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Module #5 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Lesson title: Triumphs in the Ateneo Materials:

Learning Targets: PEN PC modules
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
1. map out Rizal’s triumphs in Ateneo References:
2. recall and appreciate my own achievements in Zaide, Gregorio F. (1992). Jose Rizal:
life. Life, Works and Writings



Introduction (2 mins)
• Welcome to our lesson for today. I hope you will find our upcoming activities
• Prepare your activity sheets, be sure there are no missing pages
• I guess you are now ready to begin. Enjoy doing today’s tasks.

Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)
Life and Studies at Ateneo
The Jesuits were considered the best educators of
Spain, and perhaps of Europe, and so, when they were
permitted to return to the Philippines, although their power
to administer parishes was restricted except in the remote
regions of Mindanao, the privilege of founding colleges, they
had to apply to the City of Manila for subsidies. That is why
the college which began to function in the year 1865, was
called the Ateneo Municipal.

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Module #5 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Since Mercado, the first surname of the family had come under suspicion of the authorities
because it was the name used by Paciano when he was studying and working with Father Burgos,
in whose house he lived, Jose adopted the second surname, Rizal.
Rizal enters Ateneo. Father Margin Fernando, the College registrar refused to admit Jose Rizal
because: a) he was late for registration; 2) he was sickly and undersized for his age. Because of the
help of Manuel Xeres Burgos (nephew of Fr. Burgos), Rizal was admitted to the Ateneo. The first
teacher of Rizal in Ateneo was Father Jose Bech. He had two teachers he could not forget. They
were Francisco de Paula Sanchez, a young, upright, serious, and one who rejoiced at the
advancement of his students. On the contrary, Fr. Jose Vilaclara, a teacher in philosophy and
sciences found poetry useless. Trying to convince his students to follow what he firmly believed
in, he discouraged Rizal from writing.
Despite his resentment on the remarks of Fr. Vilaclara, Rizal did not allow criticisms to dampen
his fascination in literature. He continued writing and secretly sent his composition to Fr. Sanchez
who likewise corrected them enthusiastically.

Reasons why Jesuit System was advance than other college

1. It trained the character of students by rigid discipline and religious instruction.

2. It promotes physical culture, humanities and scientific studies.
3. Aside from academic courses leading to AB, it offers vocational course in agriculture, commerce,
mechanics and surveying.
4. They were given splendid professors.
5. They acquired prestige as an excellent college for boys.

In the first two terms the classes were divided into groups of interns and externs: the first
constituted the Roman Empire and the second, the Carthaginian Empire. In each empire there
were five dignitaries: Emperor, Tribune, Decurion, Centurion, and Standard-Bearer. These
dignities were won by means of individual competitions in which it was necessary to catch one’s
adversary in error three times. The empires considered themselves in perpetual warfare, and
when an individual of one empire was caught in error by one belonging to the enemy empire, a
point was counted in favor of the latter. At the end of each week or two, the points in favor of each

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Module #5 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

were added and the empire, which obtained more point, was declared winner.

As a newcomer, Jose was at first put at the tail of the class, but he was soon promoted and
kept on being promoted so that at the end of one month he had attained to the rank of Emperor.
At the end of the term, he obtained marks of excellent in all the subjects and in the examinations.
He had reason to feel proud of his advancement; and so, when he went home on vacation that
year, he ran alone to see his mother in the prison and tell her the happy news.

Second year in ateneo (1873-1874), he again became an emperor; he also received excellent
grades in all subjects and a gold medal. At March 1874, he returned to Calamba for his vacation.
Third year in Ateneo (1874-1875), he only got 1 medal in his Latin subject, then on March 1875 he
returned to Calamba. Fourth year in Ateneo (1875-1876), he became an internee in the Ateneo.
One of his professors this time was Fr. Francisco Sanchez whom inspired Rizal to study harder and
write poetry. Last year in Ateneo (1876-1877), Rizal won 5 medals and topped in all subjects and
on March, 1876 he returned to Calamba. Rizal became the pride of the Jesuits and he obtained
highest grades in all subjects. He received the degree of Bachelor of Arts with highest honors
during commencement exercise.

First Romance of Rizal

Shortly after his graduation from the Ateneo, Rizal, who was then 16 years old, experience
his first romance— “that painful experience which comes to nearly all adolescent”. Segunda
Katigbak is the girl who stole Rizal’s heart, she is a pretty 14 years old Batangueña from Lipa. He
used to know Segunda because of his friend Mariano Katigbak, brother of Segunda, during
weekends Rizal visit Segunda’s place—La Concordia College and came to know her more
intimately. But this love story didn’t last long as Segunda was already engaged to be married to
her townmate Manuel Luz. The last time they talked to each other was before the Christmas
vacation on 1877 before they both live and return to their hometown. “Well, good-bye. Anyway—
I’ll see when you pass Calamba on your way to Lipa”, the last word Rizal said to Segunda before
they will apart forever.

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Module #5 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Activity 2: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

A. Instruction: Below is the winning piece of Rizal “To the Filipino Youth”. Read, analyze
and decipher the message of the poem. Then answer the question that

To the Filipino Youth Sweeter than nectar and ambrosia;

You of the celestial accent,
Raise your unruffled brow Melodious rival of the nightingale,
On this day, Filipino youth! Who with varied melodies
Resplendent shines Dissipate the mortal’s bitter pain
Your courage rich, In the night serene;
Handsome hope of my motherland! You who animate the hand rock
Fly, grand genius With the impulse of your mind,
And infuse them with noble sentiment And with prepotent hand makes eternal
That vigorously rushes, The pure memory
More rapid than the wind, Of the refulgent genius;
Its virgin mind to the glorious goal. And you, who with magic brushes
Descend to the arena Are wont to transfer to simple canvas
With the pleasant light of arts and sciences, The varied enchantment of Phoebus, beloved of
And unbind, Youth, Apollo divine,
The heavy chain And the mantle of nature.
That fetters your poetic genius. Run! For the sacred flame
See that in the bright zone Of the genius awaits to be crowned with laurels,
With pious and learned hand, Spreading fame
Offers the son of this native land With trumpet proclaiming
Resplendent crown. O’er the wide sphere the mortal’s name.
You who ascend Day, oh happy day,
On wings of your rich fantasy, Philippines genteel, for your soil!
Seeking from Olympus in the clouds Bless the Almighty,
Tenderest poetry, Who with loving desire
Sends you fortune and consolation.

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Module #5 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

1. What do you think is the message of the poem? Write your answers below.


Check for Understanding

In this section, you are encouraged to think of your own achievements.

Instruction: Write on each arrow your biggest achievements during your high school years.
Indicate on the box adjacent to each arrow two (2) reasons why you say so.

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Module #5 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________



1. State one situation where Rizal experienced discrimination when he was still a student.
Describe the event and how he was discriminated.
Possible answer: Rizal has proven his superiority in literary works. Despite this
achievement he experienced discrimination. For example, Rizal wrote an allegory “El Consejo
de los Dioses” which won him a major prize. He was not awarded the prize because he is an
2. What are some reasons why Rizal and his brother Paciano decided that he has to leave the
Philippines and continue to study in Madrid?
Possible answers: Reasons would include the following:
1. He was a suspect for being the leader of a “subversive” organization Compañero de
2. He was prejudiced when he was not awarded first prize in a literary competition
3. Leonor Rivera’s parents did not approve his relationship with him
4. He saw the oppression of the Filipinos by the colonizers.
5. He had a mission to set the Filipinos free

Thinking about Learning

“My Learning Tracker”. In this section, you are going to track your learning by accomplishing
the chart below. Write the learning targets, your scores, learning experience for the session
and plan for the next session.

Learning Scores Action Plan


What module# did What contributed to the quality of your

What were your
What’s the you do? What were performance today? What will you do next
scores in the
date today? the learning targets? session to maintain your performance or
What activities did you improve it?

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Module #5 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________



Activity 2: A. (Check answers using the rubrics provided below)

B. Message of Rizal’s “To the Filipino Youth”

Possible answers:

✓ inspires the youths to do their best

✓ Rizal wants the youth to dream big and believe they can achieve
✓ Dr. Jose Rizal wanted the Filipino youth to develop their talents
and use them to help those who are in need
✓ to empower the minds of the youth

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