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Colorful idioms

White lie
= A small harmless lie that you tell someone just because you don't want to offend them
I didn’t like her dress, but I told a white lie because I didn’t want to offend her.

To Get the Green Light

= To be given permission
I suggested this project last week and the boss told me today that I got the
green light to start. I'm so excited.

In The Red
= To not have any money in the bank!
I have been in red during the last two months because I was jobless.

Tickled pink
= To be extremely happy
My brother was tickled pink that he could pass the exam.

To Feel blue
= To be sad
After rejection from college, my friend felt blue.

Once in a blue moon

= Very rarely
I see my friends once in a blue moon, because we live in different countries.

With Flying Colors

= Very successfully
The IELTS test was difficult but, he passed it with flying colors.
Colorful idioms
To be Caught red-handed
= To catch someone in the act of doing something
You're stealing a bar chocolate from the super market says: Hey you, you are
caught red-handed.

Out of the blue

= Without warning, unexpectedly
The storm came out of the blue and I didn't have an umbrella!

A White-collar Worker
= Office workers not doing any physical work
During the COVID 19 pandemic white-collar workers were
working from home rather than workplace.

Red tape
= Too much formal paperwork to do something
When people apply for a visa for another country, there's usually a lot of red tape.

Black market
= The area where illegal things such as drugs and guns are bought and sold
People who can't buy a gun legally with a permit can usually buy one on the
black market.

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