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Mỗi project tương ứng với một file thực hành. Hãy mở đúng file thực hành để hoàn thành nhiệm vụ.

☐ Task 1
Filter the data in the “Company_Information” table so that only the Region that start with “Ba” are displayed.

☐ Task 2
On the “Quarter 3-4” worksheet, calculate the sale in cell I6 by adding the Nov to Dec. Copy the formula down to complete the

☐ Task 3
On the “Quarter 1” worksheet, create a 3D Clustered Column Chart that shows the Description and the Expense in the months
in Quarter 1 (Jan – Mar). Use the Description as the horizontal axis labels. Place the chart to the right of the table.

☐ Task 4
On the “Quarter 1” worksheet, in cells G11:G18, insert Column Sparkline to represent the expense from January to March.

☐ Task 5
On the “Quarter 2” worksheet, remove the table functionality from the table.

☐ Task 6
On the “Quarter 3-4” worksheet, use an excel feature that allows row 5 and the title to remain visible as you scroll vertically.


☐ Task 1
On the “Orders” worksheet, sort the table to order the records by “Country” with orders in Canada coming first and orders from
Germany coming second. Then sort the orders alphabetically (from A to Z) by the “Product” field.

☐ Task 2
On the “Ordres” worksheet, from the existing text in cell D1, insert a hyperlink to with a ScreenTip
that displays “Company Website”.

☐ Task 3
On the “Detail Order” worksheet, use an excel data tool to remove all records with duplicate “Product” values from the table.
Do not remove any other records.

☐ Task 4
Remove hidden properties and personal information from the workbook. Do not remove any other content.

☐ Task 5
On the “Product” worksheet, in the Product Code Column, modify the existing formula to display the letters in upper case.

☐ Task 6
On the “Product” worksheet, perform a multi-level sort. Sort the table by “Product” (A to Z) then by “Year” (Largest to


☐ Task 1
On the “Customer List” worksheet, beginning in A1, import the data from wizard customer.txt. Use the first row of the data
source as headers.

☐ Task 2
On the “Customer List” worksheet, adjust the column width of column A to exactly 21pts.

☐ Task 3
Copy the formatting of the title and subtitle on the “Order” worksheet to the title and subtitle of the “Description” worksheet.

☐ Task 4
On the “Description” worksheet in cell I13, enter a formula that sums the values in the ranges “total_chocolate”, “total_mango”,
“total_icecream” and “total_cheese”. Use these range names in the formula instead of cell references.

☐ Task 5
In the cell F19 on the “Order” worksheet, use a function to calculate how many missing items on Mar.

☐ Task 6
On the “Order” worksheet, apply the Title style to cell A18.


☐ Task 1
On the “January” worksheet, in the “Tax” column, enter a formula that multiples the values in the “Total Cost” column by cell

☐ Task 2
On the “January” worksheet, in the “Warning” column, we want to display “LOW” if the Complaint rate is below 30%.
Otherwise, leave the cell blank.

☐ Task 3
On the “Chart Analysis” chartsheet, insert a chart title above the chart, at the top of the plot area. Display the percentage values
as data labels to the right of each data bar.

☐ Task 4
On the “January” worksheet, move the cells C27:D36 up to correct the alignment by deleting cells C26:D26.

☐ Task 5
On the “January” worksheet, apply the Heading 1 style to cell A1


☐ Task 1
On the “theYOUNG shoes shop” worksheet, configure cells D4:J4 to automatically wrap the text.

☐ Task 2
On the “theYOUNG shoes shop” worksheet, name the range H7:J32 as “Size”.

☐ Task 3
On the “Frequency Distribution” worksheet, apply the Style 7 chart style and change the color to Monochromatic palette 3.

☐ Task 4
On the “Frequency Distribution” worksheet, in cells P7:P21, use conditional formatting to apply a Yellow Fill with Dark
Yellow text to the cells that contain values greater than 500.

☐ Task 5
On the “From Jan to Apr” worksheet, in the “Apr” column, enter a formula that multiples the values in the “Mar” column bay
the “Mar_Increase” range. Use the range in the formula instead of a cell reference or value.

☐ Task 6
On the “From Jan to Apr” worksheet, in cell B24, use a function to display the highest sale from the range C3:F20.


☐ Task 1
On the “2021 Sales Chart” worksheet, swap the data over the axis.

☐ Task 2
On the “The Second Quarter” worksheet, change the horizontal alignment of the Category column to LEFT (Indent). Set the
indent to 1.

☐ Task 3
On the “The Second Quarter” worksheet, add a total row to the table. Configure the total row to display the total sales of “3

☐ Task 4
On the “The Second Quarter” worksheet, in the “Sales warning” column, use a function to count the number of months with
zero sale for each category.

☐ Task 5
On the “The Second Quarter” worksheet, change the elements displayed in the chart by changing the layout of the chart, to
layout 5.

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