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1. In a community, how important is mutual support?
Mutual support is critical in a community. It'll make individuals live there to have less mistakes,
offer assistance to each other, can correct their issues, can redistribute errands so work is
completed successfully and productively, and are more versatile to assist one another to create
the community better.

2. If mutual support is not present in today’s current situation (covid19 pandemic), what will
possibly happen in our community?
If mutual support is absent in a community during this pandemic there might be a wide spread of
virus in our community because there might be lack of coordination with the people which will
really cause havoc in a community. If the situation continues there might be a bankruptcy in the
community and I think every single life in the community will be in danger.

3. What is the importance of mutual support to everyone?

Mutual support is very vital for everyone so that there will be accurate progress that will surely
lift up every family, organization, community, or even a country. It is important to keep in mind
that we are living in this community right now living safely in our homes because of the mutual
support. It is also important because we always do know that no one is perfect, so if one in the
community commits mistakes there should always be mutual support to correct those
inaccuracies, and in that case there will be less errors and more accomplishments. And also for
a country to work it is not enough for only just one power actor to work, there should always be
mutual support into other sectors of the community so that the task will not only be redistributed
to a one power actor but for the whole community.

4. Come up with your own definition of mutual support.

Mutual support is the way of people to cope up with development to ensure that there will be a
progress that will make the community more developed. Mutual support requires camaraderie
so that the relationship of the community will not be toxic but healthier.

No man is an island.
1. Expand the thought of this quotation (“no man is an island”).
2. You may present your work in creative manner, (song, poem, poster/painting, others).
3. In your presentation integrate the concept of socialization. How important socialization to a
certain community?
I've been wondering around
Been thinking and look what i found
United colony of ants
no one is working alone and everyone hunts
Digging the dirt to create a hole
Bond together with the same goal
The colony was huge it was well organized
Oh! how good it is if we will be synchronised
Everyone has a role no ant was useless
How good it is to be united and blessed
Queen keeps laying eggs daily
Coz she knows she can't live without her babies
She alone cant live and survive
That is why we need each other to live life
Colony grows and had been so strong together
Now you know being alone will not make us better
We need each other's back to keep the track
If someone is left out we will comeback.

Socialization is very important in our society because it signifies our identity in the community,
without socialization a community will be diverse and there will be no specific identity.
Therefore, socializing keeps the bond of the community tough and it shows us our identity as
one community.

B. Analysis Statement
1. Relate the concept of mutual support to the quotation given above.
● Mutual support includes a number of people so that there will be fast redistribution of
tasks in the community, so this signifies that in order for a community to progress there
should always be mutual support because if we will just stand up in our houses and
sleep in our bed no progress will be developed except aging. Therefore, knowing that no
man is an island we humans interact and develop mutual support so that task will be
easier for us to do with just less hassle.
III. SYNTHESIS Create a summary that highlights all the key points of this topic.
In this module I had learned that a community is a group of people in the same geographic area,
under common laws, that has a sense of fellowship, belonging, and obligation to the group. The
community has five functions: production-distribution-consumption, socialization, social control,
social participation, and mutual support.
Production, Distribution, consumption: The community provides its members with the
means to make a living. This may be agriculture, industry, or services. Socialization: The
community has means by which it instills its norms and values in its members. This may be
tradition, modeling, and/or formal education. Social Control: The community has the means to
enforce adherence to community values. This may be group pressure to conform and/or formal
laws. Social Participation: The community fulfills the need for companionship. This may
occur in a neighborhood, church, business, or other group. Mutual Support: The community
enables its members to cooperate to accomplish tasks too large or too urgent to be handled by
a single person. Supporting a community hospital with tax dollars and donations is an example
of people cooperating to accomplish the task of health care

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