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Jason made a new friend. His name is Daniel. Daniel only has one arm. He lost it in a
car accident as a child. Jason really enjoyed Daniel's company. He invited Daniel
out with some other friends. Jason was sure the other guys would like Daniel,
too. "Meet us at the restaurant," said Jason. Daniel walked into the restaurant. All
the other guys stared at him. Daniel got very nervous. "I hope they don't make fun
of my arm," he thought. He really wanted to become friends with Jason's
buddies. "Wow," said one of the guys. "That's a really nice shirt! Daniel was
relieved. He was invited along every week after that.

Reading Comprehension:

1. Why does Daniel have only one arm?

2. Where will Daniel and Jason meet?
3. Who will meet Daniel aside from Jason?
4. What did Daniel feel after walking into the restaurant?
5. How many friends do you have?
6. Who is your closest friend and why?
7. What do you usually do with your friends?
8. How did you meet your friends?
9. Why do you like your friends?
10. What is the best experience you had with your friends?


Jason made a new __________. His name is Daniel. Daniel only has one arm. He lost
it in a car ___________ as a child. Jason really enjoyed Daniel's _________. He
invited Daniel out with some other _________. Jason was sure the other guys would
like Daniel, too. "Meet us at the __________," said Jason. Daniel walked into the
restaurant. All the other guys ________ at him. Daniel got very __________. "I
hope they don't make fun of my arm," he thought. He really wanted to become
friends with Jason's __________. "Wow," said one of the guys. "That's a really nice
________! Daniel was relieved. He was _______ along every week after that.

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