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Science, Technology, and Society TECHNOLOGY

1.OUTDATED CURRICULUM - Many studies show that
INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION THAT DEFINED SOCIETY pupils perceive school science as lacking relevance.
2.DIFFICULT AND UNTRENDY - In a world where so many ‘channels’
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) & the Theory of Heliocentrism compete about the attention of young people, science subjects
-a Polish who is best known for his groundbreaking theory of become untrendy.
Heliocentrism-which revolutionized our understanding of the solar ‘ALTERNATIVES’ - an upsurge of ‘alternative’ beliefs in
system. the metaphysical, spiritual, and supernatural.
are not only questioned on the quality and honesty of their experts but
also attacked, by postmodernism, on the scientific method and its
Scientists are often perceived to be authoritarian, closed, bored—and
somewhat crazy
also taken to the mass media and are (as before) confined to
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) & the Theory of Natural Selection professional conferences and journals.
-was a British naturalist and biologist who is best known for his theory 7. PROBLEMATIC ETHOS AND VALUES-Absence of ethics,
of natural selection empathy, and concern for the social implications
-Darwin's work revolutionized our understanding of how species evolve 8. DISLIKE OF OVERAMBITIOUS SCIENCE - People have emotional
and adapt over time. and rational fear about scientist who are ‘tampering with Nature’ and
- a fundamental concept in the field of evolutionary biology. 9. THE NEW IMAGE- The earlier image of scientists being dissidents
-Darwin observed that within any population of organisms, there is and rebels has been replaced with a less exotic image of scientists
natural variation being loyal workers in the service of power and authority.
-Darwin's theory of natural selection was first introduced in his book 10. ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION- Many put the blame of the
"On the Origin of Species (1859),". The book presented a wealth of current problems on science and technology.
evidence from the fields of paleontology, biogeography, and 11.THE NEW ROLE MODELS - The current social climate does not
comparative anatomy to support his theory. create an atmosphere where it is easy to convince young people that
Sigmund Freud & Psychosexual Theory they should concentrate on their science learning.
Oral Stage: Birth to 1 year, Erogenous Zone: Mouth 12.COMMUNICATION GAP - The public understanding of science and
Anal Stage: 1-3 year, Erogenous Zone: bowel and bladder control technology is deteriorating.
Phallic Stage: 3-6 year, Erogenous Zone: Genitals
Latent Stage: 6-puberty, libido inactive ARTIFACTS
Genital Stage: Puberty to Death Maturing Sexual Interests Mesopotamia
Albert Einstein & Theory Of Relativity - ‘first cities’ in the world.
-theory of relativity holds that what we perceive as the force of gravity -cradle of the world’s earliest known civilization and was first
arises from the curvature of space and time. established in the region in around 3600 BC.
Isaac Newton & Law of Motion Sumerian Civilization- Sumer, site of the earliest known civilization,
- laws of motion explain the relationship between a physical object and located in the southernmost part of Mesopotamia, between the Tigris
the forces acting upon it. and Euphrates rivers, in the area that later became Babylonia and is
SCIENCE now southern Iraq.
- pursuit of knowledge Cuneiform
- serves as source of knowledge for technological possibilities -It is the first writing system
- gives structure for technology and engine-ring -set of word pictures depicted in symbols made in triangular marks
TECHNOLOGY around 3100 BC.
- create products that solve problems and improve human living - an ancient writing system that was first used in around 3400 BC.
condition - Distinguished by its wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets
- paves way for research and development in the field in science - first appearing even earlier than Egyptian hieroglyphics.
- In the Philippines, it waswidely used in Luzon,prior to and during the
16th and 17th centuries before being replaced by the Latin alphabet
during the period of Spanish colonization. -their writing was in the form of pictorial
Baybayin Medu Neter (Egyptian Hieroglyphics) - Hieroglyphs in Ancient Egypt
-comes from the Tagalog root word baybay, which means “to spell.” were the mystical Medu Neter. This term means "words of God,"
-For many years the script was incorrectly referred to as “alibata,” "divine words," "sacred words," or something that conveyed this
based on the arrangement of another alphabet system – Arabic, in meaning.
which the first letters are called alif, ba, and ta.
Clay Tablet Egyptian civilization
- contains the Sumerian historical information and culture. - Their knowledge of human anatomy,physiology, surgery, and medical
- began as record keeping for trade and evolved into the use of plants enabled themselves master the art and science of embalming
symbols for writing down laws and stories. the dead.
Potter’s Wheel - Ancient Egyptians also practiced surgical techniques such as
-grew out of a mechanical device that the Sumerians had evented trepanation (making holes in the skull) to treat head injuries and cranial
Sailboats diseases.
- Since Mesopotamia was situated between two famous rivers, namely - The Ebers Papyrus, one of the oldest medical texts, contains
the Euphrates and Tigris, they needed water transportation for travel information about various medicinal plants and treatments.
and trade. Obelisk
Sexagesimal - a tall, four-sided, narrow tapering monument which ends in a
- This system of counting in units of 60 serves as basis 360 degree pyramid-like shape at the top.
circle and the 60 minute hour. - originally called ‘tekhenu’ by the builders of Ancient Egyptian.
Babylonian - a reverential monument, commemorating the dead, representing their
- the ancient region bordering the Tigris and Euphrates river. kings, and honoring their gods.
- serves as commerce and religious center in the valley. Sundial
HAMMURABI - instrument tells time by the shadow and casted by the gnomon as
- first leader of the old Babylonian Empire reflected by sun.
- promulgated the law code that served as rule and standards which CRADLES OF EARLY SCIENCE IN ASIA
helped maintain a period of stability in the region. THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE IN ASIA
-viz.—civil code -biggest continent in the world and the home of many ancient
-penal code civilization.
-code of procedure -It is a host to many cultural, economic, scientific and political
-commercial code. activities of all ages.
The basic aim of this code was ”An eye for an eye and a tooth for a
tooth”. - Great civilization have stood out in INDIA, CHINA, and the MIDDLE
Nebuchadnezzar II EAST civilization. This civilization were comparable in terms of their
-the Neo Babylonian Emperor who ordered the construction of one of contribution to the development of knowledge during their time.
the seven wonders of ancient world.
Babylonians also contributed to the development of science and INDIA
technology such as: - a huge peninsula surrounded by vast bodies of water and fortified by
-Irrigation system of canals flanked by earthen dikes huge mountains in its northern borders.
-Multiplication and division - famous in medicine. One example is Ayurveda. (AYURVEDA is a
-system of bookkeeping and double-entry accounting system of traditional medicine that originated in ancient India before
-Calculations using geometry 2500 B.C. This practiced is a form of alternative medicine.)
Nile River - also notable in the field of astronomy. They develop theories on the
- the longest river in the world. configuration of the universe, the spherical self supporting Earth, and
- river flows northward for 4,160 miles from east-central Africa to the the year of 360 days with 12 equal parts of 30 days each.Sama (2008)
Mediterranean noted that their interact in astronomy was evident in the first 12
- provided ancient Egypt with fertile soil and water for irrigation, as well chapters of Sidhantta Shiromani written in the 12th century.
as a means of transporting materials for building projects. - Ancient India is also known for their mathematics. Bhist (1982) noted
-its vital waters enabled cities to sprout in the midst of a desert. that the earliest traces of mathematical knowledge in the Indian
Egyptian Civilization subcontinent appeared in the Indus Valley civilization.
- Ancient Egypt was a civilization in North Africa situated in the Nile -Mohenjo-Daro ruler which is measurement of length to the high
Valley which provided a fertile delta. degree of acre centimetres in the ruler.
Hieroglyphs - Aryabhatiya introduced the number of trigonometric functions,
- Egyptian writing wrote with ink and brushes on paper made of tables, and techniques as well as algorithm of algebra.
papyrus reeds
CHINA Architecture & Engineering – African developed a unique architectural
-ancient civilization with substantial contribution in many areas of life development. The stone architecture in Zimbabwe is the largest stone
like medicine, astronomy, science, mathematics, arts, philosophy, and structure south of the Sahara and was constructed somewhere in the
music 11th century.
among others. Astronomy - Ancient African cultures made significant astronomical
- known on their traditional medicines. ACUPUNCTURE is an example discoveries, including Egyptians, African Stonehenge, and Dogon
of their practice in medicine. people of Mali.
-Chinese is also known to develop many tools. Most of their famous Medicine - Ancient African peoples employed advanced treatments like
discoveries are COMPASS, PAPERMAKING, GUNPOWDER, and salicylic acid, kaolin, and extracts for pain, diarrhea, and killing Gram-
PRINTING TOOLS. They also invented other tools like iron plough, positive bacteria.
wheelbarrow, andpropeller etc. -Africans discovered ouabain, capsicum, physostigmine, and
- In the field of astronomy, the Chinese also made significant records reserpine.
on this such as supernova’s, lunar and solar eclipse and comets which Navigation - Ancient Africans sailed to South America and Asia
were carefully recorded…. hundreds of years before Europeans, using thousands of waterways
- Chinese are also known in seismology. These made them more across Africa as trade routes.
prepared in the times of natural disasters. ADVANCEMENT IN MODERN SCIENCE
MIDDLE EAST COUNTRIES - Africa’s intellectual revolution are considered as the base of
-dominantly occupied by Muslims with the spread of Islam in the 7th knowledge in modern science.
and 8th centuries. - Numerous essentials are derived from the knowledge of
- A period of Muslim scholarship or what is called the golden age of ancient civilization in Africa.
Islam lasted until 13th century
-the mathematician Muhammad Ibn Musa al Kwarizmi gave his SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND NATION BUILDING
name to concept of the algorithm while the term algebra is derived HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE
from al-jabr, the beginning of the title of one of his publications. PHILIPPINES
- In the field of medicine, Ibn Sina pioneered the science of ● Science and Technology in the Philippines first started during Pre-
experimental medicine and was the first physician to conduct clinical colonial period.
trials. ● Spaniards arrived in 1521.
-He’s two most notable works are Book Of Healing and The Canon of Source of Information
Healing. ● Contemporary archaelogical findings
-Among his many contributions are the discovering of the continuous ● Accounts by early traders and foreign travelers
nature of infectious diseases and the introduction of clinical ● Narratives about conditions in the Philippines archipelago
pharmacology. written by the first Spanish missionaries and colonial officials.


DEFINED SOCIETY - Around 50,000 years ago the modern men (homo sapiens)
first came over-land across narrow channels.
TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION - They also formed settlements in the major Philippine islands.
- A period in which a technology is replaced by another one in a short
amount of time. FIRST CENTURY A.D
- era of accelerated technological progress characterized by - Filipinos were weaving cotton, smelting iron, making
innovations whose rapid application and diffusion typically cause an pottery and glass ornaments and were also engaged in agriculture.
abrupt change in society. - Filipinos had also learned to build boats for the coastal trade.
- considered the oldest civilization on the earth. PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD
- first societal intellectual revolution. - There were relatively sufficient and autonomous communities long
Mathematics - Books on division, multiplication, and geometry formulas before the Spaniards arrived.
were created in Egypt, while the Yoruba people of Zaire and Nigeria - These communities exhibited uneven technological development.
created their own numeration systems. - Filipinos were highly superstitious. They did not develop written
Yoruba system required abstract reasoning and required subtraction to literary tradition.
identify numbers.
Chemistry - The early use of chemistry dates back to the ancient COLONIAL PERIOD
civilization of Egypt. The Egyptians figured out the use of fire in - The galleon trade has brought additional technology and
extracting copper from their ores. development in the Philippines.
Metallurgy and Tools - The earliest ironworking site so far was -Trades allowed other ideas, corps, tools, cultural, practices,
discovered in Carthage. technology, and western practices to reach the country.
Biological Science Socials, Agriculture, and Forestry
THE SPANISH REGIME ● Protecting and conserving biodiversity by full implementation of
- spaniards established schools, hospitals and started scientific existing law
research ● Promoting indigenous knowledge systems and indigenous people's
- Science and Technology were shaped by the religious orders who conservation
played a major role in the establishments of the educational system. ● Use of biosafety and standard model by ASEAN countries
- Science courses were taught by lecture/recitation method. ● Formulation of common food and safety standards
- The Spaniards introduced the technology of town planning and
building with stones, brick ad ties. EXISTING PROGRAMS SUPPORTED BY THE PHILIPPINE
- At the end of the Spanish regime, the Philippines evolved into a GOVERNMENT THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND
primary agricultural exporting economy. TECHNOLOGY (DOST);
● Providing funds for basic research and patents related to science
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ● Providing scholarships
- According to Padilla-Concepcion (2015), in response to the ASEAN ● Establishing more branches of the Philippine Science High School
2015 Agenda, the government, particularly the Department of Science System
and Technology (DOST), has sought the expertise of the National ● Balik Scientist Program
Research Council of the Philippines to consult various sectors in the ● Developing science and technology parks in academic campuses
society to study how the Philippines can prepare itself in meeting the ● The establishment of the National Science Complex and National
ASEAN 2015 Goals. Engineering Complex within the University of the Philippines campus in
● Sciences, Humanities, Education, International Policies and ENGINEERING (PAASE, 2008) IDENTIFIED SEVERAL CAPACITY-
● Physics, Engineering, and Industrial Research, Earth and Space ● Establishment of national centers of excellence;
Sciences, and Mathematics ● Manpower and institutional development programs, such as the
● Medical, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Sciences Biological Science Engineering and Science Education Program (ESEP) to produce more
Socials, Agriculture, and Forestry PhD graduates in science and engineering
● Establishment of regional centers to support specific industries;
● Integrating ASEAN awareness in basic education without adding to FORWARD TO EMBARK VARIOUS RESEARCH PROJECTS;
the curriculum ● Use of alternative and safe energy
● Emphasizing teaching in the mother tongue ● Harnessing mineral resources
● Develop School infrastructure and providing for ICT broadband; ● Finding cure for various diseases and illness
● Local food security ● Increasing food production
● Preservation of natural resources
Physics, Engineering, and Industrial Research, ● Coping with natural disaster and calamities
Earth and Space Sciences, and Mathematics ● Infrastructure development
● Emphasizing degrees, licenses, and employment opportunities
● Harnessing Science and Technology as an independent mover of (PCARI)
development ● PCARI Project is a new approach to enhance the skills and
● Review of RA 9104 expertise of faculty and staff of Philippine universities and colleges,
through scholarships, training, and research partnerships with top-
Medical, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Sciences notch research universities in California, USA, in the priority areas of
● Ensuring compliance of drug-manufacturing firms with ASEAN- information infrastructure development (IID) and health innovation and
harmonized standards by full implementation of the Food and Drug translational medicine (HITM).
● Creating and education council dedicated to standardization of
pharmaceutical services and care
● Allocating two percent of the GDP to research
● Legislating a law supporting human genome projects Famous Filipinos in the Field of Science
DR. ANGEL ALCALA -He developed a program that would help improve Filipinos’ diets
- known and recognized because of his ARTIFICIAL CORAL REEFS -He believed that if you eat right, you can live right.
invention. -focus was on food security and food availability for all people.
- Alcala may be best known for his research related to the -studied how people eat—what they ate, when, and what they
rehabilitation of coral reefs. cooked with.
- In 1977, he created the first artificial reef, and this reef became a GREGORIO Y ZARA
model for many other fisheries development programs around the - was born on March 8, 1902, in Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines.
world. -earned a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering at the
- With his notable contribution to biological sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a master's in aeronautical
his research on the Philippine amphibians and reptiles was honored, engineering (summa cum laude) at the University of Michigan.
making his name appear in the Asian Scientists 100 by The Asian - In 1954, his airplane engine powered by alcohol had a successful
Scientist Magazine (ASM). test flight at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.
FE DEL MUNDO -He invented the earth induction compass, which is still used by pilots
-a pioneer in child health care system and Filipino medical doctor -In the middle of the 1950s, long before the start of the digital age,
-a pediatrician with a passion for the welfare of children. Zara developed the first videophone or two-way television-telephone.
-founded The Children's Medical Center Foundation in 1957. -He is best known for inventing the videophone, which he patented in
-was the President of the Medical Women's International Association. 1955. Zara’s video telephone invention enabled the caller and recipient
-a consultant of the World Health Organization. to see each other while conversing, laying the foundation for video-
-she was the first Filipino woman to be named a national scientist. conferencing.
-credited with studies that led to the invention of the incubator and a - Zara patented 30devices.
jaundice relieving device. - received the National Scientist Award for his work on various devices
-revolutionized Philippine medicine, making major breakthroughs in that make communication easier for people.
immunization - made a plane engine that ran on alcohol. This got hima lot of
- An incubator made out of bamboo is her most famous invention attention in the scientific world.
- founded the first pediatric Philippine hospital and focused on EDGARDO DIZON GOMEZ
addressing what the country lacked regarding medical equipment in -An Expert in Conservation Biology
specific communities like rural areas. -founded the Marine Science Institute at the University of the
- incubator made out of bamboo is hermost famous invention. Philippines Diliman.
GEMINIANO DE OCAMPO -spent his whole life protecting the coral reefs and other marine
- Father of Eye Care in the Philippines resources in the Philippines.
-His corneal dissector is one of the essential innovations, -led the initiative of replanting corals.
revolutionizing corneal transplant surgery. -led a program to conserve giant clam species in the Philippines
- the only National Scientist in the Philippines specializing in GAVINO TRONO
ophthalmology. -successfully developed pond and open-water culture technologies
- the first person to diagnose and treat specific eye problems in the and management of stocks of economically important seaweed
country. species of the Philippines.
- the one who established the very first Philippine eye hospital -an active mentor to graduate students and research associates and
RAMON BARBA still currently implementing projects on biodiversity as well as the
-His corneal dissector is one of the essential innovations, culture technology development of other economic seaweed
revolutionizing corneal transplant surgery. species.
-His invention, widely used today, revolutionized the Philippine mango -successfully implemented more than 25 locally and/or foreign-
industry, making the crop one of the country’s top export earners. funded research projects which resulted to the production of 170
- developed technology for inducing mangoes to flower out of scientific and technical publications.
season and all year round. ALFREDO LAGMAY
JULIAN BANZON -Father of Psychology in the Philippines
-A Pioneer in Renewable Energy -a Filipino psychologist notable for introducing behavioral studies to
-A Filipino biochemist noted for his research on alternative fuels. psychology.
-Focused on these esters as a renewable energy source because of -also known for his contributions to hypnosis and relaxation
their low carbon footprint. techniques.
-famous for extracting residual coconut oil from the fruit that paved the -most important contribution was his research on how to change
way for future innovations in alternative fuel sources people’s behavior and how that could help treat mental illnesses.
- investigated the use of indigenous crops as sources of renewable Gregorio T. Velasquez
fuels and chemicals. -Father of Phycology in Philippines
-a Filipino botanist who pioneered the field of phycology (the
FRANCISCO SANTOS study of algae).
-He was also one of the people to receive the National Scientist title. Focus of Science in Education in Tertiary
-made the first intensive study of the local bluegreen algae ◼ Science education at the tertiary level focuses on the preparation of
Dioscoro L. Umali science teachers
-Father of Philippines Plant Breeding ◼ Scientists
-a Filipino agricultural scientist born in Laguna, Philippines. ◼ Engineers
-As plant breeder, Dr. Umali specialized in the breeding ◼ And other professionals in various science-related fields such as
of rice, corn, abaca and mussaenda. engineering
◼ Agriculture medicine
-the teaching and learning of science to school children, college
students, or adults within the general public. SCIENCE SCHOOLS IN THE PHILIPPINES
Teaching science means exploring pedagogical theories and models.
Learning science includes both pedagogy and the most interesting Philippine Science High School System (PSHSS)
aspect. • A government program for gifted students.
Understanding science implies developing and applying science- • under Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
process skills and using science literacy. • Offering free scholarship for the secondary course with special
emphasis to science subjects.
When was the concept of science invented? Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES) Project
Science's earliest roots can be traced to Bronze Age Egypt and • in pursuant to DepEd Order No. 73 s. 2008, and DepEd Order No. 51
Mesopotamia around 3000 to 1200 BCE. s. 2010.
• Started in June 2007 with 57 identified elementary schools identified
When was science education in the Philippines introduced? as science elementary schools in the country. Today is grows more
September 5 1964 – The first Philippine Science High School than 60 schools nationwide.
was established in Diliman, Quezon City under Republic Act • The SSES Project aims to develop Filipino children equipped with
No. 3661, known as the PSHS Charter. scientific and technological knowledge, skills, and values.
Quezon City Regional Science High School
Who gave the concept of science? • It is established on September 17, 1967.
Aristotle is considered by many to term postdates him by more than • Originally named Quezon City Science High School.
be the first scientist, although the two millennia. • Turned into Regional science high school for the National Capital
Region in 1999.
SCIENCE EDUCATION IN BASIC AND TERTIARY EDUCATION • The school is well-supported by the local government unit and by the
Basic Education: Parents and Teachers Association (PTA).
• Science education helps students learn important concepts and facts Manila Science High School (MSHS)
that are related to everyday life including important skills such as • It is established on October 1, 1963.
process skills, critical thinking skills, and life skills. • It is the first science high school in the Philippines.
• Science education develops positive attitude such as: the love for • MHSH aims to produce scientists with souls.
knowledge, passion for innovative things, curiosity to study about • The school administers an entrance exam, the Manila Science High
nature, and creativity. School Admission Test (MSAT)
• Science education will develop a strong foundation for studying Five parts of MSAT:
science and for considering science-related careers in the future. 1. Aptitude in Science
Tertiary Education: 2. Aptitude in Mathematics
• Deals with developing students’ understanding and appreciation of 3. Problem Solving Test in Science
science ideas and scientific works. 4. Problem Solving Test in Mathematics
• Focuses on the preparation of science teachers, scientists, engineers 5. Proficiency in English
and other professionals in various science-related fields such as Central Visayan Institute Foundation
engineering, agriculture, medicine and health sciences. • It is the home and pioneer of the prominent school-based
• The state also provides scholarships to encourage more students to innovation known as Dynamic Learning Program (DLP).
pursue science courses. • DLP is a synthesis of classical and modern pedagogical theories
adopted to foster the highest level of learning, creativity, and
• The school takes pride in its Research Center for Theoretical Physics
(RCTP) established in 1992.
STS (Science, Technology and Society) education aims to
meet the goal of scientific literacy by promoting the teaching and
learning of science through the context of the individual in society so
that students gain essential science skills and the ability to think
critically, make informed decisions, solve problems and workc


Philippine mythology
- the body of stories and epics originating from, and part of, the
indigenous Philippine folk religions, which include various ethnic faiths
distinct from one another.
-attempts to explain the nature of the world through the lives and
actions of deities (called anitos in the north and diwatas in
the south), heroes, and mythological creatures.
acts as a midwife, a chiropractor or massage therapist to promote
health and healing.
This practitioner uses alum, candles, smoke,paper, eggs and other
mediums to diagnosea the cause of illness associated byprayers and
practitioner who uses a combination of healing modalities that may
include prayers, incantations, mysticism, and herbalism.
a practitioner who claims divine power bestowed by the HOLY SPIRIT
or GOD. A patient is required to have faith and believe in divinepowers
to effect healing.
-The State shall recognize and promote all the rights of Indigenous
Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs) here under
enumerated within the framework of the Constitution.
• The State shall recognize, respect and protect the rights of ICCs/IPs
To preserve and develop their cultures, traditions and institutions.
• The State shall guarantee that members of the ICCs/IPs regardless
of sex,shall equally enjoy the full measure of human rights and
freedoms without distinctionor discrimination

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