Sayat Who Am I Psy100

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"Each person's map of the world is as unique as the person's thumbprint. There
are no two people alike. No two people who understand the same sentence the same
way. So in dealing with people, you try not to fit them to your concept of what they should
be." - (Milton Erickson) As I watched the short video, I began to ponder who I really am,
and what my purpose is. Indeed, we all seem to have different lives to live, diverse
experiences to cherish, and various life decisions to make. But what exactly distinguishes
us from one another?

Life is like a road. There are rough, smooth, twisted, long, and short ones, among
others. As we take our paths to our own journeys, we are bound to meet people from all
walks of life and stumble upon differing perspectives. The complexities of life will
inevitably make us question our own existence, but keep in mind that those questions
don't always necessarily imply a negative connotation. This just serves to highlight how
unique each existence is and how each person thinks in a distinctive way.

Moreover, I think every individual is born unique. When someone embraces their
own talents and abilities, they become one. What distinguishes one person from another
is their individuality. In many aspects, I believe I'm unique from other people as I stand
out because of my enthusiasm, my perseverance, my love for math and sports, and my
passion for singing and writing. There are countless reasons how a human being is unique
from each other, and this simply implies that we should only concentrate on how we will
establish ourselves and let others define who they are as each one of us is traveling along
a unique path in life.

To briefly conclude, I believe it's natural for humans to be unique. Some people
find it strange when others are distinct from them. Most people believe that it is okay to
simply be like everyone else and to basically do the same thing that everyone else does.
In reality, I am certain that the world would be a lot better with diversity and difference,
than with a circle full of dull similarities and congruence.

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