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The video starts by introducing the fact that any concept, idea, text, or whatever is open for

interpretation and analysis by anyone. Then we are given a set number of factors to consider
when analyzing any text. (1) Firstly, when analyzing a concept, you should focus more on your
own understanding backed by research and create your perspective from there. You should also
remember that there is no formula for creating an analysis, but rather a simple goal of justifying
the hows and whys in your claim. (2) There should always be a consideration in how a text is
structured to properly analyze it critically because the structure of the text influences the
meaning that is conveyed to the interpreter. These are the main considerations in analyzing the
structure of a text: its medium, genre, style of poetry/ prose, use of plot devices, formatting,
meaning, and representation. (3) Another important factor to consider in being critical of a text is
the visual and/or written techniques used in conveying a message to the interpreter, much like the
consideration of the structure, this is very similar. Analyzing how they came to the conclusion of
using this certain metaphor, dialogue, imagery, or whatever is necessary to better understand the
message of the author. Remember to always ask yourself how and why the author chose to use
this technique or that technique. (4) Characterization is also a factor in critical analysis as this
gives another point of discussion for the analysis. What we mean by this is breaking down how
the character is portrayed, what their purpose is, what they stand for, what the character’s place
in the story means, etc. We do not describe the character, rather, we analyze what the character
represents in the story and how or why they affect the text in a certain way. (5) Lastly, in text,
there is almost always an inherent them even without the author explicitly forming the text in a
certain theme. The theme of a text is completely up for interpretation, and can be determined by
the previous factors mentioned. Determining a text’s theme should be justified with evidence,
you cannot say a text is a certain them just because you said so. The theme is the main idea of the
text trying to be conveyed by its authors.


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