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BE ABOUT TO + INF The train is just about to leave

ON THE POINT OF + ING He was on the point of saying something when the phone

ON THE VERGE OF+ -ING The company was on the verge of going bankrupt

BE LIKELY TO + -INF She's likely to be very interested in your offer.

BE UNLIKELY TO+ INF He's very unlikely to win the elections.

Listening p 39
I've always been a good cook. I love cooking and I used to
cook a lot for my husband. When he died two years ago I
didn't want to stop cooking so I started to cook for myself
and try new and different things. Then I decided to start a blog
about food with all my recipes.
Verbs that take GERUND or INFINITIVE
with a change of meaning
Stop to do something: Used when we stop doing an
activity so as to start doing a different one.
We had been driving for hours, so we had to stop to eat
something and go to the toilet.

Stop doing something: It means to finish doing something

that we are doing.
Could you stop making so much noise? It's annoying
Some verbs which are very frequently used in the
passive are followed by the to-infinitive
1. Candidates are expected ____________ no less than 15 minutes before the start of
the examination.
2. Guests of the hotel are asked _______________anywhere in the building.
3. In the UK you are allowed _______________school at the age of 16.
4. The soldiers where ordered _____________ for an attack the following day.
5. We've been invited________________a presentation at next year's conference.
6. If you want to use one of the meeting rooms, you're supposed_____________it 48
hours in advance.
7. I know who our new head of department is going to be, but I've been asked
_____________ anyone.
8. The next train to Warsaw is scheduled _______________at 22.10.

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