12-Improve Phase - TQM-SS - Run # 57

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Improve Phase

Six Sigma Methodology

1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 4. 0 5. 0
Define Measure Analyze Improve Control
Opportunities Performance Opportunities Performance Performance

What is How are What is What How do we

important? we doing? wrong? needs to guarantee
be done? performance?
Pareto SIPOC Brainstorming Selection Control
Cause& Effect Matrix Spreadsheet
Method Data Collection FMEA
Project Diagram Histogram Design for
Charter Improvement
Pareto Scatter Diagram
DMAIC Approach
1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 4. 0
5. 0
Define Measure Analyze Improve
Opportunities Performance Opportunities Performance Control

• Objectives:
To identify, evaluate and select the right improvement solution, and to
develop a change management approach that assists the organization in
adapting to the changes introduced during the implementation of it.
• Key Topics:
1. Evaluate alternatives. 4. Design for culture.
2. Design for improvement. 5. Prove effectiveness.
3. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 6. Implement
Evaluate Alternatives
The improvement step starts by deciding on the improvement
that will best remove or reduce the effect of the root cause (s) of
the problem.

- All possible improvements are not equally good.

- The project team Should consider a range of possible

improvements and align on the most effective and appropriate

- The team’s first task is to identify a number of possible

alternatives, Brainstorming is often helpful at this point.
Evaluation Criteria
The most common criteria for evaluating alternatives include:
 Total cost:
- Costs to implement a corrective action should not exceed
available resources, some initial investment may be
 Impact on the problem.
 Benefit/Cost relationship.
 Culture impact/resistance to change.
 Implementation time.
 Health, Safety, and the environment.
Improvement Selection Matrix
Criteria Action 1 Action 2 Action 3

Remedy Name

Total Cost

Impact on the Problem

Benefit & Cost Relationship

Cultural Impact & Resistance

to Change

Implementation Time

Health & Safety and

Environmental Impact
DMAIC Approach
1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 4. 0
5. 0
Define Measure Analyze Improve
Opportunities Performance Opportunities Performance Control

• Objectives:
To identify, evaluate and select the right improvement solution, and to
develop a change management approach that assists the organization in
adapting to the changes introduced during the implementation of it.
• Key Topics:
1. Evaluate alternatives. 4. Design for culture.
2. Design for Improvement. 5. Prove effectiveness.
3. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 6. Implement
Design Improvement
Once the team selects a remedy, it designs the corrective
actions by performing the following tasks:

1. Ensure that the corrective action achieves project goals.

2. Determine the required resources.


3. Specify the procedures and other changes required.

Tools for Actions design : Tree Diagram
A tree diagram outlines the steps for implementing an action by
listening all the basic tasks needed to achieve that outcome.

A project team in a large clinic wanted to remedy the problem

of missing medical records.

The success of the remedy depended on four factors:

• New medical record covers.

• New out guides.
• A modified computer program.
• New procedures for the medical record staff.
Tree Diagram
Use new Design new guides
out-guides Order & inventory

Design new covers

Use new
medical Order & inventory covers
record covers
Install covers
New medical-
Record tracking Specify system change
process Computer prints Write new program
Out same-day
Appointment slips Test

Write procedure
Medical record Staff
Prepare training
inserts same-day
slips and uses them Conduct training
Conduct dry run
Quality Tool: Planning Matrix
What Who When

Use new Design new guides

Order & inventory

Design new covers

Use new
medical Order & inventory covers
record covers
Install covers
New medical-
Record tracking Specify system change
process Computer printers Write new program
Out same-day
Appointment slips Test

Write procedure
Medical record Staff Prepare training
inserts same-day
slips and uses them Conduct training
Conduct dry run
A planning matrix assigns each task in a tree diagram to an individual, group, or Function
DMAIC Approach
1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 4. 0
5. 0
Define Measure Analyze Improve
Opportunities Performance Opportunities Performance Control

• Objectives:
To identify, evaluate and select the right improvement solution, and to
develop a change management approach that assists the organization in
adapting to the changes introduced during the implementation of it.
• Key Topics:
1. Evaluate alternatives. 4. Design for culture.
2. Design for Improvement. 5. Prove effectiveness.
3. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 6. Implement
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
The purpose of this tool is:
• Identify the risk of bad outputs (Y’s) (symptoms) upon which the
project team should focus.
• Prioritize the order in which the project team should improve the risky
bad symptoms.
• Documenting the possible causes (theories) (process inputs) (X’s),
which appear to create each bad symptom.
• Examine a prospective design.
• Eliminate the possibility of failure.
• Stop a failure before it reaches people.
• Minimize the consequences of a failure.
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Consider the Fire Extinguisher as an example




Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Potential causes Controls
Effects of of Failure


Potential Potential
Item and Potential Current
Effect(s) of Cause(s) of RPN
Function Failure Mode Controls
Failure Failure

Hose Cracks Misfiring Exposure to Insulated

excessive packaging
heat or cold mat'ls.
10 5 6 300
during Climate
shipping controlled
Pinholes Low discharge Damage to No sharp
pressure the hose objects used in
8 8 4 256
during mfg hose
Blockages No discharge Foreign Incoming
object in the inspection and
10 hose 6 hose 3 180
passage test
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

RPN = Severity x Occurrence x Detection
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Calculating the Risk Prioritization Number (RPN)


Potential Potential
Item and Potential Current Recommended and Target
Effect(s) of Cause(s) of RPN
Function Failure Mode Controls Action Completion
Failure Failure
Hose Cracks Misfiring Exposure to Insulated Use hose that is Kevin 4/1
excessive heat packaging mat'ls. not temperature
10 or cold during 5 Climate controlled 6 300 sensitive
shipping shipping

Pinholes Low discharge Damage to the No sharp objects Put a protective Kevin 4/15
pressure 8 hose during 8 used in hose 4 256 Kevlar coating on
mfg operations the hose

Blockages No discharge Foreign object Incoming None

in the hose inspection and
10 6 hose pressure/air 3 180
passage test

Severity of Probability Ability
Failure Of Failure To Detect
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
How to improve RPN:

- Minimize Severity:
Change the Design

- Minimize Occurrence:
Change the Design and/or Process.

- Maximize ability for Detection (Minimize Score) :

• Move to Less Operator dependent (process automation)
• Increase Verifications/Inspections
DMAIC Approach
1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 4. 0
5. 0
Define Measure Analyze Improve
Opportunities Performance Opportunities Performance Control

• Objectives:
To identify, evaluate and select the right improvement solution, and to
develop a change management approach that assists the organization in
adapting to the changes introduced during the implementation of it.
• Key Topics:
1. Evaluate alternatives. 4. Design for culture.
2. Design for Improvement. 5. Prove effectiveness.
3. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 6. Implement
Design for Culture
Quality improvement means change. many people resist changes.
People resist solutions because of the fact that human is always afraid
from the unknown.

• A new approach requires that people learn new skills and
procedures. this often reduces the perceived value of those who
were expert in the old ways of doing things.
• People are asked to share a work process with individuals they
have not worked with before.
• People are required to change their schedules-when they come
and go and when they take lunch, for instance.
Design for Culture

Many people change their behaviors only hardly, unless they see
the clear benefit of the change.

 To plan for resistance, the following should be:

 Identify all potential sources of resistance and support.

 Rate the sources and Support according to their strengths.

 Identify countermeasures needed to overcome Sources.

DMAIC Approach

1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 4. 0
5. 0
Define Measure Analyze Improve
Opportunities Performance Opportunities Performance Control

• Objectives:
To identify, evaluate and select the right improvement solution, and to
develop a change management approach that assists the organization in
adapting to the changes introduced during the implementation of it.
• Key Topics:
1. Evaluate alternatives. 4. Design for culture.
2. Design for Improvement. 5. Prove effectiveness.
3. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 6. Implement
Prove Effectiveness
Before an improvement is finally adopted, it should be approved
& effective under the normal operating conditions.
 Pilot test
- To implement the improvement on a limited scale.
 Dry run
- It does not involve delivery to the customer.
 Acceptance test
- Is a highly structured dry run it is conducted strictly by the
people who will ultimately implement the improvement.
 Simulation
- Used when other options are risky or expensive. The solution is
tested under conditions very close to operating environment.
DMAIC Approach
1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 4. 0
5. 0
Define Measure Analyze Improve
Opportunities Performance Opportunities Performance Control

• Objectives:
To identify, evaluate and select the right improvement solution, and to
develop a change management approach that assists the organization in
adapting to the changes introduced during the implementation of it.
• Key Topics:
1. Evaluate alternatives. 4. Design for culture.
2. Design for Improvement. 5. Prove effectiveness.
3. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 6. Implement
Implementation requires introducing change to the people. Who
will make it work. these people are represented in project.

 Implementing a change in operations should always include:

- A clear plan.

- A description of the change.

- An explanation indicating why the change is necessary.

- Involvement of those affected in some aspects of the planning

preparation for the change.
Change may also require:
1- Written procedures.
2- Training.
3- Equipment, materials, and suppliers.
4- Changes in staffing.
5- Changes in responsibilities for certain positions.

The more complex the change, the greater the need for
preparation & planning and full alignment.

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