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Isabella Margarita D.

Emelo Transformational Leadership GS501 MBA15

Week 3: Transformational Leadership 3 & 4

- John Maxwell > topic

- When we do something we have a reason for it and the way we do it matters.
- So its not just about leadership, it is about everything we do

Transformational leadership is defined as a leadership approach that causes change in

individuals and social systems. In its ideal form, it creates valuable and positive change in the
followers with the end goal of developing followers into leaders. (source)

-leadership is about duplicating yourself, its not always you that shines

Do not be afraid kung yung team member mo ay maging mas magaling kesa sayo kasi ibig
sabihin non, you became a good leader / influence / inspiration / role model

-speaking of influence, transformational leadership is about influence. Sabi nga dto

valuable and positive change.

3 John Maxwell Best Example of Transformational Leader

Maxwell is a No. 1 New York Times bestselling author, coach and speaker who has sold more than
24 million books in 50 languages. Often called the country's No. 1 leadership authority, Maxwell
was identified as the most popular leadership expert in the world


Many reasons WHY: But one is because he knows that

Being a great leader is all about having a genuine willingness and a true commitment to lead
others to achieve a common vision and goals through positive influence. No leader can ever
achieve anything great or long-lasting all alone.

-it’s about allowing people to be with you and believe in you

-sabi nga dun sa nabasa kong book na hindi ko pa tapos (G&T by Adam Grant)


And I guess, with this quote, everybody will want you to win if you have genuine willingness and
true commitment

So moving forward, I have written here some key takeaways from maxwell’s talk (offer the link),
because those are some of the many things that is worth sharing in this class

The Heart of Leadership: Becoming a Servant Leader – Maxwell Leadership Certified Team


A transformational leader is a leader that has personally transformed himself. Since they have
changed, they have a passion to change others. TL leaders are not leaders by career, they are
leaders by calling.

You are not a leader for power. You are a leader because you want to initiate a change

May mga changes ba kayong gusting gawin or advocacies anyone? Kahit idea palang sya, anyone
who wants to share yung thoughts nila or dream of creating something more? Good way to to
share our knowledge and initiate a good discussion.

Ako kasi, mabigyan lang ng todo todong kakayanan, when everything’s settled na. I feel like I
wanted to start a foundation that will teach people skills para mabuhay nila yung sarili nila.
Magkaron sila ng sarili nila source of income or madala nila yung sarili nila sa mas maayos na

(people are blessed with talents. Di lang natin kadalasan alam san gagamitin or san dadalhin kahit
may lugar naman talaga para don. So we lack awareness)

-watched documentaries na may nakatira sa dump sites and mga tulay and I feel like nobody
deserves that. Masipag sila matyaga sila. And there are a lot of opportunities for them that they
are not aware of

-gusto ko sila maturuan ng skills, livelihood, para madala nila yung sarili nila sa school, sa ospital
whenever they need it

-may mga short term / band aid solutions kasi kasi tayong ginagawa gaya feeding programs,
medical missions. It helps (start small) pero its very temporary and I want to make it permanent.

Marami naman jan nagtuturo ng skills pero after nila magturo iiwanan na nila. O kaya skills lang
ituturo pero financial management hindi. Kulang pa rin. So what we need is a complete package

> awareness

> skills
> build confidence

Madadala nila yung sarili nila kahit saan nila gusto and that will make it permanent

End result = maiitaas natin sila above the poverty line.

So I hope that makes sense.

Leadership is influence – Jesus is the greatest influencer.

TL is stepping up the leadership ladder.

Ang standard natin hindi lang basta napapsunod mo sila at nag uutos ka. Its more than just that

Sabi ng ani atty mimmy sa last discussion natin, dapat susundin ka ng subordinates mo not
because napipilitan sila dahil leader ka but because kasunod kasunod ka bc you create an impact.


Has a heart to lead

Know how to lead (you have to have a heart in everything

that you bc I believe that if you love what
you do, it will love you back)

Lead people through change Make changes on people (pero whats

(may change ka na, panlabas, dadalhin mo better is we make changes on people,
sla don which is good) because it starts within)

Focus on the vision (outside) Focus on the values (inside)

Influence people for today Influence people for today and tomorrow

Embrace success (all about ME) Embrace significance (all about OTHERS)
Transformation begins in you. – Transformational carrier

-value of partnerships/ relationship

-we are greater than me


We teach what we know but we reproduce who we are.

It’s in the heart that values are formed.

The only way you can truly become bigger on the outside is if you’re bigger on the inside.

(how to be ----, u don’t have to work for it. Your success will bring you to where you need to be
without you chasing it)

It starts with the

- Heart
- Character
- Values

Change the world one table at a time.

Skills = leadership = How well you lead determines how well you succeed.

As the challenge escalates, the need for teamwork elevates

If our values are not good, we have so many ways to break the law, but if our values are good,
we don’t even need a law.

When kids have good values on the inside, they need less validation on the outside.

2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being; the old is gone, the new has

4 Gender and Transformational Leadership


Gender refers to social traits of men and women that range from norms and relationships to
roles. Studies reveal that people’s perceptions towards gender vary from one society to another
and are subject to bound over time. (Yaqoub, H.)

The role of gender in transformational leadership | Onrec

(PDF) Impact of gender and transformational leadership on ethical behaviors (

Views on leadership traits and competencies | Pew Research Center

Effects of Gender on Leadership

Name Hadeel Yaqoub

Institution: California university of Pennsylvania

Hadeel Yaquob Gender and Leadership Essay.pdf (

Attitudinal Drivers

- Traditionally, leadership view on men

Gender Role

- Male, female, androgynous (defined – both having characteristics of men and women)
- Social stereotypes but misleading due to equal traits
- According to Appelbaum, Audet, &Miller (2013), women have limited chances to assume
coveted leadership posts compared to men.

- Studies reveal that women focus on developing and maintaining strong work relations
with both the junior and senior employees to streamline operation. On the contrary, men
rarely focus on work relationships as they concentrate on results
- The approach of male leaders to tasks is based on personal rights, justice as well as
fairness; while women handle ethics with sensitivity, empathy and compassion.

Time Management

Both men and women leaders as exhibit quality planning, organizational as well as administration
skills which constitutes some of the crucial factors that propel organizational progress in the
desired direction.

this proves na both men and women, given the

fact that they have different leadership styles may have similarities but the same capabilities of
becoming a leader. No gender is better – it depends on the style, the approach and the situation
that needs attention din. (women or men approach)

I guess this ends the presentation wherein men and women may be different from one another
in terms of diff factors but they still have the same capability to lead. It is impossible to not
compare but the desire we have for women empowerment should be equal to how much we
shout for men empowerment

For me kasi siguro it is because women had less opportunity on the spotlight way way back but
as we long for gender equality then it is also not bad to show the same attention for men.

Gender equality is what we crave for so we should not have any preferences or biases.


RELATED CASE BASED ON GENDER: Olympia Gualberto, et al. vs. Marinduque Mining Industrial
Corporation, CA-G.R. No. 52753-R, June 28, 1978 —
• Plaintiff and defendant
• 1971 single = employed = dentist
• Roberto Gualberto = ECE
• Married 1972 = considered as separated = no facilities
• Company asserted oral understanding (terminated if gets married)
• Roberto - forced to resign due to wife's complaint on illegal dismissal and other damages

Issue nito - void daw yung verbal preemployment agreement. as well as letter of resignation

BAWAL preemployment agreements at ang undated letter of resignation (used once married)

also, women lang applicable yung ganto (discrimination)

1 Clear discrimination

2 business and industrial facilities - required to have facilities for married women

3 unlawful to discharge a woman for reasons related to marriage

Discriminatory Chauvinism

deny equal employment opportunities bc of gender

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