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Republic of the Philippines

Bangsamoro Austonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Commission on Higher Education



Name: ___________________________________________Course/Yr./Sec: ______________

Instructress: _JOHANNA G. MACALBI, RSW__________Score: ______________________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the following questions. Write your answer
on a clean sheet of a paper and take a picture of it once done answering. Make sure that your
hand written is readable and no erasures. Attached your answer sheet (photo taken/wps) in our
Official Google Classroom. Avoid copy and paste answer from your module. You have one (1)
hour to finish your examination. AJA! FIGHTING!


DIRECTIONS: Write T if the statement is TRUE, and write F is the statement is FALSE.
Write the letter of your answer on the blank provided at the left side of the test paper.

____1. Worker is referring to the social worker, the person who, by sustained mental or physical
efforts, performance tasks and activities designed to help the client overcome an obstacle.

____2. Help is that the worker does to assist the client by giving him assistance.

____3. Client is the person who seeks help in order for his problem to be resolve.

____4. Social welfare is a set institutions and agencies established by society to provide various
kinds of social support to people who may need them.

____5. Need is defined as a condition or situation on which something necessary or desirable.

____6. Judean and Christian teachings that emphasize help to the needy as a religious duty.
_____7. Mary Richmond’s social diagnosis which was published in 1917 provided techniques
for assessing a condition of the poor.

_____8. Community organization is gradually being replaced by the term “community work”.

_____9. The social reformers in the settlements based their program on political and social
legislation to relieve distress among the working classes.

_____10. Social work as a profession is concerned with the restoration, maintenance and
enhancement of social functioning.

_____11. Grace L. Coyle identified the elements in community organization as a identification

of needs and taking actions through cooperative and collaborative efforts.

_____12. Ross provided leadership in the development of group work as a social work methods
of intervention.

_____13. Dunham highlighted the need for direct practice with communities as well as for
community planning, administration and coordination in social work.

_____14. Social services were a principal activity of the COS’s and the settlement houses.

_____15. COS stressed religious values based on love.


DIRECTIONS: Fill each blank with the correct answer. Write your answer on the blank
provided. (2 points each)

1.________________________is gradually being replaced by the term” community work”.

2_________________________he highlighted the need for direct practice with communities as

well as for community planning, administration and coordination in social work.

3.________________________he identified the elements in community planning in the 1960s

began to include community residents, the consumer of services.

4._________________________she obtained a diploma in Social Work in 1921.

5._________________________he organized a program of private charity based on neighborly


6._________________________the very first and best known of settlement houses in the U.S.
7._________________________the first hospital in Cebu for the purpose of attending the
wounded and the victims of diseases.

8._________________________it is organized by civic-spirited women to help destitute mothers

and their children.

9. ________________________he is working for social justice prevailed upon the National

Assembly to pass the anti-usury laws, the eight-hour labor law, law fixing minimum wages.

10._______________________an asylum for girls was established, offering religious

instruction, primary education, and training in house work in its inmates.


DIRECTIONS: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.( 2 points each)

1.A practitioner who by accepted standards of training and social work professional experiences,
possesses the skill to achieve the objectives as defined and set by the social work profession
through the use of the basic methods of casework, group work and community organization.

a. social worker b. social work practitioner c. community worker d. community organizer

2.Person who seek help in order for his problem to be resolve.

a. client b. social worker c. social work d. community worker

3.It is what the worker does to assist the client by giving him assistance.

a. help b. worker c. client d. social worker

4.La Gota de Leche was established to furnished child-caring institutions with fresh cow’s milk
from dairy farm in Pasay, Manila, supervised by a veterinarian.

a.1907 b.1905 c.1910 d. 1900

5. A school for the deaf and blind was organized.

a. 1910 b. 1900 c. 1907 d. 1905

6. Americans occupied the country and introduced a new educational system, new health
methods, and religious freedom.

a. 1989 b. 1902 c. 1915 d. 1917

7.The civil government created agency, the Insular Board to cooperate and supervise private
institutions engaged in welfare work.

a. 1902 b. 1915 c. 1917 d. 1989

8. He created the President’s Action Committee on Social Amelioration.

a. President Quirino b. President Manuel L. Quezon c.President Rodrigo Duterte

9. The Bureau of Public Welfare re-opened but lack of funds limited its operations

a. 1946 b. 1947 c. 1948 d. 1951

10. UNICEF became active in the Philippines, establishing basic health care services to mothers
and children, consisting of medical care, feeding programs and health education.

a. 1948 b. 1947 c. 1946 d. 1951


DIRECTIONS: Enumerate the following in any order.

a. Give the six social work processes.

b. Give the three important goals of social welfare.
c. Give atleast four social services for the young, old, sick and disabled persons.
d. Give the two settings of social work practices.

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