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Department of Architecture and

Urban planning


 Hosting company: Ethiopian Construction Authority

 Name of student: Yassin Alo Afkie
 Student ID No : UU81693R
 Company Supervisor: Meheret Amanuel
 Advisor’s name: Tedwdros
 Internship duration: 3 months

Date of submission: September 25 2023

Declaration Letter

I, YASSIN ALO, hereby declare that I have successfully completed my internship

at. Ethiopian Construction Authority I would like to express my gratitude
to the entire team for providing me with this valuable opportunity to gain
practical experience in the field of Architecture and Urban planning.

During my internship, I had the privilege of working under the guidance and
supervision of Tedwdros (Mentor) and Meheret Amanuel (Supervisor). I am
extremely grateful for their support, mentorship, and guidance throughout my
internship journey. Their expertise and encouragement have been instrumental
in enhancing my skills and knowledge.

I would also like to express my appreciation to the entire team at Ethiopian

Construction Authority for their warm welcome and cooperation. The exposure
and hands-on experience I gained during my internship have been `invaluable in
shaping my professional growth.

I hereby declare that all the information provided in this letter is true and
accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statements
or misrepresentation may result in the termination of my internship.

Once again, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone at

Ethiopian Construction Authority for their support and guidance throughout
my internship. I am confident that the skills and knowledge acquired during
this period will contribute significantly to my future endeavors.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the following individuals for

their support and guidance during my internship at Ethiopian Construction

I am especially grateful to Meheret Amanuel for taking me under their wing

and teaching me so much about the industry. I learned a great deal from their
guidance and expertise, and I am truly grateful for their mentorship.

I would also like to thank Zelalem for helping me to secure this internship
and for providing me with support throughout the process.

Finally, I would to thank the rest of the team at Ethiopian

Construction Authority for creating a welcoming and supportive work
environment. I enjoyed learning from each of you, and I am grateful for the
opportunity to have worked with such a talented group of people.

This internship was a valuable learning experience for me, and I am grateful
to everyone who helped to make it a success.

In particular, I would like to thank Meheret Amanuel for helping me to

develop my knowledge. They gave me the opportunity to work on task, which
taught me a great deal about Architecture. I am also grateful for their
feedback and encouragement, which helped me to grow as a professional.

I would also like to thank Zelalem for helping me to integrate into the team
and for providing me with opportunities to network with other professionals.
Their support was invaluable, and I am grateful for their guidance throughout
the internship.

Finally, I would like to thank the rest of the team at Ethiopian

Construction Authority for being so welcoming and supportive. I learned a
great deal from each of you, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have
worked with such a talented group of people.

I am confident that the skills and knowledge I gained during this internship
will be invaluable to me in my future career. I am grateful to everyone at
Ethiopian Construction Authority for helping me to take this important
step forward in my professional development.
Executive Summary
This report provides an overview of my internship experience at

Ethiopian Construction Authority. The internship was conducted from

June 19 2023 to September 8 2023 and was aimed at providing me with

practical experience in the field of Architecture.

At the beginning of the report we try to put the overview of the

company like the vision mission objective of the company the main

goals of this program are just to familiarize us with the real world

situation this report briefly explains about the overall benefits we

gained from our internship in terms of improving out practical skills,

interpersonal communication skills, team playing skills, leadership

skills, upgrading our theoretical knowledge and work ethics. Also

explains our strength and weakness of us. Finally, we covered our

conclusion and recommendations for our company and university

Table of Contents
Executive summary
Chapter one
1.1 Company profile
1.2 Vision
1.3 Mission and Values of the company
1.4 Objective of the company
1.5 Main customers or end users
1.6 Organizational structure
Chapter two
2.1 The section that I have been working
2.2 Work flows of the section
2.3 Work task I have been executing & Procedures I followed
2.3.1 Site work
2.3.2 Office work
2.4 Challenges I have been facing during performing my work task
2.5 Measures we have taken to overcome the challenges
Chapter three
3.1 Upgrading theoretical skill
3.2 Improving practical skill
industrial problem-solving capability
3.4 Team playing skills
3.5 Leadership skills
3.6 In understanding work ethics & related issues
3.7 Entrepreneurship skills
Chapter four
4 Conclusion and recommendation
4.1 Conclusion
4.2 Recommendation
1. Company profile
The Ethiopian Construction Authority (ECA) is a government organization
responsible for regulating, streamlining, and building capacity in the
construction industry of Ethiopia. It was established in 2011 by Proclamation
No. 666/2011 with a mandate to:

 Register and license construction contractors, consultants, and

 Issue and enforce construction codes and standards;
 Regulate the procurement and execution of construction projects;
 Promote research and development in the construction industry;
 Build the capacity of construction professionals.

The ECA is headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and has regional offices in
each of the country's nine regions. It is led by a Director General who is
appointed by the Minister of Urban Development and Construction.

Brief History

The ECA was established in response to the rapid growth of the construction
industry in Ethiopia in the early 2000s. The government recognized the need
for a strong regulatory body to ensure the quality and safety of construction
projects, as well as to protect the interests of consumers and investors.

Prior to the establishment of the ECA, the construction industry in Ethiopia

was largely unregulated. This led to a number of problems, including:

 Poor quality construction, which resulted in the collapse of buildings

and other structures;
 Cost overruns and delays in construction projects;
 Corruption and fraud in the procurement and execution of construction

The ECA has made significant progress in addressing these problems since its
establishment. It has developed and implemented a number of new regulations
and standards, and it has strengthened the enforcement of these regulations.
The ECA has also worked to build the capacity of construction professionals
and to promote transparency and accountability in the construction industry.

As a result of the ECA's efforts, the construction industry in Ethiopia has

become more efficient and professional in recent years. The quality and safety
of construction projects has improved, and the number of disputes between
contractors and clients has decreased.
The ECA is playing a vital role in the development of the construction
industry in Ethiopia. It is helping to ensure that the industry grows in a
sustainable and orderly manner, and that construction projects are completed
on time, within budget, and to a high standard.

2. Vision and Mission

The ECA is committed to creating a construction industry that is well-
regulated, competitive, and efficient. The ECA's vision is to create an
industry that produces high-quality and safe construction projects that
meet the needs of the Ethiopian people.

The ECA's vision is based on the following principles:

Regulation: The ECA believes that a well-regulated construction industry

is essential for ensuring the quality and safety of construction
projects. The ECA is committed to developing and implementing effective
regulations that promote professionalism and protect the interests of
consumers and investors.
Competition: The ECA believes that competition is essential for driving
innovation and efficiency in the construction industry. The ECA is
committed to creating a competitive environment that allows construction
companies to thrive.
Efficiency: The ECA believes that the construction industry must be
efficient in order to meet the growing demand for construction projects
in Ethiopia. The ECA is committed to working with stakeholders to
identify and address bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the construction
The ECA's vision is ambitious, but it is achievable. The ECA has made
significant progress in recent years in developing and implementing
effective regulations, promoting competition, and improving efficiency
in the construction industry. With the continued support of
stakeholders, the ECA is confident that it can achieve its vision of a
regulated and most competitive construction industry in Africa by 2030.

1.3 Values of the company

The values of the Ethiopian Construction Authority (ECA) are:

 Excellence: The ECA is committed to providing excellent services to its

customers and stakeholders. The ECA strives to be the best construction
regulator in Africa.
 Teamwork: The ECA believes that teamwork is essential for success. The
ECA is committed to fostering a collaborative and supportive work
environment where employees can work together to achieve the ECA's
 Transparency: The ECA is committed to being transparent in its
operations and decision-making. The ECA believes that transparency is
essential for building trust with its customers and stakeholders.
 Integrity: The ECA is committed to acting with integrity in all of its
dealings. The ECA believes that integrity is essential for maintaining
the public's trust in the construction industry.
 Commitment: The ECA is committed to achieving its mission of creating a
well-regulated, competitive, and efficient construction industry in
Ethiopia. The ECA's employees are passionate about their work and are
dedicated to making a difference in Ethiopia.
 Sustainability: The ECA is committed to promoting sustainable
construction practices in Ethiopia. The ECA believes that the
construction industry must be mindful of its environmental and social

1.4 Objective of the company

The objective of the Ethiopian Construction Authority (ECA) is to

regulate, streamline, and build capacity in the construction industry.

The ECA's specific objectives are to:

Ensure the quality and safety of construction projects in Ethiopia;

Protect the interests of consumers and investors in the construction
Promote competition and efficiency in the construction industry;
Promote sustainable construction practices in Ethiopia;
Build the capacity of construction professionals in Ethiopia.
The ECA achieves its objectives through a variety of activities,

Developing and implementing construction codes and standards;

Registering and licensing construction contractors, consultants, and
Regulating the procurement and execution of construction projects;
Conducting research and development on ways to improve the efficiency
and productivity of the construction industry;
Providing training and capacity building programs for construction
The ECA plays a vital role in the development of the construction
industry in Ethiopia. The ECA's regulations and standards help to ensure
the quality and safety of construction projects, and the ECA's capacity
building programs help to improve the skills and knowledge of
construction professionals.

The ECA's objective is to create a well-regulated, competitive, and

efficient construction industry in Ethiopia. This objective is aligned
with the Ethiopian government's overall development goals, which include
achieving economic growth, reducing poverty, and improving the lives of
all Ethiopians.
The main product and service of the Ethiopian Construction
Authority (ECA) is the regulation of the construction industry in
Ethiopia. This includes:

 Registering and licensing construction contractors, consultants, and

 Issuing and enforcing construction codes and standards;
 Regulating the procurement and execution of construction projects;
 Promoting research and development in the construction industry;
 Building the capacity of construction professionals.

The ECA provides a number of specific services to the construction

industry, including:

 Contractor registration and licensing: The ECA is responsible for

registering and licensing all construction contractors in Ethiopia. This
process ensures that contractors meet the necessary qualifications and
experience requirements.
 Construction codes and standards: The ECA develops and issues
construction codes and standards for all types of construction projects.
These codes and standards help to ensure the quality and safety of
construction projects.
 Procurement and execution of construction projects: The ECA regulates
the procurement and execution of construction projects. This includes
developing and implementing procurement guidelines, reviewing and
approving construction contracts, and monitoring the execution of
construction projects.
 Research and development: The ECA promotes research and development in
the construction industry. This helps to improve the efficiency and
productivity of the construction industry, and to develop new
technologies and materials.
 Capacity building: The ECA provides training and capacity building
programs for construction professionals. This helps to improve the
skills and knowledge of construction professionals, and to promote
professionalism in the construction industry.

The ECA's services are essential for the development of the construction
industry in Ethiopia. The ECA's regulations and standards help to ensure
the quality and safety of construction projects, and the ECA's capacity
building programs help to improve the skills and knowledge of
construction professionals.
The main customers or end users of the Ethiopian Construction
Authority's (ECA) products and services are:

 Construction contractors: The ECA registers and licenses all

construction contractors in Ethiopia. This process ensures that
contractors meet the necessary qualifications and experience
 Construction consultants: The ECA registers and licenses all
construction consultants in Ethiopia. This process ensures that
consultants meet the necessary qualifications and experience
 Construction suppliers: The ECA registers and licenses all
construction suppliers in Ethiopia. This process ensures that
suppliers meet the necessary qualifications and experience
 Government agencies: The ECA is responsible for regulating the
procurement and execution of all construction projects undertaken
by government agencies.
 Private developers: The ECA is responsible for regulating the
procurement and execution of all construction projects undertaken
by private developers.
 The general public: The ECA's regulations and standards help to
ensure the quality and safety of all construction projects in
Ethiopia. This benefits the general public by reducing the risk of
building collapses and other accidents.

In addition to these direct customers, the ECA also provides a number of

indirect services to the construction industry. For example, the ECA's
research and development programs help to improve the efficiency and
productivity of the construction industry, which benefits all

The overall organization of the Ethiopian Construction Authority

(ECA) is as follows:
 Board of Directors: The Board of Directors is the governing body
of the ECA. It is responsible for setting the ECA's strategic
direction and overseeing its operations. The Board of Directors is
chaired by the Minister of Urban Development and Construction, and
it includes representatives from other government agencies, the
private sector, and academia.

 Director General: The Director General is the chief executive

officer of the ECA. He or she is responsible for the day-to-day
operations of the ECA and for implementing the Board of Directors'
policies and decisions.

 Executive Management Team: The Executive Management Team is

responsible for assisting the Director General in managing the
ECA. The Executive Management Team includes the Deputy Director
General, the Chief Operating Officer, the Chief Financial Officer,
and the heads of the ECA's various departments.

 Departments: The ECA is divided into a number of departments, each

of which is responsible for a specific aspect of the ECA's work.
The main departments of the ECA are:

 Registration and Licensing Department: This department is

responsible for registering and licensing construction
contractors, consultants, and suppliers.
 Standards and Codes Department: This department is
responsible for developing and issuing construction codes
and standards.
 Procurement and Execution Department: This department is
responsible for regulating the procurement and execution of
construction projects.
 Research and Development Department: This department is
responsible for promoting research and development in the
construction industry.
 Capacity Building Department: This department is responsible
for providing training and capacity building programs for
construction professionals.
 Regional Offices: The ECA has regional offices in each of
Ethiopia's nine regions. The regional offices are responsible for
implementing the ECA's policies and regulations at the regional

The ECA's workflow is as follows:

1. Registration and licensing: Construction contractors, consultants,
and suppliers must first register with the ECA before they can
operate in Ethiopia. The ECA reviews the qualifications and
experience of each applicant and issues a license if the applicant
meets the necessary requirements.
2. Procurement and execution: Government agencies and private developers
must follow the ECA's procurement guidelines when awarding
construction contracts. The ECA also reviews and approves
construction contracts before they can be executed.
3. Construction codes and standards: Construction contractors must
follow the ECA's construction codes and standards when executing
construction projects. The ECA inspects construction sites to ensure
that contractors are following the codes and standards.
4. Research and development: The ECA conducts research on ways to
improve the efficiency and productivity of the construction industry.
The ECA also develops and promotes new technologies and materials for
use in the construction industry.
5. Capacity building: The ECA provides training and capacity building
programs for construction professionals. This helps to improve the
skills and knowledge of construction professionals, and to promote
professionalism in the construction industry.

The ECA's organization and workflow are designed to ensure the quality
and safety of construction projects in Ethiopia. The ECA's regulations
and standards help to protect the interests of consumers and investors,
and the ECA's capacity building programs help to improve the skills and
knowledge of construction professionals.

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