Electric Vehicles-Revision

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Electric Vehicles Course Proposal

(*This document contains relevant dates, responses from the reviewers, updated course
document as per AUGSD format, and updated course handout as per the comments.)

Relevant Dates:
• Course Proposed on 10/08/2023.
• Response addressing comments from the Hyderabad Campus on
Response to Comments from Hyderabad Campus
Comment 1:
A couple of hands-on software-based projects/content on various aspects of EV
technology can be added to make the proposed valuable course for the students.

Thanks for the comment.
Simulation-based demonstration of various concepts can be given to the students during
the course teaching wherever required. In addition, project-based assignments can be
included as part of the evaluation components.

Comment 2:
If possible, you can also add solid states drives lab experiments and a few experiments
from the new automotive remote lab (WILP), which will be good for the students to
have practical exposure too.

Thanks for the suggestion.
The course is primarily designed as a 3-credit theory course, not explicitly touching upon
lab-related content. So, the lab component is not included in the current version. This is
also because of the reason that, a full-pledged lab facility to conduct lab-oriented EV
course is not available currently. Once the infrastructure becomes available, this course
can be upgraded into a 4-credit course by including relevant lab experiments.
Besides, simulation/ hardware-based demonstrations can be given to the students during
the course teaching wherever required.

Comment 3:
If we are talking of hybrid EVs, energy management is critical for its operation. So at least two
lectures on energy management and control are needed.

Thanks for the suggestion, which is relevant to the course.
The same is included, and the handout is updated.
Academic - Undergraduate Studies Division

To: Dean, AUGS Division Date: 09/09/2023

Through: Associate Dean, AUGSD,__Hyderabad_______Campus

Form for proposing a new course

1. Course details:
S.NO. Course No.** Name of Course L P U*
Discipline Code F/G Level Code to
be given Electric Vehicles 3 0 3
(Not to be


*Normally, 1 unit ≈ (1 lecture/week) OR (2 to 3 hrs of Lab/week)

** For a course, say EEE F215 (EEE (discipline code), F (first degree), 2(level of course), 15 (Code given by
AUGSD Pilani)

2. Pre-requisites (give course number(s)) and title(s): Basic Electrical Sciences (EEE F111)
3. Department offering the course: Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering

4. Target student population (year(s) & discipline(s)): FD (3rd year and 4th year EEE, ECE and

5. Is the proposed course a discipline elective? If so, mention the discipline(s):


6. Objectives of the course:

The proposed elective, suitable for graduate- and undergraduate-level students, is a

theoretical learning course to impart knowledge on understanding the basic fundamentals,
theoretical base, and principles of modern electric vehicles (EV). The key concepts
concerning electrical vehicle operation and modeling, like vehicle performance
characteristics, configurations, batteries, drive train models, motors, and controllers, are
discussed comprehensively in this course. The students who attend this course will get
comprehensive knowledge about understanding EV operation and the dynamics of EV
operation in both physical and electrical dimensions.
Academic - Undergraduate Studies Division

7. Course Description:

The course introduces vehicular electrical technology, understanding vehicle behaviour

based on general principles of vehicular movement. The EVs and hybrid EVs are introduced
subsequently. The EV propulsion system, which includes motors and its controllers and, the
EV gear and transmission systems are described in later sections. The course also provides
adequate introduction and understanding on battery technologies, hybrid energy storage
systems, and fuel cells applied in EV technology. A basic understanding on EV economics,
including vehicle fuel consumption calculation, economy, efficiency, battery cost, and sizing
are also provided in the course.

8. Tentative textbook(s):

1. “Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles,” Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimin Gao,
Ali Emadi, CRC Press, 2nd Edition.
2. “Electric Vehicle Machines and Drives – Design, Analysis and Application”, K. T. Chau,
IEEE Press.

3. “Electric Vehicle Technology Explained,” James Larminie, John Lowry, John Wiley &
4. “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles,” Tom Denton, Institute of the Motor Industry.

9. Is there any overlap with existing courses? Mention titles of courses with overlap:

The DEL course Energy Storage Systems (EEE F428) covers topics on battery
technology, hybrid batteries, and fuel cells. But this course will only give a brief
introduction in the context of EV and does not go much deeper into the topics like
EEE F428. Other than the said topics, there is no overlap in the contents of this course
with any other course.

10. If unit of the course is less than 3, please mention the following details; NA
(a) Will the course run throughout the semester:
(b) If (a) is No, Start and end date of the course from_____________to______________.
(Normally 14 lectures per unit) (This is subject to scheduling of course by AUGSD)
Academic - Undergraduate Studies Division

11. If lab component is required for the course, mention if lab facilities exist in the department.

No lab component is intended for this course.

12. If lab component is required for the course, but facilities do not exist as on date, mention
the facilities required and the approximate cost for the same:

Not applicable

13. Any other facilities required for the course (infrastructure etc): None

14. Has the course been discussed in the departmental committee on academics (DCA) and
cross-campus departmental committee on academics (CCDCA) ? NO

Signature of Head of the department

[A signed hard copy of this form is to be submitted to campus Associate Dean, AUGSD
for record. A softcopy in MS word with file name as “Department Name_Campus” (eg.
EEE_Pilani) to be sent to augsd@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in along with consent of all HoDs]
Electric Vehicles Course Handout

(Revised on 09/09/2023)

Course Code: To be assigned.

Course Instructors: STP Srinivas/ Alivelu M Parimi

Scope and Objectives of the course:

The proposed elective, suitable for graduate- and undergraduate-level students, is a

theoretical learning course to impart knowledge on understanding the basic fundamentals,
theoretical base, and principles of modern electric vehicles (EV). The key concepts
concerning electrical vehicle operation and modeling, like vehicle performance
characteristics, configurations, batteries, drive train models, motors, and controllers, are
discussed comprehensively in this course. The students who attend this course will get
comprehensive knowledge about understanding EV operation and the dynamics of EV
operation in both physical and electrical dimensions.

Course Description:

The course is a (3-0-3) credit course which introduces vehicular electrical technology, and
understanding vehicle behavior based on general principles of vehicular movement. The EVs
and hybrid EVs are introduced subsequently. The EV propulsion system, which includes
motors and its controllers and, the EV gear and transmission systems are described in later
sections. The course also provides adequate introduction and understanding on battery
technologies, hybrid energy storage systems, and fuel cells applied in EV technology. A basic
understanding on EV economics, including vehicle fuel consumption calculation, economy,
efficiency, battery cost, and sizing are also provided in the course.

Brief Contents of the course:

• Vehicular dynamics, drag, propulsion and transmission characteristics, braking

• EV configuration, drive trains, Hybrid EVs.
• EV propulsion systems – Motors, drives and control systems.
• EV battery technology – state of charge, specific energy, energy efficiency, battery
modelling and charging stations, hybrid energy storage and fuel cells in EVs.
• EV operational economics – fuel consumption calculation, fuel efficiency,
operating costs, and energy management.
• Case studies.

Detailed Lecture Plan:

Lecture Textbook
Description Details
Hours reference
• Basic introduction and
context of EVs
• Fundamentals of vehicle
Electric Vehicles basic propulsion and dynamics TB1 – Ch. 2, Sec.
principles • Transmission 1-3,5,6,7&9
• Braking techniques

• Introduction to EV
Introduction to Electric TB1 – Ch. 4, Sec.
6-9 • Configurations and types
Vehicles 1, 2 & 3
• EV performance

• Hybrid EV configuration
Introduction to Hybrid • operational concepts
10-14 Ch. 5, Sec. 1&2
EVs • Drive trains and types

• EV propulsion systems
• Types of motors used in EV
TB1 - Ch 6, Sec.
EV propulsion and propulsion
15-21 1-4,
drive systems • Basic operation and Power
Electronic Converters for
EV motor drives
• Types of transmission
systems TB2 – Ch. 7 Sec.
EV transmission and
22-24 • Magnetic gear systems 2, 3 and Ch. 11
gear systems
• Planetary gear systems Sec. 2-4

• Introduction to EV battery
• Calculation of state-of-
Introduction to battery charge, specific energy, and TB1 – Ch 12,
technology for EVs energy efficiency. Sec. 1
• Battery modeling
• Battery charging stations
and topologies.
• Hybrid energy storage
TB1 – Ch. 12,
Hybrid Battery • Fuel cell technologies
32-36 Sec. 4,
systems and Fuel cells introduction.
Ch. 14, Sec. 1-7
• Hydrogen fuel cells
• Nonhydrogen fuel cells
• Fuel consumption
EV operational • Cost per km calculation
37-41 economics and design • Operational efficiency and TB1, Ch. 2 Sec. 8
considerations cost savings
• Fuel efficiency calculation
and energy management.
TB3, Ch. 11 and
• Description of some
41-43 EV Case studies some practical
practical EVs
case studies

Tentative textbook(s):

1. “Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles,” Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimin Gao,
Ali Emadi, CRC Press, 2nd Edition.
2. “Electric Vehicle Machines and Drives – Design, Analysis and Application”, K. T. Chau,
IEEE Press.

3. “Electric Vehicle Technology Explained,” James Larminie, John Lowry, John Wiley &
4. “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles,” Tom Denton, Institute of the Motor Industry.

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