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By: Osama Orabi

1 The Nature of Matter

Chemistry: The study of matter.

Matter: Anything that has a mass and takes up space.

Types States

Pure Mixture Solid Liquid Gas

Element Compound Homogeneous Heterogeneous


States Melting

of Matter Freezing

Solid (s) Liquid (l) Gas (g)

1- Particles: packed close far apart
vibrate in their slow moving ,low fast moving
position ,lowest kinetic energy, low ,highest
2- Movement:
kinetic energy ,no speed. kinetic energy
speed. , high speed.
3- Pattern: regular random random
4- Attraction: high low no attraction
5- Shape: definite take the shape of the container
6- Volume: fixed fixed not fixed
7- Density: high low very low
8- The effect of
incompressible incompressible compressible
The Effect of Temperature on Matter:
1-Increasing temperature on solids causes it to gain energy and:
a- change to liquid with increasing of the whole size (Expands).
b- if no change in state, expansion happens but particle's
size stays the same.

2-Decreasing temperature on liquid causes it to lose energy and:

a- change to solid with decreasing of the whole size (Contracts).
b- if no change in state , contraction happens but particle's
size stay the same.

* The change from a state to another state is a Physical

Change because there are no new substances formed.
1.2 From One State to Another
1- Melting:
The change of substance from solid state to liquid state by
heating, at definite temperature (melting point).

• Melting Point (m.p): The temperature at

which a pure solid substance turns into liquid.
Ex: For pure water the melting point = 0 0C.

• Impurities decrease the melting point and results

a range of m.p.
• Ex: For water; any dissolved impurities of any substance
make the melting point less than 0 0C.
1.2 From One State to Another
2- Freezing (solidification):
The change of substance from liquid state to solid state by
cooling, at definite temperature (freezing point).

• Freezing Point (f.p):

The temperature at which a pure liquid
substance turns into solid.

• Ex: For pure water the freezing point = 0 0C.

Melting point = Freezing point.

1.2 From One State to Another
3- Evaporation:
The change of substance from liquid state to gas state by
heating, over a range of temperature.
Ex: For pure water, evaporation can happen at any temperature
between ( 0 0C to 100 0C)
* Evaporation happens on the surface of the liquid when the
particles gain enough energy to escape from the surface of
the liquid as a gas.
* Factors affecting Evaporation:
1- Temperature (directly proportion)
2- Surface area (directly proportion)
3- Wind (directly proportion)
4- Humidity (inversely proportion)
1.2 From One State to Another
4- Boiling:
The change of substance from liquid state to gas state by
heating at definite temperature (boiling point).
• Boiling Point (b.p):
The temperature at which a pure liquid substance turns into gas.
Ex: For pure water the boiling point =1000C.
• Impurities increase (rise)the boiling point and results a range of b.p.
• Boiling happens all over the liquid, when the molecules
within the liquid gain enough energy inside the liquid and
turn into gas (bubbles).
* Factors affecting Boiling:
1- Temperature (directly proportion)
2- Pressure (directly proportion)
1.2 From One State to Another
5- Condensation:
The change of substance from gas state to liquid state
by cooling over a range of temperatures.
* Factors affecting Condensation:
1- Temperature (inversely proportion)
2- Pressure (direct proportion)

6- Sublimation:
The change of substance from solid state to gas state
without passing through liquid state.
Ex: Sublimation happens in some substances like:
1- Dry ice (CO2)
solid carbon dioxide.
2- Iodine (I2).
1.3 Heating Curve
At region (A) :
* Process: Melting
* States: solid and liquid
Equilibrium equation: X (s) ⇋ X (l)
* Temperature change: constant
Heat is used to break down
the attractive forces between
solid particles.

At region (B) :
* Process: Boiling
Melting Point and Boiling Point: * States: liquid and gas
• Fixed (for pure substance) Equilibrium equation: X (l) ⇋ X (g)
• Shown on the curve as: * Temperature change: constant
horizontal lines Heat is used to break down
the attractive forces between
liquid particles.
1.3 Cooling Curve
At region (C) :
* Process: Condensation
* States: gas and liquid
Equilibrium equation: X (g) ⇋ X (l)
* Temperature change: constant
Heat is removed to build
the attractive forces between
gas particles to become liquid.

At region (D) :
* Process: Freezing
* States: liquid and solid
Equilibrium equation: X (l) ⇋ X (s)
* Temperature change: constant
Heat is removed to build
the attractive forces between
liquid particles to become solid.
Changes on “Heating Curve”
(Pure and Impure substance)
Impurities : anything mixed
with a pure substance.
Ex: salt , sugar ,sand and even
dust are considered as
impurities in water.

1- Impurities decrease (lower)

the melting point and so the
freezing point for a pure
substance and results a range
of temp.

2- Impurities increase (rise)

the boiling point for a pure
substance and results a range
of temp.
The "Kinetic Theory"
1- All matters are made up of very small
particles such as: atom,(ex: Na, S)
and molecule, (ex: NaCl, SO2).

2- Particles are moving all the time and in all directions.

3- The movement of particles depends on:

a- Temperature. (Directly proportion)
b- Mass. (Inversely proportion)
The Diffusion
*Diffusion: The movement of particles
from the high concentration
region to the low concentration
region (with no energy needed).

* The particles are then spread throughout the area in same concentration.
* Diffusion takes place in liquids and gases regions only but not in solids.
* Diffusion is faster in gases than in liquids because of gases low density.

* Factors affecting diffusion:

1- Temperature: Directly proportion
2- Mass: Directly proportion
Types of Matter
1- Pure Matter: Matter that contains only one
substance (without impurities).
a- Element: Substance that is made b- Compound: Substance that is
up of one kind of atoms which made up of two or more different
cannot be divided (chemically or atoms combined together by a
physically or electrically) into bond and can be divided into their
simpler substance. elements (chemically or electrically).

* Properties of compounds are very

different from their bonded
* Types of Elements: original elements.
1- Di- atomic (molecule):
* In nature; the number of
[H2, O2, N2, Cl2, F2, Br2, I2 ]
compounds is much greater than
2- Mono- atomic (single atom): the elements.
a single atom present in nature. * Compounds can be form by the
* All elements, except the diatomic
(Chemical Reactions).
and sulfur S8.
Types of Matter
2- Mixture: Two or more substances not
chemically joined together, but physically.
a- Homogeneous (solution): * Substance which is able to dissolve
The mixture of two or more in the solvent is called (Soluble).
substances completely mixed together * Substance that do not dissolve in
forming one phase mixture. the solvent is called (Insoluble).
* The term “Aqueous Solution”
means that the solvent is water.

Examples of solvents:
(Water / Alcohol).
Examples of solutes :
* Solute: The dissolved substance in (Salt / Sugar/ Alcohol).
a solvent. Examples of solutions :
* Solvent: The liquid that dissolves (Air / Sea water / Alloys / Coin /
in the solute. Juice /Sugar in water / Tea drink).
Types of Matter
2- Mixture: Two or more substances not
chemically joined together, but physically.
b- Heterogeneous mixture: * Types of Heterogeneous mixtures:
The mixture of two or more
1- Suspension: Any mixture
substances mixed together forming
two or more phases and the that is made of insoluble
substances remain separate in the solids in water.
mixture. Example: Sand and Water.

* Miscible Liquids: Liquids that can

dissolve each other. 2- Emulsion: Any mixture
Ex: Alcohol and Water. that is made of
immiscible liquids
*Immiscible Liquids: Liquids that
or gases in water.
can’t dissolve each other.
Example: Oil and Water/ liquid soap
Ex: Oil and Water.
/ cream / fizzy drinks / magnesia.

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