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Rajendra and The Fox Demon

by: Carissa Rizqy P. K

Once upon a time, there lived a dashing and brave young man named Rajendra. Rajendra lives
in a modest home in a small village which was part of the Kingdom of Berovia. Berovia was a
prosperous and famous kingdom throughout the land. Rajendra lived accompanied by his beloved
dog named Ace, Ace used to be abandoned by his owner and Rajendra found him in a very sad
condition, out of pity Rajendra decided to take care of him and now the two of them were best
friends. Every day they went hunting in the forest to find food.

One day as usual, Rajendra was hunting with Ace to find food. In the middle of his journey,
Rajendra found a leaflet which said.

“Whoever is able to bring Udumbara Flowers to the palace, if she is a woman she will be appointed
as Royal Princess sister, and if he is a man, he will be made the husband of the Royal Princess”

Udumbara Flower, people often call it flower from heaven. A tiny flower that takes 3000 years to
grow and bloom, that’s why people call it a flower from heaven. Luckily the Udumbara Flower will
grow on the peak of the Fusena Mountain which is located in the south of Bevoria Kingdom.
Seeing the leaflet, Rajendra interested, because indeed the king’s daughter had a very beautiful
face and her gentle and kind nature made her well-liked by the people.
Without thinking, Rajendra went straight to the top of Mount Fusena where Udumbara Flowers
was. Rajendra brought some hiking equipment in his bag, he also brought bottles to carry water,
fruits, knives, and medicinal herbs passed down from his family. Don’t forget he also invites Ace to
accompany him on his journey. Rajendra started the journey to Mount Fusena early in morning to
avoid dehydration because the hot sun would make him thirsty quickly and make the water supply
run out quickly.
In the middle of his journey Rajendra felt something was following him, sure enough, he was
followed by a big tiger who was ready to eat him. Rajendra started walking backwards slowly while
looking into the eyes of the tiger. He took a knife and medicine from his back. Slowly he lowered
his bag from his shoulder and threw his bag while hoping that the bag would slightly distract the
animal named Latin Panthera Tigris. Without thinking, Rajendra immediately ran as fast as he

The tiger roared so loudly that the birds flew about in fright. Soon the tiger immediately chased
Rajendra who was already 5 meters ahead. Unfortunately, he eve tripped over a tree root which
made him closer to the tiger that was chasing him. Rajendra groaned in pain while clutching his
leg, his leg sprained. While enduring the pain in his leg he kept running until finally he managed to
hide from the tiger.
A few minutes passed, the tiger that was chasing Rajendra had left because its prey had
managed to escape. Rajendra just realized, he was separated from Ace. Not wanting his best
friend to disappear, he immediately looked for Ace while limping because he sprained his leg. It’s
almost night Rajendra still hasn’t found Ace, he is very sad what if he won’t meet Ace again forever.
“Is Ace okay?”
From earlier Rajendra asked himself until he didn’t realize that in front of him that was going to
chase him again. Jackpot for the tiger, its lost prey is found again. Rajendra who was already tired
would surely lose running from the tiger. Rajendra planned to take the tiger to the river and
Rajendra could dive do that the tiger would not chase him again. With teetering steps, he wanting
to run to the river instead he met a waterfall. Like it or not, he has to jump in, at least a hunter
doesn’t die from being hunted by wild animal.
Rajendra was stranded on the bank of the river, he woke up drenched in body, weak and with
increasingly sore leg. Around where he was stranded, he saw a cave that could be made a place to
rest tonight. While limping to the cave, Rajendra cried that he had lost his beloved dog, Rajendra
gave up and intended to stop his journey and return to the village to live his normal life again.
Arriving at the cave he put some leaves for his bed tonight. For him this was enough. Because he
was tired, Rajendra immediately fell into a deep sleep.
In the middle of his sleep Rajendra heard the sound animals moaning in pain. Slowly he
approached the sound. Rajendra saw a fox who was in pain because her leg was caught in a
hunter’s trap. Without thinking, Rajendra immediately helped the fox and treat it with the medicine
he brought earlier. Suddenly the fox turned into a very beautiful woman, her hair was white, her
dress was very luxurious, and her fox and tail ears looked very soft.

“Thank you young man for helping me. Previously, my name is Hanzi, the guardian of this
forest. What are you doing here young man? Aren’t you afraid of wild beasts that roam?” Said the
fox in a soft voice.

“ H-halloo I’m Rajendra. I was on my way to Mount Fusena but instead I met a ferocious tiger
that wanted to eat me, and now I lost my beloved dog.” Rajendra replied with a little fear.

“Oh, how poor you young man. Because you have helped me, I will give you 3 wishes,
whatever wishes I will grant. Do you want treasure, gold, or power? I will grant it.” Said the fox

Rajendra was very happy to hear the words of the fox demon. Thinking for a while he then
mentioned his first request.

“Okay my first request is I want my dog back with me.”

“Of course, young man, now you still have two requests.” The fox demon was a little surprised,
Rajendra would prefer his dog back than wealth.

After the fox demon said, suddenly by magic, Ace, Rajendra favourite dog, was already in front of
Rajendra. Rajendra was very happy and immediately hugged his dog. Suddenly Rajendra thought
of asking Hanzi for a Udumbara Flower.

“Um, Hanzi I will use my next request. Can you give me that Udumbara Flower which can only
grow once every 3000 years. Oh yeah and can you get me and my dog back home safely?” Said
Rajendra who had used all his wishes.

“Of course, young man, now close your eyes and you will get all your wishes.” Hanzi said.
As Hanzi said, the man with the clothes still wet immediately closed his eyes and hugged his dog
tightly. Suddenly he felt a strong wind blowing with warm temperatures, as warm as the sun in the

“Good bye Ra-jen-draa.” Hanzi whispered in Rajendra’s ear, the whisper was very melodious
like a melody from heaven, which made Rajendra shiver.

When Rajendra opened his eyes, Rajendra was already in his bed with Ace sleeping on his
stomach. And the Udumbara Flowers he asked for was already on his bedside table. With a happy
feeling, Rajendra immediately went to the Royal Palace of Bevoria. After arriving at the palace, he
immediately gave the Udumbara Flowers to the Princess.
And the week after Rajendra gave the Udumbara Flowers to the royal daughter he was married
off to the royal princess and celebrated in a very lavish manner. Many kings from other kingdoms
came to their wedding, lots of good food and a very fun dancing party. In the middle of the dance
party, Rajendra saw a figure who was familiar to him in her very elegant typical dress. But never
mind for him now was fun time.
After the marriage, King Bevoria stepped down his position and gave the title of king to Rajendra
because when he was part of the royal family, Rajendra was very kind to his citizens, he was also
good at trading. Rajendra became king and lived happily with his wife, Ace, and their children

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