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Amblyopia [ PRANEET ]



Amblyopia [ PRANEET ] 1

Amblyopia [ PRANEET ] 2
Amblyopia [ PRANEET ] 3
Isoametropic amblyopia.
Isoametropic amblyopia is bilateral amblyopia occurring in children with bilateral
uncorrected high refractive error.

Hyperopia of more than +5.0D and myopia in excess of –10.0D have a risk of
inducing bilateral amblyopia.

Such amblyopia is usually of milder form.

Bilateral meridional amblyopia is caused by bilateral astigmatism. Significant

meridional amblyopia occurs with astigmatism greater than –2.5D.

Amblyopia [ PRANEET ] 4
Amblyopia [ PRANEET ] 5
Amblyopia [ PRANEET ] 6

Amblyopia [ PRANEET ] 7

Occlusion or Patching Therapy of better eye :

Usually the occlusion or patching is applied to the method of amblyopic treatment

whereby the vision of one eye is obscured either totally or partially, so that the
patient is obligated to use the amblyopic or lazy eye.
Methods of occlusion :
The methods of occlusion may be divided into two (2) types :

Amblyopia [ PRANEET ] 8
1. Total Occlusion :
This not allows the formation of an image of the occluded eye by obscures both
light and form.

2. Partial Occlusion –
This allows the formation of an image but with reduced visual acuity of the
occluded eye by obscures form only.

In occlusion therapy, adhesive patches, opaque contact lenses, occluders mounted

on spectacles, and adhesive tape on glasses have been used.

The term penalisation indicates a form of treatment which forces the patient to
use one eye for distance and other eye for near by means of lenses and /or

The first stage of treatment is to develop the near visual acuity in the amblyopic
eye by penalising the fixing eye for near, called near penalisation.

And the next stage of treatment is to develop distance visual acuity in the
amblyopic eye by preventing the unaffected eye or fixing eye from seeing clearly
in distance, called distance penalisation.

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Amblyopia [ PRANEET ] 10

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