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v. 1.22.01
Original Game Design and Development
Andy Chambers, Gavin Thorpe, Jervis Johnson

Expanded Revised (XR) Edition

Based on BFG:Revised by Plaxor & Afterimagedan
Artwork & Graphics Special Thanks
John Blanche, Richard Wright, Alex Boyd, Nate Montes, Bob Henderson, Ray Bell, Pete Haines,
Wayne England, Des Hanley, Neil Hodgson, Gary ‘Slim’ Parsons, Roger Gerrish, Jes Goodwin, Rick Priestly,
Nuala Kennedy, Paul Smith, John Wigley, Talima Fox John Carter, Che Webster & Richard Hodgekinson

Roy ‘Horizon’ Amkreutz, Fred Martinson, W.S. Scott Boyd,

Miniatures, Models, & Painting Robert C.M. Passovoy, Aaron Dickey, Sam Stewart,
Tim Adcock, Dave Andrews, Owen Branham, Mark Jones, Stephen Cundiff, Colin Young, Dex Sy, Brandon Pooley,
Chris Smart, Dave Thomas, Matt Parkes, Keith Robertson, Wesley Herndon, Florian Piening, John Lambshead,
Martin Footitt, Stuart Thomas, Richard Baker, Neil Green Matt Sprang & The 40k Specialist Games Community
The Battlefleet Gothic: Expanded Revised Edition
What is BFG:XR?
The Battlefleet Gothic: Expanded Revised Edition is an updated, visually remastered version of Plaxor and
Afterimagedan’s well known Battlefleet Gothic: Revised project. The aim of BFG:XR is to build and maintain
a complete, unified rule set that is both easy for new players to learn and deep enough for veterans to enjoy.
Note that this project was formerly known as the BFG 2015 Project, and some documents may still bear that
name or refer to it in the text.

How are these rules made?

The BFG:XR edition is a combination / update of the classic BFG v1.5 Rulebook, the unofficial FAQ 2010
Compendium, and the BFG:R faction fleet lists. I have carefully transcribed these documents into new, fully
edited and reformatted documents that attempt to preserve the style and character of the classic BFG rules.

Who is responsible for BFG:XR?

BFG:XR is a personal project of one user, Xca|iber (that’s me), and is not directly endorsed by Games Workshop,
Plaxor, Afterimagedan, or any other BFG authority. The contents of these documents, such as text, artwork,
symbols, and so forth are the property of their respective creators - I have only made relatively small changes
to the formatting and rules where necessary to improve readability and clarity.

I found a typo or mistake, what should I do?

Any questions, concerns, or comments about the BFG:XR project may be submitted online at the Specialist
Arms Forums, under the Battlefleet Gothic heading. You may also reach the author (me) directly by email at I can also be reached via many of the Battlefleet Gothic social media sites.
The Imperium is a vast, galaxy-spanning dominion, pulled in ten thousand directions by the competing cultures of countless
inhabited worlds. Holding it together are the herculean efforts of several key factions: The stalwart Imperial Navy, the ingenious
Adeptus Mechanicus, the secretive Inquisition, and the fearless Adeptus Astartes. Yet these are not the only groups who ply the
stellar main in human-built warships - the mercenary Rogue Traders and the vile servants of Chaos also derive their power from
(mostly) man-made vessels and weapons. The rules for all of these factions can be found in this section.

"Y ou gaze at the mountain, Children of Terra, you see its snow-capped peak and the clouds upon its slopes. You dream of reaching that
pinnacle and drinking the cold waters. But who dreams of the road that ascends the mountain side? The road to the peak is hard and mur-
derous. It has broken countless Children of Terra upon its rocks. Their splintered bones lie scattered upon it, paving the way to the mountain
top. At every step you will hear the bones crumbling under foot, and maybe you shall hear the wind-blown voices of the dead - guiding you
forward or leading you to your doom. Yes, my children, the way to the mountain is cruel and unforgiving. And of those who struggle their long
lives, spending their energy and vigour in the climb, who then can taste the melt-water of the summit and say, 'Yes... yes it was worthwhile?'"
-Book of the Astronomican

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 1


While the Adeptus Mechanicus is inviolable rituals. Consequently, the Priests of the Adeptus
nominally a part of the Imperium, it Mechanicus wield a tremendous amount of power in the
was established separately and enjoys Imperium. In exchange, their mighty Forge Worlds, with
a considerable degree of autonomy the jealously guarded Standard Template Constructs, are
within Imperial politics. Due to the solely responsible for providing the Imperium of Man
great amount of power it wields, the with all the technical devices and machinery it could
Adeptus Mechanicus could almost be likened to an allied desire, from mundane farm equipment to vast interstellar
empire, rather than an organization within the Imperium. warships.
The Adeptus Mechanicus also follows a different religion
from the rest of humanity, known as the Cult Mechanicus.
Although often held to be planet-spanning factories, as
THE CULT MECHANICUS much as half of a forge world owned by the Adeptus
The Cult Mechanicus of Mars believes knowledge to Mechanicus is primarily given over to huge repositories
be the manifestation of divinity, and holds that anything of technical knowledge. These unimaginably immense
embodying or containing knowledge is holy because of it. libraries and databanks of information are highly eclectic
The supreme object of devotion is therefore the omniscient rarely organized, so that quite often one may find a crystal
Machine God (also known as the Deus Mechanicus or storage device containing information on bio-genetic
Omnissiah), an eminent and omnipotent spirit governing engineering next to a tattered scroll covered with designs
all machinery and knowledge. Generally, this deity is for steam locomotives. Each forge world is usually run
held to be either subordinate to or an aspect of the God- by a specific Magos and his or her disciples, making no
Emperor (or, most commonly within the Cult itself, both two forge worlds ever alike.
are held to be aspects or faces of the same divine being).
The Omnissiah is believed to be friendly to humanity, The Techpriests themselves are a holy order that jealously
and to be the originator of all human technological and guard their independence, and even the Inquisition itself
scientific knowledge. Subservient to the Omnissiah are will not lightly interfere with or recklessly investigate the
the pantheistic Machine Spirits, minute fragments of the Mechanicus on one of its own forge worlds. Each forge
Machine God that are believed to inhabit all machinery world is maintained by a rigid hierarchy, but the specific
and which must be appeased before a piece of technology details are not made widely available to outsiders who
is used or repaired, lest the machinery fail. have not been properly indoctrinated. Generally, more
senior techpriests are expected to have greater knowledge
The Martian Priesthood is vitally important to humanity and experience than junior ones, and are consequently
because the Imperium, despite its advanced technology, more important as living repositories of knowledge.
has a very limited scientific knowledge of how most of
it actually functions. Since the Cult Mechanicus holds a To most Techpriests, flesh is merely an inconvenience;
virtual monopoly on all human technology, its dogmatic weak and frail in comparison to the mighty pistons, gears
tenets and beliefs have permeated even into the common
superstition of most Imperial citizens. This has only
and chains of machinery. It must be sustained artificially
beyond a certain point and, if one is to make most use "I n ancient times, men built wonders, laid claim to
the stars, and sought to better themselves for the
good of all. But we are much wiser now."
reinforced the prevailing Imperial view that the creation of it, much of it needs replacing by newly grown parts
and use of advanced machinery is an almost magical or, more preferably, manufactured limbs, organs and -Archmagos Ultima Cyrol
or religious act, fraught with sacred incantations and systems. Their brains incorporate devices known as

2 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium

"M ay your weapons be guarded against malfunction,
as your soul is guarded from impurity. The
Machine God watches over you. Unleash the weapons
The Priesthood of Mars follows the Sixteen Universal
of war." Laws, which define the beliefs of the Cult Mechanicus.
To fully understand the Machine God is the ultimate,
-Chant for the Prevention of Malfunction all-encompassing goal of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and
so they strive to attain enlightenment through scientific
study and biological/mechanical symbiosis. This pursuit
memo chips, ingrams or electrografts, which allow their is known as the Quest for Knowledge. The Cult believes
memories to store an incredible amount of information that all knowledge already exists in the universe, and it is
and access it quickly. They are often fitted with a variety only a matter of time before it can be gathered together in
of neural plugs which allow them to jack in to the network the name of the Omnissiah. Much of this lost knowledge
of a terminal or machine, becoming part of its operating is widely believed to reside in the form of Standard
or control system. It is not uncommon for the most senior Template Constructs, the ancient manufacturing systems
Techpriests to have entire limbs replaced with more built by humanity during the Dark Age of Technology.
functional devices, such as lifting arms, augur arrays and Each time one is recovered, the Imperium makes a
weapons. The most aged of the Adeptus Mechanicus are quantum leap in technological ability, making the STCs
many centuries old, kept alive by horrifically produced by far the most sacred relics known to the Adeptus
anti-agapic elixirs which nourish the few parts of Mechanicus. As such, no expense will be spared to
mortal flesh left on their bodies, although the wealth of pursue any lead that may reveal the existence of an even
knowledge and experience crammed into their brains has partially-functioning STC system.
entirely divorced them from reality and driven them mad.
To this end are the Magi Explorator, whose sole purpose
The lowest ranks of Techpriest have mainly maintenance is to seek out and gather all of the knowledge lost to
and construction duties, but as a Techadept progresses
mankind. Obsessed with the Quest, they search high and
and acquires greater knowledge, he is relieved from day low across the known galaxy for new Standard Template UNIVERSAL LAWS
to day tasks to study ancient texts and learn the greatest Constructs and ancient archeotech. For an Explorator this
The Mysteries of the Cult Mechanicus
technological mysteries and manufacturing techniques. mission supersedes any other concern, and is considered
Thus, as the Adeptus Mechanicus endeavors to maintain to be no less than the inviolable duty of the Mechanicus 1. Life is directed motion.
its position of absolute knowledge and authority, any itself. A breed apart from the regular Techpriests, an 2. The spirit is the spark of all life.
3. Sentience is the ability to learn the value of knowledge.
Techpriest who feels their status is threatened will likely Explorator will gladly walk into dangerous ruins and 4. Intellect is the understanding of knowledge.
go to any lengths to protect their power, including murder, dark catacombs, risking their very life and soul for even 5. Sentience is the basest form of intellect.
extortion, kidnapping, sabotage and even terrorism. the smallest snippets of long forgotten knowledge. To 6. Understanding is the true path to comprehension.
aid this endeavor, the Adeptus Mechanicus have at their 7. Comprehension is the key to all things.
After many decades of service, Techpriests may be disposal a large fleet of starships. Because the Quest 8. The Omnissiah knows all, comprehends all.
elevated to the rank of Magos, from where they may begin for Knowledge can involve long, arduous forays into
service in one of the many sub-sect Divisios and factions unexplored space, it is important that these vessels be The Warnings of the Cult Mechanicus
within the Cult. It is the Fabricator-General that is the heavily armed, not only for their own protection, but to 9. The alien mechanism is a perversion of the true path.
highest-ranking member of the Adeptus Mechanicus on ensure the Mechanicus’ ability to secure vital data and 10. The soul is the conscience of sentience.
any given forge world, serving as its de-facto planetary artifacts from even the most recalcitrant owners. Though 11. A soul can be bestowed only by the Omnissiah.
12. The soulless sentience is the enemy of all.
governor. His authority is exceedingly great, and in fact the total number of ships in the Adeptus Mechanicus
13. The knowledge of the ancients stands beyond question.
the Fabricator-General of Mars holds a permanent seat fleet is far outnumbered by that of the Imperial Navy, it 14. The machine spirit guards the knowledge of the ancients.
among the High Lords of Terra. However, among the goes without saying that those responsible for all starship 15. Flesh is fallible, but ritual honors the machine spirit.
lower ranks of Techpriests, held in highest regard are the construction reserve for themselves among the best- 16. To break with ritual is to break with faith.
Magos Explorator. equipped warships anywhere in the Imperium.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 3



MECHANICUS LEADERSHIP Unfortunately, Mechanicus vessels are not indestructible,
nor their captains infallible. On occasion, the Priesthood
Gifts of the Omnissiah
While Adeptus Mechanicus ships have essentially human In addition to the finest weapons in all the Imperium, the
crews, they are led by senior Tech Magi whose extensive must endure the tragic loss of one of these irreplaceable Mechanicus also has access to more esoteric upgrades.
machine augmentation and deep understanding of the masterworks. While every attempt must then be made to As such, each Mechanicus capital ship in your fleet may
inner-workings of Imperial technology makes them far recover the wrecked Mechanicus vessel, the Tech Magi purchase one upgrade from the Mechanicus Gifts table
more efficient than their counterparts in the Imperial of Mars will not allow their holy technology and precious shown on the next page.
Navy. Consequently, Adeptus Mechanicus ships and knowledge to fall into enemy hands.
squadrons use the following table when generating Tech-Priest Enginseers
random leadership values: Should a Mechanicus vessel be destroyed and remain as As masters of technology, the Tech Priests of Mars are
a hulk, other friendly Mechanicus vessels may fire upon extremely proficient at conducting repairs, even in the
it by passing a leadership test for target priority. Note that heat of battle. Mechanicus vessels roll an extra D6 when
D6 ROLL LEADERSHIP this does not apply to any non-Mechanicus vessels in the attempting to repair critical damage.
1 7 fleet, such as any allies and reserves.
FORGE WORLDS Quick to incorporate recently-rediscovered technology
Adeptus Mechanicus vessels represent the very apex of into ship designs before it is approved for widespread
BOARDING ACTIONS Mankind’s technical prowess. As the chief manufacturers use, the Adeptus Mechanicus often refits its vessels with
of all Imperial ships and weapons, the Priesthood of Mars
AND HIT & RUN ATTACKS has access to resources and technology unavailable to
archaeotech that has much higher power requirements
While Mechanicus vessels have companies of Skitarii - with correspondingly smaller overload tolerances and
the vast majority of the Imperium. Adeptus Mechanicus redundancy - than comparable systems aboard Imperial
Troopers embarked aboard in place of Naval armsmen, ships benefit from the following special rules:
the vast majority of their operational crews are made up Navy ships. Because of this practice, Mechanicus ships
of techpriests with little combat experience and servitors will sometimes suffer unexpected consequences and
hardwired to their posts. As such, Mechanicus vessels are Refitted Torpedoes complications that in many cases may endanger the
particularly vulnerable to being boarded. The Priesthood of Mars has access to the most powerful entire ship and its crew. To represent this, the Adeptus
munitions known to the Imperium, although not all may Mechanicus makes use of the sub-plots table shown on
Any attacker conducting a boarding action or hit-and-run be available at a given time. Any Mechanicus vessel that the next page.
raid against an Adeptus Mechanicus ship may re-roll the purchases refitted torpedoes must roll on the following
table at the start of the game, gaining the appropriate
result of the attack, if desired. Note that the second result
stands, even if it is worse. torpedo type shown below in addition to any other type CAMPAIGNS
of torpedoes it may fire: In a campaign, Mechanicus vessels will receive priority
when requiring repair. As such, when calculating repair
points after a battle, an Adeptus Mechanicus fleet always
The advanced ships of the Mechanicus are assets of great gains +1 Repair point per 10 renown (or portion thereof)
value to the Priesthood of Mars. Although they may be 1 Short Burn Torpedoes that the fleet commander has currently earned.
requisitioned by various Imperial battlefleets, their first 2 Barrage Bombs
priority shall always be to ensure their own survival. In addition, Mechanicus fleets add +1 to their roll when
3 Guided Torpedoes appealing for refits but suffer a -1 penalty to their roll
When taken as reserves in another fleet, any Adeptus 4 Seeking Torpedoes* when appealing for anything else (such as reinforcements
Mechanicus capital ship that is crippled must attempt or Space Marines). Note that refits earned via appeal use
5 Melta Torpedoes* the normal Imperial Refits table (and not the Mechanicus
to disengage whenever possible, or if it fails, move
towards the nearest table edge. Mechanicus ships that are 6 Vortex Torpedoes* Gifts table). Only your flagship may have multiple Gifts,
squadroned together are only subject to this rule if at least as determined by the fleet commander’s renown (see the
half the squadron is crippled. *Remember that these are usable only once per game. Mechanicus promotion table in the main rulebook)

4 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


Emergency Energy Reserves. In a crisis, the SCORE RESULT

vessel redirects power from its labs to critical
Extended Duty. The Quest for Knowledge can be long and arduous, sometimes seeing the fleet deep in unexplored
systems. The ship only reduces the strength of
space far from logistical support for decades at a time. Roll a D6 for each Mechanicus capital ship in your fleet. On
1 Free its shields, turrets, and weapons by 25% rather
a result of 1, the ship suffers D3 damage at the start of the game (ignoring shields, bracing, and so forth). On a result
than 50% while crippled (rounding down). In 1 of 2, the ship suffers a -1 Ld penalty while attempting Lock On and Reload Ordnance special orders during the game.
addition, the ship’s Speed cannot be reduced
Otherwise, the ship suffers no ill effects.
below 15cm.
You must destroy or cripple more ships in the enemy fleet than are crippled or destroyed in yours. (+1/0)

Fleet Defense Turrets. The ship replaces its Xenos Logic Engine. The experimental cogitators in the fleet have become unreliable at best, catastrophic at worst.
normal point defenses with long-range turrets Roll a D6 for each Mechanicus capital ship in your fleet. On a 1, 2, or 3, roll once on the Critical Damage table and
that can protect nearby vessels. As a result, 2 apply the result to the ship at the start of the game.
2 5pts it reduces its Turrets value by 2 but adds +1 There are no additional victory conditions. If you can win with your fleet in such disarray it will be truly heroic. If
massed turret to all allied ships within 15cm you fail you will be condemned for your reckless experimentation. (+2/-1)
(including itself; limit +3 as normal for massed
turrets). Mimic Drive. The Adeptus Mechanicus has located partial STC plans for a drive capable of imitating the signature
of a capital ship. Add a cruiser to the fleet, keeping its identity a secret. This vessel actually has all the characteristics
3 of a conventional transport (see the BFG:XR Rulebook) and is worth zero victory points.
Advanced Engines. The ship’s engines have If the decoy ship is fired upon by the enemy, then the mimic drive is proven to be effective. (+1/-1)
been adjusted beyond normal operating limits
using techniques known only to the Adeptus Sacred Vessel. The ship is an example of or contains much valued archaeotech and must be protected at any cost.
3 5pts Choose one Mechanicus capital ship in your fleet to represent the sacred vessel.
Mechanicus. The vessel gains the Auxiliary 4
Power Relays and Secondary Reactors refits The sacred vessel must not be crippled or destroyed. (+1/-1)
(see the Imperial Refits table) for free.
The Prize. Reliable sources have confirmed that an enemy ship contains an extremely valuable example of
archaeotech, or possibly the remnants of a working STC system! Capturing or disabling this vessel is of the utmost
Advanced Shields. The ship has been refitted 5 importance. Nominate one enemy capital ship.
with an elaborate combination of void shields You must cripple or destroy the nominated ship. If it explodes or is detonated after becoming a hulk, no renown is
and energy dampeners. It gains the Overloaded gained or lost. (+1/-2)
4 10pts Shield Capacitors refit (see the Imperial Refits
table) for free and imposes a right column-shift Experimental Ship. Recovered ancient technology or alien artifacts are sometimes retrofitted to a ship to change
on all gunnery attacks made against it while it its performance in one way or another. Sometimes the results are beneficial, but very rarely can such devices be
has any active shields. accommodated without significant cost or sacrifice to the vessel. Pick one cruiser in the fleet. This vessel has been
recently fitted with an experimental system that has not yet been tested operationally. These modifications are in
addition to any refits taken normally by a Mechanicus vessel. Roll a D6 on the following two tables to see how the
Advanced Weapons. The ship forgoes any of ship has been altered (Re-roll any result that cannot be applied to the vessel).
the usual research equipment to maximize its
raw firepower and weapon accuracy instead. D6 Improvement D6 Side Effect
5 10pts The vessel gains the Targeting Matrix refit (see
the Imperial Refits table) for free and increases 1 +15cm range on all direct fire weapons. 1 All gunnery firepower and lance strength halved.
the strength of its dorsal lance battery (if any) 6 2 +1 Shield. 2 -2 Starting Hit Points.
by +1.
3 The ship re-rolls missed hits when using turrets. 3 -2 Turrets.
4 The ship’s turn rate is set to 90°. 4 Minimum distance to turn increased by +5cm.
Vault of Technology. If not given a specific
refit, most Mechanicus ships will implement Friendly vessels within 15cm gain an extra +1Ld
5 5 -5cm Speed.
experimental upgrades to study their effects. At when an enemy is on special orders (max Ld10).
6 Free the start of the game, roll a D6. The ship gains Dorsal and prow lances ignore shields on a roll Dorsal and prow lances may only score hits on a
the corresponding Gift from this table for free. 6 6
to-hit of 6. roll to-hit of 6.
If a ‘6’ is rolled, you may instead choose one of
the above refits to apply. The chosen ship must not be crippled or destroyed so that its performance can be examined later. (+1/-1)

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 5



O ver many millennia, a large number of starships of
various sizes, fitting no specific classification, have
been seen bearing the insignia of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Many of these ships are incredibly ancient vessels,
possibly recovered space hulks, re-commissioned so as
to examine their characteristics under normal operation.

A notable few of these are the unimaginably vast, almost

mythical Ark Mechanicus vessels, said to endlessly ply
the stellar main in the Quest for Knowledge. Led by a
Venerated Archmagos Explorator, they will follow up any
lead that may result in discovering a working Standard
Template Construct, the revered holy grails of the Cult
Mechanicus. These vessels are rarely encountered by
others as they perform their missions in the service of
those who give life to these behemoths of the stars. One
such vessel is the Omnissiah’s Victory, said to predate
even the Great Crusade. While this cannot be proven, it
is known to have taken part in the Noloptis Crusade as
far back as M33.

Some have suggested that aspects of its design were lent

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS to both the Retribution battleship as well as the Victory
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ Prow / 5+ 5 battleship most commonly encountered in Segmentum
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC Tempestus. While the Adeptus Mechanicus have not been
forthcoming regarding the veracity of this information,
Port Weapons Battery 60cm 10 Left records exist of the Omnissiah’s Victory spending a
Starboard Weapons Battery 60cm 10 Right considerable amount of time in the vicinity of Bakka and
Port Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left its surrounding forge worlds.
Starboard Lance Battery 60cm 2 Right
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 3 Left / Front / Right
Prow Nova Cannon 30 - 150cm Template Front

Special Rules: The Omnissiah’s Victory is ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. In
addition, it is automatically equipped with Advanced Shields and Advanced Weapons from the Mechanicus Gifts
table for free (benefits already included in its profile). It cannot take any further Mechanicus Gifts (regardless of
the source) but may gain refits during a campaign via the normal appeal process.

Unique: The Omnissiah’s Victory is a unique vessel; only one may be included in your fleet. If taken in a campaign,
it must be designated as your flagship (note that it is still prohibited from gaining further Mechanicus Gifts).

6 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



T he Emperor class battleships serving the Adeptus
Mechanicus are noticeably sleeker than their
Imperial Navy counterparts. Nevertheless, they are much
the same in both their internal and external layouts; the
major difference between the two being a substantial
amount of space dedicated to experimental Mechanicus
technology where crew bunks would be located on a
typical Navy vessel. Little discomfort is felt by the crews
of these ships, however, as many Techpriests do not need
sleep and the legions of menial servitors never leave their
hard-wired post.

Like all Mechanicus capital ships, their Emperor class

battleship sports additional defense turrets to protect
against enemy ordnance. Of particular concern are the
enemy’s assault boats and boarding pods, whose ship-
to-ship breaching squads pose a great danger to both the
vessel itself and the priceless technology hidden within.

For this reason, it is not uncommon to see a Mechanicus

Emperor battleship hovering over many of the larger or
more vitally located Forge Worlds, using its prodigious
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS amount of attack craft to patrol for raiders and pirates
Battleship/12 15cm 45° 4 5+ 6 looking for an easy score.
Port Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Left
Glorious Cogs Steel and Spirit
Starboard Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Right Gear of the Blood Final Key
Port Launch Bays Fury Fighters: 30cm 4 Squadrons -
Starboard Launch Bays Starhawk Bombers: 20cm 4 Squadrons -
Dorsal Weapons Battery 60cm 5 Left / Front / Right "W hen uttering the incantation, mark well that
the rod is upon and not within the intake.
The second incantation should not be uttered until
Prow Weapons Battery 60cm 5 Left / Front / Right
all the fumes have come forth, then the way shall
be clear for the sacred words to penetrate unto the
Special Rules: Emperor class battleships are ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. heart of the engine. If the mounting be hot say the
The Emperor class dispenses with the usual armored prow and instead carries a mass of sensor probes and third rune, if it be cold the fourth rune is more
forward defenses, which provide a +1 bonus to its Leadership value at all times (max Ld10). appropriate. For then the wrath of the engine will
be aroused..."
Special Attack Craft: A Mechanicus Emperor class battleship may equip its launch bays with Marauder torpedo
bombers (Speed: 20cm) for +80 points, in addition to any other attack craft it may normally launch. -From the Book of Five Runes

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 7



D ue to the more extensive resources of the Adeptus
Mechanicus, the Retribution class battleship found
in the service of the Magi Explorators is a much more
versatile ship than its Navy counterpart. With its massive
torpedo capacity, an Explorator may configure their
Retribution to unleash barrages of specialized torpedoes
with a variety of terrifying effects. Alternatively, the
Adeptus Mechanicus has the ability to arm the Retribution
class with the mightiest weapon in the Imperial fleet: the
vaunted Nova Cannon.

Like all their ships, the Adeptus Mechanicus’ Retribution

is equipped with additional anti-ordnance defenses and
modular space dedicated to experimental technology. It
lacks the launch bays of the Emperor class, but makes
up for this with withering firepower along its broad side.
There are few in the galaxy who would refuse to strike
a deal with the Mechanicus while staring down the gun
decks of a Retribution class battleship - and fewer still
who would survive such a foolish act.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Special Rules: Retribution class battleships are
ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ Prow / 5+ 5 special orders.
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 18 Left Mechanicus Refits: A Mechanicus Retribution class
battleship may replace its prow torpedoes with a prow
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 18 Right nova cannon (Range: 30 - 150cm, Template, Front)
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 3 Left / Front / Right for +10 points. If it does not, it may be equipped with
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 9 Front refitted torpedoes for +30 points instead.

8 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



W hile comparatively rare throughout the Imperial
Navy, the Oberon class is still widely used by
the Explorator fleets of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Since
the Quest for Knowledge often requires Explorators to
function completely cut-off from outside support, the
versatile nature of the Oberon class has proven extremely
useful for such long-duration missions. As a result, it has
not been phased out to the same degree as it has among
the more traditional Imperial battlefleets.

The Mechanicus’ Oberon sports the same upgraded anti-

ordnance defenses as the rest of their capital ships, and
its modest launch capacity gives it a reasonable degree of
protection against enemy attack craft, even while totally
alone in the void. Its mix of lances and batteries provides
a variety of options when choosing targets, and it is even
capable of fending off several enemies at once.

A famous (although highly classified) example of the

Oberon class’ value to the Mechanicus came in the form
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS of the Excogitatus, an Explorator vessel which departed
Battleship/12 15cm 45° 4 5+ 6 for unknown space on the trail of a potential STC. What
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC it found, however, was a fleet of Necron raiders which
promptly turned to engage it. The senior Magos aboard
Port Launch Bays Fury Fighters: 30cm 2 Squadrons -
the Excogitatus was able to hold the raiders off just long
Starboard Launch Bays Starhawk Bombers: 20cm 2 Squadrons - enough for a support fleet to arrive and extract his crew.
Port Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Left Although the Excogitatus was lost, the Mechanicus was
able to capture an intact fragment of a Necron raider - the
Starboard Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Right
largest ever successfully recovered. The senior Magos of
Port Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left the Excogitatus later commented that the data gathered
Starboard Lance Battery 60cm 2 Right from that two-meter square section of hull was of greater
Dorsal Weapons Battery 60cm 5 Left / Front / Right value than an entire Imperial battlefleet.

Prow Weapons Battery 60cm 5 Left / Front / Right

Excogitatus Crimson Plate
Special Rules: Oberon class battleships are ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. The
Oberon class dispenses with the usual armored prow and instead carries a mass of sensor probes and forward
defenses, which provide a +1 bonus to its Leadership value at all times (max Ld10).
"W ould I do so again? Gladly. I would give up my
ship, my crew, my life, and the entirety of my
library on Tarax for a single functioning power relay
Special Attack Craft: An Oberon class battleship may equip its launch bays with Marauder torpedo bombers
from one of those obsidian-hulled Xenos raiders!"
(Speed: 20cm) for +40 points, in addition to any other attack craft it may normally launch.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 9


MECHANICUS DICTATOR CLASS CRUISER................... 245 Points

W hen the Imperial Navy requested a new cruiser class with carrier capabilities, the Adeptus Mechanicus was happy to oblige and the resulting Dictator class became a staple of Naval patrols
throughout the Imperium. In keeping with their focus on long range, independent warships, the Dictator proved equally useful to the Mechanicus itself, performing admirably as a command ship
for smaller Explorator fleets. With its retrofitted dorsal lance and improved turret defenses, a single Mechanicus Dictator class and a handful of escorts are capable of quickly and efficiently securing
unclaimed systems in advance of Mechanicus research teams and salvage operations.


Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 6+ Prow / 5+ 4
Port Launch Bays Fury Fighters: 30cm 2 Squadrons -
Starboard Launch Bays Starhawk Bombers: 20cm 2 Squadrons -
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left
St’bd Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Right
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 1 Left / Front / Right
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front

Mechanicus Refits: A Mechanicus Dictator class cruiser may replace its prow torpedoes with a prow nova cannon (Range: 30 - 150cm, Template, Front) for +20 points. If it does not, it may be
equipped with refitted torpedoes for +20 points instead. In addition, a Mechanicus Dictator class cruiser may be upgraded with plasma-boosted gunnery systems for +10 points, increasing the
range of its weapons batteries to 45cm.

Special Attack Craft: A Dictator class cruiser may equip its launch bays with Marauder torpedo bombers (Speed: 20cm) for +40 points, in addition to any other attack craft it may normally launch.

MECHANICUS GOTHIC CLASS CRUISER.......................... 215 Points

T he ubiquitous Gothic class cruiser used throughout the Imperial Navy is renowned for having the heaviest lance armament of any cruiser class vessel in the service. In fact, most Naval analysts
believed that the Gothic class represented the maximum number of lances that could be fit aboard a cruiser chassis; that it would simply be impossible to power otherwise. They were wrong. For
the Tech Magi of the Adeptus Mechanicus, there is no such thing as overkill - as demonstrated by their Gothic class sporting an additional lance turret as well as the ability to mount a nova cannon!


Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 6+ Prow / 5+ 3
Port Lance Battery 30cm 4 Left
St’bd Lance Battery 30cm 4 Right
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 1 Left / Front / Right
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front

Mechanicus Refits: A Mechanicus Gothic class cruiser may replace its prow torpedoes with a prow nova cannon (Range: 30 - 150cm, Template, Front) for +20 points. If it does not, it may be
equipped with refitted torpedoes for +20 points instead.

10 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


MECHANICUS TYRANT CLASS CRUISER......................... 215 Points

T owards the end of the 38th millennium, the famed Adeptus Mechanicus Artisan-Magos Hyus
N’dai completed a series of ship designs based around the principle of superfired plasma
weaponry. Superfired plasma batteries are capable of launching a boosted salvo considerably
6+ Prow / 5+
further than comparable cruiser weapon decks, yet deliver virtually the same weight of fire at ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARC
close quarters. This had eluded ship designers since the secrets of building very long range ship
weaponry had been lost after the Dark Age of Technology. When N’dai shared his findings with his Port Weapons Battery 45cm 4 Left
fellow Magi, his designs were soon adapted to work with the majority of the Mechanicus’ cruisers. St’bd Weapons Battery 45cm 4 Right
This development, along with the independently powered dorsal lance turret, has proven to be a
powerful advantage that the Tech Magi have, for various reasons, not fully shared with the Navy. Port Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left
St’bd Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Right
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 1 Left / Front / Right
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front

Mechanicus Refits: A Mechanicus Tyrant class cruiser may replace its prow torpedoes with
a prow nova cannon (Range: 30 - 150cm, Template, Front) for +20 points. If it does not, it
may be equipped with refitted torpedoes for +20 points instead. In addition, a Mechanicus
Tyrant class cruiser may be upgraded with plasma-boosted gunnery systems for +10 points,
increasing the range of its 30cm weapons batteries to 45cm.

MECHANICUS LUNAR CLASS CRUISER............................. 215 Points

T here are far fewer Lunar class cruisers serving the Adeptus Mechanicus than might be assumed
based on their rate of production, as the vast majority are sent to serve in the Imperial Navy.
Nevertheless, a fair number are saved for use by the Explorators, where they are used in much the
supporting a battlegroup. Moreover, due to the simplicity of the design, the Adeptus Mechanicus
can almost fully crew a Lunar class with nothing but servitors and a handful of Techpriests. This
has led to more than one Magi Explorator to use his Lunar class squadrons as literal shields for
same role as their Naval counterparts. With improved anti-ordnance defenses and the standard more valuable vessels in the fleet, and simply replacing any losses at the nearest forge world.
lance turret mounted on most Mechanicus cruisers, the Lunar class of the Explorator fleets is
an efficient powerhouse, able to take on much larger vessels, especially when used in pairs or TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS
Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 6+ Prow / 5+ 3
Port Lance Battery 30cm 2 Left
St’bd Lance Battery 30cm 2 Right
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left
St’bd Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Right
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 1 Left / Front / Right
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front

Mechanicus Refits: A Mechanicus Lunar class cruiser may replace its prow torpedoes with a prow nova cannon (Range: 30 - 150cm, Template, Front) for +20 points. If it does not, it may be
equipped with refitted torpedoes for +20 points instead. In addition, a Mechanicus Lunar class cruiser may be upgraded with plasma-boosted gunnery systems for +10 points, increasing the range
of its weapons batteries to 45cm.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 11



T he Endeavour class serves a vital role in an Explorator fleet as a hybrid escort and line cruiser.
With a variety of weapon configurations, the Endeavour class is able to support almost any
cruiser or battleship in the Mechanicus fleet. Like the Lunar class, it is often used to screen larger
vessels against enemy bombardments, as it can be helmed almost entirely by remote.

It is not known exactly how the other forge worlds of the Mechanicus came to possess the plans
for the Endeavour class from the Voss Forge World. It was speculated at one time that a Techpriest
smuggled the plans off Voss on the order of the Fabricator-General of Mars himself, although this
could never be corroborated, and all who voiced such suspicions were quickly silenced. In any
case, the Endeavour has become a highly valued asset for many Magi Explorators and their fleets.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Special Rules: An Endeavour class light cruiser adds +1 to its boarding action result when
Cruiser/6 20cm 90° 1 6+ Prow / 5+ 3 defending against an enemy boarding action, due to its narrow mid-ship corridor choking the
enemy advance.
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left Mechanicus Refits: A Mechanicus Endeavour class light cruiser may replace its prow
torpedoes with a dorsal lance battery (Range: 30cm, Strength 1, Left / Front / Right) for no
St’bd Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Right
extra cost. If it does not, it may be equipped with refitted torpedoes for +10 points instead. In
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right addition, a Mechanicus Endeavour class light cruiser may be upgraded with plasma-boosted
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 2 Front gunnery systems for +10 points, increasing the range of its weapons batteries to 45cm.


O nce the Mechanicus got a hold of the plans for the Endeavour class, it was a relatively simple
matter for the Techpriests of other forge worlds to reverse engineer a method to replicate the
similar Endurance and Defiant classes. Unlike the Voss Forge World however, the Mechanicus has
little trouble producing the Endurance in large enough numbers to provide support to the majority
of their Explorator fleets.

As this production capacity has not yet been made available to the Imperial Navy, the Mechanicus
has mostly avoided revealing the actual number of Endurance class cruisers currently in service,
lest the Lord Admirals of the Navy attempt to pressure the Mechanicus into revealing the secrets
of the Voss triumvirate.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Special Rules: An Endurance class light cruiser adds +1 to its boarding action result when
Cruiser/6 20cm 90° 1 6+ Prow / 5+ 3 defending against an enemy boarding action, due to its narrow mid-ship corridor choking the
enemy advance.
Port Lance Battery 30cm 2 Left Mechanicus Refits: A Mechanicus Endurance class light cruiser may replace its prow
torpedoes with a dorsal lance battery (Range: 30cm, Strength 1, Left / Front / Right) for no
St’bd Lance Battery 30cm 2 Right
extra cost. If it does not, it may be equipped with refitted torpedoes for +10 points instead. In
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right addition, a Mechanicus Endurance class light cruiser may be upgraded with plasma-boosted
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 2 Front gunnery systems for +10 points, increasing the range of its weapons battery to 45cm.

12 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



L ike the other vessels of the Voss triumvirate, the Defiant class light cruiser has been
a valuable development for the Mechanicus’ space fleet. The additional attack craft
support provided by the Defiant class plays a key role in defending an Explorator fleet
whilst it holds station over a planet of interest. Furthermore, squadrons of fighters and
bombers can be dispatched to the surface when not on patrol, in order to provide support
to research teams on the ground.

The Mechanicus learned this lesson the hard way when a routine Explorator mission
was forced to fall back to Imperial space when Orks overwhelmed its surface teams
while the fleet was tied up fighting incoming Roks. Had there been sufficient air support
sent to the planet, perhaps something of value could have been recovered.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Special Rules: A Defiant class light cruiser adds +1 to its boarding action result when
Cruiser/6 20cm 90° 1 6+ Prow / 5+ 3 defending against an enemy boarding action, due to its narrow mid-ship corridor choking the
enemy advance.
Port Launch Bays Fury Fighters: 30cm 1 Squadron - Mechanicus Refits: A Mechanicus Defiant class light cruiser may replace its prow torpedoes
Starhawk Bombers: 20cm with a dorsal lance battery (Range: 30cm, Strength 1, Left / Front / Right) for no extra cost.
St’bd Launch Bays 1 Squadron -
If it does not, it may be equipped with refitted torpedoes for +10 points instead. In addition, a
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right Mechanicus Defiant class light cruiser may be upgraded with plasma-boosted gunnery systems
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 2 Front for +10 points, increasing the range of its weapons battery to 45cm.

"S trike the first rune upon the engine's casing

employing the chosen wrench. Its tip should be
anointed with the oil of engineering using the proper
incantation when the auspices are correct. Strike the
second rune upon the engine's casing employing the
arc-tip of the power-driver. If the second rune is not
good, a third rune may be struck in like manner to
the first. This is done according to the true ritual
laid down by Scotti the Enginseer. A libation should
be offered. If this sequence is properly observed
the engines may be brought to full activation by
depressing the large panel marked ON."

-Imperial Navy Flight Manual W110E

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 13


MECHANICUS HEAVY ESCORTS............................... Points: Varies

T he Nova class frigate, while sparingly produced for the various chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, is a much more common sight in the Explorator
fleets of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Without the fear and stigma that plagues the class when used by the Space Marines, the Nova is highly respected
among the Techpriests for its role as a fast, heavily armed lance platform. It is often used in groups with the Mechanicus’ lighter escort ships, to give
their squadrons the firepower to threaten even medium sized capital ships.

MECHANICUS NOVA CLASS FRIGATE................................................................... 45 Points

Escort/1 35cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right
Lance 30cm 1 Left / Front / Right

T he most common of the Mechanicus’ heavy escorts, the Gladius is a faster version of the Navy’s Sword class frigate. The vast majority of Gladius
class ships produced are sent to various Space Marine Chapters, and even many in the Mechanicus fleet find themselves re-purposed for transfer to
an Adeptus Astartes fleet in need of reinforcements. Frequently, the Explorator fleets will end up using a mix of Gladius and Sword frigates simply as
a result of what is readily available at their time of departure. The class is also used periodically as a mobile command center for planetary operations,
with its powerful guns warding off any attacker foolish enough to approach a Mechanicus research site uninvited. A number of Gladius frigates were
used this way during the excavations of Necron ruins on Mars over the last few millennia.

MECHANICUS GLADIUS CLASS FRIGATE............................................................ 40 Points

Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Left / Front / Right

A lthough the Mechanicus does not have as much use for dedicated torpedo platforms as the Navy or Astartes, the fact that they are obligated to
produce such vessels means that they inevitably have some on hand at any given time. It is in this context that the Hunter destroyer often finds its
way into Explorator fleets looking for additional firepower. Few ever stay with an Explorator fleet for long, as the demand for torpedo boats among the
Space Marines is high enough that almost all Mechanicus Hunters are eventually sent away to serve the Adeptus Astartes.

MECHANICUS HUNTER CLASS DESTROYER..................................................... 40 Points

Escort/1 35cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Weapons Battery 30cm 1 Left / Front / Right
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 2 Front

Special Rules: All of the vessels on this page follow the rules for Adeptus Mechanicus ships. Although they share a common profile with their counterparts in the Space Marine
faction list, they are not Space Marine vessels and will not benefit from any Space Marine special rules.

14 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



T he relatively recent Firstorm class has been used by the Adeptus Mechanicus in a primarly offensive role, hunting
down pirates and raiders that threaten the Cult’s forge worlds and research outposts. Initially, this class was
difficult to manufacture, resulting in depleted and under-strength squadrons sent to fight in the Gothic War. Over time
however, production numbers have increased, leading to a wider adoption of the frigate throughout both the Imperial
Navy and the Explorator Fleets.

Its strong lance armament combines well with other Mechanicus escort craft, adding a much-needed punch to many
patrol groups. Although not quite as powerful as the Nova class produced for the Adeptus Astartes, the Firestorm is a
reliable pirate hunter at home in almost any fleet.


Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
"T he universe is not like a puzzle-box that you can
take apart and put back together again and so solve
its secrets. It is a shifting uncertain thing which changes
as you consider it, which is changed by the very act of Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right
observation. A powerful man is not a man who dissects Lance 30cm 1 Front
the universe like a puzzle-box, examining it piece by
piece and measuring each piece with scientific precision.
A powerful man has only to look upon the universe to Special Rules: Although it shares a common profile with its Imperial Navy counterpart, the Firestorm class frigate
change it." shown here is exclusive to the Adeptus Mechanicus, and will follow all the normal rules for such ships as described
Tech Magos Gaelos on pages 3-4.

MECHANICUS SWORD CLASS FRIGATE.........................35 Points

T he venerable Sword class frigate has ably served in
every Segmentum battlefleet for thousands of years.
Every part of the vessel’s design and construction has
guard their backs against enemy destroyers and attack
craft. Many Sword squadrons have also been seconded
to various Space Marine dominions, as well as other
been tried and tested in innumerable engagements. The Imperial space forces such as the Adetpus Mechanicus
Sword’s laser-based weapons batteries and substantial and Imperial Inquisition.
turret array have an exceptional ready level of 88.2%.
Its plasma drives are simple, sturdy units copied many FAMOUS SQUADRONS:
times on other ships and can be serviced by artificers with Cog’s Teeth Squadron Patrol Group 1150.C
minimal training. A classic escort vessel in every respect, Strike Group Sigma-3 1101110 Squadron
few battleships fight without at least a pair of Swords to
Special Rules: Although it shares a common profile
with its Imperial Navy counterpart, the Sword
Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2 class frigate shown here is exclusive to the Adeptus
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC Mechanicus, and will follow all the normal rules for
such ships as described on pages 3-4.
Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Left / Front / Right

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 15



A FAMOUS SQUADRONS: long with the Endeavour, Endurance, and Defiant
designs that were eventually disseminated to the rest
of the Adeptus Mechanicus from the Voss forge world,
Zeta Attack Wing Patrol TXR-16544
Crimson Steel Squadron Eyes of the Omnissiah
the Falchion class frigate has been put into production
at a variety of locations throughout the galaxy. Despite
greater access to the class, however, the Falchion remains
in a defensive role in the fleets where it is used. Even the
Mechanicus, who can requisition as many as are needed,
"A nd when at last he came upon the vehicle, he
perceived the distress of the engine therein and
forthwith struck the rune and it was good. Thereupon
usually deploy the Sword class with their Explorators the engine ignited and was filled with strength..."
simply out of habit. -Lord of the Engines, 16th Tome, Verse 2001


Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2 Special Rules: Although it shares a common profile
with its Imperial Navy counterpart, the Falchion
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC class frigate shown here is exclusive to the Adeptus
Weapons Battery 30cm 3 Left / Front / Right Mechanicus, and will follow all the normal rules for
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 1 Front such ships as described on pages 3-4.


L ike the Astartes Hunter, the Cobra destroyer is one
of the dedicated torpedo platforms produced by the
Adeptus Mechanicus for other Imperial fleets. Since they
are produced in large numbers (along with truly massive
"B io-chauvinism, and on such a small scale, when
it comes to the processing of knowledge, is
laughable. Give me any savant you care, and I shall
quantities of torpedoes), the Mechanicus is seldom found match his worth tenfold with even the most basic
wanting for more Cobras. They provide an Explorator of Machine Spirits."
Fleet with a measure of extra firepower, giving a skilled
Magos some additional tactical options on the battlefield. -The Problems of Organic Thinking, Chapter XII


Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 4+ 1 Special Rules: Although it shares a common profile
with its Imperial Navy counterpart, the Cobra class
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC destroyer shown here is exclusive to the Adeptus
Weapons Battery 30cm 1 Left / Front / Right Mechanicus, and will follow all the normal rules for
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 2 Front such ships as described on pages 3-4.

16 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



0-1 Archmagos You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in A Mechanicus Explorator Fleet may take reserves from
You may include one Mechanicus Archmagos, who must squadrons of 2-6 vessels. Remember that these are all any Imperial Navy fleet list, as well as the Space Marine
be assigned to the Ark Mechanicus if it is present, or any Adeptus Mechanicus escorts, so they may be squadroned Dominion Fleet list (treating Battle Barges as battleships
other capital ship if it is not. If your fleet is worth at least together normally in any mix desired. and strike cruisers as cruisers).
1000 points, an Archmagos must be included to lead it.
Note that this replaces the usual requirement for fleets to Mechanicus Nova Class Frigate......................... 45 points
have a commander if they are worth 750 points or more. Mechanicus Gladius Class Frigate..................... 40 points

Archmagos Explorator (Ld9)............................. 50 points

Mechanicus Hunter Class Destroyer.................. 40 points
Mechanicus Firestorm Class Frigate.................. 35 points
Mechanicus Sword Class Frigate....................... 35 points
"T he beast of metal endures longer than the
flesh of men. Those that tend the beasts
of metal must labor long to learn its ways, for
You may purchase up to two fleet commander re-rolls for Mechanicus Falchion Class Frigate................... 35 points a single beast must suffer the mastership of
your Archmagos, at the cost shown below: Mechanicus Cobra Class Destroyer................... 30 points
many men until ready to shed its vorpal coils.
One extra re-roll................................................. 25 points Those that seek apprenticeship must attended
Two extra re-rolls............................................... 50 points USING A MECHANICUS closely to the runes of mobilization, the rites
EXPLORATOR FLEET of maintenance, and the words-of-power that
SECONDARY COMMANDERS The Explorator fleets of the Adeptus Mechanicus are the
describe the parts of a beast. Nor must they
0-3 Magi most versatile Imperial armada to ply the stellar main.
You may include up to three Magi Explorators in your Since the Adeptus Mechanicus has access to such a vast neglect the tutelage of the Adeptus Prefects,
fleet. Each must be assigned to a capital ship. array of technology, their ships are significantly better nor the casting of the proper roboscopes."
equipped than their Imperial Navy counterparts, sporting
Magos Explorator (Ld8).................................... 25 points additional weapons and upgrades, as well as having the
ability to field a frightening number of nova cannons and -from Runic Mechanics - An Introduction
refitted torpedoes. Just be sure to hold off any aggressive
CAPITAL SHIPS opponents, as Mechanicus ships are weak to boarding.
You may include one battleship for every three cruisers Ordnance & Upgrades
in the fleet. If your fleet is worth at least 1000 points, you Adeptus Mechanicus attack craft follow all the normal
may include the Ark Mechanicus Omnissiah’s Victory, rules for their type, and any vessel with torpedo tubes is
counting against your allowed number of battleships.

(0-1) Omnissiah’s Victory................................. 405 points

armed with ordinary torpedoes in addition to any refitted
torpedoes it has purchased. "A man may die yet still endure if his work
enters the greater work. Time is carried
upon a current incepted by forgotten deeds.
Mechanicus Emperor Class Battleship............ 390 points Up to two cruisers in the fleet may replace all of their Events of great moment are but the culmination
Mechanicus Retribution Class Battleship........ 380 points launch bays with mine launchers for +5 points per bay
Mechanicus Oberon Class Battleship.............. 380 points replaced. of a single carefully placed thought. As all men
must thank progenitors obscured by the past
0-15 Cruisers Any escort squadron in the fleet may be given improved so we must endure the present that those who
Mechanicus Dictator Class Cruiser.................. 245 points defenses, adding +1 Turret to each squadron member for
Mechanicus Gothic Class Cruiser.................... 215 points +5 points per escort upgraded.
come after may continue the greater work."
Mechanicus Lunar Class Cruiser..................... 215 points
Mechanicus Tyrant Class Cruiser.................... 215 points Sub-Plots -Technomagos Garba Mojaro,
Mechanicus Endeavour Class Light Cruiser.... 130 points In addition to any sub-plots rolled normally, an Adeptus
Mechanicus Endurance Class Light Cruiser.... 130 points Mechanicus Explorator Fleet must take a random Quest The Chime of Eons
Mechanicus Defiant Class Light Cruiser......... 130 points for Knowledge sub-plot from the table on page 5.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 17



In precise terms, ‘Chaos’ is the psychic FOLLOWERS OF CHAOS THE ARCH-BETRAYER
energy that makes up the immaterial Since time immemorial, the Chaos Gods have sought to Ten thousand years ago, at the height of the Emperor’s
universe known as the Warp. In many expand their power by attracting ever more followers to Great Crusade, the Warmaster Horus Lupercal of the
ways however, it is almost synonymous worship and sacrifice in their name. It is like a game for Legiones Astartes was struck down as part of a scheme
with the Warp itself, as the two concepts them, and the gods routinely fight amongst one another in concocted by the agents of Chaos. In his weakened state,
are fundamentally inseparable: Chaos is their attempts to increase their influence over the galaxy. the Dark Gods tempted Horus to their side with visions of
the limitless ocean of spiritual and emotional energy that a terrible and hideous future filled with endless bloodshed
defines the shape and structure of Warp space; a vast, raw Those that heed the call of Chaos come from all walks of and strife. Believing his father to be the architect of this
force of change that is used by many races to transcend life, from the lowest Administratum clerks to the mighty doom, Horus began secretly plotting against the Emperor.
the laws of the material universe. However, it is also Daemon Primarchs of the Traitor Legions. What they all
physically and spiritually corrupting, and in time, the have in common is the sincere belief that Chaos is the Yet as is always the case with the Ruinous Powers, what
malevolent will of Chaos gradually infects all who use it, one true power in the universe, and that embracing it is began as a noble plan to save Mankind and bring peace
tainting them mind, body, and soul. the only path to meaningful achievement one can follow. to the galaxy quickly turned to madness and destruction.
Swaying fully half of his fellow Space Marine Legions
THE CHAOS GODS For many, the road to damnation is paved with all the
best intentions. It is only after a long, slow decline that
and their Primarchs, Horus betrayed the Emperor and
The Gods of Chaos, also called the Dark Gods or the unleashed his forces against his loyal brothers.
Ruinous Powers (and known to the Eldar as the Arch- they begin to heed the insidious whispers of daemons and
forsake all bonds of fellowship and peace. Such is the The resulting war split humanity as quickly and violently
Enemy), are immensely powerful beings of the psychic
tragic tale of innumerable captains of the Imperial Navy as a bolt of lightning upon dry wood. The Space Marines
universe known as the Warp, created and sustained by the
who sailed their ships into the Warp and sold the souls of slew one another in battle after battle, and with each step
emotions and souls of every living being of the material
their crews in exchange for arcane power. Horus advanced closer to the beating heart of humanity’s
realm. Each one is a transcendent personification of a
single emotion or concept, totally monomaniacal and fledgling empire. And yet at the moment of his victory
fixated on its particular aspect of the mortal psyche. This THE TRAITOR FLEETS aboard his ship high above Terra, Horus failed; destroyed
utterly by the final burst of the Emperor’s psychic might.
means they are completely dependent on the emotions of The vast majority of the ships and captains that make up
mortal creatures for their power and continued existence. the heretical armadas of Chaos were once a part of the
Imperial Navy, having turned traitor at various points With their leader dead and the assault on Terra beginning
There are currently four major Gods of Chaos: Slaanesh, throughout the ten-thousand years since Horus Lupercal to stall, the remaining traitors abandoned their attack and
Nurgle, Khorne, and Tzeentch. These gods are each able rebelled against the Emperor and split Humanity in two. fled into the depths of space, evading their pursuers until
to devote a fraction of their power to create frightening Only a small number were actually present during that they found refuge with their gods in the interdimensional
daemons of various shapes and sizes, whose appearances historic time, although the time-twisting properties of the spaces of the Warp. Now totally within the clutches of
and personalities reflect their creator’s own nature. These Warp means that these vengeful lords of the stars are still Chaos, these remnants of the Legiones Astartes reforged
daemons may be reabsorbed into the god at whim. as battle-ready as the day they first betrayed mankind. themselves into warbands of Chaos Space Marines and
for the next ten thousand years they continued the Long
War against Humanity and the Emperor of Mankind.

"A nd what are the achievements of your fragile Imperium? It is a corpse rotting slowly from within while maggots
writhe in its belly. It was built with the toil of heroes and giants, and now it is inhabited by frightened weaklings To this day, these fallen angels lurk within the shadows
to whom the glories of those times are half-forgotten legends. I have forgotten nothing and my wisdom has expanded far beyond the material realm, waiting to be unleashed upon
beyond mere mortal frailties." the vulnerable worlds of the Imperium, their relentless
-Ahzek Ahriman of the Thousand Sons hatred undimmed by the passage of eons since those dark
and fateful years of the 31st Millennium.

18 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



MARKS OF CHAOS Mark of Tzeentch
The vessel has been altered to serve the God Tzeentch,
S tand forth, Servant. The Sword you carry has been smelted
in the heat of your anger, forged upon your desire, tempered
in your hate, quenched in your soul, polished with your loyalty,
In the same way that a Chaos God might brand one of his
most favored servants, a vessel dedicated to the Ruinous the Changer of Ways. His blessings subtly twist the ship’s
furnished with your bones and skin, tested in your hand, and Powers may be blessed by its patron, bearing a mark to fate, making its weapons strike harder and its hull deflect
borne in my name. You Slave, are mine, as much as the Blade... display its status as one of the exalted chosen. more damage. The marked ship may re-roll the result of
any roll on the Critical Hits table it suffers or inflicts on
Marks of Chaos may be taken by capital ships in a Chaos an enemy, including the results of hit-and-run raids. The
Broadly speaking, the space fleets which pour out from fleet, as described in the appropriate fleet list. A ship may second result stands, even if it is worse.
the Eye of Terror are usually composed of Imperial Navy only ever have one Mark of Chaos, and a squadron of
traitors mixed with a host of mutants, heretics, and other Chaos vessels may only consist of ships with the same
deviants. As a result, the capabilities and performance of mark, and/or those with no mark at all. The special rules
most Chaos vessels is roughly equivalent to that of their for each mark are shown below:
Imperial counterparts. Where they differ however, comes
from the influence of the Dark Gods themselves, whose Mark of Chaos Undivided
various blessings (and curses) can turn the tide of battle, The marked vessel has been rewarded for its dedication
or even change the course of entire wars. To represent to Chaos as a whole, not devoting itself to one particular
the corrupting hand of the Ruinous Powers, Chaos fleets god but instead advancing the greater cause of Chaos in
benefit from the following special rules: all its forms. Only vessels embarking a Chaos Warmaster
or Chaos Lord may be given this mark. Once per game,
BOARDING ACTIONS before a ship takes a leadership test or command check,
The followers of Chaos are fanatical in their beliefs, and you may have your entire fleet use the marked vessel’s
will go to any length to destroy their enemies, making leadership value until the end of the turn.
them especially dangerous up close. As such, all Chaos
ships have a crew damage bonus of +1 when boarding. Mark of Khorne
The vessel has been totally and completely dedicated to
the Blood God, Khorne, who values and rewards those
ANOINTED MUNITIONS who spill blood (and whose blood is spilled) in his name.
Along with the standard selection of torpedoes normally The marked vessel always doubles its troop rating.
available, vessels in a Chaos fleet may petition the Dark
Gods for superior warheads with which to smite the ships Mark of Nurgle
of the unbelievers. Any vessel that purchases anointed The vessel has been offered up to Father Nurgle, the God
munitions must roll on the following table at the start of of Pestilence and Decay, whose blessings manifest as
the game, gaining the appropriate torpedo type shown in seeping, putrescent growths all across the vessel’s hull.
addition to any other torpedoes it may have: The marked ship adds +1 to its hits characteristic.

D3 ROLL TORPEDO TYPE Mark of Slaanesh

1 Seeking Torpedoes* The vessel has been reshaped to serve the god Slaanesh,
2 Melta Torpedoes*
the Prince of Pleasure, who explores the farthest reaches
of experience accompanied by siren cries of ecstasy and
"Y our shrines will burn, your streets run with blood,
your false idols shattered, your people slaughtered
by the thousands, your very planet torn apart... And the
3 Vortex Torpedoes* pain. All enemy ships and squadrons within 15cm of the barest fraction of my hatred will be satisfied."
marked vessel suffer a -1Ld penalty. Note that this effect
*Remember that these are usable only once per game. is not cumulative with multiple marked ships. -Ba'ar Zul, the Hate-Bound

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 19



Besides the Dark Gods themselves, the Eye of Terror is Chaos Terminators Any Chaos Space Marine vessel may replace its existing
home to the traitorous Chaos Space Marines, the fallen Any Chaos Space Marine vessel that embarks Chaos attack craft with Stormbirds, reducing its launch capacity
brothers of the Imperium’s own Adeptus Astartes. Drawn Terminators rolls 3D6 when conducting a teleport attack by half (rounding up), to accommodate the larger chassis.
from across the Warp, these unholy warriors hail from and chooses two results to apply. Both benefit from the A ship that does so may not launch any other type of
every time period in Imperial history, all the way back normal +1 bonus that Chaos Space Marines add to their attack craft. Stormbirds have a speed of 20cm.
to the Horus Heresy itself, when half the Space Marine hit-and-run raids.
Legions turned traitor and split Humanity in two. Stormbirds are multi-role attack craft that combine all
Stormbird Gunships the abilities of fighters, bombers, and assault boats. In
Chaos Space Marines may be taken by capital ships in a The large, ubiquitous transports of the former Legiones addition, due to their heavy armor and enormous size,
Chaos fleet, as described in the appropriate fleet list. Any Astartes, Stormbird gunships are truly massive assault Stormbirds benefit from a 4+ resilient save. The rules for
ship that does so becomes a Chaos Space Marine vessel craft capable of rapidly deploying a staggering number multi-role squadrons and resilient saves can be found in
and will benefit from the following special rules: of Chaos Space Marines aboard an enemy ship, or just the main rulebook. Note that Stormbirds benefit from the
as easily performing devastating strafing runs against normal +1 bonus Chaos Space Marines add to their hit-
Veterans of the Long War enemy surface targets. and-run raids.
Chaos Space Marines typically have several lifetimes
worth of combat training and experience, allowing them
to out-perform their enemy in almost any situation. When
randomly generating the leadership value for a Chaos
Space Marine ship, use the table for Space Marines found
on page 132.

A Chaos Space Marine vessel with a Chaos Warmaster or

Chaos Lord will instead add +1 to the commander’s fixed
leadership value, to a maximum of 10.

Champions of the Dark Gods

Chaos Space Marines are the supreme fighting force of
the Dark Gods, and thus excel at ship-to-ship combat and
planetary assaults. As such, Chaos Space Marine vessels
benefit from the following rules (see pages 132-134):

• Boarding Actions & Hit-and-Run Attacks

This replaces the normal crew damage bonus applied
to Chaos vessels.
• Planetary Assaults & Exterminatus
For this purpose, treat any Chaos battleships as battle
barges, and all other capital ships as strike cruisers.
• Teleport Assault
"L ike the great storm of the Horus Heresy, the forces of the True Gods will descend upon the Emperor's
minions. The stars will tremble at their passage and the mighty armadas of the Warmaster Abaddon will
bring annihilation to a hundred worlds. Know this, for these things will come to pass."
For the purpose of honor guards, Chaos Space Marines
use Chaos Terminators instead of the types listed in the -Constanze the Prophetess
Space Marine rules.

20 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



There are scant few in the galaxy who know precisely Warp to sustain its form, it will be diminished, gradually Daemonic Crew
how a daemonship is created. Some believe they are losing its stability before returning from whence it came. Without a physical ‘crew’ of any kind, it is impossible to
brought into being when a ship’s entire crew willingly This process can be prevented by ritual worship or by command a daemonship in the same way as a ‘normal’
sacrifices itself to Chaos, gaining immortality in return binding the daemon in an object or living thing. To know vessel. A fleet must instead rely on the daemons simply
for daemonic servitude. Others argue that daemonships exactly how this is done is forbidden knowledge, but it acting in the best interest of their dark patrons. As such, a
are vessels of the damned, condemned by acts so heinous stands to reason that possessing a great ship would give daemonship cannot embark a Chaos Warmaster or Chaos
as to defy description, twisting their crews and captains a daemonic host greatly enhanced stability. In time of Lord, even if it is the largest ship in the fleet. Likewise, a
into thralls of the Dark Gods forever. Still others claim war, one could expect the sorcerers of Abaddon or the daemonship cannot be given a Chaos Space Marine crew.
that daemonships are nothing more than ghost ships lost Thousand Sons to add to the strength of their fleets with
in the Warp, whose long dead crews have been replaced such apparitions. Immaterial Predator
by Daemonkind. As they are almost fully Warp-based vessels, daemonships

Tales of daemonships go back to the earliest days of the

USING DAEMONSHIPS are not equipped to attack surface targets. As a result,
daemonships may never score assault points or be given
Imperium. Often they are mere manifestations, appearing IN A CHAOS FLEET an Exterminatus armament.
to spread terror but disappearing as quickly with no Some Chaos fleets have the option to convert one or more
tangible evidence that they were ever really there. The of their capital ships into daemonships, as described in Chariot of the Gods
great orbital space dock above Sorraspair 3 was said their fleet list. Any ship that is upgraded to a daemonship Daemonships are the sole property of the Dark Gods, and
to have been plagued by such an apparition prior to its keeps its normal profile and refits, but must operate alone may be favored as much (if not more) than other vessels
destruction by the Thousand Sons in M37. The legend (not in a squadron) and should be appropriately converted in a Chaos fleet. Consequently, a daemonship may have
claims the apparition took the form of a great battleship to represent the ship’s twisted, daemonic components. one Mark of Chaos, purchased as normal from its fleet
built in an ancient style, which circled the station, its hull list. However, a daemonship’s mark cannot affect enemy
wreathed in bale fire, transmitting a continual plea for Only one capital ship may be upgraded this way for every vessels whilst the daemonship is spectral or haunting (see
admittance. full 1000 points in your fleet. The cost to upgrade a ship the next page for details).
is based on its size, as shown below:
There are rumors exchanged by Navigators of spectral Daemonships in Campaigns
ships that ply the Warp. The Navigators perceive these Battleship.........................................................+50 points Since daemonships are not physical vessels in the usual
ships both as twisted parodies of normal ships and Grand Cruiser...................................................+30 points sense, they do not put in for repairs after a battle. Instead
as convocations of daemons. There are tales of these Heavy Cruiser or Cruiser.................................+25 points they must be repaired in the warp itself. Any daemonships
daemonships pursuing their prey back to the material included in a campaign do not regain lost hits after each
universe. This has led to the theory that daemonships are
only able to leave the Warp by following in the wake of
DAEMONSHIP battle - they may only be repaired when returning from
haunting as described on the next page.
another vessel and that at other times they are trapped in SPECIAL RULES
an endlessly shifting ocean of madness. However, there Possessed and infested by legions of cavorting spirits, a
has never been enough reliable evidence to confirm any
daemonship is unlike any other vessel produced by any
species anywhere in the galaxy. A vessel upgraded to a
daemonship benefits from the following special rules:
"C haos cannot be turned against Chaos, proud
Relictor. You are less a heretic than an
imbecile if you believe that. The Dark Powers
Although most of the tales of daemonships describe know your desire to use their sacrilegious tools;
them as lone hunters, captured heretical Navigators have, Phantoms of the Warp they exploit and manipulate it for their own ends -
under close interrogation, suggested that pacts can be A daemonship is a terrifying thing, seemingly appearing even in the loyal subjects of the Imperium."
made with any of the Daemons of the Warp, including and disappearing at will, like the apparitions described
daemonships. Normally, the time that a daemon can spend by superstitious sailors in ancient times. Daemonships -Inquisitor Czevak
in real space is severely limited. Without the power of the follow all of the special rules found on the next page.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 21



Since daemonships exist almost exclusively in the Warp, any), and in return cannot be harmed or interacted with Haunting daemonships, having fully transitioned back to
it is impractical to have them travel normally with the in any way (including suffering damage from fire critical the Warp, are once again susceptible to damage from fire
rest of the fleet. Moreover, it discounts their substantial hits). It cannot launch ordnance, trigger mines, use special critical hits. However, while in their native environment,
advantages as denizens of the Immaterium. At the start orders, be affected by celestial phenomena, repair critical haunting daemonships may attempt to repair any critical
of the game, all daemonships in your fleet must remain damage, and so on. In short, a spectral daemonship may damage they have suffered, and will succeed on a D6 roll
off the table until they are summoned using the rules for take no action besides normal movement and turning. of 4+ rather than only on a roll of 6. Furthermore, if a
warp translation described below. haunting daemonship has less than its starting number
A daemonship may remain in this spectral form for as of hits when it returns to the battlefield, roll a D6 on the
long as desired. Alternatively, at the end of its movement table below, adding +1 to your score if the daemonship
WARP TRANSLATION phase on any turn after it is summoned, the controlling is a battleship, and an additional +1 for each full turn the
Daemonships cannot materialize in realspace unless first player may have the daemonship fully materialize. (No vessel spent haunting.
drawn out by a summoning vessel or the lure of ripe souls roll is required, it simply becomes solid). After doing so,
aboard an enemy ship. A daemonship may enter play on the daemonship must take a leadership test. If the test is
any of your turns, at the end of the movement phase. To D6 ROLL EFFECT
failed, the ship’s armaments function at half effectiveness
summon a daemonship, do the following: until the end of the turn. Otherwise, it suffers no ill effect. 1-3 No effect.
The daemonship gains +1 hit point, up to
Select any capital ship on the table (friendly or enemy), 4-5
A daemonship cannot fully materialize if it is in contact its starting maximum.*
then roll a D6. On a result of 2+, the daemonship has with an enemy vessel’s base. Furthermore, since it must
successfully arrived. Place it anywhere within 20cm of The daemonship gains +2 hit points, up
materialize at the end of the movement phase, it will not 6
the target ship, facing in any direction desired. If the roll to its starting maximum.*
be able to use any special orders until the start of its next
is failed, the daemonship must remain in the warp for turn (except Brace for Impact). Once fully materialized,
another turn. *Note that if the vessel was crippled at any point in the
a daemonship is treated just like any other normal vessel,
battle, it will count as crippled for the purpose of victory
and will be affected by ordnance and celestial phenomena
A daemonship that is successfully summoned is treated points, regardless of how many hit points it has at the end
that it contacts. (If it materializes in an asteroid field, it
as spectral until it fully materializes (see the next section of the game.
may attempt to avoid damage by taking a leadership test
for details). Note that this also applies when the vessel is as normal).
placed, meaning it will not trigger any ordnance or suffer A haunting daemonship may also use Reload Ordnance
the effects of celestial phenomena when it arrives. and Brace for Impact special orders while in the Warp,
HAUNTING DAEMONSHIPS and doing so will not provide a bonus to enemy leadership
A unique and frightening ability of daemonships is their for the daemonship being on special orders, since it exists
SPECTRAL DAEMONSHIPS tendency to vanish suddenly and without a trace, leaving outside the material realm.
A spectral daemonship has only just pierced the fabric of only terror and suspicion in their wake. Any daemonship
real space and begun to manifest itself. It is not entirely on the table (whether spectral or fully materialized) may In all other respects, a haunting daemonship is treated as
‘real’ however - only enough for enemy ships to track its return to the Warp on any of your turns, at the end of the a disengaged vessel, including for victory points if the
location and react to its presence. Nevertheless, this is movement phase. A daemonship that does so is treated as game ends while a daemonship is still in the Warp.
usually sufficient to cause panic and disruptions within haunting until it is summoned again.
the enemy fleet. Any enemy vessel within 15cm of a
spectral daemonship suffers a -1Ld penalty at all times.
Note that this effect is not cumulative for vessels within
While haunting, a daemonship is removed from the table
just like a vessel that has disengaged. However, the ship "T he revelation of spirit when encountering the
power of Chaos is as freeing for the machine as
it is for the mortal mind. It is our duty to create this
range of multiple daemonships. is not gone, merely lurking just beyond real-space for a
chance to strike. It may return to the battlefield on any of blessed state of union."
Apart from this, a spectral daemonship can do nothing to your subsequent turns, using the Warp Translation rules -Dark Magos Gaiak Krustellam
affect enemy vessels (including using Marks of Chaos, if previously described.

22 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


THE PLANET KILLER................................................................... 505 Points

T he origins of the massive stellar vessel known simply
as the Planet Killer are a mystery to Naval authorities.
It bears no resemblance to any Imperial ship design and
is assumed to have been constructed within the Eye of
Terror by Abaddon’s forces, just prior to the Gothic
War – in fact several of the Adeptus Mechanicus doubt
whether its construction would have been physically
possible outside of warp space.

Only one Planet Killer is known to have been built and

that was used as the personal flagship of Abaddon the
Despoiler during much of the Gothic War. Built around
a central energy cannon of immeasurable magnitude,
the Planet Killer is also studded with numerous long
range lances, weapons batteries and wide-angle torpedo
launchers. Well armored and protected by a plethora
of shield generators, the Planet Killer’s only weakness
seemed to be its ponderous speed.

It was this lack of pace which was to lead to its eventual

downfall, as it was destroyed by salvo after salvo of
torpedoes, fired at extreme range by the Lunar class
cruisers of battle group Omega, shortly after the
destruction of Kharlos II.

"A nd furthermore it is our conclusion
that such a machine therefore does
not exist and any personnel claiming to
Port Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Left
have seen it are deluded.
Starboard Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Right It has been proven to a high degree of
Prow Weapons Battery 60cm 12 Left / Front / Right probability that the destruction of Kharlos
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 9 Left / Front / Right II is wholly the result of coincidental
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 6 Left / Front / Right seismic activity."
Armageddon Gun 90cm Special Front

-Imperial Commissioner for Moral Truth,

Special Rules: The Planet Killer is ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. It is a truly
one-of-a-kind vessel and is subject to the special rules found on the next page. regarding the destruction of Kharlos II

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 23



USING THE PLANET KILLER THE ARMAGEDDON GUN However, if the template does end up blocked by an obstacle,
The Planet Killer isn’t particularly suited to general fleet The terrifying and massive Armageddon Gun is the chief weapon place D6 blast markers at the point the template made contact, to
engagements and is much more appropriate for special scenarios of the Planet Killer, capable of producing enough energy to represent the enormous clouds of vaporized rock and debris left
or certain types of games. In fact, the Planet Killer is very likely completely and totally obliterate any planet or other similarly in the wake of the weapon’s impact. (Leave the obstacle where
to be the whole reason for a battle. For example, you could play sized celestial body. However, it requires precise tuning and it is; despite the damage it will still be intact enough to serve as
the Raiders scenario, with the Chaos fleet defending the Planet a long charging period before it may be fired, giving intended an obstruction on the table).
Killer. Instead of the normal victory conditions, the attacking victims a window of opportunity to mount a counterattack.
player must cripple or destroy the Planet Killer. After the Armageddon Gun has fired, it must build up another
charge of energy before it can fire again. To do so, simply use
The Armageddon Gun may not be fired if the ship is crippled or
Another variation on the ‘destroy the Planet Killer’ scenario is to Reload Ordnance special orders. However, if the charging
is on All Ahead Full, Burn Retros, or Brace for Impact special
use Surprise Attack. Rather than orbiting a world, the defending process is not carefully managed, there is the possibility of a
orders. It may only be fired directly ahead of the ship. (To
Chaos fleet is stationed around the Planet Killer (perhaps it is disastrous malfunction!
determine the direction it may fire, draw a straight line extending
undergoing repairs or something similar). The defender does not along the axis of the model’s spine - this is the line of fire).
have to pay any points for the Planet Killer, but it starts the battle If you roll a result of double 6 when attempting to use Reload
on standby like the other defending vessels. As such it cannot Ordnance orders for the Armageddon Gun, then the weapon has
To fire the Armageddon Gun, place the nova cannon template so malfunctioned, inflicting a critical hit on the Planet Killer and
move or shoot until active, though turrets and shields work as that it is touching the Planet Killer’s stem then move it directly
normal. The attackers must cripple the Planet Killer to win. rendering the Armageddon Gun useless for the rest of the battle!
ahead 90cm. If the hole in the center of the template passes over
a ship’s base (friend or foe), that ship suffers D6 automatic hits. On a roll of any other double, the Armageddon Gun may be fired
Similarly, you could fight a Convoy scenario, with the Planet If any other part of the nova cannon marker moves over a ship’s only once more before it must be shut down for the rest of the
Killer counting as eight transports. The Planet Killer’s unwieldy base then the ship suffers one automatic hit. Active shields (and battle, to prevent overloading.
size will make it difficult to maneuver in the dense celestial other defenses) will protect against these hits exactly as they do
phenomena, offsetting its far greater offensive capabilities. If against normal weapons. All ordnance touched by the template Note that because the Planet Killer also has torpedoes, it is
the Planet Killer moves off the opposite table edge undamaged is automatically removed. possible that you will need to use Reload Ordnance orders
then the Chaos player wins. If it is crippled before it escapes it is
for these at the same time as for the Armageddon Gun. In this
a marginal attacker win and if it is destroyed the attacker gains
Note that the Armageddon Gun cannot fire through obstacles and case, only make one command check to reload both systems, as
a major win.
celestial phenomena that normally block line of sight (such as normal. (However, this does not protect the Armageddon Gun
planets, moons, asteroid fields, and so forth); a swirling jumble from the risk of malfunction). If only the torpedoes need to be
EXTERMINATUS SCENARIOS of million-ton rocks will disrupt even this weapon’s awesome reloaded, you may do so without any danger to the Armageddon
The Planet Killer, as its very unsubtle name suggests, is power. If the template contacts such an obstacle, it must stop. Gun.
designed to attack - nay, destroy - entire worlds. This makes
it particularly appropriate for the Exterminatus scenario. If
the Chaos fleet is the attacker, it may include the Planet Killer
instead of using modified exterminators (deducting its cost from
the fleet’s allowed points limit as normal). The Planet Killer
does not require any refits or lose any of its weapons to count
as an exterminator, but if the Armageddon Gun is permanently
disabled (including if the Planet Killer is crippled) then it can
no longer act as an exterminator and the Chaos player loses the
battle automatically!

To exterminate a planet, the Planet Killer must enter low orbit to

fire a planet-killing shot like other vessels, but it does not have
to approach within 45cm of the table edge or roll a 4+ to destroy
the planet - instead, it must simply hit the planetary table edge
with the Armageddon Gun’s template. Note that on the low-orbit
table, the Armageddon Gun only has a range of 60cm instead of
its usual 90cm.

24 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


DESPOILER CLASS BATTLESHIP........................................ 390 Points

T he Despoiler class battleships were developed as
part of the Gareox Prerogative in the mid-36th
millennium. A belief in the strength of attack craft as
the ultimate weapons in space warfare pervaded the
Battlefleet Tempestus and plans were made for fifteen
Despoiler class battleships. However, as history shows,
true ‘big-gun’ battleships were not outdone by attack craft
carriers and the program was ended after the construction
of just three vessels. The Despoilers originally saw little
combat, being used on long-range patrols through largely
uncontested systems. Roughly two hundred and fifty
years after being laid down, the Merciless Death went
missing whilst on tour through the Amerikon Sector.

Thirty years later, it reappeared during the Banardi

Conflict, surprising and destroying a convoy of sixteen
unprotected Imperial transports en route to Banardi Prime.
The ship was then involved in numerous engagements,
each progressively nearer to the Eye or Terror until it
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS disappeared again in the early 39th millennium. Soon
after its second disappearance, the other two Despoilers
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 5+ 4
were also reported absent, after firing on friendly vessels
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC and then escaping into the warp. With the advent of the
Port Weapons Battery 60cm 10 Left Gothic War, rumors of the Merciless Death’s exploits and
sightings of its sister ships began afresh.
Starboard Weapons Battery 60cm 10 Right
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 3 Left / Front / Right FAMOUS SHIPS:
Prow Launch Bays Swiftdeaths: 30cm 4 Squadrons - Merciless Death Fortress of Agony
Port Launch Bays Doomfires: 20cm 2 Squadrons - Harbinger of Doom Damnation’s Fury
Starboard Launch Bays Dreadclaws: 30cm 2 Squadrons -

Special Rules: Despoiler class battleships are ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders.
"Y es! Let the blood flow! I and I alone, will be
Khorne's chosen... His favored acolyte and prime
among his champions. And on that day when the Titan is
mine, you will all worship me as you do the Gods! Once
Weapon Refits: A Despoiler class battleship may reduce the strength of its prow launch bays by 2 to add a prow the Titan is mine, I will crush entire suns in the palm
torpedo salvo (Speed: 30cm, Strength 9, Front) for +10 points. In addition, a Despoiler class battleship may of my hand. I will stride down the halls of the Heathen
reduce the range of its dorsal lance battery to 45cm to increase its strength to 4 for +10 points. Emperor and I will grind him and the Golden Throne of
Terra between my iron fingers! More! More blood for
Torpedo Bombers: A Despoiler class battleship may equip its launch bays with Harbinger torpedo bombers for the Blood God!"
+80 points, in addition to any other attack craft it may normally launch. Despoiler class battleships that take
Stormbird gunships cannot purchase this upgrade. -Warlord Crull of the World Eaters

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 25


DESECRATOR CLASS BATTLESHIP.................................. 365 Points

T he Desecrator class is an older design of Imperial
battleship. Commonly seen as the flagship of Space
Marine legions before the Heresy, many of these ships
went traitor during the incident. Due to the paranoia of
the Inquisition, the remainder of these ships were mostly
destroyed, or otherwise disassembled and components
were used elsewhere, although a few Space Marine
chapters still use the ship as a battle barge today.

The Forsaken is known for its interactions around the

Maelstrom. Although largely inactive, the vessel has
been rumored to have raided convoys and even attack
Rogue Trader vessels. However, in 988.M41 the vessel
was spotted far from the Maelstrom in the Ghoul Stars,
attacking a large Ork battlefleet. Why the captain would
be so vindictive to take on such a force is anyone’s guess.
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 5+ 4
Forsaken Promise of Sedition
Port Lance Battery 45cm 4 Left
Special Rules: Desecrator class battleships are ponderous
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 4 Right and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders.
Dorsal Weapons Battery 60cm 9 Left / Front / Right
Torpedo Bombers: A Desecrator class battleship may equip
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 9 Front its launch bays with Harbinger torpedo bombers for +40
Swiftdeaths: 30cm points, in addition to any other attack craft it may normally
Port Launch Bays 2 Squadrons -
Doomfires: 20cm launch. Desecrator class battleships that take Stormbird
Starboard Launch Bays 2 Squadrons - gunships cannot purchase this upgrade.
Dreadclaws: 30cm

"H orus was weak. Horus was a fool. He

had the whole galaxy within his grasp
and he let it slip away. I am the Arch-fiend, the
Despoiler of Worlds, and by my hands shall the
false Emperor fall."
-Abaddon the Despoiler

26 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


DESOLATOR CLASS BATTLESHIP.................................... 300 Points

T he Desolator class battleship dates back to the very
founding of the Imperium and utilizes technology
long since lost to the Adeptus Mechanicus. None now
remain in Imperial service, but it is known that at least
five Desolators defected from the Emperor’s light
between the 31st and the 34th millennium.

Of these, the Eternity of Pain, renamed by its traitorous

captain, is perhaps the most infamous. At least seven
Imperial battleships are known to have fallen to its
immensely powerful lances and long range gun decks
since it turned renegade in 453.M33. Countless smaller
vessels are also no more, due to this potent behemoth of
the stars.

The Torment, older still than the Eternity of Pain, was

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS captured by renegade pirates during the Spartan War,
after its engines were destroyed and it drifted helplessly
Battleship/12 25cm 45° 4 5+ 4 into a mined asteroid field. Seventy-eight years after its
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC capture, the Torment was instrumental in obliterating
Port Lance Battery 60cm 4 Left the orbital defenses of Ghori VI, prior to that planet’s
invasion by Eldar pirates. The Torment has been
Starboard Lance Battery 60cm 4 Right
spotted as far afield as the Ultima Segmentum and even
Dorsal Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Left / Front / Right participated in an attack on an Imperial Convoy in the
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 9 Front Jobe Sector on the northern rim.

Special Rules: Desolator class battleships are ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. FAMOUS SHIPS:
Torment Eternity of Pain

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 27


RELICTOR CLASS BATTLESHIP.......................................... 300 Points

T he Relictor class battleship was first developed
during the Great Crusade under the supervision of
Arch Magos Eneatu, who theorized that he could extract
even more speed out of the Desolator’s already powerful
engines. By retrofitting a scartix coil to the Desolator he
managed to gain the boost that he desired. Unfortunately,
due to the increased power demand from the improved
engines, the Relictor’s weaponry had to be substantially
less power consuming. Few were ever created following
Eneatu’s design, and most were assigned to the various
Space Marine Legions that went traitor before the lstvaan

The Harbinger is recorded in Imperial record as the head

of various wolf-pack fleets near the maelstrom. Every
few decades the Harbinger emerges from the maelstrom
to harass and destroy Imperial patrols in the area.
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Although never confirmed to be a part of the renegade
Battleship/12 25cm 45° 4 5+ 4 fleet that traveled from the Maelstrom to the Ghoul Stars,
the Harbinger was rumored to be part of several battles
in the Tartanus sector. However this may be subject to
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 12 Left the larger than life reports that Rogue Traders often give.
Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 12 Right
Port Lance Battery 30cm 2 Left Special Rules: Relictor class battleships are
ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading
Starboard Lance Battery 30cm 2 Right special orders. Due to its improved engines, a
Dorsal Weapons Battery 60cm 9 Left / Front / Right Relictor class battleship adds an additional +1D6cm
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 9 Front to its speed when on All Ahead Full special orders.

28 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


REPULSIVE CLASS GRAND CRUISER.............................. 230 Points

T he grand cruiser was a precursor to the battlecruisers
which are now more prevalent in most Imperial
fleets. Almost rivaling battleships in its ability to
withstand damage and lay down a barrage of fire,
the grand cruiser fell out of favor when the means for
constructing sufficiently powerful engines was lost
(more recently built engines were incapable of attaining
a useful combat speed). A few ancient grand cruisers
can still be found in reserve fleets of the Segmentum
Obscuras and Segmemum Pacificus, but they are largely
obsolete. Of the twenty five grand cruisers believed to
have abandoned the Emperor since their inception in
the 34th millennium, roughly a dozen have yet to be
recaptured or destroyed. Of those still at large, the Foe-
Reaper is the most active, having been sighted in over
a score of major fleet engagements in the twenty three
centuries since her corruption by the Dark Powers. Most
infamously, it was the Foe-Reaper which destroyed
the Adeptus Mechanicus facility on AFR-74, killing
fifty thousand Adepts within a few heartbeats, when a
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS salvo of specially modified torpedoes shattered the eco-
shield protecting the inhabitants from the metha-nitrous
Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 2 5+ 3 atmosphere of that satellite.
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 14 Left Special Rules: A Repulsive class grand cruiser may
increase the range of its dorsal lances to 45cm for
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 14 Right +10 points. In addition, it may purchase an additional
Dorsal Lance Battery 30cm 3 Left / Front / Right shield for +15 points. (If a third shield is taken, the
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front ship must be mounted on a large base).

"W e were born for battle, Khayon. We were made to conquer the galaxy, not to rot in Hell and die upon our brothers' blades. Who are
the architects of the Imperium? Who fought to purge its territory of aliens and expand its borders? Who brought rebellious worlds to
heel and slaughtered those who refused the light of progress? Who walked from one side of the galaxy to the other, marking their passage in
a trail of treacherous dead? This is our Imperium. Built across the worlds we burned, over bones we broke, with the blood we shed. You see it
too. You feel it now, don't you? - A new war. One not born of bitterness nor founded on revenge. - The Long War, Khayon."

-Abaddon the Despoiler

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 29


RETALIATOR CLASS GRAND CRUISER.......................... 275 Points

T he Retaliator class was part of the Galan V garrison
fleet that mutinied against Imperial rule in M35. After
a two day pitched battle around the planet’s three moons
which saw four of the traitor vessels destroyed, taking
three Imperial cruisers with them the rebel squadron
disengaged, fled out of the system and made the jump
into the Warp, led by the squadron command vessel,
Foebane. Since the Treachery of Galan the squadron
(which has now taken its command ship’s name) has been
identified as part of the raiding fleets of three renegade
Warmasters, and has been involved in fleet actions in
Segmentum Obscurus, Segmentum Solar and Ultima
Segmentum. The Foebane and her sister ships were
last positively identified during the Raid on Magdellan
Prime, now over 100 years ago, which destroyed fifty
percent of the planet’s orbital defenses.

When vessels of a certain class are already known traitors,

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Imperial Admirals must think long and hard about
employing the services of remaining vessels. Individual
Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 3 5+ 3 captains and their ships may turn traitor regardless of
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC class, but when substantial numbers of vessels of the
same design fall to the Ruinous Powers, some fallibility
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 6 Left must be suspected. By accident, or perhaps by design of
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 6 Right some already corrupted Techmagos, the ship may lack
proper protection from the influences of the Warp, or its
Port Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left
architecture may contain certain geometries, proportions
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 2 Right or combinations of material which act as conduits for
Swiftdeaths: 30cm the dark energies of Chaos, making all such vessels
Port Launch Bays 3 Squadrons - vulnerable to the worst of taints, no matter how loyal,
Doomfires: 20cm
Starboard Launch Bays 3 Squadrons - brave, and honorable their captain and crew may be. Yet
Dreadclaws: 30cm
all too often, the need is dire, and desperation sets in...

Ablative Prow Armor: Due to their substantial armored prow, Retaliator class grand cruisers ignore all Prow Armament Damaged critical hits, rather than suffer the next highest result on the
Critical Damage table. However, a Retaliator class grand cruiser armed with prow torpedoes automatically loses this special rule, as its prow must be reconfigured to accommodate the torpedo

Torpedo Bombers: A Retaliator class grand cruiser may equip its launch bays with Harbinger torpedo bombers for +60 points, in addition to any other attack craft it may normally launch.
Retaliator class grand cruisers that take Stormbird gunships cannot purchase this upgrade.

Specialist Refits: A Retaliator class grand cruiser may purchase one of the following upgrades at the listed cost:

• Prow Torpedoes (Speed: 30cm, Strength 6, Front)....................................................................................................................................................................................................................+25 points

• Communication Uplink (+1 Ld)................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................+20 points
• Improved Thrusters (+D6cm speed when on All Ahead Full orders).........................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

30 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


NEPHILIM CLASS GRAND CRUISER................................. 250 Points

N o one really knows how the Nephilim class grand
cruiser first came into existence. There is no record
of such a class of vessel ever being in Imperial service.
Naval and Mechanicus experts theorize that the vessel is
a retrofitted Vengeance, however there is no way to tell
with absolute certainty.

The Fallen, the only Nephilim class proven to exist,

regularly raids out of the Maelstrom as the flagship of
the pirate Sebastian Merck.

The Fallen was the first vessel recorded entering the

Tartanus sector in late 987.M41. Naval authorities did
not understand what Sebastian Merck’s intentions in the
Ghoul Stars were, and observing the vessel raiding the
transport fleet of the Alexander family on three occasions
did little to help their analysis. The Fallen is the only
warship ever known to battle against Alexander’s Pride,
flagship of the family, where it proved to be a worthy
opponent when it crippled the Alexander’s Pride, forcing
Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 3 5+ 3
Port Weapons Battery
Starboard Weapons Battery
"T he creatures of the Warp are just
"aliens" too, but they are not life
forms as we understand the term. They are
Port Launch Bays Swiftdeaths: 30cm 2 Squadrons - not organic. They are extra-dimensional, and
Doomfires: 20cm
Starboard Launch Bays Dreadclaws: 30cm 2 Squadrons - they influence our reality in ways that seem
sorcerous to us. Supernatural, if you will.
Ablative Prow Armor: Due to their substantial armored prow, Nephilim class grand cruisers ignore all Prow Armament
So let's use all those lost words for them...
Damaged critical hits, rather than suffer the next highest result on the Critical Damage table. However, a Nephilim class grand Daemons, spirits, possessors, changelings. All
cruiser armed with prow torpedoes automatically loses this special rule, as its prow must be reconfigured to accommodate the we need to remember is that there are no gods
torpedo tubes.
out there, in the darkness, no great daemons
Torpedo Bombers: A Nephilim class grand cruiser may equip its launch bays with Harbinger torpedo bombers for +40 points, and ministers of evil. There is no fundamental,
in addition to any other attack craft it may normally launch. Nephilim class grand cruisers that take Stormbird gunships cannot immutable evil in the cosmos. It is too large
purchase this upgrade.
and sterile for such melodrama. There are
Specialist Refits: A Nephilim class grand cruiser may purchase one of the following upgrades at the listed cost: simply inhuman things that oppose us, things
we were created to battle and destroy."
• Prow Torpedoes (Speed: 30cm, Strength 6, Front).......................................................................................................+25 points
• Communication Uplink (+1 Ld)...................................................................................................................................+20 points -The Primarch Horus Lupercal
• Improved Thrusters (+D6cm speed when on All Ahead Full orders)............................................................................+5 points

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 31


EXECUTOR CLASS GRAND CRUISER.............................. 210 Points

T oday the Executor is no longer in Imperial service.
Few were ever constructed, mostly in the ship yards
of Hydraphur and its surrounding forge worlds. The
Executor was a lance boat, and as such was much liked
by fleet commanders as a counter foil for other more
heavily gunned cruisers.

Over the years the Executor’s numbers dwindled as each

was lost in battle. One of the last remaining squadrons,
under the command ship Blood Royale, was stationed
as part of the massive fleets defending the Cadian Gate.
During a fleet action against Chaos vessels raiding from
the Eye of Terror, the Executor class Blood Royale and
her sister ships where part of the pursuit force. Having
held the line and forced the raiders to disengage the Blood
Royale and a dozen other vessels gave chase. None were
ever seen again, and their fate remained a mystery. Most
believed they had been drawn into a trap and destroyed.

Five centuries later three of the missing vessels, including

the Blood Royale, were identified as part of the renegade
fleet of Warmaster Arca Vilespawn. They are thought to
be the only Executors left.
Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 3 5+ 3 FAMOUS SHIPS:
Port Lance Battery 30cm 4 Left
Port Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left
Starboard Lance Battery 30cm 4 Right "W e fight the long war, not through vain notions of
duty and honor, but through a far purer purpose:
hatred. At the height of our glory we were betrayed and
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 2 Right cast out by our kin. Guilliman, Dorn, Sanguinius - these
are names I curse. Horus, Perturabo, Angron - these are
names I revere, names I would follow to the very end.
Ablative Prow Armor: Due to their substantial armored prow, Executor class grand cruisers ignore all Prow Armament
It is this hatred that has sustained me through the long
Damaged critical hits, rather than suffer the next highest result on the Critical Damage table. However, an Executor class grand
millennia. I tend it with bitterness. I nurture it with the
cruiser armed with prow torpedoes automatically loses this special rule, as its prow must be reconfigured to accommodate the
deaths of my former brothers. For I know that when
torpedo tubes.
the end is upon us and Horus is returned, then the false
emperor shall be cast down from his sepulchral Golden
Specialist Refits: An Executor class grand cruiser may purchase one of the following upgrades at the listed cost:
Throne, and we shall take our rightful place at the side of
Horus, the true Emperor of Mankind."
• Prow Torpedoes (Speed: 30cm, Strength 6, Front).......................................................................................................+25 points
• Communication Uplink (+1 Ld)...................................................................................................................................+20 points -Warsmith Ferrous Ironclaw
• Improved Thrusters (+D6cm speed when on All Ahead Full orders)............................................................................+5 points

32 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


STYX CLASS HEAVY CRUISER............................................ 260 Points

T he Styx class heavy cruiser was used throughout
the Segmentum Obscurus and in many fleets of the
Ultima Segmentum during the 32nd and 33rd millennia.
In most fleets they were later phased out, in favor of the
new battlecruisers being constructed on Mars. Mustering
a considerable array of long range weapons batteries to
complement its sizable launch bays, the Styx is even
more formidable than its considerable tonnage would
suggest. It has since become a staple of many Chaos
raiding fleets and the class as a whole has accrued a large
tally of Imperial kills in the latter years of M40. There is
even an axiom among Navy captains which says, “Take
care when crossing the river, lest it carry ye to the Warp.”

There are seven recorded instances of Styx class heavy

cruisers fighting against the forces of the Emperor in the
Segmentum Obscurus before the Gothic War. During
that conflict, this figure rose to thirty nine major fleet
battles involving Styx class ships, demonstrating the
value the followers of the Ancient Powers placed on the
class’ capabilities. Although there were at least five ships
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS of this class ranged against the Imperium during that
campaign, only two were identifiable: the Horrific and
Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 3 the Heartless Destroyer.
Both laid down in the Cypra Mundi dockyards in the
Port Launch Bays Swiftdeaths: 30cm 3 Squadrons - early 33rd millennium, the Heartless Destroyer and
Doomfires: 20cm Horrific were frequently in action together. In 299.M35
Starboard Launch Bays Dreadclaws: 30cm 3 Squadrons -
the Heartless Destroyer, the older of the two vessels,
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left / Front / Right withdrew from an engagement against traitorous raiders,
leaving its companion ship to be reduced to a hulk and
Prow Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Left / Front / Right
captured. Until their reappearance during the Gothic
War, there had been no reports of either ship.
Torpedo Bombers: A Styx class heavy cruiser may equip its launch bays with Harbinger torpedo bombers for +60
Certain incidents when the two vessels fought together
points, in addition to any other attack craft it may normally launch. Styx class heavy cruisers that take Stormbird
indicated there was still a great deal of enmity between
gunships cannot purchase this upgrade. them and in the Battle for Duran, the Horrific repaid the
earlier treachery. It abandoned the Chaos fleet during the
final assault of that battle and the Heartless Destroyer
"I salute you! For though our path has been long and bloody, you have served our Lord with unflinching courage was crippled. The badly mauled heavy cruiser was
then eventually destroyed when it drifted into range of
and the honour of true warriors. We have seen many fall today and must remember, even as we die, that our
planetary defense platforms.
blood too is welcome..."
-Last words of Harkan Ironfist FAMOUS SHIPS:
Horrific Heartless Destroyer

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 33


HECATE CLASS HEAVY CRUISER..................................... 230 Points

A s the Styx began to fall out of favor late in M33, the
Hecate was seen as a more fitting and well-rounded
replacement for fleet engagements and solitary patrols.
The shipyards at Cypra Mundi were only beginning to
construct these in any quantity when newer hull designs
by the shipyards of Mars were deemed more suitable for
the Imperial Navy.

Most were decommissioned by late M35, though the

Blade of Fury was used in fleet exercises as part of the
Gaerox Prerogative as late as M36. By this time a number
of similar vessels had turned renegade, and fearing some
inherent design flaw that made these ships susceptible to
corruption, the Imperial Navy fleet lords at Cypra Mundi
acted swiftly to decommission the remainder of these
ships in favor of the new Mars-type hull design.

Only one of these vessels was known to have turned

renegade before the Gothic War, though it is unknown
with any certainty if it was present during that conflict.
However, at least three of these ships were captured very
Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 3 early during Abbadon’s 13th Black Crusade, including
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC the Blade of Fury, Erebus and Admiral Foster. The
Blade of Fury was subsequently seen accompanying the
Port Launch Bays Swiftdeaths: 30cm 2 Squadrons -
traitor battle barge Wages of Sin on several occasions,
Doomfires: 20cm
Starboard Launch Bays Dreadclaws: 30cm 2 Squadrons - particularly during the razing of Belisimar and for several
raids on the orbital docks of Belis Corona.
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left / Front / Right
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 4 Left The Admiral Foster was most active of the four. Renamed
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 4 Right Reign of Terror by its captain, it participated in numerous
engagements at Ormantep and Thracian Primaris and was
Prow Weapons Battery 45cm 6 Left / Front / Right among the fleet present at the destruction of Urthwart by
the mighty Planet Killer. Its current whereabouts are not

Torpedo Bombers: A Hecate class heavy cruiser

may equip its launch bays with Harbinger torpedo
bombers for +40 points, in addition to any other
attack craft it may normally launch. Hecate class
heavy cruisers that take Stormbird gunships cannot
purchase this upgrade.

34 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


HADES CLASS HEAVY CRUISER........................................ 200 Points

T he Warmaker was once one of the most highly
praised vessels in the entire Gothic fleet, but is
now numbered among its most hated enemies. Before
the Gothic War, the Warmaker acted as a fleet training
vessel, having been retired from active duty following
thirteen esteemed centuries as flagship to the 4th Heavy
Cruiser Flotilla. Who can say how long the foul grip of
Chaos had festered within its armored hull, how many
promising naval officers were taught false ideals in the
midst of the Warmaker’s corruption, before being spread
to every corner of the fleet to promulgate their despicable
beliefs amongst their crews?

This base treachery was only discovered with the

outbreak of the Gothic War, when the Warmaker opened
fire on the Jarnu Orbital Station, shortly after breaking
from dock. The wreckage of the space station fell onto
Jarnu Capital, killing nearly three and a quarter million
Imperial citizens in the resulting mass conflagration. The
Warmaker easily outdistanced the few vessels in position
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS to give pursuit and was next sighted accompanying a fleet
Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 2 of marauders blockading the Slavonis system. To this
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC date, the Warmaker has eluded capture or destruction,
twice being crippled, but managing to limp to safety
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 10 Left under the cover of its escorts.
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 10 Right
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left / Front / Right FAMOUS SHIPS:
Malignus Maximus Injustice
Prow Lance Battery 60cm 2 Front
Warmaker The Risen

"W hat the thick-headed fools with their broken corpse of an Emperor fail to understand is that not only can they never defeat us, but they can not hide
or flee or shield themselves from the triumph of Chaos. They are finite and we are unbound, undivided. They must not err, or they fall to heresy.
All who fall join our cause. Every Imperial fool who dares to open his eyes is a willing recruit. They strive merely to hold back our fury and might, and it
consumes them. Thus you can see Chaos is inevitable. We lurk not only beyond their grasp and at their gates; we lurk within the darkness of their souls,
on the tip of their tongues, in their tortured dreams. We are them, but freed from the shackles of ignorance. We are them, grown strong; evolved. We are
them, but so much more!"

-Diuman Cilious, Alpha Legion Sorcerer

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 35


ACHERON CLASS HEAVY CRUISER................................. 190 Points

T he Chaos Eternus is unusual in many respects. As far
as records can show, there was only ever one vessel
of the Acheron class, constructed as a test bed for new
weapons systems devised by analysis of ancient, possibly
alien vessels discovered in Sector 51 (the supposedly
cursed sector which is also home to the ill-fated Portis
Cthulhus). Few other records exist, as intervention by the
Inquisition resulted in widespread purges of data.

Whether the Chaos Eternus’ subsequent defection during

the Gothic War was related to this in any way is a matter
of much conjecture amongst naval scholars. Incidentally,
the Chaos Eternus originally had no name, designated
BF/67-A and was given its moniker by Admiral Grove
when the ship escaped his fleet for the fourth time during
the Scharnhorst Conflict.

It is believed that the forces of Abaddon the Despoiler in

the Eye of Terror have shipyards capable of reproducing
the Acheron class, as there are multiple reports of vessels
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS matching the Chaos Eternus’ description taking part in
Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 3 battles at the same time the Chaos Eternus was confirmed
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC to be engaged elsewhere. An alternative theory suggests
that it is indeed the same vessel in both locations, due to
Port Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left the unusual effects of the Warp sending the ship back and
Starboard Lance Battery 60cm 2 Right forth through time.
Dorsal Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left / Front / Right
Prow Weapons Battery 45cm 6 Left / Front / Right
Chaos Eternus

"W hat is Chaos? Suffering, you might say. Oppression. Deceit. But could not all these things be said of your Imperium? You hunt down the talented
and the strong-willed. You break them or sacrifice them. You lie to your citizens and wage war on those who dare speak out. The inquisitors you
call masters assume guilt and execute millions on a whim. And why? Why do you do this? Because you know Chaos is there but you do not know how to
fight it, so you crush your own citizens for fear that they might aid the Enemy. The Imperium suffers because of Chaos. No matter how hard you fight,
that will never change. Chaos exists in a state of permanent victory over you - you dance to our tune, mortal one, you butcher and torture and repress one
another because the gods of the warp require you to. The Imperium is founded on Chaos. My lord Tzeentch won your war a long, long time ago."

-Ghargatuloth, Daemon Prince of Tzeentch

36 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


DEVASTATION CLASS CRUISER......................................... 190 Points

T he Unforgivable earned its title during the 37th millennium, during an engagement that came
to be known as the Mordian Incident. Formally known as the Righteous Fury, the vessel was
accompanying fourteen Navy transports (carrying thirty two thousand Imperial guardsmen, fifteen
hundred battle tanks and over ten thousand auxiliary staff and vehicles) alongside the Justus
Dominus, an Oberon Class Battleship and six escorts of varying designation. The Righteous Fury
reported a presence on its long range surveyors and launched its fighters and bombers to intercept.
However, this was nothing more than a devious ploy for the Righteous Fury to launch all of its
bomber wings.

As they passed alongside the Justus Dominus, the attack craft suddenly altered course, perpetrating
a devastating bombing run against the battlecruiser. Crippled by this surprise attack, the Justus
Dominus was unable to assist when the Righteous Fury turned its guns on the smaller escorts,
destroying four and forcing the two survivors to withdraw. The transports were helpless against the
traitorous cruiser and after thirteen hours of successive attack runs from its bombers, the Righteous
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Fury had destroyed all fourteen transports. Only three thousand men survived by escaping in
Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 3 savior pods and ether rafts and the loss of the army led to the fall of Gestenbal to ark invaders.

ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARC Renamed the Unforgivable, the rogue cruiser continued a rampage of wanton attacks that lasted
Port Launch Bays Swiftdeaths: 30cm 2 Squadrons - for three millennia, until its destruction by the Hammer of Justice under Captain Grenfeld during
Doomfires: 20cm the Port Maw Blockade.
Starboard Launch Bays Dreadclaws: 30cm 2 Squadrons -
Port Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left Special Attack Craft: A Devastation class cruiser may equip its launch bays with Harbinger
torpedo bombers (Speed: 20cm) for +40 points, in addition to any other attack craft it may
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 2 Right normally launch. Devastation class cruisers that take Stormbird gunships cannot purchase
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left / Front / Right this upgrade.

CARNAGE CLASS CRUISER..................................................... 180 Points

T he Carnage class cruisers were designed as fleet support vessels, utilizing their long range
guns to stand off and provide supporting fire for other ships. It was to be an ill-fated design,
marred by the technical difficulties of powering such long-ranged weapons and the cause of much
a bridgehead on the contested world. However, as traitor vessels moved in on the convoy, the
Relentless turned its guns on the transports, destroying three. The remaining transports reached the
surface but found that their drop site had been compromised and they were quickly overwhelmed
division within the Battlefleet Obscura. The first Carnage class cruiser, the Relentless, went into by renegades. Renamed the Initiate of Skalathrax, this vessel survived three millennia of blockades
battle during the Skalathrax Landing, supporting six transports as they attempted to establish and convoy attacks until it was finally destroyed by Imperial agents whilst it was docked at the
rebellious stronghold of Darkstation in the Priam Sector.


Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 6 Left
St’bd Weapons Battery 45cm 6 Right
Port Weapons Battery 60cm 4 Left
St’bd Weapons Battery 60cm 4 Right
Prow Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Left / Front / Right

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 37


INFERNO CLASS CRUISER....................................................... 180 Points

T he Inferno is believed to be an early design and a later counterpart of the Carnage. However,
it was marred by technical difficulties and not entirely successful in overcoming many of the
shortcomings experienced by the Carnage in maintaining and powering its long-range batteries.
The Inferno was quickly supplanted in front line units by more modern types. Even the Bastion
fleets have not had an example of this class for many centuries, though several were known to be
maintained by the Adeptus Mechanicus as experimental platforms and other such uses.

A small number were known to turn renegade before the class was entirely removed from service
by M35. None were known for certain to have been present during the Gothic War, though the
Havoc and Cerberus are both known to have operated throughout Segmentum Obscuras and the
Northern Rim. The Pillager and Rampage on the other hand have spent little time in Segmentum
Obscuras since going renegade, and for many centuries their whereabouts were unknown until
scattered reports concerning these two vessels surfaced in the vicinity of the Maelstrom in M37.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Several vessels of this class were reported in various engagements at Cadia, Kantrael and Agripinaa.
Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 2 While only the Pillager was identified with any certainty, at least two or three of these ships must
have participated in the war for the vast distances between systems they were sighted in.
Port Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left
Starboard Lance Battery
Port Weapons Battery
"W ith the thirty-seven keys of Tzeentch, we open the way for our brothers. With
the thousand whispers of Slaanesh, we call to them. With the twelve plagues of
Nurgle, we fell their enemies. And with the mighty axe of Khorne, we cut open the world
St’bd Weapons Battery 45cm 4 Right for them."
-Amphion and Zethus, Word Bearers Sorcerers
Prow Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Left / Front / Right

MURDER CLASS CRUISER......................................................... 170 Points

B efore being replaced by Lunar class cruisers, the Murder class cruiser was the mainstay of
Battlefleet Obscuras. Almost five hundred were built between the 33rd and 37th millennia
but a proportionate number turned renegade, joining the forces of Chaos. Armed with several
decks of the best plasma cannon batteries ever produced by the Adeptus Mechanicus, this class is
a formidable opponent at long range, with engines powerful enough to keep out of range of lesser
armed enemy ships. Several of these vessels combined can cripple the largest battleships and it
was a force formed from the Doombringer, Steel Fang and Monstrous that destroyed the Imperial
battleship Relentless Persecution (brought in from the Ardekka Sector) during the closing actions
of the Gothic War.


Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 2

Special Refits: A Murder class cruiser may reduce the firepower of its port and Port Weapons Battery 45cm 10 Left
starboard weapons batteries to 4 in exchange for port and starboard lance batteries St’bd Weapons Battery 45cm 10 Right
(Range 45cm, Strength 2) firing Left and Right respectively, for no change in cost. Prow Lance Battery 60cm 2 Front

38 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


SLAUGHTER CLASS CRUISER............................................... 165 Points

T he Slaughter class cruiser utilizes a Scartix engine coil that provides the ship with
a thrust considerably more powerful than any other vessel’s. When the Dutiful,
a Slaughter class cruiser laid down in 126.M34, turned renegade and bombarded the
Sethelan forge world, the design for the Scartix coil was destroyed. Some think the
attack had the sole purpose of preventing the construction of any more vessels of this

The Dutiful was renamed the Soulless by Admiral Dorez for this despicable deed and
was mercilessly hunted across Imperial space for the next seven millennia. It was
finally destroyed during the Orar Raid, when its plasma drives were wrecked by the
Impervious, a Mars class battlecruiser.
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Another Slaughter class cruiser, the Killfrenzy, has a fearsome reputation and is so
Cruiser/8 30cm 45° 2 5+ 2 named because of its peculiar broadcasts. In every encounter, the vessel has transmitted
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARC a single continuous message across frequencies - KILLFRENZY KILLFRENZY
KILLFRENZY... The ship’s captain, believed to still be Abraham Thurst, shows an
Port Lance Battery 30cm 2 Left
incredible disregard for the safety of his ship, continuing to fight in several instances
Starboard Lance Battery 30cm 2 Right even after suffering crippling damage.
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 8 Left
St’bd Weapons Battery 30cm 8 Right Special Rules: Slaughter class cruisers add an extra +1D6cm to their speed when
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left / Front / Right on All Ahead Full special orders.

FANATIC CLASS LIGHT CRUISER...................................... 125 Points

A popular class of vessel in the southern fringes of the galaxy, the Fanatic class light
cruiser is not actually a single homogeneous design. Rather, it is a broad category
of long range patrol vessels originally designed for raiding and pirate hunting. The most
recognizable design is the Thoreus pattern, although re-purposed Imperial light cruisers
are actually the most common type of Fanatics.

The Thoreus pattern is often referred to as the ‘Edge’ among Fanatic captains, though
whether this is in reference to its distinctive prow shape or the superstitious legend that
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS the Thoreus pattern ‘sails upon the knife’s edge;’ either achieving the most glorious of
victories or suffering the most ignoble of defeats. Whatever the reason, the Fanatic is a
Cruiser/6 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
very popular class among Rogue Traders and Chaos renegades alike, due to its resilient
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARC design and easy-to-replace components.
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 6 Left
St’bd Weapons Battery 45cm 6 Right Special Rules: Fanatic class light cruisers add an extra +1D6cm to their speed
Prow Lance Battery 45cm 2 Front when on All Ahead Full special orders.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 39


SCHISMATIC CLASS LIGHT CRUISER............................. 125 Points

F ast, swift, and elegant, the Schismatic class light cruiser, although often considered
under-gunned for it already small size, has repeatedly proven its worth as a tactical
torpedo platform. Only a handful were initially produced some time during the 36th
Millennium, using an experimental prow configuration that allowed its torpedoes to be
fired at extreme angles. This gave the Schismatic a unique advantage over other types
of torpedo boats by enabling it to bombard a target with ordnance while remaining at a
consistently safe distance.

The last Schismatic constructed in Imperial space was built just before Goge Vandire’s
bloody reign, and consequently most of the ones in Imperial service were lost in the
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Warp along with the armada sent against Sebastian Thor. It is believed that the design
of the class was subsequently lost during the period of unrest that followed Vandire’s
Cruiser/6 30cm 90° 1 5+ 2
death, and no further Schismatics were produced. However, many have been sighted in
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARC the company of Chaos fleets, leading some to believe that the plans were, in fact, stolen.
Port Lance Battery 30cm 2 Left
Starboard Lance Battery 30cm 2 Right Special Rules: Schismatic class light cruisers add an extra +1D6cm to their speed
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 4 Left / Front / Right when on All Ahead Full special orders.

HERETIC CLASS LIGHT CRUISER....................................... 120 Points

T he Heretic class light artillery cruiser is considered by Imperial Navy historians
to be the ancestor of the more common Dauntless class light cruiser. The first
appearance of these ships is dated 476.M32 in the archives of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
A fast support cruiser with enormous firepower for its size, the design was eventually
abandoned by the Imperium when it became clear that it was extremely susceptible to
the corrupting influence of Chaos. Mechanicus and Inquisition analysts later attributed
this to unusual geometric designs within the class’ superstructure, and as such all
remaining instances of the vessel (and those like it) were summarily destroyed by the
Ordo Hereticus.

Unfortunately, a large number of these ships escaped destruction before the Imperium
became aware of their design flaw, and almost all have found their way into the hands of
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS various Chaos warlords and renegade Space Marine warbands. As with all such ships,
the Imperium cannot conclusively determine where or how Heretic class vessels are
Cruiser/6 30cm 90° 1 5+ 2
still being produced, but the time-altering nature of the Warp makes it exceptionally
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARC difficult to formulate any meaningful theories.
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left
St’bd Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Right Special Rules: Heretic class light cruisers add an extra +1D6cm to their speed
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left / Front / Right when on All Ahead Full special orders.

40 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


IDOLATOR CLASS RAIDER....................................................... 45 Points

T he Idolator class raider is something of an enigma. Little is known of the whereabouts of its construction, though
rumor has it that they are built on the excommunicated forge world of Xana II near the Eye of Terror. Idolators
incorporate many systems and features which are of obviously non-human origin, probably bought or stolen from
other space-faring races, such as the Kroot mercenaries and the Fra’al raiders. They show remarkable gunnery at long
range and it is speculated that they benefit from some kind of improved targeting system which cannot be widely
replicated by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Squadrons of Idolators are a constant menace to shipping near the Eye of
Terror and it is not uncommon for three or four of these vessels to slip through the blockade of the Cadian Gate and
wreak havoc on Imperial convoys before escaping back into the depths of the void.


Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Special Rules: An Idolator class raider never suffers
a right column-shift for firing at targets more than Weapons Battery 45cm 2 Left / Front / Right
30cm away. Lance Battery 30cm 1 Front

INFIDEL CLASS RAIDER............................................................... 40 Points

D esigns for a larger escort ship to fulfill the role of
the Cobra destroyer disappeared from the Monsk
orbital shipyard in the late 40th millennium. Several
are responsible for many of the attacks on the Imperium’s
scattered outposts throughout the Segmentum Obscuras,
and many have been reported as far afield as Alphon in
years later, vessels of a remarkably similar configuration the Segmentum Solar and Xanthus on the northern rim.
began raiding Imperial outposts and convoys. The first Named Infidel class raiders by the naval hierarchy, these
attacks took place in the Damocles Sector, only 780 light ships were used in great numbers during the Gothic War,
years from Monsk. However, over the last two centuries, most notably in several surprise attacks against ships in
these attacks have been perpetrated in an ever increasing orbit awaiting refitting and rearmament. In particular,
area. It is widely believed that squadrons of these vessels a four-strong squadron proclaiming themselves as the
Exterminators took part in the ill-fated Orar Raid during
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS the Gothic War and were to reappear on thirteen other
Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 5+ 2 occasions, despite losing a total of twenty ships or more.
Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right FAMOUS SQUADRONS:
Fellclaws Damnators
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 2 Front
Exterminators Blades of the Rotten Hand

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 41


HAVOC CLASS RAIDER................................................................35 Points

T he Havoc frigate is an old design harking back to
a time when classes such as itself and the Praetor-
class destroyer had not yet been superseded by the newer
Tempestus the class is not commonly seen, and the vessel
is more often found in the company of Rogue Traders
than in service to the Navy. Unfortunately, it is also a
a surprising number of Havoc class raiders have been
sighted accompanying Chaos attack fleets during initial
assaults, and it is believed by some within the Imperium
and more ubiquitous escort classes of today, such as the favorite of pirates, and a number of these ships have been that this class of vessel is being actively produced at
Sword and Cobra. Even among the fleets of Segmentum hunted down and destroyed after falling into the hands renegade forge worlds, likely within the Eye of Terror.
of mercenaries and renegades. Beyond these however, This has not been conclusively proven, however.


Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Weapons Battery 30cm 3 Left / Front / Right
Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Front

ICONOCLAST CLASS DESTROYER.....................................25 Points

R oving squadrons of Iconoclast class destroyers have been a
constant peril to shipping. Mainly used by pirates and other
lawless bands, the Iconoclast is similar in design to a variety
Although compact, they carry a fearsome amount of firepower
for their size and when encountered in numbers can be a threat
to even a capital ship. In fleet actions, they mainly engage
attacks, daringly darting amongst the convoy’s defense vessels
to destroy the transports before escaping. The Lost Souls also
achieved notoriety for their part in the Faustus Assault. It was
of small escort ships turned out by almost every shipyard. enemy escorts, gun down attack craft and destroy incoming their vicious hit and run attacks that destroyed half of Faustus’
torpedoes. The Carrion squadron, a band of renegades operating orbital defenses, allowing the Excessive and Plagueclaw to
off the Duran moon, became infamous for their skill at convoy bombard that world in preparation for the subsequent landing.


Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 4+ 1
Weapons Battery 30cm 3 Left / Front / Right

CHAOS ATTACK CRAFT.................................................. Points: Special

ATTACK CRAFT SPEED Attack Craft Rules: Swiftdeath fighters, Doomfire
Swiftdeath Fighters 30cm bombers, Dreadclaw assault boats, and Harbinger
torpedo bombers follow all the normal rules for their
Doomfire Bombers 20cm
type as described in the core rulebook. Ships with
Dreadclaw Assault Boats 30cm Chaos Space Marines may choose to replace these
Harbinger Torpedo Bombers 20cm with Stormbird Gunships as described on page 20.

42 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


CHAOS SPACE HULK................................................................. 650 Points

S pace hulks are gigantic agglomerations of ancient
wrecked ships, asteroids, ice and other such flotsam
and jetsam, that are cast together after millennia of
drifting in and out of warp space. How and why space
hulks appear from the Warp and are then drawn back to
it is unknown, although there is plentiful evidence for
some being controlled or navigated by their inhabitants
or some external force. Some space hulks are infested
with alien life forms, Chaos renegades or even worse
horrors, but most are simply empty ghost ships, plying
the void for eternity. Tales of greedy scavengers meeting
horrible fates aboard space hulks are told throughout
the Imperium, but there are just as many tales of vast
fortunes made from the ancient technology they carry.

Bands of Chaos renegades and traitor Space Marines have

been known to use Space Hulks as bases of operations,
for they serve as convenient mobile headquarters as well
as a source of salvageable technology to repair or refit
their ancient starships. The World Eaters in particular
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS are known for using Space Hulks not merely as a hidden
Defense/40 10cm Special 3 4+ 6 pirate bases but as a jumping-off point for dark crusades
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC in their own right. Angron is known to have used a Space
Hulk as the centerpiece of his fleet for the centuries-long
Prow Weapons Battery 45cm 12 Front
Dominion of Fire in M38, a conflict spanning across
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 8 Front seventy sectors that took four entire Space Marine
Prow Lance Battery 30cm 4 Front Chapters, two Titan Legions and thirty Imperial Guard
regiments to finally put down.
Dorsal Lances 60cm 4 All Round
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 12 Right More recently, he used the Space Hulk Devourer Of Stars
Starboard Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 8 Right in 474.M41 to lead his World Eaters traitor Marines and
Swiftdeaths: 30cm hordes of daemonic creatures to scour the land during
Starboard Launch Bays Doomfires: 20cm 4 Squadrons - the First Armageddon War. After much of the planetary
Dreadclaws: 30cm defense force turned traitor and sided with the Ruinous
Powers, the remaining loyalists were quickly routed
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 12 Left form Armageddon Prime.
Port Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 8 Left
Swiftdeaths: 30cm Only intercession by the Space Wolves prevented the
Port Launch Bays Doomfires: 20cm 4 Squadrons - world from falling to Chaos, and several dozen Grey
Dreadclaws: 30cm Knights gave their lives to cast Angron back into the
Warp in a ward that bound him from returning to the
Aft Weapons Battery 45cm 12 Rear
material plane for a hundred years.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 43



Space hulks are so unlike other starships that they require a DAMAGE • A plasma drive overload result indicates the hulk is torn apart
number of special rules. However, a space hulk must still follow Chaos space hulks are so massive that damage is applied to them by internal explosions. No damage is scored on ships nearby;
all the usual rules for ships in your fleet, except where its special a little differently than regular ships. Note that space hulks are instead, the hulk breaks up into asteroid field D3x5cm wide
rules explicitly state otherwise. subject to the rules for defenses in the BFG:XR Fleet Support and D3x5cm long.
list (such as for gunnery and ramming), but are not considered
• On a warp drive implosion result the hulk is hurled back into
LEADERSHIP & SPECIAL ORDERS support units or planetary defense choices.
the Warp. Replace the hulk with a warp rift. Any ships caught
Due to their enormous size, and the subsequent strain this puts in the rift are affected immediately.
on command staff, a Chaos Space Hulk suffers -1 to its starting Crippling
leadership. This is applied after all other modifiers and bonuses, Space hulks are never crippled by damage like other ships. They
including leadership provided by an embarked Lord, Warmaster, must be completely destroyed before they cease to function. USING CHAOS SPACE HULKS
or Chaos Space Marines. A Chaos fleet of any size may include one Chaos Space Hulk. If
Critical Hits taken, it must serve as the flagship. It may not be taken in a fleet
In addition, a Chaos space hulk may not use Burn Retros or Due to their massive size and lack of complex systems, do not that has the Planet Killer, an Activated Blackstone Fortress, or
Come to New Heading special orders. It may use All Ahead Full roll for the effects of critical hits on an Chaos space hulk using any ships that must be used as flagships, such as the Terminus
special orders to initiate a ram, although it cannot gain any extra the Critical Hits table. Instead, the player who inflicted the hit Est, Scion of Prospero, etc. It may not take any Chaos Marks,
speed from doing so. Remember that as a defense, it must roll must roll on the table found on the next page and apply the although it does not prevent other vessels from doing so.
3D6 for its Ld check if attempting to ram a non-defense unit. result. Results from this table cannot be repaired.
A Chaos Space Hulk counts against a fleet’s allowed number
When applying results, no characteristic may be reduced below of battleships, and a fleet which includes one may include no
ORDNANCE zero – although you must apply as much of each penalty as more than two additional battleships to accompany it. However,
Most space hulks are capable of carrying legions of fanatical possible. If a random-valued characteristic suffers a penalty, there is no minimum point requirement or ship prerequisite for
troops. Due to their enormous capacity and onboard resources, a simply include the penalty in the calculation, treating all results fielding a Chaos Space Hulk, and if desired it may even be taken
Chaos space hulk always doubles the strength of its launch bays of zero or less as zero (if no non-zero result is possible, the by itself or only with escorts.
for the purpose of determining your fleet’s launch limit. characteristic is counted as being ‘reduced to zero’ and cannot
suffer any further penalties). If a result cannot be applied, repeat Note that while you do not need any cruisers or heavy cruisers
the relevant process described in the table until you determine to field a Chaos space hulk, you would need at least six cruisers
MOVEMENT a valid result. and/or heavy cruisers to include a battleship alongside a Chaos
Chaos hulks must move 10cm in a straight line each turn, no hulk (or nine to field two additional battleships), since the hulk
more, no less. Space hulks never have their speed reduced by Catastrophic Damage automatically counts against one of your allowed battleships.
blast markers or damage (see the diagram for details). When a space hulk is reduced to 0 Damage points, roll on the
Catastrophic Damage table as normal, modifying the results as Following the restrictions above, there is no reason a Chaos fleet
Turning follows: cannot use a space hulk in the same manner as a pirate base
A space hulk may turn up to 45° and only in every second during the course of a campaign. It could also be the objective
movement phase. The turn must be taken at the end of the space • The drifting and blazing hulk results remain unchanged of a convoy run scenario where the Space Hulk is caught alone
hulk’s 10cm move. This can be seen more clearly in the diagram (including any required movement, even though the hulk is while its fleet was away, counting as ten transports for purposes
on this page. technically a defense). of selecting an attacking fleet.

Gravity Wells
If a hulk is within the gravity well of a planet or moon at the end
of its movement it can make a single 45° turn towards the planet
or moon, regardless of whether it turned in its last movement
phase. Also, the enormous size and mass of a space hulk means
that it creates its own gravity well extending 5cm from the edges
of its base. This affects other ships in exactly the same way as
a planetary gravity well and means that vessels can take up a
stationary orbit around the hulk. Objects orbiting the hulk are
moved along with it until such time as they break orbit.

44 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium

"T he people of your world named you Great One. The
people of mine called me Slave. Which one of us landed
on a paradise of civilization to be raised by a foster father,
“Target high energy systems!” The attacker focuses on destroying areas of the hulk’s power distribution network. Roll Roboute? Which one of us was given armies to lead after
again and apply the result shown below (re-rolling if the result cannot be applied): training in the halls of the Macraggian high-riders? Which one
1-2: Reduce Turrets value by 1. of us inherited a strong, cultured kingdom? And which one of
1-2 us had to rise up against a kingdom with nothing but a horde of
3-4: Reduce Shields value by 1. starving slaves? Which one of us was a child enslaved on a world
5-6: Reduce the strength of all lance weapons by 1. of monsters, with his brain cut up by carving knives? Listen
“Target weapons clusters!” The attacker focuses on neutralizing banks of weapons across the hulk’s surface. The attacker to your blue-clad wretches yelling of courage and honour,
chooses one of the following (applicable) options: courage and honour, courage and honour. Do you even know
the meaning of those words? Courage is fighting the kingdom
3-4 • Reduce the firepower of a gunnery weapon facing the attacker by 2.
• Reduce the strength of a torpedo salvo facing the attacker by 2. which enslaves you, no matter that their armies outnumber
• Reduce the launch capacity of any launch bay by 2. yours by ten-thousand to one. You know nothing of courage.
Honour is resisting a tyrant when all others suckle and grow fat
“Target thruster assemblies!” The attacker focuses on demolishing the hulk’s maneuvering systems. Make a note each on the hypocrisy he feeds them. You know nothing of honour."
time the hulk suffers this result. Each time the hulk wishes to turn, it must roll higher on a D6 than the number of thruster
5+ assembly critical hits it has suffered during the course of the battle. This does not include the free turn it may make when
it is within a planet’s gravity well. A space hulk may suffer a maximum of 6 thruster assembly hits (if this result cannot be -Angron, to Roboute Guilliman
applied, roll for a different result).

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 45



W hen the infant Primarchs were scattered across
the galaxy, the child that came to be known as
Magnus the Red landed on the world of Prospero. He
outlawed as an unforgivable heresy. This compromise
was made law without a provision for rebuttal, and the
Edicts of Nikaea have stood for ten thousand years as
on the side of Horus. The Thousand Sons retreated to the
Eye of Terror after Horus’ defeat by the Emperor, after
which Tzeentch began bestowing his ‘blessings’, random
was fortunate, as normally a grotesque cyclopean being official Imperial policy. physical mutations, on members of the Thousand Sons.
would have been slain at once by superstitious locals. A cabal of the legion’s strongest sorcerers attempted to
As it was, Prospero was home to an exiled commune of The result of the Council of Nikaea served to mask counter the warping corruption. Led by Azhek Ahriman,
human psykers who saw Magnus as one of their own. other, darker betrayals, as Warmaster Horus fell to the their chief Librarian, they secretly laid the foundations of a
Magnus became a ward to the community. He quickly machinations of Chaos. Magnus foresaw Horus being mighty spell, afraid that their Primarch would disapprove
exhibited the psychic traits common to the commune, corrupted by Chaos and the future events of the Horus of their risky actions. The Rubric was both a total success
and by the time he reached physical maturity, his power Heresy. Burdened with the information imparted by and a total failure. The Thousand Sons were no longer
had grown so much that he surpassed every single person this precognitive vision, he first tried to dissuade Horus susceptible to mutation, because there was nothing left
on the planet, possibly the greatest that ever existed other through the warp and afterward cast spells and used the to mutate. The flesh of the Space Marines was turned to
than the Emperor. He believed his intellect could master power of his Legion’s greatest sorcerers to convey the dust, their souls trapped within armor that had become
any discipline and his maxim, above all others, was news of the impending civil war to the Emperor himself. completely sealed. Magnus was enraged, as the Legion
‘Knowledge is Power’. The Emperor was furious to see that Magnus had broken he had sacrificed so much for had been destroyed, and he
his oath and was more willing to believe Magnus was summoned Ahriman to account for his actions. Realizing
The Emperor of Man was attracted to the world of the traitor rather than his favored Horus. Leman Russ, the Architect of Fate, Tzeentch itself, had orchestrated
Prospero by the psychic beacon that was one of his lost Primarch of the Space Wolves Legion, who had always the entire event, Magnus spared Ahriman.
sons. Magnus was granted command of the 15th Space been averse to such witchcraft, was ordered by the
Marine Legion, the naming of the Legion as the Thousand Emperor to bring Magnus to Terra to account for his The Thousand Sons’ Chief Librarian was banished on
Sons was recognition that only a thousand original actions, but en-route Russ was convinced by Horus to an eternal quest for perfect understanding -- leading him
Marines were created from Magnus’ genetic material. It destroy Magnus’s legion rather than let the Emperor to take up such dangerous and enticing quests as the
was a reunion that could not have come at a better time for forgive Magnus. Accompanying the Space Wolves was hunt for the Eldar Black Library. To this end the great
the Legion. Formed from Magnus’ gene-seed, the Legion a full contingent of his own personal bodyguard and his sorcerers of the Thousand Sons have used the Scion of
contained a high number of Marines who had undergone elite witch-hunting units, the anti-psyker (pariah gene- Prospero as their conveyance either alone or at the head
psychic mutation. Very few survived the mutation, of the bearing) Sisters of Silence, originally known as Null of small flotillas, ranging throughout the galaxy for the
few who did, many became the greatest psykers of the Maidens. better part of ten thousand years. While it is known that
era, at a time when factions within the Imperium were Ahriman himself has embarked on this damned warship
calling for the extermination of all mutants and psykers. Landing in a surprise assault on Prospero, the Space on several occasions over its long and infamous history,
Magnus bent his intellect towards training the Thousand Wolves destroyed Tizca and with it much of the it is not known whether or not he led this ship or was
Sons Legion in the way of the psyker. knowledge carefully collected by the Thousand Sons. even aboard it at any time during Abbadon’s 12th or 13th
Magnus appeared defeated, but fate had something Black Crusades, though it is known that the ship itself
During this time Prospero gained immeasurable wealth, else in mind for the cyclopean Primarch. Turning to the was present during both terrible wars.
its capital city of Tizca becoming a beacon of vast power of sorcery once more in order to save himself,
pyramidal towers of gleaming silver and gold, becoming
a City of Light in the most literal sense. It is during
this time that many believe the Thousand Sons passed
his Legion, and all the knowledge he had accumulated,
Magnus, in his anger at the Emperor and at his brother
Primarch crossed over to the side of Chaos in vengeance,
"T he minds of gods are not for mortals to
know or to judge. Accept that Tzeentch
has a place for all of us in his grand scheme,
the point of scholarly pursuit and began to dabble in he and his Legion becoming the pawns of the Chaos
sorcery. Finally the Emperor himself held a council on God Tzeentch in exchange for a mighty work of magic and be happy in the part you have to play."
the planet Nikaea. The proposal was made that while the that transported the City of Light into the Eye of Terror.
education of psykers to best serve humanity should be Prospero was destroyed that day, and the next time the -Magnus the Red
made a priority, the conduct of arcane sorcery would be betrayed Thousand Sons were seen in combat, they were

46 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



Special Rules: The Scion of Prospero is ponderous and
cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. In
addition, it is a unique vessel; you may never include more
than one in a Chaos fleet. If chosen, the Scion of Prospero
must be used as the fleet’s flagship and have a Warmaster
placed aboard it (unless the Planet Killer is also present, in
which case a Chaos Lord must lead it). This vessel cannot
be used with any fleet that includes vessels bearing the
Mark of Nurgle unless the fleet is being led by Abbadon the
Despoiler, as there is ageless enmity between the servants of
the Bringer of Change and those of the Lord of Decay.

Chosen of Tzeentch: The Scion of Prospero is equipped

with the Mark of Tzeentch for free. It cannot have any other
Mark of Chaos.

Vortex of Chaos: Favored horrors of Tzeentch writhe and

cavort amidst the very bulkheads and girders, causing a
swirling vortex of Chaos to surround the vessel. At the end
of each movement phase, place a blast marker in contact
with each other vessel (friend or foe) within 15cm.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Vagaries of Fate: The Changer of Ways offers insight into
the fate of the vessel, providing its auguries brief glimpses
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 5+ 4
into the future. The Scion of Prospero comes with one free
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC re-roll, usable only for its own command checks. If this re-
roll or any of the embarked commander are failed, the ship
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 9 Left
suffers 1 point of damage as the many daemons bound to its
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 9 Right hull make their displeasure known.
Dorsal Lance Battery 45cm 3 Left / Front / Right
Special Attack Craft: The Scion of Prospero may equip
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 9 Front its launch bays with Harbinger torpedo bombers (Speed:
Prow Launch Bays 3 Squadrons - 20cm) for +90 points, in addition to any other attack craft
Swiftdeaths: 30cm it may normally launch. If the Scion of Prospero replaces its
Port Launch Bays Doomfires: 20cm 3 Squadrons - attack craft with Stormbird gunships, it may not purchase
Starboard Launch Bays Dreadclaws: 30cm 3 Squadrons - this upgrade.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 47



T he Emperor’s Children’s Primarch, Fulgrim, grew
up on what was once the resource-poor world of
Chemos. Dependent on interstellar trade for food and cut
of Horus and his Luna Wolves. Horus and Fulgrim grew
close to one another while pacifying the Eastern Fringe,
and this bond remained strong through the many years
of Terra. While other Traitor Legions assaulted the
Imperial Palace, the Emperor’s Children embarked upon
a spree of terror and gratification amongst the helpless
off from the rest of the galaxy by ferocious warp storms, to come. Eagerly continuing his pursuit of perfection, citizenry. Billions of defenseless civilians were used as
strict rationing and improvisation could not prevent the he commissioned his chief apothecary Fabius Bile to experimental subjects in the effort to create ever more
slow death of its people before Fulgrim’s arrival. Named secretly tamper with the Legion’s gene-seed, enhancing powerful stimulants and pleasure-inducing chemicals,
after a long-abandoned god of the people, Fulgrim was marines like Lord Commander Eidolon far beyond their used to summon daemons, raped in countless cases, or
beautiful, pale to the point of albinism, with eyes so original abilities but occasionally creating monstrous were simply tortured and killed to sate the bloodlust of
dark as to be almost entirely pupil and with shimmering abominations in the process. This pursuit was also the Legion. When Horus was defeated by the Emperor,
white hair, and he soon became a legend in his own applied to the warships of his legion, and the battle the Emperor’s Children left a trail of depopulated worlds
right. He quickly grew to understand the technology barges and cruisers of the Emperor’s Children were in their wake as they fled towards the Eye of Terror.
he had to work with and began to modify it, increasing lavishly appointed, with careful detail applied to every
efficiency dramatically. By the time he was fifteen aspect from crew quarters to weapons layout. When their supply of slaves was exhausted, they resorted
years of age, Fulgrim became one of the Executives to raiding the other Traitor Legions for fresh meat, and in
ruling the settlement of Callax. As Chemos continued When Horus declared that he would no longer follow the the end were crushed by their angry brethren in a series
to deteriorate, Fulgrim decided that he would save his Emperor, seven full Legions were sent to challenge the of bloody wars, culminating in the disastrous Battle of
world. Under Fulgrim’s leadership, teams of engineers Warmaster. Fulgrim met Horus in person, where Horus Skalathrax, where the Emperor’s Children were shattered
traveled far from their factory-fortress, reclaiming and was able to sway him to his cause. Fulgrim’s respect into bands of hedonistic fanatics.
repairing many of the far-flung mining outposts. As for Horus allowed Chaos to find its way into Fulgrim’s
recycling efficiency grew to the point where Chemos was heart, destroying his loyalty to Terra and replacing it with Despite this, a number of bands have managed to
producing a surplus for the first time in years, Fulgrim burning desire to destroy the man who held humanity maintain a semblance of structure approaching company
began to foster a re-emergence of art and culture, aspects back from the perfection Fulgrim desired. Slaanesh strength, and Lord Eidolon in particular still maintains
of humanity sacrificed in the struggle for survival. Fifty whispered to Fulgrim, and he accepted the promises of a large retinue of Noise Marines by force of will alone
years after arriving on Chemos, Fulgrim was its sole his new god. Perfection became perfect hedonism. When aboard his surviving battle barge. Codified Wage of Sin, it
leader. the loyalist legions arrived in the Istvaan system, the has maintained a close relationship with the Black Legion
Emperor’s Children were at the forefront of the fighting, since the days of the Heresy, and while it has ranged far
When the Emperor first arrived on Chemos, Fulgrim aiding in the massacre of their former brethren. afield in a never-ending pursuit of more slaves to feed
swore fealty to him instantly, and was placed at the head the ravenous appetites of its crew, it has accompanied
of his Legion. From the Emperor, Fulgrim learned of the All trace of decency amongst the Emperor’s Children Abbadon’s personal fleet during most of the many Black
distant world of Terra and of the Great Crusade to reclaim had vanished by the time they partook in the Siege Crusades he has waged against the Imperium.
the sundered galaxy. An accident destroyed the majority
of the gene-seed designated for his legion, and without
their Primarch, replacing it was a slow and laborious
process. Fulgrim came to address the two hundred Space
Marines of his Legion, and the words he spoke were said
to inspire the Emperor so much that he named the legion
the Emperor’s Children, allowing them to bear on their
power armor the sign of the Aquila, the double-headed
eagle that was the Emperor’s personal symbol. Fulgrim
was anxious to add his contribution to the Great Crusade,
but the comparatively small size of his Legion meant that
the Emperor’s Children were placed under the command

48 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



Special Rules: The Wage of Sin is ponderous and
cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. In
addition, it is a unique vessel; you may never include
more than one in a Chaos fleet. If chosen, the Wage
of Sin must be used as the fleet’s flagship and have a
Warmaster placed aboard it (unless the Planet Killer
is also present, in which case a Chaos Lord must
lead it). This vessel cannot be used with any fleet that
includes vessels bearing the Mark of Khorne unless
the fleet is being led by Abbadon the Despoiler, as
there remains unforgivable animosity between the
World Eaters and Emperor’s Children since the Battle
of Skalathrax.

Emperor’s Children Crew: The Wage of Sin is a

palace dedicated to every perverse and extreme form
of stimulation imaginable, and as such it is never
without a battalion of Noise Marines. It always counts
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS as having a Chaos Space Marine crew..
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 5+ 4
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC Chosen of Slaanesh: The Wage of Sin is equipped
with the Mark of Slaanesh for free. It cannot have any
Port Lance Battery 60cm 3 Left
other Mark of Chaos.
Starboard Lance Battery 60cm 3 Right
Dorsal Weapons Battery 60cm 12 Left / Front / Right Special Attack Craft: The Wage of Sin may equip its
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front launch bays with Harbinger torpedo bombers (Speed:
20cm) for +60 points, in addition to any other attack
Port Launch Bays Swiftdeaths: 30cm 3 Squadrons - craft it may normally launch. If the Wage of Sin
Doomfires: 20cm replaces its attack craft with Stormbird gunships, it
Starboard Launch Bays Dreadclaws: 30cm 3 Squadrons - may not purchase this upgrade.

"E ach of the Legions has now nominated aspirants seeking to throw themselves upon our mercy in the vain hope that we may deem them worthy to join
our ranks. Those loyal to the shrunken corpse on Terra still cling to their own processes by which perhaps one in a hundred neophytes may survive to
become a battle brother. The methods I have developed over the last millennia are more stringent, for we must be pure in our hatred and hard of heart, body
and soul. Fewer than one in every thousand survive, and I strive each day to lengthen these odds still further."

-Fabius Bile, Apothecary of the Emperor's Children

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 49



T he Terminus Est was one of the first capital ships
assigned to the Death Guard by the Emperor. It
was of a unique design that predated the Great Crusade
the boast of the Death Guard that their Primarch-turned-
Daemon Prince Mortarion conquered a mighty empire
within the Eye and transformed it to his own tastes.
Surprisingly, the Terminus Est and its captain, Typhus, did
not assume a central role in the Gothic War as predicted
by Naval High Command. Only a single sighting near
and which was copied in M36 as part of the Gareox Anvil 206 existed as evidence of their presence. However,
Prerogative to create the Despoiler class. As might Typhus and the Terminus Est were among the first of considering the many later incidents traced back to
be expected the older vessel was considerably more the Death Guard to be sighted again when they brought Anvil 206 it is clear that Typhus’ particular mission -
powerful than the later copy. Nothing definite is known plague to the Agripinaa system in M35. The success of whatever it might have been - was accomplished. Near
of the pre-Heresy configuration of the Terminus Est, the Terminus Est in defeating the many battlegroups sent the conclusion of the war, a search was ordered to track
although references exist that suggest it was primarily against it had a major effect on the morale and thinking down the Terminus Est, but there was little left to find and
employed as a planetary assault ship. This is not unusual of the Imperial Navy. In M36 an Adeptus Mechanicus the mission was called off.
as it conforms to the role assigned to vessels of the Space expeditionary force succeeded in finding schematics of
Marine Legions. Many of the vessels used in the Great its design on the perdita world of Barabus and began Now in M41 the Terminus Est has become one of the
Crusade were, however, handicapped by system failures building the Despoiler class. Little did they know that oldest ships known to the Imperium, the power of Nurgle
that the Imperium lacked the ability to repair. Often this the core architecture and design of the class’ warp shields holding its ancient hull together while the most virulent
would result in many technologies being replaced with hid a fundamental flaw. Only in the following centuries plagues seethe through its dank corridors. It is a living
less efficient but more easily maintained alternatives. when the vessels of this class were either lost in the Warp part of Nurgle’s realm given license to travel the stars,
or turned renegade did the realization strike home, but by spreading death at the behest of its damned captain.
The role of the Terminus Est during the Heresy is then it was too late to do anything but cease production There will be no rest for the Imperial Navy until it is
better known. At Istvaan the Terminus Est engaged and on a wide scale. finally hunted down and cleansed forever.
destroyed Shadow of the Emperor, the flagship of the
Raven Guard. It is argued that this engagement was the
earliest recorded conflict between battleships specialized
to carry attack craft. The engagement was swift and
deprived the embattled loyalist forces of any air support
in the massacre that followed.

When the Terminus Est was sighted as part of the armada

that followed Horus to Terra it had changed. The Mark
of Nurgle was upon it and all the other vessels of the
Death Guard. When Mortarion led the assault on the
Lion Gate starport Typhus controlled the Plague Fleet
and it is suspected that he was the one to begin the
orbital bombardment of the Emperor’s Palace. Following
Horus’ death and the arrival of loyalist reinforcements
the Terminus Est’s formidable reserves of attack craft
were expended as a rearguard while the Death Guard
were evacuated back to their ships. Along with the rest
of the Traitor Legions the Death Guard fled to the Eye
of Terror and disappeared from Human knowledge for
centuries. Deep within the Eye it is suspected that the
Traitor Legions went on to fight amongst themselves and
the other existing inhabitants of that twisted space. It is

50 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



Special Rules: The Terminus Est is ponderous and cannot
use Come to New Heading special orders. In addition, it
is a unique vessel; you may never include more than one
in a Chaos fleet. If chosen, the Terminus Est must be used
as the fleet’s flagship and have a Warmaster placed aboard
it (unless the Planet Killer is also present, in which case a
Chaos Lord must lead it). This vessel cannot be used with
any fleet that includes vessels bearing the Mark of Tzeentch
unless the fleet is being led by Abbadon the Despoiler, as
there is ageless enmity between the servants of the Bringer
of Change and those of the Lord of Decay.

Death Guard Crew: The Terminus Est is crewed by the

finest warriors the Death Guard have to offer. It counts as
having Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Terminators for no
extra cost.
Chosen of Nurgle: The Terminus Est is equipped with the
Battleship/13 20cm 45° 4 5+ 4 Mark of Nurgle for free (the effect is already included in its
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC profile). It cannot have any other Mark of Chaos.

Port Hives of Nurgle 30cm 14 Left Miasma of Pestilence: Vast clouds of warp-spawned flies
Starboard Hives of Nurgle 30cm 14 Right protect the Terminus Est. This miasma permeates outwards
from the ship through blisters, boils, and fractures in its
Dorsal Lance Battery 45cm 4 Left / Front / Right
surface or through corroded discharge tubes and weapon
Prow Lance Battery 30cm 3 Front barrels. This obscures and distorts the vessel’s shape,
Prow Launch Bays 3 Squadrons - preventing enemies from gaining a left-column shift for firing
Swiftdeaths: 30cm
at it from within 15cm. In addition, all ordnance attacking
Port Launch Bays Doomfires: 20cm 2 Squadrons - the Terminus Est counts as passing through blast markers.
Starboard Launch Bays Dreadclaws: 30cm 2 Squadrons -
Hives of Nurgle: Along either side of the Terminus Est, rows
of pustules, hives, and sores fester upon the ship’s cankered
hull like coral over rock, periodically erupting violently and
hurling a mixture of corroded debris, munitions, and filth
into space. They function exactly like weapons batteries and
in addition, after the Terminus Est moves, you may place one
blast marker at any point along the vessel’s path for each
functioning hive emplacement on the ship (limit 2).

Special Attack Craft: The Terminus Est may equip its

launch bays with Harbinger torpedo bombers (Speed: 20cm)
for +70 points, in addition to any other attack craft it may
normally launch. If the Terminus Est replaces its attack craft
with Stormbird gunships, it may not purchase this upgrade.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 51



A s a child, Angron was found by a slaver who
recognized his ‘potential’ and had him implanted
with bio-neural circuitry used to increase a warrior’s
developed over the course of the Great Crusade. No mercy
was offered by the World Eaters, only bloody death at the
end of a chain-axe, and entire systems would surrender
but this proved to be incorrect when it again assailed
itself upon the Dominion of Man in a series of raids in
435.M37 ranging throughout Segmentum Obscurus.
aggression and strength. Angron was then inducted into unconditionally in attempts to avoid suffering this fate Adorned with row upon row of white, leering skulls in
the ranks of the planet’s numerous slave-gladiators. After shortly after his flagship arrived. Eventually, the Legion’s dedication to the throne of Khorne, it is known to have
only a few months in the largest arena of the planet’s use of implants was discovered, and the Emperor ordered changed hands several times, as the servants of the blood
capital, Angron came to be known as a proud warrior of Angron to cease modifying his soldiers. Unsurprisingly, god see their starships as little more than a means of
fearsome skill, and quickly became a crowd favorite. He Angron disobeyed, ordering his Techmarines to continue transport from one opportunity to slaughter for Khorne
killed hundreds of gladiators, in both single and multiple the surgeries in secret. Capitalizing on the Legion’s ranks to the next.
combats, but spared those who had fought well. of raving warriors and bloody rituals, it took little effort
for them to be corrupted into the worship of Khorne, and The Conqueror figured prominently during the Accursed
Angron trained several of the gladiators he had spared, they were the first to side with Horus when his betrayal One’s 12th Black Crusade in the Gothic Sector, this time
and at the height of the largest gladiatorial event on the was made public. As part of a bloody sacrifice to their under the leadership of Warmaster Heinrich Bale at the
planet, Angron and his followers turned on the crowd, new master, the Librarians of the World Eaters were head of a large fleet of ships. His warfleet in general and
slaughtering everyone and fighting their way free in hunted down and killed by their brother Marines, as his flagship in particular proved to be a menacing foe that
a display of psychotic, implant-augmented fury. They Khorne despised all practitioners of the sorcerous arts. successfully maintained a blockade of Port Maw itself
prepared themselves for the final battle as five vastly for more than three years and laid waste to many Imperial
superior armies surrounded the slaves’ camp. It was at After Horus’s defeat and their retreat to the Eye of Terror, ships in the Port Maw sub-sector. His was one of the very
this time that the Emperor revealed himself. Angron was Angron was elevated to daemonhood, becoming Khorne’s last warfleets to withdraw in defeat in the closing stages
offered leadership of his own Legion but he refused, greatest daemon prince. For centuries the fate of the of the Gothic War, only doing so while engaging in a
believing his place to be with the army he forged and Conqueror remained a mystery, though scattered reports titanic series of running battles during which many of the
led. The Emperor teleported him to his own ship against indicate it was at the head of small flotillas or solitary raids ships under his command were destroyed, usually only
Angron’s wishes, abandoning his troops to certain on several occasions throughout Segmentum Obscurus after engaging at close range and attempting to board
defeat and death. Angron eventually took command of and the Northern Rim. When the World Eaters ceased their enemies rather than retreat. Once again the infamous
the World Eaters, but never forgave the Emperor for to exist as a unified Legion due to the actions of Khârn vessel escaped and disappeared from the record, only to
his abduction, and what he saw as a betrayal of martial the Betrayer during the Battle of Skalathrax in 021.M31, emerge at the head of a small warfleet during the 13th
honor. This bred resentment that eventually contributed the Conqueror likewise faded to obscurity. It was finally Black Crusade, this time as the flagship of Kosolax the
to Angron’s joining the Traitor Marines’ rebellion against reported destroyed by a large Imperial formation in M35, Foresworn.
the Emperor that was led by the Warmaster Horus.

Knowing firsthand how effective the surgery inflicted on

him could be, Angron ordered the Legion’s Techmarines
to replicate the implants and processes, using himself
as a template. Soon the entire Legion was modified,
and initially the enhanced Companies of the World
Eaters were highly successful, gaining a reputation as
effective terror troops. The shipyards at his disposal did
not hesitate to incorporate refits that optimized warships
for the combat doctrine and fighting style of his Legion,
favoring high speed and serrated ranks of close-ranged
batteries that encouraged close-quarters battles over
the speartip formations and ranged combat doctrines

52 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



Special Rules: The Conqueror is ponderous and cannot use
Come to New Heading special orders. In addition, it is a
unique vessel; you may never include more than one in a
Chaos fleet. If chosen, the Conqueror does not have to be the
fleet’s flagship unless it is the most expensive vessel present.
This vessel cannot be used with any fleet that includes
vessels bearing the Mark of Slaanesh unless the fleet is being
led by Abbadon the Despoiler, as there remains unforgivable
animosity between the World Eaters and Emperor’s Children
since the Battle of Skalathrax.

Berzerker Horde: The Conqueror embarks a vast horde of

World Eaters ever ready for battle. It counts as having both
a Chaos Space Marine crew and Chaos Terminators. Due to
the World Eaters’ insatiable bloodlust, the Conqueror may
also re-roll its boarding action results (although the second
roll stands, even if it is worse).

Chosen of Khorne: The Conqueror is equipped with the

Mark of Khorne for free. It cannot have any other Mark of

Improved Thrusters: The Conqueror adds an extra +D6cm

to its speed when on All Ahead Full special orders.
Defiant Rage: The crew of the Conqueror is notoriously bad
Battleship/12 25cm 45° 4 5+ 4 tempered and will often fly the vessel apart in the pursuit of
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC vengeance. The Conqueror must take a Ld test on 3D6 if it
becomes crippled by enemy shooting. If it passes, the ship
Port Lance Battery 30cm 2 Left suffers the normal effects of being crippled and nothing else
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 16 Left happens. If the test is failed, the ship increases its speed by
5cm (rather than reducing it) and automatically passes all
Starboard Lance Battery 30cm 2 Right leadership tests to check course when ramming. However,
Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 16 Right its armaments are reduced to 25% effectiveness instead of
being halved. This effect lasts until the ship or squadron
Dorsal Weapons Battery 60cm 8 Left / Front / Right that crippled the Conqueror is destroyed, at which point the
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 8 Front Conqueror is treated like any other crippled vessel.

"B ecause we couldn't be trusted. The Emperor needed a weapon that would never obey its own desires before those of the Imperium. He needed a weapon that would never bite the hand that feeds. The World
Eaters were not that weapon. We've all drawn blades purely for the sake of shedding blood, and we've all felt the exultation of winning a war that never even needed to happen. We are not the tame, reliable
pets that the Emperor wanted. The Wolves obey, when we would not. The Wolves can be trusted, when we never could. They have a discipline we lack, because their passions are not aflame with the Butcher's Nails
buzzing in the back of their skulls. The Wolves will always come to heel when called. In that regard, it is a mystery why they name themselves wolves. They are tame, collared by the Emperor, obeying his every
whim. But a wolf doesn't behave that way. Only a dog does. That is why we are the Eaters of Worlds, and the War Hounds no longer."

-Eighth Captain Khârn, from The Eighteen Legions

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 53



You may include one grand cruiser for every three
Imperial shipping lines. In some cases, larger groups of
ships will band together to strike populated worlds in an
0-1 Chaos Lord or Warmaster
cruisers and/or heavy cruisers in your fleet. attempt to curry favor with their dark masters.
You may include one Chaos Lord or Chaos Warmaster,
who must be assigned to the most expensive capital ship Repulsive Class Grand Cruisers....................... 230 points Ordnance & Upgrades
in the fleet. If your fleet is worth at least 750 points, a Chaos attack craft follow the normal rules for their type,
Chaos Lord or Warmaster must be included to lead it. Heavy Cruisers and any vessel with torpedo tubes is armed with both
You may include one heavy cruiser for every two cruisers ordinary and boarding torpedoes.
Chaos Lord (Ld8)............................................... 50 points in your fleet.
Chaos Warmaster (Ld9)..................................... 75 points Any capital ship armed with torpedoes may be equipped
Styx Class Heavy Cruiser................................ 260 points with either short burn torpedoes, guided torpedoes, or
A Chaos fleet commander comes with one re-roll for free, Hades Class Heavy Cruiser.............................. 200 points barrage bombs (choose only one) for +5 points per point
and may purchase up to two additional fleet commander Acheron Class Heavy Cruiser.......................... 190 points of its torpedo strength. Alternatively, for +50 points it
re-rolls at the cost shown below: may be given anointed munitions (rolling at the start of
Cruisers the game, as described on page 19).
You may include any number of cruisers in your fleet.
One re-roll.......................................................... 25 points
In addition, up to two cruisers or heavy cruisers in the
Two re-rolls........................................................ 50 points Devastation Class Cruiser................................ 190 points fleet may replace all of their launch bays with mine
Carnage Class Cruiser...................................... 180 points launchers for +5 points per bay replaced.
SECONDARY COMMANDERS Murder Class Cruiser....................................... 170 points
Slaughter Class Cruiser.................................... 165 points
Aspiring Champions Marks of Chaos
Any capital ship in the fleet (except a Chaos Lord or Any vessel led by a Chaos Lord, Chaos Warmaster, or
Warmaster’s vessel) may be led by an aspiring champion. ESCORTS aspiring champion may choose a single Mark of Chaos at
the cost shown below:
You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in
Aspiring Champion (Ld +1, Max Ld9).............. 30 points squadrons of 2 to 6 vessels.
Mark of Chaos Undivided*................................ 25 points
An aspiring champion may purchase a single re-roll for Idolator Class Raider.......................................... 45 points Mark of Slaanesh............................................... 15 points
+15 points, usable only for his own ship or squadron. Infidel Class Raider............................................ 40 points Mark of Nurgle.................................................. 15 points
Iconoclast Class Destroyer................................. 25 points Mark of Khorne.................................................. 15 points
Mark of Tzeentch............................................... 15 points
Battleships USING AN INCURSION FLEET *Chaos Lord or Warmaster’s vessel only.
You may include one battleship for every three cruisers The Chaos Incursion fleet list represents a general style
and/or heavy cruisers in the fleet. of fleet commonly seen issuing forth from either the Eye Reserves and Allies
of Terror or the Maelstrom. They typically field a large A Chaos Incursion fleet may take reserves from the 13th
Despoiler Class Battleship............................... 390 points number of long-ranged weapons and fast escorts, which Black Crusade or Chaos Renegades fleet list. You may
Desolator Class Battleship............................... 300 points they use to conduct raids on vulnerable outposts or harry not take the Planet Killer or a space hulk as reserves.

54 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



FLEET COMMANDERS Retaliator Class Grand Cruiser....................................275 points THE 13th BLACK CRUSADE
0-1 Chaos Lord or Warmaster Nephilim Class Grand Cruiser.....................................250 points The armadas of Abaddon’s 13th Black Crusade represent Chaos
You may include one Chaos Lord or Chaos Warmaster, who must Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser....................................230 points in all its forms. Vessels from every era and region can be found,
be assigned to the most expensive capital ship in the fleet. If your Executor Class Grand Cruiser......................................210 points each proclaiming their undying loyalty to the Dark Gods. This
fleet is worth at least 750 points, a Chaos Lord or Warmaster vast array of formerly disparate warbands is a force that few in
must be included to lead it. Your fleet must be worth at least Heavy Cruisers the Imperium ever believed possible. Fiends, traitors, heretics,
1000 points to include Abaddon the Despoiler. You may include one heavy cruiser for every two cruisers in your and sorcerers all sailing together under a single banner, each
fleet. speeding inexorably towards the ultimate prize: Holy Terra.
Chaos Lord (Ld8)...........................................................50 points
Chaos Warmaster (Ld9).................................................75 points Styx Class Heavy Cruiser............................................260 points Ordnance & Upgrades
Abaddon the Despoiler (Ld10)†..................................195 points Hecate Class Heavy Cruiser.........................................230 points Swiftdeaths, Doomfires, Dreadclaws, and Harbingers follow the
Hades Class Heavy Cruiser..........................................200 points normal rules for their type found in the core rulebook, while
A Chaos fleet commander (except Abaddon - see below) comes Acheron Class Heavy Cruiser......................................190 points Stormbird gunships follow the special rules found on page 20.
with one re-roll for free, and may purchase up to two additional Any vessel with torpedo tubes is armed with both ordinary and
fleet commander re-rolls at the cost shown below: Cruisers boarding torpedoes.
You may include any number of cruisers in your fleet.
One re-roll......................................................................25 points Any capital ship armed with torpedoes may be equipped with
Two re-rolls....................................................................50 points Devastation Class Cruiser............................................190 points either short burn torpedoes, guided torpedoes, or barrage bombs
Carnage Class Cruiser..................................................180 points (choose only one) for +5 points per point of its torpedo strength.
†Abaddon the Despoiler has additional special rules detailed Inferno Class Cruiser...................................................180 points Alternatively, for +50 points it may be given anointed munitions
on the next page. Murder Class Cruiser...................................................170 points (rolling at the start of the game, as described on page 19).
Slaughter Class Cruiser................................................165 points
In addition, up to two cruisers or heavy cruisers in the fleet
SECONDARY COMMANDERS 0-6 Light Cruisers may replace all of their launch bays with mine launchers for
Aspiring Champions Fanatic Class Light Cruiser..........................................125 points +5 points per bay replaced. Vessels equipped with Stormbird
Any capital ship in the fleet (except a Chaos Lord or Warmaster’s Schismatic Class Light Cruiser....................................125 points gunships may not purchase this upgrade.
vessel) may be led by an aspiring champion. Heretic Class Light Cruiser..........................................120 points
Chaos Space Marines
Aspiring Champion (Ld +1, Max Ld9)..........................30 points Any capital ship in the fleet (except daemonships) may be given
ESCORTS a Chaos Space Marine crew for +35 points.
An aspiring champion may purchase a single re-roll for +15 You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in
points, usable only for his own ship or squadron. squadrons of 2 to 6 vessels. Daemonships
You may upgrade one capital ship to a daemonship for every
Idolator Class Raider......................................................45 points full 1000 points in your fleet, as described on page 21. Light
CAPITAL SHIPS Infidel Class Raider........................................................40 points cruisers may not be given this upgrade.
Battleships Havoc Class Destroyer...................................................35 points
You may include one battleship for every three cruisers and/or Iconoclast Class Destroyer.............................................25 points Marks of Chaos
heavy cruisers in the fleet. You may purchase one of each of the following Marks of Chaos
for your fleet. Each must be assigned to a different capital ship.
(0-1) Scion of Prospero................................................450 points SPECIAL The Mark of Chaos Undivided must be assigned to your Chaos
(0-1) Wage of Sin..........................................................420 points 0-1 Planet Killer Lord or Warmaster’s vessel, if taken.
(0-1) Terminus Est........................................................420 points A fleet worth at least 1000 points may include the Planet Killer.
(0-1) Conqueror...........................................................400 points It is considered to be a battleship for the purpose of determining (0-1) Mark of Chaos Undivided.....................................25 points
Despoiler Class Battleship...........................................390 points fleet requirements and restrictions. (0-1) Mark of Slaanesh..................................................15 points
Desecrator Class Battleship.........................................365 points (0-1) Mark of Nurgle.....................................................15 points
Desolator Class Battleship...........................................300 points The Planet Killer..........................................................505 points (0-1) Mark of Khorne.....................................................15 points
Relictor Class Battleship..............................................300 points (0-1) Mark of Tzeentch..................................................15 points
0-1 Chaos Space Hulk
Grand Cruisers If included, a space hulk must be your commander’s flagship. Reserves and Allies
You may include one grand cruiser for every three cruisers and/ A 13th Black Crusade Fleet may take reserves from the Chaos
or heavy cruisers in your fleet. Chaos Space Hulk........................................................650 points Incursion and Chaos Renegades fleet lists (except space hulks).

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 55



DOSSIER but even his unholy gift of leadership must have been SPECIAL RULES
stretched to the full coordinating the attacks of such an Abaddon the Despoiler (Ld10).......................... 195 points
anarchic coalition. Abaddon’s own warfleet was the A 13th Black Crusade Fleet worth at least 1000 points may
be led by Abaddon personally, who must be assigned to the
most powerful in the sector and one of the last to be Planet Killer if it is present. He is subject to the special rules
defeated. This was in no small part due to the awesome below.
power of the Planet Killer at his command, to say
nothing of the Blackstone Fortresses he succeeded in Supreme Leadership
Abaddon is a terrifying commander that none would dare
corrupting to the service of the Dark Gods. to disobey. As such, he has a leadership value of 10. In
addition, any fleet led by Abaddon may re-roll one command
check or leadership test per turn (in the same manner as a
fleet commander re-roll). Note that these re-rolls cannot be
‘saved up’ over multiple turns, and replace any normal fleet
commander re-rolls he would have (and he cannot be given
any additional re-rolls as part of your fleet list).
Abaddon was once a Space Marine, a captain of the Lord of the Black Legion
Luna Wolves’ 1st Company during the Great Crusade Abaddon is the current head of the Black Legion, the largest
over 10,000 years ago, conquering distant stars in the Chaos Warband in existence and home to thousands of traitor
legionnaires. As such, any vessel he is aboard automatically
name of the Emperor. The Luna Wolves battled across has a Chaos Space Marine crew for no extra cost. Abaddon
uncounted worlds to free them from alien tyranny or is also accompanied by his personal retinue of Black Legion
the taint of Chaos, and Abaddon was ever at the fore. terminators, called the Bringers of Despair. These count as
regular Chaos Terminators in all respects and also double the
But at the time of the Great Heresy, Abaddon chose troop rating of Abaddon’s ship.
to betray the Emperor and join with the forces of his
Primarch, the Warmaster Horus, in his attack on Terra. ‘You Have Failed Me for the Last Time...’
Upon Horus’ defeat, Abaddon rallied the remnants Abaddon the Despoiler does not tolerate failure, as many of
his followers have discovered to their peril. When Abaddon’s
of his legion and fled to the Eye of Terror, where the re-roll is used for a command check or leadership test and
powers of Chaos welcomed him as their champion. the roll is failed a second time, he will become angry - very,
very angry!

“...And lo the beast issued forth to assail the righteous and cast If this dreadful failure occurs aboard his own ship, his vessel
automatically suffers 1 point of damage as the Black Legion
down their worlds. Though the beast stood clothed in human massacre the offending crewmembers (and anyone else in
form, no flesh could conceal the corruption of his damned the general vicinity, just to be sure).
soul, and the foul denizens of the outer dark flocked to his
banner. The righteous cried out for retribution, but the beast For ten millennia he continued to assault the Imperium Otherwise, in his next shooting phase, his ship must direct
would not be laid low. The name of the beast became a curse at every opportunity, raining fire and destruction upon at least half of its available firepower and lance strength
against the ship or squadron that failed him (assuming the
upon the lips of the righteous, and that curse was Abaddon.” the worlds he helped to create. The Gothic War is one worthless scum are within range and fire arc). Resolve the
-Orations of Saint Josephus, Apocalypt of Savaven of the most recent of his terrible works, but his history attack normally, as if the target of Abaddon’s attack were
of bloodshed extends back thousands of years. During an enemy vessel. The victims of his wrath (assuming they

A the Gothic War, Abaddon took personal command of survive) will be suitably chastised and gain a +1 Ld bonus
baddon the Despoiler, Warmaster of Chaos and for the rest of the game. This bonus is only applied once per
Scourge of the Gothic Sector is known to be the the Planet Killer in many engagements, although he ship or squadron.
driving force behind the Black Crusade which ravaged escaped its destruction at Kharlos II. It is feared that
the Imperium between 142.M41 and 160.M41. What one day he shall make good on his promise to lay waste If the object of his wrath is not in range or fire arc of any of
his weapons, Abaddon will simply leave them to their fate
means he used to bring together the fleets of so many to Terra - a fear his followers are more than happy to - they do not gain any bonus leadership and may no longer
different Chaos Lords and Warmasters is unknown, spread wherever and whenever they are encountered. benefit from Abaddon’s re-rolls for the rest of the game.

56 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



FLEET COMMANDERS Styx Class Heavy Cruiser............................................260 points Ordnance & Upgrades
0-1 Chaos Lord or Warmaster Hecate Class Heavy Cruiser.........................................230 points Swiftdeaths, Doomfires, Dreadclaws, and Harbingers follow the
You may include one Chaos Lord or Chaos Warmaster, who Hades Class Heavy Cruiser..........................................200 points normal rules for their type found in the core rulebook, while
must be assigned to the most expensive capital ship in the Acheron Class Heavy Cruiser......................................190 points Stormbird gunships follow the special rules found on page 20.
fleet. If your fleet is worth at least 750 points, a Chaos Lord or Any vessel with torpedo tubes is armed with both ordinary and
Warmaster must be included to lead it. Cruisers boarding torpedoes.
You may include any number of cruisers in your fleet.
Chaos Lord (Ld8)...........................................................50 points Any capital ship armed with torpedoes may be equipped with
Chaos Warmaster (Ld9).................................................75 points Devastation Class Cruiser............................................190 points either short burn torpedoes, guided torpedoes, or barrage bombs
Carnage Class Cruiser..................................................180 points (choose only one) for +5 points per point of its torpedo strength.
A Chaos fleet commander comes with one re-roll for free, and Inferno Class Cruiser...................................................180 points Alternatively, for +50 points it may be given anointed munitions
may purchase up to two additional fleet commander re-rolls at Murder Class Cruiser...................................................170 points (rolling at the start of the game, as described on page 19).
the cost shown below: Slaughter Class Cruiser................................................165 points
Chaos Space Marine Strike Cruiser*...........................145 points In addition, up to two cruisers or heavy cruisers in the fleet
One re-roll......................................................................25 points may replace all of their launch bays with mine launchers for +5
Two re-rolls....................................................................50 points 0-6 Light Cruisers points per bay replaced.
Fanatic Class Light Cruiser..........................................125 points
Schismatic Class Light Cruiser....................................125 points Chaos Space Marines
SECONDARY COMMANDERS Heretic Class Light Cruiser..........................................120 points One capital ship for every full 750 points in your fleet may have
Aspiring Champions a Chaos Space Marine crew for +35 points (except battle barges
Any capital ship in the fleet (except a Chaos Lord or Warmaster’s *Limit one strike cruiser per 500 points (or portion thereof) in and strike cruisers, naturally). Chaos Space Marine battleships,
vessel) may be led by an aspiring champion. your fleet. These ships use the rules found in the Space Marine battle barges, grand cruisers, and strike cruisers may also have
faction rules, except that they are considered Chaos ships with Chaos Terminators for +25 points.
Aspiring Champion (Ld +1, Max Ld9)..........................30 points
Chaos Space Marine crews, not allies of convenience. They may
take any upgrades shown in their profile or this fleet list. Marks of Chaos
An aspiring champion may purchase a single re-roll for +15
Any vessel with a Chaos Space Marine crew or led by a Chaos
points, usable only for his own ship or squadron.
Lord, Chaos Warmaster, or aspiring champion may choose a
ESCORTS Mark of Chaos at the cost shown below:
CAPITAL SHIPS You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in
Battleships squadrons of 2 to 6 vessels. Mark of Chaos Undivided**..........................................25 points
You may include one battleship for every three cruisers and/or Mark of Slaanesh...........................................................15 points
heavy cruisers in the fleet. Idolator Class Raider......................................................45 points Mark of Nurgle..............................................................15 points
Infidel Class Raider........................................................40 points Mark of Khorne..............................................................15 points
(0-1) Chaos Space Marine Battle Barge*....................440 points Havoc Class Destroyer...................................................35 points Mark of Tzeentch...........................................................15 points
Despoiler Class Battleship...........................................390 points Iconoclast Class Destroyer.............................................25 points
Desecrator Class Battleship.........................................365 points **Chaos Lord or Warmaster’s vessel only.
Desolator Class Battleship...........................................300 points
Relictor Class Battleship..............................................300 points
SPECIAL Imperial Renegades
0-1 Chaos Space Hulk
If included, a space hulk must be your commander’s flagship. For every full 750 points in your fleet, you may include up to six
Grand Cruisers escorts and/or one cruiser (worth up to 185pts) from the Imperial
You may include one grand cruiser for every three cruisers and/ Chaos Space Hulk........................................................650 points Navy Bastion or Armageddon Sector fleet lists. They are treated
or heavy cruisers in your fleet. as Chaos ships in all respects and may be squadroned with other
vessels in your fleet as normal. Note that renegade cruisers
Retaliator Class Grand Cruiser....................................275 points USING A RENEGADES FLEET must subtract 1 from their randomly rolled leadership value to
Nephilim Class Grand Cruiser.....................................250 points A Chaos Renegades fleet represents the anarchic coalition of represent their having recently turned traitor. Imperial renegades
Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser....................................230 points vessels that results when a large number of formerly loyal ships do not count against the fleet’s allowed number of reserves.
Executor Class Grand Cruiser......................................210 points turn traitor. It often includes a mix of Imperial Navy and Chaos
classes as well as the occasional Astartes vessel. Usually the Reserves and Allies
Heavy Cruisers goal of such a fleet is to escape Imperial space and find shelter A Chaos Renegades fleet may take reserves from the 13th Black
You may include one heavy cruiser for every two cruisers in your within the Eye of Terror or Maelstrom, destroying and pillaging Crusade and Chaos Incursion fleet lists. You may not take the
fleet. every system along its path as it flees. Planet Killer or a space hulk as reserves.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 57



FLEET COMMANDERS Styx Class Heavy Cruiser............................................260 points In addition, up to two cruisers or heavy cruisers in the fleet
0-1 Chaos Lord or Warmaster Hecate Class Heavy Cruiser.........................................230 points may replace all of their launch bays with mine launchers for +5
You may include one Chaos Lord or Chaos Warmaster, who must Hades Class Heavy Cruiser..........................................200 points points per bay replaced.
be assigned to the most expensive capital ship in the fleet. If your Acheron Class Heavy Cruiser......................................190 points
fleet is worth at least 750 points, a Chaos Lord or Warmaster Chaos Space Marines
must be included to lead it. Cruisers Any capital ship in the fleet may be given a Chaos Space Marine
You may include any number of cruisers in your fleet. crew for +35 points. For an extra +25 points, any battleship or
Chaos Lord (Ld8)...........................................................50 points grand cruiser with Chaos Space Marines may be given Chaos
Chaos Warmaster (Ld9).................................................75 points Devastation Class Cruiser............................................190 points Terminators as well.
Carnage Class Cruiser..................................................180 points
A Chaos fleet commander comes with one re-roll for free, and Inferno Class Cruiser...................................................180 points Mark of Slaanesh
may purchase up to two additional fleet commander re-rolls at Murder Class Cruiser...................................................170 points Any vessel with a Chaos Space Marine crew or led by a Chaos
the cost shown below: Slaughter Class Cruiser................................................165 points Lord, Chaos Warmaster, or aspiring champion may be given the
Mark of Slaanesh for +15 points.
One re-roll......................................................................25 points 0-6 Light Cruisers
Two re-rolls....................................................................50 points Fanatic Class Light Cruiser..........................................125 points Veil of Lust
Schismatic Class Light Cruiser....................................125 points The dissonant, carnal signals emanating from ships blessed by
SECONDARY COMMANDERS Heretic Class Light Cruiser..........................................120 points Slaanesh are so intense that the augurs of enemy vessels are
Aspiring Champions quickly overwhelmed by the barrage of corrupted data.
Any capital ship in the fleet (except a Chaos Lord or Warmaster’s
vessel) may be led by an aspiring champion.
ESCORTS Any capital ship with the Mark of Slaanesh may be hidden by
You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in
the Veil of Lust for +20 points. Ships firing gunnery weapons at
squadrons of 2 to 6 vessels.
Aspiring Champion (Ld +1, Max Ld9)..........................30 points a vessel protected by the Veil suffer an automatic right column-
shift in addition to any other column shifts that apply.
Idolator Class Raider......................................................45 points
An aspiring champion may purchase a single re-roll for +15
Infidel Class Raider........................................................40 points
points, usable only for his own ship or squadron. Siren’s Summon
Havoc Class Destroyer...................................................35 points
Vivid sounds and intoxicating imagery of dark, unspeakable,
Iconoclast Class Destroyer.............................................25 points
CAPITAL SHIPS and forbidden pleasures permeate the hulls of enemy vessels,
enrapturing their crews and lulling them into a state of drunken
You may include one battleship for every three cruisers and/or THE PLEASURE FLEET inaction.
heavy cruisers in the fleet. The Pleasure Fleet of Slaanesh follows much the same structure
as Khorne’s Berzerker fleet, being a loosely-affiliated band Up to two capital ships in the fleet with the Mark of Slaanesh
(0-1) Wage of Sin..........................................................420 points of diverse vessels pledged to their patron god. Although it is (which may be daemonships, if desired) may be equipped with
Despoiler Class Battleship...........................................390 points rare for the Pleasure Fleet to travel in a single group (as most the Siren’s Summon for +25 points. Enemy vessels within 15cm
Desecrator Class Battleship.........................................365 points servants of the Dark Prince usually prefer to pursue their own of a ship equipped with the Siren’s Summon cannot use special
Desolator Class Battleship...........................................300 points individual agendas), to see it gathered together in one place is to orders or take leadership tests of any type, including Brace for
Relictor Class Battleship..............................................300 points witness the grandest carnival of hedonism to ever ply the stars. Impact. If a ship would be forced to take a leadership test while
under the effect of the Siren’s Summon, it automatically fails.
Grand Cruisers Ordnance & Upgrades
You may include one grand cruiser for every three cruisers and/ Swiftdeaths, Doomfires, Dreadclaws, and Harbingers follow the Daemonships
or heavy cruisers in your fleet. normal rules for their type found in the core rulebook, while You may upgrade one capital ship to a daemonship for every
Stormbird gunships follow the special rules found on page 20. full 1000 points in your fleet, as described on page 21. Light
Retaliator Class Grand Cruiser....................................275 points Any vessel with torpedo tubes is armed with both ordinary and cruisers may not be given this upgrade.
Nephilim Class Grand Cruiser.....................................250 points boarding torpedoes.
Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser....................................230 points Reserves and Allies
Executor Class Grand Cruiser......................................210 points Any capital ship armed with torpedoes may be equipped with The Pleasure Fleet of Slaanesh will not provide ships to or take
either short burn torpedoes, guided torpedoes, or barrage bombs ships from any other fleet list as reserves or allies. Furthermore,
Heavy Cruisers (choose only one) for +5 points per point of its torpedo strength. such is Slaanesh’s hatred of Khorne that ships in the Pleasure
You may include one heavy cruiser for every two cruisers in your Alternatively, for +50 points it may be given anointed munitions Fleet will always treat ships with the Mark of Khorne as enemy
fleet. (rolling at the start of the game, as described on page 19). vessels, regardless of the scenario or circumstances.

58 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



FLEET COMMANDERS Styx Class Heavy Cruiser............................................260 points In addition, up to two cruisers or heavy cruisers in the fleet
0-1 Chaos Lord or Warmaster Hecate Class Heavy Cruiser.........................................230 points may replace all of their launch bays with mine launchers for +5
You may include one Chaos Lord or Chaos Warmaster, who must Hades Class Heavy Cruiser..........................................200 points points per bay replaced.
be assigned to the most expensive capital ship in the fleet. If your Acheron Class Heavy Cruiser......................................190 points
fleet is worth at least 750 points, a Chaos Lord or Warmaster Chaos Space Marines
must be included to lead it. Cruisers Any capital ship in the fleet may be given a Chaos Space Marine
You may include any number of cruisers in your fleet. crew for +35 points. For an extra +25 points, any battleship or
Chaos Lord (Ld8)...........................................................50 points grand cruiser with Chaos Space Marines may be given Chaos
Chaos Warmaster (Ld9).................................................75 points Devastation Class Cruiser............................................190 points Terminators as well.
Carnage Class Cruiser..................................................180 points
A Chaos fleet commander comes with one re-roll for free, and Inferno Class Cruiser...................................................180 points Mark of Nurgle
may purchase up to two additional fleet commander re-rolls at Murder Class Cruiser...................................................170 points Any vessel with a Chaos Space Marine crew or led by a Chaos
the cost shown below: Slaughter Class Cruiser................................................165 points Lord, Chaos Warmaster, or aspiring champion may be given the
Mark of Nurgle for +15 points.
One re-roll......................................................................25 points 0-6 Light Cruisers
Two re-rolls....................................................................50 points Fanatic Class Light Cruiser..........................................125 points Miasma of Pestilence
Schismatic Class Light Cruiser....................................125 points Huge pustules fester upon cankered hulls, seeping an obscuring
SECONDARY COMMANDERS Heretic Class Light Cruiser..........................................120 points haze of corroded debris, waste, and filth out into space.
Aspiring Champions
Any capital ship with the Mark of Nurgle may be shrouded in
Any capital ship in the fleet (except a Chaos Lord or Warmaster’s
vessel) may be led by an aspiring champion.
ESCORTS the Miasma of Pestilence for +10 points, preventing enemies
You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in
from gaining a left-column shift for firing at it from within
squadrons of 2 to 6 vessels.
Aspiring Champion (Ld +1, Max Ld9)..........................30 points 15cm. In addition, all ordnance attacking a ship protected by the
Idolator Class Raider......................................................45 points Miasma counts as passing through blast markers.
An aspiring champion may purchase a single re-roll for +15
Infidel Class Raider........................................................40 points
points, usable only for his own ship or squadron. Plague Arks
Havoc Class Destroyer...................................................35 points
Iconoclast Class Destroyer.............................................25 points During the Gothic War, numerous dead hulks were found almost
CAPITAL SHIPS perfectly intact, but their entire crews slain and rotted by horrific
Battleships diseases.
You may include one battleship for every three cruisers and/or THE PLAGUE FLEET
heavy cruisers in the fleet. The dreaded Plague Fleet of Nurgle is one of the most ubiquitous Up to three capital ships in the fleet with the Mark of Nurgle
fleets to sail from the Eye of Terror. Led by none other than Lord may be designated as Plague Arks for +5 points. Enemy ships
(0-1) Terminus Est........................................................420 points Typhus himself, the Plague Fleet is mostly comprised of former that board or are boarded by a Plague Ark automatically suffer a
Despoiler Class Battleship...........................................390 points Death Guard vessels crewed by zombified serfs and slimy, ‘Plague’ critical hit (applied at the same time as normal critical
Desecrator Class Battleship.........................................365 points vile nurglings. Wherever it travels, decay and disease follow hits from boarding). This is resolved exactly like a Fire critical
Desolator Class Battleship...........................................300 points in its wake, laying waste to entire star systems if the infected hit (and may be repaired normally), except that a ship destroyed
Relictor Class Battleship..............................................300 points populations are not quickly cleansed. by damage from a Plague critical hit does not remain ‘on fire’
and does not require a roll on the Catastrophic Damage table.
Grand Cruisers Ordnance & Upgrades
You may include one grand cruiser for every three cruisers and/ Swiftdeaths, Doomfires, Dreadclaws, and Harbingers follow the Daemonships
or heavy cruisers in your fleet. normal rules for their type found in the core rulebook, while You may upgrade one capital ship to a daemonship for every
Stormbird gunships follow the special rules found on page 20. full 1000 points in your fleet, as described on page 21. Light
Retaliator Class Grand Cruiser....................................275 points Any vessel with torpedo tubes is armed with both ordinary and cruisers may not be given this upgrade.
Nephilim Class Grand Cruiser.....................................250 points boarding torpedoes.
Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser....................................230 points Reserves and Allies
Executor Class Grand Cruiser......................................210 points Any capital ship armed with torpedoes may be equipped with The Plague Fleet of Nurgle will not provide ships to or take ships
either short burn torpedoes, guided torpedoes, or barrage bombs from any other fleet list as reserves or allies. Furthermore, such
Heavy Cruisers (choose only one) for +5 points per point of its torpedo strength. is Nurgle’s hatred of Tzeentch that ships in the Plague Fleet will
You may include one heavy cruiser for every two cruisers in your Alternatively, for +50 points it may be given anointed munitions always treat ships with the Mark of Tzeentch as enemy vessels,
fleet. (rolling at the start of the game, as described on page 19). regardless of the scenario or circumstances.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 59



FLEET COMMANDERS Styx Class Heavy Cruiser............................................260 points Any capital ship armed with torpedoes may be equipped with
0-1 Chaos Lord or Warmaster Hecate Class Heavy Cruiser.........................................230 points either short burn torpedoes, guided torpedoes, or barrage bombs
You may include one Chaos Lord or Chaos Warmaster, who must Hades Class Heavy Cruiser..........................................200 points (choose only one) for +5 points per point of its torpedo strength.
be assigned to the most expensive capital ship in the fleet. If your Acheron Class Heavy Cruiser......................................190 points Alternatively, for +50 points it may be given anointed munitions
fleet is worth at least 750 points, a Chaos Lord or Warmaster (rolling at the start of the game, as described on page 19).
must be included to lead it. Cruisers
You may include any number of cruisers in your fleet. In addition, up to two cruisers or heavy cruisers in the fleet
Chaos Lord (Ld8)...........................................................50 points may replace all of their launch bays with mine launchers for +5
Chaos Warmaster (Ld9).................................................75 points Devastation Class Cruiser............................................190 points points per bay replaced.
Carnage Class Cruiser..................................................180 points
A Chaos fleet commander comes with one re-roll for free, and Inferno Class Cruiser...................................................180 points Chaos Space Marines
may purchase up to two additional fleet commander re-rolls at Murder Class Cruiser...................................................170 points Any capital ship in the fleet may be given a Chaos Space Marine
the cost shown below: Slaughter Class Cruiser................................................165 points crew for +35 points. For an extra +25 points, any battleship or
grand cruiser with Chaos Space Marines may be given Chaos
One re-roll......................................................................25 points 0-6 Light Cruisers Terminators as well.
Two re-rolls....................................................................50 points Fanatic Class Light Cruiser..........................................125 points
Schismatic Class Light Cruiser....................................125 points Mark of Khorne
Any vessel with a Chaos Space Marine crew or led by a Chaos
SECONDARY COMMANDERS Heretic Class Light Cruiser..........................................120 points
Lord, Chaos Warmaster, or aspiring champion may be given the
Aspiring Champions
Mark of Khorne for +15 points.
Any capital ship in the fleet (except a Chaos Lord or Warmaster’s
vessel) may be led by an aspiring champion.
You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in The Berzerker Tide
squadrons of 2 to 6 vessels. Bloodlust drives a ship’s crew forward in a raging battle frenzy,
Aspiring Champion (Ld +1, Max Ld9)..........................30 points
ignoring their own vessel’s defenses. Carriers flush their bays of
Idolator Class Raider......................................................45 points attack craft to meet their foe as crews leave their posts en masse
An aspiring champion may purchase a single re-roll for +15
Infidel Class Raider........................................................40 points to board the enemy.
points, usable only for his own ship or squadron.
Havoc Class Destroyer...................................................35 points
Iconoclast Class Destroyer.............................................25 points Any ship with the Mark of Khorne conducting a boarding action
CAPITAL SHIPS may inflict D3 extra critical hits on each enemy vessel involved.
Battleships (Roll for each ship separately). A ship that does so may not use
You may include one battleship for every three cruisers and/or THE BERZERKER FLEET any special orders until the end of its next turn (including Brace
heavy cruisers in the fleet. Despite its name, the Berzerker Fleet of Khorne is not a single for Impact).
battlegroup, but the name for the diverse armada of ships all
(0-1) Conqueror...........................................................400 points sailing under a single master: Khorne, the Blood God. Typically, Any ship with the Mark of Khorne and at least one launch bay
Despoiler Class Battleship...........................................390 points the ‘fleet’ is seen only when enough ships converge upon a may launch up to D3 extra attack craft markers as long as it is
Desecrator Class Battleship.........................................365 points particular target, or when one of the daemon primarchs (usually within 20cm of an enemy ship or ordnance marker. A ship that
Desolator Class Battleship...........................................300 points Angron) carves a warpath across the Imperium from out of the does so cannot launch any attack craft on its next turn (and must
Relictor Class Battleship..............................................300 points Eye of Terror. Those few that have survived an encounter with still use Reload Ordnance orders as normal if it wishes to launch
the Berzerker fleet speak of ceaseless, raging screams coming attack craft on subsequent turns).
Grand Cruisers across all vox channels long before the arrival of any ships
You may include one grand cruiser for every three cruisers and/ are detected, and by the time the first waves of boarders begin Daemonships
or heavy cruisers in your fleet. to breach their targets, the cold blackness of space is already You may upgrade one capital ship to a daemonship for every
stained red with the blood of tens of thousands of howling full 1000 points in your fleet, as described on page 21. Light
Retaliator Class Grand Cruiser....................................275 points cultists sacrificed upon the prows of their own vessels. cruisers may not be given this upgrade.
Nephilim Class Grand Cruiser.....................................250 points
Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser....................................230 points Ordnance & Upgrades Reserves and Allies
Executor Class Grand Cruiser......................................210 points Swiftdeaths, Doomfires, Dreadclaws, and Harbingers follow the The Berzerker Fleet of Khorne will not provide ships to or take
normal rules for their type found in the core rulebook, while ships from any other fleet list as reserves or allies. Furthermore,
Heavy Cruisers Stormbird gunships follow the special rules found on page 20. such is Khorne’s hatred of Slaanesh that ships in the Berzerker
You may include one heavy cruiser for every two cruisers in your Any vessel with torpedo tubes is armed with both ordinary and Fleet will always treat ships with the Mark of Slaanesh as enemy
fleet. boarding torpedoes. vessels, regardless of the scenario or circumstances.

60 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



FLEET COMMANDERS Styx Class Heavy Cruiser............................................260 points In addition, up to two cruisers or heavy cruisers in the fleet
0-1 Chaos Lord or Warmaster Hecate Class Heavy Cruiser.........................................230 points may replace all of their launch bays with mine launchers for +5
You may include one Chaos Lord or Chaos Warmaster, who must Hades Class Heavy Cruiser..........................................200 points points per bay replaced.
be assigned to the most expensive capital ship in the fleet. If your Acheron Class Heavy Cruiser......................................190 points
fleet is worth at least 750 points, a Chaos Lord or Warmaster Chaos Space Marines
must be included to lead it. Cruisers Any capital ship in the fleet may be given a Chaos Space Marine
You may include any number of cruisers in your fleet. crew for +35 points. For an extra +25 points, any battleship or
Chaos Lord (Ld8)...........................................................50 points grand cruiser with Chaos Space Marines may be given Chaos
Chaos Warmaster (Ld9).................................................75 points Devastation Class Cruiser............................................190 points Terminators as well.
Carnage Class Cruiser..................................................180 points
A Chaos fleet commander comes with one re-roll for free, and Inferno Class Cruiser...................................................180 points Mark of Tzeentch
may purchase up to two additional fleet commander re-rolls at Murder Class Cruiser...................................................170 points Any vessel with a Chaos Space Marine crew or led by a Chaos
the cost shown below: Slaughter Class Cruiser................................................165 points Lord, Chaos Warmaster, or aspiring champion may be given the
Mark of Tzeentch for +15 points.
One re-roll......................................................................25 points 0-6 Light Cruisers
Two re-rolls....................................................................50 points Fanatic Class Light Cruiser..........................................125 points Warp Beasts
Schismatic Class Light Cruiser....................................125 points The hideous, terror-spawned leviathans of the Warp are mere
playthings to the Changer of Ways, who will often bind such
SECONDARY COMMANDERS Heretic Class Light Cruiser..........................................120 points
creatures to the hulls of his vessels only to later release them in
Aspiring Champions
a torrent of coruscating fire and nightmarish colors.
Any capital ship in the fleet (except a Chaos Lord or Warmaster’s
vessel) may be led by an aspiring champion.
You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in Up to two capital ships in the fleet with the Mark of Tzeentch
squadrons of 2 to 6 vessels. (which may be daemonships, if desired) may be entwined with
Aspiring Champion (Ld +1, Max Ld9)..........................30 points
warp beasts for +25 points. Once per game, a ship with warp
Idolator Class Raider......................................................45 points beasts may inflict an automatic D6 points of damage on a single
An aspiring champion may purchase a single re-roll for +15
Infidel Class Raider........................................................40 points enemy vessel within 15cm. This damage ignores shields and
points, usable only for his own ship or squadron.
Havoc Class Destroyer...................................................35 points other defenses (but may be braced against normally).
Iconoclast Class Destroyer.............................................25 points
CAPITAL SHIPS Strands of Fortune
Battleships Tzeentch may offer his favored captains brief glimpses into the
You may include one battleship for every three cruisers and/or THE INFINITE FLEET future, providing them with a substantial advantage in battle.
heavy cruisers in the fleet. Like the ever-changing twists of his Labyrinth, the Infinite Fleet
of Tzeentch is never quite the same from day to day or even Any Chaos Lord, Warmaster, or aspiring champion in your fleet
(0-1) Scion of Prospero................................................450 points moment to moment. Made up of a diverse array of thousands of may be given a Strand of Fortune for +25 points. A commander’s
Despoiler Class Battleship...........................................390 points vessels from every era of human space travel, the Infinite Fleet Strand of Fortune may be spent to change one failed re-roll for
Desecrator Class Battleship.........................................365 points represents Tzeentch’s boundless influence across all of space their own ship or squadron (such as for leadership, the Mark of
Desolator Class Battleship...........................................300 points and time. Those that oppose it often find themselves fighting the Tzeentch, or a single shooting dice when on Lock On special
Relictor Class Battleship..............................................300 points same enemies over and over in an endless cycle of destruction. orders) into an automatic success. Once spent, a commander’s
Strand of Fortune cannot be used again for the rest of the game.
Grand Cruisers Ordnance & Upgrades
You may include one grand cruiser for every three cruisers and/ Swiftdeaths, Doomfires, Dreadclaws, and Harbingers follow the Daemonships
or heavy cruisers in your fleet. normal rules for their type found in the core rulebook, while You may upgrade one capital ship to a daemonship for every
Stormbird gunships follow the special rules found on page 20. full 1000 points in your fleet, as described on page 21. Light
Retaliator Class Grand Cruiser....................................275 points Any vessel with torpedo tubes is armed with both ordinary and cruisers may not be given this upgrade.
Nephilim Class Grand Cruiser.....................................250 points boarding torpedoes.
Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser....................................230 points Reserves and Allies
Executor Class Grand Cruiser......................................210 points Any capital ship armed with torpedoes may be equipped with The Infinite Fleet of Tzeentch will not provide ships to or take
either short burn torpedoes, guided torpedoes, or barrage bombs ships from any other fleet list as reserves or allies. Furthermore,
Heavy Cruisers (choose only one) for +5 points per point of its torpedo strength. such is Tzeentch’s hatred of Nurgle that ships in the Infinite
You may include one heavy cruiser for every two cruisers in your Alternatively, for +50 points it may be given anointed munitions Fleet will always treat ships with the Mark of Nurgle as enemy
fleet. (rolling at the start of the game, as described on page 19). vessels, regardless of the scenario or circumstances.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 61



Almost every ship in the Imperium of are not fixed organizations, but are instead task forces,
Man is part of the Imperial fleet controlled convoy escorts, patrol flotillas and other fleets that
by the Priesthood, while the relative have been assembled to perform particular functions.
handful of vessels that are not belong to A few battlegroups are almost permanent institutions,
special organizations such as the Adeptus such as the famous 1st Terran Battlecruiser Armada,
Mechanicus, Adeptus Astartes, and the but most are gathered and then dispersed as necessity
Inquisition. Fewer still belong to a small number of dictates. Depending on its size and role, a battlegroup
honored and ancient merchant families or the infamous may be commanded by an experienced ship’s captain
Rogue Traders. or commodore, a fleet admiral or admiral, or sometimes
even the Lord Admiral himself.
To aid organization, the Imperium is split into five WARSHIPS
Segmentae Majoris, each of which has its own merchant
and naval fleet. The fleet stations for these vessels are OF THE IMPERIUM
on the Segmentum Fortress in each Segmentum — Mars Each battlefleet normally consists of between 50 and
for the Segmentum Solar, Kar Duniash in the Ultima 75 warships of varying size, although in some sectors
Segmentum, Bakka in the Segmentum Tempestus, this will be more or less, according to the importance of
Hydraphur in the Segmentum Pacificus and Cypra the sector and the number of enemies it must contend
Mundi in the Segmentum Obscuras. The Segmentum with. As well as these destroyers, frigates, cruisers and
fleet commanders, the Lord High Admirals, are powerful battleships, a battlefleet also has access to countless
individuals and sometimes may even be one of the fabled smaller vessels such as transports, shuttles, messenger
High Lords of Terra. craft and long-range patrol craft. In addition to interstellar The Eye of Terror
vessels, a sector will also be protected by numerous ships Although the warp is a distinct dimension, generally
All human-inhabited space is further broken down into incapable of warp travel, such as system patrol ships and separated from the material realm, there are a few areas in
sectors, which are most usually cubes of space roughly defense monitors. the galaxy where the boundaries of the warp and realspace
200 light years to a side. Each sector is comprised of a are broken and the two intermingle with each other. These
This may seem like a formidable armada, but the area each regions are roiling tempests of destructive energy, where
number of sub-sectors ranging from ten to twenty light
battlefleet must cover is huge and the navy must be ready the laws of physics are broken and the raw energy of the
years in diameter, centered on densely populated star warp spills forth into our realm. The Eye of Terror is
clusters, important worlds, or meeting points of various to perform many varied and difficult tasks. An average
the largest of these, a tempestuous area where nature and
trade routes through the warp. The areas between sub- sector, perhaps in one of the western spiral arms where nightmare are found side by side - worlds with seas of
sectors and sectors - unexplored or uninhabited regions, humanity is most dense, can contain tens of thousands of blood and skies of fire; moons that scream into the ether;
alien empires, areas inaccessible by the warp - are known stars and covers an area of 8,000,000 cubic light years. stars that roam across the heavens, clashing together in
as wilderness space or wilderness zones, and make up a Within this vast wilderness, only a small fraction of gigantic supernovae. The Eye of Terror is the strongest
far greater proportion of the galaxy than that controlled systems will have planets and a small proportion of these fastness of the followers of Chaos, renegades who have
by Humanity. will be inhabited, or indeed inhabitable. However, the turned from the Emperor and bargained their souls with
ships of a battlefleet must constantly scour this area for ancient and evil gods in return for power and immortality.
For all practical purposes, a sector’s battlefleet is the enemies: protecting merchant shipping from pirates and From the Eye of Terror these twisted traitors make forays
largest operational naval organization in the region, under alien attacks, transporting and escorting Imperial Guard and attacks, ever questing to bring about the downfall of
the direct command of a Lord Admiral. Each battlefleet is armies, giving orbital support for planetary armies, not to the Imperium, to sweep away law and order and replace
then divided into a number of battlegroups. Battlegroups mention providing exploration fleets and routine patrols. them with disorder and anarchy.

62 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


EMPEROR CLASS BATTLESHIP........................................... 365 Points

T he Emperor class battleships serving in the Gothic
Sector are amongst the oldest in Battlefleet
Obscuras. The ancient hull of the Divine Right was
recovered from the space hulk Inculcate Evil after its
capture near the Charos system in the 36th millennium.
The majority of power systems were found to be still
functioning despite a sojourn in the warp estimated to be
not less than ten millennia, indicating that its loss must
have occurred before the Great Crusade. The salvaged
vessel was recommissioned after an extensive refit
at the orbital docks of Cypra Mundi and has patrolled
sectors throughout Segmentum Obscuras ever since. The
Legatus Stygies was laid down at the Stygies forge world
in the Vulcanis system around the 30th millennium but
was left incomplete in orbit for over two thousand years
after heretics seized the world and destroyed the majority
of Stygies’ manufacturing facilities. Work is believed to
have resumed some time in the 32nd millennium, but
suffered further delays due to warp storms, accidents, and
Chaos raids, leading to its commissioning not occurring
until the very end of the 32nd millennium. Despite an
inauspicious start to its career, the Legatus Stygies is
reckoned to be a blessed ship by those who have served
Battleship/12 15cm 45° 4 5+ 5 on it, and with good reason: the vessel survived a suicidal
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC ramming attack in the Battle of Callavell, and was one
Port Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Left of the few ships to escape destruction at the disastrous
purgation of Uthanax. Moreover, it struck a killing blow
Starboard Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Right against the infamous Chaos battleship Black Pain during
Port Launch Bays Fury Fighters: 30cm 4 Squadrons - an engagement at Arriva.
Starboard Launch Bays Starhawk Bombers: 20cm 4 Squadrons -
Dorsal Weapons Battery 60cm 5 Left / Front / Right
Prow Weapons Battery 60cm 5 Left / Front / Right
"O h great Machine God, we implore thee to cast
your benevolent gaze upon this vessel, the
Divine Right. Let your burning power seethe through
Special Rules: Emperor class battleships are ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. its engines. Let your undying wards lay upon its shield
The Emperor class dispenses with the usual armored prow and instead carries a mass of sensor probes and generators and armored bulkheads. Let your mighty
forward defenses, which provide a +1 bonus to its Leadership value at all times (max Ld10). anger spit forth destruction and vengeance through the
great mysteries of laser and plasma and missile. Invest
Special Attack Craft: An Emperor class battleship may equip its launch bays with Shark assault boats (Speed: this mighty armored shell with your spirit and breathe
30cm) for +5 points and/or Marauder torpedo bombers (Speed: 20cm) for +80 points, in addition to any other life into its power relays and conduits."
attack craft it may normally launch.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 63


APOCALYPSE CLASS BATTLESHIP................................. 365 Points

T he Apocalypse class is an ancient design that is
generally believed to have been the precursor of the
Retribution class battleship millennia ago. The superior
technologies used to construct the multiple lance turrets
on the Apocalypse have now all but been forgotten and
so the small number of examples of this ship can never
be replaced. The loss of even one will always be keenly
felt. It has been theorized by Naval strategists that the
vessel was specifically created to counter the ever-
growing numbers of battleships and grand cruisers that
attempted to lead Chaos raiding fleets from within the
Eye of Terror. In this duty, the Apocalypse has proved
itself to be everything the Imperial Navy could have
wished for.

The rows of fearsome lance armament along the

broadsides of the Apocalypse are its most distinctive
feature. It has been noted that these lance arrays are
fully capable of operating at much greater ranges
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS by an engineering process that greatly increases the
Battleship/12 15cm 45° 4 6+ Prow / 5+ 4 load-bearing capabilities of their main power relays.
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC However, the ancient array conduits themselves become
notoriously unreliable when stressed this far and runaway
Port Lance Battery 60cm 6 Left
power drains can easily start to sap energy from the
Starboard Lance Battery 60cm 6 Right ship’s main drives, making the Apocalypse sluggish in
Dorsal Weapons Battery 60cm 9 Left / Front / Right the midst of battle. Thus, almost all existing Apocalypse
Prow Nova Cannon 30 - 150cm Template Front class battleships keep their lance armament limited to
medium ranges. Most Segmentum fleets have at least
a few examples of the Apocalypse still in battleworthy
Special Rules: Apocalypse class battleships are ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. condition, though their numbers are gradually dwindling.
The Apocalypse class battleship’s lance weapons are insufficiently powered for their capability; if an Apocalypse
class battleship fires its lances farther than 30cm at any point during its turn, place a blast marker in contact with
the rear arc of its base at the end of the shooting phase.
His Will Triumph


Third Armageddon War Flight Report, Squadron Leader Narch
TAW plus 1:37: First invaders of our skies sighted. Heard that the orbital defense platforms are performing superbly, keeping the enemy at bay. Taking the Long Knives to engage the few
enemy craft that have broken through.
TAW plus 1:58: First enemies engaged. Joined the Distant Stars in a sweep of sector 8729 by 31. Fourteen confirmed kills, 8 probables. No losses on our side.

64 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


OBERON CLASS BATTLESHIP.............................................. 355 Points

T he Oberon class battleship is an incredibly rare
vessel, a very early variant of the Emperor class
that has been gradually phased out after the renowned
successes of its more well-known predecessor.

The Oberon itself was an attempt to design a battleship

that could theoretically deal with all manner of threats
without the constant need of all existing classes to rely
on escorting vessels. Though it lacks the sheer blanket
coverage of ordnance that an Emperor class can lay
down, the Oberon retains all the fearsome firepower of
the previous design, whilst adding two devastating long-
ranged lance batteries to each broadside.

Often used in dangerous armed patrols with little or no

escort, the Oberon is able to utilize its superior sensor
probes to allow a captain to judge the nature of potential
threats long before they are aware of the battleship’s own
presence, a factor that makes the Oberon superior to most
other ships in this role. In combat, the Oberon lacks the
Battleship/12 15cm 45° 4 5+ 5 hard-hitting power of the Retribution and Apocalypse
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC classes and the massive attack craft wings that an
Port Launch Bays 2 Squadrons - Emperor can deploy, but it has consistently proved itself
Fury Fighters: 30cm
Starhawk Bombers: 20cm to be a very capable ship of the line that has the potential
Starboard Launch Bays 2 Squadrons -
to defeat any enemy it may face.
Port Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Left
Starboard Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Right FAMOUS SHIPS:
Port Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left Green Lake Seeker of Truth
Starboard Lance Battery 60cm 2 Right Unreconciled Bishop of Hate
Bright Augur Bane of the Unrepentant
Dorsal Weapons Battery 60cm 5 Left / Front / Right
Prow Weapons Battery 60cm 5 Left / Front / Right
TAW plus 2:22: Returned to base to refuel and rearm
before receiving the scramble signal once more. Heavy
Special Rules: Oberon class battleships are ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. The enemy air activity in the southern skies, attacking enemy
Oberon class dispenses with the usual armored prow and instead carries a mass of sensor probes and forward missile silos.
defenses, which provide a +1 bonus to its Leadership value at all times (max Ld10).
TAW plus 2:34: Fighting has intensified significantly.
Special Attack Craft: An Oberon class battleship may equip its launch bays with Shark assault boats (Speed: More enemy reinforcements detected on the horizon.
30cm) for +5 points and/or Marauder torpedo bombers (Speed: 20cm) for +80 points, in addition to any other Recommending withdrawal to reassess the situation
attack craft it may normally launch. before casualties escalate.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 65


RETRIBUTION CLASS BATTLESHIP................................. 355 Points

T he two Retribution class battleships of the Gothic
Sector fleet are believed to date from the earliest
days of the Imperium. The traditional armored prow and
distinctive multiple-tube plasma engines mark them as
products of the Martian shipyards. The first records of
the Bloodhawk state that it fougth at the Battle of Merin
where it was severely damaged by torpedoes. During
the Age of Apostasy the Bloodhawk became cut off by
forces of the renegade Admiral Sehella while visiting
the fleet bases at Hydraphur. Through heroic efforts and
several running battles the Bloodhawk evaded Sehella’s
squadrons and eventually arrived at Cypra Mundi
over eight years later, where it was adopted as part of
Battlefleet Obscuras.

The Cardinal Boras is known to have led the ill-starred

exploration fleet of rogue trader Ventunius into the
northern rim and was one of only five ships to return.
Subsequently it fought at the Battles of Callavell, Arnot’s
Landing, and Korsk, where its powerful bombardment
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ Prow / 5+ 4 forced the capitulation of the rebellious Regime of Iron.
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC The Cardinal Boras is a well-traveled vessel and has
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 18 Left been assigned to eighteen different sector fleets over the
past four millennia. It was finally assigned to the Gothic
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 18 Right
Sector over four hundred years ago.
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 3 Left / Front / Right
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 9 Front FAMOUS SHIPS:
Bloodhawk Cardinal Boras
Special Rules: Retribution class battleships are ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. Slayer of Titans Indominus Rex
Aurelian Eagle Crimson Deacon

66 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


VICTORY CLASS BATTLESHIP............................................ 355 Points

I n internal layout, the Victory class shares many
similarities with Retribution, and Imperial Navy
analysts speculate the design is a byproduct of grafting
lance weaponry onto the improved power conduits
and relays of the Retribution template in an attempt
to replicate the Apocalypse battleship class while
overcoming various shortfalls inherent with that ancient
design. In this respect it has proven successful, though
it still is not capable of delivering the level of firepower
that ancient class was capable of when the Imperium was
still able to reliably fabricate its sophisticated but difficult
to maintain power transfer relays. Nonetheless, the
Victory makes up for firepower with its far more robust
and reproducible design, and it has had many successes
throughout the Tempestus and Ultima Segmentae. The
Technomagi of Mars refuse all requests for access to
their records of origin, and the shipwrights of Bakka
have proven to be equally recalcitrant.

Four Victory class battleships serve in Battlefleet Bakka,

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS the Victory being by far the oldest. The Argus particularly
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ Prow / 5+ 4 distinguished itself, leading the fleet that cleaned the
Stabulo systems of the deviants that polluted various
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC sectors along the border region between Segmentum
Port Lance Battery 60cm 4 Left Tempestus and Ultima. The Hammer of Scaro was
Starboard Lance Battery 60cm 4 Right rebuilt with prow torpedoes instead of repairing its Nova
Cannon after receiving severe damage ramming the Ork
Dorsal Weapons Battery 60cm 9 Left / Front / Right Hulk Gungedrinka at the Battle of Lexus. All four of
Prow Nova Cannon 30 - 150cm Template Front Bakka’s Victory battleships served against Hive Fleet
Behemoth, and three returned from the pivotal Battle of
Special Rules: Victory class battleships are ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders.

Special Refits: A Victory class battleship may replace its prow nova cannon with prow torpedoes (Speed: 30cm, FAMOUS SHIPS:
Strength 9, Front), reducing its cost by 10 points. Victory Hammer of Scaro
Argus Warspite

TAW plus 2:41: Reports that the orbital defense network has been penetrated. Enemy activity intense. The primitive Ork attack craft are strafing our ground defenses. Far less comforting
engaging such numbers without the support of our surface based missiles and lasers. Long Knives III & VII shot down within first few minutes of combat during Ork ambush as we attacked
their strafers. Currently heading back to base to refuel, pursued by full strength enemy squadron. The Shadow Fires have been vectored on to our position to cover our withdrawal.
TAW plus 2:43: Just sighted a burning orbital platform high in the atmosphere, plummeting to the surface. Starting to hear reports of the complete failure of our defenses.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 67


THE VAE VICTIS............................................................................. 330 Points

T he Vanquisher class battleship is regarded by many
analysts as an ancient design even by the standards
of the Imperial Navy. The Vae Victis, the only remaining
ship of this class, has an extensive and storied history
that long pre-dates its joining Battlefleet Bakka. What
records survive indicate it was constructed in the orbital
shipyards of Hydraphur in the late 32nd millennium at
the request of High Lord Javor.

Following its construction the battleship saw action

during the Pacification of Magdellan and the Saint-Saen
Crusade. Whilst on this extended crusade the vessel
was recorded ‘lost in warp’ with all hands. Believed
thrown wildly off course by warpstorms the Vae Victis
returned some 200 years later. Records do not detail the
intervening years.

The next verifiable records of this vessel come from its

service in the Ultima Segmentum, where it operated for
a time as part of the Dominion Fleet of the Ultramarines.
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Over the next millennia the ship underwent an extensive
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ Prow / 5+ 5 refit to repair widespread damage to its lance batteries and
propulsion system, but the circumstances surrounding
when this damage was sustained are unknown.
Port Lance Battery 45cm 4 Left
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 4 Right Aged and suffering continued problems with its engines,
Port Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Left the Vae Victis was mothballed as part of the fleet reserve
in the 38th millennia. It was left in stationary orbit around
Starboard Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Right Drawkesd in Segmentum Tempestus, where it remained
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front silent and alone, its weapons and shield systems long
since stripped for reuse.
Special Rules: The Vae Victis is ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders.
For untold centuries the battleship was abandoned to
its fate, decaying above a forgotten backwater while
the future of the Imperium grew ever darker. However,
after the Battle of Circe, increased pressure on Imperial
Navy Segmentum resources led to the Vae Victis being

The Vae Victis is currently undergoing re-armament and

crew training before resuming active service to make up
for the horrific losses from that battle.

68 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


EXORCIST CLASS GRAND CRUISER................................ 260 Points

T he Exorcist class was originally developed as a long
range patrol vessel, capable of self sufficiency for
long periods of time away from fleet support. Usually
operating with two or three squadrons of escorts,
Exorcists were often posted to the far-flung corners of the
Imperium to patrol the edges of the Eastern Fringe and
into the galactic halo. Down the years the Exorcist has
gradually been replaced by later ship designs, especially
the Mars class.

Some Exorcists were kept on by fleets on the fringes of

the Imperium to ply the long lonely patrol routes into the
halo. Many Exorcists were used as colonial transports.
The entire penal colony of Brandt 764 was moved en
masse by Exorcist grand cruisers to populate and work
Tor Alpha, a world beyond the Eastern Fringe, discovered
by (and named after) the famous Rogue Trader Foulway
The Exorcist squadron, led by the Light of Ascension
Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 3 5+ 3
was then used as convoy escorts for the ore transports
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC returning to the Imperium, and played a major part in
Port Launch Bays Fury Fighters: 30cm 3 Squadrons - the defense of the system when it was attacked and
Starhawk Bombers: 20cm eventually overrun by a Tyranid hive fleet.
Starboard Launch Bays 3 Squadrons -
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 8 Left
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 8 Right Kingmaker Warrior Knight Light of Ascension

Ablative Prow Armor: Due to their substantial armored prow, Exorcist class grand cruisers ignore all Prow Armament Damaged critical hits, rather than suffer the next
highest result on the Critical Damage table. However, an Exorcist class grand cruiser armed with prow torpedoes automatically loses this special rule, as its prow must be
reconfigured to accommodate the torpedo tubes.

Special Attack Craft: An Exorcist class grand cruiser may equip its launch bays with Shark assault boats (Speed: 30cm) for +5 points and/or Marauder torpedo bombers
(Speed: 20cm) for +60 points, in addition to any other attack craft it may normally launch.

Specialist Refits: An Exorcist class grand cruiser may reduce the range of its weapon batteries to 30cm in order to increase their firepower to 10, for no extra cost. In addition,
it may purchase one of the following upgrades at the listed cost:

• Prow Torpedoes (Speed: 30cm, Strength 6, Front)................................................................................................................................................................................ +25 points

• Communication Uplink (+1 Ld)............................................................................................................................................................................................................. +20 points
• Improved Thrusters (+D6cm speed when on All Ahead Full orders)...................................................................................................................................................... +5 points

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 69


VENGEANCE CLASS GRAND CRUISER.......................... 230 Points

T he Vengeance class straddles the line between earlier
and later Imperial ship designs. The ship can be seen
with the beginnings of the characteristic armored prow,
although as yet the extra armor had not been added.
Today, the Vengeance remains part of the Imperial fleet
reserve, regarded by most admirals as an old warhorse,
past its best days. Vengeances have also been identified
as part of Traitor fleets, dating back to the mass mutiny
that split the Imperial fleet in half during the Great
Betrayal. Since then Imperial ship design has slowly
evolved, but within the warp, where time does not follow
a linear path, ships can survive untold millennia as if it
were only yesterday.

The active Vengeance class grand cruisers that are part of

the Segmentum Obscurus fleet are generally deployed in
squadrons whose ongoing mission is to patrol and defend
the systems lying around the Eye of Terror in a constant
vigil against Chaos incursions. Other Vengeances are
scattered across Imperial fleet reserves throughout
Segmentum Obscurus and Segmentum Pacificus as
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS second-line units, replacement squadrons and mothballed
as war reserves.
Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 3 5+ 3
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC Several patrolling squadrons of Vengeance’s have, whilst
Port Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left engaged in routine duties, strayed into the Eye itself,
either lured there in pursuit of raiders or caught in a
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 2 Right
sudden and unpredictable flare or expansion. Such patrols
Port Weapons Battery 60cm 10 Left are never seen again, although reports of Vengeance class
Starboard Weapons Battery 60cm 10 Right grand cruisers supporting renegade raids and even Black
Crusades have been on the increase.
Ablative Prow Armor: Due to their substantial armored prow, Vengeance class grand cruisers ignore all Prow
Armament Damaged critical hits, rather than suffer the next highest result on the Critical Damage table. However, FAMOUS SHIPS:
a Vengeance class grand cruiser armed with prow torpedoes automatically loses this special rule, as its prow must The Covenanter Vigilant Eternus
be reconfigured to accommodate the torpedo tubes. Pax Deliveratus Shadow of Scarus

Specialist Refits: A Vengeance class grand cruiser may purchase one of the following upgrades at the listed cost:
"Remember your duty. Even the greatest man is but
• Prow Torpedoes (Speed: 30cm, Strength 6, Front)................................................................................ +25 points a ripple on the surface of the void."
• Communication Uplink (+1 Ld)............................................................................................................. +20 points -Naval Saying
• Improved Thrusters (+D6cm speed when on All Ahead Full orders)...................................................... +5 points

70 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


AVENGER CLASS GRAND CRUISER................................. 200 Points

T he Avenger is a hang-over from earlier days, and
earlier fleet tactics. It is a gun boat, designed as a
line-breaker. The squadrons of Avengers would deploy
behind a shield of escort vessels or light cruisers. As the
fleets closed the range they would accelerate to full speed,
racing into the midst of an enemy fleet. Once in the heart
of the enemy it would sit, its heavy batteries blazing left
and right, trading barrages at point-blank range. The
plan called for two or three squadrons of Avengers to
cause (and usually take) very heavy damage, but its big
batteries could out-shoot most enemies at close quarters.
The disruption and damage caused by this brutal tactic
of close quarters slugging would leave the enemy fleet
in disarray, and easy prey to following waves who could
then mop up.

As tactical doctrine changed, so the Avenger’s place in

many Imperial fleets became redundant, and the Avenger
class was relegated from front-line duty. Many had their
batteries stripped out for use elsewhere. Some squadrons
were mothballed indefinitely in fleet reserves. However,
when fleets are hard-pressed for ships, the Avenger can
once again be seen racing into the heart of the enemy.


Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 3 5+ 3 Guardian of Aquinas The Sword Infernus
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 20 Left TAW plus 3:09: Home base overrun by Ork warband. Hearing
that many air bases are suffering in a similar manner. Ground
Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 20 Right defenses are still mostly in Imperial hands, but are under heavy
assault by the enemy and thus of little use in shooting down Ork
Ablative Prow Armor: Due to their substantial armored prow, Avenger class grand cruisers ignore all Prow landing craft. How did they manage to land troops so quickly?
The Long Knives are diverting to secondary base.
Armament Damaged critical hits, rather than suffer the next highest result on the Critical Damage table. However,
an Avenger class grand cruiser armed with prow torpedoes automatically loses this special rule, as its prow must TAW plus 3:12: The shadow of a space hulk is hanging above us,
be reconfigured to accommodate the torpedo tubes. just beyond the atmosphere. It must truly be huge for us to see
it at this range.
Specialist Refits: An Avenger class grand cruiser may purchase one of the following upgrades at the listed cost: TAW plus 3:27: Target of opportunity. Ork landing craft
spotted with light escort. The Long Knives engaged and
• Prow Torpedoes (Speed: 30cm, Strength 6, Front)................................................................................ +25 points acquitted themselves well, sending three craft to the ground in
• Communication Uplink (+1 Ld)............................................................................................................. +20 points flames before the escorts rallied and drove us off. Long Knife
IX did not make it.
• Improved Thrusters (+D6cm speed when on All Ahead Full orders)...................................................... +5 points

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 71


MARS CLASS BATTLECRUISER........................................... 260 Points

T he Imperious is one of the few surviving examples
of the Mars class battlecruiser. Production of these
vessels at the Martian shipyards was discontinued over
eighteen centuries before the beginning of the Gothic
War and the number of ships in service has declined
steadily since then. Reckoned to be under gunned by
many captains, the Mars class battlecruiser Imperious
earned its laurels at the outset of the war during a surprise
attack on the hive world of Orar. Early in the engagement
the Imperious managed to get underway and scored a
devastating hit on the Slaughter class cruiser Soulless
with its nova cannon.

While Soulless was still reeling from the damage, a salvo

of lance hits from the Imperious detonated the Slaughter
class cruiser’s plasma core and annihilated it. Then, a
wave of Starhawk bombers from the Imperious crippled
a second Slaughter class cruiser which was subsequently
destroyed by Orar’s orbital defenses, breaking the back
of the Chaos attack with minimal damage to Imperial
forces. Captain Compel Bast of the Imperious was
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS subsequently awarded the Solar Cluster for the heroic
actions of his ship and crew.
Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 6+ Prow / 5+ 2
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 6 Left Imperious Pax Imperium
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 6 Right Marquis Lex Resolute
Port Launch Bays Fury Fighters: 30cm 2 Squadrons -
Starboard Launch Bays
Prow Nova Cannon
Starhawk Bombers: 20cm
30 - 150cm
2 Squadrons
"S hould a machine not function upon striking the panel
marked "on," this is an omen of great ill. The reasons
ascribed may be as follows: Firstly, the function of inadequate
preparation on the part of the operator. Secondly, the action
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left / Front / Right
of the machine whose spirit may refuse the binding of the
operator. Thirdly, the malicious intent of some third party upon
Targeting Matrix: A Mars class battlecruiser may be fitted with a targeting matrix, giving its weapons batteries the operator or machine. The operator must repeat the ritual
from the beginning, re-purifying himself, inscribing the runes,
an additional left column-shift, for +15 points (see the Imperial Refits section for details).
intoning the incantations, and striking the panel marked 'on'. An
accompanying oath may be made. Should this procedure fail, the
Extra Turrets: A Mars class battlecruiser may increase its Turrets value from 2 to 3 for +10 points. operator must recourse to consulting the instruction manual."
-Naval Flight Manual W110E,
Special Attack Craft: A Mars class battlecruiser may equip its launch bays with Marauder torpedo bombers
from Runic Spaceflight - An Introduction
(Speed: 20cm) for +40 points, in addition to any other attack craft it may normally launch.

72 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


DOMINION CLASS BATTLECRUISER.............................. 260 Points

T he Dominion-class battlecruiser was envisioned as a
more modern replacement to the Mars, designed to
serve as a capable fleet support vessel optimized for the
role envisioned for attack craft carriers by the fleet lords
of Bakka. While its launch bays and lance batteries were
well-suited to provide an adjunct to the fleet maneuvers
favored by the “big-gun” lobby, the class fared poorly
in smaller engagements and suffered from many of the
shortcomings of the Gothic cruiser in the kinds of raids
more typically faced by the dispersed flotillas of the
battlefleet. In particular, the Light of Faith had a rather
inauspicious start to its career when it and its escorts
were driven out of an uncharted system by Necron
raiders during its maiden deployment. Additionally, the
Perseverance was lost with all hands during the Stabulo
Campaign, and the Ascension disappeared together with
the rest of Commodore Fyne’s battlegroup during a
protracted war in the Nemesis Sector.
These outcomes led the Imperial Navy to cease ordering
Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 6+ Prow / 5+ 3
production of these vessels after only ten hulls were
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC constructed. Despite this, tactical analysis of these
Port Launch Bays Fury Fighters: 30cm 2 Squadrons - engagements shows that the Dominions had invariably
Starhawk Bombers: 20cm performed only as well as could be expected from them
Starboard Launch Bays 2 Squadrons -
in very adverse conditions, and they had incidentally
Port Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left displayed their considerable potential as fleet support
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 2 Right vessels with their long-range lances and ordnance
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left / Front / Right deployment capability. In fact, these ships acquitted
themselves admirably during the War for Macragge, and
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front of the two Dominion-class warships present at the Battle
of Circe, the Light of Faith was one of the twelve capital
Special Attack Craft: A Dominion class battlecruiser may equip its launch bays with Marauder torpedo bombers ships that returned, redeeming in hard-won victory the
(Speed: 20cm) for +40 points, in addition to any other attack craft it may normally launch. honor lost from its fateful maiden deployment centuries

TAW plus 3:41: Secondary base also overrun by the enemy. Have decided to divert to the Plains of Anthrand. I hope we can affect a landing there without too much serious damage to our
undercarriage. Fuel critical.
TAW plus 3:45: Have made contact with forward team of the Pioneer Corps within the Plains. They are preparing a temporary flight strip for our arrival. Brave men to set up a beacon for
us whilst the Orks invade.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 73


MERCURY CLASS BATTLECRUISER................................ 255 Points

I n the waning years of Abaddon’s 12th Black Crusade,
the Adeptus Mechanicus artisans of Bakka and the
officers of the Tempestus battle fleets faced a dilemma.
In supporting Battlefleet Obscuras, the problem with
pirate bands had become acute and the lack of speed
among the standard Imperial cruiser designs meant that
the tactical initiative remained with the pirates. At the
direction of Admiral Knightsbridge, the Tech Mages of
Bakka set about to construct a new battle cruiser design
fitting for the strategy and tactics of the Battlefleet
yet be able to meet this new threat. Through a rather
straightforward merging of existing technologies, the
Adeptus Mechanicus were able to devise a solution in
less than two centuries. It is widely believed that this is
the fastest a new capital ship design has ever come to
fruition in several millennia, and thus the Mercury class
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS battlecruiser came into being.
Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 6+ Prow / 5+ 3
Built from the keel up to prosecute raiders, the Mercury
combines a basic cruiser layout with the engineering
Port Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Left suite normally used on a battleship. The result is a faster
Starboard Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Right much more powerful cruiser with the speed to keep up
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 4 Left with the raiders and the firepower to deal with them as an
independent unit. All this improved performance came
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 4 Right at a price. While the engines produced battleship power,
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left / Front / Right the armor protection remained that of a cruiser. When
Prow Nova Cannon 30 - 150cm Template Front hit by multiple salvos from Chaos raiders in 467.M41,
the Scylla suffered a powerful warp drive implosion,
destroying her entire squadron of assigned escorts and
Special Rules: Mercury class battlecruisers are fitted with up-rated engineering plants that increase their speed heavily damaging the battleship Mailed Fist. The plasma
and provide them with greater firepower, at the expense of survivability. As a result, Mercury class battlecruisers drive overload that destroyed the Medusa also shattered
always roll 3D6 on the Catastrophic Damage table instead of 2D6 (treating any result greater than 12 as 12). the Lunar cruiser Lord Chalfont, leaving a convoy of
transports to the mercies of an Ork raiding squadron.
Special Refits: A Mercury class battlecruiser may increase the range of its 45cm weapons batteries to 60cm for
+10 points, and/or may replace its nova cannon with a torpedo salvo (Speed: 30cm, Strength 6, Front) to reduce Despite its shortcomings, many Bakka Naval officers
its cost by 20 points. aspire to someday lead one of these fearsome warships.
The Nemesis and Medusa destroyed an Ork attack fleet
of Terror Ships and Ravagers single-handedly using their
TAW plus 4:02: Squadron grounded. Sighted Ork squadron on horizon as we landed, but I believe we were undetected. upgraded weapons batteries, while the Gorgon claimed
Pioneer Captain Ranlic most welcoming. Pioneers sparing what fuel they can for our Thunderbolts, but due to leave soon the Eldar Shadow class cruiser Swift Striker using its
for their own mission. My pilots have been ordered to extend every courtesy to the Pioneers. We owe them a great deal. retrofitted torpedo launchers during a routine convoy
escort mission.

74 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


ARMAGEDDON CLASS BATTLECRUISER.................... 235 Points

T he Armageddon class was developed in an attempt
to rapidly increase the Navy’s number of available
battlecruisers. Almost without exception, Armageddon
class ships are built from the recovered hulls of crippled
Lunar class vessels, making them one of the easiest
battlecruisers to construct, though many fleet commanders
have proved unwilling to sacrifice large numbers of their
main front-line cruiser to create hulks for later upgrade.
The very first example to depart the extensive St. Jowen’s
Dock was the Ex Cathedra. Originally named the Orion
as a lunar class, the ship suffered heavily whilst engaging
Chaos raiders above the world of Pyran and, as it limped
back to the Armageddon system, the decision was made
not only to repair the venerable vessel, but to upgrade it
to battlecruiser standards.
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Power relays were re-routed from the ship’s main plasma
Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 6+ Prow / 5+ 2 reactors to provide a substantial increase in efficiency
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC for the existing weapons batteries, whilst long-ranged
lance turret arrays were built upon a modified dorsal
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 6 Left
spine. This alone gave the ship a much greater punch
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 6 Right at medium ranges and the ability to engage at distance.
Port Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left An immediate drawback became obvious as nearly three
and a half thousand extra crewmen had to be drafted in
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 2 Right
simply to man the additional weapons and to maintain
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left / Front / Right the short-lived relays that powered them.
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front
Special Rules: An Armageddon class battlecruiser may exchange its prow torpedoes for a prow nova cannon Ex Cathedra Thunderchild
(Range: 30 - 150cm, Template, Front) for +20 points. Hammer of Light Ad Astra Aurelia
Toro’s Memory Vengeance Reborn

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 75


OVERLORD CLASS BATTLECRUISER............................. 220 Points

B ased on the Acheron class heavy cruiser design, the
Overlord class battlecruiser was built to provide
the Imperial fleet with a cruiser-sized vessel with the
long ranged punch of battleship weaponry. Because
of difficulties in power transmission the Acheron’s
prow weapons batteries were replaced by standard
cruiser torpedo tubes and armored prow. However, this
arrangement allowed the Overlord’s dorsal lance turrets
to be upgraded, giving them range comparable to the
vessel’s other long range laser batteries.

Difficulties in building the Overlord class meant that

only limited numbers served in the Segmentum Obscuras
fleet, each vessel being painstakingly constructed at the
Cypra Mundi shipyards. Three vessels served in the
sector fleet during the Gothic War: the Flame of Purity,
Sword of Retribution, and Cypra Probatii. The latter
Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 6+ Prow / 5+ 2 was completed during the war and arrived in the Gothic
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC Sector only after a difficult and hazardous journey
through the warp.
Port Weapons Battery 60cm 8 Left
Starboard Weapons Battery 60cm 8 Right The Flame of Purity and Sword of Retribution operated
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left / Front / Right together for most of the war, protecting important star
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front systems against the Chaos raiders that plagued the whole

Targeting Matrix: An Overlord class battlecruiser may be fitted with a targeting matrix, giving its weapons
batteries an additional left column-shift, for +15 points (see the Imperial Refits section for details).
Flame of Purity Sword of Retribution
Cypra Probatii Lord Genesis
Extra Turrets: An Overlord class battlecruiser may increase its Turrets value from 2 to 3 for +10 points.
Ark Tempestus Traitorbane

76 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


CARDINAL CLASS BATTLECRUISER............................... 200 Points

T he Cardinal class battlecruiser is derived from the
same template used for the ill-fated Acheron class
heavy cruiser design. This can be seen clearly in the
Cardinal’s distinctive swept prow, which bears more
similarities to that of the ancient heavy cruisers from the
Great Crusade than any modern Imperial battlecruiser
produced in the last several millennia. In fact, many Tech
Magi insist that the vessel actually is a heavy cruiser, but
current Imperial Navy doctrine does not recognize such
a class within its fleet structure.

Some have speculated that the class’ designation as a

battlecruiser was also motivated in part by a desire to
disassociate the Cardinal from its cousin, the Acheron
class, whose cursed reputation has remained a shadow
over the Cardinal’s service history since its inception.
Although the failure of the Acherons was ultimately
attributed to the use of alien technology in their weapons
systems – a feature that was obviously excluded from the
Cardinal’s design – many within the Navy viewed the
development of such a similar class with deep suspicion.
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS This lingering doubt has since continued to plague to the
Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 3 Cardinal class, and now only a handful of fleets across the
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC Imperium make use of the vessel. Only two ships were in
service in the Bakka Sector during the invasion of Hive
Port Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left
Fleet Behemoth, the Sebastian Thor and the Silent Fire.
Starboard Lance Battery 45cm 2 Right Both left with Battlefleet Bakka to the Macraggan War
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left / Front / Right but the Silent Fire never arrived and is presumed lost in
the warp. The Sebastian Thor was one of the handful of
Prow Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Left / Front / Right
survivors from the battle.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 77


DICTATOR CLASS CRUISER................................................... 210 Points

D ictator class cruisers are built around Lunar class hulls, with the lance decks entirely rebuilt
into launch bays for attack craft. This stopgap measure was originally undertaken as a
simple method of delivering large numbers of atmospheric craft, like the Thunderbolt fighter and
Marauder bomber, to low orbit, for ground support operations. However, successive upgrades to
the Dictator’s communications and detection systems expanded its capabilities for launching long-
range strikes against ships in deep space.

They were increasingly equipped with Fury class deep space fighters and Starhawk bombers,
operating as fleet support vessels and independent patrol ships throughout the sector. A single
Dictator with a handful of escorts proved an exceedingly flexible force capable of running
down pirates and raiding hostile worlds with waves of attack craft. Of particular note was the
Rhadamanthine which, in concert with the Skargul patrol, scored a series of spectacular successes
against pirates in the Orar sub sector. During the Gothic War Dictators proved invaluable for
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS escorting convoys of vulnerable transport ships through areas threatened by Chaos ships.
Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 6+ Prow / 5+ 3
As the demand for supporting attack craft in major actions grew, a number of badly damaged
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARC Lunar class cruisers were reconfigured as Dictators at the main fleet bases. By the end of the war,
Port Launch Bays Fury Fighters: 30cm 2 Squadrons - seven more Dictators were in service, more than compensating for the loss of the Rhadamanthine
Starhawk Bombers: 20cm and Archon Kort to Abaddon’s fleets.
Starboard Launch Bays 2 Squadrons -
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left Special Attack Craft: A Dictator class cruiser may equip its launch bays with
St’bd Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Right Marauder torpedo bombers (Speed: 20cm) for +40 points, in addition to any other
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front attack craft it may normally launch.

DOMINATOR CLASS CRUISER............................................. 190 Points

T he Dominator class cruiser is an unusual vessel of a class originally built to act as a fleet
support unit for major engagements and planetary assaults. It was designed to hang back and
use its massive nova cannon to bombard the enemy at extreme range. Dominator class cruisers are
far more common to Battlefleet Ultima than Battlefleet Obscuras, the vast majority being built at
the fleet base at Kar Duniash. The only Dominator class vessel serving in the Gothic sector at the
outset of the war was the Hammer of Justice under the command of Captain Grenfeld. Although it
had always performed poorly on exercises and had an undistinguished prior history, the vessel rose
to the challenge and fought with vigor and resolution at every opportunity, with Captain Grenfeld
routinely demonstrating the potency of the Dominator’s somewhat cumbersome nova cannon.


Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 6+ Prow / 5+ 2
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 12 Left
Special Refits: A Dominator class cruiser may reduce the firepower of its weapons St’bd Weapons Battery 30cm 12 Right
batteries to 6 in order to increase their range to 45cm, reducing its cost by 5 points. Prow Nova Cannon 30 - 150cm Template Front

78 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


GOTHIC CLASS CRUISER......................................................... 180 Points

T he powerful Gothic class cruiser is a familiar sight throughout the Imperium, with numerous
vessels operating in each of the Segmentum battlefleets. A potent force in its own right, the
class carries the heaviest lance array of any Imperial cruiser in the Gothic sector, making it a deadly
barely escaped after suffering severe damage and scoring only a handful of hits on the enemy
vessel. Powerful as the lances were, they could not damage an opposing vessel fast enough in
duels. A change in tactics, pioneered by Captain Hodge of the Righteous Fury, saw Gothic class
adversary for enemy vessels of all sizes. However, in the course of the war it became apparent that ships paired with their own squadron of escorts or another cruiser. They would then engage an
it could only operate successfully in the company of other vessels, after two encounters between enemy vessel abeam, while its supporting ships circled to attack from bow or stern. This used
the Righteous Fury and the Chaos grand cruiser Bloodied Sword. In each case the Righteous Fury the heavy lance armament to good effect, by knocking down the enemy’s shields and allowing its
consorts to attack, while preventing its enemy from moving away. Using its new tactics, the Gothic
class cruiser made a valuable contribution to the war by destroying the Chaos cruisers Cackling
Hate and Glorious Bloodbath in the conflict’s later stages.


Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 6+ Prow / 5+ 2
Port Lance Battery 30cm 4 Left
St’bd Lance Battery 30cm 4 Right
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front

LUNAR CLASS CRUISER............................................................ 180 Points

T he Lunar class cruiser forms the mainstay of Battlefleet Obscuras, with over six
hundred ships serving throughout the Segmentum and more than twenty ships
fighting in the Gothic war. The uncomplicated design of this class ensures its enduring
utility, enabling vessels to be built at hive and industrial worlds normally unable to
muster the expertise to construct a capital ship.

Perhaps the most remarkable example of this is the Lord Daros, constructed at the feral
world of Unloth. The primitive tribesmen dwelling there were influenced to mine and
smelt metals which were then presented for ‘sacrifice’ at sky temples established by the
Planetary Lord. The raw materials were then lifted into orbit at each vernal equinox.
After a period of eleven years the tribes were rewarded for their effort with the sight of
a bright new star moving across the heavens as the Lord Daros boosted out-system to
Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 6+ Prow / 5+ 2 With such an ubiquitous design, the last several millennia have produced a number of
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARC variations and unique additions to the chassis, such as the Minotaur and Lord Daros’
Port Lance Battery 30cm 2 Left prow nova cannon. Other ships with more extensive modifications were even developed
into entirely new classes of starship. Indeed, it is not uncommon to see former Lunar
St’bd Lance Battery 30cm 2 Right class cruisers recommissioned as totally custom classes in some subsectors.
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left
St’bd Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Right Special Refits: A Lunar class cruiser may replace its prow torpedoes with a prow
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front nova cannon (Range: 30 - 150cm, Template, Front) for +20 points.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 79


TYRANT CLASS CRUISER......................................................... 175 Points

T owards the end of the 38th millennium, the famed Adeptus Mechanicus Artisan-
Magos Hyus N’dai completed a series of ship designs based around the principle
of superfired plasma weaponry. The most common of these, the Tyrant class cruiser,
became popular amongst the major shipyards in the 39th millennium. Its superfired
plasma batteries are capable of launching a boosted salvo considerably further than
comparable cruiser weapon decks, yet still deliver virtually the same weight of fire
at close quarters. This had eluded ship designers since the secrets of building very
long range ship weaponry had been lost after the Dark Age of Technology. In practice,
however, the Tyrant’s long range firepower lacks sufficient strength to make it a serious
threat to anything larger than an escort sized vessel. Two of the Tyrants assigned to the
Gothic sector fleet, Zealous and Dominion, were eventually upgraded with weapons
salvage from wrecked Chaos ships. These pushed their firepower up to battlecruiser
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS levels, making them very dangerous opponents at long range.
Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 6+ Prow / 5+ 2
Zealous Dominion Incendrius Lord Sylvanus
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 4 Left
St’bd Weapons Battery 45cm 4 Right
Special Refits: A Tyrant class cruiser may increase the range of its 30cm-range
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left
weapons batteries to 45cm for +10 points. A Tyrant class cruiser (may also replace
St’bd Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Right its prow torpedoes with a prow nova cannon (Range: 30 - 150cm, Template, Front)
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front for +20 points.

DAUNTLESS CLASS LIGHT CRUISER............................... 110 Points

L ight scouting cruisers like the Dauntless class have always been a feature of Imperial
fleets throughout the Imperium. An ideal light cruiser carries enough firepower to
drive off opposing escorts and enough fuel and supplies to remain away from bases
for months at a time. The Dauntless is a popular class, as fast and maneuverable as a
frigate but with a ferocious frontal lance armament. During the Gothic War, the light
cruisers Uziel and Baron Surtur were the first to detect Warmaster Khuzor’s fleet near
the Formosa cluster and their accurate information allowed Admiral Sartus to bring the
foe to battle.


Cruiser/6 25cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Improved Thrusters: Dauntless class light cruisers add an additional +1D6cm to
their speed when on All Ahead Full special orders.
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Left
Special Refits: A Dauntless class light cruiser may replace its prow lance batteries St’bd Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Right
with prow torpedoes (Speed: 30cm, Strength 6, Front) for no change in cost. Prow Lance Battery 30cm 3 Front

80 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


ENDEAVOUR CLASS LIGHT CRUISER............................. 110 Points

T he Endeavour class, lacking the speed for anti-pirate operations, is preferred as a
convoy flagship or a heavy escort to larger capital ships of the line. Its heavy gun
batteries can almost match the firepower of larger cruisers and it is capable of holding
its own in the midst of a pitched battle. Many Endeavour class light cruisers were sent
to the Armageddon fleet during the latest Ork invasion, where, during fighting against
Ork vessels, the Endeavour’s relative slow speed for its class was not found to be a
hindrance. The Endeavour, and its sister vessels, became a stable of the Armageddon
fleet as replacements for lost ships.

Sanctis Legate Sword of Voss Leonid
Cruiser/6 20cm 90° 1 6+ Prow / 5+ 2 ++RED.ALERT++ALL.HANDS.TO.BATTLESTATIONS++
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left
St’bd Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Right Special Rules: An Endeavour class light cruiser adds +1 to its boarding action
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right result when defending against an enemy boarding action, due to its narrow mid-ship
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 2 Front corridor choking the enemy advance.

ENDURANCE CLASS LIGHT CRUISER.............................. 110 Points

T he Endurance class cruiser is an Endeavour class with its weapons batteries refitted
to carry lances. A common tactic amongst fleet admirals is to pair up Endeavours
and Endurances for mutual protection and fearsome combined firepower. However,
given that the Endurance class is produced in fewer numbers than the Endeavour, this
tactic is not always possible in every battle. It is more likely that a mixed squadron
will contain two or three Endeavours and a single Endurance in support, using the
latter’s lance batteries to secure kills on weakened targets. Operating in this manner,
the Ad Liberis was responsible for the destruction of nine Ork escorts as the War for
Armageddon began above the high-g world of Pelucidar during a savage three-hour
engagement, before their withdrawal was ordered by Admiral Parol. This action earned
the Ad Liberis the nickname “Da Finisha” among many of the Ork captains.


Cruiser/6 20cm 90° 1 6+ Prow / 5+ 2
Port Lance Battery 30cm 2 Left

Special Rules: An Endurance class light cruiser adds +1 to its boarding action St’bd Lance Battery 30cm 2 Right
result when defending against an enemy boarding action, due to its narrow mid-ship Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right
corridor choking the enemy advance. Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 2 Front

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 81


DEFIANT CLASS LIGHT CRUISER........................................ 110 Points

T he Defiant is the least common of the Voss triumvirate but it is the last piece in
the jigsaw. A capable carrier, the Defiant is regarded as too vulnerable to operate
without support. Lacking any guns for self defence, the Defiant is usually relegated
to a support role, operating behind the main fighting ships, out of the line of fire. A
relatively recent development of the Endeavour, the light carriers of this class proved
to be vital lynch pin of the Imperial fleet’s desperate struggle to stem the relentless tide
of destruction and death that accompanied the Orks’ massive invasion force into the
Armageddon sector.

Being more agile than the much larger Ork kroozers arrayed against them, these vessels
were able to push deeply into the vast greenskin host before unleashing their bombers
upon the capital ships of the invasion fleet. Though the Forebearer and Archangel
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS were lost above St. Jowen’s Dock when they were overrun while struggling valiantly
Cruiser/6 20cm 90° 1 6+ Prow / 5+ 3 to refuel and rearm their beleaguered attack craft in the heat of battle, their brave pilots
were responsible for destroying the kill kroozer Grimzag’s Ammer and crippling two
Terror Ships.
Port Launch Bays Fury Fighters: 30cm 1 Squadron -
St’bd Launch Bays Starhawk Bombers: 20cm 1 Squadron - Special Rules: A Defiant class light cruiser adds +1 to its boarding action result
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right when defending against an enemy boarding action, due to its narrow mid-ship
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 2 Front corridor choking the enemy advance.

SILURIA CLASS LIGHT CRUISER......................................... 100 Points

T he Siluria-class light cruiser is a much older design than the Endeavor or Dauntless,
but a small number continue to serve the space lanes of Segmentum Tempestus.
Despite its similar appearance to the vessels of the Voss triumvirate, it is actually the
their weapons arrives. During the Phillipa campaign, the Siluria cruisers Vanguard and
Thebes served with particular renown, annihilating several squadrons of enemy escort
ships over the course of their service. Outside of the Imperial Navy, it is not unheard of
result of a shared design with the much newer Dauntless class, and many Tech-Magi for particularly wealthy Rogue Traders to have a few Siluria cruisers at their disposal,
believe that both may have originated from a common template now lost to the ages.
either as status symbol or as protection for larger flagships.
The Siluria is best suited to supporting battle fleets rather than undertaking missions TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS
on its own. However, a full broadside from one of these ships is more than capable of
causing great damage, so these vessels tend to be well screened until the time to unleash Cruiser/6 25cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left
St’bd Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Right
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right

Improved Thrusters: Siluria class light cruisers add an additional +1D6cm to

their speed when on All Ahead Full special orders.

82 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


HAVOC CLASS FRIGATE............................................................35 Points

L ike the Siluria class light cruiser, the Havoc frigate
is an old design harking back to a time when Great
Crusade-era vessels were not yet superseded by newer
down and destroyed after falling in the hands of pirates
and renegades. It nonetheless was an important escort in
its time, and aspects of its design were later incorporated
and now ubiquitous escort classes like the Sword and in both the Sword and Falchion frigate classes.
Cobra. Even among the fleets of Segmentum Tempestus,
the class is not commonly encountered, and the vessel FAMOUS SQUADRONS:
is more often found in the company of Rogue Traders Sons of Ogala 125th Ghost Wing
than in the service of the Imperial Navy. Unfortunately,
this aspect has also made it a favorite of raiders as well,
and a number of these ships have needed to be hunted


"B ut do not underestimate them. The Navigators
are, for the most part, as clever as they think
they are. They would not survive otherwise. They
Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2 are born and trained to conspiracy as we are born
Weapons Battery 30cm 3 Left / Front / Right -Torin Wolfblade to House Belisarius
Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Front

VIPER CLASS DESTROYER.........................................................35 Points

D uring the Gareox Prerogative, many Cobra destroyers were
converted to carry boarding torpedoes. Their main weapon
battery was removed and extra torpedo launch tubes added.
"Our thoughts light the Darkness that others may
The experiment was not a success; escorts could not carry large cross space.
enough crews to man the torpedoes properly and fight the ship.
We are one with the Emperor, our souls are joined
These ships have proven to be poor convoy escorts but have
been surprisingly successful in fleet support flotillas. As such, in his will.
most Vipers have been retained in this capacity and continue to Praise the Emperor whose sacrifice is life as ours
be constructed, though they no longer use boarding torpedoes.
is death.
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Hail his name, the Master of Humanity."
Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 4+ 1
-Extract from the
Credo of the Astronomican
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 3 Front

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 83


FIRESTORM CLASS FRIGATE...................................................35 Points

F irestorm class frigates are a comparatively recent
innovation within Battlefleet Obscuras. The design
was created in an effort to balance the maneuverability
Three of the raiders were destroyed for the loss of one
Firestorm, enabling the Intolerance to complete the
dispatch of twenty four bomber wings against the Chaos
of escort class ships with the hitting power of a lance Desolator class battleship Eternity of Pain.
armament. The Firestorm is built around a Sword class
hull with major reconfiguration of the central laser cores FAMOUS SQUADRONS:
to direct power to a prow-mounted cannon. Only five Gold Squadron Lexus Squadron
squadrons of Firestorms served in the Gothic War and Costa Barbarus Patrol Novem Squadron
these were all understrength in most of the engagements Patrol Group Erinyes Strike Group Azure
they fought, due to a lack of available replacement ships.
The most noteworthy action fought by Firestorms was by
Gold Squadron at the Battle of Veras. The two Firestorms TAW plus 8:22: Hearing comm bursts that many other squadrons
intercepted a group of Infidel raiders flanking the main are still fighting, their pilots not able to rest as they come
fleet to attack the Emperor class battleship Intolerance. down to rearm, then return to the furball. The Long Knives are
suffering some guilt for this, but there is little we can do.
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS TAW plus 8:34: After much discussion with the pilots, I have
allowed Long Knives II & IV to perform an armed reconnaissance
Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2 of the surrounding area. Have warned them to steer clear of all

Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right TAW plus 8:56: Scrambling. Long Knife II reports Ork
warband heading our way. Squadron air borne to turn them back.
Lance 30cm 1 Front

SWORD CLASS FRIGATE.............................................................35 Points

T he venerable Sword class frigate has ably served in
every Segmentum battlefleet for thousands of years.
Every part of the vessel’s design and construction has
guard their backs against enemy destroyers and attack
craft. Many Sword squadrons have also been seconded
to various Space Marine dominions, as well as other
been tried and tested in innumerable engagements. The Imperial space forces such as the Adetpus Mechanicus
Sword’s laser-based weapons batteries and substantial and Imperial Inquisition.
turret array have an exceptional ready level of 88.2%.
Its plasma drives are simple, sturdy units copied many FAMOUS SQUADRONS:
times on other ships and can be serviced by artificers with Red Squadron Blue Squadron
minimal training. A classic escort vessel in every respect, Omega Squadron The Heroic Endeavor
few battleships fight without at least a pair of Swords to Achilles Squadron Errant Squadron
Invincis Squadron The Nightstalkers
Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Left / Front / Right

84 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


FALCHION CLASS FRIGATE.....................................................35 Points

T he Falchion class frigate is loosely based on the
Endeavour, Endurance, and Defiant classes of
light cruiser, and was originally designed by the Voss
Michaelis Fire Squadron The Initiates of Monglor
The Rhomphaian Squadron Torchbearer Patrol
Forgeworld to replace the Sword class frigate. However,
the pattern’s operational successes have tended to be in
a defensive rather than offensive role, where it is used
to clear ordnance threats to the more ponderous capital
ships; in a stand up fight it simply cannot compete with
"T he warrior who acts out of honor cannot fail.
His duty is honor itself. Even his death - if it
is honorable - is a reward and can be no failure, for
the damage potential of the much more widespread it has come through duty. Seek honor as you act,
Sword class that is found in most fleets.
therefore, and you will know no fear."
Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2 "T here is no right or wrong in our profession.
The present changes the past from moment
to moment. Only pray for the future to vindicate
your action."
Weapons Battery 30cm 3 Left / Front / Right
-Naval Sayings
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 1 Front

COBRA CLASS DESTROYER.................................................... 30 Points

C obra class destroyers form a significant portion of
Battlefleet Obscuras, their versatility making them
a favored vessel for scouting, patrolling and raiding. The
TAW plus 9:37: Heavy combat. Strafing warband
column. Lost Long Knife II to ground fire. Enemy air
main asset of the Cobra is its great speed, enabling it to activity detected.
catch the light, fast craft favored by pirates. This was TAW plus 10:01: Long Knives in retreat once more.
most famously illustrated in the Gothic sector by Captain Pursued by three enemy squadrons, no answer to distress
Walker’s Skargul patrol, which destroyed seventeen calls.
pirate vessels in the 12 months prior to the Gothic War.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Special Rules: A Cobra class destroyer may replace
Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 4+ 1 its weapons battery with an improved sensor array
(granting +2 Ld when an enemy is on special orders
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC instead of the usual +1 Ld) for no change in cost. All
Weapons Battery 30cm 1 Left / Front / Right Cobra destroyers in a squadron must be configured in
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 2 Front the same way.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 85


RAMILIES CLASS STAR FORT............................................... 875 Points

T he Ramilies class star fort has formed a vital lynch
pin in Imperial strategy since the earliest days of the
Great Crusade. It was designed, according to Mechanicus
legends, by the hitherto unknown Artisan Magos Lian
Ramilies from STC materials captured in the purgation
of the ‘Stone World’, Ulthanx. The Hyper-plasmatic
energy conduction system used by the Ramilies is barely
understood by the Techpriests in current times, but
thanks to the STC system it is still reproducible and has
guaranteed endurance of over 3,000 years. The greatest
advantage of the Ramilies by far is that it can erect a
warp-bubble over the entire structure enabling it, with
the aid of seventeen navigators and an attendant fleet of
tugs, supply ships, warships and system craft, to enter the
Warp and be towed to different star systems.

Using a Ramilies: A Ramilies star fort must be deployed

in the same way as any other high-orbit defense, and will
follow all the normal rules for orbital satellites as described
in the Fleet Support list, except where modified on the next
two pages. With your opponent’s permission it may also be
used as a replacement for a planet, with a high-orbit range
of 30cm from the stem of its base. Note that the cost of a
Ramilies star fort must always be included in the fleet list
for which it is used – it cannot be purchased separately like
other planetary defenses – and it may only be included in a
fleet worth at least 2000 points. In all other respects it is a
normal planetary defense choice for an Imperial Navy fleet.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS In a campaign, a Ramilies star fort can only be gained by a
commander of 11+ renown by making a dedicated appeal
to do so (needing a 5+ to succeed as normal). Alternatively,
Defense/12 - - 4 6+ 4 the commander may surrender control of one forge world
or hive planet and be granted a Ramilies star fort by way
of replacement. A Ramilies star fort generates repair points
QUADRANT WEAPONS equivalent to a pirate base and players can attempt to attack
it in the same way as a pirate base. In addition to generating
Weapons Battery 60cm 12 Quadrant repair points, the Ramilies star fort enables one capital ship
Lance Battery 60cm 5 Quadrant or escort squadron that was withdrawn for full repairs to
return before the start of the owning player’s next game on a
Fury Fighters: 30cm
Launch Bays 4 Squadrons - D6 roll of 4+. If a Ramilies star fort is found it can be moved
Starhawk Bombers: 20cm to try and prevent further attacks on it. If the owning player
BASILICA WEAPONS decides to move his fort he must roll a D6. On a roll of 1 the
fort is lost in the Warp and must be struck from the roster. On
Weapons Battery 45cm 4 All Round a 2 or more the fort relocates successfully and must be found
Torpedo Silos Speed: 30cm 9 All Round again before it can be attacked.

86 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



Unlike most small orbital defenses, the command & control The Ramilies star fort cannot be boarded by ships; whole
capabilities of a Ramilies star fort are superior to even those of a battlefleets would be required. The only vessel that may attempt
warship. To represent this, a Ramilies star fort can use all of the to board a Ramilies star fort is a space hulk, as only a space
following special orders: hulk has sufficient numbers of troops. When this occurs, the
Ramilies star fort’s troop rating is equal to the total remaining
• Reload Ordnance hits of all four quadrants, plus the turret value of the quadrant
• Lock On being boarded. Any resulting hits against the Ramilies star fort
• Brace for Impact are likewise only applied to that quadrant, as normal.

A Ramilies star fort must roll for leadership normally, but comes Shields & Blast Markers During the end phase of the owning player’s turn, a Ramilies
with one command check re-roll for free. It may also purchase Each quadrant has its own shields; when blast markers are star fort may board any enemy ships foolish enough to remain in
up to three re-rolls for +25 points each. These are usable only by placed, put them in contact with the appropriate edge of the base contact, and may choose how many of its quadrants will be
the Ramilies star fort itself, unless a fleet commander is aboard: Ramilies star fort ’s base. In the end phase, D6 blast markers are involved in the boarding action. Quadrants not involved in the
removed from the entire model, not from each quadrant. boarding action may fire their weapons normally.
Sector Fleet Command
A fleet commander may always be assigned to a Ramilies if it Because the four quadrants are essentially in contact with each Massing Turrets
is present (regardless of other requirements). In this case, any other, blast markers in contact with the base affect the quadrant Each quadrant of a Ramilies star fort automatically counts as
re-rolls purchased by the star fort are added to the commander’s taking fire and the two adjacent quadrants as well. If the Ramilies massing turrets with the two quadrants immediately adjacent,
own, (usable by the entire fleet). However, the station must then star fort is rotating, blast markers that are not removed remain in in addition to any ships that may be in base contact with it.
use the commander’s leadership value, even if it is less! place when it rotates and affect whatever quadrant(s) they are in Naturally, quadrants that are crippled or destroyed may not
contribute to massing turrets. Furthermore, a quadrant cannot
contact with at the end of its movement.
use this special rule to increase its turrets value beyond the
MOVEMENT normal +3 limit.
Before the game starts, the owning player must decide whether Damage & Criticals
a Ramilies star fort will rotate or not. This choice may not be All damage and criticals only affect the quadrant that they are
Teleport Attacks
altered later in the game. A rotating Ramilies star fort must pivot inflicted against unless specifically noted otherwise. Quadrants
Ramilies star forts contain numerous teleport chambers, both for
exactly 45 degrees at the beginning of each of its movement are crippled individually once they are reduced to 6 Damage
dispatching troops to other vessels in the fleet and delivering
phases, and always in the same direction (chosen the first time Points. Once a quadrant’s hits are reduced to 0, any further hits
them into combat, be it on a nearby planet or as a devastating hit
it rotates). This movement cannot alter nor be altered by any plow into the drifting wreckage and do no further damage. Treat and run attack against enemy vessels. Each quadrant that is not
special orders or other effects, and will continue even if the that quadrant of the station as an asteroid field from now on. crippled or destroyed allows the Ramilies star fort to launch one
entire station is destroyed. Finally, allied ships may not dock teleport hit and run attack.
with a rotating Ramilies star fort; the danger of collision is Damage Control
simply too high. Other than this exception, a Ramilies star fort Damage control is also undertaken individually. To all intents
may not move in any way during the course of a game. and purposes the four quadrants function as individual stations
The central command and control facility of a Ramilies star fort
placed ‘back to back’. The fort itself is only destroyed once all
is a heavily armed and armored redoubt capable of withstanding
QUADRANTS four quadrants are reduced to 0 hits, at which point a single roll
almost any attack. The basilica cannot be targeted separately by
The Ramilies star fort is so large that its weapons, hits and on the catastrophic damage table must be made.
enemy attacks and is only destroyed when the rest of the station
defenses are divided up into four ‘quadrants’ representing the is reduced to zero hits. In rare instances, if the basilica would
different sides of the space station. When the station is fired Templates take damage (such as from its own ordnance exploding due to
upon, determine which quadrant the attack will hit by tracing a Nova cannons and Armageddon guns can only score a ‘full on’ critical hits, etc), the opposing player distributes this damage
straight line from the stem of the firing ship to the center of the D6 hits against the quadrant most under the center hole of the between any remaining quadrants.
station. Likewise, ordnance hits are only resolved against the marker when it hits.
first quadrant actually contacted by the marker.
Hit-and-Run Raids "The Emperor helps those who aim their lances well."
Looking vertically down on the model, the quadrants are as Hit-and-run raids are likewise resolved only against the quadrant -Traditional Naval Saying
shown in the following diagram: they are directed at and will not affect other quadrants.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 87

RAMILIES STAR FORT CRITICAL HITS TABLE The internal communication systems of the Ramilies star fort
EXTRA mean that its different quadrants can all use different special
RESULT orders simultaneously. For the purposes of issuing special
orders to the Ramilies star fort the owning player can effectively
Lances damaged. The quadrant’s lance array is taken offline by the hit and may not fire until the damage divide the quadrants up into squadrons and then issue special
2-3 +0
has been repaired. orders to each in turn.
Weapon batteries damaged. Some of the quadrant’s main guns are taken offline by the hit. The quadrant’s
4 +0
weapons batteries fire at half-strength until the damage has been repaired. For example, the player wishes to issue Reload Ordnance orders
to the north and east quadrants, while Locking On with the south
Launch bays damaged. The quadrant’s launch bays collapse; the quadrant may not launch ordnance until
5 +0 and west. Only two Command checks are made for the two
the damage has been repaired.
pairs of orders. If later in the turn the player needed to Brace for
Reactors damaged. The hyper-plasmatic reactors are damaged, shutting down the quadrant’s power grid. Impact he could do so with a single quadrant only, leaving the
6 +1
The quadrant’s shields and turrets are at half-strength until the damage has been repaired. rest free to reload or lock on again next turn.
Fire! Oxygen lines are broken, leading to fires in many compartments. Roll to repair (extinguish) the fire in
7 +0 Weapons mounted on the central Basilica count as operating
the end phase; if it is not put out, the fire causes 1 point of extra damage and continues to burn.
under the special orders of all of the quadrants, so it is entirely
8 +D3 Hull breach. A huge gash is torn in the quadrant’s hull, causing carnage among the crew.
possible for them to be locked on, reloading and braced all at the
Command tower destroyed. A command tower on the basilica is torn away; the fortress-monastery’s same time. Brace for Impact orders will halve the firepower and
9 +0
leadership value is reduced by 2 points. This damage may not be repaired. ordnance strength of the Basilica weapons as normal.
Shields collapse. The shield generators overload and burn out, leaving the quadrant virtually defenseless.
10 +0
The quadrant’s shield strength is reduced to zero. This damage may not be repaired. DOCKING
Basilica breached. The main basilica is struck, causing immense destruction as stored munitions explode. Friendly ships in contact with a Ramilies star fort’s base can halt
11 +D3 All quadrants suffer the +D3 extra damage and any basilica weapons are lost. This damage may not be their movement just as if they were in a gravity well. If they wish
repaired. to turn they may use Burn Retros special orders without taking
a Command check to do so. If a ship is in contact with one of
Reactor struck. The central plasma reactor is struck. All quadrants suffer the +D6 extra damage. Roll
12 +D6 the four inter-quadrant docking piers it can fully dock. While
again on this table and apply the result to the appropriate quadrant.
fully docked, a ship gains an extra four dice when rolling for
damage control. Every two complete turns that a ship remains
fully docked without being braced, a ship may automatically
RAMILIES STAR FORT CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE TABLE reload ordnance without requiring a Command check to do so.
Even while fully docked the ship is still targeted and attacked
D6 RESULT separately to the station, although it counts as being in close
formation with the fort for massed turret fire with the benefits
Wrecked. The station simply ceases to function. Venting gases and debris block line of sight across the fort, and movement and dangers that brings.
through it counts as moving through an asteroid field in all respects.
Structural collapse. The station falls apart and pieces drift away, filling the area with huge chunks of wreckage. Replace While a Ramilies star fort has sufficient launch bays to unleash
the model with a 15cm diameter asteroid field. great swarms of fighters and bombers, some must be held back
to defend the station in an emergency, and not all are necessarily
Hyper-plasma meltdown. The station’s main reactor goes critical in spectacular style. Resolve eight lance shots against all based on the Ramilies star fort at any given time, having been
4-5 ships within 4D6cm, and remove all ordnance within that range. Everything else remaining on the table suffers the effect of dispatched to other vessels within the fleet. It does, however,
a solar flare centered on the fort. Then, replace the fort with 2D6 blast markers.
provide a base for attack craft to return to should their original
carriers be lost or out of range.
Warp field implosion. The station instantly vanishes as its warp field collapses, leaving behind a vast hole in the fabric of
space. Resolve four lance shots against all ships and ordnance within 4D6cm, then replace the station with a warp rift. All
6 An Imperial Navy fleet may always count its launch limit as
ships and ordnance markers remaining on the table are then drawn 15cm directly towards the center of the rift. Objects that
pass into the rift will be affected normally as described in the Celestial Phenomena rules. equal to the surviving bays on the Ramilies star fort, or in the
normal manner, whichever is greater.

88 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



FLEET COMMANDER Battlecruisers
You may include one battlecruiser for every two cruisers
Ordnance & Upgrades
0-1 Admiral Imperial Navy attack craft follow all the normal rules for
You may include up to one Admiral, who may be assigned in your fleet. their type, and any vessel with torpedo tubes is armed
to any ship in the fleet. If the fleet is worth at least 750 with ordinary torpedoes.
points, an Admiral must be included to lead it. Note that Mars Class Battlecruiser.................................. 260 points
for all rules purposes, the term ‘Admiral’ refers to all Overlord Class Battlecruiser............................ 220 points Any capital ship armed with torpedoes may be equipped
three types of Admiral shown below. with either short burn torpedoes, guided torpedoes, or
0-12 Cruisers barrage bombs (choose only one) for +5 points per point
Vice Admiral (Ld8)............................................ 50 points Dictator Class Cruiser...................................... 210 points of its torpedo strength. Alternatively, for +50 points, it
Fleet Admiral (Ld9)........................................... 75 points Dominator Class Cruiser.................................. 190 points may roll on the following table at the start of the game,
Solar Admiral (Ld10)....................................... 100 points Gothic Class Cruiser........................................ 180 points gaining the appropriate torpedo type shown in addition to
Lunar Class Cruiser.......................................... 180 points its regular torpedoes:
An Admiral comes with one fleet commander re-roll for Tyrant Class Cruiser......................................... 175 points
Dauntless Class Light Cruiser...........................110 points
free. You may purchase up to three additional re-rolls for
your Admiral at the cost shown below:
ESCORTS 1 Seeking Torpedoes*
One extra re-roll................................................. 25 points You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in 2 Melta Torpedoes*
Two extra re-rolls............................................... 50 points squadrons of 2-6 vessels.
Three extra re-rolls............................................. 75 points 3 Vortex Torpedoes*
Firestorm Class Frigate...................................... 35 points
*Remember that these are usable only once per game.
SECONDARY COMMANDERS Sword Class Frigate........................................... 35 points
Cobra Class Destroyer....................................... 30 points
0-3 Strategic Commanders In addition, up to two cruisers or battlecruisers in the fleet
You may include up to three strategic commanders to may replace all of their launch bays with mine launchers
assist with fleet operations. USING THE GOTHIC for +5 points per bay replaced.
Strategic Commander (+1 Ld, Max 9)............... 30 points SECTOR FLEET LIST Lastly, any capital ship in the fleet with 6+ Prow armor
The Battlefleet Gothic is a classic example of an Imperial
Navy space force. Usually led by one of the two powerful may purchase a power ram for +5 points, which imparts an
Each strategic commander in the fleet may purchase a automatic hit against the target when ramming an enemy
single re-roll for +15 points. This re-roll may only be battleship classes available to the sector, a battle group
from the Gothic Sector will typically soften up the enemy ship (in addition to any other hits scored normally).
used on their assigned vessel or squadron.
at range using nova cannon and far reaching lances while
weathering any return fire against their armored prows. Nova Cannon Limit
CAPITAL SHIPS Once the enemy closes the distance, Imperial cruisers lay Due to the rarity and expense of fielding such a powerful
Battleships down a powerful broadside barrage to finish them off. weapon, only one Nova Cannon armed vessel may be
You may include one battleship for every three cruisers included for every 500 points or part thereof in your fleet.
or battlecruisers in the fleet. The eponymous Battlefleet Gothic fleet list is perhaps the
simplest and easiest to use in the whole game. It is highly Reserves and Allies
Emperor Class Battleship................................. 365 points recommended that new players start learning with this A Gothic Sector fleet may take reserves from any Imperial
Retribution Class Battleship............................ 355 points fleet list before moving on to other factions. Navy or Adeptus Mechanicus fleet list as normal.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 89



FLEET COMMANDER Battlecruisers & Grand Cruisers
You may include one battlecruiser or grand cruiser for
0-1 Admiral
You may include up to one Admiral, who may be assigned every two cruisers in your fleet. ++THOUGHT FOR THE DAY++
to any ship in the fleet. If the fleet is worth at least 750 A coward's only reward is to live in fear another day.
points, an Admiral must be included to lead it. Note that Mars Class Battlecruiser.................................. 260 points
for all rules purposes, the term ‘Admiral’ refers to all Armageddon Class Battlecruiser...................... 235 points
three types of Admiral shown below. Overlord Class Battlecruiser............................ 220 points
Ordnance & Upgrades
Vice Admiral (Ld8)............................................ 50 points Exorcist Class Grand Cruiser........................... 260 points Imperial Navy attack craft follow all the normal rules for
Fleet Admiral (Ld9)........................................... 75 points Vengeance Class Grand Cruiser....................... 230 points their type, and any vessel with torpedo tubes is armed
Solar Admiral (Ld10)....................................... 100 points Avenger Class Grand Cruiser........................... 200 points with ordinary torpedoes.

An Admiral comes with one fleet commander re-roll for 0-12 Cruisers Any capital ship armed with torpedoes may be equipped
free. You may purchase up to three additional re-rolls for Dictator Class Cruiser...................................... 210 points with either short burn torpedoes, guided torpedoes, or
your Admiral at the cost shown below: Gothic Class Cruiser........................................ 180 points barrage bombs (choose only one) for +5 points per point
Lunar Class Cruiser.......................................... 180 points of its torpedo strength. Alternatively, for +50 points, it
One extra re-roll................................................. 25 points Tyrant Class Cruiser......................................... 175 points may roll on the following table at the start of the game,
Two extra re-rolls............................................... 50 points Dauntless Class Light Cruiser...........................110 points gaining the appropriate torpedo type shown in addition to
Three extra re-rolls............................................. 75 points Endeavour Class Light Cruiser.........................110 points its regular torpedoes:
Endurance Class Light Cruiser**.....................110 points
Defiant Class Light Cruiser**...........................110 points D3 ROLL TORPEDO TYPE
0-3 Strategic Commanders **Due to the rarity of these classes, you may not include 1 Seeking Torpedoes*
You may include up to three strategic commanders to more than two (in total) Endurance and/or Defiant class 2 Melta Torpedoes*
assist with fleet operations. light cruisers for every 500 points (or portion thereof) in 3 Vortex Torpedoes*
your fleet.
Strategic Commander (+1 Ld, Max 9)............... 30 points
*Remember that these are usable only once per game.
Each strategic commander in the fleet may purchase a ESCORTS
single re-roll for +15 points. This re-roll may only be You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in In addition, up to two cruisers or battlecruisers in the fleet
used on their assigned vessel or squadron. squadrons of 2-6 vessels. may replace all of their launch bays with mine launchers
for +5 points per bay replaced.
Firestorm Class Frigate...................................... 35 points
CAPITAL SHIPS Sword Class Frigate........................................... 35 points Lastly, any capital ship in the fleet with 6+ Prow armor
Battleships Cobra Class Destroyer....................................... 30 points may purchase a power ram for +5 points, which imparts an
You may include one battleship for every three cruisers automatic hit against the target when ramming an enemy
or battlecruisers in the fleet. Grand cruisers do not count ship (in addition to any other hits scored normally).
for this purpose. THE BASTION FLEETS
Within Segmentum Obscurus, the Battlefleeets Cadia, Nova Cannon Limit
Apocalypse Class Battleship............................ 365 points Agripinaa, Scarus and Corona are collectively known Due to the rarity and expense of fielding such a powerful
Emperor Class Battleship................................. 365 points as the Bastion Fleets. These fleets are given over to weapon, only one Nova Cannon armed vessel may be
Retribution Class Battleship............................ 355 points guarding the region of space around the Eye of Terror. By included for every 500 points or part thereof in your fleet.
their very nature, the Bastion Fleets are some of the most
extensive and best equipped battlefleets of the Imperium, Reserves and Allies
++AHEAD.FULL++NOT.ONE.STEP.BACK++ forced to exist in a state of near perpetual warfare against Any Bastion fleet may take reserves from any Imperial
the frequent raiders from the Eye of Terror. Navy or Adeptus Mechanicus fleet list as normal.

90 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



BATTLEFLEET CADIA THE RESERVE FLEETS OF These special reserve vessels are picked in the normal
manner, but are not subject to the usual rules for allies
The constant turmoil surrounding the Cadian Gate
requires Battlefleet Cadia to be far more active than SEGMENTUM OBSCURUS of convenience (since they represent very old Imperial
many other battlefleets. The whole sector exists in an As with all highly militarized zones, it is important Navy ships). However, they cannot have any of the refits
almost perpetual state of readiness, and as such the for the Imperial Navy to maintain substantial reserves in their profiles, since those are for vessels who have
demands on manpower and resources are huge. You of vessels around the Eye of Terror, ready to deploy long since turned traitor and hence are obviously not
may represent the Battlefleet Cadia using the regular as reinforcements should the need arise. Whilst it is in Imperial service!
Bastion Fleets list on the previous page, subject to the possible to keep the vessels themselves ready in this
following special rules: manner, Battlefleet Obscura simply does not possess Strange Happenings
the manpower to keep reserve crews stationed aboard All vessels in a reserve fleet seem to be prone to certain
Inexperienced Crews these vessels as well. Instead, whole shipyards are filled unexpected events, such as mass panic or even mutiny
Vast numbers of new, inexperienced sailors frequently with rows of silent, inactive vessels, often representing amongst the crew, inexplicable noises, sensor readings
have to be drawn up to replace all those lost in the classes of ship now outdated or scarce. In times of great and sightings, or disconcerting setbacks and failure of
constant fighting (many of them drawn from worlds need these ships will then be brought into service and machinery. When any ship or squadron in a Battlefleet
within the Cadian system itself such as Vigilatum and crewed with sailors from destroyed or crippled vessels Obscura Reserve Fleet rolls a double for a command
Macharia). Because of this, all ships and squadrons in or even with hastily mustered new recruits, meaning check it becomes unreliable for the rest of the game.
a Battlefleet Cadia list must roll two dice and pick the the crew is unlikely to have any familiarity with their Unreliable ships will not continue to fight if crippled,
lowest score when determining leadership. new vessel. As such a posting to a reserve fleet is an and will instead always attempt to disengage every turn
unnerving duty, forcing a sailor to enter deep into an (moving towards the closest point on the nearest table
0-5 Veteran Captains unfamiliar vessel which may have lain dormant for edge if they fail). If the ship also fails the command
However, those that survive the harsh first years of centuries. Much superstition surrounds such fleets and check by rolling a double, then not only does it become
military service in and around the Cadian Gate rapidly perhaps because of this, unusual behavior of both crew unreliable but it also may do absolutely nothing during
mature to become some of the most capable leaders and vessel is rather too commonplace. the current turn other than make its minimum move
in the Imperium. To represent this, Battlefleet Cadia directly ahead.
may take a special type of secondary commander Reserve fleets are used only reluctantly by the Imperial
called a veteran captain. Up to five may be included Navy, and only in the most desperate of circumstances. Against Chaos fleets, where the followers of the dark
in your fleet, and each must be assigned to a ship or For example, an invasion the size and scale of Abaddon’s gods are able to exert their influence to further unsettle
squadron as normal. Thirteenth Black Crusade without doubt qualifies as their already nervous opponents, unforeseen events can
exactly that – the most dire of circumstances, the most be even more devastating. When fighting against Chaos
Veteran Captain (+1 Ld, Max 10)*.............. 15 points desperate of times. fleets, a vessel which has already become unreliable
and rolls a second double for a command check must
Each veteran captain in the fleet may purchase a You may represent a Battlefleet Obscura Reserve Fleet attempt to disengage as soon as possible, exactly as if
single re-roll for +15 points. This re-roll may only be using the Bastion Fleets list on the previous page. In it had been crippled (and will continue to do so for the
used on their assigned vessel or squadron. addition, since most reserve fleets also draw on very rest of the game). If the second double is also a failure
old or scarce vessels, you may use your normal reserve for the command check, the ship immediately defects
*You may wait until after rolling for leadership before choices to select any of the following Chaos vessels and is controlled by the Chaos player for the rest of the
deciding where to assign your veteran captains. Ships instead of taking ships from Imperial Navy or Adeptus game! In this case victory points are awarded to neither
assigned a veteran captain must be squadroned on the Mechanicus fleet lists: player, no matter what the ship’s eventual fate.
tabletop (as their skills are too precious to waste on
lone ships). You may even assign veteran captains to Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser......................230 points
escort squadrons, in which case the entire squadron Executor Class Grand Cruiser........................210 points
receives the leadership bonus. You should still mark Hades Class Heavy Cruiser............................200 points
out one particular escort as bearing the captain, and Carnage Class Cruiser....................................180 points
if this vessel is destroyed the bonus is lost. Murder Class Cruiser.....................................170 points

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 91



FLEET COMMANDER Battlecruisers
You may include one battlecruiser for every cruiser in
Ordnance & Upgrades
Imperial Navy attack craft follow all the normal rules for
0-1 Fleet Commander
You may include up to one fleet commander, which may your fleet. their type, and any Imperial Navy vessel with torpedo
be either an Admiral (if your fleet includes at least one tubes is armed with ordinary torpedoes.
Imperial Navy capital ship) or a Master of the Fleet (if Mars Class Battlecruiser.................................. 260 points
your fleet includes a Space Marine Battle Barge). Note Armageddon Class Battlecruiser...................... 235 points Any Imperial Navy capital ship armed with torpedoes
that an Admiral cannot be assigned to a Space Marine may be equipped with either short burn torpedoes, guided
vessel, and a Master of the Fleet must be assigned to a 0-12 Cruisers torpedoes, or barrage bombs (choose only one) for +5
Battle Barge. If your fleet is worth at least 750 points, a Dictator Class Cruiser...................................... 210 points points per point of its torpedo strength. Alternatively, for
fleet commander must be included to lead it. Gothic Class Cruiser........................................ 180 points +50 points, it may roll on the following table at the start
Lunar Class Cruiser.......................................... 180 points of the game, gaining the appropriate torpedo type shown
Vice Admiral (Ld8)............................................ 50 points Tyrant Class Cruiser......................................... 175 points in addition to its regular torpedoes:
Fleet Admiral (Ld9)........................................... 75 points (0-4) Space Marine Strike Cruiser†................. 145 points
Solar Admiral (Ld10)....................................... 100 points Endeavour Class Light Cruiser.........................110 points D3 ROLL TORPEDO TYPE
Master of the Fleet (Ld10)†............................... 50 points Endurance Class Light Cruiser**.....................110 points
Defiant Class Light Cruiser**...........................110 points 1 Seeking Torpedoes*
All of the above fleet commanders come with one re-roll 2 Melta Torpedoes*
for free. You may purchase up to three additional re-rolls **Due to the rarity of these classes, you may not include
3 Vortex Torpedoes*
for your fleet commander at the cost shown below: more than two (in total) Endurance and/or Defiant class
light cruisers for every 500 points (or portion thereof) in
*Remember that these are usable only once per game.
One extra re-roll................................................. 25 points your fleet.
Two extra re-rolls............................................... 50 points In addition, up to two cruisers or battlecruisers in the fleet
Three extra re-rolls............................................. 75 points
ESCORTS may replace all of their launch bays with mine launchers
You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in for +5 points per bay replaced.
SECONDARY COMMANDERS squadrons of 2-6 vessels.
0-3 Strategic Commanders Lastly, any Imperial Navy capital ship in the fleet with
You may include up to three strategic commanders to Nova Class Frigate†........................................... 45 points 6+ Prow armor may purchase a power ram for +5 points,
assist with fleet operations. Gladius Class Frigate†....................................... 40 points which imparts an automatic hit against the target when
Hunter Class Destroyer†.................................... 40 points ramming an enemy ship (in addition to any other hits
Strategic Commander (+1 Ld, Max 9)............... 30 points scored normally).
Firestorm Class Frigate...................................... 35 points
Each strategic commander in the fleet may purchase a †These are Space Marine units whose rules can be found
Sword Class Frigate........................................... 35 points
single re-roll for +15 points. This re-roll may only be in the Space Marines faction rules. Space Marines in an
Falchion Class Frigate........................................ 35 points
used on their assigned vessel or squadron. Armageddon Sector Fleet are allies of convenience. In
addition, they cannot employ Chapter tactics nor benefit
USING THE ARMAGEDDON from the Tactical Flexibility rule.
Battleships SECTOR FLEET Nova Cannon Limit
You may include one battleship for every three cruisers The Battlefleet Armageddon is given the difficult task of Due to the rarity and expense of fielding such a powerful
or battlecruisers in the fleet. protecting and patrolling the many worlds in and around weapon, only one Nova Cannon armed vessel may be
the disputed Armageddon system. It is most notable for included for every 500 points or part thereof in your fleet.
(0-1) Space Marine Battle Barge†................... 425 points its inclusion of many Adeptus Astartes vessels seconded
Apocalypse Class Battleship............................ 365 points to the fleet by nearby Space Marine Chapters. As such, it Reserves and Allies
Emperor Class Battleship................................. 365 points benefits from a tactical flexibility unlike that of any other An Armageddon Sector Fleet may take reserves normally
Oberon Class Battleship................................... 355 points Imperial Navy battlefleet. from any Imperial Navy or Adeptus Mechanicus fleet list.

92 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



FLEET COMMANDER Battlecruisers
You may include one battlecruiser for every three cruisers
Ordnance & Upgrades
Imperial Navy attack craft follow all the normal rules for
0-1 Admiral
You may include up to one Admiral, who may be assigned or light cruisers in your fleet. their type, and any vessel with torpedo tubes is armed
to any ship in the fleet. If the fleet is worth at least 750 with ordinary torpedoes.
points, an Admiral must be included to lead it. Your Dominion Class Battlecruiser.......................... 260 points
fleet must be worth at least 1500 points to include Lord Mercury Class Battlecruiser............................. 255 points Any capital ship armed with torpedoes may be equipped
Admiral Rath. Note that for all rules purposes, the term Cardinal Class Battlecruiser............................. 200 points with either short burn torpedoes, guided torpedoes, or
‘Admiral’ refers to all of those shown below. barrage bombs (choose only one) for +5 points per point
Cruisers of its torpedo strength. Alternatively, for +50 points, it
Vice Admiral (Ld8)............................................ 50 points You may include one cruiser for every two light cruisers may roll on the following table at the start of the game,
Fleet Admiral (Ld9)........................................... 75 points in your fleet. gaining the appropriate torpedo type shown in addition to
Solar Admiral (Ld10)....................................... 100 points its regular torpedoes:
Lord Admiral Rath (Ld10)†............................. 150 points Gothic Class Cruiser*...................................... 185 points
Lunar Class Cruiser*........................................ 185 points D3 ROLL TORPEDO TYPE
An Admiral comes with one fleet commander re-roll for Tyrant Class Cruiser*....................................... 180 points
free. You may purchase up to three additional re-rolls for 1 Seeking Torpedoes**
your Admiral at the cost shown below: 0-12 Light Cruisers 2 Melta Torpedoes**
(0-2) Dauntless Class Light Cruiser*................115 points
3 Vortex Torpedoes**
One extra re-roll................................................. 25 points Endeavour Class Light Cruiser*.......................115 points
Two extra re-rolls............................................... 50 points Endurance Class Light Cruiser*.......................115 points
Siluria Class Light Cruiser............................... 100 points **Remember that these are usable only once per game.
Three extra re-rolls............................................. 75 points
Lastly, any capital ship in the fleet with 6+ Prow armor
†Lord Admiral Rath has additional special rules detailed *When taken from the Bakka Sector Fleet, these classes
may purchase a power ram for +5 points, which imparts an
on the next page. have +1 Turret added to their profile. The cost of this
automatic hit against the target when ramming an enemy
upgrade is already included in the list above.
ship (in addition to any other hits scored normally).
0-3 Veteran Captains ESCORTS The Forgeworld of Bakka
You may include up to three veterans of the Tyrannic War You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in Due to the Bakka sector’s close ties with the Mechanicus,
to assist with fleet command duties. squadrons of 2-6 vessels. you may substitute Mechanicus cruisers for any number
of your allowed battlecruisers, treating them as a normal
Veteran Captain (+1 Ld, Max 10)...................... 30 points Havoc Class Frigate........................................... 35 points part of the fleet (rather than as reserves and/or allies of
Viper Class Destroyer........................................ 35 points convenience). In addition, any Imperial Navy capital ship
Each veteran captain in the fleet may purchase a single Firestorm Class Frigate...................................... 35 points in the fleet may purchase Fleet Defense Turrets from the
re-roll for +15 points. This re-roll may only be used on Sword Class Frigate........................................... 35 points Mechanicus Gifts table (despite the usual limit against
their assigned vessel or squadron. using another faction’s refits).


CAPITAL SHIPS The Battlefleet Bakka was a relatively nondescript Naval Due to the rarity and expense of fielding such a powerful
Battleships force based in Segmentum Tempestus, distant from the weapon, only one Nova Cannon armed vessel may be
You may include one battleship for every 750 points (or horrors of the Maelstrom or Eye of Terror. Known for included for every 500 points or part thereof in your fleet.
portion thereof) in your fleet. eschewing attack craft ever since the disastrous Gareox
Incident, it would have remained in obscurity if not for Reserves and Allies
Retribution Class Battleship............................ 355 points the sudden onslaught of Hive Fleet Behemoth into the A Bakka Sector fleet can only take reserves from Imperial
Victory Class Battleship................................... 355 points nearby Dominion of Ultramar. The fleet’s noble sacrifice Navy fleet lists, and only at a 4:1 ratio of regular ships to
(0-1) The Vae Victis.......................................... 330 points at Circe is credited for saving the vital world of Macragge. matching reserves (rather than the usual 3:1 ratio).

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 93



DOSSIER in the Imperial Navy. Rath joined the naval cadets at
Karmon College at the age of 14. He was a slightly built
Lord Admiral Rath (Ld10)......................150 points
studious youth, and many of his instructors doubted the An Imperial Navy Bakka Sector Fleet worth at least
capability of the new cadet to survive the rough and 1500 points may include the venerable Lord Admiral
tumble of naval life. But he did more than survive, a
Rath, who must be assigned to a battleship if one is
diamond-bright indomitable will forced him to excel.
present, and must be assigned to the Dominus Astra
He proved quite adept at the épée and many a foolish,
overbearing lout bore facial scars to remind them of specifically, if it is included in the fleet. He is subject
Rath’s mastery in the dueling stocks. Of course in later to the special rules below.
years, a scar received at the hand of Lord Admiral Rath
became a badge of honor. Command Genius
Lord Admiral Rath’s mastery of naval strategy and
tactics is unmatched throughout the Imperium. As a
result, he comes with an additional fleet commander
re-roll for no extra cost (for a total of two free re-rolls,
Rath was commissioned as 12th Lieutenant aboard the including the one awarded for being an Admiral). He
Imperial cruiser Diomedes, where he worked steadily may purchase additional re-rolls normally.
up through the ranks. He was promoted to Damage
Control Officer on the battleship Word of the Emperor Inspiring Presence
and earned great respect for his organizational skills. He His crew is honored and inspired by his presence and
would go on to win the Bakka Purity Commendation will fight with great courage and pride to defend him.
for leading a counterattack on Ork boarders, slaying the His ship adds +1 to its roll when defending against an
Ork Chieftain personally with a broken cutlass. While enemy boarding action.
his courage was unquestioned, it was as Flag Tactical
Officer for the 34th Destroyer Flotilla that Rath’s The Pride of Bakka
strategic genius began to show. In a series of brilliant Respect for the Lord Admiral extends to the forge
engagements, his devious mind plotted the downfall world of Bakka itself. His ship automatically gains
of the Eldar Pirates of the Ganzona Rift. Wherever the one Ship Refit and one Weapon Refit from the
faster, theoretically more maneuverable Eldar fled, they Imperial Refits table for free. Both of these must be
“Those far-distant, warp-beaten ships, upon which Imperial found Cobra gunships already turning into attack runs.
citizens never gaze, are all that stand between heresy and the rolled for randomly before the start of each game or
dominion of the galaxy.” campaign. In a campaign, any ship refitted this way
- Lord Admiral Rath must remain his flagship unless it is destroyed.

Z accarius Rath was born on Delta Prime in the

Prime Sector. His father, a man who knew his
own worth, was Steward to one of the estates of the
From then on, the 34th were known as Rath’s Marauders.
The Ganzona Rift War won Rath his Flag Rank and the
The Dominus Astra
Lord Admiral Rath is perhaps most recognizable at
the helm of his personal flagship, the Emperor class
Azure Medallion, marking him as Battlefleet Bakka’s
hereditary Bakka. At night, the skies over Delta Prime supreme strategist. Lord Admiral Vannion claimed that battleship Dominus Astra. A fleet led by Lord Admiral
were colored with the ‘The Blaze’, the spiral arm of Rath’s presence on the bridge was worth an additional Rath may include the Dominus Astra instead of one of
the galaxy passing through the Segmentum. The young squadron of battleships. In due time, Rath replaced its allowed battleships. It is a standard Emperor class
Zaccarius used to lie on his back in the cool evenings Vannion as Lord Commander of all naval assets in the battleship in all respects and may have any normally
watching the cold glittering stars and dreaming. To Bakka Sector. The Ultramar expedition was the largest allowed refits in addition to those provided by Rath.
Steward Rath’s great disappointment, his only son armada of warships ever sent out of the Segmentum.
eschewed an elegant career in the Stewardship to enlist There was never any doubt who would lead the force. (0-1) The Dominus Astra........................... 365 points

94 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



A decisive series of fleet actions during the ensuing
conflict demonstrated the superiority of lance-armed
warships over attack carriers. Unable to compete, the
Prerogative was defeated, its members purged from the
Imperial Navy, and Gareox cleansed. In their bitterness,
many of the Prerogative’s surviving supporters turned
to blasphemy and fled into the Warp along with their
heretical ships (including the only three Despoiler-class
battleships the Prerogative managed to build before the
outbreak of hostilities).

This incident left a suspicion of attack carriers among

Tempestus battlefleets for many centuries, and even
today there is a tendency for such fleets to favor only
lance- and battery-armed ships. This is particularly true
of Battlefleet Bakka, where the Big-Gun Lobby has
subsequently reigned supreme.

Central to the efforts of Battlefleet Bakka (and the entire

Segmentum Tempestus itself) is the Bakka Forgeworld,
from which the Bakka Sector’s prodigious shipbuilding
Put not your trust in ships, because ships fail. During the 36th Millennium, a group of Tempestus resources originate. The planet Bakka is very young
Put not your trust in guns, because guns fall silent. tacticians based in the Gareox Sector – later called the – left alone, it might have matured, passed through
Put not your trust in men, because men break. Gareox Prerogative – came to prominence. This ‘Young adolescence into a habitable middle age, and raised a
Put your trust in the Emperor, because he is the salvation of School’ proposed a revolutionary change to Imperial plethora of biological children. But it never had that
mankind. Navy fleet doctrine that prioritized attack-craft carriers chance. The agents of mankind claimed it for their own,
- Epistle to the Macraggans over the more traditional lance-and-gun-based warships greedy for its abundant and accessible mineral wealth.
common to the Imperium.

T he naval headquarters of Segmentum Tempestus

is located in a cuboid region 15 light-years across,
known as the Bakka Sector, which is located on the
The Prerogative argued that their attack-craft-centric
tactics had proven highly effective at neutralizing roving
Now, the surface of Bakka consists of black island rafts
of basalt and granite that float on a glowing viscous sea
of cooling lava. Giant tracked machines roam the lava
main galactic star arm that passes through the east of pirate squadrons, Ork roks, and genestealer-infested flats, extracting minerals when convective flow forces
the Segmentum. It is mercifully free from any festering convoys. Over time, many top Naval officers came to important ores near the surface. Permanent installations
gateways to the warp, such as the Eye of Terror or the agree with this analysis, and the Prerogative eventually built on the basaltic rock receive the ore and process it
Maelstrom, and thus has few dealings with massed accumulated enough political influence to control ship into usable materials, which are then shipped into orbit
Chaos incursions. However, Tempestus is notorious for design. They ordered the construction of several new under the watchful protection of numerous heavy laser
infestations of Orks, genestealers, and Eldar pirates. attack-carrier warships, such as the ill-fated Despoiler batteries and low-orbit defenses.
Therefore, Tempestus battlefleets tend to concentrate class battleships. This action brought them into conflict
on small flotilla and anti-piracy tactics rather than a with the ‘Big-Gun Lobby’ at Bakka, and political rivalry Most of the manufacturing facilities hang above the
Grand Fleet strategy. To this end, the Battlefleet places eventually gave way to outright civil war, in what came planet in geostationary orbit, in close proximity to the
a greater reliance on large numbers of older, smaller to be the infamous Gareox Incident (Inquisita Classificae sprawling dockyards of the Segmentum Tempestus
warships than most other fleets. Purgata Secreta, level sextus). Sector Naval Base.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 95



Far underneath the bedrock of Antarctica three Ordos Majoris in its own right, each one tasked
on Holy Terra exists the citadel of an with a specific area of concern in defense of the God-
organization that acts as the secret police Emperor and his Imperium.
of the Imperium of Man; hunting down
any and all threats to the stability of the
God-Emperor’s realm. The most shadowy THE ORDO HERETICUS:
and mysterious of the Emperor’s organizations, it is THE THREAT WITHIN
responsible for defending against perils of heresy, Rather than serve merely as the internal investigators
possession, alien dominance and rebellion. It is they who of the Inquisition itself, the Ordo Hereticus was made
stand between all mankind and the phantoms of fear and responsible for protecting the Imperium from itself
terror lurking in the darkness between the stars. and guarding its future so that never again would it
be threatened by those entrusted with its protection.
THE ORDOS MAJORIS Hereticus Inquisitors are the most feared members of the
From beginnings shrouded in mystery and dating back Inquisition, as their focus is on mankind itself against the
to the Horus Heresy, it is believed that the Inquisition witch, the heretic and the mutant, and they are pitiless
coalesced into the beginnings of its current form by the with those who fail the Emperor. The arrival of an Ordo
beginning of M32, 800 years after the Heresy, although Hereticus Inquisitor on a world is met with fear and
its essential components and apparatus, such as the awe, as no one but the Inquisitor himself knows where
League of Blackships and the “Witch Hunters” of the his attentions will fall. As part of this mandate, it is to
Sisters of Silence were active before the Heresy began. this Ordo falls responsibility for investigating the psyker
While it is believed the Ordos were riven with various taint, and it is in this capacity that they arouse the most
factions almost since its inception, as a whole it existed fear and suspicion.
as a single unified organization charged with examining
and hunting down all the myriad threats to the Imperium, The dread starships that make up the fleet of the League
from the corruption caused by Chaos, heretics, mutants of Blackships are under the express jurisdiction of
and rebels, to assaults from vicious alien species like the the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, but the very nature
Tyranids, Orks or Dark Eldar, with only the Ordo Malleus of a Blackship’s mission makes strict oversight by
existing as a separate entity to police the Inquisition the Inquisition a necessity. As these titanic barges
itself. Though not expounded upon even among other ply the atramentous void on routes between heavily
Inquisitors not so initiated, its other, secret purpose was populated worlds and Holy Terra seeking out psykers
dealing with the threat of Chaos to the Imperium as a for examination, it is common for Inquisitors of the
whole and in particular to those within the Inquisition Ordo Hereticus to travel on board, as this gives them S o great has been the calamitousness of these times, and such
the inveterate malice of the heretics, that there has been
that may be drawn to it for whatever purpose, whether the opportunity to investigate a planet’s potential for nothing ever so clear in our statement of faith, nothing so surely
malign or with the best of intentions. psychically-based corruption. To this end they are also settled, which they, at the instigation of the enemy of the human
captained by senior Inquisitorial agents and embarked race, have not defiled by some sort of error. For which cause the
holy Inquisition hath made it Its especial care to condemn and
It was only after the Age of Apostasy brought about by a ship-based defense force of Inquisitorial Storm
anathematize the principal errors of the heretics of our time, and
by High Lord Goge Vandire and his Reign of Blood Troopers or Sisters of Battle. Those few found strong-
to deliver and teach the true and Imperial doctrine; even as It has
early in M36 that significant changes came about to the willed and sane enough to undergo the rigorous training
condemned, anathematized, and decreed.
Inquisition. The Ordo Malleus was rent in two under a and indoctrination required to become a Sanctioned
-Declaration of Inquisitorial Mandate
powerful new mandate, becoming one of what became Psyker or Astropath are selected, with a number of these

96 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium

eventually coming into the services of the Inquisition Imperium they identified. Armed with the best human However, at times the Ordo Xenos can truly bring the
itself. Far more are found unfit for whatever reason, and and alien technology available, extremely knowledgeable hammer of the Emperor down on the foul alien, a prime
these are taken from their homes and worlds whether about their foe, and filled with hatred for non-human example of which was seen during the Damocles Gulf
willing or not, bound for Holy Terra and the soul-binding species, the Ordo Xenos can respond to any alien threat. Crusade in which an Ordo Xenos-headed Imperial Navy
that draws away their life force to feed the ravening maw Their tactics vary depending on the situation and level of battle group penetrated deep into Tau space, although
of the Astronomicon, the artifact upon which the entire alien taint revealed. Where the threat is subtle, they will progression slowed to a halt when they reached Dal’yth,
Imperium depends for its very survival. use guile and stealth, wielding their power as if it was a one of the core sept worlds of the Tau Empire. It is worth
scalpel used to cut out a cancer. noting that, with the arrival of Hive Fleet Behemoth, the
The members of the Ordo Hereticus also monitor the Damocles Crusade was forced to withdraw from their
Wars of Faith inspired by the Ecclesiarchy, to ensure they The Ordo Xenos is well known for either being siege of Dal’yth to attend to other matters.
remain within the objectives assigned by the Ecclesiarch extremely ponderous or extremely quick to act. A major
and the other High Lords of Terra. They ensure that example of their slowness to act was when the Tau first When the alien menace is great, the Inquisitor can
the teachings preached by priests of the Imperial Cult made contact with Imperial planetary governors on the enlist the aid of entire regiments of Imperial Guard and
remain true to the spirit of the Emperor’s will. They eastern fringe of the galaxy, and these aliens’ technology the special contingent of Space Marines drawn from
regulate the wealth and territory claimed by members was allowed to penetrate all the way to Holy Terra itself. every existing Chapter who are specifically attached
of the Ecclesiarchy, to prevent higher members of the to the Ordo Xenos and are known as the Deathwatch.
institution from gaining more power than is appropriate. The Deathwatch are squads made up of elite Space
Recognizing that no one was infallible and even a High Marines from all of the Space Marine Chapters. All
Lord could turn away from the Emperor’s Light, the Deathwatch members wear black power armor except
Ordo Hereticus is also called upon to monitor other for one shoulder plate which bears the colors of their
Imperial organisations for internal threats, including the original Chapter (so as not to dishonor their power
Adeptus Arbites, the Space Marines, and even the other armor’s Machine Spirit) and the other is emblazoned
Ordos of the Inquisition itself. Only the Emperor himself with the Icon of the Deathwatch. Certain Chapters make
is beyond the gimlet gaze of their jurisdiction. Vandire’s for great Xenohunters, like the Ultramarines with their
“Brides of the Emperor” became the Adepta Sororitas, experience against Tyranids, or the Crimson Fists with
in keeping with the letter of the law (if not its intent) their experience against Orks. Deathwatch teams may
set down by Sabastian Thor’s Decree Passive stating the specialize in defending or attacking any known alien
Ecclesiarchy would not maintain an organization of “men race, including the Tau, Tyranids, Necrons, Orks or
under arms.” Their mandate and goals in this manner are even Eldar; it depends upon the experience of the team.
congruent to that of the Ecclesiarchy, and as a check When a Battle-Brother leaves the Deathwatch after his
against the Priesthood’s ability to subvert the Imperium’s term of service to return to his original Chapter, he gains
delicate political balance, it was natural that the Adepta the honor of keeping his armored left arm plate with the
Sororitas would become its Chamber Militant. symbol of the Deathwatch.


The beginnings of the Ordo Xenos harken back to a time Originally formed to serve in the role now undertaken
at the very beginning of the Emperor’s Great Crusade in large part by the Ordo Hereticus, it traces its roots to
when the threat posed by the myriad races populating the Horus Heresy. It is the specific task of the Inquisitors
the greater galaxy had to be ascertained to mitigate
their ability to interfere with the Imperium’s rapid early
expansion. It was not until after the Horus Heresy that this
Y ou ask why we must cleanse the xenos. I will tell
you. The filth of the alien and the witch must
be exterminated to preserve the purity of the Human
and their acolytes of the Ordo Malleus to destroy the
physical manifestation of Chaos, Daemons, in the
physical universe as well as any other agents of Chaos
function was integrated into the then-nascent Inquisition, race, lest we degenerate into abomination. who threaten the Imperium’s worlds. The Ordo Malleus
where its mandate continued to be the investigation and concerns itself with the daemonic threat that faces
study of alien races to eliminate any alien threat to the -Excerpt from the Conclave of Vera the Imperium and for thousands of years has waged a

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 97

covert war for humanity’s continued survival against daemons and how to fight them, only the Grey Knights
the insidious forces of the Ruinous Powers of Chaos. are privy to the darkest, deepest secrets that the Ordo
Besides being the Daemonhunters of the Imperium, they Malleus possesses on these creatures and how to defeat
yet remain a secretive inner order of the Inquisition, them. Despite this immense and terrible burden, in the
controlled by a council of 169 Masters, whose authority Space Marines’ long history the Grey Knights hold the
extends even to the Master of the Inquisition. The Ordo’s highest honor of all: Not one Grey Knight has ever turned
organization is divided into Chambers, each controlled to Chaos or betrayed the Emperor.
by an Inquisitor Lord called a Proctor. The number of
Inquisitors in Chamber can vary from a few score to
hundreds. They maintain at their disposal Inquisitorial THE ORDOS MINORIS
Storm Troopers, tasked with security of their primary The three Ordos Majoris serve distinct roles within
redoubt on Holy Terra as well as the Inquisitions string of the Inquisition, but they are not mutually exclusive. It
Fortresses scattered throughout the galaxy, some hidden, is not unheard of for an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor and his
some extremely well-known and the object of numerous Deathwatch Space Marines kill-team to assist one from
dark legends. the Ordo Hereticus that discovered a group of mutants
have collaborated with foul aliens to bolster their
While their Inquisitional Storm Troopers serve as a weaponry. Inquisitorial Storm Troopers are at times
highly trained and heavily armed ready security force for charged to complement the protection and security
the Inquisition as a whole, the Chamber Militant detailed force of the infamous Blackships, accompanying an
specifically to the Ordo Malleus are the Grey Knights. Ordo Malleus Inquisitor aboard as she makes her purity
Their founding is unique of all the Space Marine legions, checks for the taint of Chaos on worlds along its route.
and like everything else about them, much of their past An Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor and his retinue may
is shrouded in secrecy. Some say their gene-seed is not investigate a well-placed government official suspected
based on a Primarch but from the Emperor of Mankind of collusion with dark forces drawing Chaos demons
himself, while others postulate that they are created against a deployed Grey Knights squad. The Inquisition’s
from a cocktail of the eight loyalist Space Marines from shrouded history is replete with such examples.
the Traitor Legions rumored to have been among those
One unbreakable shield against presented to the Emperor by Malcador the Sigilite as For recurring threats or missions of grave import, a
the coming darkness part of the Inquisition’s founding. Unlike other Space number of minor Ordos were created, such as the Ordo
Marines Chapters, they are permanently attached to Sicarius, tasked with investigating and controlling the
+++ the Ordo Malleus. While their Fortress Monastery Officio Assassinorum, and the Ordo Sepulturum, one
One last blade, forged in lies buried deep underneath the frigid wastes of Titan, of the smallest of the Ordos Minoris. Formed during
Saturn’s moon in the system of Holy Terra, their duties the 13th Black Crusade, their particular focus is the
defiance of fate take them throughout the Emperor’s Realm. The Grey relatively new threat presented to the Imperium by the
+++ Knights maintain small, secret redoubts throughout emergence of the Nurgle-spawned Zombie Plague. There
the galaxy, and it can be many decades, if ever, before are a number of other such minor Ordos, some so deeply
Let them be my legacy to the secretive they are known only by their members and the
a Grey Knight returns to that hallowed place where he
galaxy I conquered first donned his aegis helm and took up his nemesis Inquisitor Lords that lead them. Individuals and even
+++ force halberd. Of all Space Marines Chapters, they are groups of Inquisitors may be of differing and in some
the only one made up entirely of psykers. Only they are cases even conflicting philosophies and factions with
And my final gift to the species indoctrinated in the knowledge of the dark secrets of names such as the Thorians or the Istvaanists, and these
I failed Chaos - they alone completely know of and understand allegiances as often as not cross the already ill-defined
the existence of demons and of their appearance in the lines between Ordos. Because of this and the enormous
-Inscribed upon the real universe, and they alone are best equipped to battle authority each Inquisitor wields, such collaboration and
and defeat mankind’s most terrible enemy. While other interdependency is the only manner an organization
Arcus Daemonica
Chapters and Imperium forces have some knowledge of beholden to no-one is able to police itself.

98 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



When selecting an Inquisitor to lead your fleet, he or she
must be assigned to one of the following Ordos. Note that
a ship may not take upgrades from or use the special rules
of more than one different Ordo. In any case where a ship
would be affected by the bonuses of two or more Ordos,
the Ordo of the Inquisitor aboard takes precedence, if any.
Otherwise, use that of the highest-leadership Inquisitor in
the fleet.

• The Ordo Hereticus: Inquisitors of this Ordo are

experts in rooting out sedition and heresy within the
Imperium. Their chief weapons are surprise and fear.

• The Ordo Xenos: Inquisiors of this Ordo are tasked

with the study, capture, and extermination of Xenos
threats to the Imperium.
"W e are at War with forces too terrible to comprehend. We cannot afford mercy for any of its victims too
weak to take the correct course. Mercy destroys us; it weakens us and saps our resolve. Put aside all such
thoughts. They are not worthy of Inquisitors in the service of Our Emperor. Praise His name for in our resolve
• The Ordo Malleus: Inquisitors of this Ordo work
tirelessly to identify and eradicate the vile, malevolent we only reflect his purpose of will."
influence of Chaos. -Inquisitor Enoch, Book of Exorcisms

Inquisitorial Retinues Gun-Cutters Furthermore, ships refitted to launch gun-cutters must

In many cases, an Inquisitor may be accompanied by the Due to the importance of the Inquisition’s mission, some halve the strength of their launch bays (rounding up) on
equivalent of an entire regiment of soldiers or specialists. vessels in the service of the Ordos Majoris employ a wing account of their limited numbers, and cannot launch any
These retinues are sworn to protect the Inquisition, and of gun-cutters to provide both anti-ordnance cover and to other type of attack craft.
will fight to the bitter end in order to fulfill their duty. conduct landings for an Inquisitor and their retinue.
Ordo-Specific Upgrades
A ship embarking an Inquisitorial Retinue may force an Gun-cutters are multi-role attack craft that combine the In addition to those shown here, the next page details the
opponent to re-roll their dice when resolving a boarding abilities of fighters and assault boats. In addition, due to unique upgrades available to each Ordo. Note that a ship
action or hit-and-run raid against the vessel. The second their high maneuverability and advanced stealth systems, cannot have more than one honor guard (of any type). This
result stands, even if it is worse (for the defender). If the gun-cutters benefit from a 4+ resilient save. The rules for includes the standard honor guard and Terminator honor
attacker also has the ability to re-roll their result, the two multi-role squadrons and resilient saves can be found in guard found in the Space Marine fleet list, whenever such
abilities will cancel each other out instead. the main rulebook. Gun-cutters have a speed of 20cm. a fleet is joined by an Inquisition detachment.

"T he weak will always be led by the strong. Where the strong see purpose and act, the weak follow; where the strong cry out against fate, the weak bow their heads and
succumb. There are many who are weak; and many are their temptations. Despise the weak for they shall flock to the call of the Daemon and the Renegade. Pity them
not and scorn their cries of innocence - it is better that one hundred innocently fall before the wrath of the Emperor than one kneels before the Daemon."

-The First Rite of Indoctrinations

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 99



A fleet joined by an Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor may A fleet joined by an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor may A fleet joined by an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor may
purchase the following upgrades as described in the purchase the following upgrades as described in the purchase the following upgrades as described in the
Inquisition fleet lists: Inquisition fleet lists: Inquisition fleet lists:

Battle Sister Detachment Note: A non-Space Marine ship embarking any type Note: A non-Space Marine ship embarking any type
A ship with a battle sister detachment benefits from a of Deathwatch honor guard is subject to the Teleport of Grey Knight honor guard is subject to the Teleport
+1 crew damage bonus (increased to +2 if Celestian Assault rules on page 134. Assault rules on page 134.
bodyguards are also aboard).
Hellfire Sentry Guns Grey Knight Interceptors
Celestian Bodyguards A ship equipped with hellfire sentry guns adds +2D3 This upgrade counts as an honor guard. A ship with
A ship embarking Celestian bodyguards may re-roll to its troop rating when fighting as the defender in a Grey Knight Interceptors may re-roll the results of its
the results of its teleport attacks. If combined with a boarding action. teleport attacks.
battle sister detachment, instead roll 2D6 and choose
one result to apply when conducting a teleport attack. Deathwatch Kill-Team Grey Knight Purifiers
This upgrade counts as an honor guard. When a ship This upgrade counts as an honor guard. When a ship
Note: Celestians cannot be combined with any type carrying a Deathwatch kill-team conducts a teleport carrying Grey Knight Purifiers conducts a teleport
of Space Marine honor guard and do not benefit from attack, roll 2D6 and choose one result to apply. Add attack, roll 2D6 and choose one result to apply. Add
any of the bonuses afforded to Space Marine hit-and- +2 to the chosen result (instead of any other bonus the +2 to the chosen result (instead of any other bonus the
run attacks, even when aboard a Space Marine ship. attack would normally have). attack would normally have).

Inferno Torpedoes Deathwatch Terminators Grey Knight Paladins

Inferno torpedoes count as melta torpedoes, but may This upgrade counts as an honor guard. When a ship This upgrade counts as an honor guard. When a ship
be fired any number of times per game. However, as carrying Deathwatch Terminators conducts a teleport carrying Grey Knight Paladins conducts a teleport
the vessel must stock many more warheads, a critical attack, roll 3D6 and choose two results to apply. Add attack, roll 3D6 and choose two results to apply. Add
hit to the location of its torpedo launcher inflicts an +2 to both chosen results (instead of any other bonus +2 to both chosen results (instead of any other bonus
extra D6 Fire critical hits instead of only D3. the attack would normally have). the attack would normally have).

100 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium

The fleet may take one of its reserves from the following
The common man might see all Inquisitors as universally
‘radical,’ in light of the huge scale and violent nature of list (instead of an allowed fleet list): any Demiurg capital "W e have arrived, and it is now that we perform
our charge. In fealty to the God Emperor, our
undying lord, and by the grace of the Golden Throne,
their duties, but in the context of Inquisitorial doctrine, ship, any Corsair Eldar cruiser, or any Tau cruiser.
I declare Exterminatus upon the Imperial world of
the word takes on a far more frightening connotation. A Tyhpon Primaris. I hereby sign the death warrant of an
Radical Inquisitor is not bound by the strict dogma of In addition, a vessel embarking an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor
entire world, and consign a million souls to oblivion.
conventional Imperial thought, making such agents both may purchase one upgrade from the Xenos Refits table at
May Imperial justice account in all balance. The
dangerous and unpredictable. At best, they are pragmatic; the normal cost (see Ships of the Xenos). Remember that Emperor protects."
at worst, they are little more than heretics, lost in the lies a ship cannot have any duplicate Imperial or Xenos refits. -Final transmission before the
and false promises of inhuman powers they arrogantly destruction of Typhon Primaris
presume to command. However, any collusion with xenos scum is heretical to
the Adeptus Astartes. As such, no xenos vessels or xenos
Such Inquisitors often shun the ranks of their allies and refits may be included if there are any Space Marines (or GREY KNIGHTS
employ outsiders, sometimes aliens or even daemons, to members of the Deathwatch) present in the fleet. The Grey Knights – Adeptus Astartes Chapter 666 and
accomplish a perceived greater good. Indeed the phrase Chamber Militant of the Ordo Malleus – are the first and
‘the ends justify the means’ often precedes their most Ordo Malleus last line of defense against the unspeakable evil that lurks
dubious actions. And yet to their credit, many radicals Radicals of the Ordo Malleus often try to bend the Warp within the Warp. For thousands of years, they have stood
throughout the Ordos Majoris have enjoyed a high degree to their will, empowering themselves in the present at the between Mankind and the Daemon, sacrificing their lives
of success against the enemies of the Imperium. cost of their future. Any ship embarking an Ordo Malleus in the endless battle for humanity’s soul.
Inquisitor may take a Mark of Chaos (except the Mark of
The following options may be chosen for any fleet led by Chaos Undivided) for +15 points, representing the effect They are the Emperor’s final boon, an army of unfaltering
an Inquisitor of the appropriate Ordo: of whatever foolhardy ritual the Inquisitor has performed and incorruptible warriors born of long-forgotten science
to aid his or her cause. Marks of Chaos are described in and forged out of the ashes of the Horus Heresy to be the
Ordo Hereticus the Chaos faction rules. Imperium’s silver shield against the threat of Chaos.
One battleship or Inquisitorial Cruiser in the fleet may be
designated as a Purgator vessel, which will always count In addition, any capital ship in the fleet may also embark Special Rules
as an Exterminator in any relevant scenarios. In addition, daemonhosts for no extra cost. Daemonhosts provide a Grey Knights are subject to all the normal rules for the
each ‘Fire’ critical hit inflicted on an enemy by a Purgator +D3 crew damage bonus (roll each time the ship fights in Space Marine faction (such as for leadership, boarding,
vessel or its ordnance causes two ‘Fire’ results instead of a boarding action) but cause the ship to operate at -2 Ld, equipment, and so on), but will always use the following
only one, which must be extinguished separately (bonus due to the discord they inevitably sow among the vessel’s Chapter tactic for no extra cost instead of purchasing one
‘Fire’ results do not themselves cause further fires). command staff. in their fleet list (this also means they never benefit from
the ‘Tactical Flexibility’ special rule):
However, as radicals of the Ordo Hereticus are intensely However, Grey Knights will never fight alongside Warp-
paranoid, every capital ship taken alongside a Purgator touched vessels or daemons; as such, no Grey Knights Knights of Titan
vessel operates at -2 Ld unless it embarks an Inquisitor, ships or upgrades may be purchased for the fleet if any You may re-roll your result in any boarding action involving
Elite Captain, or battle sister detachment. Marks of Chaos or daemonhosts are included. a friendly Grey Knights ship (but the second result stands,
even if it is worse). In addition, Marks of Chaos cannot be
used to modify a ship’s characteristics (or any rolls made

"Y ou are not free whose liberty is won by the rigor of other, more righteous souls. You are merely
protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honorable man dry and offer nothing in return. You
who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand
against it) as long as it remains in base contact with a Grey
Knights vessel (or is such a vessel itself). If this removes a
ship’s last damage point, that ship becomes a drifting hulk
and will remain so even after leaving base contact.
alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human
The Grey Knights are fearsome warriors, even among other
blood." Space Marines, and are protected from the vile influence of
Chaos by hexagrammic and pentagrammic wards inscribed
-Inquisitor Czevak throughout their ships, their armor, and even their own skin.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 101


INQUISITORIAL CRUISER........................................................ 250 Points

D espite the incontrovertible power and authority wielded by
an Inquisitor, such august personages usually rely on guile
and subtlety to accomplish their missions rather than destructive
confrontation. It is most common for them to travel in relative
obscurity, relying on the services of a Rogue Trader or passing
merchantman to ferry them between worlds. However, when
addressing time-sensitive issues or especially dangerous foes, an
Inquisitor may leverage his or her rank to call upon any warship
of the Imperial Navy or the Adeptus Astartes, or even the might
of an entire fleet or Space Marines Chapter if necessary.
Though this usually offers sufficient flexibility to meet the vast
majority of an Inquisitor’s needs, on occasion one might require
an intermediate option. For such cases, the Inquisition maintains
Inquisitorial Cruiser Umbrarius Inquis a small fleet of purpose-built warships. While a few standard
patterns are employed regularly, many ships of the Inquisition
are just as often constructed and optimized for a specific mission
requirement. Nevertheless, Inquisitors and their retinues must be
prepared for any contingency, and on the whole these vessels are
usually faster, better armed and better protected than warships
typically utilized by the Imperial Navy.

It is also common for these ships to be referred to as Black Ships

by those speaking out of fear or awe rather than real knowledge.
This misnomer is well-earned however, as many Inquisitorial
vessels sail the void without running lights or under the cover of
sophisticated stealth systems, rendering them almost completely
dark to eyes and auspex alike. For its part, the Inquisition does
Inquisitorial Cruiser Imperator Illuminatio little to dispel any confusion between the League of Black Ships
and its own armada, as the uncertainty serves to aid and conceal
the operations of both groups.
Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 6+ 2
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC "I carry with me an Inquisitorial Seal. It is a small, unassuming
object contained in a neat box of Pluvian obsidian. It is a
modest thing. Relatively plain, adorned with a single motif
Port Weapons Battery 60cm 8 Left and a simple motto. Yet with this little object I can sign the
Starboard Weapons Battery 60cm 8 Right death warrant of an entire world and consign a billion souls to
Dorsal Lance Battery 45cm 2 Left / Front / Right
-Inquisitor Thraviam Flast, Ordo Malleus
Prow Launch Bays Gun-Cutters: 20cm 2 Squadrons -

Special Refits: An Inquisitorial cruiser may replace its dorsal lance battery with a bombardment cannon (Range 30cm, Firepower 6, Left / Front / Right) and/or replace its
launch bays with a torpedo salvo (Speed 30cm, Strength 6, Front) for no change in cost (see the Space Marine faction rules for details regarding bombardment cannons).
Inquisitorial cruisers armed with torpedoes may fire ordinary or boarding torpedoes, and may serve as Exterminator vessels without requiring any further refits. Furthermore,
when in position to exterminate a planet, Inquisitorial cruisers with torpedoes will succeed on a roll of 3+ instead of the usual 4+.

102 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


INQUISITORIAL ESCORTS............................................... Points: Varies

D espite the freedom with which the Inquisition can requisition the more advanced Nova class frigates used by the Space Marines, their numbers
are ultimately limited compared to the more widely produced Firestorm class frigates of the Imperial Navy. Moreover, the speed with which large
numbers of Firestorms can be deployed is a valuable advantage against the wide variety of incursions that call for the Inquisition’s attention. As with
all Imperial Navy forces under Inquisition control, crews of these vessels are routinely mind-wiped to prevent corruption.

INQUISITORIAL FIRESTORM CLASS FRIGATE................................................... 35 Points

Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right
Lance 30cm 1 Front

A ll too often, the Inquisition will have an immediate need for warships to intercept a brewing threat, only to find that no Inquisitors are in range to
reach the target in time. As a result, there are usually no less than two or three-dozen Imperial Navy escort squadrons conscripted for Inquisitorial
service at any given time. The vast majority of these are the ubiquitous Sword class frigates, whose sturdy frames and reliable weapons batteries are
capable of holding off much larger warships. These vessels are also often used as conveyances for lower-ranked Inquisitors needing to travel through
contested areas of space. In either case, most of the crews of these squadrons are subjected to routine checks and memory-wipes, to prevent the spread
of heresy, corruption, or any other hostile influences to which they might be exposed.

INQUISITORIAL SWORD CLASS FRIGATE............................................................. 35 Points

Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Left / Front / Right

J ust as in the Gothic Sector, the Cobra class destroyer is a valuable raiding vessel for the forces of the Inquisition. The Ordo Malleus in particular
conscripts squadrons of these ships for use in rooting out Chaos cults hiding aboard space stations in asteroid fields or nebulae near populated worlds.
These Cobras are often supported by a small number of Hunter destroyers in the event that boarding actions become necessary. The Ordo Xenos is also
fond of this class for use in destroying alien waystations that are established too close to Imperial borders.

INQUISITORIAL COBRA CLASS DESTROYER...................................................... 30 Points

Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 4+ 1
Weapons Battery 30cm 1 Left / Front / Right
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 2 Front

Special Rules: All of the vessels on this page represent ships that have been commandeered by the authority of the Inquisition and transferred away from their formal chain
of command. As such, they are considered Inquisition vessels in all respects rather than Imperial Navy ships.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 103


BLACK SHIP....................................................................................... 300 Points

T he League of Black Ships operated by the Adeptus
Astra Telepathica and overseen by the Ordos Majoris
of the Inquisition is the second-largest fleet in the entire
Imperium, surpassed only by the sum total of the Imperial
Navy itself. Yet few ever realize this, such is the mixture
of secrecy, loathing, and fear that shrouds these vessels
from the awareness of the average Imperial citizen.

The purpose of the Black Ships is as disquieting as it is

vital to the survival of Mankind. Sent to all corners of the
Imperium from the Obsidian Keep on Terra, the Black
Ships gather tithes of psykers from each world they visit,
then deliver them to the Scholastia Psykana for training
and sanctioning. The lowest deck of each Black Ship is
uniquely and horrifically suited for this purpose, being
little more than a long line of thirteen containment holds
running from stem to stern. Most of the lower decks also
feature numerous devices – such as Occluding Spheres
– to disrupt, confuse, and debilitate the mass of terrified,
untrained psychic mutants trapped within.
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 5 6+ Prow / 5+ 5 The cruel, brutal conditions endured by the “passengers”
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC of a Black Ship serve a dual purpose: To first prevent the
psykers’ powers from endangering the ship, then to test
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 10 Left their aptitude for the various departments and institutions
Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 10 Right that have need of psyker talents. Those that fail to endure
Dorsal Lance Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right the rigors of the journey simply disappear without a trace,
consigned to forgotten oblivion along with the billions of
Prow Weapons Battery 60cm 5 Left / Front / Right others that came before them.

Special Rules: Black Ships are ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. In addition, the ship is sheathed in an especially powerful Gellar Field to
shield its cargo of untrained psykers from the ravages of the warp. If the ship suffers a Shields Collapsed critical hit, roll a D6. On a 4+, the Gellar field is also damaged and
requires repairs; if the ship departs the table or disengages without fixing it, the vessel counts as being destroyed! The Gellar field may be repaired exactly like other critical
damage, though this does not repair the Shields Collapsed critical hit.

Inquisitorial Stormtroopers: Every Black Ship carries a dedicated detachment of Inquisitorial stormtroopers to protect the vessel from attacks within and without. As such,
a Black Ship always counts as embarking an Inquisitorial retinue for no extra cost.

Convoy Ship: A Black Ship is a convoy ship and will follow all the normal rules for fleet support units (and convoy ships) described in the main rulebook. However, due to its
advanced construction and elite crew from the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, it benefits from a fixed leadership value of 9 (instead of 7) and adds +4D6cm to its speed (instead of
only +3D6cm) while on All Ahead Full special orders. A Black Ship has a transport capacity of 6, and cannot account for more than 50% of your fleet’s total transport capacity
(meaning you will normally need a total capacity of at least 12 to take a single Black Ship).

104 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


GREY KNIGHTS BATTLE BARGE......................................... 430 Points

L ike most other Space Marine Chapters, the Grey Knights
command a small number of battle barges. These may be
called upon if a severe daemonic incursion is foretold by the
Prognosticars, but no more than a single barge can typically be
deployed on account of how thinly the Grey Knights are spread
throughout the galaxy. However, they are significantly faster
than their standard counterparts in other Chapters and feature
heavier direct-fire armaments in lieu of extra attack craft.

These vessels must maintain a nigh-continuous state of battle-

readiness and seldom return home to their berths at Broadsword
Station, except for mandatory repair and resupply. In between
deployments, they operate as mobile bases for innumerable
Ordo Malleus operations throughout the dark, corrupted parts
of the galaxy.

Emperor’s Will Redeemer of Souls
Battleship/12 25cm 45° 4 6+ 4
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC Special Rules: Grey Knights battle barges follow the rules
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 12 Left for Grey Knights vessels as described on page 101. In
addition, they are ponderous and cannot use Come to New
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 12 Right Heading special orders.
Dorsal Bombardment Cannon 30cm 8 Left / Front / Right
Sigils of Quickening: Due to their psychic enchantments,
Prow Bombardment Cannon 30cm 6 Front Grey Knights battle barges add an extra +1D6cm to their
Prow Launch Bays Thunderhawks: 20cm 2 Squadrons - speed while on All Ahead Full special orders.

"A lready, you exalt me for my

triumphs, when I ask only that
you remember me for my treacheries.
Victory is nothing more than survival;
it carries no weight of honour or worth
beyond what we ascribe to it. If you
wish to grow wise, learn why brothers
betray brothers."
-Grand Master Khyron,
Eighth Brotherhood

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 105


GREY KNIGHTS STRIKE CRUISER....................................... 165 Points

T he Grey Knights’ primary mode of transportation is
a special class of strike cruiser unique to the Chapter,
one constructed exclusively for the Inquisition in secret
Grey Knights’ strike cruisers are also some of the fastest
vessels ever constructed by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and
would be the envy of every Imperial battlefleet were any
Furthermore, the Inquisitorial serfs that serve as crew
aboard Grey Knights strike cruisers are all strictly mind-
wiped after each mission and are given a trigger word
shipyards hidden throughout the Ring of Iron, high above knowledge of their capabilities known beyond the moon that will instantly kill the entire crew and destroy the
the sacred Forge Temples of Mars itself. While similar to of Titan. This speed comes as the result of Mechanicus ship, should it fall into the hands of the forces of Chaos.
the standard Astartes strike cruiser in most respects, the archaeotech and further sorcerous enchantments, such This seldom happens though, as the vessels’ destructive
Grey Knights’ starships are specially modified in several as charms of pathfinding to guide the ship in the Warp armaments and peerless superhuman warriors are more
ways: One is the hexagrammic and pentagrammic wards and sigils of quickening to accelerate it in realspace. The than a match anything short of the Traitor Legions’ own
that are inscribed across the entire ship, from bridge to Grey Knights use this extraordinary speed to ensure – as flagships. Despite all its power however, the Chapter is
landing struts and every bulkhead in between, similar to often as possible – that they arrive first to the scene of a still spread dangerously thin. All too often, a single strike
those that are placed under the skin of the Grey Knights daemonic incursion, enabling them to eradicate all traces cruiser or even just a Gladius-class frigate is all that can
themselves. These wards lend the ship added protection of corruption long before any other Imperial forces arrive, be spared – a solitary shield to stand alone against the
from psychic powers the forces of Chaos. preventing the taint of Chaos from spreading further. oncoming darkness.

Ruler of the Black Skies
Fors Clavigera
Mea Virtus

Argent Sceptre
Righteous Dawn
Imperator Gloriam


Cruiser/6 30cm 90° 2 6+ 2
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Left
Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Right
Dorsal Bombardment Cannon 30cm 3 Left / Front / Right
Prow Bombardment Cannon 30cm 2 Front
Prow Launch Bays Thunderhawks: 20cm 1 Squadron - "Y ou are Astartes indeed, and that will never alter.
But you are a Death Guard no longer. You are a
ghost, a figure that stands between light and dark, trapped
Special Rules: Grey Knights strike cruisers follow the rules for Grey Knights vessels as described on page 101. Furthermore, amid the grey. And I have need of such a man."
due to their extraordinary speed, they add an extra +1D6cm to their speed while on All Ahead Full special orders and may
-Malcador the Sigilite,
re-roll the dice to arrive in any relevant scenario where they start off the table (as long as their squadron or division does not
include any other type of vessel). to Battle-Captain Garro

106 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


GREY KNIGHTS ESCORTS................................................ Points: Varies

T he Nova class frigate is much more numerous among the Grey Knights than any of their other Astartes cousins, due to the Inquisition silencing
any complaints made by the Imperial Navy’s Admiralty. The fact that the Grey Knights fleet is hardly ever seen further helps to alleviate any fears
that this controversial class might inspire among members of the Imperial government. For the Grey Knights, the Nova provides a welcome amount of
firepower on a relatively fast-moving and self-sufficient platform; ideal for supporting assaults into hostile, Chaos-infested territory.

GREY KNIGHTS NOVA CLASS FRIGATE................................................................. 45 Points

Escort/1 35cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right
Lance 30cm 1 Left / Front / Right

L ike most Chapters, Grey Knights maintain a sizable number of Gladius frigates throughout their fleet. Unlike most Chapters, however, the Gladius
serves a crucial role as a fast, reliable transport for individual squads of Grey Knights. While it cannot carry more than a relative handful of Astartes
warriors - a hindrance for typical Space Marine operations - the Grey Knights often require (or can spare) only a single combat squad for any given
mission. The Gladius gives the Grey Knights Chapter the ability to quickly and quietly deploy squads across the galaxy, allowing them a small measure
of flexibility against the ceaseless advance of Chaos. That the Gladius is so common amongst Space Marine fleets is all the better, as this means many
Grey Knights squads may move freely without drawing attention that larger Grey Knights vessels often attract.

GREY KNIGHTS GLADIUS CLASS FRIGATE.......................................................... 40 Points

Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Left / Front / Right

M uch like other chapters, the Hunter class destroyer provides valuable fire support to the Grey Knights fleet. However, due to the Inquisition’s less
than savory relationship with the Dark Angels Chapter, it took many years for these vessels to become readily available to the Grey Knights.
Nevertheless, the Hunter still sees fairly regular use among Inquisition fleets, often supporting squadrons of Imperial Navy Cobras requisitioned by the
Ordo Malleus for patrol routes in Chaos-tainted sectors.

GREY KNIGHTS HUNTER CLASS DESTROYER................................................... 40 Points

Escort/1 35cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Weapons Battery 30cm 1 Left / Front / Right
Torpedo Salvo Standard or Boarding: 30cm 2 Front

Special Rules: All of the vessels on this page follow the rules for Grey Knights ships as described on page 101. In all other respects they are identical to those found in the
Space Marine fleet list and are reprinted here simply for convenience.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 107



1-3 Inquisitors The Holy Orders of the Emperor’s Inquisition, more commonly The following options are available to any fleet accompanied by
The detachment must include between one and three Inquisitors, known just as the Inquisition, are the powerful secret police of an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor:
one of whom may serve as the joined fleet’s required commander. the Imperium, responsible for guarding the souls of humanity
Each Inquisitor may be assigned to any capital ship, and must from all threats within, without, and beyond. The power wielded One Inquisition vessel may embark Grey Knight Purifiers for
represent one of the three Ordos listed on page 99. For all by the Inquisition is incomparable, with its leadership answering +15 points. In addition, an Inquisitor Lord’s ship may embark a
rules purposes, the term ‘Inquisitor’ refers to both standard only to the Emperor himself. However, they wield their authority squad of Grey Knight Paladins for +30 points. The joined fleet
Inquisitors and Inquisitor Lords. more frequently as a scalpel rather than a bludgeon. As such, the may also take the following:
Inquisition does not exclusively maintain its own space fleets.
Inquisitor (Ld9)..............................................................50 points Instead, it will simply requisition or commandeer fleets from (0-1) Grey Knights Battle Barge..................................430 points
(0-1) Inquisitor Lord (Ld10)..........................................75 points (0-3) Grey Knights Strike Cruiser................................165 points
nearby battle groups in order to meet the needs of its mission.

Inquisitors may purchase up to two re-rolls, usable for any ship The fleet must be worth at least 1000 points to include a Grey
An Inquisitorial Fleet Detachment cannot function on its own –
in the fleet, at the cost shown below: Knights battle barge, and may only have one Grey Knights strike
instead, it must join an Imperial Navy, Adeptus Mechanicus, or
cruiser per 500 points in the fleet (or portion thereof). Outside
Space Marine fleet as described in the Fleet Detachment section
One re-roll......................................................................25 points of a Space Marine fleet, these vessels count as battleships and
of the main rulebook. Joined fleets never regard units from this
Two re-rolls....................................................................50 points cruisers respectively. Also note that Grey Knights ships cannot
detachment as allies of convenience, and any capital ship that
take any upgrades except those from the Ordo Malleus.
embarks an Inquisitor or Elite Captain may purchase upgrades
In addition, an Inquisitor Lord’s vessel may equip its torpedo as if it were an Inquisition vessel. Remember that ships cannot
tubes with vortex torpedoes for +50 points. Radical Inquisitors
take upgrades from more than one Ordo, however. An Inquisitor may be made a radical by selecting any of the
options described on page 101. Note that some options may
INQUISITORIAL RETINUE Ordnance and Upgrades restrict a fleet’s choices of ships and upgrades.
The Inquisition often recruits a wide array of specialists to assist Every Inquisition capital ship armed with torpedo launchers is
with dangerous operations. Any Inquisition vessel may embark equipped with boarding torpedoes at no extra cost. Attack Rating
an Inquisitorial retinue: A joined fleet uses its normal attack rating.
Imperial Navy and Adeptus Mechanicus vessels embarking an
Inquisitorial Retinue.......................................................15 points Inquisitor may replace all their attack craft (if any) with gun- Scenarios & Sub-Plots
cutters for free. A ship upgraded this way reduces its launch bay The joined fleet may take Black Ships as convoy vessels in any
strength by half (rounding up) as described on page 99. relevant scenario, fulfilling a portion of its transport capacity
SECONDARY COMMANDERS requirement as described in the Black Ship profile. In addition, a
In addition to personal retinues, the Inquisition may call upon Ordo Hereticus Upgrades fleet that includes an Inquisitor must take a random Secret Ploys
certain trusted commanders to aid its forces during a mission. The following options are available to any fleet accompanied by sub-plot for each different Ordo represented within it.
A fleet led by an Inquisitor may have up to three Elite Captains: an Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor:
Reserves and Allies
(0-3) Elite Captains (+1 Ld, Max 9)..............................30 points Any capital ship in the fleet may carry a battle sister detachment If an Inquisitor serves as the joined fleet’s commander, the fleet
for +5 points. Inquisition vessels may also be embark Celestian may take ships from any Imperial Navy, Adeptus Mechanicus,
Each elite captain may purchase a single re-roll for +15 points. bodyguards for +5 points and/or equip their torpedo tubes with or Space Marine fleet list as reserves, even if it would normally
This may only be used for their assigned vessel or squadron. inferno torpedoes for +20 points. be forbidden from doing so. Note that Space Marine fleets still
cannot take extra Space Marine ships as reserves, however.
0-3 Inquisitorial Cruisers The following options are available to any fleet accompanied by
The joined fleet may include up to one Inquisitorial cruiser for
every three of its own cruisers (of any type). Additionally, these
an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor:
"O ne cannot consider the fate of a single man, nor ten, nor
a hundred, nor a thousand. Billions will live or die by
count against the fleet’s battlecruiser limit in an Imperial Navy Any Inquisition vessel may be equipped with hellfire sentry our actions here, and we have not the luxury to count the cost."
or Adeptus Mechanicus fleet. guns for no extra cost, and/or embark a Deathwatch kill-team for
+15 points. In addition, an Inquisitor Lord’s ship may embark a -Inquisitor Kryptman
Inquisitorial Cruiser.....................................................250 points squad of Deathwatch Terminators for +30 points.

108 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



FLEET COMMANDERS CAPITAL SHIPS To represent the vile corruption of Chaos pervading the enemy
fleet, your opponent may nominate one of their capital ships (or
0-1 Master Daemonhunter 0-1 Battleship
If the fleet is worth at least 1000 points, it may include a single D3 if they are using an actual Chaos fleet) to receive a blessing
You may include up to one Master Daemonhunter, who must be
of Chaos before start of the battle. Chaos-blessed ships make an
assigned to a battleship or battle barge if one is present. If the battleship. An Inquisitorial battleship may only be included if
automatic teleport attack in their end phase against the nearest
fleet is worth at least 750 points, a Master Daemonhunter must the fleet is led by an Inquisitor Lord. It is chosen from among any
enemy ship within 30cm without any active shields, ignoring the
be included to lead it. of the non-unique battleships shown in the Imperial Navy faction
usual restrictions and adding +1 to the result. (No other bonuses
list at its normal cost (counting as an Inquisition vessel in all
except the Mark of Tzeentch may be applied to this attack, but
Grey Knights Grand Master (Ld10)...............................75 points respects). A Grey Knights battle barge may only be included if
penalties from the defending ship will still apply normally).
Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Lord (Ld10)............................75 points the fleet is led by a Grey Knights Grand Master.
Ordnance & Upgrades
A Master Daemonhunter comes with one fleet commander re- Inquisitorial Battleship........................................................Varies
Up to two cruisers in the fleet may replace all of their launch
roll for free, and may purchase up to two additional re-rolls at Grey Knights Battle Barge...........................................430 points
bays with mine launchers for +5 points per bay replaced.
the cost shown below:
0-12 Cruisers
Any battle barge or strike cruiser in the fleet may embark Grey
One re-roll......................................................................25 points You cannot include more than three Inquisitorial cruisers unless
Knight Interceptors for +5 points. Any capital ship embarking
Two re-rolls....................................................................50 points the fleet includes at least one Inquisitor (of any rank). Likewise,
a Grey Knights Brother-Captain or Inquisitor Lord may carry a
you cannot include more than three Grey Knights strike cruisers
squad of Grey Knight Purifiers for +15 points. Remember that a
In addition, a Grey Knights Grand Master is always accompanied unless the fleet includes at least one Grey Knights commander
ship cannot have more than one honor guard.
by Grey Knight Paladins for no extra cost. Lastly, if an Ordo (of any rank).
Malleus Inquisitor Lord’s ship is armed with torpedoes, it may Any Inquisitorial cruiser or vessel embarking an Inquisitor (of
be equipped with vortex torpedoes for +50 points. (0-6) Inquisitorial Cruiser............................................250 points any rank) may have an Inquisitorial retinue for +15 points.
(0-6) Grey Knights Strike Cruiser................................165 points


Radical Inquisitors
The fleet cannot include any of the options for radical Inquisitors
0-3 Elite Daemonhunters shown on page 101, as purity is paramount to the fleet’s mission.
Up to three capital ships or escort squadrons in the fleet may The fleet can have any number of escorts, in squadrons of two
embark an Elite Daemonhunter. An Elite Daemonhunter comes to six vessels.
Attack Rating
with one re-roll for free, usable only for their assigned ship or Due to the Grey Knights’ unique ‘Psychic Communion’ ability,
squadron. Grey Knights Nova Class Frigate..................................45 points
Grey Knights Gladius Class Frigate..............................40 points a banisher fleet normally has an attack rating of 3. However, if
Grey Knights Hunter Class Destroyer...........................40 points more than half the fleet consists of non-Grey Knights vessels, its
Grey Knights Brother-Captain (Ld9).............................30 points attack rating is reduced to 2, as such vessels must rely on more
Inquisitorial Firestorm Class Frigate*...........................35 points
Ordo Malleus Inquisitor (Ld9).......................................30 points conventional (and less efficient) forms of communication.
Inquisitorial Sword Class Frigate*.................................35 points
Inquisitorial Cobra Class Destroyer*.............................30 points

"W e do not know what our chances of survival are, so we

fight as if they were zero. We do not know what we are
facing, so we fight as if it was the dark gods themselves. No one
*When mixing both Inquisitorial and Grey Knights escorts, the
squadron uses the Space Marine leadership table but will suffer
In addition to any sub-plots rolled normally, an Ordo Malleus
Banisher fleet led by an Inquisitor Lord must take a randomly
-1Ld if all of its Grey Knights members are destroyed. rolled Secret Ploys sub-plot. When playing against any Chaos
will remember us now and we may never be buried beneath Titan, fleet, you may choose to exchange any one of your sub-plots for
so we will build our own memorial here. The Chapter might
the ‘Vendetta’ or ‘Desperate Mission’ sub-plot, to represent the
lose us and the Imperium might never know we existed, but the
Enemy - the Enemy will know. The Enemy will remember. USING A BANISHER FLEET typically critical nature of the fleet’s call to battle.
We will hurt it so badly that it will never forget us until the It is rare indeed for more than one vessel of the Grey Knights to
stars burn out and the Emperor vanquishes it at the end of time. converge on the same target, spread as thinly as they are across Reserves and Allies
When Chaos is dying, its last thought will be of us. That is our the galaxy. However, when the threat of Chaos is exceptionally An Ordo Malleus Banisher fleet cannot be joined by any fleet
memorial - carved into the heart of Chaos. We cannot lose, Grey dire, a fleet of Grey Knights may be called upon to eradicate a detachments. Furthermore, besides the directly commandeered
Knights. We have already won." corrupted outpost, planet, or even an entire star system should it vessels shown in this list, the fleet cannot take any ships from or
-Justicar Alaric be necessary. Bolstered by forces from the Ordo Malleus, these provide any ships to any other fleet list as reserves or allies. The
fleets will go to any length to halt the spread of Chaos. risk of corruption is simply too high.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 109



Without a doubt, it is the might and the Administratum and registered with the Segmentum
valor of the Imperial Navy that stems Fortress that holds authority over the vessel’s intended
the raging tide of foul aliens and vile operating area. In some cases, a single Charter may date
heretics infesting the galaxy. However, back hundreds or even thousands of years, passed from
while hulking, powerful warships are generation to generation since the dawn of the Imperium.
the most ubiquitous representation of
mankind’s command over the stars, it is actually the work Nearly all of the most lucrative trade routes are also
of millions of humble merchant freighters, lumbering managed through Route Licenses, purchased by merchant
bulk transport ships, and sleek clippers that hold together vessel operators for unrestricted or even exclusive rights
Humanity’s vast but fragile domain. to handle shipping to a particular world, system or small
group of systems. The most valuable (and expensive) of
Only a very small fraction of the incalculable worlds these govern operation over long-established and highly
upon which the children of Man tread can truly be called profitable routes between primary worlds, and it is not
self-sufficient. Most rely on a brisk interstellar trade for a uncommon for several competing consortia to operate
steady stream of foodstuffs and raw materials to maintain simultaneously on the busiest routes. Route Licenses
their productivity and way of life. Indeed, the majority and their attendant fees, while usually effective for a
of Imperial colonies may go decades or even centuries hundred years but in some cases for far longer and even
without a single visit from an Imperial warship, but the in perpetuity, can be wildly exorbitant and firmly out of
sight of ordinary passenger liners and cargo transports is reach for many smaller operators. Most are fortunate
common throughout even the most remote star systems. enough to acquire less profitable licenses to operate as
Chartist Captains between the more sparsely populated
MERCHANT CHARTERS secondary worlds of the many thousands of subsectors
scattered across the Imperium.
With the Navy constantly stretched thin defending the Others, such as the so-called Free Traders, operate under
Imperium from all manner of grave threats, it falls to the Charter but without a route license at all, forced to eke
slow, ill-equipped, and poorly-armed merchant vessels to out a livelihood operating a handful of vessels (or even
keep the lines of commerce and communication open in a single ship) on long cargo runs to dangerous or remote
a vast, uncaring universe. While most merchant ships are locations, in the hope of generating enough income to
technically operated under the auspices of the Imperial recover the heady expenses incurred by their profession.
Navy - since it is rare for the Admiralty to countenance Were that not difficult enough, Chartist Captains may
private ownership of interstellar vessels - the Navy is far at any time find themselves (and their ship) conscripted
too busy to spare trained officers and crews to operate by various Imperial authorities, such as a Naval task
such craft. As a result, the High Lords of Terra authorized force needing logistic support, or an Inquisitor requiring
the creation of special civilian contracts called Charters. conveyance to God-Emperor-knows-where. Yet all these

Merchant Charters grant varying rights and freedoms

challenges are just passing inconveniences compared to
the prospect of blundering into a rampaging pack of Ork "T he endless dark of the universe is yours, if you
but reach out to take it. Yield nothing - the
void respects only strength."
to local trade guilds, syndicates, and merchant families brigands, a band of thieving Eldar corsairs, or Throne-
in exchange for providing captains and crews to the forbid, the foul minions of Chaos. Indeed, only the most -Serren Travius, Rogue Trader
commerce fleets. These hereditary contracts are issued by courageous (or lucky) captains survive their first year...

110 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium

On the whole, most merchant captains seldom stray far
from their normal trade routes and are often reluctant to
take on any assignments that would force them to deviate
from the comfortable stellar avenues established by their
ancestors. After only a few generations, many mercantile
families will reject all new transport commissions, even
if profits are slim and the proposed course is reasonably
free of danger.
Warrants of Trade are allowed to explore planets and A GALLERY OF ROGUES
There are a rare few, however, who after a time reject star systems not yet under Imperial control, negotiate Every Rogue Trader exudes the utmost confidence; their
this meager existence, choosing instead to embark on with alien civilizations and regressed human societies, or very survival depends on a potent mix of charisma and
a grand quest throughout the wilderness of unexplored claim barren worlds rich in minerals or other resources. cunning. It is not uncommon for Rogue Traders to go
space, to seek out new worlds ripe for colonization, to Typically, these are awarded to retired Naval officers, from skilled diplomats to hardened killers in the blink
boldly go where no human has gone before. While many scions of noble families and the like, sometimes on of an eye, or even filling both roles simultaneously if a
of these intrepid adventurers are never heard from again, the condition that a mission of particular import be
situation demands it. Many Rogue Traders eventually
the annals of the Imperium’s long history is replete with undertaken with the Warrant as its reward. Other times
attract an entourage of bodyguards and companions
stories of merchant captains and their crews coming a Warrant may be distributed to an especially exemplary
similar to an Inquisitor’s retinue, which serve as part of
across systems teeming with indescribable riches, lush merchant captain, in lieu of certain battle honors. In any
the ship’s crew and whose unique gifts provide an edge
and beautiful garden worlds suitable for agricultural event, a Rogue Trader’s Warrant is of almost incalculable
over the captain’s (often numerous) enemies. Some even
harvest, or previously lost human colonies ready for re- value - often said to be worth more than a fleet of cruisers
include xenos warriors, mutants, and other undesirables,
indoctrination into the Imperial Creed. Still others bring or even a mighty battleship.
a practice that teeters on the brink of full-blown heresy.
back tales of encounters with alien races and strange
new technologies; precious artifacts and rare specimens Warrant in hand and operating beyond Imperial control,
Rogue Traders are a law unto themselves. While some Rogue Traders often dress themselves quite extravagantly
to present to the Adeptus Mechanicus in exchange for and flamboyantly; like Inquisitors, each one has their
bountiful rewards. These brave souls with the courage are pious individuals, bringing the Emperor’s light to
worlds beyond his beneficent rule, others are little more own style and manner. It is not uncommon for a Rogue
and wherewithal to undertake such adventures and live Trader to have once been a high ranking member of the
to tell the tale are known as Rogue Traders. However, than glorified pirates and scoundrels. In fact, not all who
claim to be Rogue Traders actually are; many Warrants Adeptus Terra, perhaps ousted from power and falling
before receiving their title they must prove their worth back to trading; using his or her contacts to regain their
to the Imperium by earning a coveted Warrant of Trade. of Trade are centuries old, and their current holders
may not always reflect the virtues of those that earned status and authority. Such Rogue Traders often wear the
them. The way Warrants change hands is as varied as the finery of Imperial aristocracy mixed with garments from
To limit the moral pollution caused by contact with alien
stars themselves: some are passed down from righteous worlds beyond the Emperor’s rule, occasionally sporting
and non-Imperial human cultures, the Adeptus Terra
ancestors to less scrupulous descendants, others are won a weapon from military service such as a Naval cutlass
outlaws all contact and dealings with anyone beyond
or lost in high-stakes gambling dens, and a great many or officer’s saber. They might also carry ornate dueling
the border of the Imperium. Only those individuals with
are simply stolen from their rightful owners, falling pistols in lacquered holsters, ancient looking hunting
into the hands of those who seek to abuse their power. rifles slung rakishly across the shoulder, or other such
items that are as lavish to behold as they are deadly to
"I 'm sorry, Senior Arbitrator, you must have me
confused with someone else. I'm no petty criminal,
Nevertheless, despite their shady business practices and
unsavory reputation, Rogue Traders as a whole have done their targets. Whatever the case, Rogue Traders always
carry the best equipment they are able to acquire (legally
I'm a legitimate businessman with legitimate business much to advance the influence of the Imperium. Indeed,
interests, and if you doubt me, I have a certain document the intelligence they are able to gather beyond Mankind’s or otherwise), often including a variety of alien gadgets
to show you." borders is a priceless resource for the Inquisition, and and gizmos of a decidedly lethal nature. Jokaero digital
-Havelock Blackheel, Rogue Trader thus earns the Rogue Traders a measure of leeway from weapons are popular, as well as C’tan phase swords or
all but the most orthodox Inquisitors. Ha’Kaidan neuro-stars.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 111

ROGUE TRADER FLEETS are patently illegal, the floating debris of blasted hulks
Rogue Traders travel by a variety of means – as passengers tell no tales, and it can be years or decades before such
aboard military vessels or as the guests of distant, non- privations are brought to the attention of the Imperial
Imperial cultures - but most of all they enjoy the freedom Navy. Indeed, the best means by which to draw near their
to sail with their own hands upon the helm. They must intended targets is in the façade of decency. Roguish
journey vast distances, and hence are granted the right to privateers may well (and often do) engage in sanctioned,
maintain their own vessels, and on occasion entire fleets lawful activity as a clever front, only to use the freedom of
numbering up to several dozen or more starships. movement they receive in return to expand their raiding
activities. Despite the obvious problem this poses for the
As befits their maverick nature, Rogue Traders employ Navy and the worlds they protect, these activities can
an incredible variety of ship types. Rights of Requisition sometimes be good for business; a carefully-orchestrated
allow the possession of certain kinds of Imperial Navy “attack” on a merchant transport that is interrupted by
ships, while vast wealth and power (among other dubious the timely arrival of a Rogue Trader cruiser swooping
methods) may be used to acquire custom-built cruisers, in with guns blazing can create an increased demand for
refitted merchant vessels, captured ships or even xenos escort and protection contracts from transport guilds and
craft acquired from non-Imperial worlds. Consequently, mercantile families - contracts that nearby Rogue Traders
each Rogue Trader ship is as unique as its captain, often are more than happy to fulfill.
reflecting its owner’s colorful history through myriad
adornments of ancient or even alien origin. THE WOLF-PACKS
Given the enormous distances involved with interstellar
Though their business is their own, from time to time a travel, pirates must stalk their prey near known ports or
Rogue Trader may be accompanied by, or even granted common jump points. The immeasurably vast, desolate
command of, an entire fleet at the behest of the Adeptus void of space offers little to a pirate who wanders blindly
Terra or the Martian Priesthood. On such occasions a in the hope of coming upon some potential target entirely
Rogue Trader’s authority is absolute, for beyond the dark
unawares. However, to simply prowl brazenly through
frontier of the Imperium a single moment of vacillation is
the richest and most vibrant trading regions is to invite
the difference between survival and the cold blackness of
nothing more than swift destruction beneath the guns of
space. Likewise, though Rogue Traders do not maintain
the Imperial Navy. So it is that pirates must be cunning
any armies of their own, they may sometimes be granted
and come upon their intended victims only at the most
Imperial Guard or even Space Marine forces, if Imperial
opportune moment. This is the preferred method of the
authorities feel that their mission warrants it. On such
wolfpacks, who prey on cargo-laden merchant convoys
occasions the Rogue Trader will turn business to battle,
at all the most vulnerable points of a their journey. These
leading the armies of the Emperor to worlds unknown,
human pirates have an advantage over xenos raiders in
bringing war to the enemies of Mankind, even beyond
that they can often approach their targets without raising
the reach of the Imperium itself. Very few Rogue Traders
"W hat is a Rogue Trader, you ask? A merchant?
A pirate? An explorer? Nay; a Rogue Trader
may be any or all of these things, but to call that an
do so altruistically however, for even in war or death a
canny Rogue Trader will find profit and prize.
suspicion, unlike the strange, alien forms of Eldar vessels
or the cumbersome, rattletrap attack ships favored by the
Orks. Particularly unsavory characters hide behind the
answer misses the underlying point: That to carry a authority of a Warrant of Trade, assuming the guise of
Warrant is to carry freedom in the palm of your hand FROM PRIVATEER TO PIRATE a legitimate Rogue Trader as a cover for their primary
- the freedom to go where you will, do what you will, It is often said that the difference between a privateer and ‘profession.’ Such individuals have long since abandoned
and fight where you will. To be a Rogue Trader is, in a pirate is in the eye of the beholder, but for many Rogue the responsibilities of their title, subsisting solely on
the simplest of terms, to be one of the last free men Traders the only distinction is whether one gets caught! the wages of piracy and gathering around themselves a
and women in this entire galaxy." As such, certain Rogue Traders will occasionally take on ragtag fleet of as many scoundrels and criminals they can
-Jordal Kayne, Rogue Trader contracts to harass shipping lanes, usually on behalf of convince to join their cause. In the end, they are little
some interested party or another. While such operations more than vermin disguised in human flesh, skulking

112 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium

from one dark corner of the galaxy to another, seeking XENOS THREATS
only to pillage and plunder every world in their path. An unknown number of nominally space-faring alien "Never take a gamble you're not prepared to lose."
Many xenos races flock to such malcontents like flies races in the immeasurable void between the stars -Abdul Goldberg, Rogue Trader
to carrion, and it is quite common to find human pirates survived the righteous pogroms of the Great Crusade, on
operating in close association with one or even several account of the Horus Heresy postponing the beneficent
xenos species throughout a region. Emperor from his most holy work. This is especially true share a unique and long-cultivated relationship with the
throughout the remote systems of the Eastern Fringe and Tau, and it is not beyond the realm of possibility that they
might be inclined to share certain secrets they happen to
PREDATORS & PREY Northern Rim where the distance between star systems
‘acquire’ from their Imperial employers.
Any ship translating from warp must do so in deep space, makes it extremely difficult to dispatch warships of the
for to do so within the gravitational labyrinth of a star Imperial Navy in any significant numbers, particularly if
Elsewhere, beyond the Imperium’s borders, the galaxy
system is unimaginably hazardous for all but the most there are more pressing concerns closer to the galactic
is brimming with minor alien races that at one time or
skilled pilots and navigators. From these far reaches it interior. Certain intelligentsia of the Explorator Biologis
another have lured greedy and unscrupulous Rogue
must follow a long, perilous spiral inward towards its have postulated that not all sentient xenos species
Traders into all manner of shady dealings, without proper
destination, crawling at sublight speeds, and it is during encountered by the Imperium thus far represent a threat,
oversight from the Ordo Xenos. Normally, the Inquisition
this time that wolfpacks frequently strike. Such routes are but prudence dictates based on long, grim history that no
may be persuaded to overlook certain small indiscretions
usually heavily defended, but as with all resources, the chance can be taken, nor any quarter given.
or other questionable arrangements, assuming the aliens
protection of the Imperial Navy is an expensive luxury involved are not considered a significant threat to human
which the badly overstretched Imperium cannot always While it is true that some human encounters with alien
worlds or ideologies. However, there are more than a
afford to offer. Many places of mineral or other material races can result in mutual gain, all of these instances are few Rogue Traders over the centuries who have crossed
wealth lie in the loneliest and most desolate regions of carefully examined by the Ordo Xenos to ensure there that line, throwing in their lot with dangerous, inhuman
the galaxy, and without nearby colonies to supply men or is no contact with forbidden ideologies, nor any transfer forces on the promise of forbidden archaeotech or access
provide a genuine need for security, the majority of these of humanity’s blessed technology to those who might to secret, alien trade routes.
distant outposts must fend for themselves. one day use it against the Imperium. This process is
particularly important in the rare event that contact with An infamous case now used as a teaching example by
Moreover, the vagaries of warp travel may result in a an alien race is sanctioned by the Inquisition on a limited, many in the Ordo Xenos is the story of the Rogue Trader
merchant convoy and its escorts arriving at substantially conditional basis. For example, in the region of space Darius Pluto. Desperate for income after a particularly
different times. Indeed, even two identical ships entering referred to as the Cradle, encounters with the reticent disastrous convoy run, Pluto renounced his allegiance to
the warp at the same moment may re-appear in real-space Demiurg are almost unavoidable, but they have shown Mankind and began conspiring with the Fra’al, betraying
anywhere from minutes to hours apart at the end of their an unusual pacifism towards Imperial vessels, and have to them critical details about Imperial shipping routes,
journey. If caught undefended in this manner, merchants even taken on contracts against the enemies of humanity. cargo schedules, and patrol deployments. For his efforts
are easy pickings for roving pirates. However, privateers Nevertheless, the Ordo Xenos has made it quite clear that the Fra’al rewarded Pluto handsomely, and soon he
profit wherever there is danger, and even pirates may well any interaction must abide by strict limitations, for long was actively participating in their raids, culminating in
become protectors if the merchant families operating the experience has taught that no inhuman species can ever the death of twelve million Imperial citizens after their
shipping lanes or the guilds controlling the mining worlds be truly trusted with the future of Mankind. Even the piratical acts caused a food shortage in the Osiris Cluster.
and manufactorums decide it is in their best interest to Demiurg with all their relative indifference to humanity
employ the would-be raiders rather than face them.. are not entirely blameless. It is well documented that they Pluto continued to operate with these vermin for many
years before he was finally hunted down and executed
by a punitive expedition led by the battleship Divine
"T he black spot? You dare to give me the black spot?! Drawn on a page of the Lectitio Divinitatus... You tore a page
from holy scriptures to make a pirate's death sentence! Oh, the red-hot gates of the Warp are creeping open! Horus
is sharpening his talons for you, you blasphemous heathens! Fall down on your knees and beg the Emperor for deliverance
Right in the Tamahl Sector in 518.M37. However,
the damage done by this rank perfidy goes far beyond
the actions of one mere man; many centuries after the
from damnation!
destruction of Pluto’s vessel, the Route Less Apparent,
...Very good. Now untie me, and let's go find the treasure!" Fra’al raids continue throughout an ever-widening area
-Tym Curi, aka Lonn Jorn the Silver, Professional Pirate in Segmentum Obscurus, at a pace that shows little

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 113



Only the boldest, toughest, and most ambitious men and
women of the Imperium have what it takes to succeed
Every Rogue Trader worth their Warrant knows money is
as Rogue Traders. Although their paths to ultimate glory
the universal language of the galaxy, and those fluent in
are as varied as the galaxy itself, and the methods they
its subtleties can always find their way to the most lavish
choose to employ are equally diverse, all of them feel the
luxuries and scintillating vices. Indeed, more than a few
primal call of the unknown that first inspired Humanity
Rogue Traders share the motto ‘everything has a price,’
to look towards the stars.
and starship equipment is no exception. Rogue Trader
vessels benefit from the following special rules:
Fortune Rating
A Rogue Trader fleet commander has a Fortune rating,
reflecting the sum of the wealth, power, and influence he Refitted Torpedoes
or she wields. Fortune ratings work the same way as (and Grease the right palms, and a savvy privateer can gain
in parallel to) a fleet’s points limit – certain things in the access to the most powerful munitions known to Man,
fleet (such as refits, special vessels, and so on) will have although a consistent supply is seldom guaranteed. Any
an associated Fortune cost, which is used instead of or in Rogue Trader vessel that purchases refitted torpedoes
addition to a regular points cost. The total Fortune cost of must roll on the following table at the start of the game,
everything you include cannot exceed the commander’s gaining the appropriate torpedo type shown below in
Fortune rating. addition to any other type of torpedoes it may fire:

The Warrant of Trade D6 ROLL TORPEDO TYPE Rogue Trader Convoy Ships
When assembling a Rogue Trader fleet, you must choose 1 Short Burn Torpedoes As freelance merchants and mercenaries, Rogue Traders
the origin of the dynasty’s Warrant of Trade. How it was are often accompanied by transport convoys made up of
issued determines the commander’s base Fortune rating 2 Barrage Bombs
vessels owned by (or loyal to) the Rogue Trader’s family
and any additional options and/or limits on how the fleet 3 Guided Torpedoes
dynasty. To a Rogue Trader, these are more than merely
may be configured. The possible origins are shown in the 4 Seeking Torpedoes* conveyances for cargo; they are a sign of power, prestige,
table on the next page.
5 Melta Torpedoes* and material wealth (even when not filled with actual,
6 Vortex Torpedoes* literal treasure). As such, Rogue Trader convoy ships are
Business as Usual
subject to the following rules:
Rogue Traders by their very nature are far from altruistic.
Unless contracted for a specific mission, they will always *Remember that these are usable only once per game.
have their own agenda during a battle, which may or may • They follow all the normal rules for fleet support units
not align with that of their erstwhile allies. Customized Starships (and convoy ships) described in the main rulebook.
Rogue Traders almost invariably end up living as nomads, • If they disengage without scoring or counting towards
A fleet that includes any Rogue Trader convoy ships must sailing from world to world in a constant search for fame victory conditions, they are treated as destroyed. For
generate a sub-plot from the Business as Usual table on and fortune. Naturally, this results in their ships quickly this purpose, crippling or destroying an enemy counts
the next page, unless other scoring or victory conditions becoming their true homes. And what good is a home if as ‘scoring’ in scenarios that use normal victory points.
already apply to the fleet’s convoy ships (such as when every panel and bolt is not crafted exactly to one’s liking?
playing as the defender in a Convoy scenario or as the As such, Rogue Trader ships employ a variety of patterns • For each point of transport capacity provided by Rogue
attacker in a Planetary Assault scenario). This does not and special refits, all represented on the table as a single Trader convoy ships in the fleet, add +1 Fortune to the
prevent a fleet from also taking a standard sub-plot class of highly customizable vessel: The Rogue Trader fleet commander’s rating. This does not apply to any
according to the normal rules for doing so. Man O’ War (see pages 116-117 for details). generic or non-Rogue Trader vessels.

114 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium

Exiled from Power (Starting Fortune: 1). Each non-Rogue SCORE RESULT
Trader capital ship in your fleet adds +1 Fortune rating.
Trooping the Colour. The convoy is on its way to make a show of force to a nearby world. Each transport has been
Warrants may occasionally be issued to quietly exile someone lavishly and meticulously detailed for maximum visual impact upon landing, in the hope that a little awe and wonder
inconvenient, such as a military leader whose influence has will leave the planetary leadership sufficiently cowed to remember their duty to the Emperor. This also makes them
become a threat, or a rising political rival. While disastrous 1 tempting targets for the opposing force. Your sloops, caravels, and carracks are worth double the normal number of
for the recipient’s immediate power, most can still call in a victory points if crippled or destroyed.
few favors to make up the difference.
At least one convoy ship must survive the battle (not counting crippled capital ships), and the enemy must not score
more than 10% of its points limit in victory points due to crippling or destroying your convoy ships. (+2/-1)
Imperial Trade Mandate (Starting Fortune: 3). The fleet’s
total Fortune rating from convoy ships is increased by 50%
Punitive Strike. The convoy is bound for a planet that requires more than just a simple intimidation visit. Each
(rounding down).
transport carries troops from the Imperial Guard or local conscripts prepared to carry out military action against the
A Warrant may be granted to a particularly adept merchant planetary populace. This makes such vessels high-priority targets for the opposing force, whose agenda requires the
captain on the condition of protecting or facilitating trade in 2 world to remain outside Imperial law. Enemy direct fire weapons must target a sloop, caravel, or carrack if possible,
a specific region or along a specific route. Warrants assigned unless the enemy vessel first passes a leadership test for target priority.
this way are usually the result of centuries of careful planning
At least half of your fleet’s total transport capacity must survive the battle. (+1/-1)
and analysis to determine the proper recipient.
Colony Settlement. The convoy is carrying eager settlers seeking to establish a new colony world for the Imperium.
Recognition of Service (Starting Fortune: 5). Men O’ War Each transport is loaded with valuable supplies, industrial equipment, and civilian laborers ready to start new lives.
may not purchase Xenos refits, but may purchase an extra Of course, all of these things could be turned to the enemy’s purpose, if the foe does not waste their opportunity by
Imperial refit (for a total of three refits instead of two). haphazardly destroying the convoy. Sloops, caravels, and carracks use the following victory point rules instead of the
Warrants may be granted as a reward for meritorious service 3 normal scoring rules: Each destroyed by a boarding action or hit-and-run raid awards the enemy 100% of its cost in
to the Emperor, often in the aftermath of an Imperial Crusade. victory points. Otherwise, the player who initiated the action that resulted in its destruction loses 100% of the vessel’s
These are often issued to military leaders who find themselves cost in victory points (this may result in negative victory points if a player is careless!).
bereft of purpose at the conclusion of their mission. At least one sloop, caravel, or carrack must survive the battle, and your opponent must not hold the field at the end
of the game. (0/-1)
Cloak and Dagger Scheme (Starting Fortune: 5). Men O’
War may not purchase Imperial refits, but may purchase an Reclamation Crusade. There’s nothing to deliver today except the Emperor’s righteous vengeance. The transports’
extra Xenos refit (for a total of three refits instead of two). cargo capacity has been given over to banks of auxiliary reactors and extra power relays, so that every ship might
Sometimes, a Warrant may change hands as the result of some 4 contribute to the coming battle. Your sloops, caravels, and carracks increase the range of their weapons to 30cm.
illicit or underhanded plot. Those who employ such schemes The transport captains are under pressure to show their devotion to the Emperor. Attacks from your sloops, caravels,
are typically in league with criminals or even xenos, and pay and carracks must destroy at least one enemy capital ship or at least 6 enemy escorts. (+1/0)
only lip-service to the Emperor’s rule.
Expeditionary Group. The convoy is carrying a wide variety of civilian survey teams conducting either preliminary
Ministorum Bequest (Starting Fortune: 7). The fleet’s total or follow-up evaluations to submit to the Adeptus Mechanicus. This requires a certain degree of risk, but the rewards
Fortune rating from convoy ships is halved (rounding up). from the Tech Magi can be well worth it. When a carrack, caravel, or sloop contacts an un-surveyed tabletop feature
5 (such as a gas cloud, asteroid field, planet, etc), mark that feature as surveyed. At the end of the game, each surveyed
For those of great faith (or cunning), earning a favor from the
Ecclesiarchy can be an effective means to acquire a Warrant. feature adds +50 victory points to your total.
All that is usually required is a promise to aid the cause of the At least half of the features on the table (rounding up) must be surveyed at the end of the game. (+1/-1)
Adeptus Ministorum and set aside transport space to carry its
agents when necessary. Treasure Haul. Using any method agreeable to you and your opponent, assign each sloop, caravel, and carrack in
your fleet a unique identifier (such as a name, number, or letter). Write these down separately and secretly mark one
Self-Promotion (Starting Fortune: 9). Each non-Rogue as carrying the treasure. When any sloop, caravel, or carrack is boarded or suffers a hit-and-run raid, reveal whether
Trader capital ship in your fleet costs 1 Fortune in addition to it is carrying the treasure. If it is, the treasure is stolen by the ship that made the attack (or the nearest enemy ship with
its usual points cost. launch bays, if stolen by attack craft). The treasure may then be stolen from that ship and other subsequent ships in
6 the same way, and its location remains open to both players for the rest of the game. The player who controls the ship
For those of incredible means, it is not impossible to simply
‘purchase’ a Warrant of Trade through liberal application of with the treasure at the end of the game earns 1000 victory points! If it ends up on a hulk, the player who holds the
bribes, extortion, and threats. Such individuals do not make field controls it, if any. Otherwise, if the ship carrying the treasure is destroyed, it is lost for good.
very many friends, however, and will often need to continue With promises already made, it would be quite a blow to the Rogue Trader’s reputation if the treasure is lost now. You
using such tactics even after acquiring their prize. must control the treasure at the end of the game. (+1/-2)

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 115


ROGUE TRADER MAN O' WAR............................................... 60 Points

I mperial cruisers are gigantic constructions, and almost all are
centuries or even millennia old. Those few that are constructed
anew are often the result of years of toil by the population of an
Rogue Trader men o’ war come in many shapes and sizes, but
A man o’ war may have any of the following refits. (Note that
only those with 10 or more Hits may have +2 Shields).
for the purpose of gameplay they are configured as follows:
entire world – enormous shipyards that might produce a single
vessel every few decades. Even the mighty Forge Worlds with Chassis (0-2) Add +1 Turret....................................................... 10 points
their unimaginably vast, serried ranks of orbital docks and laying A man o’ war starts as a brig (equivalent to a light cruiser), with (0-1) Add +1 Shield.....................................15 points, 1 Fortune
yards may only complete one of these behemoths every year or the characteristics shown at the bottom of the page. It may then (0-1) Add +2 Shields (10+ Hits Only).........30 points, 2 Fortune
so despite easily having a dozen or more of them in varying choose one of the following chassis refits: (0-1) Gain 6+ Prow Armor............................................ 20 points
stages of construction at any one time.
Galleon.........................................................20 points, 2 Fortune Dorsal Weapon
Such gargantuan efforts are usually beyond the ken of even the • +2 Hits, -5cm Speed, Gain Dorsal Weapon If the man o’ war has a dorsal weapon granted by its chassis, it
wealthiest Rogue Traders. Rather, most Rogue Traders rely on Grand Galleon..............................................40 points, 4 Fortune may choose up to one of the following options:
vessels built (and sometimes owned) by others. Many cruisers • +4 Hits, -5cm Speed, Gain P / S Weapon Set
are in fact included along with the Warrant of Trade itself, an Ship of the Line............................................60 points, 6 Fortune Dorsal Weapons Battery................................................ 25 points
undeniably powerful aid gifted to the Rogue Trader by the • +6 Hits, -10cm Speed, Change type to Battleship • Range: 60cm, Firepower 6, Left / Front / Right
Administratum as a bequest to their agent abroad. Other vessels • Gain both a Dorsal Weapon and a P / S Weapon Set Dorsal Lance Battery.................................................... 35 points
are loaned to Rogue Traders more temporarily, sometimes being • Cannot use Come to New Heading special orders • Range: 60cm, Strength 2, Left / Front / Right
actual Imperial Navy vessels given over to a Rogue Trader for a
time, when Imperial command thinks it beneficial.

Men O’ War are unique, exotic vessels, often exhibiting many

signs of their wild and colorful adventures. They are subject to
constant refit and adornment, much of it alien in origin, creating
truly unique silhouettes against the void.

Since the responsibilities of a Warrant can take a person all over

the galaxy, Rogue Traders will often find that while their ship’s
class or hull pattern is common in its sector of origin, it may be
virtually unknown in those which he or she travels, meaning a
relatively standard cruiser may stand well apart in appearance
from its Imperial Navy counterparts. This matters not to a
Rogue Trader however, as flamboyantly drawing such attention
to oneself is not something most Rogue Traders seek to avoid.

"A word of warning to you, Captain Nix. Never

let a Rogue Trader out of your sight, even for
an instant. They will, without exception, go gallivanting
off on some misbegotten adventure halfway across the
galaxy at the mere mention of 'treasure,' leaving you TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS
sitting there with barely half a fleet against six squadrons
Cruiser/6 25cm 45° 1 5+ 2
of angry Ork pirates. Believe me, I'd keep a lance trained
on their aft quarter if I were you." ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC
Port Armament - - Left
-Admiral Lohdan Mirkel
Starboard Armament - - Right

116 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



Port and Starboard (P / S) Weapon Sets Prow Weapon Special Refits
A man o’ war must choose one of the following options, plus A man o’ war may choose one of the following options: A man o’ war may purchase up to two total upgrades from the
an additional option for each extra P / S weapon set granted by Imperial and/or Xenos Refits tables. The first in each category
its chassis. Each option provides the chosen weapon on both Prow Lance Battery (Brig Only)..................25 points, 1 Fortune (Engine / Ship / Weapon) costs 1 Fortune, the second in the same
the port and starboard side, firing Left and Right, respectively. • Range: 30cm, Strength 3, Front category costs 2 Fortune, the third costs 3 Fortune, and so forth.
Any weapons with the same range, type, and firing arc must be Prow Weapons Battery (Non-Brig Only)...................... 25 points The usual points cost must be paid as well.
combined into a single weapon. • Range: 60cm, Strength 6, Left / Front / Right
• Incompatible with 6+ Prow Armor Refits from these tables granted by other sources (except appeals
Any Chassis Prow Torpedoes............................................................. 25 points in a campaign) must be counted before those purchased as part
Small Weapons Battery (choose one)........................... 15 points • Speed: 30cm, Strength 6, Front of its configuration here.
• Range: 30cm, Firepower 6
• Range: 45cm, Firepower 4
Cargo Module + Weapons Battery................................ 20 points
• Adds +2 Transport Capacity and Fortune rating
• Range: 30cm, Firepower 4
(0-1) Launch Bay (1 squadron each side)..................... 25 points
• Fighters: 30cm / Bombers: 20cm

Galleon or Larger Only (8+ Hits)

(0-2) Large Weapons Battery (choose one).................. 30 points
• Range: 30cm, Firepower 10
• Range: 45cm, Firepower 6
• Range: 60cm, Firepower 4
(0-1) Heavy Lance Battery...........................45 points, 2 Fortune
• Range: 30cm, Strength 4
• Incompatible with Dorsal Lance Battery
(0-1) Long-Range Lance Battery.................45 points, 2 Fortune
• Range: 45cm, Strength 2
(0-1) Launch Bays (2 squadrons each side).................. 50 points
• Fighters: 30cm / Bombers: 20cm

Additionally, a man o’ war with at least 8 Hits may take an extra

P / S weapon set (paying any costs for the chosen weapon as
normal) at the additional cost of 2 Fortune. It is still subject to
the limits on each specific weapon system however (you cannot
take two heavy lance batteries, for example).

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 117


UNIVERSE CLASS MASS CONVEYOR........................... 200 Points

F ar rarer than the more common freighters and civilian
merchantmen, Universe class mass conveyors are
truly vast support vessels; often over a dozen kilometers
long, whose cavernous vault-holds can carry the tithed
output of entire worlds, full invasion armies of Imperial
Guard troops, or vast quantities of ores and other raw
materials. The economic importance of these vessels is
huge, and they are fitted with a defensive array sufficient
to give most raiders and pirates pause, although they
are no match for a true warship of any size. Every bit
as legendary in their own right as famous naval vessels,
the command of a mass conveyor is either in the remit of
ancient Rogue Trader bloodlines or a particular branch
of the Adeptus itself, such is their rarity and commercial
value as part of the Imperium’s life blood.


Battleship/14 15cm 45° 4 5+ 5
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 10 Left
Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 10 Right
Dorsal Weapons Battery 30cm 5 Left / Front / Right
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 5 Left / Front / Right

Special Rules: Universe class mass conveyors are ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. In addition,
they have few critical systems for their size; reduce the result of any roll on the Critical Hits table against a mass conveyor by 1,
to a minimum of 0. This includes rolls for hit-and-run raids.
Convoy Ship: A Universe class mass conveyor is a convoy ship and will follow the rules for such vessels as described on page
114. It has a transport capacity of 8.

Kar Duniash: The Trader's Haven

Being the Segmentum Fortress of the Ultima Segmentum, Kar Duniash is a favored departure point for
countless voyages to the Eastern Fringe, the largest of the vast, unexplored tracts of wilderness space in the
galaxy, with its promise of adventure and undiscovered riches. Accordingly, it is also the return destination of
many traders once their business in the Fringe is complete, and over the millennia it has established itself as a
welcome haven for exhausted traders and crews, many of whom have been beyond Imperial-controlled space for
years or even decades.

118 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


ROGUE TRADER ESCORT CARRIER.................................... 60 Points

S ince most Rogue Traders lack the pure firepower of a true military armada, protecting vulnerable convoy ships can
be a problem, especially when attacked by groups of nimble pirate vessels capable of slipping past the guns of a
Rogue Trader’s larger capital ships. To remedy this, many Rogue Traders employ the tried and true strategy of taking
‘escort carriers’ to provide fighter and bomber support to their convoys. While these vessels will often struggle to get
ordnance into the fight due to the difficult working conditions and limited resources aboard such a small vessel, they
are nevertheless a welcome addition to any transport convoy traveling through dangerous regions of space.


Escort/2 15cm 45° 1 5+ 2
Convoy Ship: A Rogue Trader escort carrier is a convoy
ship and follows all the normal rules for such vessels as Fighters: 30cm
Starboard Launch Bay 1 Squadron -
described on page 114. It counts its transport capacity as Bombers: 20cm
1 for the purpose of scenario requirements only (it does
not grant any Fortune nor count for scoring or victory Fighters: 30cm
Port Launch Bay 1 Squadron -
conditions). In addition, squadrons with escort carriers Bombers: 20cm
suffer -1 Ld while attempting Reload Ordnance orders.
Dorsal Weapons Battery 15cm 2 Left / Front / Right

ROGUE TRADER CONVOY MONITOR............................ 60 Points

R ogue Traders are a resourceful bunch, and will jump
at nearly any opportunity to bolster their forces and
ensure the safety of their precious cargo. As such, it is not
uncommon to find a Rogue Trader convoy protected by a
‘convoy monitor’ – an Imperial Defense Monitor that has
been retrofitted with an interstellar drive system.
While this modification comes at the cost of some of
the vessel’s firepower, shields, and most of its dedicated
targeting cogitators (limiting its ability to acquire target
locks), it remains a tough, heavily armed brawler that is
more than capable of driving off foolhardy pirates and
foul xenos raiders.

Convoy Ship: A Rogue Trader convoy monitor is a convoy TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS
ship and follows all the normal rules for such vessels as
Escort/2 15cm 45° 1 6+ 2
described on page 114. It counts its transport capacity as
1 for the purpose of scenario requirements only (it does ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC
not grant any Fortune nor count for scoring or victory
conditions). In addition, squadrons with convoy monitors Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left / Front / Right
suffer -1 Ld penalty while attempting Lock On orders. Lance Battery 30cm 1 Front

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 119


ROGUE TRADER CARRACK...................................................... 40 Points

A cross the millions of worlds of the Imperium of Man, there are far more merchant vessels and heavy transports than there ever will be warships of the Imperial Navy. Heavy
transports in particular are of almost every size and shape, and they are typically constructed so that form follows function. For example, carracks designed to haul bulk ores
or foodstuffs will appear noticeably different from those designed to carry compartmentalized, containerized cargo, ammunition or spare attack craft for fleets operating near war
zones. Even tankers need not necessarily wield dangerous or flammable cargoes; on desert worlds, water is as precious and valuable a commodity as any rare gems. Every Rogue
Trader fleet is supported by dozens of these chartered merchant vessels, which they use to transport supplies and trade goods across the vast interstellar void. In warzones, it is
also common for “consulting” Rogue Traders to convert their carracks into troop transports. Although not normally used in this role, each carrack is capable of carrying tens of
thousands of men along with thousands of tanks or support vehicles. They may even carry Adeptus Mechanicus Titan Legions or enough munitions to supply an entire army. In
such cases, most fleet commanders assign dedicated escort vessels to a squadron of carracks, as the loss of one of these vessels during a planetary assault can have huge long–term
effects on a campaign. Beyond this, there are a myriad of other roles for the heavy merchant ships under a Rogue Trader’s command, including deep space repair and salvage
operations, or even just a mobile hold for goods and treasures “liberated” from enemy trade convoys.

Convoy Ship: A Rogue Trader carrack is a convoy ship and follows all the normal
rules for such vessels as described on page 114. It has a transport capacity of 2.

Special Refits: A Rogue Trader carrack may purchase one upgrade from either the
Imperial or Xenos refits table at the cost of 1 Fortune in addition to its usual points
cost (see the end of this book and the Ships of the Xenos book for details). If it does
not, it may instead have one of the following refits:

• Fuel Tanker: A Rogue Trader carrack may be converted to a fuel tanker for no
extra cost. A fuel tanker earns the owning player +1 renown if it survives (without
disengaging) until the end of the game, even if it is crippled. However, a fuel
tanker is quite vulnerable and will suffer critical hits on a result of 5+ instead of
6+. Furthermore, when reduced to zero hits, a fuel tanker adds +1D6 to its roll on
the Catastrophic Damage table.
• Repair Tender: A Rogue Trader carrack may be converted to a repair tender
for +10 points. A repair tender earns the owning player +1 renown or +2 repair
points if it survives (without disengaging) until the end of the game, even if it
is crippled. However, your opponent earns +1 renown for each repair tender
crippled, and +2 renown for each one destroyed.
• Super-Heavy Transport: A Rogue Trader carrack may be converted to a super-
heavy transport for +10 points. A super-heavy transport adds +4 Hits to its profile
and gains +1 transport capacity, but also increases its minimum distance to turn
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS by +5cm and must be mounted on a large base.
Cruiser/6 15cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port Weapons Battery
St’bd Weapons Battery
"W ho among us worth their Warrant can say they've never been tempted to fill an old
Sword with a battalion of Ogryns, just to see if could still sail? What? Why are
you all looking at me like that?"
Prow Weapons Battery 15cm 2 Left / Front / Right

120 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


ROGUE TRADER SLOOP..............................................................20 Points

R ogue Traders necessarily make use of a wide range of
freighters and other cargo ships in order to transport
their wares all across Imperial space, or alternatively to
Supply Ships: An escort squadron containing at least
one Rogue Trader sloop has +1 Ld while making a
serve as personal conveyances should the need arise. But command check for Reload Ordnance special orders.
unlike normal Imperial transports, the dangers that Rogue
Traders face on their journeys into wilderness space are Convoy Ship: A Rogue Trader sloop is a convoy
significant enough that they will commonly improve the ship and follows all the normal rules for such vessels
weapons and engines of their cargo ships where capacity as described on page 114. It only has a ½ point of
permits. Commonly referred to as ‘sloops,’ these nimble,
transport capacity (rounding down when calculating
armed freighters are the backbone of the typical Rogue
the fleet’s total capacity).
Trader’s escort fleet.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Clipper Configuration: For no extra cost, a Rogue
Trader sloop may exchange its weapons battery for
Escort/1 20cm 45° 1 5+ 1 the Secondary Reactors upgrade from the Imperial
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC Refits table. Note that all sloops in a squadron must
have the same configuration.
Weapons Battery 15cm 3 Left / Front / Right

ROGUE TRADER CARAVEL........................................................ 10 Points

T he caravel is the simplest and most common cargo vessel employed by Rogue Traders. Identical in most respects
to typical Imperial cargo ships, caravels are vulnerable to just about any type of attack, yet are still a vital part of
a Rogue Trader’s fleet as a cost-effective way to haul supplies, people, and military assets. Moreover, large convoys
of caravels are a good way to flaunt one’s wealth and status in front of a rival (assuming the Rogue Trader can protect
them if the display provokes an aggressive reaction).


Escort/1 15cm 45° 1 5+ 1
Weapons Battery 15cm 2 Left / Front / Right

Convoy Ship: A Rogue Trader caravel is a convoy ship and follows all the normal rules for such vessels as
described on page 114. It has a transport capacity of 1.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 121


FRA'AL BATTLECRUISER.......................................................... 250 Points

T he Fra’al are an enigmatic race, one of a very few of
the minor alien races that have managed to maintain
a near-constant state of hostilities against the Imperium,
yet persistently manage to avoid complete extermination
in the face of humanity’s vastly superior technology and
far greater numbers. The first detailed records by the
Ordo Xenos of the Fra’al as a distinct threat date back to
420.M37, though sensor log pict-captures indicate they
have harassed Imperial shipping for at least a millennia
beforehand. They are consummate pirates of the basest
character, managing to eke out an existence by slinking
away to new hunting grounds at the first sign of danger or
organized resistance. There are occasionally exceptions
to this rule, however, and at one time their vile predations
were severe enough to surpass Stabilis Mandates and
warrant Imperial sanction, culminating in the Battle
of Fraga’Tral in 312.M39 that saw the destruction of a
Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 3 5+ 3
After centuries of few recorded raids and relatively little
contact, pirate activity by the Fra’al once again surged
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 14 Left throughout much of Segmentum Obscurus during the
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 14 Right Gothic War, as is typical of xenos freebooters whenever
a region of space is embroiled in strife. At the conclusion
Dorsal Lance Battery 30cm 3 Left / Front / Right
of that conflict, when the pirate scum of all races were
Prow Ether Cannon 60cm 2 Front hunted down for extermination, the Fra’al dispersed
over an ever-widening area of space approaching the
Northern Rim and Eastern Fringe. They are most often
Special Rules: Fra’al battlecruisers lack the advanced drive systems of other races. As such, they must move and organized in small flotillas, led by at most one or two
turn according to the rules for battleships, and they cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. In addition, of their “battleships” serving as pirate mother-ships of a
a Fra’al battlecruiser must attempt to disengage each turn after becoming crippled, and will benefit from a +1 Ld sort. As a result of their scattered disposition, the Fra’al
bonus while doing so. Lastly, a Fra’al battlecruiser is equipped with a Fra’al targeting matrix for no extra cost, have become difficult to pin down and have never again
allowing it to treat all gunnery targets as closing, and preventing it from suffering a right column-shift when firing exceeded Stabilis Mandates in any one sector.
gunnery weapons at targets more than 30cm away. It cannot have any further refits of any kind.

Ether Cannon: An ether cannon is treated exactly like a lance weapon. In addition, once per turn after rolling at
least one successful hit with the vessel’s ether cannon (but before applying damage), roll a further D6. If the score
is higher than the target’s starting shield value (as shown on its profile), place blast markers in contact with the
target’s base until all of its shields are overloaded. Then continue to apply damage as normal.

Unique Race: A Fra’al battlecruiser is treated as being part of its own separate faction, and must always use the
rules for allies of convenience as described in the main rulebook.

122 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


STRYXIS CARAVAN VESSEL................................................... 80 Points

T he Stryxis are a race of wandering xenos from the Koronus expanse. They make
their way by selling stolen technology and slaves from other species. Their caravan
ships are normally patchwork vessels, a mish-mash of salvaged ships or even hollowed-
out asteroids, but it is rumored they may secretly possess more advanced starships. ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARC
Ghost-Light Battery 45cm 10 All Round
Ghost-Light Lances 30cm 3 All Round

Special Rules: Ghost-Light weapons are designed to inflict crew casualties rather
than destroy systems. In game terms, they function as normal weapons batteries and
lances (respectively), but cannot inflict critical damage of any kind. In addition,
Stryxis caravan vessels use the special rules described below.


Stryxis caravans are sufficiently different to both orbital
defenses and true spaceships such that they require a
Stryxis caravans lack the complex systems of true space craft, so critical hits are not rolled on the regular critical
number of special rules. However any rules which are damage table. Instead, each critical hit inflicts +1 point of damage, in the same way as an escort ship or small defense.
not specifically modified below will apply as normal. For
example, Stryxis caravans which lose half their damage
When a caravan is reduced to 0 remaining Damage points, it breaks up rather than drifting or exploding. Do not roll
points are crippled just like other vessels.
on the catastrophic damage table. Instead, the caravan is replaced by four blast markers, using the normal rules for
doing so when ships are destroyed.
Because they are little more than derelicts linked together
with tractor beams and metallic chains, Stryxis caravans
do not move in the same way as normal ships. When they
move, caravans travel exactly 10cm forward in a straight
line, no more, no less. They may not turn or use Burn
Retros or Come to New Heading special orders.

When on All Ahead Full special orders, Stryxis caravans

move an extra 2D6cm in any direction at the end of their
move. If this causes them to move 10cm or more in a
different direction to the one they are traveling in, this
becomes their new direction of travel. This can be seen
more clearly in the diagrams to the right.

Due to their low speed and considerable momentum,

caravans that are crippled or moving though blast markers
do not reduce their speed. Those in the gravity well of a
planet or moon may make free turns like an ordinary ship
(45°) and/or place themselves in a stationary or low orbit.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 123


XENOS CUTTER.................................................................................35 Points

ontact with alien races is without doubt the habit for
which Rogue Traders gain the most notoriety. Their
exploration and trading missions necessarily take them to
Other Xenos
The many varieties of xenos cutters are as innumerable Each squadron of xenos cutters that does not represent a
as the stars themselves, but for the purpose of gameplay, particularly notable race must instead purchase one valid
regions of space beyond Imperial control, sometimes for they use the profile shown below, and may be configured upgrade costing 10 points or less from the Xenos Refits
years at a time. In these regions there is every chance of as follows: table (see Ships of the Xenos). This cost is paid once for
finding thriving, space-faring alien cultures, even alien the squadron as a whole, and the upgrade is applied to
empires spanning several systems. Rogue Traders can
Notable Xenos every member.
gain much of value and interest from these races, and
are certainly not above employing them as mercenaries For +30 points, a squadron of xenos cutters may instead
when the situation demands. represent a particularly notable species of minor xenos. Torpedo Variants
This cost is paid for the squadron as a whole, providing As some xenos races may eschew traditional direct-fire
Far from home, where the protection of the Imperial Navy the following effect: engagement, the cutters they provide to a Rogue Trader
is naught but a fool’s dream, many Rogue Traders instead (or enterprising pirate captain) may use ordnance instead.
hire out vessels and their crews from among the alien Choose a profile on the next page; every member of the As such, any generic xenos cutter may replace its lance
races they encounter. These ships often provide much- squadron uses that profile instead of the basic xenos cutter with a torpedo salvo (Speed: 30cm, Strength 2, Front)
needed knowledge of the region, as well as the ability to profile. If this option is taken, no further modifications to for no change in cost. If it does, every xenos cutter in the
overcome cultural or linguistic barriers (to say nothing of the squadron can be made. same squadron must be configured this way.
a healthy dose of firepower when required). Particularly
bold Rogue Traders will, from time to time, journey back
into Imperial space with their alien operatives still in
tow, perhaps keen to make continued use of the exotic
weaponry that their vessels employ.

Rogue Traders typically favor hiring those races whose

ships are equipped with advanced energy weapons, since
the huge power requirements and impossibly difficult
upkeep needed for Imperial lance weaponry generally
make them a liability in a Rogue Trader fleet, isolated TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS
as they often are from Imperial docks or repair facilities. Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Likewise, even the most eccentric Rogue Traders usually
limit themselves to alien vessels no larger than an average ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC
Imperial escort ship, to avoid both the swift judgment of Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right
the Holy Inquisition, and the potential for lethal treachery
Lance 30cm 1 Front
from an inhuman ‘ally’ with too many big guns.

124 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



PTHUXUTL "WAR CRUISER" he Pthuxutl are an isolationist species hailing from a
remote part of Segmentum Tempestus that is extremely
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS difficult to reach via the warp. A detailed survey of a Pthuxutl
Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 3 "war cruiser" revealed that while they possess a unique
disruptor cannon as their primary weapon, it is complex and
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC inefficient when compared to Imperial plasma lance designs
Weapons Battery 45cm 2 Left / Front / Right of similar range and destructive power. However, its turret
defenses are the most comprehensive ever encountered on a
Disruptor Cannon 30cm 1 Front vessel of its displacement, likely in response to repeated Ork
attacks on their territory. It is speculated that based on their
Special Rules: Pthuxutl disruptor cannons follow the rules for lances. In addition, the disruptor cannon may fire on any ordnance level of technology, this particular system may have been
marker or wave that attacks the ship, making a single roll to-hit immediately before turrets are fired. Lastly, due to their animosity developed with unknown Xenos influence.
towards the Orks, Pthuxutl war cruisers cannot be taken by a fleet which includes any Ork vessels.

FRA'AL RAIDER nlike a great many minor alien races that plagued
Mankind during the Dark Age of Technology, the Fra’al
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS managed to avoid the Emperor’s attention and remain in
Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2 relative obscurity. Precious little is known of this Xenos
race, as every recorded contact with Imperial forces has
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC resulted in combat until one side or the other was destroyed
Weapons Battery 45cm 2 Left / Front / Right or forced to withdraw. One remarkable trait is their seeming
attraction to wildly asymmetric designs and configurations,
Lance 30cm 1 Front maddening to behold by even the most stoic of veteran
starship crews. It has been speculated that these unusual
Special Rules: A Fra’al raider is equipped with a Fra’al targeting matrix for no extra cost, allowing it to treat all gunnery shapes are somehow attuned to the warp, which may explain
targets as closing, and preventing it from suffering a right column-shift when firing gunnery weapons at targets more than 30cm how they continue to elude attempts to exterminate them.
away. In addition, due to their aggressive nature, Fra’al raiders cannot be taken by a fleet which includes Imperial Navy vessels.

NEKULLI WHIP xtremely little is known about the Nekulli, with reports
about this race coming to the attention of the Ordo
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Xenos early in M41 via the glowing reports of a Rogue
Escort/1 25cm 90° 2 5+ 2 Trader who was later branded a heretic. Based on available
evidence, they are believed to be refugees from a group of
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC systems on the Eastern Fringe now overrun by the Tyranids.
Weapons Battery 45cm 2 Left / Front / Right A small number of Nekulli hulls, translated as “Whips,”
were recovered from the Space Hulk Allure and examined by
Whisperlance Cannon 30cm 1 Front the Adeptus Mechanicus after 770.M41. While their vessels
are outwardly unremarkable, they use far less power for
Special Rules: Nekulli whisperlance cannons follow the rules for lances. Though more efficient than their Imperial counterparts, their size compared to Imperial ships (especially with lance
the extra energy they save is used to power the whip’s potent shielding rather than offer an offensive bonus. Due to their great weapons), allowing for much stronger defenses.
fear of the Tyranids, Nekulli whips cannot be taken if the opposing fleet includes any Tyranid vessels.

Special Rules: Regardless of how they are configured, xenos cutters are treated as allies of convenience with everyone, and thus cannot be placed in squadrons with any other type of ship.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 125



THE ROGUE TRADER CONVOY SHIPS Lastly, up to two Rogue Trader men o’ war may replace
all of their launch bays with mine launchers for +5 points
1 Rogue Trader 0-1 Mass Conveyor
The detachment must be led by a Rogue Trader, who may A mass conveyor cannot account for more than 75% of per bay replaced (to a maximum of two cruisers equipped
also serve as the joined fleet’s required fleet commander. the joined fleet’s total transport capacity. with mine launchers among the entire fleet).
He or she must be assigned to the most expensive man o’
Universe Class Mass Conveyor....................... 200 points Attack Rating
war present (by points and Fortune cost combined).
Although often on missions of great importance, a Rogue
Rogue Trader Carracks Trader’s presence does not affect a fleet’s attack rating
Lord Captain (Ld8)............................................ 50 points
Carracks cannot account for more than one third of the unless otherwise specified.
Venerable Lord Captain (Ld9)........................... 75 points
joined fleet’s total transport capacity.
Scenarios & Sub-Plots
A Rogue Trader comes with one fleet commander re-roll When playing in a scenario that provides the joined fleet
for free and may purchase up to two additional re-rolls Rogue Trader Carrack........................................ 40 points
with a transport capacity requirement, convoy ships from
at the cost shown below. These are usable for any Rogue this list cannot be mixed in squadrons with those from the
Trader ships or squadrons in the fleet. Rogue Trader Convoy Escorts
The joined fleet may include any number of escort-class generic fleet support list.
One re-roll.......................................................... 25 points convoy ships, in squadrons of 2-6 vessels. Remember that
a squadron cannot have more than four two-hit escorts. When playing in any other scenario, the joined fleet must
Two re-rolls........................................................ 50 points take a random Business as Usual sub-plot if it includes at
Rogue Trader Escort Carrier*........... 60 points, 2 Fortune least one Rogue Trader convoy ship.
SECONDARY COMMANDERS Rogue Trader Convoy Monitor*....... 60 points, 2 Fortune
Reserves & Allies
0-3 Bond-Captains Rogue Trader Sloop........................................... 20 points
Rogue Trader Caravel........................................ 10 points The joined fleet may include any number of xenos cutter
The joined fleet may include up to three Bond-Captains, squadrons, at the cost of 1 Fortune per squadron of 1-3
who must each be assigned to a man o’ war if possible. vessels or 2 Fortune per squadron of 4-6 vessels. The
Those that cannot must be assigned to a Rogue Trader *Limit one per point of the fleet’s total transport capacity.
normal points cost of each squadron must still be paid
convoy ship instead. as well. These do not count against the fleet’s reserves.
Bond-Captain (+1 Ld, Max 8).......... 10 points, 1 Fortune Rogue Traders seldom ply the stellar main alone. Instead, In addition, for every 750 points (or portion thereof) in
they will sign on with another fleet heading in the same the joined fleet, it may include a single Demiurg or Kroot
A Bond-Captain may purchase one re-roll for +15 points, direction, offering their services as merchants and escorts capital ship as a reserve. This option does not apply to
usable only for their assigned ship or squadron. in exchange for safety in numbers. They might also find Tau Empire or Ork fleets, as the Tau have no need of it,
themselves hired on to protect an existing convoy as well. while the Orks are a hated foe of both species.
MEN O’ WAR A Rogue Trader Fleet Detachment cannot function on its If the joined fleet chooses to include any Space Marine
The joined fleet may include up to one man o’ war for own – instead, it must join another fleet (except a Necron ships, honor guards, or commanders, no xenos allies (not
each Rogue Trader and/or Bond-Captain in the fleet. A or Tyranid fleet, which will never employ Rogue Traders) even xenos cutters) may be included.
man o’ war counts against the joined fleet’s limits based as described in the Fleet Detachment section of the main
on the subtype matching its chassis (light cruiser for rulebook. Unless otherwise stated, a Rogue Trader Fleet In all other respects, the joined fleet’s reserve options are
brigs, cruiser for galleons, grand cruiser or battlecruiser Detachment is subject to all the normal rules for allies of unchanged.
for grand galleons, and battleship for ships of the line). convenience.

Note that in a Space Marine fleet, all men o’ war count Ordnance & Upgrades "What is the faith of a rogue, a reaver, an outcast noble
as strike cruisers except grand galleons and ships of the Rogue Trader vessels fire standard torpedoes and launch soul who brings the Emperor's fury upon far worlds?
line, which count as battle barges instead. regular fighters or bombers unless otherwise specified. In Ask him if you dare."
addition, any man o’ war armed with torpedoes may have -from A Seneschal's Duty
Rogue Trader Man O’ War...................................... Varies refitted torpedoes for +20 points.

126 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



FLEET COMMANDERS Recommissioned Cruisers Rogue Trader Escort Carrier........................ 60 points, 2 Fortune
0-1 Rogue Trader You may include up to one recommissioned cruiser for every Rogue Trader Convoy Monitor.................... 60 points, 2 Fortune
You may include up to one Rogue Trader, who must be assigned expedition cruiser in the fleet. The profiles of the classes shown Rogue Trader Sloop.......................................................20 points
to the most expensive man o’ war in the fleet (by points and below can be found in the Imperial Navy and Chaos fleet lists. Rogue Trader Caravel....................................................10 points
Fortune cost combined). If your fleet is worth at least 750 points, Here, they count as Rogue Trader vessels in all respects rather
than allies of convenience.
a Rogue Trader must be included to lead it. USING AN EXPEDITION FLEET
Lunar Class Cruiser.................................... 180 points, 1 Fortune Sometimes, it may not be possible for a Rogue Trader to find a
Lord Captain (Ld8)........................................................50 points fleet willing to engage in joint operations, or the prize may be so
Venerable Lord Captain (Ld9).......................................75 points Carnage Class Cruiser................................ 180 points, 1 Fortune
Tyrant Class Cruiser................................... 175 points, 1 Fortune valuable that he or she must command the fleet personally. On
Murder Class Cruiser................................. 170 points, 1 Fortune such occasions, an Expedition Fleet may be formed to ensure
A Rogue Trader comes with one fleet commander re-roll for that the upcoming venture is the most profitable.
free and may purchase up to two additional re-rolls at the cost
shown below. These are usable for any Rogue Trader ships or Demiurg & Kroot Mercenaries
You may include up to one Demiurg or Kroot mercenary vessel Ordnance & Upgrades
squadrons in the fleet. Rogue Trader ships with torpedo tubes are armed with ordinary
for every three expedition cruisers in the fleet. The profiles for
these ships can be found in the Tau Empire fleet list. They are torpedoes. In addition, any torpedo-armed Rogue Trader capital
One re-roll......................................................................25 points ship may purchase refitted torpedoes for +20 points. Men o’ war
always considered allies of convenience.
Two re-rolls....................................................................50 points with launch bays launch standard fighters and/or bombers.
Stronghold Class Commerce Vessel.......... 350 points, 2 Fortune
SECONDARY COMMANDERS Bastion Class Commerce Vessel................ 225 points, 1 Fortune In addition, up to two Rogue Trader capital ships in the fleet
Veteran Bond-Captains Citadel Class Commerce Vessel................. 185 points, 1 Fortune may replace all of their launch bays with mine launchers for +5
You may include up to one Veteran Bond-Captain for every two (0-1) Kroot Warsphere............................... 145 points, 1 Fortune points per bay replaced.
men o’ war in the fleet. Each may be assigned to any Rogue
Attack Rating
Trader capital ship or convoy ship in the fleet. ESCORTS Time is money, and wasting it can often mean the difference
You may include one squadron of 2-6 escorts for every capital between prosperity and total financial ruin. As such, a Rogue
Veteran Bond-Captain (Ld8)..........................................50 points ship in the fleet. Remember that a squadron cannot have more Trader Expedition Fleet has an attack rating of 3.
than four two-hit escorts.
A Veteran Bond-Captain comes with one re-roll for free, usable
only for their assigned ship or squadron, or any escort squadron Sub-Plots
Xenos Cutter..................................................................35 points When playing any scenario that does not have its own transport
including at least one Rogue Trader convoy ship. Supporting Fleet Escort*.....................................................Varies capacity requirement, the fleet must take a random Business as
Usual sub-plot if it includes any convoy ships.
CAPITAL SHIPS *See the ‘Reserves and Allies’ section for details.
0-1 Expedition Flagship Reserves & Allies
If your fleet is worth at least 1000 points, you may include one CONVOY SHIPS An Expedition Fleet may choose a fleet list from another faction
expedition flagship. Men o’ war with a grand galleon or ship of 0-1 Mass Conveyor (excluding Dark Eldar, Orks, Necrons, and Tyranids) to provide
the line chassis count towards this limit. A mass conveyor cannot account for more than 75% of the fleet’s operational aid. This is your supporting fleet. (If a Space Marine
total transport capacity. fleet is chosen, no Demiurg, Kroot, or other xenos ships may be
Rogue Trader Man O’ War..................................................Varies present at all).
Universe Class Mass Conveyor...................................200 points
0-6 Expedition Cruisers Escorts from the supporting fleet list may be included normally
You may include up to six expedition cruisers in the fleet. Men o’ Rogue Trader Carracks (except for Tau escorts requiring gravitic hooks) as shown in the
war with a brig or galleon chassis count towards this limit. The Carracks cannot account for more than one third of the fleet’s ‘Escorts’ section of the fleet list. These are not reserves, but still
profiles of the light cruisers below can be found in the Imperial total transport capacity. follow the rules for allies of convenience.
Navy fleet list. Here, they count as Rogue Trader vessels in all
respects rather than allies of convenience. Rogue Trader Carrack....................................................40 points The fleet may also include any capital ships from the supporting
fleet list as reserves, in the usual 3:1 ratio. All types of cruiser
Rogue Trader Man O’ War..................................................Varies Rogue Trader Convoy Escorts (except grand cruisers) will count against an Expedition Fleet’s
Dauntless Class Light Cruiser......................................110 points The fleet must include at least one squadron of 2-6 escort-class recommissioned cruiser limit. Grand cruisers and battleships
Endeavor Class Light Cruiser......................................110 points convoy ships. Remember that a squadron cannot have more than will count against the fleet’s expedition flagship limit. Demiurg
Siluria Class Light Cruiser...........................................100 points four two-hit escorts. and Kroot vessels cannot be taken this way.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 127



FLEET COMMANDERS ESCORTS & SPECIAL SHIPS Although it uses different terminology, a Wolf-Pack Pirate Fleet
is a Rogue Trader fleet list, and is subject to all the normal rules
0-3 Pirate Captains Pirate Escorts
for the faction as described on page 114. This includes having
You may include one Pirate Captain for every 500 points (or You must include at least one squadron of 2-6 escorts for every a Fortune rating and requiring a Warrant of Trade origin for the
portion thereof) in your fleet, who must be assigned to the most capital ship in the fleet. The non-Rogue Trader classes below first Pirate Captain you include (only one applies; consider this
expensive capital ship(s) available (excluding xenos ships). If are found in the Chaos fleet list, and will count as Rogue Trader the pirates’ origin story rather than a literal Warrant).
your fleet is worth at least 750 points, a Pirate Captain must be ships in all respects. Remember that each squadron cannot have
included to lead it. more than four two-hit escorts. A Problem with Authority
Due to the wild and stubborn nature of pirate crews, it is often
Pirate Captain (Ld8).......................................................50 points Rogue Trader Escort Carrier........................ 60 points, 2 Fortune difficult to precisely coordinate fleet actions within a wolf pack.
Rogue Trader Convoy Monitor.................... 60 points, 2 Fortune As such, Rogue Trader ships in the fleet suffer a -1Ld penalty
A Pirate Captain comes with one fleet commander re-roll for Infidel Class Raider........................................................40 points while re-rolling a command check or leadership test.
free, and may purchase up to two additional re-rolls at the cost Havoc Class Raider........................................................35 points
shown below. Note that due to pirates’ natural antipathy towards Iconoclast Class Destroyer.............................................25 points Ordnance & Upgrades
any source of authority, including their own leaders, a single Rogue Trader Sloop.......................................................20 points Pirate ships equipped with torpedo tubes are armed with ordinary
Pirate Captain may not use more than one re-roll per turn. Rogue Trader Caravel....................................................10 points torpedoes. In addition, any capital ship armed with torpedoes
may purchase refitted torpedoes for +20 points. Men o’ war with
One extra re-roll.............................................................25 points Due to the haphazard maintenance of pirate escorts and the launch bays may launch standard fighters and bombers.
Two extra re-rolls...........................................................50 points relatively informal way their crews are assembled, squadrons of
pirate escorts must follow the rules for convoy ships (regarding Attack Rating
leadership, special orders, deployment, etc). Any squadron may
CAPITAL SHIPS be exempted from this limitation at the cost of 1 Fortune, freeing
Pirates are always eager for their next prize, and are not known
for their patience. As such, a pirate fleet has an attack rating of 3.
Infamous Pirate Ships every member (including any actual convoy ships) to operate as
You may include up to one infamous pirate ship for every 1000 normal escorts in all respects. Scenarios & Campaigns
points (or portion thereof) in your fleet. Men o’ war with a grand A Wolf-Pack Pirate Fleet may always roll against the Raids table
galleon or ship of the line chassis count towards this limit. Xenos Escort Squadrons when choosing a scenario to play. In addition, if a pirate fleet is
You may include one squadron of 2-6 xenos escorts for every the attacker and is worth at least 1500 points, it may swap the
Rogue Trader Man O’ War..................................................Varies capital ship in the fleet, at the cost of 1 Fortune each (in addition result to the Planetary Assault scenario if a score of ‘6’ is rolled.
(0-2) Fra’al Battlecruiser..............................................250 points to its usual points cost). Each squadron of corsairs, freebooters, In a campaign, a pirate fleet always operates from a pirate base,
raiders, and/or scouts may be made up of any mix of available and earns extra crew skills rather than earning any refits.
Pirate Cruisers escorts from their respective factions’ fleet lists (except for towed
You may include up to one pirate cruiser for every 500 points (or Tau vessels and Craftworld Eldar ships). They follow the normal Sub-Plots
portion thereof) in your fleet. Men o’ war with a brig or galleon rules for allies of convenience by faction.
When playing any scenario that does not have its own transport
chassis count towards this limit. With the exception of the Space capacity requirement, the fleet must take a random Business as
Xenos Cutter..................................................................35 points
Marine strike cruiser, the remaining classes shown below can be Usual sub-plot if it includes any convoy ships.
Corsair Eldar Raider...........................................................Varies
found in the Chaos fleet list. Here, they count as Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Raider...............................................................Varies
vessels in all respects rather than allies of convenience. Reserves & Allies
Ork Freebooter....................................................................Varies
Tau Scout............................................................................Varies Other than the options shown in this list, a pirate fleet may not
Rogue Trader Man O’ War..................................................Varies provide ships to or take ships from any other fleet list as reserves
Murder Class Cruiser................................. 170 points, 1 Fortune or allies. Furthermore, it may not be joined by any type of fleet
Other Xenos Allies
Slaughter Class Cruiser.............................. 165 points, 1 Fortune detachment for any reason.
(0-4) Stryxis Caravan Vessel..........................................80 points
(0-1) Space Marine Strike Cruiser*........... 145 points, 2 Fortune
Fanatic Class Light Cruiser..........................................125 points
Schismatic Class Light Cruiser....................................125 points USING A PIRATE FLEET
Heretic Class Light Cruiser..........................................120 points Pirate fleets make it their business to attack relatively soft targets
such as a transport convoy, remote space station, or isolated "I 've seen this so-called 'transport fleet' of yours, and I am
convinced that it is nothing more than a cheap facade to
*A pirate strike cruiser follows all the normal rules for Space settlement. They will whenever possible avoid fleet actions or cover your heinous and piratical acts against the faithful citizens
Marine vessels, except that it must generate its Ld value from any engagement that will result in substantial losses with little of the Imperium of Man. Take him away!"
the standard leadership table and cannot take any refits from its material gain. However, large pirate bands with a substantial
profile or the Space Marine fleet list. Instead, it may purchase fleet at their disposal may elect to actually raid larger planetary -Inquisitor Emberian, Ordo Hereticus
one upgrade each from the Imperial and/or Xenos Refits tables. colonies.

128 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


In the depths of space, Rogue Traders never know what
kinds of threats they will encounter. Additionally, while 1 One daemon mine cluster. 1 One orbital mine cluster.
they may receive a good-faith contract to escort a convoy 2 Two daemon mine clusters. 2 Two orbital mine clusters.
through dangerous territory, they might just as easily end 2D6 Warp Beasts! These use the profile and One orbital mine cluster and one attack craft or
up being used as fodder to flush out a hidden threat in a 3
rules of Behemoth protoforms (see the Tyranids deadfall torpedo cluster.
contested system, so that the Imperial Navy can properly 3
faction list). They are armed with feeder tendrils One squadron of escort ships worth up to 150
assess the danger. While this conserves the overstretched and operate as a squadron. 4
resources of the Imperial Navy, it brings no profit to the points.
hapless Rogue Trader! Giant Warp Beast! This uses the profile and rules One squadron of escort ships worth up to 180
of a Carnivore bioship (see the Tyranids faction 5
The threat tables on this page may be used as alternatives 4 list). It is armed with only dorsal massive claws
and keel feeder tendrils (instead of its usual set 6 One capital ship worth up to 210 points.
to the one presented in the Convoy Run scenario in the
main rulebook. If used, the defending player may add up of weapons).
to +50 points or +2 Fortune rating to their fleet’s limit for When activated, orbital mine clusters are replaced by
Terror Beast! This is treated as a Defense with 4
every 2 points of transport capacity required. D3+2 orbital mines.
Hits, 6+ Armor, 2 Shields, and 2 Turrets. It has
no weapons and must move exactly 10cm in any
The Cruiser Trap direction on each of its turns. If it contacts a ship The Wolf Packs
This table represents a stronger force of attacking capital (friend or foe), both it and the other ship vanish! This table represents an attacking fleet that is relying
5 heavily on raiders and other escort warships. This is more
ships being in the area the convoy is traversing. This is a The ‘abducted’ ship counts as being lost in the
very straightforward increase in difficulty for the convoy warp (see the rules for Warp Rifts). The Terror representative of the renegade ‘wolf packs’ which preyed
defender. Beast reappears in D3 turns – place it at least on all sides during the Gothic War.
20cm away from any other ships at the start of
the movement phase. D6 RESULT
One Chaos daemonship of the attacker’s choice 1 One deadfall torpedo or attack craft cluster.
1 Two deadfall torpedo or attack craft clusters. 6
worth up to 250 points (including all upgrades).
Three deadfall torpedo or attack craft clusters 2 Two deadfall torpedo or attack craft clusters.
(in any mix desired). When activated, daemon mine clusters are replaced by One squadron of escort ships worth up to 100
One squadron of escort ships worth up to 150 D3+2 daemon mines, which function as orbital mines in points.
3 all respects except that they move an extra D6cm each
points. One squadron of escort ships worth up to 150
time they move, and they have a 4+ resilient save. Each 4
4 One capital ship worth up to 185 points. points.
is worth 10 victory points when destroyed for any reason.
5 One capital ship worth up to 210 points. One squadron of escort ships worth up to 200
6 One capital ship worth up to 250 points. Warp beasts must attack the closest defending ship in
range, cannot use any special orders (including Brace 6 One capital ship worth up to 250 points.
Stalkers of the Abyss For Impact), and automatically pass all leadership tests
History is replete with stories of daemon ships, void- they must make against celestial phenomena. Each warp
swimming leviathans, and other malevolent denizens beast or terror beast rolled on the table above is worth a A Note on Other Factions: While these alternate
of the warp. As a result, some regions of space have flat 100 victory points. tables are well-suited to Rogue Traders and pirates
gained a reputation as ‘haunted,’ such as the Bhein-Morr (and thus presented here in the Rogue Trader faction
sub-sector, the areas surrounding the Eye of Terror and The Old Minefield list), there is absolutely no reason why they cannot be
Maelstrom, and entire sectors of space near the Northern This table represents a convoy being routed through a used in one-off games or campaigns between any two
Rim. This table represents the dangers of passing through gap between old minefields, an obvious place for a clever fleets, regardless of their respective factions.
such a dark and frightening corner of the galaxy. enemy to lay a trap for passing merchantmen.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 129



When Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the never present a threat to the Imperial navy proper.
Ultramarines, set about the long and arduous Inevitably, the wrangling over interpretation of a ship ’s
task of preparing the Codex Astartes, the role “primary role” leads to some Chapters possessing rather
of space vessels amongst the Adeptus Astartes more versatile fleets than the Imperial Navy is entirely
proved a particular sticking point. For an comfortable with.
Imperium still reeling from internecine Hersey
that almost tore it apart, the division of power was a
vitally important consideration. One of the most extreme SPACE MARINE VESSELS
options on offer, it was ventured by some that the Space Unlike the vessels of the Imperial Navy, a Space marine
Marines should be denied any vessels at all, barring intra- ship has a relatively small crew. A Space Marine is far
system transports for movement between homeworlds too valuable to waste on manning a gun or watching
and attendant moons. Corax, among others, protested a surveyor screen, and so only the officers aboard a
strongly that in fact had the Space Marines been better vessel are likely to be Space Marines, as well as the
equipped with fleets of their own, his own legion might few Techmarines who oversee the engines and perform
not have been so horrendously decimated when trapped other mechanical duties. Almost all the ship’s systems
on Istvaan V by Horus and the newly revealed traitors. are run and monitored by servitors, half-human cyborgs
Instead, a compromise was reached which limited the who are wired into the vessel’s weapons, engines and
Space Marines to vessels whose primary role was that of communications apparatus. There are also a few hundred
transport, delivery and suppression designed to facilitate of the Chapter’s serfs to attend to other duties, such as
planetary assault. Only the smallest of vessels would be routine cleaning and maintenance, serving the Space
permitted to act exclusively as gunships, with the larger Marines during meal times and other such honored
strike cruisers and battle barges remaining predominately tasks. These serfs come from the Chapter’s home planet
as aids to invasion, ensuring the Space Marines would or the enclave they protect, many of them Novitiates or

"T hey shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me.
Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They
will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and
with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague
or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and Where there is uncertainty, I shall bring light;
machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against Where there is doubt, I shall sow faith;
Where there is shame, I shall point to atonement;
the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines Where there is rage, I shall show its course;
My word in the soul shall be as my bolter in the field.
and they shall know no fear."
-The Litany of Devotion
-The Emperor of Mankind

130 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


"W hat is the terror of death? That we die with our work incomplete. What is the joy of life? To die knowing our task is done. I stand alongside warriors of honour, and the warrior who
acts out of honour cannot fail. His duty is honour itself. Even a warrior's death--if it is honourable--is a reward and can be no failure, for it has come through duty. Seek honour as you
act, and you will know no fear. A fortress is a living thing: the commander its brain, the walls its bones, the sensors its eyes and ears, the troops its blood, their weapons its fists. If one organ
fails, the whole dies. And if the whole dies, no single organ can survive alone. And above all, remember this... for a warrior the only crime is cowardice."
-Chaplain Judd Clausel, Ultramarines 4th Company

applicants who have failed some part of the recruiting or their Space Marine masters, no matter how much the fleet commander. At an absolute minimum, a Master of the
training process. These serfs are fanatically loyal to their might actually rely upon them. While these serfs make up Fleet typically needs eighty to a hundred fully equipped
superhuman masters and are indoctrinated into many of the vast bulk of crews aboard Space Marine vessels, the Astartes warriors to operate the entirety of the Chapter’s
the lesser orders of the Chapter’s Cult. Although human, Master of the Fleet also has a number of Space Marines space forces, and most Chapters have measures in place
they still benefit from remarkable training and access to under his command, who act as high ranking officers to ensure that a standing force of this size is permanently
weaponry superior to that usually found aboard a naval aboard the fleet’s capital ships, providing captains for available to the Master of the Fleet.
vessel, making them a fearsome prospect in a boarding individual vessels, leading specialized boarding parties,
action – even without the support of their genetically or otherwise overseeing the dedicated serfs who form the As with all specialized roles which a Space Marine
modified lords. bulk of a vessel’s manpower. might be honoured, serving in the fleet brings with it a
variety of different titles and ranks. While the Master of
FLEET ORGANIZATION The exact organization of those Space Marines tasked the Fleet retains overall control, Space Marine Chapters
Usually, one of the Chapter’s Captains will be appointed with crewing the fleet varies from Chapter to Chapter. frequently find themselves dispersed across several
Master of the Fleet with overall responsibility for the In some cases, it will be the Master of the Fleet’s own warzones throughout the galaxy, and so the command
Chapter’s entire armada. This will place at his disposal company that provides these Marines, with each of his of individual fleets or even lone vessels frequently
all the pilots, gunnery officers, command crews and veteran captains acting as captain to a different vessel falls to local Captains. In this manner, a Space Marine
navigators in the Chapter. However, these additional within the fleet while their own squad members each force commander may well find that he is charged with
crewmen will not join the Master of the Fleet’s own man a different vital area within that same vessel. In command of both the battleforce and the transporting
company, for they themselves are not Space Marines. other cases, squads from different companies within the fleet, earning him additional honorifics such as Regent
Most Chapters include several Cults dedicated to the Chapter may be charged with manning the fleet, serving of the Fleet, Commander at Sail, and so on. A Marine’s
Fleet or to the vessels within it, and it is the rarefied under the command of the Master of the Fleet in the heraldry and personal armor markings may thus bear
honor of admission to these Cults which the serfs aspire same way that a Space Marine battleforce may be made emblems of his service within the fleet, additional honors
to when recruited into the fleet, for despite all their up of squads drawn from several companies across the and titles gained there, or other emblems signifying their
specialization they will always remain subservient to Chapter under the command of a single, nominated force role within the fleet.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 131



SPACE MARINE LEADERSHIP In scenarios that use assault or bombardment points, all Thunderhawks
Space Marines are highly organized, efficient, and strike cruisers and battle barges are treated as having a The ubiquitous attack craft of the great Adeptus Astartes,
disciplined, allowing them to out-perform their enemy transport capacity of 1 when scoring. Thunderhawks are a versatile assault platform capable of
in almost any situation. When randomly generating the deploying large numbers of Space Marines into the heart
leadership value for a Space Marine ship, use the table Virus Bombs & Cyclotronic Warheads of an enemy starship, or just as easily performing strafing
shown here instead of the regular table. As a result of the nature of their mission, Space Marine runs against enemy surface targets. Thunderhawks have
fleets must perform Exterminatus much more frequently a speed of 20cm.
than Imperial Navy fleets. Thus, it is common for Space
D6 ROLL LEADERSHIP Marine battle barges to carry a supply of high grade anti- Thunderhawks are multi-role attack craft that combine
1-2 8 planet ordnance dedicated solely for this purpose. When all the abilities of fighters, bombers, and assault boats. In
3-4 9 playing as the attacker in an Exterminatus scenario, a addition, due to their heavy armor and exceptional range,
battle barge (of any type) may be used as an Exterminator Thunderhawks benefit from a 4+ resilient save. The rules
5-6 10 without removing any of its existing prow armaments. for multi-role squadrons and resilient saves can be found
In addition, due to the lethally efficient nature of these in the main rulebook. Note that when attacking as assault
BOARDING ACTIONS specialized weapons, once a battle barge is in position to boats, Thunderhawks benefit from the normal +1 bonus
exterminate a planet, it will successfully do so on a D6 that Space Marines add to their hit-and-run raids.
AND HIT & RUN ATTACKS roll of 3+ rather than the usual 4+.
Space Marines are the supreme fighting force of the
Chapter Tactics
Imperium, and excel at ship-to-ship boarding actions SPACE MARINE FLEET COMBAT Many Space Marine Chapters can trace their lineage back
where their skill is paramount and their lack of numbers As the elite warriors of the Imperium of Man, the battle
irrelevant. To represent this, Space Marine ships benefit to the days of the original Legiones Astartes. Those with
fleets of the Adeptus Astartes use some of the most
from a +2 crew damage bonus when fighting in a boarding such long histories will often exhibit slight differences in
advanced weaponry and ordnance that Humanity has
action and add +1 to their results when they (or their their fleet dispositions in accordance with their particular
ever produced.
ordnance) conduct hit-and-run attacks. Furthermore, all tactical preferences.
enemy hit and run attacks against a Space Marine ship Bombardment Cannons
must subtract 1 from their roll. The Master of the Fleet may employ one of the Chapter
Most Space Marine capital ships carry a heavyweight tactics listed on the next page at the cost shown in the
battery of bombardment cannons as part of their main fleet list. The chosen tactic will affect all relevant Space
PLANETARY ASSAULTS armament. Bombardment cannons are huge, turret-
Marine vessels in the fleet for the whole game. Note that
mounted linear accelerators, capable of launching a
AND EXTERMINATUS salvo of heavy magma bomb warheads. As their name
only Space Marine fleets may use Chapter tactics.
Space Marines excel at planetary landings and attacking implies, bombardment cannons are used primarily for
enemy-held systems. Their entire organization and the pounding planetary defenses into rubble and giving Tactical Flexibility
weapons and ships at their disposal are designed solely devastating orbital support to Space Marine landing The Adeptus Astartes are quick to adapt to a wide variety
for the purpose of reclaiming or destroying planets that forces. Bombardment cannons are equally devastating in of battle scenarios, and reflect this through the relatively
have fallen into enemy hands. Space Marine fleets benefit ship-to-ship combat, capable of blasting apart any capital versatile and straightforward design of their ubiquitous
from the following special rules: ship in just a few salvos. Bombardment cannons fire in strike cruiser. As such, many Chapters prefer to maintain
the same way as weapon batteries with two exceptions: several different patterns of strike cruiser configured for
Drop Pods different situations, rather than rely on the traditions and
Although little more than ceramite boxes equipped with • Bombardment cannons always score a hit on a roll of quirks of their Founding Legion.
harnesses and retrofire engines, drop pods have proven 4+, regardless of the target’s Armor value (even versus
to be exceedingly efficient as a rapid-deployment system ordnance). If a Space Marine fleet does not employ a specific Chapter
for the warriors of the Adeptus Astartes. Launched from tactic, it will instead benefit from tactical flexibility,
low orbit, they allow a capital ship to quickly land large • Any critical hit roll for a hit inflicted by a bombardment which reduces the cost of all Strike Cruiser Variant refits
numbers of Space Marine troops at strategic points all cannon will succeed on a roll of 4+ instead of only on by 10 points (to a minimum of 0). This includes the cost
across the surface of a planet. a roll of 6. of specialist torpedoes, but not secondary shields.

132 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


Dark Age Plasma Batteries Siege Cannons Tactical Reserves

All capital ships have their Speed reduced to 20cm (unless Whenever a battle barge or strike cruiser fires its weapon Battle barges only reduce the effectiveness of their gunnery
already slower), but as long as they do not move more than batteries and bombardment cannons together, add both weapons by 25% (rounding up) instead of 50% while on
10cm, their weapon batteries have 45cm range and do not weapons’ firepower together and look up the corresponding All Ahead Full or Burn Retros special orders and are only
suffer a right column-shift for firing at targets more than number of to-hit rolls on the gunnery table. Any of these slowed by blast markers if they are in contact with two or
30cm away. in excess of the bombardment cannons’ firepower are first more markers simultaneously.
made by the weapon batteries, and the rest are then made
The Chapter’s capital ships are secretly armed with The Chapter employs arrays of simple, mass-produced
by the bombardment cannons. However, when a ship with
ancient, archeotech weapon batteries. These are powerful, power generators throughout the hulls of its battle barges.
bombardment cannons fires its weapon batteries on their
but they cause a substantial drain on the ships’ engines and These allow them to maintain a variety of tactical options
own, they suffer an extra right column-shift.
can only function optimally when all available power is even in the midst of combat, when other ships might
diverted to their operation. The Chapter specializes in assaulting hardened fortresses struggle with their systems.
both in space and on the ground. Their weapon batteries
are rigged to fire tracer rounds that can be tracked by their
Lightning Thrusters bombardment cannons’ targeting systems, maximizing the Promethean Unguents
Vanguard cruisers may still conduct teleport attacks and cannons’ effectiveness at a small cost to battery firepower. Your barrage bombs always hit on a roll of 4+ but do not
either fire weapon batteries at full effectiveness or turn up inflict damage. Instead, for each hit, place a blast marker
to 45° while on All Ahead Full special orders. In addition, in contact with the target’s base (fanning out from where
you may count up to 4 vanguard cruisers against your
Wings of Fury the salvo made contact, just like shield impacts). If at least
fleet’s maximum number of strike cruisers (rather than the Your Thunderhawks have 30cm speed and may re-roll the one hit is scored, the target’s Turrets value is also halved
normal limit). results of their hit-and-run raids. The second result stands, (rounding up) for the next ordnance attack resolved against
even if it is worse. it in the same turn. In addition, your Thunderhawks may
The fleet maintains a large wing of vanguard cruisers
move through blast markers without requiring a roll.
dating back to the time of the Great Crusade. Their much The fleet’s Thunderhawks feature overcharged jet engines
more sophisticated thrusters can sustain high speeds while and carry elite squads of assault specialists equipped with The Chapter’s barrage bombs are filled with a chemical
maneuvering or firing weapons, perfect for fast hit-and-run master-crafted jump-packs, enabling them to strike with compound that causes them to detonate with blinding
attack patterns. unparalleled speed and precision. intensity, while their Thunderhawks are anointed with
protective oils that allow them to pass through clouds of
fiery debris without burning up or losing their course.
Pack Hunter Protocols Shadow Engines
Escorts and vanguard cruisers add +1 to their troop rating Escort squadrons automatically pass leadership tests to
while fighting a combined boarding action against a larger navigate asteroid fields and cannot be targeted by lances or Heed the Machine Spirit
ship if they combine their efforts only with other members gunnery weapons beyond 30cm if they are not the closest After making saving throws, a braced capital ship may
of their own squadron. This bonus applies per member, so target (regardless of target priority). This tactic has no take a leadership test counting as Leadership 7 (ignoring
three members boarding the same target would add a total effect against Tyranids or Necrons. all modifiers). If the test is passed, one failed saving throw
of +3 to their combined troop rating. The chapter spent millennia piecing together the lost design is treated as successful instead. A ship may only use this
ability once per attacker per turn.
The fleet’s fastest-response vessels have been trained of a reactor capable of running so cool that it rendered
to coordinate their close combat efforts, perfecting the the vessel invisible to long-range auspex. Combined with The Chapter teaches to listen closely for the voice of the
timing of their boarding parties to maximize damage centuries of maneuvering training, the chapter’s frigates machine spirit, so that it may guide one’s ministrations of
and disruption beyond even what other chapters could are often capable of closing within weapons range before a the ship’s systems. Though it may be slow to speak, there is
accomplish with the same forces. target realizes they are there. often practical wisdom to be found in its soundless words.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 133


"As our bodies are armoured with Adamantium, our souls are
protected with our loyalty. As our bolters are charged with
death for the Emperor's enemies, our thoughts are charged with
his wisdom. As our ranks advance, so does our devotion, for are
we not Marines? Are we not the chosen of the Emperor, his
loyal servants unto death?"
-Chaplain Fergas Nils

Of all the advantages possessed by the Adeptus Astartes,
their peerless strength and relentless ferocity are perhaps
the greatest. And nowhere is this raw, unstoppable power
more evident than in the cramped corridors of a starship,
where a single power-armored Astartes warrior is worth
a hundred lesser soldiers. As a result, Space Marines are
experts at conducting teleport attacks into the heart of
enemy vessels, where they invariably cause enormous
amounts of havoc and destruction, sabotaging critical
systems and assassinating command staff.

As Space Marines do not require a numerical advantage

to conduct effective raids, their ships can perform teleport
attacks against enemy targets with more remaining hits.
All other restrictions still apply normally, however.

In addition, some Space Marine ships carry an elite squad

of warriors known as an honor guard, whose specialized
wargear and training enable deadlier strikes at a wider
variety of targets. In addition to their individual effects
(see below), all types of honor guard double their ship’s
teleport attack range. Note that a ship may never embark
more than one honor guard (regardless of type). "A typical offensive against a rebel or alien-held planet begins with the arrival of strike craft which clear away
defending system ships. The strike craft then neutralise orbital defences, ground-based defence laser silos
and missile bunkers. By preference, if the system defences are weak or still under friendly control, the Space
Veteran Honor Guard Marines will deploy directly onto the planet's surface, often directly into the midst of a decisive engagement to
Most Chapters maintain special squads of highly-honored
Space Marines who will serve as the personal retinue of take advantage of the considerable shock of their arrival.
a company captain, a great hero of the Chapter, or even
the Chapter Master himself. When a ship with an honor In conclusion I would surmise that the Adeptus Astartes command powerful fleet forces, capable of overwhelming
guard conducts a teleport hit-and-run attack, roll 2D6 and even a heavily defended system. In a fleet action they would be at a disadvantage in comparison to Imperial Navy
choose one result to apply.
vessels, due to their special adaptations for planetary assaults. However it is hard to imagine that the Adeptus
Terminator Honor Guard Astartes would accept a ship to ship fight on any but the most favourable terms, instead operating against shipping
Hand-picked from the Chapter’s elite First Company and lanes, dock facilities and other vulnerable assets."
clad in the heaviest armor known to man, Terminators are
the greatest ship-board warriors in the Imperium of Man. -From the lectures of Lord Captain Morley
When a vessel with a Terminator honor guard conducts a of the Fleet Insturum of Alien Studies.
teleport attack, roll 3D6 and choose two results to apply.

134 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


VENERABLE BATTLE BARGE.......................................... Points: Varies

A battle barge is not technically a class of starship, but
EMPEROR CLASS BATTLE BARGE........................................................................ 475 Points
rather it is the name given to any vessel configured
to serve as the backbone of a Space Marine assault fleet. SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS
Because of this, it is theoretically possible for any large
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ 4
capital ship to fulfill this role, although the battle barges
specially designed for the Space Marines by the Adeptus ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC
Mechanicus are the most common example. However, Port Bombardment Cannon 30cm 4 Left
some older Chapters, particularly those dating back to
the First Founding, maintain much more ancient and St’bd Bombardment Cannon 30cm 4 Right
revered vessels from a time when the Adeptus Astartes Port Launch Bays 4 Squadrons -
and the Imperial Navy were more closely aligned. Shark Assault Boats: 30cm
Starboard Launch Bays 4 Squadrons -
Choosing a Venerable Battle Barge Dorsal Weapons Battery 60cm 5 Left / Front / Right
A venerable battle barge may be chosen from any of the Prow Weapons Battery 60cm 5 Left / Front / Right
profiles shown on this page and the next page. Note that
while these will share names and characteristics with
standard classes available to the Imperial Navy (or even APOCALYPSE CLASS BATTLE BARGE................................................................. 475 Points
the forces of Chaos), they are considered Space Marine TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS
vessels in all respects and will follow all the normal rules
for such ships found on pages 132-134. They do not Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ 4
use any of the special rules or refits shown in the profiles ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC
of their Imperial Navy or Chaos counterparts. Port Bombardment Cannon 30cm 12 Left
Victory Points St’bd Bombardment Cannon 30cm 12 Right
This vessel represents an ancient, revered icon or a vessel Dorsal Weapons Battery 60cm 9 Left / Front / Right
of particular renown. It is worth 50% of its cost in victory
points if it is crippled or 125% of its cost in victory points Prow Nova Cannon 30 - 150cm Template Front
if it is destroyed.
OBERON CLASS BATTLE BARGE.......................................................................... 470 Points
This list is limited to the classes of battleship most likely
to remain in the service of an old Chapter, representing Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ 4
those built with lost technology or retrofitted over many ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC
millennia for improved speed and durability. However,
this does not mean that a Chapter could not have some Port Launch Bay 1 Squadron -
different class of battle barge as an extraordinarily rare Starboard Launch Bay Thunderhawks: 20cm 1 Squadron -
one-off or holdover from the dawn of the Great Crusade.
Prow Launch Bay 1 Squadron -
With your opponent’s permission, you may design your
own venerable battle barge using the guidelines described Port Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Left
on the next page. Starboard Weapons Battery 60cm 6 Right
Port Lance Battery 60cm 2 Left
Special Rules: All venerable battle barges (regardless
of their profile) are ponderous and cannot use Come Starboard Lance Battery 60cm 2 Right
to New Heading special orders. Dorsal Bombardment Cannon 30cm 8 Left / Front / Right

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 135



Designing a Venerable Battle Barge
DESECRATOR CLASS BATTLE BARGE.................................................................465 Points As stated on the previous page, you may design your own
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS venerable battle barge with your opponent’s permission,
instead of using one of the profiles provided. Below are
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ 4
some guidelines that we recommend:
Port Bombardment Cannon 30cm 8 Left 1. Pick a non-unique Imperial Navy or Chaos battleship
that does not already have a battle barge profile.
St’bd Bombardment Cannon 30cm 8 Right
2. If representing a post-Heresy battle barge, change its
Dorsal Weapons Battery 60cm 9 Left / Front / Right Armor value to 6+ and add +100 points to its cost.
Prow Torpedoes Standard or Boarding: 30cm 9 Front
3. If its speed is slower than 20cm, set its speed to 20cm
Port Launch Bay 1 Squadron - and add +10 points to its cost.
Thunderhawks: 20cm
Starboard Launch Bay 1 Squadron - 4. Adjust its weapons according to the following general
RETRIBUTION CLASS BATTLE BARGE.................................................................460 Points • It cannot have both lances and nova cannon.
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS • It should not have more than 3-4 lance strength in
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ 4 any one firing arc, if possible.
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC • Launch bays should have their strength halved and
Port Bombardment Cannon 30cm 10 Left should only launch Thunderhawks.
St’bd Bombardment Cannon 30cm 10 Right • If replacing weapons with bombardment cannons,
use a ratio of 1:2 for lances, and a ratio of 5:3 for
Dorsal Lance Battery 60cm 3 Left / Front / Right weapon batteries.
Prow Torpedoes Standard or Boarding: 30cm 9 Front
• Prow weapons can be replaced by a Thunderhawk
launch bay (two if replacing a nova cannon).
RELICTOR CLASS BATTLE BARGE........................................................................430 Points
• If none of the above apply, replace a dorsal weapon
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS with a single bombardment cannon (Range: 30cm,
Battleship/12 25cm 45° 4 6+ 4 Firepower 8, Left / Front / Right).
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC • Try to keep at least 50% of its original armaments
the same.
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 12 Left
Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 12 Right 5. Keep or discard any special rules as necessary, based
on your preference and what makes sense to you and
Port Lance Battery 30cm 2 Left your opponent.
Starboard Lance Battery 30cm 2 Right
Dorsal Bombardment Cannon 30cm 8 Left / Front / Right "A battle for supremacy against many foes is a battle of the
Prow Torpedoes Standard or Boarding: 30cm 9 Front best kind. There are few considerations, only those concerning
where to place your next shot. It is war in its purest form."
Special Rules: Due to its improved engines, a Relictor class battle barge adds an additional +1D6cm to its speed
-Commander Karziel
while on All Ahead Full special orders.

136 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


VENERABLE STRIKE CRUISER....................................... Points: Varies

L ike the unique and ancient battle barges maintained by some
Chapters, there are also examples of highly venerated strike
cruisers. Most of these date back to the Horus Heresy, where by
some stroke of good fortune or a twist of fate they managed to
survive that dread conflict and remain in the Emperor’s service.

Choosing a Venerable Strike Cruiser

A venerable strike cruiser may be any grand cruiser, battlecruiser
or heavy cruiser from any Imperial Navy or Chaos fleet list. The
normal cost must be paid for the ship, plus an additional +25
points to account for its Space Marine crew.

Like venerable battle barges, venerable strike cruisers are Space

Marine vessels in all respects and will follow all the rules for
such ships found on pages 132-134. They may not be given
any refits listed in their own profiles (though special rules still
apply as normal). Instead, they use the following refits:

Launch Bays and Thunderhawks

A venerable strike cruiser must replace all of its existing attack
craft with Thunderhawks, reducing its launch bay strength by
half (rounding up) to accommodate the larger chassis. It cannot
launch any other type of attack craft.

Strike Cruiser Prow

Venerable strike cruisers are often reconfigured for direct, head-
to-head confrontation. As such, any venerable strike cruiser may
have a strike cruiser prow, providing it with a 6+ Prow Armor
and prow torpedoes (Speed: 30cm, Strength 6, Front), replacing
any existing prow armament. A ship that already has 6+ Prow
Armor may take this refit for free; otherwise it costs +25 points.

Any venerable strike cruiser armed with torpedoes may be given
either short-burn torpedoes for +5 points or barrage bombs for
+10 points. Otherwise, it gains boarding torpedoes for free.

Nova Cannon
While the Imperial Navy might overlook a single battle barge
with an ancient nova cannon, they would no doubt raise strong
objections to any Chapter fielding line cruisers armed with such
weapons. As a result, a venerable strike cruiser equipped with a
nova cannon must purchase a Strike Cruiser Prow to replace it,
though this comes with a 10 point reduction to the ship’s cost.

Victory Points
Venerable strike cruisers are especially rare and valuable; losing
even one is a terrible blow to a Chapter. They are worth 50% of
their cost in victory points if crippled or 125% of their cost in
victory points if destroyed.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 137


ULTIMA CLASS BATTLE BARGE......................................... 450 Points

F irst recognized for the threat it was in 745.M41,
Hive Fleet Behemoth ravaged the Imperial worlds
of Ultima Segmentum until it began to encroach upon
the Ultramar sub-sector, dominion of the Ultramarines
Chapter. There, the Seditio Opprimere was reduced to a
near hulk at the Battle of Prandium, when the Tyranids
turned the fertile and lush garden world – once called the
“Jewel of Ultramar” – into a barren wasteland.

Despite the great Imperial victory defeating Behemoth

in the Ultramar home system above the rings of Circe,
the Imperial Navy suffered staggering losses, and the
Ultramarines faced little resistance when they asked
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS the Mechanicus Adepts of Calth to rebuild the Seditio
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ 4 Opprimere as a powerful gunship with the bombardment
cannons and defenses necessary to burn through the
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC miasma of spore clouds produced by the Tyranid fleets.
Port Bombardment Cannon 30cm 8 Left
St’bd Bombardment Cannon 30cm 8 Right Designing such improvements into the vessel proved
difficult however, and some launch bay capacity had to
Dorsal Bombardment Cannon 30cm 8 Left / Front / Right
be sacrificed for the additional magma bomb magazines
Prow Launch Bays Thunderhawks: 20cm 2 Squadrons - and energy conduits necessary for its weapons systems.
Standard: 30cm Nevertheless, several Chapters have now commissioned
Prow Torpedoes 6 Front
Boarding: 30cm their own “Ultima-class” battle barges after witnessing
its effectiveness for themselves.

Special Rules: An Ultima class battle barge is ponderous and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. In addition, it
may replace its boarding torpedoes with either short-burn torpedoes for +5 points or barrage bombs for +10 points. FAMOUS SHIPS:
Seditio Opprimere

138 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


SPACE MARINE BATTLE BARGE......................................... 425 Points

M ost Space Marine Chapters control two or three
battle barges. They are brutal vessels, with only
one purpose behind their design. As might be expected,
a battle barge is configured for close support of planetary
landings and carries numerous bombardment turrets and
torpedo tubes.

A considerable amount of hull space is given over to

launch bays for intra-system craft and drop pods, with
a typical barge capable of deploying up to three Space
Marine battle companies simultaneously. The vessel is
extremely heavily armoured and well shielded, ostensibly
so that it can breach planetary defences without harm
coming to its valuable cargo of Astartes warriors.

Naturally this also makes the battle barge one of the most
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS frightening opponents in the galaxy when close-range,
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ 4 ship-to-ship combat is a possibility.


Port Weapons Battery 45cm 12 Left Punisher Redeemer Sword of Truth
Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 12 Right
Dorsal Bombardment Cannon 30cm 8 Left / Front / Right Special Rules: A Space Marine battle barge is ponderous
and cannot use Come to New Heading special orders. In
Prow Launch Bays Thunderhawks: 20cm 3 Squadrons - addition, it may replace its boarding torpedoes with either
Standard: 30cm short-burn torpedoes for +5 points or barrage bombs for
Prow Torpedoes 6 Front +10 points.
Boarding: 30cm

"T hey shall be pure of heart and

strong of body, untainted
by doubt and unsullied by self-
aggrandizement. They will be bright
stars on the firmament of battle, Angels
of Death whose shining wings bring
swift annihilation to the enemies of
Man. So it shall be for a thousand times
for a thousand years, unto the very end
of eternity and the extinction of mortal
-Roboute Guilliman, Codex Astartes

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 139


SPACE MARINE STRIKE CRUISER....................................... 145 Points

L ike battle barges of the Adeptus Astartes, strike cruisers
do not represent a single class of vessel but instead consist
of a broad range of types with differing weapons and systems
designed primarily for rapid response, able to quickly fight their
way into a contested system and rapidly deliver Space Marines
and their wargear to the front. To this end strike cruisers can and
do take a variety of forms.

Like venerable battle barges of old, a number of strike cruiser

designs date far back to the centuries immediately following the
development of the Codex Astartes. While most Chapters with
limited resources will typically operate a single type of strike
cruiser, it is not uncommon for some to operate two or more
distinct types and configurations of strike cruisers with slightly
differing capabilities and weapon arrangements, especially
among the older Chapters with histories dating back several
milennia. The effectiveness of strike cruisers has not gone
unnoticed by the Imperial Navy. In the intervening milennia,
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS they inspired not only the creation and implementation of
Cruiser/6 25cm 90° 1 6+ 2 light cruisers by the Imperial Navy, but various weapon
configurations lent themselves to a number of light cruiser
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC classes used throughout the Imperium.
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Left
Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Right
Prow Bombardment Cannon 30cm 3 Left / Front / Right
Prow Launch Bays Thunderhawks: 20cm 2 Squadrons -

Secondary Shield: Any number of strike cruisers in the fleet may purchase an additional shield (increasing their
shields value by +1) for +15 points each.

Strike Cruiser Variants: Throughout the Imperium of Man, the various Adeptus Astartes Chapters utilize strike
cruisers that, while essentially the same in purpose, sometimes differ significantly in details, appearance and
weapons arrangement. Up to half of the strike cruisers in your fleet (rounding down) may have one or both of the
following refits at the cost indicated (or less, if Tactical Flexibility applies; see page 132):

• Replace Launch Bays: A Space Marine strike cruiser may replace its prow launch bays with a bombardment
cannon (Range 30cm, Firepower 5, Front) for +10 points or a torpedo salvo (Speed 30cm, Strength 6, Front)
for no extra cost. Any strike cruiser with torpedoes may be armed with either boarding torpedoes for free, short-
burn torpedoes for +5 points, or barrage bombs for +10 points.

• Replace Weapons Batteries: A Space Marine strike cruiser may replace both its port and starboard weapons
batteries with port and starboard launch bays (1 Squadron each), equipped with Thunderhawks (Speed: 20cm)
for +20 points.

140 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


SPACE MARINE VANGUARD CRUISER........................... 130 Points

O ne of the more notable departures from the basic Space
Marine strike cruiser role, vanguard cruisers are intended
for high-duration, long-range independent operations, often
serving as the eyes of a Space Marine Chapter or as heavy
escorts, although they are left less capable in a planetary assault
as a result.

Not all Space Marine Chapters are known to utilize or designate

their vessels this way, and those that do are usually entirely fleet-
based Chapters who have need of such vessels, often operating
beyond the Imperium’s borders and without any assistance from
the Imperial Navy and its mighty battlefleets.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS Improved Thrusters: Vanguard cruisers add an additional
+1D6cm to their speed while on All Ahead Full special
Cruiser/6 25cm 90° 1 6+ 3 orders.
Secondary Shield: Any number of vanguard cruisers in the
Port Weapons Battery 30cm 5 Left fleet may purchase an extra shield (increasing their shields
Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 5 Right value by +1) for +15 points each.

Standard: 30cm Specialist Torpedoes: A vanguard cruiser may replace its

Prow Torpedoes 4 Front
Boarding: 30cm boarding torpedoes with either short-burn torpedoes for free
Prow Launch Bays Thunderhawks: 20cm 1 Squadron - or barrage bombs for +5 points.

"W e will spend our lives fighting

to secure this Imperium, and
then I fear we will spend the rest of our
days fighting to keep it intact. There
is such involving darkness amongst
the stars. Even when the Imperium is
complete, there will be no peace. We
will be obliged to fight on to preserve
what we have fought to establish. Peace
is a vain wish. Our crusade may one day
adopt another name, but it will never
truly end. In the far future, there will
be only war."

-First Captain Sigismund

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 141


NOVA CLASS FRIGATE............................................................... 45 Points

O f all the vessels in the service of the Adeptus Astartes, the Nova class frigate is commonly the single class to which the Imperial navy take the most
exception. It lacks sufficient size to really fulfill the deployment and assault roles for which Space Marine ships are primarily intended and its lance
armament and speed make it a menacing gunboat in its own right. As such, the Nova remains rare in most Space Marine fleets, a trend the Imperial
Navy, the Inquisition and other institutions perpetually concerned by the balance of power would dearly love to see continue.


Escort/1 35cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right
Lance 30cm 1 Left / Front / Right

GLADIUS CLASS FRIGATE........................................................ 40 Points

I nvariably the Gladius is the most numerous escort within most Astartes battle fleets, being one of the few escorts in relatively uniform usage across
the chapters. The vessel, although larger than any genuine gunboats likely to be in use, is relatively small by Space Marine standards, seldom carrying
much more than a single squad of Space Marines spread across its decks and control centres, supervising the much more numerous chapter serfs upon
whom the chapter relies for actual operation of its vessels. As such, the Gladius lacks the genuine punch of other Space Marine vessels, and is of little
use in their favoured planetary assaults, but instead earns itself an admirable place as the foremost ship of the line when it comes to more mundane
border patrols and deep space blockades.


Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Left / Front / Right

HUNTER CLASS DESTROYER................................................. 40 Points

T he Hunter class destroyer, although based on a design long available to almost all Space Marine chapters, was pioneered primarily by the Dark
Angels, whose deep distrust of other factions within the Imperial hierarchy made acquisition of vessels from shipyards and forgeworlds far more
problematic than for most other chapters. As such, the Dark Angels chose the Hunter class destroyer as the most viable counterpart to the Imperial
Navy’s cobra and maintain large flotillas of the vessel in all their battlefleets.


Escort/1 35cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Weapons Battery 30cm 1 Left / Front / Right
Torpedo Salvo Standard or Boarding: 30cm 2 Front

142 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



M uch more numerous than their Astartes counterpart,
Firestorm class frigates are a staple of many joint
Imperial Navy-Space Marine fleet operations. Whether
Giant-killer Squadron Strike Group Persephone
Lords of the Lance Idrian Sector Patrol
this is because they provide a valuable amount of lance-
based firepower that strike cruisers and battle barges
lack, or because the Imperial Navy feels safer having
the Astartes rely on externally-sourced gunships, is hard
to say. Regardless, many Space Marine fleets inevitably
"D amnation starts with little steps, by
arrogantly thinking that you are wiser than
our great forbears, by tinkering with truth, by
turn to the Firestorm frigate when preparing for large-
compromising, by departing from the straight and
scale space battles and no Nova frigates are available to
narrow path of the Emperor's light."
assist. Although not as fast as Space Marine escorts, the
Firestorm still packs an armament capable of going toe-
to-toe with any Astartes gunship. -Chapter Master Marneus Calgar,
Ultramarines Chapter
Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Special Rules: A Firestorm class rapid strike vessel
uses the same profile as shown in the Imperial Navy
Weapons Battery 30cm 2 Left / Front / Right fleet list; it is reprinted here for convenience. It does
Lance 30cm 1 Front not benefit from any Space Marine special rules.

SWORD CLASS RAPID STRIKE VESSEL............................35 Points

D ue to the precautions taken by the Imperium against
another Astartes rebellion, many of the Space Marine
dominions, such as the worlds of Ultramar, are directly
Green Squadron Patrol Group Macragge
Strike Force Jutania 534th Squadron
integrated with local Imperial Navy infrastructure. As
such, they will share patrol routes and fleet deployments,
and so it is not uncommon to see many Sword class
frigates serving alongside Space Marine strike cruisers
"A t battle's end, speak the Liturgy in a clear voice. Respect
the bravery of the living. Give the Rite of Passage to the
fallen. Honour the battle gear of the dead. To do all this with
and battle barges. Some fortress-monasteries may even reverence, even when exhausted by battle and weary from the
have several squadrons of Sword frigates on hand for the field, is the duty of a Chaplain. It is his burden and satisfaction."
purpose of local defense and system patrols. -The Book of Faith


Special Rules: A Sword class rapid strike vessel uses
Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
the same profile as shown in the Imperial Navy fleet
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC list; it is reprinted here for convenience. It does not
Weapons Battery 30cm 4 Left / Front / Right benefit from any Space Marine special rules.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 143


FALCHION CLASS RAPID STRIKE VESSEL....................35 Points

T he success of the Falchion class as a planetary
defense vessel has led to its proliferation throughout
the most developed Imperial star systems, including
from their starbases and drydocks.

those within the jurisdiction of many Space Marine Phalanx Squadron Nebula Chasers
dominions. Even deep within the territory of Ultramar, Patrol Group Augusta Strike Group Piety
many of these vessels can be seen patrolling alongside
those of the Astartes, escorting VIPs and protecting "Victory often rests on the correct weaponry being in the right
shipping lanes. However, the Falchion’s relatively weak place and at the right time. Even the most destructive weapons
offensive capabilities means that most do not stray far of war are worthless if absent from the battle."
-Chapter Master Artor Amhrad, Astral Knights
Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Special Rules: A Falchion class rapid strike vessel
uses the same profile as shown in the Imperial Navy
Weapons Battery 30cm 3 Left / Front / Right fleet list; it is reprinted here for convenience. It does
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 1 Front not benefit from any Space Marine special rules.

COBRA CLASS RAPID STRIKE VESSEL............................. 30 Points

C obra class destroyers are the mainstay of most
Imperial Navy strike groups and anti-pirate patrols.
A combination of speed and strong ordnance capabilities
serving alongside Space Marines, the Cobra is often
eclipsed by the Hunter destroyer as a pure attack vessel.

make them a perfect long range attack vessel. As a result, FAMOUS SQUADRONS:
many of these have been seconded to Space Marine Galahad Squadron Strike Group Arturia
forces, especially in the vast Ultima Segmentum. The
Astartes tend to use Cobras in much the same way as
traditional Imperial Navy battle fleets, although when HEADING.124.5.BY.031+++SHOW.THEM.
Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 4+ 1
Special Rules: A Cobra class rapid strike vessel uses
the same profile as shown in the Imperial Navy fleet
Weapons Battery 30cm 1 Left / Front / Right list; it is reprinted here for convenience. It does not
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 2 Front benefit from any Space Marine special rules.

144 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium


FORTRESS-MONASTERY.......................................................... 875 Points

S ome Chapters possess no homeworld at all, instead
operating from massive, mobile space fortresses.
These gigantic craft contain sufficient accommodation,
workshops, hangars, training areas and dock facilities
for the entire Chapter, and operate as a semi-mobile base
for Chapter operations. While they may take any number
of forms, fortress-monasteries are always immensely
powerful, with firepower equivalent to that of the mighty
Ramilies Star Fortress in many respects. Additionally,
they are not only mobile but warp-capable, and it is not
unknown for some Space Marine Chapters to actually
utilize a suitably modified Ramilies allocated to them for
this express purpose. No Chapter possesses more than
a single fortress, and as such they are guarded just as
ferociously as any homeworld would be.

Using a Fortress-Monastery: A fortress-monastery must be

deployed in the same way as any other high-orbit defense,
and will follow all the normal rules for orbital satellites as
described in the Fleet Support list, except where modified on
the next two pages. With your opponent’s permission it may
also be used as a replacement for a planet, with a high-orbit
range of 30cm from the stem of its base. Note that the cost
of a fortress-monastery must always be included in the fleet
list for which it is used – it cannot be purchased separately
like other planetary defenses – and it may only be included
in a fleet worth at least 2000 points. In all other respects it is
a normal planetary defense choice for a Space Marine fleet.

In a campaign, a fortress-monastery can only be gained by

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS a commander of 11+ renown by making a dedicated appeal
to do so (needing a 5+ to succeed as normal). Alternatively,
QUADRANT CHARACTERISTICS the commander may surrender control of one forge world or
Defense/12 - - 4 6+ 4 hive planet and be granted a fortress-monastery by way of
replacement. A fortress-monastery generates repair points
ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC equivalent to a pirate base and players can attempt to attack
QUADRANT WEAPONS it in the same way as a pirate base. In addition to generating
repair points, the fortress-monastery enables one capital
Weapons Battery 60cm 18 Quadrant ship or escort squadron that was withdrawn for full repairs
Lance Battery 45cm 3 Quadrant to return before the start of the owning player’s next game
on a D6 roll of 4+. If a fortress-monastery is found it can be
Launch Bays Thunderhawks: 20cm 3 Squadrons - moved to try and prevent further attacks on it. If the owning
BASILICA WEAPONS player decides to move his fort he must roll a D6. On a roll
of 1 the fort is lost in the Warp and must be struck from the
Weapons Battery 60cm 8 All Round roster. On a 2 or more the fort relocates successfully and
Torpedo Silos Standard or Boarding: 30cm 9 All Round must be found again before it can be attacked.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 145



Unlike most small orbital defenses, the command & control The fortress-monastery cannot be boarded by ships; whole
capabilities of a fortress-monastery are superior to even those of battlefleets would be required. The only vessel that may attempt
a warship. To represent this, a fortress-monastery can use all of to board a fortress-monastery is a space hulk, as only a space
the following special orders: hulk has sufficient numbers of troops. When this occurs, the
fortress-monastery’s troop rating is equal to the total remaining
• Reload Ordnance hits of all four quadrants, plus the turret value of the quadrant
• Lock On being boarded. Any resulting hits against the fortress-monastery
• Brace for Impact are likewise only applied to that quadrant, as normal.

A fortress-monastery normally has a fixed leadership value of Shields & Blast Markers During the end phase of the owning player’s turn, a fortress-
10; it is home to the command staff of an entire Space Marine Each quadrant has its own shields; when blast markers are monastery may board any enemy ships foolish enough to remain
Chapter, after all! It may also purchase up to three re-rolls for placed, put them in contact with the appropriate edge of the in base contact, and may choose how many of its quadrants will
+25 points each. These re-rolls are usable only by the fortress- fortress-monastery ’s base. In the end phase, D6 blast markers be involved in the boarding action. Quadrants not involved in
monastery itself, unless the Master of the Fleet is aboard: are removed from the entire model, not from each quadrant. the boarding action may fire their weapons normally.

Chapter Fleet Command Because the four quadrants are essentially in contact with each Massing Turrets
The Master of the Fleet may always be assigned to the fortress- other, blast markers in contact with the base affect the quadrant Each quadrant of a fortress-monastery automatically counts as
monastery if it is present (regardless of other requirements). In taking fire and the two adjacent quadrants as well. If the fortress- massing turrets with the two quadrants immediately adjacent,
this case, any re-rolls purchased by the fortress-monastery are monastery is rotating, blast markers that are not removed remain in addition to any ships that may be in base contact with it.
added to his own, which can then be used by the entire fleet. in place when it rotates and affect whatever quadrant(s) they are Naturally, quadrants that are crippled or destroyed may not
contribute to massing turrets. Furthermore, a quadrant cannot
in contact with at the end of its movement.
use this special rule to increase its turrets value beyond the
MOVEMENT normal +3 limit.
Before the game starts, the owning player must decide whether Damage & Criticals
a fortress-monastery will rotate or not. This choice may not All damage and criticals only affect the quadrant that they are
Teleport Attacks
be altered later in the game. A rotating fortress-monastery inflicted against unless specifically noted otherwise. Quadrants
Fortress-monasteries contain numerous teleport chambers, both
must pivot exactly 45 degrees at the beginning of each of its are crippled individually once they are reduced to 6 Damage
for dispatching troops to other vessels in the fleet and delivering
movement phases, and always in the same direction (chosen the Points. Once a quadrant’s hits are reduced to 0, any further hits
them into combat, be it on a nearby planet or as a devastating hit
first time it rotates). This movement cannot alter nor be altered plow into the drifting wreckage and do no further damage. Treat and run attack against enemy vessels. Each quadrant that is not
by any special orders or other effects, and will continue even if that quadrant of the station as an asteroid field from now on. crippled or destroyed allows the fortress-monastery to launch
the entire station is destroyed. Finally, allied ships may not dock one teleport hit and run attack. In addition, a fortress-monastery
with a rotating fortress-monastery; the danger of collision is Damage Control has a permanent garrison of First Company warriors aboard. It
simply too high. Other than this exception, a fortress-monastery Damage control is also undertaken individually. To all intents automatically counts as having a Terminator honor guard for no
may not move in any way during the course of a game. and purposes the four quadrants function as individual stations additional cost. Naturally, this means that the fortress-monastery
placed ‘back to back’. The fort itself is only destroyed once all cannot benefit from any other honor guard purchased for an
QUADRANTS four quadrants are reduced to 0 hits, at which point a single roll embarked fleet commander.
The fortress-monastery is so large that its weapons, hits and on the catastrophic damage table must be made.
defenses are divided up into four ‘quadrants’ representing the THE BASILICA
different sides of the space station. When the station is fired Templates The central command and control facility of a fortress-monastery
upon, determine which quadrant the attack will hit by tracing a Nova cannons and Armageddon guns can only score a ‘full on’ is a heavily armed and armored redoubt capable of withstanding
straight line from the stem of the firing ship to the center of the D6 hits against the quadrant most under the center hole of the almost any attack. The basilica cannot be targeted separately by
station. Likewise, ordnance hits are only resolved against the marker when it hits. enemy attacks and is only destroyed when the rest of the station
first quadrant actually contacted by the marker. is reduced to zero hits. In rare instances, if the basilica would
Hit-and-Run Raids take damage (such as from its own ordnance exploding due to
Looking vertically down on the model, the quadrants are as Hit-and-run raids are likewise resolved only against the quadrant critical hits, etc), the opposing player distributes this damage
shown in the following diagram: they are directed at and will not affect other quadrants. between any remaining quadrants.

146 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium

The internal communication systems of the fortress-monastery FORTRESS-MONASTERY CRITICAL HITS TABLE
mean that its different quadrants can all use different special EXTRA
orders simultaneously. For the purposes of issuing special orders 2D6 DAMAGE
to the fortress-monastery the owning player can effectively
divide the quadrants up into squadrons and then issue special Lances damaged. The quadrant’s lance array is taken offline by the hit and may not fire until the damage
2-3 +0
orders to each in turn. has been repaired.
Weapon batteries damaged. Some of the quadrant’s main guns are taken offline by the hit. The quadrant’s
For example, the player wishes to issue Reload Ordnance orders
4 +0
weapons batteries fire at half-strength until the damage has been repaired.
to the north and east quadrants, while Locking On with the south
Launch bays damaged. The quadrant’s launch bays collapse; the quadrant may not launch ordnance until
and west. Only two Command checks are made for the two 5 +0
the damage has been repaired.
pairs of orders. If later in the turn the player needed to Brace for
Impact he could do so with a single quadrant only, leaving the Reactors damaged. The hyper-plasmatic reactors are damaged, shutting down the quadrant’s power grid.
6 +1
rest free to reload or lock on again next turn. The quadrant’s shields and turrets are at half-strength until the damage has been repaired.
Fire! Oxygen lines are broken, leading to fires in many compartments. Roll to repair (extinguish) the fire in
Weapons mounted on the central Basilica count as operating 7 +0
the end phase; if it is not put out, the fire causes 1 point of extra damage and continues to burn.
under the special orders of all of the quadrants, so it is entirely
possible for them to be locked on, reloading and braced all at the 8 +D3 Hull breach. A huge gash is torn in the quadrant’s hull, causing carnage among the crew.
same time. Brace for Impact orders will halve the firepower and Command tower destroyed. A command tower on the basilica is torn away; the fortress-monastery’s
ordnance strength of the Basilica weapons as normal.
9 +0
leadership value is reduced by 2 points. This damage may not be repaired.
Shields collapse. The shield generators overload and burn out, leaving the quadrant virtually defenseless.
10 +0
DOCKING The quadrant’s shield strength is reduced to zero. This damage may not be repaired.
Friendly ships in contact with a fortress-monastery’s base can Basilica breached. The main basilica is struck, causing immense destruction as stored munitions explode.
halt their movement just as if they were in a gravity well. If they 11 +D3 All quadrants suffer the +D3 extra damage and any basilica weapons are lost. This damage may not be
wish to turn they may use Burn Retros special orders without repaired.
taking a Command check to do so. If a ship is in contact with one
Reactor struck. The central plasma reactor is struck. All quadrants suffer the +D6 extra damage. Roll
of the four inter-quadrant docking piers it can fully dock. While 12 +D6
again on this table and apply the result to the appropriate quadrant.
fully docked, a ship gains an extra four dice when rolling for
damage control. Every two complete turns that a ship remains
fully docked without being braced, a ship may automatically
reload ordnance without requiring a Command check to do so. FORTRESS-MONASTERY CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE TABLE
Even while fully docked the ship is still targeted and attacked
separately to the station, although it counts as being in close D6 RESULT
formation with the fort for massed turret fire with the benefits
and dangers that brings. Wrecked. The station simply ceases to function. Venting gases and debris block line of sight across the fort, and movement
through it counts as moving through an asteroid field in all respects.
While a fortress-monastery has sufficient launch bays to unleash Structural collapse. The station falls apart and pieces drift away, filling the area with huge chunks of wreckage. Replace
great swarms of Thunderhawks, these large and complex the model with a 15cm diameter asteroid field.
gunships are in limited supply and are not necessarily all
Hyper-plasma meltdown. The station’s main reactor goes critical in spectacular style. Resolve eight lance shots against all
based on the fortress-monastery at any given time, having been
dispatched to other vessels within the fleet. It does, however,
4-5 ships within 4D6cm, and remove all ordnance within that range. Everything else remaining on the table suffers the effect of
a solar flare centered on the fort. Then, replace the fort with 2D6 blast markers.
provide a base for them to return to should their original carriers
be lost or out of range.
Warp field implosion. The station instantly vanishes as its warp field collapses, leaving behind a vast hole in the fabric of
space. Resolve four lance shots against all ships and ordnance within 4D6cm, then replace the station with a warp rift. All
A Space Marine fleet may always count its launch limit as equal 6
ships and ordnance markers remaining on the table are then drawn 15cm directly towards the center of the rift. Objects that
to the surviving bays on the fortress-monastery, or in the normal pass into the rift will be affected normally as described in the Celestial Phenomena rules.
manner, whichever is greater.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 147



0-1 Master of the Fleet "You carry the Emperor's will as your torch, with it A Space Marine Crusade Fleet has an attack rating of 3.
You may include up to one Master of the Fleet. If the fleet destroy the shadows."
includes any battle barges, the Master of the Fleet must -Verses of Sigismund, Book CIV, Verse I Reserves and Allies
be assigned to one (specifically the Chapter flagship, if it A Space Marine Crusade Fleet cannot normally take any
is present). Otherwise, he may be assigned to any capital reserves, and cannot be joined by any fleet detachments
ship in the fleet. If the fleet is worth at least 750 points, a (0-2) Venerable Strike Cruiser................................ Varies except an Inquisitorial Fleet Detachment (in which case
Master of the Fleet must be included to lead it. Space Marine Strike Cruiser............................ 145 points it uses that list’s reserve options).

0-6 Vanguard Cruisers

Master of the Fleet (Ld10)................................. 50 points
Space Marine Vanguard Cruiser...................... 130 points
A Master of the Fleet may employ a Chapter tactic for
+15 points, and/or purchase up to three fleet commander ESCORTS
re-rolls at the cost listed below: The fleet may have any number of escorts, in squadrons
of two to six vessels.
One re-roll.......................................................... 25 points
Two re-rolls........................................................ 50 points Nova Frigate....................................................... 45 points
Three re-rolls...................................................... 75 points Gladius Frigate................................................... 40 points
Hunter Destroyer................................................ 40 points
In addition, the Master of the Fleet’s ship may embark a
Terminator honor guard for +25 points.
You may include one battle barge for every 1000 points The Space Marine Crusade Fleet List represents all of the
in the fleet (or portion thereof). The fleet must be worth at most aggressive and insular Space Marine Chapters, such
least 1000 points to include the Chapter flagship. as the famed Black Templars. Rather than rule over some
Imperial fiefdom as others might, these vast crusading
0-1 Chapter Flagship armies roam the galaxy engaged in near constant warfare
Venerable Battle Barge........................................... Varies with the Emperor’s enemies (or in some cases, in endless
Ultima Class Battle Barge................................ 450 points pursuit of their own ancient foes). This same zeal breeds
Space Marine Battle Barge.............................. 425 points in them a great distrust of non-Space Marines, and even
of other Chapters. As such, these crusaders will seldom,
0-2 Command Ships if ever, seek the aid of other Imperial forces. Some may
Space Marine Battle Barge.............................. 425 points maintain ties with Ordos of the Inquisition, however.

Ordnance and Upgrades
Any Space Marine capital ships in the fleet may embark "L et a wave of repugnance for the enemy wash over
you. Let hatred fill you. Hate is good, for our goal
0-10 Strike Cruisers a veteran honor guard for +10 points each. is a Human galaxy. We are called by the Emperor with a
If the fleet is worth at least 1000 points, it may include up sacred duty to conquer it in His name."
to one venerable strike cruiser for every three standard In addition, up to two cruisers in the fleet may replace all -Chaplain Grimaldus,
strike cruisers (including any strike cruiser variants), to of their launch bays with mine launchers for +5 points The Hero of Helsreach
a maximum of two. per bay replaced.

148 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



FLEET COMMANDERS 0-2 Command Ships who enjoy close ties with the people of Prometheus. In
0-1 Master of the Fleet Space Marine Battle Barge.............................. 425 points such cases, other local naval assets, though not strictly
You may include up to one Master of the Fleet. If the fleet subservient to the Chapter, will often still find themselves
under the sway of their superhuman neighbors.
includes any battle barges, the Master of the Fleet must STRIKE CRUISERS
be assigned to one (specifically the Chapter flagship, if it 0-10 Strike Cruisers
is present). Otherwise, he may be assigned to any Space Ordnance and Upgrades
If the fleet is worth at least 1000 points, it may include up
Marine capital ship in the fleet. If the fleet is worth at Any Space Marine capital ships (or capital ships led by a
to one venerable strike cruiser for every three standard
least 750 points, a Master of the Fleet must be included Space Marine Captain) in the fleet may embark a veteran
strike cruisers (including any strike cruiser variants), to
to lead it. honor guard for +10 points each.
a maximum of two.

Master of the Fleet (Ld10)................................. 50 points (0-2) Venerable Strike Cruiser................................ Varies Lastly, up to two cruisers in the fleet may replace all of
Space Marine Strike Cruiser............................ 145 points their launch bays with mine launchers for +5 points per
A Master of the Fleet may employ a Chapter tactic for bay replaced.
+15 points, and/or purchase up to three fleet commander
re-rolls at the cost listed below: ESCORTS Attack Rating
The fleet may have any number of escorts, in squadrons A Space Marine Dominion Fleet normally has an attack
One re-roll.......................................................... 25 points of two to six vessels. rating of 3. However, if the fleet includes any allies of
Two re-rolls........................................................ 50 points convenience, it has an attack rating of 2 instead.
Nova Frigate....................................................... 45 points
Three re-rolls...................................................... 75 points
Gladius Frigate................................................... 40 points Reserves and Allies
Hunter Destroyer................................................ 40 points A Space Marine Dominion Fleet may take vessels from
In addition, the Master of the Fleet’s ship may embark a
Terminator honor guard for +25 points. Firestorm Rapid Strike Vessel*.......................... 35 points any Imperial Navy fleet list as reserves, according to the
Sword Rapid Strike Vessel*............................... 35 points following rules (this is the only way it may take Imperial
Falchion Rapid Strike Vessel*........................... 35 points Navy reserves, even if joined by a fleet detachment with
SECONDARY COMMANDERS Cobra Rapid Strike Vessel*............................... 30 points different reserve options):
Space Marine Captains
Any Imperial Navy reserve capital ship may have a Space *Rapid strike vessels are not allies of convenience, even • One battleship or grand cruiser for every three strike
Marine Captain. Vessels that do so use the Space Marine though they are Imperial Navy ships. When mixing them cruisers, counting against the fleet’s battle barge limit.
leadership table instead of the standard table, and are no with Space Marine escorts, the squadron uses the Space
longer subject to the rules for allies of convenience. In all • One battlecruiser, standard cruiser, or light cruiser for
Marine leadership table but will suffer -1Ld if all of its every two strike cruisers, counting against the fleet’s
other respects they remain Imperial Navy ships.
Space Marine members are destroyed. strike cruiser limit.
Space Marine Captain........................................ 25 points • No more than one Nova Cannon armed ship for every
USING A SPACE MARINE 1000 points (or portion thereof) in the fleet.
BATTLE BARGES DOMINION FLEET These rules replace the normal ratio-based reserve limits
You may include one battle barge for every 1000 points The Master of each Space Marine Chapter is its leader when taking Imperial Navy reserves.
in the fleet (or portion thereof). The fleet must be worth at and spiritual head. He leads his troops in battle and acts as
least 1000 points to include the Chapter flagship. the figurehead for the entire Chapter. As some Chapters A Dominion Fleet may also take reserves normally from
rule entire planets or even sub-sectors of space, a Chapter any Adeptus Mechanicus fleet list, counting battleships
0-1 Chapter Flagship Master may well act as the head of government as well, against the fleet’s battle barge limit and cruisers (of any
Venerable Battle Barge........................................... Varies effectively as the Imperial Commander of a whole planet type) against the fleet’s strike cruiser limit, in addition to
Ultima Class Battle Barge................................ 450 points or system. Particular examples are the Ultramarines, who the usual 3:1 limit on reserves. These vessels are always
Space Marine Battle Barge.............................. 425 points rule over the dominion of Ultramar, and the Salamanders, allies of convenience.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 149

Many of the vessels throughout this volume have their own selection of ship class refits available to them. Most of these are of
course unique and restricted to a single faction or class of vessel but there are a number of more generic refits commonly found
across a wide variety of ships, and even across different factions. Additionally, certain crew specialties can be found among many
different factions, particularly those that share a use of Imperial technology. The rules for these refits and skills, including when
they should be used, are found in this section.

"T he universe is not like a puzzle-box that you can take apart and put back together again and so solve its secrets. It is a shifting uncertain
thing which changes as you consider it, which is changed by the very act of observation. A powerful man is not a man who dissects the
universe like a puzzle-box, examining it piece by piece and measuring each piece with scientific precision. A powerful man has only to look upon
the universe to change it."

-Technomagos Gaelos

150 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



Throughout the vast Imperium, human technology is as In addition to any options given in your faction rules and
varied as the stars themselves. Yet for every difference in fleet list (as described above), you may also acquire refits D6 SKILL
shape, style, and methodology, the end result is typically from these tables by making an appeal in the Aftermath Expert Gunnery. The ship’s gun crew are among
the same for whichever unfortunate aliens happen to be step of your campaign turn. The specific rules for doing the finest in the whole sector, able to lay down a
caught in the crosshairs. so can be found in the Campaigns section of the main 1 devastating barrage. When the vessel attempts a
rulebook. command check for Lock On special orders, roll
The following tables are used to represent general classes 3D6 and discard the highest result.
of refits that make use of human technology. While each To Roll or Buy?
fleet (or even individual vessels) might employ different Unless otherwise specified, all options must be purchased Skilled Engineers. The crew responsible for
specific mechanisms or configurations, most refits of the from the table just like any other type of upgrade, adding running the engines are highly adept, able to
same function will have essentially identical effects with the points cost of the chosen refit to the equipped vessel’s respond quickly to orders for more or less power.
cost as normal. 2
respect to gameplay. When the ship attempts a command check for All
Ahead Full or Burn Retros special orders, roll
For instance, a targeting matrix constructed on Agripinaa However, when acquired via an appeal in a campaign (or 3D6 and discard the highest result.
might be superficially different in form compared to one when applying certain fleet or faction special rules), you
assembled on Mars, but both would simply be considered must roll to determine the refit your ship receives. Where Adept Trimsmen. The officers and crew who are
the same ‘targeting matrix’ refit for game purposes. this is the case, the refit’s points cost (shown in the table) responsible for the ship’s maneuvering boast that
is waived, but not any other associated costs (such as the they could get the ship to turn on the head of a
points increase imposed by appealing for a refit during a 3
As such, the most important rule regarding these tables is pin! When the ship attempts a command check
that a single ship cannot ever have or benefit from more campaign). for Come to New Heading special orders, roll
than one copy of each listed refit, no matter how it would 3D6 and discard the highest result.
earn or acquire it. (Refits with the same name are treated Unless instructed to roll on a specific sub-table, roll a D3
as the same refit, even if from other sources or tables). to first determine which type of upgrade the ship will get. Excellent Pilots. The ship is famed for the skill
A result of 1 grants an Engine refit, a result of 2 grants a of its pilots. The well-timed attack runs of its
For example, a ship whose commander grants it the Extra Ship refit, and a result of 3 grants a Weapon refit. Then, bombers can cause horrendous damage while its
Turrets refit from the Xenos Refits table could not have roll a D6 on the appropriate sub-table; the vessel gains fighter pilots fly rings around enemy attack craft.
the Extra Turrets refit from the Imperial Refits table, even the refit corresponding to the result. The vessel’s bombers squadrons may re-roll the
if it had the opportunity to purchase it in its fleet list. dice when determining the number of attacks
In all cases, if you roll a result that cannot be applied they make. Additionally, the vessel’s fighters
(because the ship already has the refit or is prohibited gain a 4+ resilient save (if they do not already
USING IMPERIAL REFITS from equipping it, or in the rare case that it has every refit have one). This crew skill has no effect on multi-
The Imperial Refits table is subdivided into three distinct
in a single category), simply roll again until the ship gets role attack craft.
sub-tables: the Engine Refits table, the Ship Refits table,
a valid new upgrade.
and the Weapon Refits table. These are not restricted to
Disciplined Crew. The ship’s crew bend to their
any one faction (though they are most commonly found
tasks with enthusiasm and loyalty. Once per
on Imperial or former-Imperial vessels). Acquiring such CREW SKILLS 5
battle the ship may re-roll a failed leadership test
upgrades is regulated as follows: In addition to special refits, ships may acquire various
or command check.
crew skills to represent their level of battle experience
Standard Games (usually as part of a campaign). Whenever an Adeptus
Elite Command Crew. The vessel’s command
In a standard one-off game (i.e. not part of a campaign), Mechanicus, Chaos, Imperial Navy, Inquisition, Rogue crew work efficiently as a team, able to respond
the special refits found in these tables are not universally Trader, or Space Marine vessel earns a crew skill, roll a quickly to the orders of the fleet commander.
available for purchase. You can only purchase refits from D6 on the table to the right and apply the corresponding 6
Once per battle before making a leadership test
the relevant tables as directed by your faction and fleet’s improvement. Re-roll if a duplicate or inapplicable result or command check, the ship may automatically
special rules. This may require you to abide by specific is generated. If a ship somehow acquires all six possible pass the test or check without needing to roll.
limitations or fulfill other requirements. crew skills, it cannot gain any more.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 151

D6 Cost Engine Refit
Arrester Engines. The ship has a number of secondary engines mounted near its prow, which enable the vessel to reduce speed rapidly. The ship has +1Ld while attempting
1 5pts
ENGINE REFITS command checks to go on Burn Retros or All Ahead Full special orders.
Navigational Shields. The ship is enveloped in low-frequency shields designed to shunt aside debris and other impediments as the ship moves. The ship does not suffer
2 5pts
reductions to its speed for moving through blast markers (this includes gas and dust clouds and similar effects).
3 10pts Auxiliary Power Relays. The rear of the ship is criss-crossed with additional cables and pipelines, feeding more power to the engines. The ship adds +5cm to its speed.
Secondary Reactors. The ship’s additional power generators allow it to put on a tremendous burst of speed for short lengths of time. The ship adds an extra +2D6cm to its
4 10pts
speed when on All Ahead Full special orders.
Maneuvering Thrusters. Additional thrusters along the length of the ship allow it to turn much more quickly. The ship reduces the distance it needs to move before turning
5 20pts
by 5cm.
Evasive Jets. The hull of the vessel is studded with powerful short-burn engines which allow it to drastically turn to avoid incoming fire. At the start of the enemy shooting
6 20pts
phase, the ship may take a leadership test. If the test is passed, the ship immediately turns 45° in the direction of your choice and cannot go on special orders during its next turn.

D6 Cost Ship Refit

Improved Logic Engines. The ship’s countless metriculators and mechanical cogitators enable the crew to perform with full effectiveness even in the midst of the fiercest
1 5pts
battle. The ship does not suffer -1Ld to its command checks while in contact with blast markers.
Improved Sensor Array. The ship’s assayers and long-range surveyors are particularly attuned to pick up energy emissions and signals from enemy ships. When making
2 5pts
command checks, the ship gains +2Ld if any enemy ships are on special orders instead of only +1Ld.

Superior Damage Control. The ship benefits from an improved auto-repair system and/or more highly adept engineers and technicians. The ship may roll an additional D6
3 10pts
when attempting to repair critical damage.
Reinforced Hull. The ship’s hull is fitted with additional armor and internal bracing, increasing its maximum damage points by 25% (rounding up) but also reducing its Speed
4 10pts
characteristic by 5cm. Escorts cannot take this refit.
5 20pts Additional Shield Generator. The ship has auxiliary shield generators installed to deflect incoming fire. The ship adds +1 to its Shields characteristic.
Overloaded Shield Capacitors. Specialized power relays and generators allow the ship’s engineers to temporarily divert extra power to the shields. After an enemy vessel
6 20pts rolls to hit against the ship, roll a D6 for each of the ship’s active shields. For each result of 6, discard one incoming hit. This refit has no effect against hits that bypass the
target’s shields.

D6 Cost Weapon Refit

Extra Turrets. The vessel is studded with numerous close defense weapons to shoot down enemy ordnance. The ship adds +1 to its Turrets value. If the ship already has a
1 5pts
Turrets value of 6 or higher, re-roll this result.
Auto-loaders. The ship’s crews are aided in their task of readying torpedoes and attack craft by huge semi-automated cranes and conveyor belts. The ship has +1Ld while

2 5pts
attempting command checks to go on Reload Ordnance special orders. Re-roll this result if the ship has no ordnance.
Superior Fire Control. A powerful fire control system has been installed in the ship’s bridge, enabling the command crew to direct the ship’s firing with greater efficiency. The
3 10pts
ship has +1Ld while attempting command checks to go on Lock On special orders.
Turbo Weapons. The ship’s weapons have been given additional punch and accuracy at long range. The ship does not suffer a right column-shift when firing its gunnery
4 10pts
weapons at targets more than 30cm away.
Targeting Matrix. The ship’s weapon systems are linked together through a massive targeting network so they can maximize their fire. All gunnery weapons benefit from an
5 20pts
extra left column-shift in addition to any other column-shifts that apply.
Motion-Tracking Targeters. A complex analytical array linked to the ship’s navigational systems enables the gun crews to fire with greater accuracy when the ship is
6 20pts performing special maneuvers. If the ship is on All Ahead Full, Burn Retros, or Come to New Heading special orders, its weapons’ effectiveness is reduced by only 25%
(rounding up) rather than halved.

152 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium

A number of elements the original BFG rules have been altered as part of the BFG:XR Project (and its spiritual predecessor, BFG:R). In
many places, XR changes are simply adjustments to grammar and language, in order to improve clarity or fix (a few) typos. Other changes
include expansions to the existing material, re-integrations of older rules that were either dropped or not included in BFG:R, and finally a
handful of balance updates. Note that this appendix generally only lists those changes which constitute an actual alteration of the Official +
FAQ2010 rules, not adjustments to language or readability. The most recent changes are in Magenta (December 31, 2021 11:43 AM).

"I t was death or embracing Chaos, and I knew that through Chaos, I might live. Live! It is life that matters and what I
have learned is that Chaos is life, for life is change and destruction and new forms, new mutations ever manifesting. We
clung to the Emperor, a dying effigy, because He was all we knew. We feared life. We feared our own potential strength.
The Imperium is dying. A slow death, but it's dying. I did what I had to, that's all. I opened my eyes and saw what a fool all
of us were, bowing to a half-dead failure slumped on a throne. Haha! The blasphemy still sends shivers down my spine. It
is the freshness of life. I am given to Chaos now. Now I truly live!"

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 153



[Addition] Most Mechanicus versions of Imperial vessels now [Change] Archmagos Veneratus fleet commander removed. The
have all unique descriptions. Archmagos Explorator now has Ld9 by default.
[Addition] [Change] The Defiant class light cruiser may take [Change] Fleet commander re-roll cost normalized to 25pts per
the same upgrades as the Endeavour and Endurance. re-roll, to bring it in line with other fleets.
[Change] Mechanicus Gifts have been restructured to be cost-
based rather than random, in order to improve setup speed and
player choice. Several of the options have also been changed to
flatten the power curve of the different gift options.
• EER now uses its original rules and also prevents a ship
from being slowed below 15cm.
• FDT has been changed to -2 turrets and +1 massed turret
for self and ships within 15cm.
• Advanced Engines have been adjusted to work as a combo
of existing Imperial Refits.
• Repulsor Shielding replaced by Advanced Shields, which
grants the Overloaded Shield Capacitors refit and a right
column-shift against enemy attacks while shields are up.
• AWR replaced by Advanced Weapons, which grants the
Targeting Matrix refit + a Str 1 dorsal lance.
• Gyro-Stabilized Targeting Matrix removed.
• The Vault of Technology is now available as part of the
table, enabling ships to gain a random gift for free at the
start of the game instead of buying a specific one (enabling
the more classic style of play if desired).
[Change] All fleet ship profiles updated to match their Imperial
Navy counterparts, except where modified for AdMech use. See
the Imperial Navy change log for details.
[Change] Ark Mechanicus stats updated:
• Price reduced from 415 to 405
• Turrets increased from 4 to 5
• Repulsor Shields / AWR replaced by Advanced Shields /
Advanced Weapons, respectively (modifications shown in
• Removed option to replace lances with launch bays.
[Change] Endeavor/Endurance 6+ prow optional refit removed;
they now have 6+ prow armor by default.
[Change] Points changes:
• Emperor: Reduced from 400 to 390
• Oberon: Increased from 370 to 380
• Dictator: Reduced from 255 to 245
• Tyrant: Reduced from 220 to 215
• Endeavor: Increased from 125 to 130
• Endurance: Increased from 125 to 130
• Hunter: Increased from 35 to 40
• Firestorm: Reduced from 40 to 35

154 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



[Change] Mark of Chaos changes: [Change] Despoiler Class Battleship: [Addition][Change] The Conqueror
• Mark of Slaanesh: Effect reduced to -1Ld. Price reduced • Price reduced from 400 to 390. • Price increased from 380 to 400.
from 25 to 15. • P/S launch bay strength reduced from 4 to 2 each. • Lance strength reduced from 3 to 2.
• Mark of Khorne: Warmaster effect removed. Price reduced • P/S battery firepower increased from 6 to 10 each. • P/S battery firepower increased from 12 to 16.
from 20 to 15. • Prow lance battery replaced by Strength 4 launch bay. • Torpedo strength reduced from 9 to 8.
• Mark of Tzeentch: Functionality changed to re-roll any • Prow torpedo refit strength increased from 8 to 9 and now • Gains Improved Thrusters for free.
Critical Damage roll made by or against the ship (including only reduces prow weapon strength by 2. • Berzerker Horde functionality changed to re-roll boarding
hit-and-run raids). Price reduced from 30 to 15. action results (keeping the second roll).
[Addition] The Desecrator and Relictor class battleship designs • Added Defiant Rage rule.
• Mark of Nurgle: Removed boarding prohibition. Price
have been added.
reduced from 35 to 15. [Addition][Change] Chaos Incursion fleet:
[Addition] [Change] Grand Cruisers:
[Addition] The Mark of Chaos Undivided added as an option. • Warmaster cost reduced from 100 to 75, and is no longer
It allows your entire fleet to use your Lord’s leadership during • Repulsive: Added 45cm dorsal lance refit option. required in games under 750 points.
one turn of the game. • Vengeance variants: Added S6 prow torpedo refit option, • Warmaster may now have up to 2 re-rolls at 25pts each.
+1Ld refit option, and Improved Thrusters option. • Warmaster can no longer be given multiple Marks.
[Change] Chaos Space Marine updates:
• Retaliator: Price increased from 260 to 275. Battery range • Secondary commanders now called Aspiring Champions;
• Chaos Space marines now use the Space Marine leadership increased from 30cm to 45cm. LB strength increased from provide +1Ld (Max 9) instead of Ld8. Price reduced from
table or add +1 to a commander’s fixed leadership. 2 to 3 each. Removed free Improved Thruster refit. 50 to 30.
• CSM now benefit from Space Marine rules for boarding, • Nephilim: New design. • Now takes reserves from the Black Crusade and Renegades
hit-and-run attacks, and teleporting. [Change] Cruisers: lists only, and cannot take the PK or space hulk as reserves.
• Chaos Terminators updated to match the effect and cost of
regular Space Marine Terminators (see the Space Marine • Devastation: P/S lance range reduced from 60cm to 45cm. [Addition][Change] 13th Black Crusade fleet:
change log for details). • Murder: Removed ‘1/750pts’ limit on lance variant. • Fleet / Secondary commander options now consistent with
• Chaos Space Marine Thunderhawks have been renamed as Chaos Incursion fleet.
[Addition] Chaos light cruisers added: Fanatic, Schismatic, and
Stormbirds. These are triple-role Fighter-Bomber-Assault- • Desecrator, Relictor, Hecate, Inferno, and Legion flagships
Heretic classes. These are limited to 0-6 in most Chaos fleets.
Boats, matching the update to regular Thunderhawks. added. Replaced Vengeance with Nephilim. Light cruisers
• Removed Legion / Mark dependency, Legion commander [Addition][Change] Escorts: added as well.
requirements, and rivalry rules. New rules implemented to • Removed cruiser limit.
prevent mark-mixing in the same squadron. • Iconoclast: Price reduced from 30 to 25.
• Havoc: New design. • Reserve rules updated.
[Change] Daemonships: [Addition] Chaos Renegades fleet list added.
[Change] Removed Activated Blackstone Fortress and Vengeful
• Cost for cruisers increased from 20 to 25. Spirit from faction list. [Addition][Change] Legion fleets:
• Now limited to 1 daemonship per 1000 points.
[Change] The Terminus Est: • Fleet / Secondary commander options now consistent with
• May no longer affect enemy ships with Marks of Chaos if
they are spectral or haunting. • Hives of Nurgle firepower reduced from 14 to 6 each. Now Chaos Incursion fleet.
• While spectral, they no longer suffer damage from ‘Fire!’ drops 1 blast for each undamaged Hive instead of only 1. • Added Desecrator and Relictor.
crits, but cannot repair critical damage. They may now use Defensive bonus moved to Miasma of Pestilence. • Removed Chaos Battle Barge.
Reload Ordnance and/or BFI while haunting. • Prow lance strength reduced from 4 to 3. • Grand Cruiser list updated to match Black Crusade fleet.
• Scatter roll replaced with a D6 arrival roll. Materialization • P/S launch bay strength reduced from 3 to 2 each. • Daemonships no longer required to have a Mark.
roll removed. Materialization now happens after moving • Now has CSM and Chaos Terminators for free. • Plague Arks do not cause catastrophic damage with plague
and imposes a Ld test (failure halves weapon strength for • Miasma of Pestilence: Functionality changed to cause all critical hits.
the turn). Removed prohibition against end-phase actions. ordnance to count as passing through blast markers when • Strand of Fortune changed to work for any failed re-roll
• Leadership penalty aura applies at all times now. attacking the ship, and prevents enemies from gaining a instead of only command checks and leadership tests.
left column-shift when firing gunnery within 15cm.
[Addition] Chaos torpedo bombers have been named after the
Harbinger super heavy bomber from Forgeworld. [Change] The Wage of Sin:
[Change] Abaddon the Despoiler gains CSM crew and Chaos • Price reduced from 430 to 420.
Terminators instead of bespoke boarding and H&R modifiers. • Lances changed from 4x45cm to 3x60cm each.
He still doubles his ship’s troop rating. Additionally, he must be • Weapon battery firepower increased from 6 to 12.
aboard the Planet Killer if both are present in a fleet. • Torpedo strength reduced from 9 to 6.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 155



[Change] Apocalypse Battleship: [Change] Ramilies star fort quadrant Armor increased from 5+
to 6+ for all quadrants.
• Lance range increased to 60cm from 30cm.
• Lance rule functionality changed to: If firing lances at any [Addition][Change] All Fleet Lists:
target more than 30cm away, a blast marker is placed at the
• Admiral price reduced from 100 to 75
rear of the ship’s base.
• Solar Admiral price reduced from 150 to 100
[Change] Oberon Battleship • Cost of re-rolls reduced to 25 per re-roll at each level.
• Added Secondary Commanders to all fleet lists.
• Price increased from 335 to 355 • Names of Fleet / Secondary Commanders adjusted.
• Dorsal / prow battery range increased from 45cm to 60cm • Nova Cannon limited to 1 per 500pts (or portion).
[Change] Retribution Battleship [Change] Bastion Fleets:
• Price increased from 345 to 355 • Clarified the special rules for the Cadia and Reserve fleets
• P/S battery profile changed from 12x60cm to 18x45cm. so it is clear they are part of the regular Bastion Fleets list.
[Change] Victory Battleship price increased from 345 to 355 • Battlefleet Cadia Veteran Captain price reduced from 50
to 15
[Change] Vanquisher Battleship
[Addition][Change] Armageddon Fleet:
• Price increased from 300 to 330
• Battle barge limited to 0-1
• Restored uniqueness as it appeared in BFG Mag; profile
• Strike cruisers limited to 0-4
once again represents the Vae Victis.
• Space Marine ship prices updated to match SM changes.
• Speed increased to 20cm from 15cm
• Sword class added
[Change] Grand Cruisers • Cobra class removed
• Firestorm and Sword classes removed as Space Marine
• Vengeance variants: Added S6 prow torpedo refit option, strike vessel options (they remain in the IN escort list).
+1Ld refit option, and Improved Thrusters option.
• Exorcist: Price increased from 230 to 260. Launch bay [Addition][Change] Bakka Fleet:
strength increased from 2 to 3. • Admiral Rath price reduced from 200 to 150
• Avenger: Price reduced from 220 to 200. Battery firepower • Rath must now be aboard the Dominus Astra if present.
increased from 16 to 20. • Battleship limit changed to 1 per 750pts
[Addition][Change] Battlecruisers: • Battlecruiser limit changed to 1 per 3 cruisers
• Armageddon class replaced by Cardinal class
• Mars Battlecruiser price reduced from 270 to 260. • Cruiser limit changed to 1 per 2 light cruisers
• Removed Jovian battlecruiser. • Dominator class removed.
• Added Cardinal battlecruiser design. • Light cruiser limit now 0-12, independent of cruiser limit.
• Added Dauntless class with 0-2 limit
[Change] Cruisers & light cruisers:
• Added Firestorm class
• Dictator price reduced from 220 to 210 • Removed Jovian class
• Tyrant price reduced from 185 to 175 • Added ability for capital ships to purchase the Mechanicus
• Endeavor variants: Removed 6+ prow armor refit. These Fleet Defense Turrets refit.
now have 6+ prow armor by default. • Mechanicus ships substituted for battlecruisers follow the
• Defiant: Price reduced from 120 to 110. Turrets increased normal Mechanicus rules, but are not allies or reserves.
from 2 to 3. Added Strength-2 prow torpedoes. Replaced • Endeavor / Endurance extra turret refit now applies to the
prow lances with a prow weapons battery. Dauntless and all standard cruisers as well.
• New artwork for Siluria class. • Reserves limited to Imperial Navy fleets only at a 4:1 ratio
instead of 3:1.
[Change] Escorts:
• Adjusted the artwork for the Viper destroyer.
• Firestorm price reduced from 40 to 35
• Falchion turrets increased from 1 to 2

156 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



[Addition] Inquisitors in a campaign can re-roll whether an • Added Grey Knight Interceptors. Allows a ship to re-roll from off the table (requires all ships in squadron/division
appeal is granted. a teleport attack, taking the second result. Costs 5pts and to be GKSCs).
is only available in the GK standalone fleet (see below).
[Change] Ordo bonuses: [Change] Inquisitorial Cruiser:
• Grey Knight upgrades grant a ship the appropriate teleport
• Designating an Ordo is now free and mandatory, instead attack rules from the Space Marine faction. • Price reduced from 270 to 250
of a 25pt option. Ordo designation no longer provides any • Hexagrammic wards moved to GK special rules. • Standard dorsal weapon changed to lance; bombardment
bonus to leadership. • Removed Bastion Fleet reserve options. cannon is now the optional refit. Profiles unchanged.
• Boarding and H&R bonuses replaced by the Inquisitorial • Removed redundant special rule references.
[Addition] Radical Inquisitors: A selection of upgrades for each
Retinue upgrade, which allows the ship to force enemies to Ordo that reflect Inquisitors who ‘fight fire with fire,’ at the cost [Change] Black Ship:
re-roll boarding and H&R rolls against the ship. of losing some of their Ordo’s standard options.
• Fluff and art updated to match Adeptus Astra Telepathica
[Change] Inquisition Thunderhawks renamed gun-cutters. They • Hereticus radicals may designate a Purgator vessel, which Black Ship.
preserve the original functionality of Thunderhawks as fighter- causes an extra ‘Fire!’ for each ‘Fire!’ it inflicts. The fleet • Prow torpedoes replaced with weapons battery (5x60cm,
assault boats. suffers -2Ld on each ship that does not have battle sisters. Left / Front / Right)
[Addition][Change] Ordo Hereticus: • Ordo Xenos special reserves and refits moved to radical • Replaced bespoke boarding and H&R rules with automatic
options. Taking such options now prevents inclusion of Inquisitorial Retinue for free.
• Battle Sister Detachment now provides a +1 crew damage Deathwatch and Space Marine upgrades. • Removed special objective rule.
bonus (+2 if combined with Celestians, below). • Xenos upgrade option is now from the Xenos Refits table • Updated to use Convoy Ship rules, but with exceptions for
• Added Celestian Bodyguard. Allows ship to re-roll H&R instead of a bespoke table. leadership and All Ahead Full orders. Transport capacity 6,
attacks (or roll 2D6 and pick one result if battle sisters are • Malleus radicals can now buy a Mark of Chaos and have which cannot be more than 50% of your total.
also present). Cannot be combined with or benefit from the Daemonhosts. Daemonhosts add +D3 crew damage, but
rules for Space Marines. [Change] Inquisitorial Fleet Detachment:
impose -2Ld on the ship. Radical options prevent the use
• Added Inferno Torpedoes. Unlimited-use melta torpedoes, of Grey Knights. • Increased Inquisitor limit to 1-3. Inquisitors are now the
but cause D6 damage to the equipped ship if they suffer a Ld9 option, while Inquisitor Lords are Ld10.
critical hit. [Addition][Change] Grey Knights: • Inquisitors may now fulfill fleet commander requirements.
• Removed requirement to embark a Hereticus Inquisitor on • Removed references to Thunderhawk Annihilators (see the • Removed free re-roll and reduced Inquisitor cost. Added
a Blackship used as an exterminator. Space Marine change log). extra re-roll purchase option.
• Hexagrammic wards and boarding re-roll merged into the • Added option to take vortex torpedoes on Inquisitor Lord’s
[Addition][Change] Ordo Xenos:
Grey Knights’ inherent Chapter Tactic, matching updates ship for +50pts.
• Removed penalty to Xenos ships boarding an Ordo Xenos to the Space Marine faction. Prevents GK from using any • Removed placement restrictions for Inquisitors.
vessel. other Chapter Tactic or Tactical Flexibility. • Added Secondary Commanders.
• Added Hellfire Sentry Guns refit, which adds +2D3 troop • Adjusted Hexagrammic ward ability to nullify the effect of • Limit on Inquisitorial Cruisers increased to 1 per 3 joined
rating when defending against a boarding action. any Mark of Chaos on GK ships and those in base contact cruisers, counting as Grand Cruisers or Battlecruisers.
• Special refit moved to Radical Inquisitor options. with one. • GKSCs are now limited to 0-3.
• Added Deathwatch Kill-Team: Space Marine honor guard • Added GK versions of SM escorts. • Black Ships moved to Scenario special options.
with an extra +1 modifier. Costs 15pts. • Merged reserve rules.
• Added Deathwatch Terminators: Space Marine terminators [Change] Grey Knights Battle Barge:
[Addition][Change] Added a standalone Grey Knights fleet. It
with an extra +1 modifier. Costs 30pts. • Price reduced from 440 to 430 functions similarly to the Dominion Fleet.
• Deathwatch upgrades grant a ship the appropriate teleport • Speed increased from 20cm to 25cm
attack rules from the Space Marine faction. • Shields and Turrets increased from 3 to 4 each.
• Removed requirement adding D6x50pts of Xenos ships to • Launch bay strength reduced from 3 to 2.
enemy Xenos fleets. • Prow torpedoes replaced with prow bombardment cannon,
(6x30cm, Front)
[Addition][Change] Ordo Malleus:
[Change] Grey Knights Strike Cruiser:
• Grey Knight Terminators renamed as Paladins; updated to
match Space Marine terminators with an extra +1 modifier. • Speed increased from 25cm to 30cm
• Paladins limited to Fleet Commander’s vessel instead of • Launch bay strength reduced from 2 to 1.
any GK vessel. Price reduced from 50 to 30. • Added prow bombardment cannon (2x30cm, Front)
• Added Purifiers: Space Marine honor guard with an extra • Removed refit options.
+1 modifier. Costs 15pts. • Added ability to re-roll the dice when attempting to arrive

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 157



[Addition] [Change] The entire list has been overhauled, with [Change] All fleet lists have been significantly adjusted in order
nearly all of it reflecting completely new content. to accommodate the new base rules.
• Introduced ‘Fortune’ mechanic: Enables different styles of [Change] Rogue Trader may now function as fleet commander
Rogue Trader fleets, and provides a reward for including in a fleet detachment’s joined fleet.
more transports (which would otherwise only be used for
[Change] Exploration fleet renamed to Expedition fleet (to help
scenario effects).
differentiate it from the Explorator fleet in the AdMech faction).
• Introduced new Sub-Plot table for use with transport ships
when not playing a scenario that uses them normally (like [Change] Excluded RT-specific scenario configurations, except
Convoy or Planetary Assault). for the High Risk Convoy tables.
• The Rogue Trader Cruiser is now the Man O’ War, which
is a modular ship type that can be customized for a variety
of different roles.
• Men O’ War can be configured as light cruisers, “galleons”
(cruiser or battlecruiser, depending on choice of options),
grand cruisers, or battleships.
• “Customized Refits” have been tied to the generic Imperial
and Xenos Refits in the faction book tables.
• Certain options cost Fortune, and others increase Fortune.
• Rogue Traders now have their own set of convoy ships: the
Mass Conveyor, Carrack, Sloop, Caravel, Escort Carrier,
and Convoy Monitor. These are separate from the generic
types in the main rulebook. While RTs can use other types
of transport, their faction-specific versions will provide the
greatest benefit in terms of Fortune.
[Change] Clarified that the cost of a repair tender or super-heavy
transport (which are now carrack refits) is 50 points altogether.
[Change] Xenos cutters are now always allies of convenience,
and cannot be squadroned with any other ships. This was done
to eliminate problematic rules interactions regarding their refits
and those potentially purchased from the fleet list.
[Change] Adjusted how refits are applied to xenos cutter. Now,
each squadron of xenos cutters gets to pick a Xenos Refit, to
represent its species’ bonus. They cannot have any other refits.
There are also 3 ‘unique’ versions to represent the originals that
were available in FAQ2010.
[Change] Removed Recommissioned Escorts and Iconoclasts.
[Change] Fra’al battlecruiser:
• Now a cruiser type ship, but must use battleship rules for
turning. It cannot use any refits (even generic ones) and is
always an ally of convenience.
• Ether Cannon now functions as a lance that has a chance
to ignore shields.
[Change] The Stryxis Caravan Vessel no longer needs to deploy
along a straight line, and has been updated with new artwork
and descriptions.

158 Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium



[Change] Thunderhawks are now multi-role fighter-bomber- [Change] Seditio Opprimere:
assault boats. Their rules now refer back to the main rulebook
• Renamed ‘Ultima class battle barge’
which explains how this works.
• No longer unique.
[Addition] Space Marine torpedoes:
[Change] Battle Barge Shields and Turrets increased to 4 each.
• Boarding torpedoes now shown in profile (not fleet list). [Change] Strike Cruiser:
• Capital ships may now purchase short-burn torpedoes or
barrage bombs, replacing boarding torpedoes. They can no • May now have +1 Shield for +15 points.
longer access other specialist torpedo types. • Removed lance refit option.
• Bombardment cannon refit cost increased from 0 to 10,
[Addition][Change] Teleport Assault: unless Tactical Flexibility applies.
• Space Marines may now conduct teleport attacks versus • May now replace P/S batteries with launch bays (1sq each)
ships with more HP. for 20 points (10 with Tactical Flexibility).
• ‘Honor guard’ term expanded to cover all similar types of [Addition] Added Vanguard Cruiser class from Badab War IA
teleport enhancing abilities, limited to 1 per ship (prevents rulebooks. It may now have +1 Shield for +15 points.
stacking with any Inquisition upgrades).
• Honor guards (of all types) now double teleport range [Change] Escorts:
from 10cm to 20cm. • Nova cost reduced from 50 to 45
• Terminator effect is now roll 3D6 and pick two results for • Gladius cost reduced from 45 to 40
teleport H&R. Cost reduced from 50 to 25.
[Change] Fortress Monastery:
[Addition] The Space Marine fleet can now purchase a Chapter
Tactic! There is one for each 1st Founding chapter, (with some • Price reduced from 1000 to 875
art indicators) but you are not actually restricted to playing those • Now only available as a planetary defense choice. All rules
moved to special rules section (instead of fleet list).
chapters to use those tactics.
[Change] Crusade Fleet List:
[Addition][Change] Added Tactical Flexibility, which reduces
cost of Strike Cruiser refits if the fleet does NOT have a Chapter • Battle barges split into subsections: 0-1 Chapter Flagship
Tactic. (VBB, Ultima, or regular) and 0-2 regular.
• VSCs require 1000pt minimum, limited to 1 per 3 regular
[Addition][Change] Venerable Battle Barge: SCs, max 2.
• Now limited to 6 bespoke battle barge profiles, each based • 0-6 limit for vanguard cruisers.
on a battleship from the IN or Chaos faction. [Change] Dominion Fleet List:
• VBBs are now 6+ Armor all around, matching other Space
Marine vessels. • Space Marine Captains can now be assigned to any IN
• Crippled / Destroyed VP penalty reduced from 100 / 150% capital ship, removing the ‘allies of convenience’ limit.
to 50 / 125%. • Battle barge and VSC options changed to match Crusade
• ‘Classic’ rules (with additional refit guidelines) added for Fleet list.
casual play with opponent’s permission. • No vanguard cruisers allowed.
• Rapid Strike Vessels are now IN units (without SM rules),
[Addition] Venerable Strike Cruiser: but use the SM leadership table if mixed with SM ships.
• Honor guard now allowed for any SM capital ship or ship
• Split from VBB rules. These are still chosen from among
with an SM captain.
the cruiser options of the IN/Chaos fleets.
• Attack Rating penalty applies only by presence of allies of
• Added option for Strike Cruiser Prow, replacing all prow
convenience instead of by mixing factions.
weapons with 6+ Armor and S6 torpedoes. Free for ships • IN reserves now have bespoke rules: 1 BB/GC per 3 SCs,
with 6+ Prow Armor already, 25pts otherwise. 1 BC/C/LC per 2 SCs, and 1 Nova Cannon per 1000pts.
• Nova Cannon must be replaced by Strike Cruiser Prow, at This replaces the 3:1 ratio limit.
a 10pt discount on the ship’s cost. • AdMech reserves are still taken normally.
• Crippled / Destroyed VP penalty reduced from 100 / 150%
to 50 / 125%.

Expanded Revised - Ships of the Imperium 159

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