Habitat Association of Different Mammal Species in The Ipo

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Habitat Association of Different Mammal Species in the Ipo-Banahaw Area

I. Introduction

The Ipo-Banahaw Area in the Philippines is a region of ecological importance,

with diverse habitats and a wide array of mammal species. Understanding the habitat
associations of different mammal species is crucial for effective conservation and
management efforts. Habitat variables, such as vegetation composition, forest structure,
topography, water availability, and proximity to human activities, influence the suitability
and availability of resources for different mammal species. Understanding these
associations is essential for understanding the ecological dynamics and functional roles
of mammals within their respective habitats.

Despite the importance of the Ipo-Banahaw Area as a biodiversity hotspot,

comprehensive investigations of the habitat associations of mammal species in this
region are still limited. This study aims to examine the habitat associations of different
mammal species within the Ipo-Banahaw Area using rigorous ecological methods, such
as Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) and ecological modeling. CCA allows for
the exploration of multivariate associations between mammal species occurrence data
and environmental variables, providing a comprehensive understanding of factors
influencing mammal distribution patterns.

Ecological modeling techniques will be employed to predict suitable habitats and

assess the spatial distribution of mammal species across the study area. The findings
will contribute to the knowledge of mammalian ecology, providing valuable insights for
conservation planning and habitat management in this biodiverse region. By
understanding the habitat associations of different mammal species, targeted
conservation strategies can be developed, critical habitats protected, and long-term
persistence of mammal populations in the Ipo-Banahaw Area.

II. Materials and Methods

A. Description of the Study Area

The study area was conducted in the provinces of Bulacan and Quezon.

Bulacan-Ipo Watershed:

The Bulacan-Ipo Watershed is located in the province of Bulacan, Luzon Island, and
serves as a critical water source for Metro Manila and its surrounding areas. This
watershed is characterized by a combination of forests, grasslands, agricultural fields,
and water bodies. It spans a diverse range of habitats, including montane forests,
lowland forests, river systems, and agricultural landscapes. The area is known for its
high biodiversity and provides essential ecosystem services, including water regulation
and habitat provision.

Quezon-Bangkong Kahoy:

Quezon-Bangkong Kahoy refers to the region in Quezon Province, located in the

southern part of Luzon Island. This area is situated in the foothills of Mount Banahaw
and encompasses the Bangkong Kahoy Valley, which is renowned for its scenic
landscapes and rich biodiversity. The region features a combination of forested areas,
agricultural lands, and rural communities. It is characterized by diverse vegetation
types, including dipterocarp forests, mixed hardwood forests, and agroforestry systems.
The area is recognized for its cultural and ecological significance, with Mount Banahaw
considered a sacred mountain by local communities.
Both the Bulacan-Ipo Watershed and Quezon-Bangkong Kahoy regions offer a
range of habitats that support a diverse array of mammal species. The combination of
forests, water bodies, and various land uses provides ample opportunities for mammal
species to establish their populations and exhibit unique habitat associations. The
coordinates of the study area is located between 14°52′N 121°09′E and 14.0225° N,
121.4113° E

These two regions in the study area allow for a comprehensive examination of
mammal habitat associations in the broader Ipo-Banahaw Area. By encompassing
different ecological settings, the research can capture the variations in mammal species
composition and their habitat preferences across diverse landscapes.

Understanding the habitat associations of different mammal species in the

Bulacan-Ipo Watershed and Quezon-Bangkong Kahoy regions is crucial for effective
conservation and management strategies. The findings of the study will contribute to the
broader understanding of mammalian ecology in the Ipo-Banahaw Area and provide
valuable insights for conservation planning and sustainable land use practices in these
ecologically significant regions.

3. Methods


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