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Name: De Asis, Abegail T. Prof. Mr. Jovanny Lumogdang Cornelia

Year and Section: BSED ENGLISH 2-B Date: September 09, 2023

Answer the following questions accurately.

1. What is your own philosophy of education?

I find it interesting since it discusses how knowledge is formed and applies a
philosopher's perspective to issues in education. Additionally, it can be used as a
tool to discipline the individual as life preparation. It can also serve as a guide or
direction for how someone might effectively grow and convey their culture.
As a future educator I wanted to plant to my every student a good moral and open
them to what consequences they may gain if ever they fail or didn’t achieve their
desires in life. Because every aspects in life didn’t just focus on what they have
learn on every subject in school but, it also teaches young learners on how they
can survive in a community wherein they surrounded by people, pressures and
their environment.

2. What are the different philosophical foundation of education?

Based on what I have researched. The philosophical foundation of education
helps determine the driving purpose of education.
Here are educational philosophical approaches that are currently used in classes
Perennialism - The aim of education, according to perennialists, is to make sure
that students have knowledge of the high ideals of Western culture. These
concepts have the power to resolve issues. The goal is to pass on knowledge and
look for eternal truths that are continuous, not changing, much as the natural and
human worlds do not alter at their most lowest points. So, when teaching this it
focusses on attaining culture and student’s growth in disciplines.

Essentialism -
According to essentialists, there is an essential foundation of knowledge that
must be passed to future generations. In this cautious viewpoint, the focus is on
Academic and moral standards that should be taught. The curriculum's
foundation is required knowledge, study habits, and experience. It ought to focus
on facts, or the simple truth of the world, as well as "the fundamentals," or
clear and logical reading, writing, speaking, and computation skills in students.
Students should be taught hard work, respect for authority, and discipline.
Because as a future educators we must first respect ourselves and discipline
ourselves in order for us to execute the good morals to students. In a way that we
can be a role model that they can see as their guide in choosing their paths.

Progressivism -
Education should, in the opinion of progressivists, put more emphasis on the
whole child than just the subject matter or the professor. According to this
educational theory, learners should actively test their ideas and experimentation.
Therefor, the questions that learners have after experiencing something form the
foundation of learning. With that the student is a thinker and problem-solver who
makes decisions. Meaning through his or her unique perception of the
surrounding social and physical environment. With this theory. Books are tools,
rather than authority. Because I agree with this line because Books are tools that
can help us learn and grow, but they are not the ultimate authority on any subject.
They can provide us with information, insights, and perspectives that we might
not have considered before. However, it’s important to remember that books are
written by people, and people have their own biases, perspectives, and

Reconstructionism - A ideology known for its social reconstructionism places a

strong emphasis on addressing social issues and in the pursuit of world
democracy and a better society. Also educational re-constructionists concentrate
on a curriculum that emphasizes social improvement as the purpose of learning.
As for the curriculum emphasizes student experience and critical thinking for
social reconstructionists and critical theorists adopting social action to address
pressing issues. This including terrorist activity worldwide, hunger, and violence,
likewise inequality. With that reconstructionists saw teaching and learning as a
process of inquiry in which the child must invent and reinvent the world.


3. Prepare a matrix of philosophical expert, and give their salient contribution.

EDUCATION EXPERT On Curriculum Education
IDEALISM Plato & Immanuel There is a curricular Educators are
Kant emphasis on literature interested in the search
history, philosophy for the truth through
and religion ideas.
For developing self
character and sel-
Edducation is a
considering a
preparation for a better
REALISM Aristotle Curriculum for realism By giving a complte
includes sciences like knowledge and
physics, chemistry & development of the
biology whole being.
PERENNIALISM Thomas Aquinas Curricular emphasis Develop a lifelong
on arts, history and quest for the truth and
literature a power of thought.
Equip students with
information to
understand current
EXISTENTIALISM Michel Foucault Focus on individuals Enable individual to
and relationship, develop unique
values clarification and qualities. Truth and
culture connection Identities.
ESSENTIALISM William C. Bagley Curriculum focus in Instill the most basic
reading, writing math, skills and knowledge.
science &history
PROGRESSIVISM John Dewey Centered the needs, Develop students to
experiences, interest become a good people
and ability and a good learner.
PRAGMATISM Charles Sanders Integration of subject Develop an adaptive
Pierce and activity such as and creative mind.
Vocational skills, art of
leisure living
CONSTRUCTIVISM Jean Piaget Direct access to hands Construct knowledge
on and visual as the center of
materials. As they educational innovation
learn to learn
SCHOLASTICISM Plato Liberal arts, including Strenghten the
theology, medicine law religious life and
and philosophy church by developing
intellectual power.
CLASSICAL Ivan Pavlov Core curriculum Cultivate virtue and
EDUCATION including History and wisdom.
ANALYTIC Bertrand Russell Give emphasis on Clarify philosophical
PHILOSOPHY language and problems.
LINGUISTIC Noam Chomsky Includes the To increase knowledge
PHILOSOPHY adoptations of and understanding of
different philosophy the world.
DEMOCRATIC Jean Jacques Division between Help grow self
PHILOSOPHY Rousseau Academic and determination in
Vocational education prefference.
SOCIAL Theodore School and community Social Reform
POST - Jacques Derrida Giving everyone to Curriculum focus to
MODERNISM speak a voice. And social political and
designed to establish a cultural phenomenon.
pluralist language.

4. How important is the school in the society? Give scenario

Schools are the key spaces in our early lives where we meet and interact with
other people. Besides, it’s also the forum for learning social skills.
For instance, schools providing us with a structured environment to learn and
grow. That the schools also teach students an important life skills such as
teamwork, good manners, unity, sharing and responsibility. School provide
learners the opportunities to learn and develop independence, make friends, and
learn new routines or experiences. Even this experiences is from their friends or
from someone in school that they can get a lesson from.

5. Describe the current condition of the school before and after the pandemic.
Even before Covid-19 Pandemic a lot of schools was in the middle of crisis that
threatened the world because of the impact how poverty affects education. So,
Covid-19 pandemic forced a lot of schools to temporarily closures that result to a
sudden remote learning. Moreover, it impacts also the crisis on learning poverty.
Where a lot of students drop out and stop studying for some family and financial
problems that they face during the pandemic. Because who would have thought
that without any prior warning, one day we were all restricted to stay at home and
be in isolation from other people.
Going forward, when we enter the new normal as schools reopen. Educational
systems will need to adapt to the student’s needs. In order to rebuild better after
the epidemic and its triple shock to the economy, health, and educational system,
nations will need to rethink their educational institutions. Many of the policy
options used during the crisis, including accelerated teaching programs,
structured lesson plans, remote learning options, and curriculum prioritization.
Can help create an educational system that is more crisis-resistant, adaptable in
meeting student needs, and fair in protecting the most vulnerable.

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