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Chöông 9 : Pigment
Pigments are insoluble, fine particle-size materials that confer on a paint its color
and opacity.


Characteristics of organic and inorganic pigments

Characteristic Organic Inorganic

Colour Bright Dull

Light and weather fastness Varies Usually higher
Tinting strength High Low
Opacity Low High
Resistance to solvents Varies Excellent
Resistance to chemicals Usually good Varies
Thermal stability Varies Usually higher
Ease of dispersion Difficult Easier

TABLE 19-1 The Roles of Pigments in Coatings

Pigmentary Roles
Prime Pigments Opacity
Protection to vehicle against ultraviolet light (weatherability)
Reflectivity (heat and light)
Absorptivity (heat and light)
Extender Provide pigmentary fill volume for adjustment of pigmentation to
Pigments required PVC
Film strength
Improved application properties
Improved physical properties (abrasion resistance,
impact resistance, etc.)
Dry opacity
Gloss reduction


TABLE 19-1 The Roles of Pigments in Coatings

Pigmentary Roles
Functional Corrosion resistance
Pigments Impermeability
Fire retardancy
Anti-fouling properties
Mildew and bacterial resistance
Insulation (thermal and/or electrical)
Conductivity (thermal and/or electrical)

Pigmentary Rheological control (viscosity, thixotropy, settling,

Additives sag resistance)
Gloss reduction
Mar resistance
Control of flooding and floating
Water scavenging properties
Vehicle stabilization
Mildew and bacterial control

In general the following properties of pigments are important in selecting a

pigment for any particular product:
a. Hiding power
b. Tinting strength
c. Refractive index
d. Light-fastness
e. Bleeding characteristics
f. Particle size and shape


Fig. 1. Fundamentals of Pigmented Coatings


Color Non-volatile—type and %

Hiding power Volatile—type and %

Particle size and shape Viscosity

Ease of wetting Acid number

Oil absorption Pigment wettability

Bulking value Color retention

Corrosion inhibition Drying rate

Resistance to: light, heat, water, Durability

chemicals, bleeding Resistance to: light, heat, water, chemicals

Lực (độ)che phủ. Khả năng hệ tạo màng có thể che phủ hoàn toàn lớp màu sắc bất kỳ
bên dưới được định nghĩa là lực (độ) che phủ và thường được diễn tả như số mét
vuông bề mặt được phủ bởi 1 L sơn.

Để che chắn, các pigments được dùng phải ngăn chặn được ánh sáng đi qua lớp phim
tới lớp màu trước và trở về mắt của người quan sát. Nói chung, bột màu tối, có hiệu quả
hơn bột màu sáng với khía cạnh này. Lực che phủ tùy thuộc vào bước sóng và tổng số
lượng ánh sáng mà bột màu sẽ tiếp nhận, trên chỉ số khúc xạ refractive index (RI) và
cũng có thể trên kích thước và hình dạng của bột màu.

Sự khác biệt giữa RI của chất mang và của bột màu được sử dụng bởi các nhả lập
công thức sơn như là một chỉ thị cho Lực che phủ. Sự khác biệt càng lớn thì Lực che
phủ càng cao. Qua các bảng thông số RI có thể nhận thấy rằng các bột màu rutile (Ti02)
với RI cao nhất là bột màu trắng hiệu quả nhất cho Lực che phủ.


Refractive Indexes of Coating Raw Materials

Urethanes (aliphatic) 1.45-1.551
Epoxies 1.55-1.62
Acrylics 1.473
Silicones 1.42*
Alkyds 1.5-1.6
Vinyls 1.5
Linseed oil 1.48
Phenolics 1.5-1.7
Chlorinated Rubber 1.55

Prime pigments
Anatase titanium dioxide 2.55
Rutile titanium dioxide 2.76
Antimony dioxide 2.09
Zinc oxide 2.02

Refractive Indexes of Coating Raw Materials

Extender pigments
Barytes 1.64
Calcium carbonate 1.60
Talc (magnesium silicate) 1.59
Silica 1.55
Mica 1.60

Air 1.0
Water 1.33

I Depending on polyol
2 Depending on curing agent
3 Polybutyl acrylate
4 Methyl silicone resin


Kích thước và hình dạng hạt: Các kích thước, hình dáng, và sự phân phối của hạt bột
màu ảnh hưởng tới tính chất lưu biến, bóng, tính chịu thời tiết, và dễ dàng phân tán.

Một số tính chất của sơn bị ảnh hưởng bởi kích thước của hạt pigments là:

Lực che phủ của sơn màu trắng từ hiệu ứng tán xạ ánh sáng.

Lực che phủ và độ mạnh của màu trong sơn màu.

Độ bóng, hoặc độ láng bề mặt.

Sự tách màu.

Độ dặc, từ độ hấp thu dầu tương đối.

Tốc độ sa lắng bột màu.

Khả năng phản ứng hóa lý với chất mang

Particle Shape and Coating Film Properties

Shape Benefit Usage Pigment Type

Platey Barrier properties, corrosion Barrier primers, Aluminum, mica, glass

resistance exterior house paints flake stainless steel,
Bleed and stain killing, enamel interior high PVC talc, clays silver and
holdout TiO2 extension (spacers) flats, latex paints, nickel flake Graphite
in high PVC flats (clays) stain killing paints
Stress relief via slippage of Zinc rich primers
overlapping plates Smooth finishes
Cracking and checking Paper coatings
resistance Conductive coatings
Mudcracking resistance at high Sealers and
PVC/CPVC undercoaters
Soft in—Can pigment
High vehicle demand, high
Improved application properties
Good stain removal and scrub


Particle Shape and Coating Film Properties

Shape Benefit Usage Pigment Type
Acicular Film reinforcement Exterior coatings Wollastonite, zinc oxide
Cracking and checking resistance Roof coatings, block Chopped fibre glass
Improved durability fillers Talc, many of the
Textured coatings organic
Mudcracking resistance at high
PVC/CPVC Texture Tank linings Pigments are slightly
Fibrous Film reinforcement Roof coatings, block Asbestos
Cracking and checking resistance fillers Cut textile fibres,
Mudcracking resistance at high Textured coatings cellulosics
PVC/CPVC Texture Zinc rich primers Polyolefins, acrylics
Thixotropy (High build High build mastics Polyaramids, etc.
capabilities, non-sagging) Asphaltic and coal tar
Non-settling, high viscosity coatings
Crack bridging Tennis court coatings
Nodular Excellent filling properties Gloss and semi-gloss Calcium carbonate silica
Low vehicle demand coatings Titanium dioxide, iron
Low viscosity Wood fillers oxides
Wear resistance (Nodula silica) High solids coatings Barytes, Nepheline
Floor and deck syenite,
coatings Chromium green oxide.
Mar and burnish Most inhibitive pigments

Particle Shape and Coating Film Properties

Shape Benefit Usage Pigment Type

Spherical Excellent filling properties Zinc rich primers Zinc dust

Low vehicle demand High solids, low VOC Synthetic Vesiculated
Low viscosity systems spheres
Opacity and hardness
(vesiculated spheres)
Irregular Excellent flatting properties Flat paints Diatomaceous silica
Moderate film reinforcement
High vehicle demand
High viscosity

Note: Properties conferred by any pigment on a coating will also depend on other pigment
properties such as particle size, particle; size distribution, surface morphology and hardness,
as well as chemical constitution. Thus, pyrogenic and other fine particle silicas, i f: while
nodular in shape, have high vehicle demand and are widely used for increasing viscosity,
thixotropy, and for flatting.



This ideal state of dispersion may not be obtained if the vehicle, is a "poor wetter" or the
nature of the surface of the particles is such that it strongly resists wetting by the
vehicle. Consequently, the minimum amount af vehicle required to wet a given weight
of pigment may vary somewhat with the type of vehicle, the nature of the pigment
surface, and the amount of work employed in dispersing the pigment. The standard
test to determine this minimum amount of vehicle is known as the oil absorption test,
because linseed oil is used as the standard vehicle.
The oil absorption test specifies that linseed oil be added dropwise to a weighed amount
of pigment until the mixture forms a pasty mass by mixing with a spatula (spatula

method) or by stirring with a glass rod in a round-bottom jar (Gardner-Coleman
method). The test is covered by ASTM Designation D281-31, and several
modifications are described by Gardner (3).

a) Pigment particle with adherent layer of air or moisture.

b) Particle wetted completely with vehicle.
c) Particle wetted partially, moisture held on active areas.
d) Flocculate formed from C particles.
e) Addition of wetting agent permits effective wetting by vehicle despite moisture.
f) Wetting agent removes moisture from particle and disperses it in vehicle.


Prime Pigments Used in High Performance Coatings

Oil Cost (S)

Weight/ Specific Color
Absorptio (approxim
Pigment Gallon Gravity Index #**
n* ate)


Rutile Titanium Dioxide 32.0-34.5 Ib. 3.8-4.2 15-30 1.00 PW-6

Synthetic Iron Oxide 38.0-42.0 Ib. 4.6-5.0 15-30 1.00 PR-101

Quinacridone Red 12.0-14.0 Ib. 1.4-1.7 35-55 30.00 PV-207

Cadmium Red 39.0-43.0 Ib. 4.7-5.2 13-20 10.00 PR-108

14.50 Ib. 1.75 34-65 40.00 PR-351
quinazoione Red
Perylene Red 12.0-14.5 Ib. 1.4-1.75 20-45 25.00 PR-224

Prime Pigments Used in High Performance Coatings

Oil Cost (S)
Weight/ Specific Color
Pigment Absorptio (approximate
Gallon Gravity Index #**
n* )


Molybdate Orange 46.0-50.0 Ib. 5.5-6.0 15-30 1.75 P-104

Benzimidazolone Orange 12.0-13.5 Ib. 1.4-1.6 30-35 19.00 PO-36
Dinitroaniline Orange 13.5-14.0 Ib. 1.6-1.7 30-35 7.00 PO-5
Pyrazolone Orange 11.5-13.5 Ib. 1.4-1.6 40-50 15.00 PO-13
Cadmium Orange 40.0-43.5 Ib. 4.8-5.2 15-22 9.00 OR-20


Yellow Iron Oxide 33.0-35.0 Ib. 4.0-4.2 25-60 1.00 PY-42

Chrome Yellow (Med.. Lgt.,
44.0-48.0 Ib. 5.3-5.8 15-30 1.25 PY-34
Benzimidazolone Yellow 11.0-12.0 Ib. 1.3-1.4 50-70 24.00 PY-151
Isoindoline Yellow 12.5-13.0 Ib. 1.5-1.6 30-35 22.00 PY-139
Tetrachloroisoindolinone Yellow 11.0-14.0 Ib. 1.3-1.7 39-55 33.00 PY-109
Quinophthalone Yellow 15.0-16.0 Ib. 1.8-1.9 20-40 29.00 PY-138
Bismuth Vanadate 64.3 Ib. gi 9 23.00 PY-184
Titanium Yellow 34.0-37.0 Ib. AA-AA 10-20 1.75 PY-53
Cadmium Yellow 39.0-41.0 Ib. 4.7-4.9 24-27 7.50 PY-37


Prime Pigments Used in High Performance Coatings

Oil Cost (S)
Weight/ Specific Color
Pigment Absorpti (approxi
Gallon Gravity Index #**
on* mate)
Chromium Green Oxide 42.0-44.0 Ib. 5.0-5.3 15-20 2.50 PG-17
Phthalocyanine Green 17.0-24.0 Ib. 2.0-2.9 25-40 12.50 PG-7
Phthalocyanine Blue 12.5-15.0 Ib. 1.5-1.8 35-60 9.0 PY-15:2
Quinacridones 11.0-14.0 Ib. 1.3-1.7 35-60 35.00 PV-19
Carbazole Violet 12.0-13.0 Ib. 1.4-1.6 50-70 51.00 PV-23
Indathone Blue 12.0-13.0 Ib. 1.4-1.6 30-45 12.00 PB-60
Channel Black 15.0 1b. 1.8 300-600 4.00 PBk7
Furnace Black 14.6-15.0 Ib. 1.7-1.8 50-170 2.00 PBk7
Lampblack 14.75-15.00 Ib. 1.8 45-150 1.00 PBk6
Black Iron Oxide 39.0-42.0 Ib. 4.7-5.0 10-25 0.75 PBk11

Extender Pigments

Typical Oil Typical

Typical Density
Absorption Refractive
Pigments lbs/gal. g/cc
(g/100g) Index
Calcium carbonate (natural—
22.6 2.7 13 1.61
Calcium carbonate (synthetic) 22.6 2.7 45 1.65
Barium sulfate (natural—
37.5 4.5 10 1.64
Barium sulfate (synthetic—
36 4.3 15 1.64
Wane fix)


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