Save The Nature

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Save the nature

Nature has been our main provider for many years. It has gifted many gifts, such as, air
to breath, land to live on, water to drink, sunlight, minerals. These are one of the main
resources on earth, which means humans can simply cannot survive on our planet. Earth
is constantly taking care of us, and giving us what we need to live peacefully and happy.
However lets talk about how humans treat our blue planet. We are so blinded by success
and money, that we don’t realize how much harm we are causing. We destroy forests,
pollute oceans, polluting the only thing we cant live without, which is air. Historically
this has been continuing for decades. Although it seemed like it was not so big of a deal.
As a result now we see what we have done. We caused global warming, took away
everything from the next generations. We are ruining their futures. This is evidenced by
our actions, by our planets state. it’s dying.
Now you might be asking “how can we stop this?” and “how can we save our planet.
According to scientists, we still have time to save our

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