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Here’s a simple C++ code for a “Fuliza Mpesa limit increase” program:


#include <iostream>

Using namespace std;

Int main() {

Int currentLimit, increaseAmount, newLimit;

// Input current limit and increase amount

Cout << “Enter your current Fuliza Mpesa limit: “;

Cin >> currentLimit;

Cout << “Enter the amount you want to increase your limit by: “;

Cin >> increaseAmount;

// Calculate new limit

newLimit = currentLimit + increaseAmount;

// Output new limit

Cout << “Your new Fuliza Mpesa limit is: “ << newLimit << endl;

Return 0;


In this code, the user is prompted to enter their current Fuliza Mpesa limit and the amount they want to
increase their limit by. The program then calculates the new limit by adding the current limit and the
increase amount. Finally, the new limit is displayed to the user.

Please note that this code is a basic example and does not include any error handling or validation.

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