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DAILY Southern Luzon State College Level

School Grade Level

LESSON University Lucena Campus
PLAN Teacher Ms. Florence C. Zayas Learning Area TLE
Teaching Dates Second Quarter
and Time

Session 1

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. Cognitive Describe the clearing procedure of food and beverage services

B. Psychomotor Demonstrate procedures in clearing away from room service equipment appropriately.

C. Affective Explain the importance of clearing the service equipment.

II. CONTENT Food and beverage services: Clearing Procedure (Clear Away service Equipment)


A. References

1. Textbook pages
2. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
(PowerPoint Presentation, video, room service equipment (tray, trolleys, table
B. Other Learning Resources
appointment and etc.), pictures and printing answer sheet.
A. Prayer and Motivation
 Everybody, Let us pray please bow our heads and keep silent
 (The teacher will present a video of prayer)


 I will show you different pictures and tell me what you see in the picture.

 Class what can you see in the first picture? The Teacher called one of the
 Class what can you see in the second pictures? The Teacher called one of
the student.

Our classroom rules are;

1. Listen when someone talking
2. Follow the direction quickly and quiet
3. Raised your hand to speak
4. Participate to our activities
5. Keep our classroom clean
6. Respect others.

B. Review of Previous Lessons

 Before we start our new lesson let us review our lesson yesterday.

 Class! What is our lesson yesterday? (teacher will call of the student)

 What is food and beverage service?

 What are the type of food and beverage service?

 I have here a chart so you are going to identify the different the type of food and
beverage service.

The teacher will call 5 student to write and answer the activities.

Type of

 Now class, I have here video presentation and please watch it.

C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson

 Class according to video presentation you watched, what do you think our topic
for today?

 Now on this lesson you are going to describe the clearing procedure of food and
beverage services, demonstrate procedures in clearing away from room service
equipment appropriately and also we are going to explain the importance of
clearing the service equipment.
The teacher will set up real life situation of example how to clear the room service
equipment like service tray, trolleys , and other equipment, so the students must clean it
according to the procedure

Steps/ procedure
1. Assemble all necessary materials for Room Service Clearance.
2. The time of clearance is known by asking the guest during service or from the order
taker if the guests call back Room Service for his clearance.
3. Follow the same procedures as in SOP for opening the door upon reaching the rooms.
4. Announce intention of clearing the tray/trolley after the guest open the door.
5. Arrange all the clearance on the tray and get guest feedback.
6. arrange the guest room as appropriately
7. Find out if the guest would like anything else:
8. If nothing, exit from the room grateful while wishing the guest a wonderful day/night.
9. Carry the tray back from room from room service pickup any other tray that you may
find in the corridor/ pantry. Be careful not to drop anything on the way.
10. Inform the order taker about the clearance.

Performance criteria checklist

Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2)

Knowledge and Student Student Student
Understanding demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a
deep solid basic
understanding of understanding of understanding of
the clearing the clearing the clearing
procedure and is procedure and is procedure, but
able to explain able to explain may miss some
D. Activities the steps clearly most of the steps important steps
and accurately. accurately. or have difficulty
explaining the

Skills and Student Student is able to Student

Techniques demonstrates a complete the demonstrates a
high level of skill procedure basic level of skill
and proficiency correctly but and proficiency
in performing the may take longer in performing the
clearing than necessary clearing
procedure. or have some procedure, but
minor errors. may struggle
with some
aspects of the
procedure or
make significant
 The teacher will asking the question and call the student to answer.

 Class! Why do we need the proper clearing procedure in room services?

E. Developing mastery
Give the 3 sentences to explain it?

F. Making generalizations and

abstractions about the lesson The teacher will show power point presentation how to describe the clearing procedure
of food and beverage services.
1, Remove room services trays, trolleys and service items.

-after the room service has been delivered, it is one of the task of the room service staff to
collect immediately the use trays and trolleys especially if the housekeeping reported for
a left out items inside the registered guest in the room. The room service staff must
collect all the items used for the orders of the guest, making it sure that everything is
compiled well to avoid breakage of items. For the trays and trolleys are left out, they will
have to conduct a floor check for avoiding guest risk and preventing untidy corridors.
Checking the trays and trolleys is one of the standard duties that must be follow. Make
sure nothing left behind as getting up all the items.

2. Return room service trays, trolleys and service items to appropriate location.

- after collecting the trays and trolleys from the rooms, it is necessary to return to the
room to keep the standard maintenance of the items, also considering that other guest
might be requesting for another room service. It will assure for the fast service for the
room service staff. The general procedure would be to unload all trays from the trolley.
Begin from emptying the soiled food, when the trolley is empty check the condition and
safety of it and wife off any dirt and clean, sanitize for immediate use on it. Put all the
soiled linen to a dirty linen basket or bag, and the supplies of salt and pepper are refilled
and put it on the room service dry store, the vase or centerpiece must be located on the
safety area to avoid a breaking glasses.

 Class, now we are going to practice the clear away room service equipment. You
are given a 15 minutes of time to master the task.

 In this activity will be rated using the rubrics below.

Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Needs Remarks

(5) (3) improve
Remove room services trays,
trolleys and service according to
the standard procedure.

Deliver the items to the

appropriate location
Manage well the process of
clearing away the room

G. Finding practical
applications of concepts and  Now class! Get one sheet of paper and answer the question using essay.
skills in daily living
 Instruction: Today you will give a reflection about how important the cleaning of
service equipment is and how it is connected to our daily.

Lesson reflection Essay:

Criteria Exemplary (5) Proficient (4) Developing (3)

Connection to Daily Refelction clearly Reflection explains Reflection
(Reflection) Life and thoroughly how cleaning mentions how
explains how service equipment cleaning service
cleaning service relates to daily life, equipment relates
equipment relates but could provide to daily life, but the
to daily life, more specific connection is
providing specific examples and a unclear or could be
examples and a deeper more clearly
deep understanding explained.
Importance of Refelction clearly Reflection explains Reflection
Cleaning and thoroughly the importance of mentions the
explains the cleaning service importance of
importance of equipment, but cleaning service
cleaning service may not cover all equipment, but the
equipment relevant factors explanation is
incomplete or lacks

Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. Assemble all necessary materials for _________________.

2. After collecting the ________ and ___________from the rooms, it is necessary to return to the
room to keep the standard maintenance
3. ___________the trays and trolleys is one of the standard duties that must be follow.
4. Carry the tray back from room from room service pickup any other tray that you may
find in the______________.
5. _____________intention of clearing the tray/trolley after the guest open the door.
H. Evaluating learning
6._____________ room services trays, trolleys and service items.
7. The ______________must collect all the items used for the orders of the guest, making it
sure that everything is compiled well to avoid breakage of items.
8. Return room service trays, trolleys and service items to appropriate____________.
9. ___________all the clearance on the tray and get guest feedback.
10. Begin from emptying the soiled food, when the trolley is empty check the condition
and safety of it and wife off any ___________,____________ and __________for immediate use on it.

For your assignment. Picture yourself while doing the clearing table after your eating and
I. Additional activities for write how procedure you will do.
application of remediation Write it in your notebook.

A. The count of learners who received a
passing score
B. The number of students who require
C. Which teaching strategy of mine has
been the most effective
D. What are the difficulties I have
encounter during the discussion? How I
can solve this?

Prepared by:

Florence C. Zayas
Pre- service Teacher

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