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Indique la forma correcta de solicitar una eslinga de acero?

This report is granted subject to the condition that it is understood and agreed that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to relieve any designer, manufacturer, seller, supplier, repairer or operator of any warranty, express or implied and ABSG Consulting, Inc.s liability shall be limited to the acts or omissions of its employees, agents and subcontractors. under no circumstances whatsoever shall ABSG Consulting, Inc. be liable for any injury or damage to any person or property occurring by reason of negligent operation or any defect in materials, machinery, equipment or other items other than defects ascertainable by normally accepted testing standards, and only upon those items actually inspected by ABSG Consulting, Inc. and which are covered by this certificate or report

.- Con la copia del diagrama de carga de la gra Terex ,modelo RT 450 de 50 Ton con las caractersticas de la gra que opera, simulando que tenemos que mover una carga que pesa lbs, a mts de distancia y ,. de altura y que debemos reinstalarla en otro lugar que est a .. pies de distancia, . Indique si se puede efectuar el trabajo, cuales son los pasos necesarios. Dibuje si es necesario

.- Con la copia del diagrama de carga de una gra Terex, modelo RT450 de 50 Ton debemos mover una carga de lbs de una distancia de pies a una distancia de ..a mt de altura? Indique si se puede efectuar el trabajo, grafique e indique los pasos a seguir

This report is granted subject to the condition that it is understood and agreed that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to relieve any designer, manufacturer, seller, supplier, repairer or operator of any warranty, express or implied and ABSG Consulting, Inc.s liability shall be limited to the acts or omissions of its employees, agents and subcontractors. under no circumstances whatsoever shall ABSG Consulting, Inc. be liable for any injury or damage to any person or property occurring by reason of negligent operation or any defect in materials, machinery, equipment or other items other than defects ascertainable by normally accepted testing standards, and only upon those items actually inspected by ABSG Consulting, Inc. and which are covered by this certificate or report

This report is granted subject to the condition that it is understood and agreed that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to relieve any designer, manufacturer, seller, supplier, repairer or operator of any warranty, express or implied and ABSG Consulting, Inc.s liability shall be limited to the acts or omissions of its employees, agents and subcontractors. under no circumstances whatsoever shall ABSG Consulting, Inc. be liable for any injury or damage to any person or property occurring by reason of negligent operation or any defect in materials, machinery, equipment or other items other than defects ascertainable by normally accepted testing standards, and only upon those items actually inspected by ABSG Consulting, Inc. and which are covered by this certificate or report

Resuelva las siguientes equivalencias: 30 pies = 150 m = 1 Ton = 1 TM = 1 Ton = m pies libras libras kilogramos 1 libra = 1 cm = 1 pulgada = 1 pie = 3,000 Kilogramos= kilogramos pulgadas cm pulgada Ton

El pasador de un grillete que se perdi puede ser reemplazado por un perno? A) CIERTO B) FALSO C) GRADO 8 D) TODAS LAS ANTERIORES

Cul es la mxima sobre abertura permitida en un gancho? A) 10 B) 0 C) 5 D) NINGUNA DE LAS ANTERIORES

Cul de los siguientes artculos es requerido que est fcilmente visible al operador cuando est en los controles? A) Carta de seales de mano C) Extinguidor de fuegos B) Carta de carga D) De la A a la C

El uso de estabilizadores en camin y gras hidrulicas de terreno spero requiere que todos los estabilizadores estn extendidos, como lo indican las instrucciones del fabricante. A) Cierto B) Falso C) 50% D) Retradas

This report is granted subject to the condition that it is understood and agreed that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to relieve any designer, manufacturer, seller, supplier, repairer or operator of any warranty, express or implied and ABSG Consulting, Inc.s liability shall be limited to the acts or omissions of its employees, agents and subcontractors. under no circumstances whatsoever shall ABSG Consulting, Inc. be liable for any injury or damage to any person or property occurring by reason of negligent operation or any defect in materials, machinery, equipment or other items other than defects ascertainable by normally accepted testing standards, and only upon those items actually inspected by ABSG Consulting, Inc. and which are covered by this certificate or report

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