• Nose & Ear – Normal
• TM joint examination – No tenderness, Movement normal.
• Neck Node examination – No enlarged node.

Systemic Examination

Cardiovascular System

Respiratory System

Alimentary System No Abnormality detected

Nervous system
CARCINOMA PAROTID – Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, Hailing from Barisal,

• Presented with, a Swelling in front & below of Right ear – for 6 months. It was painless, & progressively increasing in size.

• There was no alteration of size related to food intake & no difficulty in opening mouth.

• The patient also complained about, weakness of Right side of face – for 2 months. Which was progressive in nature

• Making patient unable to close Right eye & there was deviation of Right Angle of mouth towards left during smiling.

• There was no History of – Dry mouth, Difficulty in chewing or swallowing.

• Patient is a smoker, taking 20 sticks per day for last 20 years.

On General examination
• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Local Examination
• There is a swelling in front & below of Right ear,
• Extending anteriorly towards cheek, superiorly towards tragus & below towards the upper part of SCM.
• Size 4cm x 2cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined

• Consistency Hard, Not fixed with overlying skin, but fixed with underlying structures.

• TM joint – was non-tender & mobility was normal.

On examination of Oral cavity

• There was no swelling of lateral pharyngeal wall & opening of parotid duct was normal.
• Watery discharge comes out when pressing the parotid from outside.

Rest of oral cavity was normal in appearance.

On Examination of Facial Nerve

• Palsy involving multiple terminal branches was found.
Other examinations
• Examination of Ear, Nose, Neck nodes – reveals no abnormality.
• Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Carcinoma Parotid with Facial Nerve Palsy (T4N0Mx)

Chief Complaints
• Swelling in front of the neck – for 2 years
• Swelling in Right lower neck– for 6 months

History of Present Illness

• According to the statement of patient he was reasonably well about 2 years back.

• Thyroid swelling – Then she noticed a swelling in front of the neck, mostly to right side
• Which was initially smaller, and gradually enlarged in size.

• It was not associated with – Pain, Dysphagia, Voice change or Respiratory distress.

• Neck Swelling – Patient also complained about a swelling in Right side of upper neck for last – 6 months.
• Initially it was smaller, but was progressively increasing in size.
Not associated with any pain.


• Patient gave No H/O – Fever, Cough, Weight loss, Hemoptysis, Night Sweats.
• Patient gave No H/O – Weight Loss/Gain, Intolerance to Heat/Cold, Diarrhea/Constipation, Palpitation.
• Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.
With these complaints, patient got admitted in NIENT for better management.


History of Past Illness

• Nothing contributory.
• There was no history of – Major illnesses & operation. No History of Radiation exposure.
• Patient never suffered from – PTB, COPD, Bronchial asthma.

Personal History
• Patient is a chronic heavy smoker, & used to smoke 20 sticks a day for last 20 years.
• He didn't give any history of – Alcohol intake or Betel nut chewing.

Family History
• Patient has 3 brothers & 2 sisters. None is suffering from similar illness.

Occupational History

• Patient is a Farmer by occupation.

Socioeconomic History
• Comes from a low socio-economic background.

Medical History
• Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.

Drug/Immunization History

• Patient took some drugs for his condition, but couldn't mention their names.
• Patient is partially Immunized.
General Examination

• Appearance – Ill looking. Body–built – Average. Cooperation – Co-operative. Decubitus – On choice

• Anaemia – Present. Jaundice – Absent. Cyanosis – Absent

• Clubbing – Absent. Koilonychia – Absent. Leukonychia – Absent.

• Edema – Absent. Dehydration – Absent

• Pulse – 76/min, Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg, Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

Local Examination

Examination of Thyroid Gland

• Location – There is a swelling in the Anterior part of the neck, mostly to right side → Moved up & down with deglutition.

• Size – 3cm x 2cm in size

• Shape – Globular in shape
• Surface – Smooth
• Margin – Well defined
Overlying Skin – Not fixed. No scar mark, No change in color, No visible pulsation.


• Temperature – Normal
• Tenderness – Absent
• Consistency – Firm

• Fixity & Mobility – Not fixed with overlying skin or surrounding structures. Moves up & down with deglutition.
• Tracheal Position – Centrally placed.
• Get Below the swelling – Possible.

• Pemberton sign – Negative

• Barry's Sign – Carotid pulsation present in normal position.
• Kocher’s sign – Negative

Signs of Thyro-toxicity

Eye Signs – Absent (Von Graefe's, Dalrymple, Mobius, Stellwag, Joffroy’s)
• Pulse – 72/min
• Palm of Hand – Not warm or moist.
• Tremor – No tremor present.

Examination of Neck Nodes

• Location – There is a swelling in the Right Lower part of the neck
• Extension – Extending superiorly from the angle of mandible, to inferiorly upto hyoid bone

• Size – 2cm x 1cm in size

• Shape – Globular in shape
• Surface – Smooth
• Margin – Well defined
• Overlying Skin – Not fixed. Moves from side to side.

• Temperature – Normal

• Tenderness – Absent
• Consistency – Firm to Hard

• Fixity & Mobility – Not fixed with overlying skin or underlying structures. Moves from side to side, not above downwards.
• Relation to SCM – Lies deep to SCM

Other Exams

ENT Exam

• Oral Cavity & Oropharynx – Normal. Tonsil & Tongue base palpation revealed normal findings.
• Nose & Ear – Normal
• Indirect Laryngoscopy – Both vocal cords are mobile & met in midline during phonation.

Systemic Examination

Cardiovascular System

Respiratory System

Alimentary System No Abnormality detected

Nervous system
THYROID CANCER – Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, non-diabetic, normotensive, Hailing from Barisal, Was admitted with the complaints of –

• Swelling in front of the neck for 2 years – which moved up & down with deglutition. Progressively increased in size, Not associated with pain or voice change.

• Patient also complained about another swelling for last 6 months, on the Right side of lower neck.

• Which was gradually increasing in size & not associated with pain.

• There was no history of palpitation, change of weight, heat or cold intolerance, change in bowel habit or radiation exposure.

On General examination

• Patient is normal looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Neck examination

• There was a swelling in the Anterior part of the neck, mostly on Right side, which moved up & down with deglutition.
• Size 3cm x 2cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined
• Consistency firm, Not fixed with overlying skin.
• Temperature normal, Tenderness absent.

• There was another swelling – in Right side of lower neck, which didn't move on deglutition.
• Size 2cm x 1cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined
• Consistency firm, Not fixed with overlying skin.
• Temperature normal, Tenderness absent.

On Indirect Laryngoscopy
Revealed normal findings.

Other examinations
Examination of Ear, Nose, Oral cavity, Oropharynx – reveals no abnormality.

• Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Thyroid carcinoma with Neck Metastases (T2N1bMx)

Chief Complaints
• Blood stained nasal discharge – 9 months
• Right sided nasal obstruction – 6 months
• Swelling of Right cheek – 3 months
• Protrusion of Right Eyeball – 1 month

History of Present Illness

• According to the statement of patient he was reasonably well about 9 months back.

• Blood Stained Nasal Discharge – Then he noticed blood stained discharge from Right nostril (for 9 months)
• Which was intermittent in nature & scanty in amount.
• It was associated with local discomfort & occasional pain

Nasal Obstruction – Patient also complained about – Right sided progressive nasal obstruction for 6 months


• Initially it was incomplete & gradually became complete.

• Cheek Swelling – He also complained about Right sided cheek swelling for last – 3 months.
• It was gradually increasing in size & associated with dull aching pain – Which relieved temporarily by taking medications.

• Protrusion of Eyeball – Patient noticed Protrusion of Right eyeball for last 1 month.
• There was no impairment of vision or pain in the eye.
• But patient complained of continuous watering from that eye.

• Patient gave No H/O – Trismus, Fever, Cough, Weight loss, Hemoptysis, Night Sweats. He complains of mild headache.
• Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.
• With these complaints, patient got admitted in NIENT for better management.

History of Past Illness

• Nothing contributory.
• There was no history of – Major illnesses & operation or Radiation exposure.
• Patient never suffered from – PTB, COPD, Bronchial asthma.

Personal History
• Patient is a chronic heavy smoker, & used to smoke 20 sticks a day for last 20 years.
• He didn't give any history of – Alcohol intake or Betel nut chewing.

Family History
• Patient has 3 brothers & 2 sisters. None is suffering from similar illness.

Occupational History
• Patient is a Farmer/Carpenter by occupation.

Socioeconomic History

• Comes from a low socio-economic background.

Medical History
• Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.

Drug/Immunization History
• Patient took some drugs for his condition, but couldn't mention their names.
• Patient is partially Immunized.

General Examination

• Appearance – Ill looking. Body–built – Average. Cooperation – Co-operative. Decubitus – On choice

• Anaemia – Present. Jaundice – Absent. Cyanosis – Absent

• Clubbing – Absent. Koilonychia – Absent. Leukonychia – Absent.

• Edema – Absent. Dehydration – Absent

• Pulse – 76/min
• Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg
• Temperature – Normal
• Respiratory rate – 14/min
ENT Examination

Examination of Nose & PNS

• Inspection
− External appearance of Nose: Normal. Skin color is normal. No scar mark or ulceration
− There's a swelling in the right cheek, below Right eye.

• Palpation
− Bridge of Nose – Non-tender
− Mass over Right Cheek
o Tenderness – Present. Temperature – Normal
o Size – 3cm X 3cm. Shape – Globular. Surface – Irregular. Margin – Ill defined. Consistency – Firm
o Fixity – Fixed with underlying structures, but overlying skin free.

• Nasal Patency & Olfaction

− Right Nostril – Obstructed with impairment of smell sensation
− Left Nostril – Patent, with intact sense of smell.

• Anterior Rhinoscopy

− Right sided nasal cavity is full of discharge
− After clearing the discharge, a red fleshy mass was seen – Non-tender, Bleeds on touch, Attached to lateral wall of nose.
− Septum is deviated to left side
− Left Nasal cavity is normal.

• Posterior Rhinoscopy
− No abnormality detected

Examination of Oral Cavity

• Oral hygiene – Poor, Halitosis present

Trismus – Mouth opening normal
Tongue movement – Normal
Lip, Gum, Vestibule, FOM, Buccal mucosa – Normal

• Gingivolabial sulcus – Swelling in Right gingivobuccal sulcus, no ulceration over the swelling.
• Palate – Swelling over hard palate on Right side
• Teeth – No loss of teeth.

• Gingivolabial sulcus & Palate – Swelling over these region is non-tender.

• Teeth – Loosening of 1st incisor & 1st premolar teeth.

• Others – Deep lobe parotid was not palpable. Tonsil & Tongue base palpation revealed normal findings.

Examination of Eyes
• Position – Proptosis of Right Eye
• Visual Acuity – Normal
• Color Vision – Normal
• Field of Vision – Normal

• Movement of Eyeball – Restricted on Medial & Inferior gaze.

Examination of Cranial Nerves

• CN 1 – Olfaction absent on Right side.
• CN 2 – Vision normal
• CN 3–6 – Movement impaired on Medial & Inferior gaze.
• CN 5 – Impairment of sensation over the right cheek area.

Examination of Neck

• No palpable cervical LNs. Trachea centrally placed.

Examination of Ear
• Normal

Systemic Examination

Cardiovascular System

Respiratory System

Alimentary System No Abnormality detected

Nervous system

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, Muslim carpenter, smoker, Hailing from Bhola, Barisal, was admitted to NIENT, with the complaints of –

• Blood stained nasal discharge for 9 months – which intermittent in nature & scanty in amount.

• He also complained of, Right sided Nasal Obstruction for 7 months, which was initially incomplete & later became complete.

• Patient also noticed a Swelling in Right cheek for 3 months, which was gradually increasing in size & associated with dull aching pain.

• Patient complained about Protrusion of Right Eyeball for 2 months

• It was not associated with impairment of vision, but caused impaired eye movement in downward & medial direction

On General examination
• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Examination of Nose & PNS

• Right Nostril – was Obstructed with impairment of smell sensation

• Right sided nasal cavity is full of discharge
• After clearing the discharge, a red fleshy mass was seen – Non-tender, Bleeds on touch, Attached to lateral wall of nose.
• Septum is deviated to left side
• Left Nasal cavity is normal. Patent, with intact sense of smell.

• There is a swelling over the Right Cheek.
• Size 3cm x 3cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined. Temperature normal, Tenderness present.
• Consistency firm, Not fixed with overlying skin, But fixed with underlying structures.
• Infraorbital Margin – Blunt & Irregular
• Loss of Sensation – over the swelling in the

On Examination of Oral Cavity
Swelling in Right gingivobuccal sulcus & Right side of hard palate.
Non-tender & no ulceration over the swelling
• There was Loosening of 1st incisor & 1st premolar teeth but No loss of teeth.
On Examination of Eyes
• There was proptosis of Right eye, with impairment of movement downwards & medially.
• There was no impairment of vision.

Other examinations
• Examination of Ear & Neck – reveals no abnormality.

• Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Sinonasal carcinoma (T3N0Mx)

Chief Complaints
• Discharge from Right ear – for 10 years
• Impairment of hearing in Right ear – for 5 years.

History of Present Illness

• According to the statement of patient he was reasonably well about 10 years back.

• Ear Discharge – Then he noticed discharge from Right ear.

• Scanty in amount, Foul smelling, Thick & Purulent in nature – was not associated with pain.

• Deafness – Patient also complained about – Right sided progressive hearing loss for 5 years.

• Hearing loss was insidious in onset, Progressive in nature.
• Not associated with any relieving or aggravating factors.

• Patient gave No H/O – Otalgia, Headache, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Fever

With these complaints, patient got admitted in NIENT for better management.


History of Past Illness

• Nothing contributory.

• There was no history of – Major illnesses & operation or Radiation exposure.
• Patient never suffered from – PTB, COPD, Bronchial asthma.

Personal History
• Patient is a chronic heavy smoker, & used to smoke 20 sticks a day for last 20 years.
• He didn't give any history of – Alcohol intake or Betel nut chewing.
Family History
• Patient has 3 brothers & 2 sisters. None is suffering from similar illness.

Occupational History
• Patient is a Farmer/Carpenter by occupation.
Socioeconomic History
• Comes from a low socio-economic background.

Medical History
• Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.

Drug/Immunization History
• Patient took some drugs for his condition, but couldn't mention their names.
• Patient is partially Immunized.
General Examination

• Appearance – Ill looking. Body–built – Average. Cooperation – Co-operative. Decubitus – On choice

• Anaemia – Present. Jaundice – Absent. Cyanosis – Absent

• Clubbing – Absent. Koilonychia – Absent. Leukonychia – Absent.

• Edema – Absent. Dehydration – Absent

• Pulse – 76/min
• Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg
• Temperature – Normal
• Respiratory rate – 14/min

ENT Examination

Examination of EAR

• Inspection
− Preauricular, Postauricular region & Pinna – Normal in appearance
Overlying skin normal, No scar, No congenital anomaly.


• Palpation
− Preauricular, Postauricular region & Conchal Bowl – Non tender.

• EAC examination with Speculum

• Otoscopy
− Discharge in deep meatus – Thick, Purulent, (Scanty, Foul smelling/Profuse, Non foul smelling), Not blood stained.
− After mopping – TM was visualized.

− There was a central perforation in Par Tensa – oval in shape, regular margin.
− Middle ear mucosa was seen to be edematous & congested, partially filled with pus.

Whitish Flakes of Keratin was seen in Postero-superior part of TM, exuding out of a Retraction pocket.
Rest of TM was dull & retracted, with loss of Light reflex.

• Tuning Fork Test

− Rinne: Negative in Right Ear.
− Weber: Lateralized to Right ear.
− ABC: Equal to examiner.

• Facial Nerve Test


− Facial Nerve Intact.

• Fistula Test
− Negative

Other ENT Examination

Examination of Oral cavity & Oropharynx

− Normal

Examination of Nose & Nasopharynx

− Normal

Examination of Neck

− No palpable cervical LNs. Trachea centrally placed.

Systemic Examination

Cardiovascular System

Respiratory System

Alimentary System No Abnormality detected

Nervous system
ACTIVE SQUAMOUS COM – Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 35 years of age, Male, Muslim Farmer, Hailing from Bhola, Barisal, was admitted to NIENT, with the complaints of –

• Discharge from Right Ear for 10 years – which was Scanty in amount, Foul smelling, Thick & Purulent in nature – was not associated with pain.

• He also complained of, Hearing impairment in Right ear for 5 years – which was insidious in onset, Progressive in nature.

On General examination
• Patient is normal looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Examination of Ears
• Preauricular, Postauricular region & Pinna – Normal in appearance & Non tender.
• Otoscopy revealed – foul smelling scanty discharge in EAC.

• After mopping – TM was visualized.
• Whitish Flakes of Keratin was seen in Postero-superior part of TM, exuding out of a Retraction pocket.
• Rest of TM was dull & retracted, with loss of Light reflex.

Examination of Oral Cavity, Nose, PNS, Nasopharynx & Neck

• Revealed no abnormality.

Systemic examination
• Reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Active Squamous COM (Right)

Chief Complaints
• Swelling in Right upper part of neck – for 2 years.
• Difficulty in swallowing – for 6 months.
• Change of voice – for 2 months.
• Snoring – for 2 months

History of Present Illness

• According to the statement of patient he was reasonably well about 2 years back.

• Neck Swelling – Then he noticed a swelling in upper part of right side of neck, which was insidious in onset & Progressively increased in size.
• It was initially small & progressively increased in size.
• It was not associated with pain & there was no alteration of size related to intake of food.
• There was no difficulty in mouth opening.

• There was no aggravating or relieving factor.

• Dysphagia – Patient also complained about difficulty in swallowing for – 6 months.

• It was more on swallowing solids, than liquids, but was progressively increasing in severity.
• It was not associated with any regurgitation of food.

• Snoring – Patient also complained about – Snoring for last 2 months.

• Patient gave No H/O – Trismus, Regurgitation, Tinnitus, Fever, Cough, Weight loss, Hemoptysis, Night Sweats.
• With these complaints, patient got admitted in NIENT/BSMMU for better management.

History of Past Illness

Nothing contributory.
There was no history of – Major illnesses & operation.
• Patient never suffered from – PTB, COPD, Bronchial asthma.
Personal History
• Patient is a chronic heavy smoker, & used to smoke 20 sticks a day for last 20 years.
• He didn't give any history of – Alcohol intake or Betel nut chewing.
• There was no history of Radiation exposure.

Family History

• Patient has 3 brothers & 2 sisters. None is suffering from similar illness.

Occupational History
• Patient is a Farmer by occupation.

Socioeconomic History
• Comes from a low socio-economic background.

Medical History
• Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.

Drug/Immunization History
• Patient took some drugs for his condition, but couldn't mention their names.
• Patient is partially Immunized.
General Examination

• Appearance – Ill looking. Body–built – Average. Cooperation – Co-operative. Decubitus – On choice

• Anaemia – Present. Jaundice – Absent. Cyanosis – Absent

• Clubbing – Absent. Koilonychia – Absent. Leukonychia – Absent.

• Edema – Absent. Dehydration – Absent

• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

Local Examination

Examination of Parotid Swelling

• Finding – There is a swelling

• Location – In front & below the Right ear
• Extension – Extending superiorly to the level of tragus & inferiorly & Posteriorly to upper border of SCM.

• Size – 4cm x 3cm in size

• Shape – Globular in shape
• Surface – Smooth
• Margin – Well defined
• Overlying Skin – Not fixed. No scar mark, discoloration, Venous engorgement or Congenital abnormality.

• Temperature – Normal
• Tenderness – Absent
• Consistency – Hard

• Fixity & Mobility – Not fixed with overlying skin, but fixed with underlying structures.
• Relation to Masseter – Lies superficial to Masseter (Becomes more prominent on clenching).
Examination of Oral Cavity & Oropharynx

• Oral hygiene – Poor, Halitosis present
• Trismus – Mouth opening normal
• Tongue movement – Normal

• Lip, Gum, Vestibule, FOM, Buccal mucosa – Normal

• Gingivolabial sulcus – Normal

• Teeth – Normal

• Parotid Duct Opening – Located lateral to Upper 2nd molar, normal in appearance..
• Lateral Pharyngeal wall – Bulging of Right lateral pharyngeal wall, with medial displacement of soft palate & tonsils.

• Tonsils & Tongue base – Swelling of Right tonsil was not tender.
• Parotid duct – No stone was present. Serous fluid comes out on pressing parotid

Other Examinations

ENT Exam
• Nose – Anterior /Posterior Rhinoscopy revealed no abnormality.
• Ear – Otoscopy revealed no abnormality.

• TM joint examination – No tenderness, Movement normal.

• Neck Node examination – No enlarged node.
• Cranial Nerves examination – Normal.

Systemic Examination

Cardiovascular System

Respiratory System

Alimentary System No Abnormality detected

Nervous system

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, Hailing from Barisal,

• Presented with, a Swelling in Right upper part of neck – for 2 years. It was painless, & progressively increasing in size.

• There was no alteration of size related to food intake & no difficulty in opening mouth.

• There was no History of – Dry mouth, Difficulty in chewing or swallowing.

• The patient also complained about difficulty in swallowing for – 6 months

• Which was more on swallowing solids, than liquids, but was progressively increasing in severity. It was not associated with any regurgitation of food

• Patient also complained about – Snoring for last 2 months

• Patient is a smoker, taking 20 sticks per day for last 20 years.

On General examination
• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Local Examination

• There is a swelling in front & below of Right ear,
• Extending anteriorly towards cheek, superiorly towards tragus & below towards the upper part of SCM.

• Size 4cm x 2cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined
• Consistency Hard, Not fixed with overlying skin, but fixed with underlying structures.

• TM joint – was non-tender & mobility was normal.

On examination of Oral cavity
There was swelling of lateral pharyngeal wall pushing soft palate & tonsils medially.
• Opening of parotid duct was normal. Watery discharge comes out when pressing the parotid from outside.
• Rest of oral cavity was normal in appearance.
Other examinations
• Examination of Ear, Nose, Neck nodes & Cranial nerves – reveals no abnormality.
• Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Parapharyngeal Mass (Most probably Pleomorphic adenoma of Deep Lobe of Parotid)
Chief Complaints
• Swelling in Right side of Upper neck for – 5 months

History of Present Illness

• According to the statement of patient he was reasonably well about 5 months back.

• Voice Change – Then he noticed alteration a swelling in Right side of upper neck
• Initially it was smaller, but was progressively increasing in size.
• Not associated with any pain.

• Patient gave No H/O – Nasal bleeding, Dysphagia, Dyspnea, Change of voice, Fever, Cough, Weight loss, Hemoptysis, or Night Sweats.
• With these complaints, patient got admitted in NIENT for better management.

History of Past Illness
• Nothing contributory.
• There was no history of – Major illnesses, operation or Radiation exposure.
• Patient never suffered from – PTB, COPD, Bronchial asthma.

Personal History
• Patient is a chronic heavy smoker, & used to smoke 20 sticks a day for last 20 years.
• He didn't give any history of – Alcohol intake or Betel nut chewing.

Family History

Occupational History
Patient has 3 brothers & 2 sisters. None is suffering from similar illness.

• Patient is a Farmer by occupation.

Socioeconomic History
• Comes from a low socio-economic background.

Medical History
• Patient is – Non-diabetic & Normotensive.

Drug/Immunization History

• Patient took some drugs for his condition, but couldn't mention their names.
• Patient is partially Immunized.
General Examination

• Appearance – Ill looking. Body–built – Average. Cooperation – Co-operative. Decubitus – On choice

• Anaemia – Present. Jaundice – Absent. Cyanosis – Absent

• Clubbing – Absent. Koilonychia – Absent. Leukonychia – Absent.

• Edema – Absent. Dehydration – Absent

• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

Local Examination

Examination of Neck
• Location – There is a swelling in the Right upper part of the neck
• Extension – Extending superiorly from the angle of mandible, to inferiorly upto hyoid bone

• Size – 3cm x 2cm in size
• Shape – Globular in shape
• Surface – Smooth
Margin – Well defined


• Overlying Skin – Not fixed

• Temperature – Normal
• Tenderness – Absent

• Consistency – Firm to Hard

• Fixity & Mobility – Not fixed with overlying skin. But fixed with underlying structures.
• Relation to SCM – Lies deep to SCM

Examination of Oral Cavity & Oropharynx

• Normal. Tonsil & Tongue base palpation revealed normal findings.

Examination of Nose & Nasopharynx
Anterior Rhinoscopy – Normal
Posterior Rhinoscopy – Normal

Examination of Ear
• Normal

Examination of Larynx & Hypopharynx

• Position of Trachea – Central
• Laryngeal Contour – Normal
• Laryngeal Tenderness – Absent

• Laryngeal Crepitus – Present

• Indirect laryngoscopy – Vocal cord mobility normal. Airway is inadequate

Systemic Examination

Cardiovascular System

Respiratory System – Percussion, Auscultation – Normal.


Alimentary System No Abnormality detected

Nervous system

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, Hailing from Barisal,

• The patient complained about, a Swelling in upper neck for last 5 months – which was not associated with pain & progressively increased in size.

• Patient gave No H/O – Nasal bleeding, Dysphagia, Dyspnea, Change of voice, Fever, Cough, Weight loss, Hemoptysis, or Night Sweats.

• Patient is a smoker, taking 20 sticks per day for last 20 years.

On General examination
• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Local examination
• There is a swelling in the Right upper part of neck, below the angle of mandible

• Size 3cm x 2cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined
• Temperature – Normal, Tenderness – Absent
• Consistency firm, Not fixed with overlying skin, but fixed with underlying structures.

• Carotid pulsation – present in normal location.
• No other LNs palpable.

• Laryngeal contour appears normal, Laryngeal crepitus present, Trachea centrally placed.

Other ENT examinations
• Examination of Ear, Nose, Oral cavity, Oropharynx – reveals no abnormality.
• Examination of Oral Cavity & Oropharynx Nose & Ear – Revealed normal findings.
• Palpation of Tonsils & Tongue base – revealed no abnormality.
• On Indirect Laryngoscopy – Vocal cord mobility normal. Airway is inadequate

Systemic examination

Reveals normal findings.

So my diagnosis is – Carcinoma of Unknown Primary (T3N1Mx)

Supraglottic Carcinoma– Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, Hailing from Barisal,

• Presented with, Alteration of voice for last 6 months – which was insidious in onset & progressive in nature & had a muffled quality.

• He also complained about, Difficulty in swallowing for 4 months – which was more on solid than liquids & gradually increased in severity.

• The patient complained about, a Swelling in upper neck for last 3 months – which was not associated with pain & progressively increased in size.

• He also has, Pain in Right ear for 2 months – which was not associated with any hearing loss or ear discharge.

• Patient is suffering from, Respiratory distress for last 15 days - which has become difficult to bear & is associated with breathing noise.

• Patient is a smoker, taking 20 sticks per day for last 20 years.

On General examination
• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Local examination
• Laryngeal contour appears normal, Laryngeal crepitus present, Trachea centrally placed.
• Non-tender & temperature normal.

On Indirect Laryngoscopy
• There's an ulcero-proliferative growth in Right aryepiglottic fold
Extending laterally to the medial wall of Right piriform fossa & downwards towards the vocal folds
Epiglottis, Lt AE fold, arytenoids – are free of tumor

• Right Vocal cord fixed. Left vocal cord – mobility normal.

Airway is inadequate.

On neck Examination
• There is a swelling in the Right upper part of neck, below the angle of mandible
• Size 2cm x 1cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined
• Consistency firm, Not fixed with overlying skin or underlying structures.
• Carotid pulsation – present in normal location. No other LNs palpable.

Other examinations
• Examination of Ear, Nose, Oral cavity, Oropharynx – reveals no abnormality.
• Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Supraglottic carcinoma with Neck Metastases (T3N1Mx)

Glottic Carcinoma – Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, Hailing from Barisal,

• Presented with, Change of voice for last 4 months – which was progressive in nature & had a hoarse, rough, breathy quality.

• Patient is suffering from, Respiratory distress for last 1 month - aggravated by strenuous work & slightly relieved by rest.

• Patient is a smoker, taking 20 sticks per day for last 20 years.

On General examination
• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Local examination
Laryngeal contour appears normal, Laryngeal crepitus present, Trachea centrally placed.


• Non-tender & temperature normal.

On Indirect Laryngoscopy
• There's an ulcero-proliferative growth in Right True vocal cord

Extending to the anterior part of left vocal cord
Superiorly to involve the Right False cords & AE fold
Epiglottis, Lt AE fold, arytenoids – are free of tumor

• Right Vocal cord fixed. Left vocal cord – mobility normal.

• Airway is inadequate.

On neck Examination
• No Cervical LNs palpable.

Other examinations
• Examination of Ear, Nose, Oral cavity, Oropharynx – reveals no abnormality.

Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

So my diagnosis is – Carcinoma Glottis (T3N0Mx)

Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma (Pf) – Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, Hailing from Barisal,

• He also complained about, Difficulty in swallowing for 8 months – which was more on solid than liquids & gradually increased in severity.

• The patient complained about, a Swelling in upper neck for last 6 months – which was not associated with pain & progressively increased in size.

• Presented with, Alteration of voice for last 4 months – which was insidious in onset & progressive in nature & had a muffled quality.

• He also has, Pain in Right ear for 1 month – which was not associated with any hearing loss or ear discharge.

• Patient is a smoker, taking 20 sticks per day for last 20 years.

On General examination
Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration


• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Local examination
• Laryngeal contour appears normal, Laryngeal crepitus present, Trachea centrally placed.

• Non-tender & temperature normal.

On Indirect Laryngoscopy
• There's an ulcero-proliferative swelling in Right piriform fossa – involving the floor, medial wall & lateral wall.

• Extends medially to Right AE fold & involves the supraglottis.

• Epiglottis, Lt AE fold, arytenoids, Lateral/Posterior pharyngeal wall – are free of tumor

• Right Vocal cord – fixed. Left vocal cord – mobility normal. Airway is inadequate.

On neck Examination

There is a swelling in the Right upper part of neck, below the angle of mandible
Size 2cm x 1cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined
• Consistency firm, Not fixed with overlying skin or underlying structures.
Carotid pulsation – present in normal location. No other LNs palpable.

Other examinations
• Examination of Ear, Nose, Oral cavity, Oropharynx – reveals no abnormality.
• Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Supraglottic carcinoma with Neck Metastases (T3N1Mx)

Carcinoma Tongue – Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, Hailing from Barisal, Presented with,

• Tongue ulceration – Ulceration on the lateral margin of tongue on right side for 4 months.
• The ulcer was initially painless, later became painful.
• Pain was Dull aching type & aggravated by tongue movement. Caused difficulty in swallowing.

• Neck Swelling – Patient complained about, a Swelling in upper neck for 3 months – which was not associated with pain & progressively increased in size.

• Patient is a smoker, taking 20 sticks per day for last 20 years.

On General examination
• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Local examination
• Oral hygiene was poor & there was halitosis. Teeth were stained with betel quid.
• An ulcerative lesion was seen on Right lateral margin of tongue.
The ulcer measured about 4cm X 2cm in size.


• Starting from 3 cm behind the tip, posteriorly to base of tongue. Extended to Floor of mouth.
• On palpation, the ulcer was tender & indurated, but didn't cross midline.
• Lower gum was free from ulcer. Rest of oral cavity appeared normal.

On neck Examination

There is a swelling in the Right upper part of neck, below the lower border of mandible, in submandibular region, extending inferiorly to hyoid bone.
Size 3cm x 2cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined
Consistency Hard, Not fixed with overlying skin or underlying structures.
• No other LNs palpable.
Other examinations
• Examination of Ear, Nose, Oral cavity, Oropharynx – reveals no abnormality.
• Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Carcinoma Tongue with Neck Metastases (Level 1B) (T4N1Mx)

Carcinoma Parotid – Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, Hailing from Barisal,

• Presented with, a Swelling in front & below of Right ear – for 6 months. It was painless, & progressively increasing in size.

• There was no alteration of size related to food intake & no difficulty in opening mouth.

• The patient also complained about, weakness of Right side of face – for 2 months. Which was progressive in nature

• Making patient unable to close Right eye & there was deviation of Right Angle of mouth towards left during smiling.

• There was no History of – Dry mouth, Difficulty in chewing or swallowing.

• Patient is a smoker, taking 20 sticks per day for last 20 years.

On General examination
• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Local Examination
• There is a swelling in front & below of Right ear,
• Extending anteriorly towards cheek, superiorly towards tragus & below towards the upper part of SCM.
• Size 4cm x 2cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined

• Consistency Hard, Not fixed with overlying skin, but fixed with underlying structures.

• TM joint – was non-tender & mobility was normal.

On examination of Oral cavity

• There was no swelling of lateral pharyngeal wall & opening of parotid duct was normal.

Watery discharge comes out when pressing the parotid from outside.
Rest of oral cavity was normal in appearance.

On Examination of Facial Nerve

• Palsy involving multiple terminal branches was found.
Other examinations
• Examination of Ear, Nose, Neck nodes – reveals no abnormality.
• Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Carcinoma Parotid with Facial Nerve Palsy (T4N0Mx)

Thyroid Cancer – Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, non-diabetic, normotensive, Hailing from Barisal, Was admitted with the complaints of –

• Swelling in front of the neck for 2 years – which moved up & down with deglutition. Progressively increased in size, Not associated with pain or voice change.

• Patient also complained about another swelling for last 6 months, on the Right side of lower neck.

• Which was gradually increasing in size & not associated with pain.

• There was no history of palpitation, change of weight, heat or cold intolerance, change in bowel habit or radiation exposure.

On General examination

• Patient is normal looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Neck examination

• There was a swelling in the Anterior part of the neck, mostly on Right side, which moved up & down with deglutition.
• Size 3cm x 2cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined
• Consistency firm, Not fixed with overlying skin.
• Temperature normal, Tenderness absent.

• There was another swelling – in Right side of lower neck, which didn't move on deglutition.
• Size 2cm x 1cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined
• Consistency firm, Not fixed with overlying skin.
• Temperature normal, Tenderness absent.
On Indirect Laryngoscopy
• Revealed normal findings.

Other examinations
• Examination of Ear, Nose, Oral cavity, Oropharynx – reveals no abnormality.
• Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Thyroid carcinoma with Neck Metastases (T2N1bMx)

Sinonasal Carcinoma – Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, Muslim carpenter, smoker, Hailing from Bhola, Barisal, was admitted to NIENT, with the complaints of –

• Blood stained nasal discharge for 9 months – which intermittent in nature & scanty in amount.

• He also complained of, Right sided Nasal Obstruction for 7 months, which was initially incomplete & later became complete.

• Patient also noticed a Swelling in Right cheek for 3 months, which was gradually increasing in size & associated with dull aching pain.

• Patient complained about Protrusion of Right Eyeball for 2 months

• It was not associated with impairment of vision, but caused impaired eye movement in downward & medial direction

On General examination
• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration

• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Examination of Nose & PNS

• Right Nostril – was Obstructed with impairment of smell sensation

• Right sided nasal cavity is full of discharge
• After clearing the discharge, a red fleshy mass was seen – Non-tender, Bleeds on touch, Attached to lateral wall of nose.
• Septum is deviated to left side
• Left Nasal cavity is normal. Patent, with intact sense of smell.

• There is a swelling over the Right Cheek.
• Size 3cm x 3cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined. Temperature normal, Tenderness present.
• Consistency firm, Not fixed with overlying skin, But fixed with underlying structures.
• Infraorbital Margin – Blunt & Irregular
• Loss of Sensation – over the swelling in the

On Examination of Oral Cavity
Swelling in Right gingivobuccal sulcus & Right side of hard palate.
Non-tender & no ulceration over the swelling
• There was Loosening of 1st incisor & 1st premolar teeth but No loss of teeth.
On Examination of Eyes
• There was proptosis of Right eye, with impairment of movement downwards & medially.
• There was no impairment of vision.

Other examinations
Examination of Ear & Neck – reveals no abnormality.

• Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Sinonasal carcinoma (T3N0Mx)

Active Squamous Com – Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 35 years of age, Male, Muslim Farmer, Hailing from Bhola, Barisal, was admitted to NIENT, with the complaints of –

• Discharge from Right Ear for 10 years – which was Scanty in amount, Foul smelling, Thick & Purulent in nature – was not associated with pain.

• He also complained of, Hearing impairment in Right ear for 5 years – which was insidious in onset, Progressive in nature.

On General examination
• Patient is normal looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Examination of Ears
• Preauricular, Postauricular region & Pinna – Normal in appearance & Non tender.
• Otoscopy revealed – foul smelling scanty discharge in EAC.

• After mopping – TM was visualized.
• Whitish Flakes of Keratin was seen in Postero-superior part of TM, exuding out of a Retraction pocket.
• Rest of TM was dull & retracted, with loss of Light reflex.

Examination of Oral Cavity, Nose, PNS, Nasopharynx & Neck
• Revealed no abnormality.

Systemic examination
• Reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Active Squamous COM (Right)

Parapharyngeal Mass – Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, Hailing from Barisal,

• Presented with, a Swelling in Right upper part of neck – for 2 years. It was painless, & progressively increasing in size.

• There was no alteration of size related to food intake & no difficulty in opening mouth.

• There was no History of – Dry mouth, Difficulty in chewing or swallowing.

• The patient also complained about difficulty in swallowing for – 6 months

• Which was more on swallowing solids, than liquids, but was progressively increasing in severity. It was not associated with any regurgitation of food

Patient also complained about – Snoring for last 2 months


• Patient is a smoker, taking 20 sticks per day for last 20 years.

On General examination
• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Local Examination

• There is a swelling in front & below of Right ear,
• Extending anteriorly towards cheek, superiorly towards tragus & below towards the upper part of SCM.

• Size 4cm x 2cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined
• Consistency Hard, Not fixed with overlying skin, but fixed with underlying structures.

TM joint – was non-tender & mobility was normal.

On examination of Oral cavity
• There was swelling of lateral pharyngeal wall pushing soft palate & tonsils medially.
• Opening of parotid duct was normal. Watery discharge comes out when pressing the parotid from outside.
Rest of oral cavity was normal in appearance.

Other examinations
• Examination of Ear, Nose, Neck nodes & Cranial nerves – reveals no abnormality.
• Systemic examination – reveals normal findings.

• So my diagnosis is – Parapharyngeal Mass (Most probably Pleomorphic adenoma of Deep Lobe of Parotid)
Carcinoma Of Unknown Primary – Salient Features

• Mr. Iskandar, 50 years of age, Male, farmer, smoker, Hailing from Barisal,

• The patient complained about, a Swelling in upper neck for last 5 months – which was not associated with pain & progressively increased in size.

• Patient gave No H/O – Nasal bleeding, Dysphagia, Dyspnea, Change of voice, Fever, Cough, Weight loss, Hemoptysis, or Night Sweats.

• Patient is a smoker, taking 20 sticks per day for last 20 years.

On General examination
• Patient is ill looking, body build average. There is no anemia, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing, Koilo–Leukonychia, Edema, Dehydration
• Pulse – 76/min. Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg. Temperature – Normal. Respiratory rate – 14/min

On Local examination
• There is a swelling in the Right upper part of neck, below the angle of mandible

• Size 3cm x 2cm, Shape globular, Surface smooth, Margin well defined
• Temperature – Normal, Tenderness – Absent
• Consistency firm, Not fixed with overlying skin, but fixed with underlying structures.

• Carotid pulsation – present in normal location.
• No other LNs palpable.

• Laryngeal contour appears normal, Laryngeal crepitus present, Trachea centrally placed.

Other ENT examinations
• Examination of Ear, Nose, Oral cavity, Oropharynx – reveals no abnormality.
• Examination of Oral Cavity & Oropharynx Nose & Ear – Revealed normal findings.
• Palpation of Tonsils & Tongue base – revealed no abnormality.
• On Indirect Laryngoscopy – Vocal cord mobility normal. Airway is inadequate

Systemic examination

Reveals normal findings.

So my diagnosis is – Carcinoma of Unknown Primary (T3N1Mx)


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