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INTRODUCTION THS- This House Supports

Debate helps you to THO- This House Opposes

Logically organize thoughts THP- This House Prefers
Speaking with a very small amount of time to prepare Three Motion Types
Managing speech anxiety POLICY MOTIONS
Precision of language Often of the form “This house would (THW) do X” e.g.,
Helps a ton in writing THW ban alcohol
What is a Debate? Unless otherwise stated, commonly the government of
A formal and competitive assessment of the validity a country is performing this action
of a motion statement To determine what country and which government, he
Formal motion will operate in the bulk of the world states or
Strict time limits for speeches the majority of governments and countries that exist in
Have particular roles and expectations for such roles the world
Impersonal- speeches need not reflect the personal There exists prop fiat
views of speakers o This tells us that the motion will happen, but
Common formats- British Parliamentary, Asian not that it will be done well
Parliamentary, Australasian format, World Schools o In policy motion, you have to enact a policy
Competitive and that would entail you explaining how this
There must be metrics for winning and losing policy works
Systems for scoring, pairing, and qualifying further into o In every debate, whatever is asked for in the
a tournament motion, it will happen. Assume that it is going
Premium on fairness to occur.
o Topics for debating should be equally fair to o It’s just a matter of will the way it will happen
support and oppose be done well, will it be a good way in which
o Judges should offer a fair probability of this occurs, is what is happening a good thing
winning to all sides, systems should reflect at all?
fairness and merit o Prop fiat gives an amount of resources as well
Necessarily adversarial as political will for the government side to
o No ties ensure that the motion will occur
o Both sides of a debate cannot agree on all o This also implies that opposition has opp fiat
things o Opp could defend status quo but you also
Motion have an equivalent amount of op fiat, which
The topic for debating that follows a particular format means that whatever government does you
A statement that declares a particular stance, it is non- have an equal amount of resources to be able
neutral to do so.
o E.g., THW ban guns o You are both given that kind of power but also
Fair to assess, defensible on both sides limited by that kind of power.
May be accompanied by information or definitions o E.g., government wants to raid
o E.g., THBT the Philippines should align itself establishments to cut off any imports of
with the Quad alcohol. On opp, you could say any effort and
o The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QSD), is resources that gov will put into this, we will
a strategic security dialogue between instead put into maybe more strongly
Australia, India, Japan, and the United States regulating alcohol content or check for drunk
that is maintained by talks between member driving. In here, alcohol is still allowed, there
country. are just alternative ways to deal with the
problem that the government has
WHAT IS MOTION? o Summary: Basically, you will do an action,
Simply, the topic to be debated explain how the action will occur, assume the
Often follow the following format: action happens, and the other side could do
o This House [motion verb] [specific action, other actions with the same resources you’re
phenomenon, or idea to be supported or using to do your action or your policy
▪ This house would tax smoking The following motions fall under analysis motions:
▪ This house supports the rise of This house believes that (THBT) X
artificial intelligence An assessment of the truth of a claim
▪ This house regrets the premium o THBT social media has done more harm than
placed on a college education good
o Pay particular attention to the motion verb o There’s no action that is particularly indicated,
because that will tell you what is expected of so, explain how social media works, what it
the debate that’s going to happen has done in the past, etc.
Common Motion Shortcuts o No policy required
THW- This House Would Also need a model in the instance an action to be
THBT- This House Believes That done is indicated
THR- This House Regrets o THBT the US should sanction Saudi Arabia
o Explain what would these sanctions look like
o You would still need to provide policy since This house regrets (THR) X
there is an action asking a certain act to do Retrospective debate, looks at how thing actually
which is sanctioning Saudi Arabia. happened
o Why not use THW? Because this household o So, you cannot provide a prop nor say events
refers to a very vague government in the that have actually happened are out of the
majority of the world states. With THBT, it debate
allows you to kind of specify which actor is o Everything that has happened is free game
going to be doing this with the motion. You can argue it, use it as an
This house supports/opposes (THS/THO) X example, etc.
Requires proof of how it is likely to occur o You can’t say that things would have
o This is different from policy motions and some happened otherwise. You have to take the
THBT motions, where you have the ability to past and the facts as facts
specify you want it to be done o Also an expectation to say what would have
o You’re still going to assume that it’s going to happened otherwise
happen, it’s just a matter of you can no longer ▪ E.g., THR the election of Liz Truss as
control how it’s going to happen Prime Minister of the UK
o E.g., in the motion THS bans on alcohol, you ▪ On the gov, you might have to say if
explain what is the likely kind of ban that will Liz Truss had not been elected, in all
occur. likelihood it would have been Rishi
o The control is no longer with you as a debater, Sunak, and here are all the reasons
it’s now about proving that that’s likely to we prefer Rishi Sunak.
happen ▪ You have to compare not just why
o How is it likely to occur, who is going to be the past might have been bad if you
doing it, why are they going to do that in that regret it, but what would have
way rather than just saying we want to be happened otherwise had this
done this way particular motion not occurred
Must be supported/opposed in its totality ACTOR MOTIONS
o E.g., THS the rise of esports Of the form “TH, as X, …”
o In supports, for example, that isn’t to say that o You are taking on the particular perspective of
the bad parts of it are good, but that the good the person in question
outweighs the bad o You think what is in their best interest is the
goal of the debate, not what is morally good
o Policy VS Supports/Opposes
(Instead, you are looking at what do I as this
• Policy: Everything you want
entity care about and that person could be a
as long as it’s within the
morally good person, but you have to look at
resources of prop fiat, can
the particular person in question)
▪ TH, as a new dictator in a post-
• Supports/Opposes: You
conflict state, would do…
have to say this is how it’s
▪ You have to be often times self-
likely to happen, prove it,
give reasons that people will
▪ That isn’t to say that you can’t believe
act in that manner
in principles or can’t have morals
This house prefers (THP) X
o You can argue why things achieve some kind
THP X to Y
of principle but, you must explain why the
o The opposing team is forced to defend Y
actor believes in these principles
o THP a subscription-based model for social
▪ TH as an altruistic individual, would
media to an ad-based model
pursue a corporate job rather than
THP X- compares to status quo
one in public service
o THP a norm where children are raised in state
▪ In here, you might instead want to
look at as an altruistic person (what
o Opp here would have to say, for example, that
do I care about?)
the status quo is one where children are
raised within their own families.
THP a world- conceive a world with this from
beginning, not a change from status quo
o THP a world without the concept of private
o You can’t say that from now on, we’re going
to remove all private property and everyone
with private property will lose it. Instead,
defend the world from the beginning we just
never had this concept of private property, or
any large capitalistic structures

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