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book review: Species distribution models for species distribution modellers

Journal Issue:
Frontiers of Biogeography, 4(2)

Dormann, Carsten F, University Freiburg

Publication Date:

Publication Info:
Frontiers of Biogeography, UC Merced


species distribution modelling, niche modelling, biogeographic distribution

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ISSN 1948‐6596 news and update
book review
Species distribution models for species distribution modellers
Ecological niches and geographic distributions, by Townsend A. Peterson, Jorge Soberón, Richard G.
Pearson, Robert P. Anderson, Enrique Martínez‐Meyer, Miguel Nakamura & Miguel B. Araújo, 2011,
Monographs in Population Biology 49, Princeton University Press, 328 pp. $49.50 (paperback) ISBN:

The statistical analysis of apparent environmental the intersections are described by set theory. The
preferences of plants and animals is enjoying authors use set theory to clarify different niche
much attention in the ecological literature. Varia‐ definitions and synthesise discussions on what
bly known in the early days as “habitat suitability SDMs actually analyse. While mathematically rig‐
modelling” and later “niche modelling”, it is cur‐ orous, this framework is tedious and over‐defined.
rently most often referred to as “species distribu‐ The usefulness of any concept suffers when it be‐
tion modelling” (SDM). Given the extreme meth‐ comes too vague (thus lacking stringency) or too
odological dynamics of early research fields, it is precise (narrowing the range of cases it can be
not surprising that it took around two decades applied to). In this case, the book features a 7‐
before the first synthesising book on the topic was page appendix with definitions of the various sym‐
published (Franklin 2009). Apart from some edited bols representing elements of BAM sets. At the
books of varying quality, the book by Town Peter‐ same time, a 12‐page glossary seeks definitional
son and six co‐authors is the second book‐length clarity but lacks the relevant BAM‐based defini‐
synthesis. The authors develop a theoretical tions. Since the book also has no index, it is nigh
framework as the foundation for their review of impossible to discover the set‐theoretical defini‐
methods and applications, which leads to a sub‐ tion even of important terms such as “scenopoetic
stantial expansion beyond the mere methodologi‐ niche”. Here the clarity sought by part 1 evapo‐
cal points usually receiving most attention in this rates because of a lack of editorial completeness.
field. More problematically, the authors reveal that the
The book is composed of three parts. BAM framework has profound weaknesses, such
“Theory” first defines most phrases commonly as a possibly fundamentally inestimable set B (p.
used in niche modelling, including a historical re‐ 38), or the observation in coarse‐scale data that
view of niche concepts. It then formalises the biotic interactions are largely irrelevant for distri‐
“BAM” concept proposed by the second author in butional patterns (p. 40). With respect to M, dis‐
an earlier publication. BAM stands for biotic inter‐ persal processes, the book remains completely
actions, abiotic conditions and migration as key (and incomprehensibly) silent. Also, the frame‐
determinants of the presence or absence of a spe‐ work does not consider within‐species variability
cies in geographic space. In this book, the BAM of niches, nor adaptability (physiological or evolu‐
framework serves as an Ariadne's thread for all tionary sense) of individuals and populations.
further discussions, from data quality to the simu‐ Overall, the conceptual value of the BAM frame‐
lation of dispersal. BAM is based on the premise work is, in my opinion, questionable.
that a species can occur in an abiotically suitable Part 2, “Practice”, reviews data and statisti‐
site only if it can migrate (disperse) there and if cal methods related to SDM. While covering es‐
negative biotic interactions (e.g. competition, pre‐ sentially the same ground as Franklin (2009), this
dation) do not preclude its existence. The funda‐ part is clearer in what the actual target of an
mental challenge of SDMs is that available data on analysis is, profiting from the BAM framework of
species' distributions are an unknown proportion part 1. “Practice” touches on many important sta‐
of the species' fundamental niche and hence an tistical and interpretational points of SDMs (e.g.
intersection of B, A and M. Mathematically, B, A whether actual habitat preferences of a species
and M are sets of environmental conditions and are detected, or only those different from avail‐

frontiers of biogeography 4.2, 2012 — © 2012 the authors; journal compilation © 2012 The International Biogeography Society 59
news and update

ability, p. 98; extrapolation mistakes, p. 128; opti‐ current knowledge, this time in the context of dis‐
mism in cross‐validation, p. 130). The book shies eases. This field is dominated by population mod‐
away from actual evaluation and recommenda‐ els, which have classically ignored correlative suit‐
tion, however. The authors do not communicate ability approaches, but can potentially benefit
the results of many of the comparative papers from SDMs. Finally, “Linking niches with evolu‐
cited in the book, possibly because they deem tionary processes” (Chapter 15) offers a sketchy
them too preliminary or because they do not want introduction to the interesting but challenging
to pass judgement. Personally, I regard this as the area of connecting SDMs with evolutionary ecol‐
main flaw of Part 2: SDM is not a post‐modernist ogy. Specifically, it investigates whether the
anything‐goes area of data crunching. When data (realised) environmental niche is conserved
sources such as GBIF are exhibiting huge spatial through ecological and evolutionary time.
biases (chapter 5), when relevant environmental Overall, this book is the most comprehen‐
variables are not available for analysis and hence sive review of the niche modelling literature to
omitted without substitution (chapter 6), when date. It does not, however, provide an easy entry‐
modelling approaches have failed time and again point for researchers new to the field because it
(chapter 7), then this should be clearly pointed fails to clearly identify the current best practice or
out and detailed. Technical details are obviously a precisely highlight areas of methodological uncer‐
huge field and will probably always remain an in‐ tainty. The set‐theoretical interludes make for
complete part of any book on SDMs. Still, it seems occasionally awkward reading and to me this rig‐
odd to allocate five pages to discussing how to orous approach is in stark contrast to the vague‐
convert probabilities to 0/1s (which I regard as a ness of statistical descriptions in part 2. Also, the
redundant step, and one with very clear best prac‐ book fails to report on the existing mechanistic
tice at that: p. 120), but not mentioning that approaches to SDMs, ecophysiological investiga‐
prevalence should be maintained in cross‐ tions into environmental niches and community
validation, that data can be weighted by sampling ecological considerations behind biotic interac‐
intensity, or how to quantify uncertainty emerging tions. Thus, while SDM seems to offer itself as a
from the analysis. tool to many areas of ecology, this book does not
Part 3, “Applications”, features five chap‐ link the statistical analysis of species distributions
ters from the authors' own research portfolios to ecological theory. As a consequence, Ecological
exemplifying the use of SDMs for specific ques‐ niches and geographic distributions is more an
tions. “Discovering biodiversity” discusses using interesting interim report than a comprehensive
SDMs to increase efficiency in sampling geo‐ treatise.
graphic space for populations of a target species,
or for detecting new species. “Conservation plan‐ Carsten F. Dormann
ning and climate change effects” (Chapter 12) il‐
University of Freiburg, Germany.
lustrates the use of SDMs for extrapolating from
current to future distributions and hence evalua‐
tion of adaptation strategies. “Species' inva‐
sions” (Chapter 13) touches on very recent devel‐
opments of SDMs for introduced species, but re‐
Franklin, J. (2009) Mapping species distributions: spa‐
mains too uncritical of current practice. Regretta‐
tial inference and prediction. Cambridge Univer‐
bly the book went into press slightly too early to sity Press.
be able to accommodate some very important
new publications in this field. “The geography of Edited by Markus Eichhorn
disease transmission” (Chapter 14) presents a
case study not very different from the previous
two chapters, i.e. attempts to extrapolate from

60 © 2012 the authors; journal compilation © 2012 The International Biogeography Society — frontiers of biogeography 4.2, 2012

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