Day 1

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January 9, 2023


I woke up early at exactly 4:00 a.m, and after that I fixed my bed and fold my blanket and
after that I wash my face. And after that I prepared the feeds for my animals, then after I
prepared, I went to shrine to feed my animals. And after feeding my animals, I go back to house
immediately at 5:30 a.m. And I prepared my breakfast and my lunch box, then after few minutes
I take a bath and change my clothes after. I go to the highway and wait for a tricycle.At exactly
6:00 am I arrived at Philippine Mining Service Corporation Company when I was there I wait for
my co-workers in waiting area.

After few minutes later, my co-workers came and we waited ma'am Aya to bring us to lecture
room. At 8:30, orientation started she tackled about the rules and regulations inside the
At exactly 1pm, Ma'am Aya gave us an PPE for protection also and after that she sent us to our
assigned area. It was my first time so that I'm feeling nervous all the time but actually after I
enter in office I'm feeling good because Sir Lordil welcomed me and treat me like his co-worker.
He is so kind. He also tougt me what to do. At exactly 4:50, I prepared myself and fix the things
inside and after few minutes I go home.

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