Logarithms Tough Practice Problems

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Properties of Logarithms


(a) logam + logan = loga mn


(c) loga(m)n = n logam


(d) where c > o and c ≠ 1

(*) This is called Base Change Property


(*) Whenever log is in power, property (e) is useful)

We may straight away observe three important deductions using the
base change property.

(1) (we may prove it by taking c = b)

(2) logc b × logb a = logc a (we may prove it by cross multiplying)

Generalized result is loga b × logb c × logc d = loga d

(3) (we may prove it using base change)

Basic Mathematics
Q If x2 + y2 = 6xy, then show that
2 log10 (x + y) = log10 x + log10 y + 3 log102

Results Recall
(a) logam + logan = loga mn

(c) loga(m)n = n logam

Solution :
Q Find ‘b’ if : loge 2 xlogb 625 = log10 16 x loge 10.

Results Recall
logc b × logb a = logc a
Solution :
Q Prove that :

Results Recall
Solution :
Q Prove that :

Results Recall
Solution :
Q Prove that :

Results Recall
Solution :
Q If , where N > 0 and N ≠ 1, a, b, c > 0

and not equal to 1, then prove that b2 = ac.

Results Recall
Solution :
Q The value of

A 2

B 3

C 4

D 1
Q The value of

A 2

B 3

C 4

D 1
Solution :
Q Solve for X : logx 2 x log2x 2 = logx 2.

Results Recall
Solution :
Solution :
Q Solve : 6(logx 2 - log4 x) + 7 = 0.

Results Recall
Solution :
Solution :
Q Simplify :

Results Recall
Solution :
Solution :
Q Find the number of digits in 340, given that log103 = 0.477
Solution :
Q Given that log(2) = 0.3010…, the number of digits in the number
20002000 isis

A 6601

B 6602

C 6603

D 6604
Q Given that log(2) = 0.3010…, the number of digits in the number
20002000 is

A 6601

B 6602

C 6603

D 6604
Solution :
Q The value of (log10 2)3 + log10 8. log105 + (log105)3 is ______.

Results Recall

a3 + b3 = (a + b)3 - 3ab(a + b)
Solution :
Q Express log30 8 in terms of log30 3 & log30 5.
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