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Jemarie C.

Lagado N323 – Monday, 2:00-4:00

Mathematics in the Modern World

Lesson 3.3
Learning Tasks/Activities & Assessment

Learning Tasks/Activities

A. The table below shows the results of a study in which researchers examined a
child’s IQ and the presence of a specific gene in the child.

Gene Present Gene not Present Total

High IQ 33 19 52
Normal IQ 39 11 50
Total 72 30 102

1. Find the probability that the child has a normal IQ.

P (normal IQ) = =0.49
2. Find the probability that a child has the gene.
P (normal IQ) = =0.71
3. Find the probability that a child has a normal IQ and has the gene.
P (normal IQ) = =0.78
4. Find the probability that a child has a high IQ given that the child has the gene.
P (normal IQ) = =0.63

B. If scores are normally distributed with a mean of 25 and a standard deviation of

7.5, what percent of the score is:

1. Greater than 40
 The area from the region higher than 2 is 0.0228. Thus, the probability of
getting scores greater than 40 is 2.28%.
2. Lower than 40
 The area from the region lower than 2 is 0.9772. Thus, the probability of
getting scores lower than 40 is 97.72%.
3. Between 28 and 42
 The area from the region between 0.4 and 2.27 is 0.3330. Thus, the
probability of getting scores between 28 and 42 is 33.30%.


Mean = 25
Standard Deviation = 7.5

Problem 1: P (x > 40) = P (x > 2)

For x = 40
z-score = =2
When z = 2 the table value is 0.9772
Area = 0.9772
= 0.0028

Problem 2: P (x < 40) = P (x < 2)

For x = 40
z-score = =2
When z = 2 the table value is 0.9772
Area = 0.9772

Problem 3: P (28 > x > 42) = P (0.4 > x > 2.27)

For x = 42 For x = 28
42−25 28−25
z-score = =2.27 z-score = =0.4
7.5 7.5
When z = 2.27 the table value is 0.9884
When z = 0.4 the table value is 0.6554
Area = 0.9884 – 0.6554
= 0.3330


A. The average age of bank managers is 40 years. Assume that the variable is
normally distributed. If the standard deviation is 5 years, find the probability that
the age of a randomly selected bank manager will be in the range between 35 and
46 years old.


Mean = 40
Standard Deviation = 5

Problem: P (35 < x < 46)

For x = 35
z-score = =−1
When z = -1 the table value is 0.1587

For x = 46
z-score = =1.2
When z = 1.2 the table value is 0.8849

Problem: P (35 < x < 46)

Area = 0.8849 -0.1587 = 0.7262

The area of the region between -1 and 1.2 is 0.7262. Thus, the probability that
the age of randomly selected bank manager will be in the range between
35 and 46 years old is 72.62%.

B. A rate analyst for LEYECO was asked to determine if there is a linear relationship
between electricity consumption and the number of rooms in a single-family
dwelling. Since electricity consumption varies from month to month, he decided
to study usage during the month of March. He collected the following data.

No. of Rooms (x) 6 10 8 7 11 5 4 3 3 6

Kilowatts-hours (y) 3.5 14 7 4 12 3 2 1 1.5 6

1. Determine the regression equation.

MONTH x y X2 Y2 xy
March 6 3.5 36 12.25 21
March 10 14 100 196 140
March 8 7 64 49 56
March 7 4 49 16 28
March 11 12 121 144 132
March 5 3 25 9 15
March 4 2 16 4 8
March 3 1 9 1 3
March 3 1.5 9 2.25 4.5
March 6 6 36 36 36
TOTAL Ʃx = 63 Ʃy = 54 Ʃx2 = 465 Ʃy2 = 469.5 Ʃxy = 443.5

Ʃx 63
b1 = n ¿ ¿ x̄ = = =6.3
n 10
10 ( 443.5 )−( 63 ) (54) Ʃy 54
= ȳ= = =5.4
10 ( 465 )−¿ ¿ n 10
= b0 = ȳ - b1 x̄
= 1.5169 = 5.4 – 1.5169 (6.3)
= - 4.1565

The Simple Linear Regression is:

ŷ = b1 x + b0
ŷ = 1.5169 x - 4.1565

2. Plot the regression line.


Kilowatts - hours (y)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
No. of Rooms (x)
Interpret the result.

Thus, the regression equation is ȳ = 1.5169 x – 4.1565. The b1 of 1.5169 indicates

that for each other addition electricity consumption (in kilowatt-hour). Number of
rooms are expected to increase by 1.5169. The b 0 value of -4.1565 indicates that the
intercept with the y-axis is below the origin. A concrete interpretation is that if the
electricity consumption in (kilowatt-hour) is zero, a negative 4.1565 number of rooms
per single-family dwelling is present.

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