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• Good morning. My name is Rawdon. Could I have your name,
please? And your candidate number?
• Can I see your ID? Well, great. Where are you from?
• Are you working or studying? What’s your major?
• Why are you taking IELTS test?
1. Do you like drawing? Why?
2. Do you want to visit an art gallery or museum?
3. What are the differences between old and modern arts? - Do you
want to be an artist?
[Instruction: You will have to talk about the topic for one to two
minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to
say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]
Describe a traditional festival.

You should say

 When the festival occurs

 What you did during it
 What you like or dislike about it
 And explain why this a festival or national holiday is important.
Dàn ý:
- Lunar New year
- span several day, in January or February
- decorate my house, clean my house, remove the bad lucky and
make chung cake, visit my relation,..
- I like it because: it is the longest holiday in year, not homework
and go out
- It is significant traditional holiday: 2 main reason gathering
family, the senior people pass down traditional from the next

1. How do people in Vietnam value traditional festivals?
2. What’s the difference between the ways festivals are
celebrated now and in the past?
3. Do children like to learn about traditional festivals?
4. Is music important to traditional festivals??

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