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Communication (Mobile and Internet)

Communication is an essential human activity. We can comunicate, when we want to share

our feelings or some informations.
Nowadays there are wide range of electronic devices which make communication easily.

Mobile phones

Mobile phones are bacoming more and more widespread and seem to be one of the most
important devices in our lives. They can help us in our fast lifestyle when we have no time to
meet our friends or relatives. Lots of people can’t imagine life without a mobile. It has
advantages and disadvantages as well.

- It is portable – people just can take it in their pocket.
- It is easy to keep in touch with our friends and family with it.
- It is easy to use.
- Modern cell phones are capable of internet acces.
- It has many useful features like a camera, games, music, etc.

- You can become addicted easily.
- Top up card is expensieve.
- If you can’t avoid long calls, you phone bill will be shockingly high.
- You have to charge your mobile if the battery is low.


Internet is also a useful thing in our life. This is an established system which emcompasses the
whole world. ( Ez egy olyan kiépített rendszer, ami behálózza az egész Földet…??? Nemtom,
h jó e.)

- It is an endless storehouse of information.
- It can be used to communicate with friends through instant messaging and emails.
- It has become a popular medium of entertainment.
- It makes life easier and more comfortable.

- It means a threat to personal data – information can get stolen.
- Harmful content is easily accessible to young users.
- Viruses can infect your computer and destroy data.
- It can be addictive.
Social networking sites:

If you sign up for social networking site you can get in touhc with your old friends and family
members who live far away.
You can make friend with similar interests by joining an online community.
You can post comments, upload photos and interact with friends daily.

- What kind of communication do you prefer? (mobile, net)
- Do you use social networking sites? Which?
- Why did you join?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages to using these sites?
- Do you have pre-paid or post-paid telephone?
- Do you prefer texting or calling?
- How long have you had a mobile?
- Are you satisfied with it?
- What do you use your mobile for?
- What functions do you hardly ever use?

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