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) Give 5 significant learnings during your FI2 immersion and explain how these
learnings can help you as a future community social worker. (10 points each)

Looking back on the past few weeks of getting closer to accomplishing our goals
and aspirations, it feels like I was just getting started on keeping myself fired up
so I can always be ready to push beyond my potential and capabilities. Each
week brings new lessons and insights, as well as new realizations and

Developing community awareness, managing time efficiently, dealing with

emotions effectively, having a position in regard to political matters, and finally,
acknowledging the reality are the five significant learnings that I have acquired
throughout our Field Instruction 2 that could help me as a future community
social worker.

Developing community awareness I have no clue about the community we will

be involving before we are deployed in our
assigned barangay; all I know is that we
will be placed in a barangay to learn about
how the people in the community live day
to day and to organize them to be
functional in the community. I had
assumed it would be simple for us, but as
our on-the-job training comes to an end, it
becomes challenging.
As days goes by, I have develop
awareness in the community through
having conversation with the people, and
being observant in the community, with
this, it allows me to be present and aware
of the details of my daily life and the
people around me.
This learning can help me as a future
community social worker because it
enhances my ability to interact with others
and to respond with them in an appropriate
manner. It has allowed me to be able to
observe and gather information about the
community that I could use as a basis in
communicating well with them.
Managing time efficiently I've discovered that effectively managing
time allows us to do tasks in a timely
I have a series of daily routines in place to
ensure that I do not forget any tasks that I
need to complete during the day. I was
able to make good use of my time by
effectively organizing my schedule.
These lessons will benefit me as a future
community social worker since I now know
how to plan and manage the time I need to
spend on various duties. Efficient time
management would also help me in
reducing stress. It can also create a sense
of accomplishment when goals are met.

Dealing with emotions effectively This is one of the important learnings that I
have learned while staying in the
community. Since we are talking with
different people with different personalities
I learned that Understanding myself can
help me regulate my own emotions as well
as clarify misunderstandings.

In addition, it’s generally a good idea to

remain open-minded to the ideas and
perspectives of others.
These learnings will be useful as I become
a future community social worker since it
enables me to be aware of myself and
enable me to understand, manage, and
use my emotions in positive ways to help
communicate with others, relieve stress,
and diffuse conflict.

Position in regard to political matters Policy practice is fundamentally a political

activity, and social workers must be willing
to take political stands when appropriate,
despite the consequences. Changing the
profession's neutral stance could make it
easier for social workers to engage in
policy work.

Having a political stance as a potential

community social worker may be difficult,
especially if others disagree with you
politically, but it is our right to choose the
person we know who is qualified for the
job. However, it is equally critical to be
open to listening to and comprehending
other people's choices.

Acknowledging the reality I have learned that acknowledging reality

may not be the easiest thing to do, but
accepting the situation can make you
happier in the present and lead to better

This learning allows me to accept my

reality in situations that beyond my control.
As a future community social worker,
practicing acceptance means respecting
the process and my current place and also
acknowledging that everything is or can be
temporary and we can use it to revise my
plan for the future.

2.) As a future social worker, what field of social work do you want to focus on in
your future career? (10 points)

My future professional goal in social work is to become a medical social worker. I

intended to finish this degree and apply to our district hospital in the future because my
auntie introduced me to this profession and helped me throughout my college years. As
most of my family members work in the medical field, it would be simple for me to apply
for a position and utilize the knowledge and skills that I have accumulated on my college

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