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Name : Carissa Rizqy Puja Kirani

Absent : 10

Class : X.1

Graffiti is Art or Vandalism?

In this article I will explain that graffiti is included in art or vandalism, because many people think that graffiti is vandalism. According to experts

graffiti is the plural form of graffito (It.) which means scratch or stroke” (Susanto, 2012: 161). In other sources, graffiti is graffiti on walls that use a

composition of colors, lines, shapes and volumes to write certain words, symbols or sentences. in general graffiti is an art activity that uses a

composition of color, line, shape and volume to write certain sentences on the wall. The tools that graffiti artists usually use are cans of spray

paint, sometimes they also use an air brush compressor.

Basically vandalism refers to the destruction of other people's property including goods intended for the public interest. It is obvious, when

undermining the public interest by with emotional content as one of the motivations, then we can say that it is part of a form of vandalism.

Actually graffiti itself is art but sometimes it is used by unscrupulous persons to commit vandalism, sometimes artists who make graffiti are also

in the wrong place to make their own graffiti. For example drawing graffiti on an empty shop house without the permission of the shop house


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