Shadac Share News 2011oct03

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News: October 3, 2011 Headlines

Recap of the Latest Health Insurance Coverage Esimates ACS/CPS Webinar Archive Available SHADAC Updates Brief Comparing Federal Surveys Census Bureau Releases Brief on Workers Health Insurance Coverage Sign up for Webinar on CO-OP Health Plans ASPE Releases Brief on Young Adult Coverage NHIS Nonresponse Bias Report Released Kaiser Family Foundation Posts Briefing on Premium Increases Colorado Health Institute Updates Uninsurance Estimates Kansas Health Institute Updates Uninsurance Estimates Washington State Releases Brief on Newly Eligible Adults

Recap of the Latest Health Insurance Coverage Estimates
Health insurance coverage estimates from three national surveys were released in September. A summary of the uninsurance estimates includes:

Current Population Survey (2010): 16.3% (49.9 million). The report, tables and resources are at this link.

American Community Survey (2010): 15.5% (47.2 million). This is a significant increase from the 2009 estimates of 15.1% (45.7 million). Estimates are currently available only in table form from American FactFinder. Public use microdata will be available in late October.

National Health Interview Survey (Jan-Mar 2011): 15.3% (46.5 million). Estimates with select demographic breakdowns are available in the report, "Health Insurance Coverage: Early Release of Estimates From the National Health Interview Survey, January-March 2011."

These surveys and estimates are compared in SHADAC's updated brief, "Comparing Federal Government Surveys that Count the Uninsured." The brief includes state-level estimates, trends and differences across the surveys.

Our highlighted blogs

ACA Note: Defining FPL Categories in the Affordable Care Act

ACS/CPS Webinar Archive Available

SHADAC's annual webinar on health insurance coverage

ACA Note: Modified Adjusted Gross Income - Implications for Medicaid Eligibility Systems Tracking Reform at the State Level

estimates from the American Community Survey (ACS) and the Current Population Survey (CPS), held on September 23, is now available for viewing. This link provides access to the video, slides, and resources discussed during the webinar.

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Census Bureau Releases Brief on Workers Health Insurance Coverage

The new Census Bureau brief, "Health Insurance Coverage of Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Work Experience: 2008 and 2010," uses data from the American Community Survey (ACS) to present state-level changes in health insurance coverage rates by employment characteristics. The estimates show a significant decline (2.1 percentage points) in employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) from 2008 to 2010, along with a significant increase in uninsurance (1.4 percentage points) in that time period. There was substantial variation among states, and declines in ESI were strongly associated with declines in the percentage of workers who had full-time, year-round jobs.

Sign up for Webinar on CO-OP Health Plans

The next SHARE webinar, "CO-OP Health Plans: Can They Help Fix Rural America's Health Insurance Markets?" will be held on October 19, 2011, from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (EDT). Dr. Andrew Coburn, Research Professor at the University of Southern Maine's Muskie School of Public Service, will discuss the Consumer-Operated and Oriented Plan (CO-OP) program authorized under the Affordable Care Act. He will discuss the CO-OP program legislation, identify the challenges to obtaining private health insurance in rural areas, and assess the opportunities and challenges of using the CO-OP program to address the limitations of the rural private health insurance market. SHARE is co-hosting this webinar with the Rural Assistance Center (RAC), a rural health and human

services information portal funded through HRSA's Office of Rural Health Policy and located at the University of North Dakota Center for Rural Health. this webinar. Register now for

ASPE Releases Brief on Young Adult Coverage

The office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) in the Department of Health and Human Services released the brief, "One Million Young Adults Gain Health Insurance in 2011 Because of the Affordable Care Act." These estimates are based on the National Health Interview Survey, which recently released insurance coverage estimates from January-March of 2011.

NHIS Nonresponse Bias Report Released

The National Center for Health Statistics released "2009 National Health Interview Survey Sample Adult and Sample Child nonresponse bias analysis." Findings from this analysis led to the decision to add a geographic nonresponse adjustment to the Sample Adult and Sample Child File weights, beginning with the 2010 data.

Kaiser Family Foundation Posts Briefing on Premium Increases
The Kaiser Family Foundation held a briefing on September 22 to address proposed rules of the Affordable Care Act concerning "unreasonable" premium increases. "Controlling Health Insurance Premiums: Perspectives from the States, the Federal Government and Industry" includes panelists from Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Maine and Oregon. The video and podcast archive of the briefing are available at this link.

SHADAC's June 2011 report, "Trends in U.S. EmployerSponsored Health Insurance," examines state-level trends in employer sponsored coverage, offer and take up, and premiums.

News from the States

Colorado Health Institute Updates Uninsurance Estimates
The Colorado Health Institute (CHI) released two updates on the number of uninsured in Colorado. Based on the latest Current Population Survey data, "Counting Colorados Uninsured: The Latest Estimates,"an estimated 656,000 Coloradans, or 13%, were uninsured in 2010. That compares with 721,000, or 14.5%, in 2009. CHI also released "Counting Colorados Uninsured: The Latest Estimates - American Community Survey" showing an estimated 789,000 Coloradans, or 15.9% of the population, were uninsured in 2010. This is not a significant change from the 778,000 Coloradans, or 15.8% of the population, who were uninsured in 2009.

Kansas Health Institute Updates Uninsurance Estimates

The Kansas Health Institute released the fact sheet, "Health Insurance Coverage in Kansas," providing a summary of the health insurance status of Kansans based on the recent Current Population Survey estimates. Twoyear average estimates (2009-2010) indicate that the percentage of Kansans without health insurance remained steady at 13.0 percent, representing more than 357,000 uninsured Kansans.

Washington State Releases Brief on Newly Eligible Adults

The Washington State Office of Financial Management

released the brief, "Profile of the Non Eldery Adult Uninsured Population: 2010," based on results from the 2010 Washington State Population Survey. This analysis shows that approximately 450,000 currently uninsured adults are likely to be eligible for Medicaid upon implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

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If you were forwarded this message and would like to subscribe to our email list, please visit our signup page at SHADAC is funded by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to help states monitor rates of health insurance coverage and to understand factors associated with uninsurance. Visit us online at SHARE is a National Program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to fund, synthesize and disseminate evaluations of state health reform. SHARE operates out of SHADAC. For more information, visit SHARE's web site, Copyright (C) 2011 State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) All rights reserved.

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