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Engineering Mechanics

( ME-22015)

Second Semester

Second Semester
• Chapter (12)- Kinematics of a Particle
• Chapter (13)- Kinetics of a Particle: Force and Acceleration
• Chapter (14)- Kinetics of a Particle: Work and Energy
• Chapter (15)- Kinetics of a Particle: Impulse and Momentum
• Chapter (16)- Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body
• Chapter (17)- Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Force and Acceleration

An Over View on Mechanics

CHAPTER 12 (Kinematics of a Particle)

• 12.1 Introduction 3
• 12.2 Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion 5
• 12.3 Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion 19
• 12.4 General Curvilinear Motion 32
• 12.5 Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components 34
• 12.6 Motion of a Projectile 39
• 12.7 Curvilinear Motion: Normal and Tangential Components 53
• 12.8 Curvilinear Motion: Cylindrical Components 67
• 12.9 Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles 81
• 12.10 Relative-Motion of Two Particles Using Translating Axes 87

12.1 Introduction
• Mechanics is a branch of the physical sciences that is concerned with the state of rest or
motion of bodies subjected to the action of forces.
• Engineering mechanics is divided into two areas:


• Statics mainly deals with the forces acting on stationary bodies/body. All the forces
acting are in equilibrium.
• Dynamics is the study of forces acting on moving bodies/body. Application of forces
when they are in motion.

The subject of dynamics is presented in two parts:
kinematics kinetics
• Kinematics - study of the geometry of the motion of a body (i.e. position,
displacement, velocity, and acceleration)
• For example. let us consider a particle that is being accelerated along a straight line, with a
constant acceleration a. the The particle has an initial velocity of u and after a time t, the
velocity of the particle is v. Using equations of motion for a particle with constant
acceleration, we can calculate the final velocity to be: v = u + at

u v

• Kinetics - study of the forces causing the motion.
- i.e. A block of mass m moving in the direction of applied force Fm. The other forces
acting on the block are, the gravitational force Fg,reaction force of the surface Fr and
frictional force Ff .


m Fm


12.2 Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion
Rectilinear motion: position,velocity, and acceleration of a particle as
it moves along a straight line.

Position(s): Position coordinate of a particle is defined by (+ or -)

distance of particle from a fixed origin on the line.

Position 8
Displacement : The displacement of the particle is defined as the change in
its position. The displacement is
P P
s  s  s ( m)


Velocity : Velocity is the rate of change of displacement.

The magnitude of the velocity is called speed, with units of m/s.

P P
 ( m/s)
Average speed & Average velocity
Average speed is the total distance traveled ( sT ) divided by
the time interval (t ) .
Average velocity is the displacement (s) divided by the time
interval (t ) .

Average Speed,
(vsp ) avg 
Average Velocity,
vavg 
Acceleration : Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity.

P dv
P a 2
(m / s )


 , a
dv ads  vdv
dt dt

Where, s = position (m)

v = velocity ( m/s)
a = acceleration (m / s 2 )
Constant Acceleration (a  ac )
When the acceleration is constant, each of the three
kinematics equations ac  dv dt , v  ds dt , ac ds  vdv
may be integrated to obtain formulas that relate ac , v, s, t.

Velocity as a Function of Time :

ac  dv dt , v  v0 t 0
By integrating assuming when .

v  act 
v t v

 dv   ac dt ,
v0 0 0

v  v0  act

ac  Constant acceleration 12
Position as a Function of Time :
By integrating v  ds dt  v0  act ,
assuming s  s0 when t  0.

s  
s t s

 ds   (v0  act ) dt ,
 (v0t  1 2 act ) 0
s0 0 so

1 2
s  s0  v0t  act

ac  Constant acceleration

Velocity as a Function of Position :
By integrating vdv  ac ds, assuming v  v0 at s  s0

v 2  (a s)
v s v

 vdv   ac ds, 2 s
c s0
v0 s0 vo

v  v  2ac s  s0 
2 2

ac  Constant acceleration

Example(12.1) The car in Figure moves in a straight line such that
for a short time its velocity is defined by v  (3t 2  2t ) m s, where t is in
seconds. Determine its position and acceleration when t = 3s.
When t = 0, s = 0.

velocity, v  (3t 2  2t ) m s,
when t = 3s,When t = 0, s = 0, Position (s), Acceleration (a) = ?
 ds
Velocity, () v  (3t 2  2t )
s t
ds  (3t  2t )dt ,  ds   (3t 2  2t )dt
0 0
Example(12.1) continue
s t
 0
ds   (3t 2  2t )dt

s s
0 
 t t3

2 t
0 , s  t3  t2

 t  t  3  3  36 m
3 2 3 2
When t = 3 s, s

Position, s = 36 m Ans
 dv d
Acceleration, () a  (3t  2t )dt

dt dt
a  6t  2
a  6(3)  2  20 m s
When t = 3 s,
Acceleration, a = 20 m s Ans
Example(12.3) During a test a rocket is traveling upward at 75 m / s
and when it is 40 m from the ground its engine fails. Determine the
maximum height sB reached by the rocket and its speed just before it
hits the ground. While in motion the rocket is subjected to a constant
downward acceleration of 9.81 m / s 2 due to gravity. Neglect the effect of
air resistance.
Velocity, VA  75 m / s
constant downward acceleration = 9.81 m / s 2
Find: max height ?, speed ?
sB vC
From point A to point B,
(  ) v  v  2ac ( s  s0 )
2 2

v  v  2ac ( sB  s A )

0  (75)  2(9.81)( sB  40)

2 2

sB  327 m Ans 17
Example(12.3) From point B to point C,
(  ) vC2  vB2  2ac ( sC  sB )
vC  (0) 2  2(9.81)(0  327)

vC  80.1 m / s  80.1m / s () Ans

From point A to point C,

(  ) vC2  v A2  2ac ( s  s A )
vC  (75)  2(9.81)(0  40)
2 2

vC  80.1 m / s  80.1m / s () Ans

12.3 Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

When a particle has erratic or changing motion, a series of functions

will be required to specify the motion at different intervals.

To construct the v-t graph from the given the s–t graph, the equation v
= ds/dt should be used, as it relates the variables s and t to v.

the slope of the line tangent to the motion curve at any point is the
velocity at that point (or v = ds/dt).

Give the s-t Graph, Construct the v-t Graph
Slope of s-t graph = velocity

v-t graph
s-t graph

v0  (0,0), v1  (t1 , s1 ), v2  (t2 , s2 ), v3  (t3 , s3 ) 20

a-t Graph

• The a–t graph can be constructed from the v-t graph in a similar manner
using a = dv/dt equation.

• the a-t graph can be constructed by finding the slope at various points along
the v-t graph.

• A v-t graph from an a-t graph can be constructed if we know the initial
velocity of the particle.

Give the v-t Graph, Construct the a-t Graph
Slope of v-t graph = acceleration

a-t graph
v-t graph
a0  (0, v0 ), a1  (t1 , v1 ), a2  (t2 , v2 ), a3  (t3 , v3 ) 22
Rectilinear Motion: Position, Velocity & Acceleration

• Consider particle with motion given by

s  6t 2  t 3
v  12t  3t 2
dv d 2 s
a  2  12  6t
dt dt
• at t = 0, s = 0, v = 0, a = 12 m/s2

• at t = 2 s, s = 16 m, v = vmax = 12 m/s, a = 0

• at t = 4 s, s = smax = 32 m, v = 0, a = -12 m/s2

• at t = 6 s, s = 0, v = -36 m/s, a = -24 m/s2

Example(12.6) A bicycle moves along a straight road such that its position is described by
the graph shown in Fig. Construct the v-t and a–t graphs for. 0  t  30s


Solution: s  10 t  50

s  t2
Draw : v-t graph, s-t graph 50

v-t graph, 0
Fig. 12–9a
1 2 ds
0  t  10 s, s t , v t
2 dt
10  t  30 s, s  10t  50, v   10
s 250  50
t  20s, v    10m / s
t 30  10
v( m / s )

10 v  10 m / s

v-t graph,

a(m / s 2 )

a-t graph,
0  t  10s, v  t, a 1
10  t  30 s, v  10, a 0 0
a-t graph,
Give the a-t Graph, Construct the v-t Graph
v t
 dv   adt
a , dv  adt v0 0

v   adt
Change in velocity = area under a-t graph

a-t graph v-t graph 26

Give the v-t Graph, Construct the s-t Graph
s t
 ds   vdt
v , ds  vdt s0 0

s   vdt
Displacement = area under v-t graph

v-t graph s-t graph 27

Example(12.7) The test car in starts from rest and travels along a straight track such that
it accelerates at a constant rate for 10 s, and then decelerates at a constant rate. . Draw the v-t
graph and s–t graphs and determine the time t  needed to stop the car. How far has the car

a  10m / s 2 (acceleration)
a  2m / s 2(deceleration)
Draw : v-t graph, s-t graph
Find : the time( t  )?, Traveled(s)?
v-t graph,
a , dv  adt
Initial condition, when t  0, v  0 .
v  10 t
v t v t
0  t 10 s , a  10m / s ,
 dv   adt ,  dv   10dt
0 0 0 0

when t  10s , v  10(10)  100 m / s

dv    2dt , v100   2t 10
v t
10t  t  , a  2 m / s 2

v t
100 10

v  100  2t   2(10) v  2t  120

when t  t  , v  0, 0  2t  120 t   60 s Ans

v-t graph

s-t graph, ds
v , ds  vdt
Initial condition, when t  0, s  0 .

s  5t 2
s t
0  t  10 s , v  10t , 0
d s   10tdt

when t  10 s, s  5 (10) 2  500 m

s t
10 s  t  60 s , v  2t  120 m / s ,  ds  
500 10
(2t  120)dt

s s
500  2

  t  120t 10 , s  500  t 2  120t  (100)  120(10)

s  t 2  120t  600
when t  60 s, s  (60) 2  120(60)  600
s  3000 m Ans

12.4 General Curvilinear Motion
• Curvilinear motion occurs when a particle moves along a curved path.

• Position and Displacement

• The position of the particle at any instant is designated by the vector

r = r(t). Both the magnitude and direction of r may vary with time.

• If the particle moves a distance s along the curve during time interval

t, the displacement is determined by vector subtraction:  r = r’ - r

• The average velocity of the particle during the time increment t is
vavg = r/t .
• The instantaneous velocity is the time-derivative of position
v = dr/dt .
• The velocity vector, v, is always tangent to the path of motion

• The magnitude of v is called the speed.

v = m/s

• Acceleration represents the rate of change in the
velocity of a particle.
• If a particle’s velocity changes from v to v’ over a
time increment t, the average acceleration during
that increment is:
• aavg = v/t = (v - v’)/t
• The instantaneous acceleration is the time-derivative
of velocity:
• a = dv/dt = d2r/dt2
• In summary, “v” is always tangent to the path and
“a” is not always tangent to the path.

12.5 Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components
Position. If at a given instant the particle P is at point (x, y, z) on
the curved path s shown in Fig, then its location is defined by the
position vector

The magnitude of r is defined

r x y z 2 2 2

The unit vector, u r 
Velocity. The first time derivative of r yields the velocity of the particle.

dr d d d
v  ( xi )  ( yj )  ( zk )
dt dt dt dt
The i component of v,
d dx di
( xi )  i  x
dt dt dt
d dy dj
( yj )  j y
dt dt dt
The final result,

  
Where, v  x  dx , dy
v y  y  , vz  z 
dt dt dt
The velocity vector is always directed tangent to the path. 35
  
The “dot” notation x , y, z represents the first time derivatives of
The parametric equations, x  x(t ), y  y(t ), z  z (t )

v  vx  v y  vz
2 2 2
The magnitude of the velocity,


     
a x  v x  x, a y  v y  y, az  vz  z

a  ax  a y  az
2 2 2
The magnitude of the acceleration, 36
Example(12.9) At any instant the horizontal position of the weather balloon in Fig is
defined by x  (8t )m , where t is in seconds. If the equation of the path is y  x m , determine
(a) the distance of the balloon from the station at A when t = 2 s, (b) the magnitude and direction
of the velocity when t=2 s, and (c) the magnitude and direction of the acceleration when t=2 s.

Find : s ( distance)?
v ( magnitude & direction )?
a ( magnitude & direction )?

When t = 2 s, x  (8t )  8  2  16 m
x 2 16
2 16 m
y  m  25.6 m
10 10
The distance of the balloon from A to B,.
r  16  (25.6) 2  30.2 m Ans


Velocity v  26.8 m / s

when t = 2 s, vx  x  8t   8 m / s 
v  72.6

 
 
d x2
vy  y   2 x x  2(16)(8)  25.6 m / s 
dt 10 10 10

The magnitude of the velocity,

v  vx2  v y2  82  (25.6)2  26.8 m / s Ans

The direction is tangent to the path,

 vy  1  25.6 
 1

 v  tan    tan    72.6

 vx   8 
Example(12.9) a  12.8 m / s 2
 
x  8t , ax  vx  x  0

d 2x x 

  
yx , ay  vy  y   
10 dt  10

  

ay  2x x  2xx  2(16)(0)  2(8)(8)  12.8 m / s 2

10 10 10 10

The magnitude of the acceleration,

a  ax2  a y2  02  (12.8)2  12.8 m / s 2 Ans

ay 12 .8
The direction of a,  a  tan ( 1 1
)  tan ( )  90 Ans
ax 0
12.6 Motion of a Projectile
• The free-flight motion of a projectile is in parabolic path and
often studied in terms of its rectangular components.
• The horizontal direction experiencing zero acceleration
and the other in the vertical direction experiencing
constant acceleration (i.e., gravity).
• Horizontal Motion
• Since ax = 0, a x  aC  0 the velocity in the horizontal
direction remains constant (vx = vox) and the position in
the x direction can be determined by:
Motion of a Projectile
• Vertical Motion
• Since the positive y-axis is directed upward, ay = -g.
• Application of the constant acceleration equations yields:

( ) v  v0  ac t ; v  v0  gt

y  y0  v0 y t  gt
1 1 2
( ) y  y0  v0t  aC t 2 ;
2 2
( ) v 2  v02  2ac ( y  y0 ) ; v y2  v02  2 g ( y  y0 )

• Time of flight is the same in both motion.

• The maximum height occurs at the vertical component velocity is zero.
• Example 12.11 A sack slides off the ramp, shown in Fig. with a horizontal velocity of 12m/s.
If the height of the ramp is 6 m from the floor, determine the time needed for
the sack to strike the floor and the range R where sacks begin to pile up.
• The origin of coordinates is at point A,
The initial velocity of a sack, (vA)x = 12 m/s and (vA)y = 0.
Between pts A and B, the acceleration is ay = -9.81 m/s2.
Vertical motion

Horizontal motion

Example(12.12) The chipping machine is designed to eject wood
chips at v0  10 m / s as shown in Fig. 12–22. If the tube is oriented at 30°
from the horizontal, determine how high, h, the chips strike the pile if
they land on the pile 8 m from the tube.

v0  10 m / s
Initial velocity, v0  10 m / s
Find : high, h? 1m
Initial velocity,
v0 x  10  cos 30  8.66 m / s  8m

v0 y  10  sin 30  5 m / s  Fig. 12–22

Horizontal motion,

 ) x A  x0  (v0 ) x tOA
8 m  0  (8.66 m / s)tOA tOA  0.9238 s
Vertical motion, a y  aC  9.81m / s 2
1 2
( ) y A  y0  (v0 ) y tOA  actOA
h  1m  0  (5 m / s)(0.9238 s)  (9.81m / s 2 )0.9238 s 2

h  1.433 m Ans

NOTE: We can determined v A y ,by using v A y  v0 y  actOA

vA x  v0 x  8.66 m / s , (ax  aC  0), ay  9.81m / s 2

12.7 Curvilinear Motion: Normal and Tangential components
• When the path along which a particle travels is known, it is
often convenient to describe the motion using n and t
coordinate axes which act normal and tangent to the path.
• The positive n and t directions are defined by the unit vectors un
and ut, respectively.
• The velocity vector is always tangent to the path of motion
• Magnitude is
v = 𝑠ሶ = ds/dt
In vector form
v = vut
Accleration: in The n-t Coordinate System
• There are two components to the acceleration vector:
• a = at ut + an un
• The tangential component is tangent to the curve and in the
direction of increasing or decreasing velocity.
at = 𝑣ሶ or at ds = v dv
• The normal or centripetal component is always directed toward
the center of curvature of the curve.
an 

• The magnitude of the acceleration vector is a = a  at2  an2 m/s2

• The radius of curvature, , at any point on the path can be calculated from the equation
1  (dy dx) 
2 32

d 2 y dx 2
Example(12.14) When the skier reaches point A along the
parabolic path in Fig. 12–27a, he has a speed of 6 m / s which is increasing
at 2 m / s 2 .Determine the direction of his velocity and the direction and
magnitude of his acceleration at this instant. Neglect the size of the skier
in the calculation.
vA  6 m / s , a  2 m / s2
Find : Velocity(direction)?
a( magnitude, direction)?
1 2  dy  1
y  x ,    (10)  1
20  dx  x 10 10
d2y 1 Fig. 12–27a

dx 10
tan    1   tan1 (1)  45 Ans
Example(12.14)  v2
a  at ut  anun a  v ut  u n

a  v  2 m / s2

(6) 2
a  2ut  un  2 ut  1.273 un
28.28 at = 2 m/s2 (given); an = v2/ρ = 1.273 m/s2
Magnitude of a, a  22  1.2732  2.37 m / s 2 Ans
at 2
  tan ( )  tan (
1 1
)  57.5 Ans
an 1.273 n

The angle , 45  90  57.5  180 12.5 Ans  45

Another Method: The angle , 57.5  45 12.5 48

12.8 Curvilinear Motion: Cylindrical Components
• Polar Coordinates.
• To use polar coordinates, the origin is established at a fixed point, and the radial coordinate r
is directed to the particle, and a transverse coordinate θ, which is the counterclockwise angle
between a fixed reference line and the r axis.
• The positive directions of the r and θ coordinates are defined by the unit vectors ur and uθ ,
• Note that these directions are perpendicular to one another.
• Position. At any instant the position of the particle is defined
by the position vector

r = r ur

• The instantaneous velocity v is obtained by taking the time derivative of r.

• Where

• The radial component vr is the rate of increase or decrease in

the length of the radial coordinate.
• The transverse component vθ is the rate of motion along the circumference of a circle having
a radius r.
• θሶ = dθ/dt is called the angular velocity measured in rad/s.
• vr and vθ are mutually perpendicular, the magnitude of velocity or speed is

• m/s 50
• Taking the time derivatives of velocity, we obtain the particle’s instantaneous acceleration,

• Where

• The term θሷ = d2θ/dt2 = d/dt(dθ/dt) is called the

“angular acceleration”.
• Since ar and aθ are always perpendicular, the magnitude of acceleration is


• In general, a will not be tangent to the path.

Example 12.18
• The rod OA in Fig. rotates in the horizontal plane such that θ = (t3) rad. At the same time, the collar B is sliding
outward along OA so that r = (100t2) mm. If in both cases t is in seconds, determine the velocity and acceleration of
the collar when t = 1 s.

• Magnitude of v is

Example 12.18 cont;

• Magnitude of a is

12.9 Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles

• In some types of motion, one particle motion will depend on the corresponding motion of
another particle.
• Establish each position coordinate with an origin located at a fixed point or datum.
• relate the position coordinates to the total length of the cord, lT ,
• Two successive time derivatives of the position-coordinate equations
yield the required velocity and acceleration.
2sB + h +sA = l , l and h are constant then
From time derivatives  2vB = -vA
2aB = -aA
when B moves downward (+sB), A moves to the left (-sA)

Example 12.23
• Determine the speed of block B in Fig. if the end of the cord at A is pulled down with a speed of
2 m/s.
• Sol; The position of point A is defined by sA, and the position of block B is specified by sB
measured from datum.
• constant cord lengths l1 and l2 can be expressed as,

• Time derivatives give,

• Eliminating vC,

• So that when vA = 2m/s (downward)

Example 12.24
A man at A is hoisting a safe S as shown in Fig by walking to the right with a constant velocity
vA  0.5 m / s . Determine the velocity and acceleration of the safe when it reaches the elevation at
E. The rope is 30 m long and passes over a small pulley at D.

Solution: vA  0.5 m / s , l  30 m

Find : vS (velocity) ?
aS ( acceleration) ?
l  l AD  lCD
l AD  15  x 2 , lCD  15  y

30  (15) 2  x 2  15  y
y  (15) 2  x 2  15
dy dx
vS  , v A   0.5 m / s 56
dt dt
dy d 
vS   15  x 2  15

dt dt  

dy d  1 2x  dx  x 
vS     vS   v A
dt dt  2
 15  x 2  dt
 15  x 2 

If y = 10 m, y  (15) 2  x 2  15 x = 20 m, vA  0.5 m / s
 20 
vS   (0.5 m / s)  0.4 m / s  400 mm / s Ans
 15  x 2 

dvS d 2 y d  x 
aS   2   vA
dt dt dt  15  x 2 
 
 1 2 x dx dt   1  dx  x  dv

aS    xv A    vA    A
 
 2 225  x 2 

 225  x 2   dt 
 225  x 2   dt
  x 2v 2   v A2 
aS   A
 0

 225  x 2  3
2 
  225  x 2
 

 225v 2 
aS  

  x 2v 2  225  x 2 v 2 

 aS   A

 

   225  x 2 2
 
225  x 2 2 

If x = 20 m, vA  0.5 m / s

 255v 2   255 (0.5) 

aS   A
 

 225  x 2  3
2 
  
225  20 2 2

aS  3.6 x10 m / s  3.6 mm / s
2 2

12.10 Relative-Motion of Two Particles Using Translating Axes
• When the path of motion for a particle is complicated, it may be easier to analyze the motion in parts by using two
or more frames of reference.
• Position. Consider particles A and B, which move along the arbitrary paths shown in Fig.
• The absolute position of each particle, rA and rB, is measured from the common origin O of the fixed x, y, z
reference frame.
• The position of B measured relative to A is denoted by the
relative-position vector rB/A.
From vector relation,
rB = rA + rB/A (m)
• Velocity. the velocities of the particles is determined by
taking the time derivative of the above equation.
vB = vA + vB/A (m/s)
• Acceleration. The time derivative of velocity eq: yields the
absolute and relative accelerations of particles A and B.
aB = aA + aB/A (m/s2) 59
Example 12.25
A train, traveling at a constant speed of 60 km/ h crosses over a road as shown in Fig. If the
automobile A is traveling at 45 km/ h along the road, determine the magnitude and direction of the
relative velocity of the train with respect to the automobile.

Solution: vT  60 km / h , vA  45 km / h

Find : vT A (magnitude & direction) ? km

vT  v A  vT A
60i  (45 cos 45i  45 sin 45 j )  vT A km

vT A  (28.2i  31.8 j ) km / h
Magnitude of vT A ,
28.2 km/ h
vT A  28.2   31.8  42.5 km / h Ans
2 2

v  31.8
T A y
tan     48.5 
v  28.2
T A x
 31.8 km/ h 60
Plane A in Fig. is flying along a straight-line path, whereas plane B is flying along a circular path
having a radius of curvature of  B  400 km .Determine the velocity and acceleration of B as
measured by the pilot of A.
Solution: vA  700 km / h , vB  600 km / h

Find : vB A (magnitude & direction) ?

aB A(magnitude & direction) ?
vB  v A  vB A
600  700  vB A
vB A  100 km / h  100 km / h  Ans
vB A  100 km / h

v A  700 km / h
Magnitude of normal component, vB  600 km / h
vB2 6002
aB n    900 km / h 2
 400
The relative-acceleration,
aB  a A  aB A

900i  100 j  50 j  aB A

aB A  900i  150 j  km / h 2

aB A  9002  1502  912 km / h 2 Ans

150 150 
tan     tan    9.46 Ans
900  900 

Example 12.27
At the instant shown in Fig., cars A and B are traveling with speeds of 18 m/s and 12 m/s,
respectively. Also at this instant, A has a decrease in speed of 2 m/s2, and B has an increase in
speed of 3 m/s2. Determine the velocity and acceleration of B with respect to A.
• sol:

• Car B has both normal and tangential acceleration



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