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Animal rights are moral principles based on the belief that animals deserve the opportunity to

live as they choose, without being subject to the wishes of humans. But people keep and use
many animals for different purposes. Animals are living beings like us. They also want love and
sympathy. They want to be free, but they can't express it in words. By carefully studying their
behavior, you can understand what they want. They want to use their rights and freedoms.

We humans are very cruel to animals. We treat them very badly. We do not take away their
rights. We keep them at home for our benefit and pleasure, train them wildly and punish them
for small mistakes and misdeeds. But the animals are very friendly and kind. You never let us
down. He kills mercilessly and eats meat. How cruel it must be to satisfy hunger! We kill other
creatures for food.

To protect animal rights, we must change our nature and habits. We should be friendly. They
need to feel that they too have feelings of pain, love, hunger, friendship, etc. We must love
them as they love us. Humans are not carnivores by nature. We must protect our forest.
Forests are their habitat. Animals cannot survive if their habitat and food is destroyed.
Thousands of animals are kept in the farms. Many of them are taken to laboratories and kept,
and people conduct all kinds of disgusting and incomprehensible experiments on animals.
Humans torture millions of animals in laboratories every year. They burn, mutilate or starve

Protection of animal rights is very important. If we want animals to remain wild, we must put
pressure on natural resources. Therefore, the ecosystem and environment can be protected.
Protecting nature means protecting yourself. Finally, animal conservation can reduce the
damage caused by natural disasters. They also say that eating meat is not entirely healthy.
Giving up meat can improve your health.

We must understand that animals are our friends. They will never betray us or hurt us. They
don't take away our rights. We must treat them with conscience. Our human has an important
role in protecting animal rights.

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