G.9 - Q.1 Literature Revision

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Al Manar Language School – American Section



I. The Rights to the Streets of Memphis

1. What is the conflict faced by Richard at the beginning of the story?





2. What is the conflict faced by Richard’s mother when his father left the family?





3. Why do you think Richard chose to fight the boys instead of going home and gets punished by his mother?





4. Do you think it is right for Richard to fight with the boys? Why?





5. Defend your choice of climax for this story.




6. Who is the antagonist of this piece?




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Al Manar Language School – American Section

7. What point of view is this story told from? Explain your decision.




8. What is the story’s theme? Or what message is the story trying to communicate?




9. Recall an example of the following from the selection:



Dynamic character

Character motivation

Internal conflict

External conflict

Excerpt in which the

author uses analogy

Vocabulary skills:

Vocab word Synonym Antonym Sentence






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Al Manar Language School – American Section

II. A Sound of Thunder

1. At the beginning of the story, what are the comments from the man behind the desk meant to do?




2. What is the main purpose of the antigravity path?




3. What does the repeated warning to stay on the path foreshadow?




4. Why does Time Safari hunt animals that are about to die anyway?




5. Which details from the story help to clearly show that Eckels is scared even before he lands in the past?




6. When Eckels sees the Tyrannosaurus for the first time, of what does he become convinced? And why?




7. Why does Travis insist that Eckels retrieve the bullets from the dinosaur?




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Al Manar Language School – American Section

8. What actually changes the future (Eckels’s present)?




9. What are the signs of change that Eckels notices when he gets out of the machine?




10. What is the final sound of thunder that Eckels hears?




11. What is Eckels’s main character flaw?




12. How is Deutscher described as a leader? To what does this description allude for?




13. After returning back to the future, what does Eckels learn about the election?




14. Recall an example of the following from the selection:



Cause and effect

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Al Manar Language School – American Section

Internal conflict

External conflict

Verbal irony

Situational Irony





Vocabulary skills:

Vocab word Synonym Antonym Sentence











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Al Manar Language School – American Section
III. Elements of Literature

Choose the correct answer:

1. Read the following passage and determine the type of narrator” Andy walked into the antique shop and
began looking at the pieces. He picked up a bronze vase and checked at it before putting it down. He sat in a
red wooden rocking chair and gave it a few rocks. Then he got up and stretched his back. He walked over to a
rack and picked up a tiny porcelain clown. His face lit up. "How much is this one?" he asked the storeowner.
"10 $" replied the storeowner. Andy took ten dollars from his wallet and laid it on the counter.”

a) First person point of view

b)Third person point of view omniscient
c) Third person point of view limited
d)Third person point of view objective

2. Read the following passage and determine the main and subgenre” in this tale,15-year-old Ralph Conway
leaves home to embark on a series of exciting adventures culminating in his presence at the Battle of Waterloo
between Duke Wellington and Napoleon Bonaparte, a major turning point in history”

a) The main genre fiction is and the subgenre is realistic friction

b)The main genre non-fiction is and the subgenre is biography
c) The main genre fiction is and the subgenre is historical fiction
d)The main genre is non-fiction and the subgenre is autobiography

3. Read the following passage and determine the mood” Theresa stared blankly at the photograph. She and
her best friend Kristina were in it and they were on a rollercoaster. They were smiling. Those were better days.
Theresa was happier then. Thinking about those times just made her sad now. Her tears wet the photograph. "I
wish I could take it back!" Theresa yelled to herself. She knew she couldn't though. What was done was done.
Theresa knocked a vase off her dresser and it shattered. She rolled over in her bed and cried into her pillow.”

a) Gloomy and ominous

b) Cheerful and merry
c)Frustrated and angry
d) Dark and sinister

4. Read the following example and determine the figurative language” His eyes were sad fishes that swim up
and stare upon the land that is not theirs.”

a) Hyperbole
b) Personification
c) Metaphor
d) Idiom

5. Read the following example and determine the type of irony” Mr. Reinhart is the building inspector for the
entire county. Before a person can build an addition on their home or property, the plans need to be approved
by Mr. Reinhart. He checks that each plan follows building codes before he approves the construction. One day
Mr. Reinhart was having a party at his house. He and his guests were barbecuing on the porch attached to his
house, when it suddenly collapsed.

a) Situational irony
b) Dramatic irony
c)Verbal irony
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Al Manar Language School – American Section
6. Read the following passage and determine the type of narrator” Sandy hit the garage door button. There
was no response. This frustrated Sandy, who hit the button several more times in anger. Still, there was no
response. Kathy said, "Let me try, Sandy." Kathy believed that Sandy was clumsy and that she was hitting the
button incorrectly. Then, Kathy hit the button gently. The opener whirred and pulled up the garage door. Sandy
felt embarrassed. Kathy seemed happy that they would be able to leave the garage now.”

a.First person point of view

b. Third person point of view omniscient
c. Third person point of view limited
d. Third person point of view objective

7. Read the following passage and determine the main and subgenre” Lance tells the true story of his own
adventure into outer space. Legstrong was once an underachiever with a troubled past, until one day a teacher
influences him positively. Lance describes how he worked hard from that point on until getting accepted into
an experimental NASA space program and going to the moon. Lance shares with readers the many life lessons
he has learned in this exciting text.”

a.The main genre fiction is and the subgenre is realistic friction

b. The main genre non-fiction is and the subgenre is biography
c. The main genre fiction is and the subgenre is historical fiction
d. The main genre is non-fiction and the subgenre is autobiography

8. Read the following passage and determine the mood” Duncan balled his test paper and threw it in the trash.
He hit the bed with a crash and started crying. "I don't care anymore," screamed Duncan in between sobs. He
wished that somebody would check on him, that someone would help him through this, but there was no one.
He was home alone again. "What does it matter?" he screamed. Nobody responded. The house was empty.
Duncan's sobs echoed.”

a.Frustrated and angry

b. Gloomy and ominous
c. Cheerful and merry
d. Dark and sinister

9. Read the following example and determine the figurative language” Would I might mend the shredded
fabric of my youth”

a. Hyperbole
b. Personification
c. Metaphor
d. Idiom

10. Read the following example and determine the type of conflict” Ever since Ziggy lost his twin brother in a
tragic car accident; Ziggy hasn't been the same. He has been dragging his feet through life with a glazed look
in his eyes. His grades have dropped, he doesn't want to hang out with his friends or family anymore, and he
barely leaves his bedroom. Ziggy's mother cannot bear to lose two sons, so she sends Ziggy to an intensive
survival bootcamp program far away from home. Will Ziggy learn that life must go on?

a. Character vs. society

b. Character vs. self
c. Character vs. character

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Al Manar Language School – American Section
11. Read the following passage and determine the type of narrator” First, wash your hands and gather all of
your materials. Once you’ve done that, follow all of the directions in your cookbook. Put the crispy treats in the
oven and cook for 30-35. While your treats cook you might want to clean your work space. When you take the
treats out of the oven, pour the honey and lemon sauce on immediately. Once treats are cooled, you and your
friends can enjoy.”

a. First person point of view

b. Third person point of view omniscient
c. Second person point of view
d. Third person point of view limited

12. Read the following passage and determine the main and subgenre “In this novel, Brian is struggling. After
losing both of his parents in a tragic car accident, Brian is living at his Aunt's house and sharing a room with his
cousin. Basketball is his only escape. But after getting benched for low progress report grades, Brian's world
shatters. Does he have it in him to improve his grades? Will Brian come to peace with his emotions? Can
anyone help him?”

a. The main genre fiction is and the subgenre is realistic friction

b. The main genre non-fiction is and the subgenre is biography
c. The main genre fiction is and the subgenre is historical fiction
d. The main genre is non-fiction and the subgenre is autobiography

13. Read the following passage and determine the mood” The night it happened was one we will never forget.
The wind was screeching outside as rain pounded against the window. We had lost electricity hours ago and
had nothing but candles to light the house. The battery powered radio we had was broadcasting a warning to
lock your doors and stay inside; there was a killer on the loose. “

a. Frustrated
b. Ominous
c. Cheerful

Fill in the following hierarchy chart with the suitable subgenres:

Fiction Nonfiction

Poetry Drama Media

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