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January 11, 2023


It's a great day today, I was already in the workplace at exactly 7:35 am. Before I go to the
office I filled up first my DTR. After that I just wait in the office to be open. When the office
already open I started to clean the whole area of the office. Then I also arrange the papers in
the table because it is so messy. After that I just wait the instructions of my Sir. After few
minutes, he told me to make a copy of the papers that he gave to me then after few minutes I
finished the task. It is around 9:25 am my Sir said that I can stop what I'm doing because it is
already time to snacks. Then after I eat my snacks I continue the task assigned to me and it
takes almost 2 hours and 1 minutes before I finished because there's to many papers that to be
handle. At 11:53 am I was already released so that I can eat my lunch and take a rest.

In the afternoon, I was just arrange again the tables and then clean again the whole area.
Around 2:10 pm there are customers that are in the office so I'm the one to handle them. My job
is to get there wants or how many tons they will buy. Then I will pass the information to my Sir.
After that I wait if there is another customer that will buy our product. Around 4:55 pm I was
ready to go home, but before I go home I filled up first my DTR then go home.

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