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Dear, Ms.


I am writing to express my opinion on the importance of music

education in schools. I understand that you recently expressed
the view that it is a waste of time, but I strongly disagree.
Music lessons offer many advantages to students. It can help
to develop creativity and self-expression, improve critical
thinking and problem-solving skills, and increase students'
confidence and self-esteem. Moreover, learning music can also
have a positive impact on academic performance, as research
has shown that music education is linked to better test scores
and improved memory function.
However, I do understand that there are some disadvantages to
music education, such as the cost of instruments. However, I
believe that the benefits of music education far outweigh the
costs, and the school should invest in providing music lessons
to its students. Additionally, there are various initiatives that
provide funding for music education programs and instruments
for schools, so cost should not be a barrier to providing
students with the opportunity to learn music.
In conclusion, I believe that music education is an essential
part of a well-rounded education, and it should be available to
all students. I hope that you will consider my perspective and
the many benefits that music education can offer to students.
Sohail Refat

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