For You !!

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about you and

me hoho
HII YOUU !! bace
elok ii tauu <3
about you
hohoho ni boyf i yg hensem , baik , softtt
eeeeeeee i suka 💐 but kadang ii
nyampah jgk gan die ni suka sngt dry
text 👎🏻 mhmm btw i suka how u
takpernah kasar gan i , sometime tu u ckp
soft soft jee arghhhhh hehe.. last u jangan
selalu sok keras HAHAHAHAHA nnti u yg kne
bantai 😜
about me yeay !!

hiiii !! saye eryy girlf naqibb <3 kalau u nak tau , i ni

baik jee cantik cantik 😮‍💨 but sometime rse kesian tau
kat bf i dpt girlf tkpandai cri topic nk cerita, selalu
maki die 👎🏻 takpandai nak ootd mcm girl lain :( tapi
takpe janji i pandai setia 😜HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
യ firsttime know each other യ
for the first… ermmm kite kenal kat sekolah ofc HAHAHAHAHA, first time tu i
tengah duduk kat dewan tu HAHAHAHA memang time tu takkenal langsung
😭 then si naqib ni datang sekolah time tu i rse kite tereyecontact
ajjajakwkwkwkwk i bgitau lah kt kawan i yg si die tu hensemm 😩
HAHAHAHAHA MALUUUU kkkthennn cuti seminggu tu mmng ingat psl die
je laa smpai kawan i pon jemu..masuk je sekolah tu kawan die tanye i yg i
knl die ke tak HAHAHAH tetiba kawan dia bgitau kat i yg die suka kat i
OMAIGODDD HAHAHAHAH tapi time tu buat jual mahal sikit smpai coklat
die bgi tu pon i offer kt org lain HAHAHAHAHA 😭 oneday tu semua org solat
asar i duduk dlm class time tu sje la pandang luar kelas thennnn die lalu
pastu pastu die lambai kat i HAHAHAHAHAHAHH mmng time tu i terfall gile
then i bgitau kt kawan i yg nk try acpt die.. besoknye kawan i bgitau kt kawan
die yeahhhh HAHAHAHAHA i official gan die 💐
dari i <3

dari youu !
hensemnye bf i !!!!!!
greetings dear
my love for you

sampai sini je tauu !! penat i buat dri kul

3 pgi smpai kul 4 👎🏻 nak pikir ayat lagi
ee 🙄 i hope you suka !
sayanggg !! thankyou for coming into mylife , thankyou for
making me actually smile and laugh , thankyou for giving
me motivation to wake up and do things i never once did
before, thankyou for constantly asking if im okay when i
seem off , thankyou for making me feel comfortable when
i’m around u , thankyou for everything you have done for
me <3 🤍 you’re good enough for me , i appreciate you so
muchh 💟

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