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An Environmental Project to Harvest Plastic River Waste to Save our Oceans and Forests and Recycle That

Plastic Waste into Commercially Viable Plastic Shipping Pallets


An Arizona Registered Corporation
Copyright© 2020/Revised 2023
Phone: +1 520 849 8813
Email: or

An Environmental Project to Harvest Plastic River Waste to Save our Oceans and Forests and Recycle That
Plastic Waste into Commercially Viable Plastic Shipping Pallets

Business Overview
This project is at its core a highly profitable environmental project to stop the onslaught of
plastic waste destroying our oceans. Your participation in this project is an investment that you,
your family and your grandchildren will be proud of for generations to come. Your investment
will literally help save our oceans and the world.

SOOI plans to harvest plastic river waste from the inlets of the top 10 polluting rivers of the
world starting with the 4 main rivers of China who top the list, initially concentrating on the
number one polluting river in the world, (over 1,000,000 tons of plastic waste per year), the
Yangtze River just above its inlet, near Shanghai and within a few miles from the Chongming

SOOI has completed the development, planning, equipment, personnel sourcing and financial
analyses phase for this unique industrial level, river harvesting, recycling, reclamation and
manufacturing project. SOOI will harvest in the first year 11,680 tons of plastic waste from the
Yangtze River. SOOI will in its first year recycle and convert all of this plastic waste into
973,333 commercially viable, plastic shipping pallets and sell these pallets to American and
Chinese owned companies operating in and shipping from China.

This is not a Project of Any Particular Nation, we have no political agenda, it's only about
stopping the plastic river waste as close to its source as possible regardless of which country it
comes from or what the political climate happens to be, it’s all about saving our oceans by
stopping the onslaught of plastic waste pollution, and earning substantial profits, period!

SOOI will utilize its patented and proprietary formulas developed by SOOI founder and
Chairman, Mr. Ted J. Staley and his company Eco Safe Solutions Ltd., which was in the MSW
and hazardous and toxic waste industry for over a decade.

All existing plastic shipping pallets contain heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium,
chromium(VI), and lead because new polymers contain these heavy metals. Our patented and
proprietary formulas will reduce all of the heavy metals made from new polymers, recycled or
not, by over 99% and reduce arsenic to below detectable levels.

SOOI pallets will be inert, nontoxic, with all heavy metals neutralized, and SOOI will be
marketed as Seapal©.

One of the many side benefits of our processes is that the pallets we treat will become stronger
and fire resistant.

These benefits will set our pallets apart from all existing plastic shipping pallets made anywhere
in the world, which will give SOOI an unprecedented market advantage.

An Environmental Project to Harvest Plastic River Waste to Save our Oceans and Forests and Recycle That
Plastic Waste into Commercially Viable Plastic Shipping Pallets

All existing plastic shipping pallets contain heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium,
chromium(VI), and lead because new polymers contain these heavy metals. These patented and
proprietary formulas will reduce all of the heavy metals made from new polymers, recycled or
not, by over 99%, and reduce arsenic to below detectable levels.

SOOI pallets will be inert, nontoxic, with all heavy metals neutralized, and SOOI will be
marketed as Seapal @. One of the many side benefits of our processes is that the pallets we treat
will become stronger and fire resistant.

These benefits will set our pallets apart from all existing plastic shipping pallets made anywhere,
which will give SOOI an unprecedented market advantage.

Phase One, Year One, SOOI will collect/harvest 11,680 tons of Plastic River Waste from the
Yangtze in the first full year of operation and will double its harvesting and pallet production
each year thereafter. After the Plastic River Waste has been harvested it will be sorted and
shredded, then the shredded plastic waste will be converted into 973,090 commercially viable
plastic shipping pallets. The manufacturing company will generate a NET income of
$10,154,411 based on 973,333 pallet sales at $24.00 each plus a first year NET income from the
harvesting company of $4,610,367, total NET first year profit, $14,764,778.

Phase Two, Year Two, SOOI will double its harvesting ships, manufacturing capabilities and
infrastructure in each subsequent year and in the second year this will enable SOOI to harvest
23,360 tons of plastic river waste. SOOI will convert that waste into over 1,946,666
commercially viable plastic shipping pallets.

Also in our second year of operation SOOI will begin to expand to the no. 3 and no. 4 highest
polluting rivers of the world, the Huang He also referred to as the Yellow River which carries
over 124,000 tons of plastic waste to the open sea each and every year, “the Huang He is the
second largest river in China after the Yangtze and has a total length of 5,464 km and; The Hai
He River that carries over 94,000 tons of plastic waste to the open sea each and every year, both
rivers are located in China. Projected second year NET income after all operating expenses and
equipment cost, $61,399,461.

In our third year of operation SOOI will begin work on the No. 2 highest polluting river in the
world, “the Indus River carries over 164,000 tons of plastic waste each year into the open sea
each and every year.

The Indus River originates in Tibet and follows a circuitous route southward through the
Himalaya Mountains to the Arabian Sea, emptying into the ocean southeast of the coastal city of
Karachi”. Projected third year NET income after all operating expenses and equipment cost,

An Environmental Project to Harvest Plastic River Waste to Save our Oceans and Forests and Recycle That
Plastic Waste into Commercially Viable Plastic Shipping Pallets

SOOI will address the remaining 6 rivers on the top 10 list of most polluting rivers by our 5 th
year of operation. SOOI’s expansion will enable SOOI to stop over 95% of all of the plastic
waste from entering our oceans each year, (millions of tons per year) and earn unprecedented
profits for its stakeholders.

This vital project will double the harvesting and manufacturing capabilities each subsequent
year, it will take SOOI, 8 years of continued work on the Yangtze River to harvest and recycle
all of the 1,000,000 tons of plastic waste flowing from the Yangtze River each and every year
and all the while we will initiate operations on all of the top 10 polluting rivers of the world. All
of this plastic waste is an almost unlimited raw material for SOOI.


2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033

Total Harvesting in Year

Yangtze River 11,680 23,360 46,720 93,440 186,880 373,760 747,520 1,495,040 2,190,000 2,263,000
Huang He/Yellow River - 11,680 23,360 46,720 93,440 160,600 166,440 175,200 183,960 192,720
Hai He River - 11,680 23,360 46,720 93,440 116,800 122,640 128,480 137,240 143,080
Indus - - 11,680 11,680 23,360 46,720 93,440 230,680 248,200 256,960
Nile River - - - 11,680 23,360 46,720 93,440 119,720 125,560 131,400
Ganges River - - - 11,680 23,360 46,720 93,440 102,200 108,040 113,880
Zhujing or Pearl River - - - - 11,680 23,360 46,720 73,000 78,840 81,760
Amur River - - - - 11,680 23,360 46,720 55,480 58,400 61,320
Niger River - - - - 11,680 23,360 46,720 49,640 52,560 55,480
Mekong River - - - - 11,680 23,360 43,800 46,720 49,640 52,560
Total Tons of Plastic Harvested 11,680 46,720 105,120 221,920 490,560 884,760 1,500,880 2,476,160 3,232,440 3,352,160

Business Objectives

SOOI ’s is an innovative company like no other and yet it is grounded in traditional mechanics
and methodologies of modern waste management.

Our goal is to help save our oceans, forest and planet by removing the plastic river waste as close
to its source as possible by employing environmentally friendly, land based specialized recycling
methods with proprietary, innovative, cost effective systems.

SOOI's business plan is structured to initiate sustainable progress on an industrial level to

accomplish our goals from day one; The majority of the scientific community agrees that if this
crisis is not altered or eradicated now, or in the very near future, then by 2050 there will be
“more plastic waste in our oceans than fish.”

We have systemized our operations to achieve and maintain efficient, consistent effectiveness.
SOOI will recycle the harvested plastic waste into commercially viable plastic shipping pallets
and initially market our pallets under the trade name of SeaPal© throughout Asia.
SOOI will operate with exclusivity via a Private, Public, Partnership (PPP) with local governing
bodies. SOOI will have no competition in the defined areas of operation, the lower Yangtze

An Environmental Project to Harvest Plastic River Waste to Save our Oceans and Forests and Recycle That
Plastic Waste into Commercially Viable Plastic Shipping Pallets

SOOI is an Arizona corporation, registration No. 1933947.

SOOI will be the owner of the two Chinese companies SOOI plans to initially establish, as well
as all future expansions. The newly formed Chinese companies will be in the name of SOOI and
100% owned by the parent company.

Our attorneys in Shanghai have suggested establishing a Limited Liability Company for the
harvesting and recycling company, which will have significant tax advantages in China within
the Shanghai Free Trade Zone and maintain a virtual office there as the registered address for the
company but of course also locate our operating companies on our harvesting, recycling and
manufacturing site.
The manufacturing company will be incorporated in whichever jurisdiction we locate our
facilities and as a manufacturing company does not have the same tax advantages as an
environmental company.

There are many benefits offered within the zone from the zone’s own website, including the
benefits of exporting our pallets from China to the U.S., where the profits per pallet are
considerably higher than within the Chinese local market. Also, the heavy duty specialized
shredders which will be imported from the Philippines will benefit from the tax-free-zone status.

Exit Potential

As detailed above, SOOI plans to either establish collection and recycling operation on the
balance of the top 10 polluting rivers of the world starting in the second year of operation. The
NET profits from these additional operations and the group as a whole are detailed on pages 10
through 13 below. Please see the EV/EBIT and the EBITDA and the Estimated Market
Capitalization, and multiply the percentage of equity ownership you have to determine what
your investment could earn when a buyout or other form of exist materializes.

Required Investment

This SOOI project requires an initial investment of $10,000,000 which will enable SOOI to
Purchase all of the new equipment, ships and cover all infrastructure requirements of this project.
$10,000,000 will also enable SOOI us to complete all of the legal requirements to operate in
China, establish two working corporation, apply for and receive all of the licensing and permits
required to operate, source and secure the site for our operation, complete all infrastructure
engineering and finalize all plans, secure presale comments for our pallet sales once we are in
operation and pay for all success fees associated with the cost of raising the funds the project
needs including any warrants that are also required to be issued as part of this cost. receive
formal equipment and ships purchase contracts and much more. Please ask for the detailed list of
tasks, cost and equipment and ships needed.

From the $15M project requirements, over 70% are hard new assets, new equipment, new ships
and infrastructure.

An Environmental Project to Harvest Plastic River Waste to Save our Oceans and Forests and Recycle That
Plastic Waste into Commercially Viable Plastic Shipping Pallets

Summary of Project Cost

Total equipment, ships and infrastructure: $4,494,300

Total pallet manufacturing equipment: $3,800,000
Total first year labor cost for both the harvesting and manufacturing companies:
Sub total project cost: $9,593,300
Contingency: $406,700
Total Project Cost: $10,000,000

Income Forecast Summary

SOOI’S projected combined NET profit after all Chinese tax, operating and startup cost and
repayment of Capital.
Harvesting Company
1st year net income $4,610,367
2nd year net income $18,922,885
3rd year net income $43,016,264
4th year net income $91,529,384
5th year net income $203,028,685
Total $361,107,585

Manufacturing Company
1st year net income $10,154,411
2nd year net income $42,476,576
3rd year net income $96,306,339
4th year net income $204,764,867
5th year net income $453,099,841
Total $806,802,033

Total Combined Group 5 Year Net Profit, $1,167,909,619

The Key Management Team of SOOI, Abbreviated Resumes

Mr. Ted J. Staley, Chairman and CEO; Founder of the Eco Safe Solutions group of companies,
founder, of Save our Oceans Initiative and developer of the SOOI process and the architect of
An Environmental Project to Harvest Plastic River Waste to Save our Oceans and Forests and Recycle That
Plastic Waste into Commercially Viable Plastic Shipping Pallets

the overall business strategy has more than 17 years’ firsthand experience in the waste industry
with both Municipal Solid Waste and Hazard & Toxic waste operations in Asia and over 50
years of independent business experience.

Mr. Staley is the inventor and owner of 10 International patents and co-inventor of two
additional international patents all in the waste industry. Mr. Staley has also drafter a new patent
specifically for the safe handling and processing the collected plastic waste and its conversion to
plastic shipping pallets. Mr. Staley will personally oversee, onsite, all phases of the business in
Asia from day one until all of our goals have been reached.

Mr. Gerald N. Whitehead, President and Director; Mr. Whitehead is founder and CEO of
Tower Engineering with over 30 years of firsthand experience in engineering as well as business
management and business development. Mr. Whitehead is an active engineering consultant and
director for all SOOI operations and was for over 20 years on the Eco Safe Solutions group of
companies Board of Directors.

Mr. Robert A. Taft, Director; Mr. Robert Taft is President and CEO of USA Ties, Inc., an
international business facilitator. As former Deputy Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department
of Commerce for over two and a half decades. Mr. Taft oversaw the development of new U.S.
commercial programs in Europe, China, Latin America, South Africa, Croatia/Bosnia, Haiti and
Vietnam. During his tenure with the state department, Mr. Taft worked and lived in over 75
countries and personally has helped nearly 3,000 small and medium-sized companies broker
business arrangements abroad. He has assisted in securing funding through the UN for many
U.S. based companies. Mr. Taft was for over 18 years on the Eco Safe Solutions group of
companies Board of Directors.

Mr. L. Carl Peterson, CFP, MSFS, CRPC; Secretary Treasurer Director; Aside from being the
first CFP on Guam, he has a Masters in Financial Services (MSFS). He was also the first CRPC
(Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor) on Guam. Mr. Peterson is a charter member of the
International Association of Financial Planners (1972); a charter member of The National
Network of Estate Planning Advisors; a Principal Broker for real estate; and an Independent
Registered Investment Advisor and represents the Broker/Dealer Asia Pacific Financial
Management Group. He is also a member of the American Tax Planning Institute which
addresses large tax planning issues. In July of 2011, Mr. Peterson was sworn in as the Civilian
Aide to the Secretary of the Army (CASA), a 3-star protocol, for Guam. Mr. Peterson is a close
friend, confidant and colleague of Mr. Staley for over 20 years.

Mr. Paul Fisher, Director; Mr. Paul Fisher is an electrical engineer with a passion for
environmental innovations. Seeing the global need for the advanced eco-friendly technologies
being developed by Ted Staley and the Eco Safe Group of Companies, he was an early (2005)
stakeholder in Eco Safe Solutions.

With a desire to see our urgently needed systems introduced worldwide and his hands-on
experience with electrical systems and installation, he is a welcome addition as a director of

An Environmental Project to Harvest Plastic River Waste to Save our Oceans and Forests and Recycle That
Plastic Waste into Commercially Viable Plastic Shipping Pallets

SOOI, and is an asset to the board and to the company not just as a valued engineering consultant
but as an advises the board on an array of international issues.

Advisors & Consultants and Key Personal Abbreviated Resumes

Dr. Christopher M. Silverio; Retired Chief of the Industrial Technology Dept. of the Philippine
government; Expert in environmental waste control, including monitoring, treatment, and
handling of waste-water, solids, MSW, toxic/hazardous wastes, biogas, and air pollution among
others. Dr. Silverio is a consultant of SOOI in all areas of Environmental and Biological
Sciences, Government Ecological Programs, Impact of Waste Pollution on Biological, and
Waste Control Methods. Dr. Silverio was a valued member of the Eco Safe Solutions, group of
companies for over 12 years and now with SOOI.

Mr. Giovannelli Massimo General Manager, Manufacturing; Over 20 years living and
working in China and speaks Chinese and English fluently. Suzhou M.S.L. Business Consulting
Co. Ltd (Suzhou, Jiangsu Province China) Business and Industrial Development Consulting
Position: Chief Executive Officer Date of Employment, 03/2020- Present provide to industrial
company business development plan, industrial development plan and Market Analysis, Blue
Ocean Strategy.
Company; Montanari Drive Technology (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd, (Pinghu, Zhejiang Province, China
Traction machine for elevator and gearless Position: Operation Manager. Date of Employment:
08/2018- 02/2020 Key Duties & Responsibilities: Responsible for set up and establishment of
the Operation. Fully responsible Operation activities. Responsible for hiring Staff and training
accordingly. Responsible for Logistic Operation, industrial Engineering, Sourcing and Purchase,
Quality and Technical Office. Mr. Massimo will be responsible for the operation of the Pallet
manufacturing side of the business including but not limited the production, the logistics of our
end products, oversee all employees assigned to the manufacturing of the pallets and other
products, etc.
Mr. Massimo will begin working as soon as final funding is in place and at that time he will
move to Shanghai to assist the manufacturing of our injection mounding systems and our

Mr. Alex S. Martin, Global Technology Investment Professional with Strong Leadership
Skills; Analytical, resourceful, and performance-driven professional with comprehensive
experience in global technology equities, investment banking, venture capital, private equity,
M&A transactions, financial operating models, financial/equity analysis, process enhancement,
and client experience optimization across fast-paced competitive financial service industry.
Leveraged deep industry knowledge and advanced expertise in equity, debt, M&A, and due
diligence utilizing for providing full range of investment banking services and advising all sized
public and private institutions/clients/stakeholders with end-to-end corporate transactions across

An Environmental Project to Harvest Plastic River Waste to Save our Oceans and Forests and Recycle That
Plastic Waste into Commercially Viable Plastic Shipping Pallets

the technology investment banking sector. Skilled in performing financial valuation, discounted
cash flow, pro forma merger, precedent transaction, and comparable company’s analyses.

Adept at identifying and analyzing potential risks, advising businesses and clients on risk
mitigating strategies, and reporting on business financial performance and metrics to enable
informed and strategic decision-making. Known for leading cross-functional teams in setting
business strategy, establishing and maintaining a sound clientele base, growing portfolio, and
understanding key legal, regulatory, and risk frameworks to maintain high standards. Highly
dedicated professional with ability to discover good quality growth opportunities and set
strategic roadmap for assigned business areas with KPIs and financial targets to meet
institutional needs.

Mr. Gilbert N. Solomon, Project Manager; Mr. Solomon is Professional Project Manager,
Expert in Personnel Staffing, Materials Acquisition and in Supervising Manufacturing and
Construction Operations. Serving as Project Manager responsible for all aspects of buildup and
operational staffing offshore. Mr. Solomon is a licensed Civil Engineer and proficient in CAD.
Mr. Solomon was an employee and director of the Eco Safe Group for over 15 years and is now
proud to continue his association with Mr. Staley and this great humanitarian mission.


China Legal Representation: Mr. Marco Pearman-Parish, Corporation China and Yingke Matrix
(over 12,000 attorneys throughout Asia)

Philippine Legal Representation: Mr. Rhett Serfino Esq., Attorney at law, represented Ted
Staley and the Eco Safe Group of companies for over 17 years and various companies within the
Eco Safe Solutions group of companies; now also with SOOI.

Justice Rodolfo G. Palattao, (Philippines) Former Justice of the Philippine Court of Appeals.
Over 12 years representing Ted Staley and the Eco Safe Group of Companies.

Accountants and Auditors

Baker Tilly Monteiro Heng, (Malaysia) Chartered Accountants, Corporate Auditors for our
group worldwide

Baker Tilly, (China) Chartered Accounts, all accounting and reporting responsibilities including
but not limited to payroll and day to day accounting and government reporting.

An Environmental Project to Harvest Plastic River Waste to Save our Oceans and Forests and Recycle That
Plastic Waste into Commercially Viable Plastic Shipping Pallets



Harvesting Company 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Revenue $ 7,743,840 $ 30,975,360 $ 69,694,560 $ 147,132,960 $ 325,241,280

COGS $ 322,963 $ 1,308,001 $ 2,950,269 $ 6,302,385 $ 14,356,619

Gross Profit $ 7,420,877 $ 29,667,359 $ 66,744,291 $ 140,830,575 $ 310,884,661

Salaries $ 1,032,996 $ 3,984,413 $ 8,559,110 $ 17,413,361 $ 37,778,139

S&M 5,000 5,000 5,000 60,000 96,000
R&D 12,000 36,000 84,000 132,000 192,000
D&A 71,111 239,145 458,301 844,413 1,732,470
G&A 161,185 268,370 435,540 740,680 1,332,760
OPEX $ 1,282,292 $ 4,532,928 $ 9,541,951 $ 19,190,454 $ 41,131,370

Operating Income $ 6,138,585 $ 25,134,431 $ 57,202,341 $ 121,640,121 $ 269,753,292

D&A 71,111 239,145 458,301 844,413 1,732,470
EBITDA $ 6,209,696 $ 25,373,576 $ 57,660,641 $ 122,484,534 $ 271,485,762

Operating Income $ 6,138,585 $ 25,134,431 $ 57,202,341 $ 121,640,121 $ 269,753,292

Interest Expense $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Interest Income 8,572 96,082 152,677 399,057 951,622

Earnings Before Tax $ 6,147,156 $ 25,230,513 $ 57,355,018 $ 122,039,179 $ 270,704,914

Income Tax 1,536,789 6,307,628 14,338,755 30,509,795 67,676,228

Net Income $ 4,610,367 $ 18,922,885 $ 43,016,264 $ 91,529,384 $ 203,028,685

Display Metrics 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Revenue - YoY Growth
Total Revenue 300% 125% 111% 121%

Gross Margin % 96% 96% 96% 96% 96%

S&M - % of Revenue 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
R&D - % of Revenue 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
G&A - % of Revenue 2% 1% 1% 1% 0%
EBIT % 79% 81% 82% 83% 83%
EBITDA % 80% 82% 83% 83% 83%
Net Income % 60% 61% 62% 62% 62%

An Environmental Project to Harvest Plastic River Waste to Save our Oceans and Forests and Recycle That
Plastic Waste into Commercially Viable Plastic Shipping Pallets



Harvesting Company 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Revenue $ 23,359,992 $ 93,439,968 $ 210,239,928 $ 443,839,848 $ 981,119,664

COGS $ 7,743,840 $ 30,975,360 $ 69,694,560 $ 147,132,960 $ 325,241,280

Gross Profit $ 15,616,152 $ 62,464,608 $ 140,545,368 $ 296,706,888 $ 655,878,384

Salaries $ 265,992 $ 531,984 $ 1,063,968 $ 2,127,936 $ 4,255,872

S&M 58,360 146,440 275,240 568,840 1,111,120
R&D 60,000 120,000 180,000 240,000 480,000
D&A 647,244 2,272,227 4,693,349 7,831,255 19,210,691
G&A 1,069,533 2,902,733 6,178,598 13,561,129 28,233,991
OPEX $ 2,101,129 $ 5,973,384 $ 12,391,155 $ 24,329,160 $ 53,291,674

Operating Income $ 13,515,023 $ 56,491,224 $ 128,154,213 $ 272,377,728 $ 602,586,710

D&A 647,244 2,272,227 4,693,349 7,831,255 19,210,691
EBITDA $ 14,162,267 $ 58,763,452 $ 132,847,562 $ 280,208,983 $ 621,797,401

Operating Income $ 13,515,023 $ 56,491,224 $ 128,154,213 $ 272,377,728 $ 602,586,710

Interest Expense $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Interest Income 24,192 144,210 254,238 642,095 1,546,412

Earnings Before Tax $ 13,539,214 $ 56,635,434 $ 128,408,451 $ 273,019,823 $ 604,133,122

Income Tax 3,384,804 14,158,859 32,102,113 68,254,956 151,033,280

Net Income $ 10,154,411 $ 42,476,576 $ 96,306,339 $ 204,764,867 $ 453,099,841

Display Metrics 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Revenue - YoY Growth
Total Revenue 300% 125% 111% 121%

Gross Margin % 67% 67% 67% 67% 67%

S&M - % of Revenue 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
R&D - % of Revenue 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
G&A - % of Revenue 5% 3% 3% 3% 3%
EBIT % 58% 60% 61% 61% 61%
EBITDA % 61% 63% 63% 63% 63%
Net Income % 43% 45% 46% 46% 46%

An Environmental Project to Harvest Plastic River Waste to Save our Oceans and Forests and Recycle That
Plastic Waste into Commercially Viable Plastic Shipping Pallets



2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

EBIT $ 6,138,585 $ 25,134,431 $ 57,202,341 $ 121,640,121 $ 269,753,292
Plus: Amortization - - - - -
EBITA $ 6,138,585 $ 25,134,431 $ 57,202,341 $ 121,640,121 $ 269,753,292
Less: Taxes (1,536,789) (6,307,628) (14,338,755) (30,509,795) (67,676,228)
Unlevered Net Income $ 4,601,795 $ 18,826,803 $ 42,863,586 $ 91,130,327 $ 202,077,063

Plus: Depreciation $ 71,111 $ 239,145 $ 458,301 $ 844,413 $ 1,732,470

Less: Capital Expenditures (711,112) (1,680,336) (2,191,560) (3,861,120) (8,880,576)
Less: (Increase)/Decrease in Net Working Capital (549,322) (1,717,867) (2,897,322) (5,829,282) (13,466,265)
Unlevered Free Cash Flow $ 3,412,473 $ 15,667,744 $ 38,233,005 $ 82,284,338 $ 181,462,693

Terminal Value

Discount Rate 15%

NPV of Projected Cash Flows $177,218,621

Terminal Value
Current EBITDA Multiple Maintained 8.0x
2027 FCF $ 181,462,693
Terminal Value $721,752,233 $ 1,451,701,542

Enterprise Value $ 898,970,854

Less: Net Debt $ -
Plus: Debt -
Less: Current Cash & Marketable Securities -
Market Capitalization $898,970,854 -

Implied 2024 EBITDA Multiple 35.4x $ 25,373,576
Implied 2025 EBITDA Multiple 15.6x $ 57,660,641

Sensitivity on Market Capitalization

Terminal Value Multiple
$898,970,854 4.0x 6.0x 8.0x 10.0x 12.0x
15.0% $ 538,094,738 $ 718,532,796 $ 898,970,854 $ 1,079,408,913 $ 1,259,846,971
Discount Rate

17.5% 486,094,412 648,136,568 810,178,724 972,220,880 1,134,263,037

20.0% 440,160,495 586,012,067 731,863,640 877,715,213 1,023,566,786
22.5% 399,475,151 531,039,101 662,603,050 794,167,000 925,730,950
25.0% 363,344,774 482,268,164 601,191,554 720,114,945 839,038,335

An Environmental Project to Harvest Plastic River Waste to Save our Oceans and Forests and Recycle That
Plastic Waste into Commercially Viable Plastic Shipping Pallets


An Environmental Project to Harvest Plastic River Waste to Save our Oceans and Forests and Recycle That
Plastic Waste into Commercially Viable Plastic Shipping Pallets


2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
EBIT $ 13,515,023 $ 56,491,224 $ 128,154,213 $ 272,377,728 $ 602,586,710
Plus: Amortization - - - - -
EBITA $ 13,515,023 $ 56,491,224 $ 128,154,213 $ 272,377,728 $ 602,586,710
Less: Taxes (3,384,804) (14,158,859) (32,102,113) (68,254,956) (151,033,280)
Unlevered Net Income $ 10,130,219 $ 42,332,366 $ 96,052,100 $ 204,122,772 $ 451,553,429

Plus: Depreciation $ 647,244 $ 2,272,227 $ 4,693,349 $ 7,831,255 $ 19,210,691

Less: Capital Expenditures (6,814,443) (18,382,329) (25,828,215) (52,599,564) (118,516,362)
Less: (Increase)/Decrease in Net Working Capital (2,327,389) (7,255,107) (12,084,675) (24,199,781) (55,657,787)
Unlevered Free Cash Flow $ 1,635,631 $ 18,967,157 $ 62,832,559 $ 135,154,682 $ 296,589,971

Terminal Value

Discount Rate 15%

NPV of Projected Cash Flows $281,810,373

Terminal Value
Current EBITDA Multiple Maintained 8.0x
2027 FCF $ 296,589,971
Terminal Value $1,179,661,070 $ 2,372,719,771

Enterprise Value $ 1,461,471,443

Less: Net Debt $ -
Plus: Debt -
Less: Current Cash & Marketable Securities -
Market Capitalization $1,461,471,443 -

Implied 2024 EBITDA Multiple 24.9x $ 58,763,452
Implied 2025 EBITDA Multiple 11.0x $ 132,847,562

Sensitivity on Market Capitalization

Terminal Value Multiple
$1,461,471,443 4.0x 6.0x 8.0x 10.0x 12.0x
15.0% $ 871,640,908 $ 1,166,556,175 $ 1,461,471,443 $ 1,756,386,710 $ 2,051,301,978
Discount Rate

17.5% 786,888,334 1,051,736,594 1,316,584,854 1,581,433,115 1,846,281,375

20.0% 712,039,148 950,424,863 1,188,810,579 1,427,196,294 1,665,582,009
22.5% 645,757,398 860,790,844 1,075,824,290 1,290,857,736 1,505,891,182
25.0% 586,910,123 781,283,326 975,656,530 1,170,029,734 1,364,402,937

Our thanks and appreciation go out to all those who have recognized
the disastrous problems of plastic waste pollution in our oceans and their
courage to speak out.


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