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Second Quarter Summative Test
and Performance Tasks
School Year 2021-2022




Test I MODULE 1-2

A. Fill the Gap
Directions: Complete the statement by filling in the blanks with the correct answer
from the box to complete the idea.

social media relationship understand data

illustration expository creatively verbal
photographs-illustrations charts- graphs

1. ________is the leisure activity mostly enjoyed by the youths.

2. Graphics show the ___________between figures and the text used.

3. Authors use graphics to help readers ___________the concept presented in a text.

4. Charts and Graphs also allow unique organization of ____ being presented.

5. An ______ is a drawing or sketch.

6. _______ texts are designed to explain, inform or describe.

7. There are many different ways to present information and to convey idea ________.

8. It is important to use the ________and ________ in a text to deepen engagement with

the material.

9. _______ and ________ also allow unique organization of data being presented.

10. The term _____ applies to written or spoken words.

Instruction: Share your opinion about your favorite teacher. Use the guide questions
below. Please be guided by the rubric.
3 2 1
Main Idea or Response Response Writer’s main idea
Opinion rephrases the declares writer’s or opinion is not
questions while main idea or clear.
declaring the opinion.
writer’s main idea
or opinion.
Details and Writer shares at Writer shares 1 or Writer shares little
Evidence least 3 clear 2 examples and or no evidence and
examples and evidence to examples to support
evidence to support support their idea their answer.
their idea or or opinion.
Organization, Writer’s response Writer’s response Response needs
Grammar, has a clear flows but the stronger transitions.
Usage and beginning, middle beginning, middle Grammar, usage
Punctuation and end. Grammar, or end is not clear. and punctuation
usage and Grammar, usage make the text
punctuation makes and punctuation difficult to
the writing shows readability. understand
1) Choose your favorite teacher. Why he/she is your favorite? (Write your opinion.)
2) Next, write one reason in each box supporting your opinion.
3) When done, reread your opinion and reasons.

It’s My Opinion!
My Favorite Teacher:


Reason 1.;

Reason 2;

Reason 3;

TEST II: Module 3-4

A. Making Signals in Opinion Writing
Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on
the space provided before each number.
____11. It is a true statement.
a. Opinion b. proof c. fact d. reason
____ 12. It is a personal belief.
a. opinion b. proof c. fact d. reason
____13. Most facts are supported by this.
b. Opinion b. proof c. fact d. reason
____ 14. Most opinions are supported by this.
b. Opinion b. proof c. fact d. reason
____15. What is the statement – I like the movie because it tickles not only the eyes but also
the mind.?
c. opinion b. proof c. fact d. reason
B. Multimodal Text
___ 16. It is to identify the similarities and differences between two things.
a. Contrast b. measure c. compare d. express
____ 17. It is to identify only the difference between two things.
a. Contrast b. measure c. compare d. express
____ 18. It is used to clearly express clearly your thoughts.
a. Graphic organizer b. essay c. diary d. journal
Nos. 19-20 True or False
____ 19. When making any decision, you are evaluating based on comparison and contrast.
____ 20. Comparing and contrasting strategy is rarely used in everyday life.
Compare and contrast face to face classes and distance learning modality using Venn
(10 points)
Distance learning modality
Face to face classes


A. Choose the correct modal to complete each sentence.
21. What do you call the word that is use to see the similarity between two objects?
a. contrast b. compare c. adjective d. organizer
22. What graphic organizer that is made up of two or three overlapping circles, used to
visualize the relationship between two or three sets.
a. venn diagram b. concept map c. organization chart d. chart diagram
23. This means to represent things in respect of differences.
a. contrast b. compare c. adjective d. organizer
24. A type of graphic organizer that condenses and organizes data about multiple traits
associated with many items or topics.
a. venn diagram b. concept map c. organization chart d. chart diagram
25. The word contrast has been derived from the Latin words ‘contra and stare’, which means
‘against and ’.
a liken b. contra c. stare d. to stand
For numbers 27-30, tell whether the sentence is comparing two things, contrasting
two things, both comparing and contrasting or none of the choices.
26. Makato is hard working, thoughtful and clever, but Mario is the opposite.
a. Comparing b. contrasting c. both d. none of the above
27. The King and the people were kind to Makato but the woman in the market gave him a
hard time.
a. comparing b. contrasting c. both d. none of the above
28. Anpu and Bata were both an excellent worker.
a. Comparing b. contrasting c. both d. none of the above
29. Both Makato and the King love their people
a. Comparing b. contrasting c. both d. none of the above
30 The following are some positive characteristics of Filipinos, as reflected in the stories,
a. Filipinos are very respectful b. Filipinos take pride in their families
c. Filipinos are resilient d. Filipinos are lazy

Using a Venn Diagram Compare and Contrast your lifestyle before and during this Covid 19
pandemic. Cite atleast 5 statements in each boxes. Be guided with the rubric below.


Very Needs EARNED
CRITERIA Excellent Satisfactory Satisfactor Improvement Poor POINTS
Thoughts are
presented clearly
and 5 4 3 2 1
Compare and
statements 5 4 3 2 1


A. Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write it on the space provided before each number.
31. It is the power to evoke laughter to express what is amusing or comical.
a. symbolism b. analogy c. humor d. exaggeration
32. A comparison that suggests that one thing is similar to something else.
a. stereotyping b. technical skills c. symbolism d. analogy
33. Which refers to a formulaic image used to represent particular groups?
a. cartoon b. symbolism c. stereotype d. technical skills
34. Which is not true about caricatures and lampoons?
a. Caricatures are exaggerated drawings of people while lampoons are humorous
b. Caricatures are for comic effect while lampoons are for ridiculing people.
c. Caricatures focus on animals while lampoons focus on a person’s characteristics.
d. Caricature is presented in a distorted manner while lampoon pokes fun
35. was considered the highest of all virtue in traditional Korean society, a foremost
measure to judge one’s character and worth.
a. Filial piety b. folklore c. Korean Culture d. symbol of courage and absolute
B. Directions: Match the following words with their common symbol. Write the letter on
the space before the number.
36. Philippine Government A. Baby fetus
37. New generation B. rising sun
38. peace C. flag
39. time D. big clock
40. hope E. dove

Directions: Cite character traits, values and culture of the Filipinos and Koreans.
Write your answers in the parts of the bubbles as indicated. Complete the 3 bubbles to get 10


Character Traits Culture

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