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1. Elizabeth K. Keating Reengineering Nonprofit Financial Dependen/Terikat: By way of conclusion, we present seven policy proposals for
Peter Frumkin (2003) Accountability: Toward a More Reliable Nonprofit Financial improving nonprofit accounting and reporting. First, board
Foundation for Regulation Accountability members and senior staff members should work to create
Independen/Bebas: effective internal management and board governance. Second,

Decision about support and the IRS should revise Form 990 to conform to generally

participation, Organizational accepted accounting principles and to encourage the

activities Accounting system, dissemination of audited financial statements. Third, tax filings

Financial disclosures, (and audited financial statements) should be filed electronically

Performance assessment and by nonprofit organizations and quickly posted on the Web.

Oversight and mentoring Fourth, education and public information can improve
stakeholders’ understanding of the importance of financial
reporting to sensible performance assessments. Fifth, more
relevant disclosures should be provided to stakeholders. sixth
recommendation recognizes that providing more extensive and
reliable information more quickly may be insufficient. Once
established, the new agency could be funded in several ways

2. Helen Irvine (2011) From go to woe: How a not-for-profit Dependen/Terikat: This paper examined the process of change in a not-for-profit
managed the change to accrual accounting Accounting in not-for-profit organization from an institutional perspective. Specifically, it
organizations identified and explicated five processes by which a new
Independen/Bebas: institutional practice, accrual accounting, was embedded in
The process of change, Hearts & Hands’ internal structures and routines. It recognized
institutional perspective, cash- the conflict that accompanied that change, and the tension
based system, accrual between the image of accrual accounting and the reality behind
accounting system that image.

The decision to adopt accrual accounting was made by Hearts &

Hands’ leaders who were alert to institutional pressures to
conform with the practice of the private and public sectors, on
both of which Hearts & Hands depended for resources.
Internally, the change process was poorly managed, setting up
conflicts between various organizational members. Due to an
entrenched autocratic, hierarchical structure, those who held
power made assumptions about the way the change process
ought to be managed, and allocated insufficient resources to
training and implementation. Consequently, the encoding of the
new system was ambiguous and incomplete, and failed to take
into account the limited accounting abilities of many of the

3. PABLO AROCENA and ACCOUNTING FOR QUALITY IN THE Dependen/Terikat: Our first conclusion is that, on average, hospital performance
ARIADNA GARCI´ A- MEASUREMENT OF HOSPITAL hospital performance improved following the reforms. The methodology used here
PRADO (2007)
PERFORMANCE: EVIDENCE FROM COSTA has allowed us to identify that such performance improvement
RICA Independen/Bebas: was chiefly originated by a dramatic increase in quality of
Management contract, a service rather than by a better use of resources in producing
global Malmquist productivity more hospital outputs. In this sense, this study shows the
index and scale efficiency importance of considering quality issues in computing hospital
change performance.

As a second conclusion, we have identified different patterns of

behaviour between small and large hospitals before and after
the reforms. In particular, we have statistically tested that small
hospital performance improved significantly after the
introduction of management contracts, whilst this is not true for
large hospitals.

Finally, we have found that productivity growth was primarily

due to the improvement of technical and scale efficiency, which
means that differences in efficiency among hospitals were
reduced throughout the analyzed period. Such productivity
growth is mainly due to technical efficiency increase and slight
technical progress in the case of the average small hospital
whereas it is mainly based on scale efficiency improvement for
the average large hospital. This result reinforces our finding that
size matters and should be taken into account in the health
policy framework.
4. Lisa Schmidthuber International Public Sector Accounting Dependen/Terikat: Given the recent practical and political emphasis placed on the
Dennis Hilgers Standards (IPSASs): A systematic literature International Public Sector harmonization of public sector accounting worldwide, the aim
Sebastian Hofmann
review and future research agenda Accounting Standards (IPSASs) of this article was to critically review the current academic
Independen/Bebas: discussion of IPSASs based on a broad paper analysis. We aimed
antecedents of IPSAS adoption, to identify key themes and future research fields. Due to high
Implementation of accrual levels of public debt worldwide and thcurrent discussion of
accounting based on IPSASs; implementing new accounting standards in parts of the
and outcomes of IPSAS hemisphere (e.g., the EPSASs project in Europe), this review is
adoption. timely in helping to advance our understanding of the research
landscape of public sector accounting within and beyond
national boundaries. On the basis of this systematic literature
review, we propose a research agenda that will help both
theoretical and practical conceptualizations of a range of issues
facing accounting harmonization in the public sector

5. Kathryn Trewavas, The Impact of IFRS Adoption on Public Dependen/Terikat: The adoption of IFRS has had an overall significant impact on
Nives Botica Sector Financial Statements Public Sector Financial public sector financial reporting. Liabilities of the overall sample
Redmayne & Fawzi
Statements in this study and of a number of analysed sub-sectors were
Laswad (2012)
Independen/Bebas: significantly increased. This indicates that the treatment of
IFRS adoption liabilities has changed under NZ IFRS compared to NZ GAAP. The
measurement of liabilities was already identified as an area of
concern for the public sector in the previously used reporting
frameworks (Warren 2004). The definition of liabilities may have
been the same for both the public and private sectors under the
sector neutral reporting approach used in Australia and New
Zealand, but the application of the definition of liabilities has
been shown to be different in the two sectors (Newberry 2001).

6. Dependen/Terikat:
Accounting in not-for-profit
The process of change,
institutional perspective, cash-
based system, accrual
accounting system

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