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3D Project Document


Member Nguyễn Thái Hòa

name Chu Lê Hà Anh
Lê Thu Giang

Student ID HE160146

Supervisor Lê Tất Nguyễn Khang



1. CP Proposal
1.1 Problem Definition 3
1.2 Project overview 4
2. Design Proposal
2.1 Script 6
2.2 Storyboard 7
2.3 Character Concept 8
2.4 Environment Concept 10
2.5 Ideal Qualification 11
3. Production
3.1 Character design 12
3.2 Background Design 17
3.4 Animation 18
4. Compositing
4.2 Sound & music 18
4.3 Lighting & colour 19
5. Conclusion 20

1. CP Proposal
1.1 Problem Definition
1.1.1 Name of this project
English name : Beach day
Vietnamese name : Một ngày đi chơi ở biển
Meaning : The story is about a little boy name Billy and his excitement
about a day at the beach, he was hoping to it every single day. And in
his dream, he was dreaming about going to the beach and build his own
sand castle, but suddenly, a crab disturbing him and he was really angry
about it and chase the crab, but the sea was there to protect its creature
so the sea raise up a big wave at him. He was so scared and woke up
from his dream and realise that he was pissing himself.

1.1.2 Problem abstraction

Childhood memory plays an important role in every human life, it is the
foundation of who we are now and so on.

Childhood memory is also a part of life that we all remember and it full of
fun. Wetting the bed is one of it, and it happens to almost everyone
about that age.

1.2 Project overview

1.2.1 Idea
The script was inspired by the story of childhood memory of all my
teammates. The typical overnight dream then wetting the bed and the
summer vibe now, when everyone going the vacations.
1.2.2 Plot summary
It was a hot summer night, Billy was getting ready to bed, but he can’t
help looking at the calender, cuz in the morning he is going to go to the
beach. After ready up his stuffs for tomorrow, he falls asleep. in the
dream, the boy was able to reach the beach that he always wanted, he
immediately took a deep breath to enjoy the scent of the sea breeze,
then he immediately rushed to build a sand castle, he worked hard for a
while. Soon after, the castle was completed. But as soon as he raised
the small flag, a crab quickly grabbed it and carried it to the sea. The
angry boy ran after him, but the little crab was fortunately saved by the
waves, the sea rose a big wave, scaring the boy. He suddenly woke up,
opened the blanket, because he was so scared, he peed on the bed, the
boy regretted it very much, burst into tears.

1.2.3 Environment research

The idea based mostly on a large beach, no people around (private
beach), Surrounded by palm trees.

1.2.4 Tools of Development

2. Design proposal
2.1 Script
Plot summary
The story is about a little boy name Billy and his excitement about a day
at the beach, he was hoping to it every single day. And in his dream, he
was dreaming about going to the beach and build his own sand castle,
but suddenly, a crab disturbing him and he was really angry about it and
chase the crab, but the sea was there to protect its creature so the sea
raise up a big wave at him. He was so scared and woke up from his
dream and realise that he was pissing himself.

2.2 Storyboard

2.3 Character Concept:
2.3.1 BILLY
Age: 4
The age of 4 is when the child is energetic, curious of anything but still
enough young to enuresis. At this age, children love to play, to compete
and are full of energy to do many activities.
+ Personality: scry, happy, sobby, imaginative, beach lover.
+ Appearance: approximate 100 cm tall, round chubby face, big
round black eye, brown short hair.
+ Costume: blue sleepwear with moon and star pattern, dark blue
swimwear, no shoes.

Boy reference
The design of the little boy is inspired by children from famous animation
character Luca - from Luca (Pixar 2021) - and some design characters

Clothes reference

2.3.2 The Crab
The Crab is referenced like a real crab, but is designed to be more
animative and childish.
+ Personality: Aggressive, quickly.
+ Appearance: Red, two bigger sharp claws, big eyes.

Crab reference

2.4 Environment
There are two environments that appear in the movie: one is the beach,
another is Billy’s bedroom.

a, The beach:

b, Billy’s bedroom:

2.5 Idea Qualification:

2.5.1 The length of the final product:

We expect the movie to be about 1 and a half to 2 minutes long. In
Storyboard we set the timeline ahead of time to see how the movie
would go and follow it.
2.5.2 The role of each team member:
Nguyen Thai Hoa - Character design, Character modeling, Rigging, In
house scene animation, lighting and rendering.
Chu Le Ha Anh - Environment design, environment modeling (including
making waves), simple beach scene animation, lighting and rendering,
Le Thu Giang - Storyboard, Texturing, Running and 2D scene animation
and rendering.

3. Production:
3.1 Character Design:
a , Billy

b , Crab:

c, Rigging:

3.2 Background Design:

3.3 Animation:

3.4 Lighting:
a, Beach scene:
We use one skydome light and area lights depend on each scene. The
light we set is showing that the child going to the beach in the morning.

b, In-house lighting:

At night, we create an area light outside the window, one light from the
lamp. In the morning, we create an area light from outside the window
just like the night, but the light turns to yellow and another area light from
the front.

4. Compositing:
4.1 Sound & music
We add background music and some environment sound to make the
film feel more realistic.
4.2 Lighting & color
We adjust color and lighting by After Effect. We also add some 2D
effects (day and night scene, last scene) so the film would have a
youngfull and childish atmosphere.

5. Conclusion:
Although the final product may not be so outstanding and only meets
about 70% of our expectations. We learned a lot, reviewed and improved
our 3D skills. Regarding teamwork, my team also did not work really
effectively, leading to being late to the deadline. But most of all, we are
all happy to have finished our product.

We would like to thank Mr. Le Tat Nguyen Khang, who guided and
supported us throughout the process of completing our product.
Finally, we would like to thank the team members and everyone for their
dedication during the past 10 weeks. Thank you so much.


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